
Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal - Proposed Submission Core Strategy and Policies DPD

Ended on the 5 March 2015

Appendix E

Sustainability Appraisal Matrices – Development Management Policies

Sustainable Development, Flooding and Sustainable Drainage

  • Policy DM1: Sustainable Design and Construction

  • Policy DM2: Decentralised Renewable or Low Carbon Energy

  • Policy DM3: Provision of Private Outdoor Amenity Space in New and Existing Developments

  • Policy DM4: Development and Flood Risk

SA Objective

Performance of policy

Temporal scale



Geographical extent


Mitigation / Enhancement Measures


To improve air quality

DM1: +

DM2: 0


DM4: 0

Medium, Long-term



Low certainty

Borough wide

The primary focus of Policy DM1 is not to reduce transport movements, however, within the BREEAM standard there is an accessibility index, which scores development on how accessible it is to various facilities via public transport. Therefore ensuring development is highly accessible by public transport over time may reduce vehicle movements and thus improve air quality – however, certainty is low.


To conserve soil resources and quality

DM1: +

DM2: 0


DM4: 0

Short, Medium, Long-term


Direct / Indirect

Medium / Low certainty

Borough wide

The primary focus of Policy DM1 is not to conserve soil quality and structure, however, the BREEAM and the Code for Sustainable Homes standards score higher for development that includes conversions rather than new build. This would represent a sustainable use of land resources. However, certainty is very low.

Policy DM3s commitment to providing outdoor amenity space in new and existing developments would benefit this SA Objective through .protecting soil structure and quality from development.


To reduce waste

DM1: +

DM2: 0


DM4: 0

Short, Medium, Long-term


Direct / Indirect

Medium certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM1 states it will ensure new development meets various standards, including a minimum Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4 for residential development and a BREEAM ‘Very Good’ new build non-residential development. Therefore new development would be required to demonstrate it promotes waste reduction, incorporates sustainable building principles and leads to a decreased amount of waste going to landfill. In addition, the policy would ensure new development makes adequate provisions for recycling.


To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment

DM1: +

DM2: 0


DM4: 0

Medium, Long-term



Low certainty

Borough wide

The primary focus of Policy DM1 is not to reduce transport movements, however, within the BREEAM standard there is an accessibility index, which sores development on how accessible it is to various facilities via public transport. Therefore ensuring development is highly accessible by public transport over time may reduce vehicle movements and thus reduce the effects of transport on the environment – however, certainty is low.


To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population

DM1: +

DM2: 0


DM4: 0

Medium, Long-term



Medium certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM3 would improve access to open space over the medium to long term through its commitment to ensuring new and existing developments provide adequate amenity space.

There is an accessibility index within the BREEAM standard, which scores development on how accessible it is to various facilities via public transport. Therefore ensuring development is highly accessible by public transport would benefit this SA objective.


To limit and adapt to climate change

DM1: ++

DM2: +

DM3: 0

DM4: +

Short, Medium, Long-term



High certainty

Borough wide

Policies DM1, DM2 and DM4 would all contribute to the fulfilment of this SA Objective. Policy DM1 states that sustainable design and construction methods would be applied to new development in the borough through requiring a minimum Level 4 Code For Sustainable homes and various BREEAM standards to be met. This would help to contribute to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, the demand for energy resources, increase energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions.

Policy DM2 seeks to incorporate decentralised renewable and low carbon energy into new development which would reduce the demand for energy and increase energy efficiency along with increase the use of renewable energy.

Policy DM4 would benefit the SA objective through ensuring new development does not exacerbate current flooding in the borough along with providing SuDs measures where appropriate. The Policy also ensures water efficiency measures are maximised in new development.


To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding

DM1: +

DM2: 0


DM4: ++

Short, Medium, Long-term



Medium certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM1 through its commitment to promoting sustainable design and construction (Code for Sustainable Homes and BREEAM) would ensure surface water run-off from new developments is managed through SuDs along with guarding against water pollution.

