
Core Strategy and Policies DPD Review - Pre-Submission of Main Modifications

Ended on the 23 November 2015
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Policy / paragraph Main modification Reason Objector(s)


(4)DM1 Sustainable Design and Construction

Amend to reflect Government's position on Code for Sustainable Homes, zero carbon dwellings and allowable solutions as follows:

New development shall be required to achieve a high standard of environmental sustainability. This will be achieved by the following standards:

DELETED: a. New-build residential development should achieve a minimum of Level 4 of the Code for Sustainable Homes standard or equivalent;


a. New build residential development should achieve reductions in CO2 emissions of 19% below the Target Emission Rate of the 2013 Building Regulations (Part L);

b. New build residential development should meet water efficiency standards of 110 litres/person/day;

DELETED: b INSERTED: c. Conversions and changes of use of existing buildings providing new residential dwellings should achieve a minimum of BREEAM Domestic Refurbishment Very Good standard or equivalent;

DELETED: c INSERTED: d. New build non-residential development of 500m2 and above for the whole development should achieve a minimum of BREEAM Very Good standard or equivalent;

DELETED: d INSERTED: e. Conversions and changes of use to non-residential uses with an internal floor area of 500m2 and above should achieve a minimum of BREEAM Very Good standard or equivalent.

9.5 The National Planning Policy Framework sets out how local planning can best support the achievement of sustainable development. Specifically it requires that local planning authorities plan with a presumption in favour of sustainable development. The aim of local planning authorities should be to adopt proactive strategies to mitigate and adapt to climate change and a move towards a low carbon future. INSERTED:The National Planning Policy Framework states that w DELETED: When setting local requirements for a building's sustainability, local authorities should do so in a way consistent with the Government's zero carbon buildings policy and adopt nationally prescribed standards. DELETED: The Government has further reiterated its commitment to reducing carbon emissions from new development, and that all new homes will be required to be zero carbon from 2016 through its current Housing Standards Review1 and also proposes requiring non-residential developments to be zero carbon from 2019.


Under the 2008 Planning and Energy Act local planning authorities may requiredevelopment in their area to comply with energy efficiency standards that exceed the energy requirements of building regulations. In accordance with the provisions of the March 2015 Ministerial Statement1, the Council will expect new build residential development to achieve a 19% improvement in energy efficiency over the 2013 Target Emission Rate. This is equivalent to meeting the energy requirements of level 4 of the withdrawn Code for Sustainable Homes.


9.6 A zero carbon home, as currently defined through the zero carbon buildings programme, is one where there are no carbon emissions resulting from the regulated energy requirements of the home (i.e. heating, lighting, hot water and fixed appliances but not plug-in appliances). It is proposed that this can be achieved through fabric energy efficiency measures, on-site or off-site renewable or low carbon energy generation or through financial contributions to carbon abatement measures established as part of the 'allowable solutions' programme. It is intended that as part of this mix, all new homes must meet energy efficiency standards equivalent to at least Level 4 of the Code for Sustainable Homes, which will be regulated through amendments to the Building Regulations2. These proposed amendments to the Building Regulations equate to reductions in carbon emissions of around 20% above current (2013) requirements.


The Government had until recently been proposing to introduce zero carbon homes which would have been achieved through a requirement to meet level 4 of the Code for Sustainable Homes along with 'allowable solutions' (a range of measures including further fabric energy efficiency measures, on or off-site renewable/low carbon energy generation and/or financial contributions to carbon abatement measures). However, the Government has recently announced that it does not intend to proceed with the allowable solutions scheme or with the proposed increased energy efficiency requirement, but state that energy efficiency measures will be kept under review2.


9.7 The Code for Sustainable Homes (CfSH) sets out nine categories against which a home can be rated. Energy efficiency and water efficiency categories have their own minimum standards that must be achieved at every level of the CfSH, recognising their importance to the sustainability of any home. Other categories include better management of surface water run-off, waste management (including construction waste and encouraging household recycling), pollution and management of the home, all of which contribute to the sustainable performance of homes.

9.8 The Council considers the CfSH to be a particularly appropriate tool to assess sustainability of new residential developments in that it is a nationally accredited system that considers a wide range of sustainability criteria in addition to energy and CO2 emissions, and in particular water use. Similar benefits apply to the use of the BREEAM system of assessment for multi-residential uses (e.g. care homes, sheltered housing, student accommodation) and for non-residential uses.

