

Draft Core Strategy and Policies Focused Review

Representation ID: 1965

Received: 10/03/2014

Respondent: Mrs G Watkins

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

CS10 proposes multi-site development across the whole Northern Fringe from the outset. This needs to be controlled to avoid a free for all and having one large building site for the next 20 years. The whole of the Northern Fringe should not be allocated at this time since it will have a negative impact on regenerating brownfield sites including the Waterfront. Jobs growth sites (e.g. Futura Park) are not easily reached from the Northern Fringe by public/sustainable transport. Since sufficient jobs growth is not forecast in the Town Centre commuting by car would seem inevitable, affecting congestion and air quality.

Full text:

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