Draft Core Strategy and Policies Focused Review
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Draft Core Strategy and Policies Focused Review
Representation ID: 726
Received: 10/03/2014
Respondent: Crest Strategic Projects
Crest agrees with the statement at paragraph 8.103 that the twin approach of urban regeneration plus greenfield urban extensions will ensure that the Council can address its objectively assessed housing need. The Northern Fringe plays a critical role in this strategy.
See attached.
Draft Core Strategy and Policies Focused Review
Representation ID: 727
Received: 10/03/2014
Respondent: Crest Strategic Projects
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Welcome changes to CS10 and the deletion of the previous phasing restriction to post 2021 of a substantial part of the site. Support the principle of delivering the Northern Fringe as 3 neighbourhoods. This will help deliver a range of housing types and diversify the local housing market. However, the sequencing of housing and infrastructure delivery needs to be flexible to allow developers to respond to market activity and not restrict the comprehensive development of the site. Crest notes the reduced capacity of 3,500 dwellings and agrees there are no other areas the Council could identify for substantial growth.
See attached.
Draft Core Strategy and Policies Focused Review
Representation ID: 728
Received: 10/03/2014
Respondent: Crest Strategic Projects
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? Not specified
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Note the amended completion date of 2018. Crest considers that it is essential that sites with less flood risk are allowed to come forward ahead of sites within zones 2/3. The Council is 'reasonably certain' that the funding for the final phase of the flood defences will be forthcoming. Crest strongly considers that until there is greater certainty on this matter and the timing of its delivery, sites dependent on the barrier for safe residential development should not be relied upon in the Council's spatial strategy. Thus the early development of the Northern Fringe becomes even more critical.
See attached.
Draft Core Strategy and Policies Focused Review
Representation ID: 729
Received: 10/03/2014
Respondent: Crest Strategic Projects
Crest supports the principles of many of the proposed amendments to the Core Strategy text on detailed matters, especially in Part C. Updates made to ensure the review is consistent with the NPPF are welcomed and the outcomes the policies seek to achieve are supported in principle. For many policies Crest does not make specific comment but wishes to be kept involved in the preparation of the revised Core Strategy to ensure the final version is fully informed by assessment work that Crest will be undertaking and by Crest's aspirations for the [Northern Fringe] site as its masterplan evolves.
See attached.
Draft Core Strategy and Policies Focused Review
Representation ID: 730
Received: 10/03/2014
Respondent: Crest Strategic Projects
Crest supports the amendments to he supporting text to DM24 so that it now states that the final percentage of contribution can be agreed through negotiation and can be informed by viability matters. Crest welcomes this flexibility. This is a beneficial policy approach to take when large strategic sites are being planned in the Borough. Crest considers that it is important to have this check for major developments where viability considerations can be complex.
See attached.
Draft Core Strategy and Policies Focused Review
10: Table 8B
Representation ID: 731
Received: 10/03/2014
Respondent: Crest Strategic Projects
Support the range of strategic infrastructure identified for the full Northern Fringe site. This has been informed by significant masterplanning work and discussions at the Council's steering groups. Crest welcomes the flexibility that is built into this table, however. It is appropriate to allow developers to monitor the site's requirements and regularly review practical/cost matters to decide on the best way to deliver the objectives for the site. This is particularly important for sites with long delivery timescales. Crest agrees that there can be variations from Table 8B introduced through the Infrastructure and Delivery Plan, for agreement with the Council.
See attached.