Preferred Options Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) DPD Review
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Preferred Options Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) DPD Review
Policy SP1 - The protection of allocated sites
Representation ID: 26061
Received: 13/03/2019
Respondent: On behalf of Telereal Trillium Ltd
Telereal is supportive of this policy as IBC has allocated the entire Bibb Way site for
residential uses after the prior approval was granted in 2018. The Bibb Way Site is vacant and ideally situated for residential uses, given its proximity to a number a services and facilities in and around Ipswich town centre. It is also in keeping with the surrounding area, which is mainly residential and comprises a mixture of houses and flats.
See Scanned Representation.
Preferred Options Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) DPD Review
IP279 - Former British Telecom Office, Bibbs Way
Representation ID: 26062
Received: 13/03/2019
Respondent: On behalf of Telereal Trillium Ltd
Telereal is pleased that IBC has allocated the whole of the Bibb Way site (IP279) (1.67ha) for residential development, following the grant of prior approval in 2018. However, the Prior Approval relates only to the 0.7ha (Area 1) and will deliver 104 units. Area 2 (0.39ha) and Area 3 (0.61ha) can deliver a further 49 dwellings without compromising the implementation of the Prior Approval.
See comments on CS5, CS7, CS8 and CS12 regarding the need to make optimal use of the site and to increase the density.
See Scanned Representation.