
Question 34:

Showing comments and forms 1 to 13 of 13


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 24704

Received: 24/10/2017

Respondent: Suffolk Preservation Society

Representation Summary:

DM5 only criteria e and f refer to special townscape character and architectural quality-inadequate to deliver high quality design. should be more specific and robust. SCDC Design Policy DM21 is a better example.
DM34 Countryside - criteria a and g incompatible because a major housing development is unable to respect the character of countryside - defined by low density, sparse housing and open spaces. Fails to specify sequential site selection which supports brownfield before greenfield. Wording of policy fails to include "enhance" when referring to statutory duty with regard to the AONB in line with S85 of CROW Act.

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DM5 Design. SPS notes that only criteria e and f refer to special townscape character and architectural quality but consider that to be inadequate to control the delivery of high quality design. Notwithstanding the supporting text we believe that the policy should be more specific and robust and refer you to SCDC Design Policy DM21 as a better example:
Proposals that comprise poor visual design and layout, or otherwise seriously detract from the character of their surroundings will not be permitted. Development will be expected to establish a strong sense of place, using streetscenes and buildings to create attractive and comfortable places to live, work and visit. Accordingly, development will be permitted where the following criteria are met: (a) proposals should relate well to the scale and character of their surroundings particularly in terms of their siting, height, massing and form; (b) in areas of little or no varied townscape quality, the form, density and design of proposals should create a new composition and point of interest, which will provide a positive improvement in the standard of the built environment of the area generally; (c) alterations and extensions to existing buildings should normally respect the plan form, period, style, architectural characteristics and, where appropriate, the type and standard of detailing and finishes of the original building; (d) in order for extensions to existing buildings to be acceptable, particularly on those that are considered to be architecturally and historically important (including vernacular architecture) and those located in sensitive locations, the extension shall be visually 'recessive' and its size and design shall be such that the original building will remain the more dominant feature on the site; (e) layouts should incorporate and protect existing site features of landscape, ecological, heritage or amenity value as well as enhance such features e.g. habitat creation; and (f) attention must be given to the form, scale, use, and landscape of the spaces between buildings and the boundary treatment of individual sites, particularly on the edge of settlements. SCDC DM21
DM34 Countryside - criteria a and g are incompatible because a major housing development is unable to respect the character of the countryside which is defined by low density, sparse pattern of housing and open spaces. This policy also fails to specify a sequential approach to site selection, supporting brownfield before greenfield sites are released. Furthermore, the wording of the policy fails to include "enhance" when referring to council's statutory duty with regard to the AONB, in line with S.85 of the CROW Act.


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 24710

Received: 24/10/2017

Respondent: Suffolk Preservation Society

Representation Summary:

Policy DM8 lacks a positive statement setting out the approach of the management of the historic environment. We refer you to Colchester Borough Council Policy, DP14: Historic Environment Assets, as a good example

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Policy DM8 lacks a positive statement setting out the approach of the management of the historic environment. We refer you to Colchester Borough Council Policy, DP14: Historic Environment Assets, as an example:
Development will not be permitted that will adversely affect a listed building, a conservation area, historic park or garden or important archaeological remains. Development affecting the historic environment should seek to preserve or enhance the heritage asset and any features of specific historic, archaeological, architectural or artistic interest. In all cases there will be an expectation that any new development will enhance the historic environment in the first instance, unless there are
no identifiable opportunities available. In instances where existing features have a negative impact on the historic environment, as identified through character appraisals, the Local Planning Authority will request the removal of the features that undermine the historic environment as part of any proposed development. Support will be given to the provision of creative and accessible interpretations of heritage assets. Colchester Borough Council


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 24740

Received: 30/10/2017

Respondent: RSPB

Agent: RSPB

Representation Summary:

Policy DM6 - Additional line k) to incorporate integrated swift-bricks
Policy DM10 - Re-word as Protection and Enhancement of trees and hedgerows
Policy DM28 - We question the tone of this policy. NPPF sets out that open spaces should be protected and enhanced.
Policy DM31 - needs to include SPAs and SSSIs

