Proposed Submission Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review

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Proposed Submission Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review

Chapter 2: The Planning System

Representation ID: 5643

Received: 20/01/2015

Respondent: Marine Management Organisation

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Chapter 2 includes several references to the National Planning Policy Framework. It would be beneficial to also include reference to the Marine Policy Statement (MPS) and East Marine Plans. The East Inshore and East Offshore Marine Plans provide guidance for sustainable development in English waters, and cover the coast and seas from Flamborough Head to Felixstowe. The Marine Policy Statement will also guide the development of Marine Plans across the UK.

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Proposed Submission Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review

Chapter 6: Vision and Objectives

Representation ID: 5644

Received: 20/01/2015

Respondent: Marine Management Organisation

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Chapter 6 - Within this chapter the waterfront is mentioned but not in relation to tourist facilities. The development and use of the waterfront as a marina is in-line with MPS. Within the MPS section 3.11 the importance of the sea in tourism and recreation is highlighted, and as a result can help link to marine planning.

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Proposed Submission Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review

CS4: Protecting our Assets

Representation ID: 5645

Received: 20/01/2015

Respondent: Marine Management Organisation

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Policy CS4 - this policy would benefit from making reference to the East Offshore and East Inshore Marine Plans, specifically policy MPA1. Within this policy RAMSAR and SPA sites do cross into the South East marine plan area.

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Proposed Submission Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review

CS18: Strategic Flood Defence

Representation ID: 5646

Received: 20/01/2015

Respondent: Marine Management Organisation

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Policy CS18 - as Ipswich Borough Council falls within a neighbouring reporting area any climate change mitigation measures should reference policy CC1 within the East Offshore and East Inshore Marine Plans.

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