
Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

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Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Question 39:

Representation ID: 24916

Received: 27/10/2017

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

Site allocations: Historic England advocates a wide definition of the historic environment which includes not only those areas and buildings with statutory designated protection but also those which are locally valued and important, as well as the landscape and townscape components of the historic environment. At an early stage when assessing site allocations it is important to include the impact on heritage assets. See advice note 3. If a site is allocated, we would expect to see reference to the need to conserve and seek opportunities to enhance the on-site or nearby heritage assets and their setting.

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Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Question 34:

Representation ID: 24917

Received: 27/10/2017

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

All policies should be reviewed through this process and consideration of the historic environment given throughout the plan to form a positive strategy. Please read this answer alongside our other answers to this consultation, especially Q84. We highlight these particular policies for consideration on how they can be improved: CS4, DM5, DM6, DM8, DM9, DM30. This review is an opportunity to refine the approach to the Waterfront area. The current structure of the IP-One Opportunity Areas and the site allocations has not provided the clarity and vision required or adequately set out the complex historic environment considerations in this area.

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Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Question 35:

Representation ID: 24937

Received: 27/10/2017

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

Consideration of streetscape, particularly given the issues of connectivity and traffic management is an area for exploration. For streetscape improvements, refer to the Streets for All publications which are currently out for consultation: https://historicengland.org.uk/images-books/publications/streets-for-all/. They provide updated practical advice for anyone planning or implementing highways and other public realm works in sensitive historic locations. It sets out means to improve public spaces without harming their valued character, including specific recommendations for works to surfaces, street furniture, new equipment, traffic management infrastructure and environmental improvements. Please also see our advice for highways engineers and designers: https://historicengland.org.uk/advice/caring-for-heritage/streets-for-all/highway-engineers-and-designers/.

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See Attached.


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Question 40:

Representation ID: 24938

Received: 27/10/2017

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

The multiple layers of the Ipswich Vision, IP-One areas, and site allocations do not provide a clear strategic direction for central Ipswich. Refinement of approach to provide clarity is essential. This clarity should include consideration of the need to conserve and enhance the historic environment. This is most apparent in the connectivity between the town centre and the Waterfront, which involves a number of designated heritage assets and their settings. We would recommend a review of the Central and Wet Dock conservation area appraisals and their boundaries as part of the evidence base for the new local plan.

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See Attached.


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Question 48:

Representation ID: 24939

Received: 27/10/2017

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

As we have already noted, we would expect to see high density in the town centre but have a concern that high density should not automatically equate to tall buildings.

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See Attached.


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Question 56:

Representation ID: 24940

Received: 27/10/2017

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

The Star Lane and College Street / Key Street gyratory impacts heavily on the historic environment. It severs connectivity between the town centre and Waterfront, and directly impacts on listed buildings and scheduled monuments and their settings. Improving the current situation is critical to successfully regenerating and knitting back together these historic parts of Ipswich.

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See Attached.


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Question 76:

Representation ID: 24941

Received: 27/10/2017

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

Include a specific policy relating to the inclusion of renewable technologies within Conservation Areas and with regard to historic buildings and the wider historic landscape. A sustainable approach should secure a balance between the benefits that such development delivers and the environmental costs it incurs. The policy should seek to limit and mitigate any such cost to the historic environment. Listed buildings, buildings in conservation areas and scheduled monuments are exempted from the need to comply with energy efficiency requirements of the Building Regulations where compliance would unacceptably alter their character and appearance. See also Historic England guidance: https://historicengland.org.uk/images-books/publications/energy-efficiency-historic-buildings-ptl/

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See Attached.


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Question 79:

Representation ID: 24942

Received: 27/10/2017

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

We strongly encourage provision for the historic environment throughout the plan, not solely within heritage focused policies. We particularly seek a specific requirement for consideration of the historic environment within the design policies of the local plan which should seek to draw on opportunities offered by the historic environment and reflect local character and distinctiveness. This should not stymie contemporary development but should require an appreciation of the significance and character of the historic environment in producing a high standard of design. We would also welcome this in relation to tall buildings policy that may come forward in the plan.

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See Attached.


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Question 81:

Representation ID: 24943

Received: 27/10/2017

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

The Waterfront, by the nature of the existing historic warehouse buildings, can potentially incorporate buildings of a more industrial scale and height. However, new additions along the Waterfront are of mixed success. Those truly tall buildings have had a significant impact on the skyline and nearby designated heritage assets. We are concerned that further tall buildings will cumulatively be severely harmful to Ipswich's historic environment. There is unlikely to be scope for additional tall buildings elsewhere in Ipswich's historic core and, owing to its topography, buildings at the edge could still have an impact looking out from the town centre.

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Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Question 83:

Representation ID: 24944

Received: 27/10/2017

Respondent: Historic England

Representation Summary:

Variety and repetition in buildings in response to area and function are key in building a cohesive town. Buildings are critical in wayfinding and encouraging people to explore and feel comfortable in an area. As such, buildings at critical locations in Ipswich should have greater attention to their architectural design. This does not mean that a proliferation of landmark buildings are required but that consideration to form and function, both as a building and in a streetscape, is essential.

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See Attached.

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