Ipswich Borough Council Local Plan Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review - Final Draft

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Ipswich Borough Council Local Plan Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review - Final Draft

Policy CS2 The Location and Nature of Development

Representation ID: 26450

Received: 02/03/2020

Respondent: Babergh District Council & Midsuffolk District Council

Agent: Babergh District Council & Midsuffolk District Council

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Before an assumption is made that later in the plan period, housing land supply opportunities in Ipswich Borough will be limited, a comprehensive regeneration and asset strategy needs to be undertaken to exhaust all other options. Through measures contained in the Local Transport Plan and the Suffolk County Council Transport Mitigation Strategy, it should be possible to rationalise / make better use of the amount of car parking required in Ipswich.We would have expected the parking strategy to have been produced before the assertion was made in paragraph 8.58 of limited housing land supply opportunities.

Change suggested by respondent:

Not specified



Ipswich Borough Council Local Plan Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review - Final Draft

Policy CS10 Ipswich Garden Suburb

Representation ID: 26453

Received: 02/03/2020

Respondent: Babergh District Council & Midsuffolk District Council

Agent: Babergh District Council & Midsuffolk District Council

Representation Summary:

Support the delivery of homes at the Ipswich Garden Suburb and associated infrastructure, in particular the 1,200-place secondary school. It is essential that this secondary school is delivered alongside the housing.

Change suggested by respondent:




Ipswich Borough Council Local Plan Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review - Final Draft

Policy CS11 Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation

Representation ID: 26454

Received: 02/03/2020

Respondent: Babergh District Council & Midsuffolk District Council

Agent: Babergh District Council & Midsuffolk District Council

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to wording in Paragraph 8.141 and Policy CS11.
Whilst work is being undertaken with neighbouring authorities on short-stay provision within the Ipswich Strategic Planning Area as part of wider work in Suffolk, no contact has been made with Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils regarding permanent provision.
It is identified that Ipswich Borough Council need to find 27 permanent pitches to 2036.

Change suggested by respondent:

Not specified



Ipswich Borough Council Local Plan Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review - Final Draft

Policy CS17 Delivering Infrastructure

Representation ID: 26459

Received: 02/03/2020

Respondent: Babergh District Council & Midsuffolk District Council

Agent: Babergh District Council & Midsuffolk District Council

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Para. 8.218 - Support the collaborative working on the Recreational disturbance Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy (RAMS), although need to ensure that any RAMS contributions collected are spent to mitigate the impact from the development that has generated the need for the RAMS contribution.

Change suggested by respondent:

Not specified



Ipswich Borough Council Local Plan Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review - Final Draft

Policy CS16 Green Infrastructure, Sport and Recreation

Representation ID: 26460

Received: 02/03/2020

Respondent: Babergh District Council & Midsuffolk District Council

Agent: Babergh District Council & Midsuffolk District Council

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Para 8.207 - Support the collaborative working on the Recreational disturbance Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy (RAMS), although need to ensure that any RAMS contributions collected are spent to mitigate the impact from the development that has generated the need for the RAMS contribution.

Change suggested by respondent:

Not specified



Ipswich Borough Council Local Plan Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review - Final Draft

Policy CS20 Key Transport Proposals

Representation ID: 26461

Received: 02/03/2020

Respondent: Babergh District Council & Midsuffolk District Council

Agent: Babergh District Council & Midsuffolk District Council

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

In respect of a ‘Transport Mitigation Strategy’ for the Ipswich Strategic Planning Area, this paragraph states: ‘Detailed measures, costings and a mechanism for collecting the contributions from the planned growth will be determined through the ISPA Board’. Additional text needs to be added to also say, ‘… and to be agreed by each respective local planning authority’.

Change suggested by respondent:

Additional text needs to be added to also say, ‘… and to be agreed by each respective local planning authority’.



Ipswich Borough Council Local Plan Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review - Final Draft

Policy CS20 Key Transport Proposals

Representation ID: 26462

Received: 02/03/2020

Respondent: Babergh District Council & Midsuffolk District Council

Agent: Babergh District Council & Midsuffolk District Council

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Object to reference to an Ipswich Northern Route as this is no longer supported by Babergh or Mid Suffolk District Councils. However, appreciate that the decision by Suffolk County Council to not pursue funding for an Ipswich Northern Route was made after the emerging Ipswich Local Plan was published for consultation.

Change suggested by respondent:

Not specified



Ipswich Borough Council Local Plan Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review - Final Draft

Chapter 2 - The Planning System

Representation ID: 26463

Received: 02/03/2020

Respondent: Babergh District Council & Midsuffolk District Council

Agent: Babergh District Council & Midsuffolk District Council

Representation Summary:

Support the spatial strategy for continued urban regeneration in central Ipswich and development of the Ipswich Garden Suburb and land at Humber Doucy Lane.

Change suggested by respondent:




Ipswich Borough Council Local Plan Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review - Final Draft

Policy CS7 The Amount of Housing Required

Representation ID: 26464

Received: 02/03/2020

Respondent: Babergh District Council & Midsuffolk District Council

Agent: Babergh District Council & Midsuffolk District Council

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Policy CS7 contradicts the text in paragraph 8.58. Whilst it is correct the Ipswich Housing Market Area authorities discuss the housing requirement for each local planning authority in the IHMA through the ISPA Board, before considering any implications for not being able to meet need, the text in paragraph C3 of the ISPA Statement of Common Ground Version 5 (October 2019 – signed January 2020) needs to be adhered to.

Change suggested by respondent:

The text in paragraph C3 of the ISPA Statement of Common Ground Version 5 (October 2019 – signed January 2020) needs to be adhered to.



Ipswich Borough Council Local Plan Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review - Final Draft

Chapter 8 - The Spatial Strategy of the Core Strategy

Representation ID: 26467

Received: 02/03/2020

Respondent: Babergh District Council & Midsuffolk District Council

Agent: Babergh District Council & Midsuffolk District Council

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

A comment was made to the previous Regulation 18 consultation in March 2019 undertaken by Ipswich Borough Council, where Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils sought a re-phrasing of paragraph 8.7 to clarify that whilst Ipswich Borough may be under-bounded, the Borough will meet its own identified housing needs with the Borough for this Plan. This paragraph remains unchanged.

Change suggested by respondent:

Re-phrase paragraph 8.7 to clarify that whilst Ipswich Borough may be under-bounded, the Borough will meet its own identified housing needs with the Borough for this Plan.


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