
Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

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Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Question 74:

Representation ID: 25439

Received: 30/10/2017

Respondent: Suffolk County Council

Representation Summary:

Flood risk should be mitigated wherever possible via the use of SuDS and other water management features as outlined in the SCC Flood Risk Management Strategy (SFRMS). The County Council seeks inclusion of a requirement for new development of all scales to incorporate sustainable drainage systems into their design in line with the details contained within the SFRMS and any area specific Surface Water Management Plans (SWMP). It is recommended that the new Local Plan refer to the mitigation of surface water flooding and reference the protection of the water quality of watercourses. SCC would also welcome measures which increase water efficiency, such as water butts.

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Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Question 76:

Representation ID: 25440

Received: 30/10/2017

Respondent: Suffolk County Council

Representation Summary:

The Suffolk Climate Change Action Plan (SCCAP), published in March 2017, identifies four key themes which are: A Business and Community Resilience; B Business Energy Efficiency and Renewables; C Community Energy; and D Domestic Energy Efficiency. The Borough Council should consider this strategy and the extent to which planning policies can contribute to realising its objectives.
The County Council would welcome measures which increase water efficiency, such as water butts.

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Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Question 60:

Representation ID: 25441

Received: 30/10/2017

Respondent: Suffolk County Council

Representation Summary:

The County and Borough Councils are already working together to consider potential answers to these questions. Car parking provision needs to strike a balance between supporting the vitality of the town centre and managing congestion. As part of this ongoing work, and based on the opportunity afforded by the Local Plan review, the Borough Council should reconsider the boundary of the central car parking core and how it relates to, for example, employment development in the Princes Street area.

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See attached.


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Question 38:

Representation ID: 25442

Received: 30/10/2017

Respondent: Suffolk County Council

Representation Summary:

Access to the natural environment and open space improves health and wellbeing by providing opportunities for physical activity, being beneficial to mental health and reducing health inequalities. Ipswich Borough Council should ensure that if it does choose to re-allocate open space for housing that the need for people to access the outdoors is still met, so that the benefits to health are available to everyone.

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See attached.


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Question 33:

Representation ID: 25443

Received: 30/10/2017

Respondent: Suffolk County Council

Representation Summary:

Public rights of way make an important contribution to Suffolk communities. They encourage travel by sustainable modes and physical activity, support the tourist economy, offer recreational opportunities for residents, give access to the local natural environment and can help manage the impacts of development on sensitive habitats and species. Policies should identify a means of ensuring that development protects and provides for enhancement of the rights of way network, both on-site and off-site cumulatively, at a strategic level. The policy framework should be set out in such a way as to link rights of way to the different objectives they support. The County Council would be pleased to review preferred sites to consider impact on the Rights of Way Network.

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See attached.


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Question 32:

Representation ID: 25444

Received: 30/10/2017

Respondent: Suffolk County Council

Representation Summary:

The Plan will need to consider existing available school capacity and constraints as part of the approach to the spatial strategy and ensure that sufficient land is identified to meet needs for additional or expanded schools. It should also set out a framework for securing developer contributions/land. Specific local issues will exist, particularly in relation to primary schools, but secondary school needs will have to be considered at a strategic level looking across local authority boundaries. The range of spatial options and different scenarios for growth under consideration mean it isn't possible to set out an education strategy at this stage. In recognition of the role of early education in enhancing educational attainment and improving social mobility, the plan should consider how best to provide for early education alongside a growing population. The Plan will need to take relevant steps to support the proper provision of early education facilities to meet statutory requirements.

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See attached.


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Question 30:

Representation ID: 25445

Received: 30/10/2017

Respondent: Suffolk County Council

Representation Summary:

Opportunities to maximise walking, cycling or using public transport must be a key part of working through the spatial strategy. Further road capacity serving Ipswich may also be necessary. This can be assessed using the SCC transport model. We welcome the potential to integrate consideration of the feasibility of a new northern route during the local plan review process. It may be required to mitigate the impact of further growth needed to meet currently identified need, but higher levels of growth may be necessary to secure sufficient funding. Proposals along the A12 corridor would offer the opportunity to use the East Suffolk rail line. SCC would like to explore opportunities to enhance walking and cycling connectivity between Ipswich and Martlesham, and within Ipswich. The double tracking of the Felixstowe Branch is an opportunity to promote greater modal shift. The cumulative transport impact of the development of sites will need to be the subject of further work to address issues such as cumulative impacts of development on routes in, around and through Ipswich, including the strategic A14 and A12 routes.

Full text:

See attached.


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Question 5:

Representation ID: 25446

Received: 30/10/2017

Respondent: Suffolk County Council

Representation Summary:

The County Council has endorsed the New Anglia New Economic Strategy and will work with partners (including Ipswich Borough Council) to implement the strategy. The County Council is also a partner in delivering the Ipswich Vision, so is committed to enhancing the role of Ipswich Town Centre as retail and service centre for the whole county.

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See attached.


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Question 4:

Representation ID: 25447

Received: 30/10/2017

Respondent: Suffolk County Council

Representation Summary:

Under Questions 4 and 5, the Borough Council should be aware of the County Council's Corporate Priorities set out in 'Our Priorities, 2017-21'. They are consistent with the NPPF and of direct relevance to this Plan. The SCC priorities are inclusive growth, health, care and well being and efficient and effective public services. The priorities are relevant to NPPF statements.

Full text:

See attached.


Issues and Options for the Ipswich Local Plan Review

Question 61:

Representation ID: 25448

Received: 30/10/2017

Respondent: Suffolk County Council

Representation Summary:

The County and Borough Councils are already working together to consider potential answers to these questions. Car parking provision needs to strike a balance between supporting the vitality of the town centre and managing congestion.
As part of this ongoing work, and based on the opportunity afforded by the Local Plan review, the Borough Council should reconsider the boundary of the central car parking core and how it relates to, for example, employment development in the Princes Street area.

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See attached.

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