9.9 Through the Housing Standards Review, referred to above, in addition to securing delivery of the zero carbon homes programme, the Government also intends to replace all elements of the Code for Sustainable Homes with updated Building Regulations and powers for planning authorities to require more stringent 'optional' requirements through planning policies where these can be justified on the basis of need. The optional requirements are proposed to cover the accessibility (for example for the elderly and disabled) and water efficiency. The Government is also proposing a nationally described space standard through the Housing Standards Review (as referred to alongside policy DM30).

9.10 Whilst it is clear that much of the drive for carbon reduction in new homes and non-domestic buildings will be handled under the Building Regulations, the Council nevertheless considers it appropriate to have a planning policy requiring new development to achieve sustainability improvements beyond the requirements of Building Regulations both to support the carbon reduction agenda and to ensure the achievement of a more holistic approach to sustainable development through the achievement of the much wider range of environmental and social benefits that these schemes provide for.

9.11 The policy provides for some flexibility in exceptional circumstances where it can be clearly demonstrated that achieving the required DELETED: rating INSERTED: standard for the type and scale of development in question would either be not feasible or not viable in the light of such considerations as site constraints, other planning requirements, other development costs, and the prevailing market conditions at the time. In such circumstances the Council may agree to a lower DELETED: CfSH or BREEAM rating DELETED: or lower energy efficiency standards being achieved having regard to other merits of the scheme in terms of sustainability and urban design. Development will still need to meet the requirements of the Building Regulations in force at the time.

9.13 INSERTED: In relation to BREEAM requirements, t DELETED: The policy will be implemented through a requirement for the submission of Design Stage Assessments and Post Construction Reviews, carried out by a qualified DELETED: CfSH or BREEAM assessor (as appropriate), for all planning applications for qualifying development. It will be expected that planning applications also be accompanied by a sustainability statement that explains and illustrates how sustainability considerations have influenced scheme design.


Through the Housing Standards Review the Government has introduced powers for planning authorities to require 'optional' standards for water efficiency. The East Anglian area is identified as an area of 'severe water stress' and lowering water demand is identified as one of a range of measures to balance supply and demand in the Anglian Water Resources Management Plan 2015.The optional requirement, which requires development to meet water efficiency standards of 110 litres/person/day (compared to Building Regulations requirements of 125 litres/person/day) is set out in Part G of the Building Regulations3.

9.14 Where appropriate, mitigation measures shall be secured by condition to ensure that any pollution through air, noise, dust or vibration during the construction phase of development will not be detrimental to the amenity of neighbouring uses. Relevant policy guidance in respect of neighbouring amenity can be found in DM26.

INSERTED: 1Planning Update March 2015 (Ministerial Statement)

INSERTED: 2 Fixing the Foundations - Creating a More Prosperous Nation (HM Treasury, July 2015)

INSERTED: 3 2010 Building Regulations: Sanitation, Hot Water Safety and Water Efficiency - Approved Document (2015 Edition)


1 Housing Standards Review - Technical Consultation (Department for Communities and Local Government, 2014)
Next steps to zero carbon homes - Allowable Solutions (Department for Communities and Local Government, 2014)

To reflect withdrawal of Code for Sustainable Homes, introduction of optional water standards and powers for requiring energy efficiency standards (see Ministerial Statement March 2015).

To also reflect the Government's statement contained within the Fixing the Foundations paper (HM Treasury, July 2015) which states that:

'The government does not intend to proceed with the zero carbon Allowable Solutions carbon offsetting scheme, or the proposed 2016 increase in on-site energy efficiency standards, but will keep energy efficiency standards under review, recognising that existing measures to increase energy efficiency of new buildings should be allowed time to become established.'

Note: The Planning and Energy Act 2008 allows planning authorities to require development in their area to comply with energy efficiency standards that exceed the energy requirements of building regulations (Section 1(c)). Regulation 43 of the Deregulation Act 2015 sets out a provision for this to not apply to residential development, however this requires commencement via secondary legislation which has so far not been put in place.

Editorial update (also CBRE)

(2)DM5 Design and Character

Amend Part e. of DM5 as follows:

'Protecting and enhancing the special character and distinctiveness of Ipswich, including significant views that are recognised as being important and worth protecting, INSERTED: the setting of any nearby listed buildings, and helping to reinforce the attractive physical characteristics of local neighbourhoods and the visual appearance of the immediate street scene'

For completeness.

