Preferred Options Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) DPD Review
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Preferred Options Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) DPD Review
IP011b - Smart Street, Foundation Street (South)
Representation ID: 25558
Received: 19/02/2019
Respondent: Ortona Properties Ltd
The landowner supports the existing allocation for the primary residential use and secondary employment use of the site. the current use of the site remains as a bus depot under a lease agreement but could come forward for development between the middle to end of the plan period. The site provides important linkage for the redevelopment of Merchants Quarter and would provide improved frontage along Star Lane, which in turn would provide visual enhancement to the Central and Wet Dock Conservation Areas.
See attached scanned representation.
Preferred Options Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) DPD Review
IP054b - Land between Old Cattle Market and Star Lane
Representation ID: 25559
Received: 19/02/2019
Respondent: Ortona Properties Ltd
The Cattlemarket bus station is within the opportunity area for Merchants Quarter, however the allocation reference IP054b should be extended north to include this. The Plan states that the redevelopment of Merchants Quarter would provide key linkages from the Waterfront to the town centre. Therefore, the possible future redevelopment of the site could enhance connectivity, providing a pedestrian friendly area to link Turret lane to Dogs Head Lane/ Buttermarket Shopping Centre.
The land is under lease as a bus station however given the regeneration ambitions it should be extended north to include the opportunity area to allow for comprehensive redevelopment.
See attached scanned representation.
Preferred Options Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) DPD Review
IP054b - Land between Old Cattle Market and Star Lane
Representation ID: 25561
Received: 19/02/2019
Respondent: Ortona Properties Ltd
See attached scanned map showing land ownership to support submission 25559.
See attached scanned document.