Proposed Submission Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review

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Proposed Submission Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review

DM8 - Heritage Assets and Conservation

Representation ID: 5133

Received: 03/03/2015

Respondent: Suffolk Preservation Society

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Support but require changes. DM8 refers to proposals to listed buildings which may affect the fabric or setting of the building. The setting of listed buildings can also be impacted by proposals to nearby unlisted buildings - also covered by the statutory duty set out in para 9.66 - a policy which aims to 'protect our assets' should reflect this.

Full text:

DM8 refers to proposals to listed buildings which may affect the fabric or setting of the building. The setting of listed buildings can also be impacted by proposals to nearby unlisted buildings - also covered by the statutory duty set out in para 9.66 - a policy which aims to 'protect our assets' should reflect this.


Proposed Submission Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review

DM9 - Buildings of Townscape Interest

Representation ID: 5134

Received: 03/03/2015

Respondent: Suffolk Preservation Society

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Support but require changes. The policy should be expanded. Policy DM9 refers to Buildings of Townscape Interest. The NPPF para 135 refers to non-designated heritage assets which could include features other than buildings such as a monument or important view - these can also be included on a local list. Their importance can be due to social/historical interest and should not be restricted to that of townscape interest.

Full text:

The policy should be expanded. Policy DM9 refers to Buildings of Townscape Interest. The NPPF para 135 refers to non-designated heritage assets which could include features other than buildings such as a monument or important view - these can also be included on a local list. Their importance can be due to social/historical interest and should not be restricted to that of townscape interest.

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