Suffolk Preservation Society

(4)DM5 Design and Character

Add to end of policy DM5:


In new residential development of 10 or more dwellings, 35% of new dwellings will be required to be built to Building Regulations standard M4(2). Where affordable housing is provided a proportion of dwellings are required to be built to Building Regulations standard M4(3) as part of the affordable housing provision. The Council will consider waiving or reducing the requirement where the circumstances of the proposal, site or other planning considerations mean it is not possible to accommodate the requirement and/or in cases where the requirement would render the development unviable.

The following text to be amended accordingly in 9.43:

In an era of rapid social, economic, environmental and technological change, buildings need to be designed to be adaptable to respond in a sustainable manner to the changing needs of occupiers. This is the 'long-life, loose- fit' principle. DELETED: It could be achieved using the lifetime homes principle to ensure that homes can meet families' changing needs over time. For commercial buildings, it could mean ensuring that a building designed as an office for one organisation is physically capable of being subdivided, should future patterns of demand change.

Insert new paragraphs after 9.43:


In 2015, the Government introduced new 'optional' Building Regulations standards relating to accessible and adaptable dwellings and wheelchair user or wheelchair adaptable dwellings. These optional standards can only be required through a planning policy requirement. The national Planning Practice Guidance states that 'Where a local planning authority adopts a policy to provide enhanced accessibility or adaptability they should do so only by reference to Requirement M4(2) and / or M4(3) of the optional requirements in the Building Regulations. They should clearly state in their Local Plan what proportion of new dwellings should comply with the requirements.'

The 2014 Suffolk Housing Survey indicates that 10% of Ipswich residents live in a home which has been adapted in some way for accessibility purposes. The results indicate that a further 3% of Ipswich residents currently require adaptations to their dwellings. Since 2007 almost 1,600 adaptations have been carried out on the Council's housing stock. The number and proportion of elderly residents in the Borough is predicted to increase over future years, potentially further increasing the need for dwellings to be accessible and adaptable.


9.51 …DELETED: The Council also encourages new housing to be built to the Lifetime Homes standard, which makes it easier for people to remain in their own homes as their mobility needs change, through encouraging homes to be built in a way in which rooms can be used flexibly over time.

To reflect the introduction of new optional standards for accessible and adaptable dwellings and wheelchair user dwellings.

Editorial update, CBRE

(1)DM6 Tall Buildings

Amend clause j. to read:

'the effect of the building in terms of its silhouette and impact on strategic views, with particular reference to conservation areas, INSERTED: listed buildings and other heritage assets, and the wooded skyline visible from and towards central Ipswich.'

For clarity.

Historic England

(5)DM8 Heritage Assets and Conservation

Amend the policy as follows:

Part a. DELETED: Listed Buildings Re-label as INSERTED: Designated and Undesignated Assets

Amend the first paragraph of Part a. to remove the word historical ('… adversely affect its DELETED: historical significance.')

Add a third paragraph to Part a. as follows:


The Council will resist the demolition or partial demolition of both designated and undesignated heritage assets as outlined in paragraph 133 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

Add a fourth paragraph to Part a. as follows:


The Council will seek to preserve Scheduled Monuments, scheduled parks and gardens and other remains of national importance and their settings, in a manner appropriate to their significance.

Part b Conservation Areas

Amend point (i) of Part b. to read:

the building/structure does not INSERTED: make a positive contribution to the significanceof the conservation area.

Part c. Archaeology

DELETED: Within the Area of Archaeological Importance defined on the policies map, Development will not be permitted which may disturb remains below ground, unless the proposal is supported by an appropriate DELETED: archaeological assessment of the archaeological significance of the site and, if necessary, a programme of archaeological DELETED: work INSERTED: investigation in accordance with that assessment.

Planning permission will not be granted if the remains identified are of sufficient importance to be preserved in situ and cannot be so preserved in the context of the development proposed, taking account of the necessary construction techniques to be used.


In all other circumstances where planning permission is to be granted, the Council may impose a condition allowing an appropriate contractor to monitor the works under archaeological supervision and control during the necessary stages of construction.