Full text:

Policy DM6 - Tall buildings
Additional line k) to incorporate integrated swift-bricks
Integrated swift-bricks are low-cost (in the region of £20) and will help deliver on the urgent need for lost nest-spaces for this species which has undergone a 51% decline since the 1990s.
Policy DM10 - this policy should be re-worded as Protection and ENHANCEMENT of trees and hedgerows in order to be consistent with the NPPF.
Policy DM28 - the tone of this policy is wrong. To be consistent with the NPPF, it should look to preserve and enhance areas of open space.
Policy DM31 - this should explicitly identify the Stour and Orwell estuaries Special Protection Area (SPA) and the Deben Estuary SPA, plus any Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) within or near to the IBC boundary.


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 24917

Received: 27/10/2017

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

All policies should be reviewed through this process and consideration of the historic environment given throughout the plan to form a positive strategy. Please read this answer alongside our other answers to this consultation, especially Q84. We highlight these particular policies for consideration on how they can be improved: CS4, DM5, DM6, DM8, DM9, DM30. This review is an opportunity to refine the approach to the Waterfront area. The current structure of the IP-One Opportunity Areas and the site allocations has not provided the clarity and vision required or adequately set out the complex historic environment considerations in this area.

Full text:

See Attached.


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 24976

Received: 25/10/2017

Respondent: Northern Fringe Protection Group

Representation Summary:

Yes. The DM policies need to take better account of the major air quality issues affecting Ipswich. Air quality must be improved and all AQMAs eradicated. Development should not be permitted if it risks worsening air quality.

Full text:

See attached.


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 25017

Received: 30/10/2017

Respondent: Suffolk Wildlife Trust

Representation Summary:

Policy DM4 - could be amended to ensure that all new SuDS are designed to maximise their wildlife value in accordance with published best practice guidance.

Policy DM5 and DM6 - could be amended to ensure that the design of new developments secures enhancements for wildlife.

Policy DM29 - New sports and recreation facilities can represent significant areas of greenspace, the policy should therefore ensure that such development maximises the biodiversity opportunities of such sites.

Policy DM31 - We support this policy, however it may be necessary to update Plan 5 (Ipswich Ecological Network).

Full text:

See attached.


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 25056

Received: 31/10/2017

Respondent: Save Our Country Spaces

Representation Summary:

Yes. The DM policies need to take better account of the major air quality issues affecting Ipswich. Air quality must be improved and all AQMAs eradicated. Development should not be permitted if it risks worsening air quality.

Full text:

See attached.


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 25070

Received: 30/10/2017

Respondent: On behalf of EDF Energy

Representation Summary:

Regarding policy CS2, we propose that new development should also be encouraged within sustainable areas and there should be a preference for development on brownfield land. With regard to density, there should also be some flexibility with the application of density standards, depending on the character of the area and accessibility levels. In certain situations, outside of the town centre, it may be possible to achieve higher densities and each site should be assessed on a site specific basis. This approach is consistent the NPPF (paragraph 17), which encourages effective use of land.
Policy CS12 - We support the Council's approach in that the Council recognises that where it is difficult to meet the target for affordable housing provision, a lower amount of affordable housing or different tenure mix could be provided on a site, subject to viability testing in accordance with the NPPF. However, the policy does not provide for off -site affordable housing or commuted payments in lieu of on-site provision. It would be helpful to provide these alternative arrangements within the policy, especially where viability assessments support this approach as a preferred option.
Policy CS9 seeks to focus on brownfield land first whilst recognizing that greenfield land will need to be developed to meet the Boroughs housing need and forecasted job growth. This policy has been deleted. We therefore request that this policy be included as part of the emerging Local Plan as there is a priority to build on previously developed land, in line with paragraph 17 of the NPPF.
Policy CS17 - We request that any infrastructure to be secured or financed from new developments towards the provision of highways and transport; childcare, early years and education; health and emergency services; environment and conservation; community and cultural facilities including heritage and
archaeology; sport and recreation; economic development; and utilities are sought in areas where there is an identified deficiency and at a level that ensures that overall delivery of appropriate development is not compromised. This request accords with paragraph 204 of the NPPF which states that planning obligations from development sites must be fair, reasonable and proportionate.
Policy DM25 does not provide for or set out clear guidance around the grounds upon which the Council will permit the conversion, change of use/redevelopment of sites and premises allocated for employment uses to non B1, B2 and B8 uses.
We suggest the Council sets out clear guidance within the policy to permit this only
- 'there is no reasonable prospect of the site being re-used for employment purposes over the plan period;
- The proposed use is compatible with the surroundings; and
- 6 months marketing evidence is provided to demonstrate the lack of demand for the land'