Policy DM4 would benefit the SA objective through ensuring new development does not exacerbate current flooding in the borough along with providing SuDs measures where appropriate. The Policy also ensures water efficiency measures are maximised in new development.


To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs

DM1: +


DM3: +

DM4: 0

Short, Medium, Long-term



Medium / Low certainty

Borough wide

Although not the primary focus of the policies. DM1 and DM3 would benefit the SA Objective through the provision of amenity space along with gardens in new residential development. Both of which would provide greater opportunities for wildlife. In addition, appropriate consideration of biodiversity can contribute to achieving Code for Sustainable homes standards for ecology, therefore Policy DM1’s commitment to meeting a minimum of Level 4 may benefit the SA Objective.

Decentralised renewable and low carbon energy schemes (Policy DM2) have the potential to impact on biodiversity. Particularly birds and bats with regards to wind turbines. As the location of such development is unknown, effects have been assessed as uncertain. It may even come from outside the borough. It is recommended that the policy includes reference to the need for any new energy sources to be fully assessed for their effects on the natural and built environment and local amenity. Proposals should only be allowed where they do not incur significant effects.


To conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and sites of historical importance

DM1: 0

DM2: ?


DM4: 0



Some decentralised renewable and low carbon energy schemes (Policy DM2) have the potential to impact on the setting of heritage assets. As the location of such development is unknown, effects have been assessed as uncertain. It may even come from outside the borough. It is recommended that the policy includes reference to the need for any new energy sources to be fully assessed for their effects on the natural and built environment and local amenity. Proposals should only be allowed where they do not incur significant effects.


To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes

DM1: 0

DM2: ?


DM4: 0

Short, Medium, Long-term



Medium / Low certainty

Borough wide

Decentralised renewable and low carbon energy schemes (Policy DM2) have the potential to impact on the setting of landscape / townscape character and quality. Particularly wind turbines. As the location of such development is unknown, effects have been assessed as uncertain. It may even come from outside the borough. It is recommended that the policy includes reference to the need for any new energy sources to be fully assessed for their effects on the natural and built environment and local amenity. Proposals should only be allowed where they do not incur significant effects.

Under DM3 the provision of amenity space as part of new development including gardens would provide positive effects on townscape character / quality through urban greening.


To improve the health of those most in need

DM1: +

DM2: 0

DM3: +

DM4: +

Short, Medium, Long-term



Medium certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM1 would ensure new development was highly accessible to existing facilities, including health facilities, through its commitment to ensuring BREEAM standards are met. The Code for Sustainable homes would ensure daylighting in homes is maximised to benefit the health and wellbeing of residents.

The provision of amenity space within new and existing development that takes advantage of sunlight and daylight would benefit the health of occupants (Policy DM3).

In addition, a positive score has been recorded against Policy DM4 as reducing flood risk can have a beneficial effect on health and well-being.


To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation

DM1: 0

DM2: 0

DM3: 0

DM4: 0



There is no clear relationship between the policies and the SA Objective.


To reduce poverty and social exclusion

DM1: 0

DM2: 0


DM4: 0



There is no clear relationship between the policies and the SA Objective.


To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment

DM1: 0

DM2: 0


DM4: 0



There is no clear relationship between the policies and the SA Objective.


To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community

DM1: +

DM2: 0


DM4: 0

Short, Medium, Long-term



Medium / Low certainty

Borough wide

Although the focus of Policy DM1 is not to provide new homes, its commitment to ensuring new build residential development achieves a minimum Level 4 of the Code for Sustainable homes and conversions achieve a minimum BREEAM Domestic Refurbishment ‘Very Good’, may contribute to improving housing stock along with reducing high levels of living environment deprivation within the borough.


To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area

DM1: 0

DM2: 0


DM4: 0



There is no clear relationship between the policies and the SA Objective.


To support vital and viable town, district and local centres

DM1: 0

DM2: 0


DM4: 0



There is no clear relationship between the policies and the SA Objective.