In locations outside of the Area of Archaeological Importance, where it becomes apparent through a planning application that there is an overriding case for archaeological remains found to be preserved in situ, then the requirements for the above sites within the Area of Archaeological Importance will apply.

Where INSERTED: archaeological potential is identified but there is no overriding case for any remains to be preserved in situ, development which would destroy or disturb potential remains will be permitted INSERTED: , subject to an appropriate programme of archaeological investigation, DELETED: and recording DELETED: being undertaken prior to the commencement of development INSERTED: , reporting and archiving.

Add a heading of INSERTED: Climate Change above the final policy paragraph.

(See also minor changes to the explanatory text to DM8 in the additional modifications table.)

To ensure the policy is effective and consistent with national policy.

Historic England

Suffolk County Council

(1)DM10 Protection of Trees and Hedgerows

Clarify that clause (b) relates to applications for works to trees through adding the following text:

'INSERTED: In relation to applications for works to trees, only granting…'

For clarity


DM12 Extensions to Dwellinghouses and the Provision of Ancillary Buildings

Amend annex policy to be more explicit in relation to extensions:

… development that would provide for a residential annex willonly be permitted where this:

e. INSERTED: is an extension that would be subordinate in scale to the main residence and capable of being integrated into the main dwellinghouse once the dependency need has ceased;

To clarify the policy.

Editorial update.

(1)DM18 Car and Cycle Parking

Amend car parking policy to refer to adopted standards:

The Council will require DELETED: minimum INSERTED: adopted standards of ….

To reflect the Council's adoption on 10th February 2015 of the Suffolk Guidance for Parking.

Editorial update.

DM20 The Central Shopping Area and DM21 District and Local Centres

Include reference to betting shops and payday loan shops alongside references to A2-A5:

'… A2-A5 uses INSERTED: , betting shops and payday loan shops will be …'

Betting shops and payday loans shops were previously A2 and would have been included in calculations of A2-A5 frontage. They are now Sui Generis uses and need particular reference within the policy. This does not change the meaning of the policy at the time it was consulted upon.

Editorial update.

(1)DM24 Affordable Housing

Amend clause a. as follows:

a. Is designed and built to at least the same standard as the market housing DELETED: , including the appropriate level of the Code for Sustainable Homes at the time;

To align with changes to the Code and Policy DM1.

Crest Strategic, CBRE

DM25 / 9.149

Add additional criteria to DM25 relating specifically to starter homes:


In the case of Starter Homes, these would only be permitted where:

  1. there is no demand for continued use of the site for employment or commercial purposes as demonstrated by a marketing programme;
  2. where the site is allocated for employment or commercial uses it is demonstrated that there is no reasonable prospect of the site being used for the allocated use, or other uses as detailed under the terms of criteria a-e above, during the plan period; and
  3. housing would be compatible with existing and planned surrounding uses.

New paragraph for supporting text:


On 2nd March 2015 the Government introduced its Starter Homes policy1. Under this policy opportunities should be sought for provision of starter homes on 'commercial and industrial land that is either underused or unviable in its current or former use, and which has not currently been identified for housing.' Updates to the Planning Practice Guidance identify the circumstances in which starter homes should be supported. However, for clarity of how this policy should operate alongside DM25, and to ensure consistency with the approach in both the National Planning Policy Framework and other policies of the Local Plan in relation to economic growth, it is considered appropriate to establish a clear set of criteria on how such applications will be considered.

1 Written statement to Parliament - Starter Homes (Department of Communities and Local Government, March 2015)

Whilst the Government has provided policy in the form of the Ministerial Statement dated 2nd March 2015 and within the updated Planning Practice Guidance, it is considered important to include criteria within the Local Plan to ensure the policy does not undermine other policies within the Plan, particularly in relation to delivery of employment and commercial development. In particular, due to the constrained nature of the Borough boundary, the loss of employment land which has a prospect of being used for such purposes during the plan period would undermine the Council's efforts to meet the requirements of paragraph 20 of the NPPF which states 'To help achieve economic growth, local planning authorities should plan proactively to meet the development needs of business and support an economy fit for the 21st century.' The proposed policy wording ensures the Council's approach to Starter Homes is in accordance with the economic policies of the NPPF as well as the Starter Homes policy.

Editorial update.

DM25 / 9.152

Add to the end of 9.152:

'INSERTED: Where compatible with adjacent uses, waste facilities could come forward on land within employment areas.'

