Preferred Options Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) DPD Review
Search representations
- Anglian Water
- AquiGen
- Ashfield Land Limited
- Associated British Ports
- Austin Street Projects Ltd
- Cardinal Lofts (Mill) Ltd
- Department for Education (DfE)
- East of England Co-Operative Society
- Environment Agency
- FIS Property Limited and Landex Limited
- Imorex Shipping Services
- Ipswich Canoe Club
- Natural England
- On behalf of Telereal Trillium Ltd
- Ortona Properties Ltd
- Pigeon Investment Management Ltd
- Prestige Car Repairs Ltd
- Ravenswood Environmental Group
- Ravenswood Residents Association
- Salter and Skinner Partnership
- Save Our Country Spaces
- Sport England
- Sproughton Parish Council
- Suffolk Constabulary
- Suffolk County Council
- Suffolk Wildlife Trust
- Suffollk Primary Care
- The Deltic Group
- Theatres Trust
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