To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth

DM1: 0

DM2: 0


DM4: 0



There is no clear relationship between the policies and the SA Objective.


To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment

DM1: +

DM2: 0


DM4: +

Medium, Long-term



Low certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM1 supports the preservation and development of a high quality built environment through its commitment for new residential development to meet a minimum Level 4 Code for Sustainable Homes and various BREEAM standards. Policy DM4 seeks to ensure new development is adequately protected from flooding in accordance with adopted standards. Both of the above may help to encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment as it would also show the borough as a responsible place to invest. However certainty for this is very low.


To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults

DM1: 0

DM2: 0


DM4: 0



There is no clear relationship between the policies and the SA Objective.


To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity

DM1: 0

DM2: 0


DM4: 0

Short, Medium, Long-term



Medium / Low certainty

Borough wide

Although the primary focus of Policy DM3 is to provide amenity space in new and existing development, its commitment to ensuring these areas are safe would benefit this SA Objective.

Urban Design Policies and Protecting Our Assets

  • Policy DM5: Design and Character

  • Policy DM6: Tall Buildings

  • Policy DM8: Heritage Assets and Conservation

  • Policy DM9: Buildings of Townscape Interest

  • Policy DM10: Protection of Trees and Hedgerows

SA Objective

Performance of policy

Temporal scale



Geographical extent


Mitigation / Enhancement Measures


To improve air quality

DM5: +

DM6: 0

DM8: 0

DM9: 0

DM10: +

Short, Medium, Long term



Medium / Low certainty

Borough wide

Policies DM5 and DM10 would contribute to the improvement of air quality in Ipswich. Incorporation of sustainable, greener transport methods such as cycling and public transport into designs will be driven by Policy DM5. DM5 also seeks to integrate land use and community cohesion, reducing the need to travel; reducing traffic and improving air quality. Finally criterion h in Policy DM5 would ensure new buildings in or around AQMAs are designed in such a way that they minimise, or at the very least do not increase localised retention of pollutants.

Criterion e of Policy DM10 aims to encourage tree planting in Ipswich, to help achieve a target of 22% canopy cover by 2050. The policy also outlines that new development should integrate tree planting from the outset. Both of the above should increase tree cover in the area which in turn may help to improve air quality.


To conserve soil resources and quality

DM5: 0

DM6: 0


DM9: 0

DM10: +

Short, Medium and Long term



Low certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM10 aims to increase and protect tree coverage in the area. A consequence of protecting wooded areas and trees with TPOs is that they would safeguard natural areas and ensure soil is not degraded.


To reduce waste

DM5: +

DM6: 0

DM8: 0

DM9: 0

DM10: 0

Short, Medium, Long


Direct / Indirect

Medium certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM5 states it will assess the design quality for major residential development using the Building for Life 12 criteria (CABE at the Design Council / Design for Homes / HBF). Applicants would be expected to demonstrate that scheme designs can achieve a ‘green’ score in each category enabling schemes to be eligible for ‘Building for Life Diamond’ status. These building criteria promote waste reduction and sustainable building principles and should lead to decreased amounts of waste going to landfill. In addition, the policy would ensure the layout of new development makes adequate provision for the recycling of waste materials.


To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment


DM6: 0


DM9: 0


Medium and Long term


Direct / Indirect

Medium certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM5 states that in order to support Ipswich residents adopting sustainable lifestyles, the Council will make provisions for travel by cyclists and that layouts and designs provide a safe and useable public realm for all users – orientated towards sustainable transport modes. This over the medium to long term may help to reduce vehicle movements.


To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population

DM5: 0

DM6: 0


DM9: 0

DM10: 0



There is no clear relationship between the policies and the SA Objective.