To ensure compliance with the Suffolk Minerals and Waste Plans.

Suffolk County Council.

(4)DM29 Provision of New Open Spaces, Sport and Recreation Facilities

Re-write policy DM29 as follows:


The Council will ensure that public open spaces and sport and recreation facilities are provided through new developments to meet the needs of their occupiers and, where appropriate, contributions are provided to strategic accessible natural greenspace.

In all new residential developments of 15 dwellings or more (or on sites of 0.5ha or more), at least 10% of the site area, or 15% in high density residential developments, should consist of on-site green space that is usable by the public, which will contribute to meeting the overall requirement. Where possible, public green spaces should be well overlooked, and the provision within large-scale developments should be distributed throughout the site.

These developments would also be expected to mitigate their own impact through the provision of the various open space and facility typologies identified in Appendix 6. Where applying the quantity standards based on a population forecast of the development would exceed the Council's minimum size threshold for the typology, there will be a presumption in favour of on-site provision. Where this is not practicable or the Council prefers enhancement opportunities at existing facilities, then an in lieu contribution to new or existing off-site provision should be secured through a planning obligation.

Where the quantity standard for a typology would not meet the minimum size threshold, a qualitative assessment of existing provision within the Appendix 6 accessibility standard distance from the site (480m or 720m) should be made to determine whether an enhancement opportunity exists. Where a reasonable improvement can be identified, a contribution should be secured where this would be necessary to make the development acceptable.

The effect of on-site provision or off-site enhancements on development viability will also be a consideration, although the resultant provision to account for this must not be at a level that the development would not be deemed sustainable in either social or environmental terms.

One-for-one replacement dwellings will be exempt from the requirements of the policy, because they are likely to have a minimal impact on the overall requirement. In addition, standards for children's and young people's facilities will not be applied to elderly persons' accommodation and nursing homes.

For non-residential developments of 1,000 sq. m floor space or more, the provision of or a contribution to public open spaces and outdoor sports facilities will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis.

Re-write the reasoned justification as follows:


9.172 The policy outlines that at least 10% of the site area of all qualifying developments must consist of public green space, which shall include soft landscaping and tree planting to facilitate sustainable urban drainage and enhance the climate change resilience, appearance and biodiversity value of the development. In high density residential developments (defined in Policy DM30), the green space requirement will be a minimum of 15% of the site area, to compensate for the more limited amenity space in these developments and to provide an attractive setting for the buildings. The 10%/15% requirement will also contribute to the amenity green space and/or natural and semi natural green space standards as outlined in Appendix 6. It is expected that amenity green spaces in particular would be located on generally flat land in order to maximise their use. Where provision is distributed throughout large-scale developments, it is important that it adequately meets the intended use.

9.173 Where possible, green spaces should provide for wildlife habitats designed and located so as to create a link with existing ecological networks and/or green corridors, which may include the proposed green rim around Ipswich for sites on the edge of the Borough. All planting proposals should be accompanied by an appropriate management plan. Within IP-One, the provision of a public civic space may be considered in lieu of green space where this makes a positive contribution to the townscape.

9.174 The policy makes provision for instances where it is not practicable to include a type of open space or facility on-site. This will include factors where its provision would compromise other standards in this Plan, such as meeting the density requirements of Policy DM30 or the minimum garden sizes of Policy DM3.

New para: Accessible natural greenspace is defined by Natural England as places where human control and activities are not intensive so that a feeling of naturalness is allowed to predominate. There is no local standard for the provision of strategic accessible natural green space ('ANG') per person or dwelling. However, the mapping of existing provision against the 'Nature Nearby' standards has identified areas of deficit, particularly across north west Ipswich. The Council will aim to address these deficits where it can be achieved through also meeting the local standards for natural and semi-natural greenspace.

9.175 The Council's Public Open Space Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) will provide guidance on population forecasts from new developments and outline the minimum size standard for each Appendix 6 typology. The document will also indicate per square metre capital and maintenance costs for each typology where these are to be provided and/or maintained by the Council, and to guide in lieu contributions for new off-site provision. Where a contribution is secured to enhance an existing area of open space or facility, this sum will be based on the works required and in proportion to the scale of the development.

