Ipswich Borough Council Local Plan Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review - Final Draft
Search representations
- AquiGen
- Associated British Ports
- Babergh District Council & Midsuffolk District Council
- Bloor Homes
- Cardinal Lofts (Mill) Ltd
- Clean Air Ipswich
- Constable Homes Ltd
- Cycle Ipswich
- Department for Education (DfE)
- East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (ESNEFT)
- East Suffolk Council
- Environment Agency
- Gladman Developments
- Grainger Plc
- Habinteg Housing Association
- Historic England
- Home Builders Federation Ltd (HBF)
- Ipswich & East Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group & West Suffolk CCG
- Ipswich Rugby Football Club (Ipswich RFC)
- Ipswich School
- Kesgrave Covenant Ltd
- Marine Management Organisation
- Mersea Homes Limited
- National Grid
- National Highways (Formerly Highways England)
- Natural England
- Network Rail
- Northern Fringe Protection Group
- Persimmon Homes
- Pigeon Investment Management Ltd
- Ravenswood Environmental Group
- Rentplus UK Ltd
- Rushmere St Andrew Parish Council
- Save Our Country Spaces
- Silverton Aggregates Ltd
- Sport England
- Suffolk Constabulary
- Suffolk County Council
- Suffolk Preservation Society
- Suffolk Wildlife Trust
- Theatres Trust
- Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund
- West Suffolk (Forest Heath District Council and St Edmundsbury Borough Council)
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