To limit and adapt to climate change

DM5: +

DM6: 0

DM8: 0

DM9: 0

DM10: +

Medium and Long term


Direct / Indirect

Medium certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM5 includes a number of different measures concerned with climate change limitation and adaption. It contains a variety of different aims to promote urban greening within the area, in forms such as green walls and roofs, increased canopy cover and soft landscaping. The council plans that these measures will combat the effects of climate change through, for example, increased tree cover ‘contributing to urban cooling through evapotranspiration and providing micro-climatic effects that can reduce energy demands in buildings’. The policy also puts forward proposals to increase facilities and improve infrastructure for sustainable transport forms, such as cycling and walking. This should increase the usage of such transport forms and lead to a resultant decrease in less sustainable transport use – principally cars.

Policy DM10 outlines proposals from the council to improve the tree coverage in the area. As stated above additional tree coverage has a number of benefits for mitigating the impacts of climate change.


To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding


DM6: 0

DM8: 0

DM9: 0

DM10: 0

Medium and Long term



Low certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM5 contains proposals to increase urban greening in Ipswich. Part of the benefit of urban greening is that natural ‘green’ surfaces have slower run-off times for water compared to hard urban surfaces.


To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs

DM5: +

DM6: 0

DM8: +

DM9: 0

DM10: ++

Short, Medium and Long term


Direct / Indirect

Medium / Low certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM5 states that provisions such as bat and bird boxes and swift bricks would be supplied to enhance biodiversity. In addition, the policy also contains plans to increase urban greening in the area. This would increase tree cover across Ipswich’s built up areas and provide sites for increased flora and fauna to thrive.

Policy DM8 is principally focussed on protecting sites for the conservation of heritage assets and important archaeological areas.

Policy DM10 is directly concerned with the protection and enhancement of woodland and hedgerows. This would be implemented through a variety of measures, such as: designating TPOs, encouraging tree planting to help achieve a target of 22% canopy cover, enforcing assessments of trees/hedgerows and when removal does occur replanting to be undertaken. Each of these measures would in some way contribute to the protection and enhancement of biodiversity in Ipswich. The policy may benefit further through including a reference to the Hedgerow Regulations 1997 which protect ‘important hedgerows’ from being removed (uprooted or destroyed).


To conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and sites of historical importance

DM5: +

DM6: +

DM8: ++

DM9: +

DM10: 0

Short, Medium and Long term


Direct / Indirect

Medium certainty

Borough wide

The conservation and enhancement of heritage assets and sites of historical importance is the chief concern of Policy DM8. It lays out measures to protect listed buildings from alterations deemed detrimental, protection of conservation areas and areas of archaeological importance.

Policies DM5, DM6 and DM9 would also all benefit the SA Objective through their commitment to retaining buildings of townscape interest, ensuring tall buildings do not have adverse effects on the setting of Conservation Areas and promoting high quality design, all of which would help to protect the historic character of the urban areas.


To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes

DM5: +

DM6: +

DM8: +

DM9: ++

DM10: +

Short, Medium and Long term


Direct / Indirect

Medium certainty

Borough wide

The special character and distinctiveness of Ipswich is recognised by Policy DM5. The policy also outlines that new large scale residential developments would be built to a high standard and to the Building for Life 12 criteria.

Policy DM6 has the potential to safeguard local distinctiveness and character in Ipswich by refusing applications for tall buildings deemed inappropriate and insensitive to the local area.

Policy DM9 is directly concerned with the protection, retention and repair of buildings judged to be of local townscape interest, particularly those with no other statutory protection. If these buildings must be modified or lost then the replacement standard must be at least equal if not higher and incorporate sustainable features. This would only benefit local townscape character.

Policy DM8 would benefit townscape character in particular through the policy’s commitment to protecting conservation areas.

Policy DM10 would benefit the SA Objective through its commitment to protecting urban greening – this would only benefit local townscape.


To improve the health of those most in need

DM5: +

DM6: 0


DM9: 0


Medium and Long term



Medium certainty

Borough wide

Promoting the integration of land uses into mixed developments and neighbourhoods is outlined within Policy DM5. This could lead to reduced need to travel and improved access to key local services such as GPs, dentists etc. The policy also outlines that new layouts and designs would be orientated towards accommodating cyclists and pedestrians. This could promote healthier and more sustainable forms of transport in Ipswich and help combat conditions such as obesity and its related health conditions.