9.176 The quality standards for the various typologies are identified by the Ipswich Open Space, Sport and Recreation Study, Play Strategy, Allotment Strategy and Open Space and Biodiversity Policy/Strategy, and any subsequent updates to these. Furthermore, the need for formal sports provision is currently being updated by the production of the Indoor Sports Facility Strategy and the Playing Pitch Strategy.

9.177 New commercial development may create a demand for amenity green space and/or sports facilities. Therefore, specific needs will be considered in the context of each application with the quantity standards in Appendix 6 applied on the basis of the total number of full-time equivalent employees.

Delete previous policy DM29:


All residential developments, and non-residential developments of 1,000 sq. m floorspace or more, will be required to provide and/or contribute to public open spaces and sport and recreation facilities, to meet the needs of their occupiers.

Further provision or contribution will be sought according to the size of the proposed development and the quantity and quality of existing open spaces and sports and recreation facilities within the catchment area of the site, as identified by the Ipswich Open Space, Sport and Recreation Study 2009 and subsequent update. Provision will be made in accordance with the standards set out in Appendix 6, which include provision for children’s play areas and for young people.

In all major developments (10 dwellings or 1,000 sq. m non-residential development or more), at least 10% of the site area, or 15% in high density developments, should consist of on-site green space (useable by the public in relation to residential schemes), which will contribute to meeting the overall requirement.

One-for-one replacement dwellings will be exempt from the requirements of the policy, because they are likely to have a minimal impact on demand for facilities. In addition, only certain types of public open space will be required for elderly persons' accommodation and nursing homes.

The requirement will apply to all schemes, unless it can be demonstrated that this would lead to the scheme being unviable and/or site-specific matters so justify. In such cases, a reduced level of provision will be negotiated with the applicant.

Delete previous policy DM29 explanatory text:


9.172 The Council's approach is to require new developments to meet their needs for public open spaces and sport and recreation facilities. Where the various types of facility are known to be in quantitative deficit in the area around the development site or do not meet the accessibility standard, additional provision will be needed.

9.173 If new provision is needed, the decision as to whether it should be on- or off-site will depend on whether the total amount of each type needed as a result of the development is above the minimum acceptable size identified in the Public Open Space SPD. If it is, provision should be on-site. Only if additional provision is not feasible will the enhancement of existing facilities through contributions be considered.

9.174 If there is a surplus of open space within the catchment of the site, additional provision will not be required but contributions may be required to enhance existing facilities. The Public Open Space is being prepared to provide details on how open space requirements will be calculated in connection with new developments. Reference should also be made to the Ipswich Open Space and Biodiversity Policy adopted in 2013, or subsequent updates.

9.175 However, notwithstanding the above, in all major developments of 10 or more dwellings or 1,000 sq. m or more non-residential floorspace the requirement is for a minimum of 10% of the site to consist of public green space or soft landscaping and tree planting, to enhance the appearance and biodiversity value of the development, and contribute to sustainable drainage and air quality. In high density developments (defined in policy DM30) this will be 15%, to compensate for the fact that private amenity space tends to be more limited and to provide an attractive setting for the buildings. This will count towards provision needed to meet the open space standards for residential development. Where possible, this provision should include wildlife habitat designed and located so as to create a network or corridor with existing green infrastructure – green corridors and/or ecological networks, where such networks exist beyond the site boundaries. All planting proposals should be accompanied by an appropriate management plan. However, within IP-One, the provision of public civic spaces may also be considered where this makes a positive contribution to the townscape.

9.176 Not all types of residential development will create the same demand for public open spaces and sports and recreation facilities. Replacement dwellings and extensions or annexes are therefore exempt from the policy. Nursing homes and elderly persons' accommodation are not exempt, but will only be required to provide certain types of public open space and not sports facilities. This is separate from any requirement for private garden space.

9.177 The need for formal sports provision is identified through the 2009 Open Space, Sport and Recreation Study, and is currently being updated by the production of the Indoor Sports Facility Strategy and the Playing Pitch Strategy.

To ensure compliance with CIL Regulations 122-124, which came into force in April 2015.

Also need to reflect possibility of securing developer funding for strategic accessible natural greenspace provision / green rim, including possibly outside Borough.

Editorial update.

(3)9.181 / 9.182 (DM30)

Amend to include new nationally described space standards:


9.181 In order to ensure that dwellings, and especially flats, provide versatile and attractive living space that appeals to a wide audience and is therefore more sustainable in changing market conditions, the Council will encourage developers to exceed minimum floorspace areas used by the former English Partnerships in its own developments (Quality Standards 2007) (gross internal floor area).

