Draft Core Strategy and Policies Focused Review

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Draft Core Strategy and Policies Focused Review


Representation ID: 264

Received: 06/03/2014

Respondent: Theatres Trust

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

The title of policy CS14 Retail Development should be amended to include reference to cultural facilities. Cultural facilities are a main town centre use and we support the changes to the wording of the policy to refer to arts, culture and tourism. However, retail offer and cultural/tourism offer are not connected and criteria for the maintenance of a successful shopping centre will not be the same as for tourist attractions and cultural offer. Theatres are part of the evening economy as well as being anchor for your cultural offer and their success is not related to shops.

Full text:

See attached.


Draft Core Strategy and Policies Focused Review


Representation ID: 265

Received: 06/03/2014

Respondent: Theatres Trust

Representation Summary:

Support the new bullet point to be inserted to 8.146 including creative and cultural industries for employment development.

Full text:

See attached.


Draft Core Strategy and Policies Focused Review


Representation ID: 266

Received: 06/03/2014

Respondent: Theatres Trust

Representation Summary:

Support 'arts, culture and tourism' being inserted instead of 'cultural and leisure', for clarity within the tourism sector.

Full text:

See attached.


Draft Core Strategy and Policies Focused Review


Representation ID: 267

Received: 06/03/2014

Respondent: Theatres Trust

Representation Summary:

Support addition to policy CS17 of the term 'community and cultural facilities' and its being repeated in Appendix 5.

Full text:

See attached.


Draft Core Strategy and Policies Focused Review


Representation ID: 269

Received: 06/03/2014

Respondent: Theatres Trust

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Policy DM32 Community Facilities and its explanatory text provide no description of what is meant by the term 'community facilities'. The NPPF paragraph 70 states that to deliver needed commmunity facilities including cultural facilities, policies should guard against the unnecessary loss of valued facilities. Therefore DM32 should include cultural facilities e.g. museums, libraries and galleries. The omission could be easily rectified by including cultural facilities in paragraph 9.169 and including in the Glossary this definition: 'Community facilities provide for the health and wellbeing, social, educational, spiritual, recreational, leisure and cultural needs of the community.'

Full text:

See attached.

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