Although assessed as neutral, it is worth noting that the protection of trees and hedges along with promoting planting can have a small benefit to health and wellbeing.


To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation

DM5: 0

DM6: 0


DM9: 0




There is no clear relationship between the policies and the SA Objective.


To reduce poverty and social exclusion

DM5: 0

DM6: 0


DM9: 0

DM10: 0



There is no clear relationship between the policies and the SA Objective.


To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment

DM5: 0

DM6: 0


DM9: 0

DM10: 0



There is no clear relationship between the policies and the SA Objective.


To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community

DM5: +

DM6: 0


DM9: 0


Medium and Long term


Direct / Indirect

Medium certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM5 outlines that new residential development applications should meet the Building for Life 12 criteria. Moreover the policy sets out that applications for planning permission will be required to clearly demonstrate how submitted development proposals achieve urban design quality.


To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area

DM5: 0

DM6: 0


DM9: 0




There is no clear relationship between the policies and the SA Objective.


To support vital and viable town, district and local centres


DM6: 0


DM9: 0


Long term


Direct / Indirect

Medium certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM5 outlines requirements for new development in the area to, wherever possible, ‘integrate residential, working and community environments’. In doing so local vitality should be increased and the need to travel reduced. In doing this, access to shops, facilities and services should be improved in Ipswich.


To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth

DM5: +

DM6: 0

DM8: 0

DM9: 0


Short, Medium and Long


Direct & Indirect

Medium / Low certainty

Borough wide

Some provisions for improved facilities to accommodate sustainable transport are set out in Policy DM5. It outlines plans to increase the capacity to store bicycles and develop the network of sustainable transport infrastructure in the area. In turn, over the medium to long term this could reduce vehicle movements. In addition, the policy outlines plans to integrate land uses for new developments, such as has already been done on the Waterfront. This should result in a reduced need to travel and improve overall efficiency of the network.


To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment

DM5: +

DM6: +


DM9: +

DM10: +

Short, Medium and Long term



Medium certainty

Borough wide

Policies DM5, DM6 and DM9 all include measures to encourage a high quality built environment. Policy DM9 stipulates that if buildings deemed important to the local townscape need to be replaced then a quality of building equal to or higher must be implemented. Policy DM6 states that any new tall buildings built in the area must be of the highest architectural quality, design and construction as well as contributing to public space and facilities. Lastly Policy DM5 states that any new major residential developments will be expected to meet the Building for Life 12 criteria. All of these measures would contribute to an enhanced built environment that make improve the attractiveness of the area to invest.

Additionally to this, Policies DM5 and DM10 encourage / protect urban greening in Ipswich and aim to improve urban areas with public art installations.


To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults

DM5: 0

DM6: 0


DM9: 0




There is no clear relationship between the policies and the SA Objective.


To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity

DM5: +

DM6: 0


DM9: 0


Short, Medium and Long term


Direct / Indirect

Medium certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM5 outlines plans to incorporate safety measures into design, through measures such as security lighting and CCTV. This should assist with the minimisation of crime and anti-social activity in the area. Over the long term this could help to reduce opportunities for crime in areas where crime deprivation is high.

Small Scale Residential Development, Small Scale Infill and Backland Residential Development, Subdivision of Family Dwellings, Affordable Housing and the Density of Residential Development

  • Policy DM12: Extensions to Dwellinghouses and the Provision of Ancillary Buildings

  • Policy DM13: Small Scale Infill and Backland Residential Developments

  • Policy DM14: The Sub-division of Family Dwellings

  • Policy DM24: Affordable Housing

  • Policy DM30: The Density of Residential Development

Note: Principle and general location of new homes within the borough has been assessed within Policies CS2 and CS7. Therefore this assessment focusses on the details relating to the type and make up of new housing.