9.182 These are as follows;

  • at least 51 sq m for a 1 bed/2 person dwelling
  • at least 66 sq m for a 2 bed/3 person dwelling
  • at least 77 sq m for a 2 bed/4 person dwelling
  • at least 93 sq m for a 3 bed/5 person dwelling and
  • at least 106 sq m for a 4 bed/6 person dwelling.

9.183 The Government, through the Housing Standards Review, is currently proposing a set of national space standards. In relation to the standards set out above these would generally require larger floor areas where two storey 1 or 2 bed dwellings are proposed and where three storey 3 or 4 bed dwellings are proposed and could become a requirement through the adoption of planning policy to that effect.


9.181 In order to ensure that dwellings, and especially flats, provide versatile and attractive living space that appeals to a wide audience and is therefore more sustainable in changing market conditions, the Council will encourage developers to meet the Nationally Described Space Standards as set out in Technical Housing Standards - Nationally Described Space Standard (Communities and Local Government, 2015).

Nationally described space standards were introduced in March 2015 and the recent update to the Planning Practice Guidance states that planning authorities should only refer to these.

Editorial update, CBRE

(2)DM31 / 9.187

9.187….INSERTED: 'Assessments under the Habitats Directive have been undertaken in relation to the production of the Core Strategy and Policies DPD Review and the Site Allocations and Policies (Incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) DPD. Mitigation measures have been identified and in some instances developer contributions may be sought in relation to these and/or additional mitigation measures identified through assessments at planning application stage.'

For clarification that, whilst not specified under CS17 other than in relation to the country park and strategic green infrastructure, developer funding may be sought to mitigate impact (s)upon European protected site(s).

Editorial update

DM31 / 9.188 / 9.189

Amend paragraph 4 of the policy:

'DELETED: The Council will seek to INSERTED: Development will be required to conserve DELETED: and enhance the nature conservation...'

'…and County Geodiversity Sites identified on the policies map, and DELETED: Suffolk Biodiversity Action Plan INSERTED: protected and priority species and habitats, by …,'

Add new sentence to the end 'INSERTED: Enhancements for protected sites and protected and priority species will be expected where possible.'

Add to 9.188 'INSERTED: Many species are protected through specific legislation including the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended). England's priority species and habitats are those which are included on the list produced under Section 41 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006. Suffolk's priority species and habitats are identified in the Suffolk Biodiversity Action Plan.'

Add to 9.189:

INSERTED: The British Standard Guidance 'Biodiversity: Code of Practice for Planning and Development (BS42020)' provides an approach to dealing with biodiversity issues in development.

To comply with the Biodiversity Duty and for clarity.

Suffolk County Council


Remove 'DELETED: to non-community uses' from paragraph 2.

Loss of one community use for another may still result in the loss of a valued facility.

Theatres Trust


Amend 1st sentence of paragraph 4 as follows:

'DELETED: Within the defined green corridors, development will only be permitted where it would maintain, and where possible enhance, the corridor's amenity, recreational and green transport functions.'

INSERTED: 'Development within the green corridors identified on Plan 6 will be expected to maintain, and where possible enhance, the corridor's amenity, recreational and green transport functions'.

To clarify that the policy does not imply that development within the corridors would not be supported.


(3)DM34 Countryside

Amend reference to the AONB:

In the case of the AONB, major development will only be permitted in exceptional circumstances in accordance with NPPF paragraph 116. INSERTED: The landscape and scenic beauty of the AONB should be conserved.

Proposals for development in the countryside should:

a. Maintain …;

DELETED: b. Conserve the landscape and scenic beauty of the AONB;

To ensure that development outside the AONB would not impact upon it.

Suffolk County Council.

DM34 Countryside

Amend clause f.

'f. In the case of new housing, be a dwelling: i) required for the efficient operation of an existing rural enterprise which cannot be met nearby; INSERTED: ii) required to secure the future of a heritage asset; iii) which re-uses a disused building and enhances the immediate setting; or iv) of exceptional and innovative design.'

Add additional sentence:

INSERTED: 'Proposals for residential development of more than one dwelling would be considered in the context of criteria a to e above.'

To fully reflect NPPF paragraph 55.

Gladman Developments

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