
Question 35:

Showing comments and forms 1 to 4 of 4


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 24849

Received: 24/10/2017

Respondent: Suffolk Constabulary

Representation Summary:

*Policy DM1: Sustainable development .
*Policy DM3: Provision of Private Outdoor Amenity Space in New and Existing Developments.
*Policy DM5: Design and Character
*Policy DM5 paragraph 9.46.
*Policy DM8: Heritage Assets and Conservation:
*Policy DM12: Extensions to Dwelling Houses and the Provision of Ancillary Buildings
*Policy DM14: The Subdivision of Family Dwellings.
*Policy DM17 Transport and Access in New Developments.
*Policy DM18: Car and Cycle Parking.
*Policies DM:20 - 23 Shopping centres .
*Policy DM29: Provision of New Open Spaces, Sport and Recreation Facilities.
*Policy DM32: Protection and Provision of Community Facilities.

Full text:

See attached


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 24937

Received: 27/10/2017

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

Consideration of streetscape, particularly given the issues of connectivity and traffic management is an area for exploration. For streetscape improvements, refer to the Streets for All publications which are currently out for consultation: https://historicengland.org.uk/images-books/publications/streets-for-all/. They provide updated practical advice for anyone planning or implementing highways and other public realm works in sensitive historic locations. It sets out means to improve public spaces without harming their valued character, including specific recommendations for works to surfaces, street furniture, new equipment, traffic management infrastructure and environmental improvements. Please also see our advice for highways engineers and designers: https://historicengland.org.uk/advice/caring-for-heritage/streets-for-all/highway-engineers-and-designers/.

Full text:

See Attached.


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 25000

Received: 13/10/2017

Respondent: Theatres Trust

Representation Summary:

Policies should protect, support and enhance cultural facilities and activities, particularly those which might otherwise be traded in for more commercially lucrative developments.
The Trust recommends a policy along the lines of -
Development of new cultural and community facilities will be supported and should enhance the well-being of the local community, and the vitality and viability of centres.
Major developments are required to incorporate, where practicable, opportunities for cultural activity to widen public access to art and culture, including through the interpretation of the heritage of the site and area.
The loss or change of use of existing cultural and community facilities will be resisted unless
* replacement facilities are provided on site or within the vicinity which meet the need of the local population, or necessary services can be delivered from other facilities without leading to, or increasing, any shortfall in provision; or
* it has been demonstrated that there is no longer a community need for the facility or demand for another community use on site.

Full text:

See attached.


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 25080

Received: 23/11/2017

Respondent: Associated British Ports

Representation Summary:

New Local Plan would benefit from the inclusion of a new
policy which:
- Identifies the operational Port estate and its relationship to the town centre and IP-One area.
- Supports port development and the growth of the port where this does not conflict with other policies in the Plan; and
- addresses the particular development considerations which should apply in the interface area between the port estate and the town centre and IP-One areas. Such a policy would address the imprecision and lack of clarity of the current draft version of the DPD.
Whilst Policy DM25 serves to safeguard existing employment areas, it is important that care is exercised when development proposals are brought forward in the vicinity of these areas (consistent, perhaps, with other policies of the DPD) to ensure that this new development does not prejudice existing employment uses
and business operations which are "appropriately located". ABP requests, therefore, recognition in the new Local Plan that it will not apply policies in isolation in exercising its development control functions.

Full text:

See attached.