Full text:

See attached.


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 25081

Received: 23/11/2017

Respondent: Associated British Ports

Representation Summary:

CS3 - ABP supports the regeneration objectives for the IP-One area. There are, however, important elements of the Port within or adjacent to this area. New development should, therefore, have regard to these existing uses and activities so as to ensure that they are protected. We suggest, therefore, the addition of a new criterion into any new policy based on Policy CS3:
"New development should be sensitive to existing uses (including those at the Port of Ipswich) and avoid potential impacts which may prejudice the continued operation and where appropriate, expansion of these uses."
CS20 - Policy needs to be updated to reflect progress since the DPD was adopted. ABP asks only that any update has regard to and reflects ABP's concerns that any new transport scheme:
1) avoids an unacceptable impact on existing vessel access to the Wet Dock via the Lock Pit to the detriment of continued port operations and those of our tenants, commercial businesses and the vitality and viability of the Ipswich Haven Marina
2) avoids any adverse impact (e.g. through traffic congestion) on Cliff Road, which is the primary access
onto Cliff Quay
3) avoids any adverse impact on the route for port operational vehicles, plant and equipment between
Cliff Quay and the Island Site
4) avoids a routing which would affect the existing railhead into the West Bank Terminal
5) does not prevent the Port from meeting the stringent security requirements of the International Ship
and Port Facility Security Code, and
6) allows for navigation rights along the New Cut

Full text:

See attached.


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 25375

Received: 30/10/2017

Respondent: Mr Matt Clarke

Representation Summary:

Boss Hall - We generally support the existing development management Policy DM25 as it provides protection for employment land. However, we also consider that reference should be made to preventing the long term protection of employment land where there is no reasonable prospect of a site being used for that purpose.

Prince of Wales Drive - In the context of this question that development management policies relating to areas such as proposals in retail areas are to be amended as a result of more up-to-date evidence in the form of the new Retail and Leisure Study.

Full text:

See attached.


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 25456

Received: 30/10/2017

Respondent: Suffolk County Council

Representation Summary:

The County Council would appreciate the opportunity to review Ipswich Borough Council's development management policies with Borough officers, once consideration has been given to the other comments made in respect of the development of this Plan.

Full text:

See attached.


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 25486

Received: 30/10/2017

Respondent: Mr Arwel Owen

Representation Summary:

Our experience in the IGS demonstrates that viability and pragmatic policy decisions are central to securing delivery. Our policy representations over the last decade have continually sought to ensure that policies have been realistically framed to allow them to be met, rather than being expressed as aspirational and then failing to be upheld. We have consistently argued that polices relating to the proportion of affordable housing to be delivered, and to the sustainability standards to be achieved in new built schemes should be expressed on a realistic basis and consistent with national policy.

Full text:

See attached.


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 25499

Received: 24/10/2017

Respondent: Suffolk Constabulary

Representation Summary:

Yes. HMO's can put disproportionate pressure onto local neighbours, parking provision and noise, which can lead to conflict.
Maintaining a high quality of HMO's is essential to ensure the safety of the residents therein, as well as neighbouring properties. This should be reflected in policy DM14.

Full text:

See attached