Preferred Options Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) DPD Review

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Preferred Options Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) DPD Review

Chapter 4 - Site Allocations

Representation ID: 25633

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Suffolk Wildlife Trust

Representation Summary:

We recommend that any sites of significant wildlife value are not allocated for development and that where sites are allocated adequate mitigation measures are secured as part of the allocation policy.

Full text:

See Scanned Representation.


Preferred Options Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) DPD Review

IP150b - Land at Ravenswood

Representation ID: 25634

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Suffolk Wildlife Trust

Representation Summary:

Whilst we note that the allocation of this site for sports use is carried forward from the current adopted Local Plan this is regrettable. As recognised in the supporting sheet for the site, it is an area of wildlife value and forms part of the ecological corridor on the south-eastern edge of the town. Proposals for any sports facilities on this site must be informed by survey and assessment of all of the ecological receptors likely to be impacted by the development. Appropriate ecological mitigation and enhancement measures must be embedded as part of any proposal.

Full text:

See Scanned Representation.


Preferred Options Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) DPD Review

IP150d - Land south of Ravenswood - Sports Park

Representation ID: 25635

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Suffolk Wildlife Trust

Representation Summary:

We note that site 150d is allocated for employment use in the current Local Plan as part of site 150b. As with sites 150b and 150d this area, the continued allocation of this area is regrettable as it is an area of wildlife value and forms part of the ecological corridor on the south-eastern edge of the town. Proposals for any development on this site must be informed by survey and assessment of all of the ecological receptors likely to be impacted by the development. Appropriate ecological mitigation and enhancement measures must be embedded as part of any proposal.

Full text:

See Scanned Representation.


Preferred Options Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) DPD Review

IP150e - Land south of Ravenswood (excluding area fronting Nacton Road)

Representation ID: 25637

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Suffolk Wildlife Trust

Representation Summary:

We note that site 150e is allocated for employment use in the current Local Plan as part of site 150c. As with sites 150b and 150d this area, the continued allocation of this area is regrettable as it is an area of wildlife value and forms part of the ecological corridor on the south-eastern edge of the town. Proposals for any development on this site must be informed by survey and assessment of all of the ecological receptors likely to be impacted by the development. Appropriate ecological mitigation and enhancement measures must be embedded as part of any proposal.

Full text:

See Scanned Representation.

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