SA Objective

Performance of policy

Temporal scale



Geographical extent


Mitigation / Enhancement Measures


To improve air quality

DM12: 0

DM13: 0


DM24: 0

DM30: +/-

Medium and Long term



Medium / Low certainty

Ipswich town centre / very localised

Policies DM12 and DM13 would result in very minor localised development, however, this is very unlikely to affect to affect air quality to any significant degree.

Policy DM30 promotes higher density housing within the town centre, which over time would increase the population living in the area. In turn this is likely to worsen traffic and air quality over the long-term and may affect the town centre AQMAs. Conversely promoting lower density housing elsewhere would not increase traffic movements to the same degree. It is worth noting, mitigation to increase sustainable travel is provided in Policy CS5.

There is no link between the principles of sub dividing family homes (Policy DM14) and the provision of affordable homes (Policy DM24) and the SA Objective.


To conserve soil resources and quality

DM12: 0

DM13: 0

DM14: +

DM24: 0

DM30: +/-

Short, Medium and Long term



Medium certainty

Borough wide

It is unlikely that the Policies DM12 and DM24 would offer any significant effects to the SA Objective.

Policy DM13 may result in the loss of gardens which would not represent a suitable use of soil resources – however, due to the amount of development this policy is likely to lead to effects are unlikely to be significant.

Higher density development within the town centre means there would be a higher density on previously developed land which would be good for conserving soil resources. Conversely, lower density development outside the town centre and district centres would not represent the most sustainable use of soil resources.

A positive score has been recorded for DM14 as the sub-division of family homes is better for land resources than building additional homes.


To reduce waste

DM12: 0

DM13: 0


DM24: 0

DM30: 0



It is unlikely that the Policies would offer any significant effects to the SA Objective. However, it is worth noting that Policies DM13 and DM14 ensure that sufficient refuse, recycling and garden waste container storage would be provided for small scale infill residential development and family dwellings that are sub divided.


To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment

DM12: 0

DM13: 0

DM14: 0

DM24: 0

DM30: +/-

Medium and Long term



Medium / Low certainty

Ipswich town centre / very localised

As per SA Objective ET1 ‘Air Quality’ Policies DM12 and DM13 would result in very minor localised development, however, this is very unlikely to affect to affect traffic movements to any significant degree.

Policy DM30 promotes higher density housing within the town centre, which over time would increase the population living in the area. In turn this is likely to worsen traffic over the long-term. Conversely promoting lower density housing elsewhere would not increase traffic movements to the same degree. It is worth noting, mitigation to increase sustainable travel is provided in Policy CS5.

There is no link between the principles of sub dividing family homes (Policy DM14) and the provision of affordable homes (Policy DM24) and the SA Objective.


To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population

DM12: 0

DM13: 0


DM24: 0

DM30: +/-

Medium and Long term



Medium / Low certainty

Borough wide

Effects have been recorded as positive and negative against Policy DM30 as higher density homes within the town centre would mean more homes are located within central areas which are close to amenities. However, this may not be true for lower density homes further away from the town centre.


To limit and adapt to climate change

DM12: 0

DM13: -


DM24: 0

DM30: +/-

Medium and Long term



Medium / Low certainty

Ipswich town centre / very localised

As per SA Objective ET1 ‘Air Quality’ Policies DM12 and DM13 would result in very minor localised development, however, this is very unlikely to affect to affect traffic movements to any significant degree.

Policy DM30 promotes higher density housing within the town centre, which over time would increase the population living in the area. In turn this is likely to worsen traffic (and associated carbon emissions) over the long-term. Conversely promoting lower density housing elsewhere would not increase traffic movements to the same degree. It is worth noting, mitigation to increase sustainable travel is provided in Policy CS5.

Infill development as per Policy DM13 may result in a loss of small permeable areas and contribute to urban flooding. Therefore there may be a requirement for SuDS. However, this would be mitigated through Policy DM4.

There is no link between the principles of sub dividing family homes (Policy DM14) and the provision of affordable homes (Policy DM24) and the SA Objective.


To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding

DM12: 0

DM13: -


DM24: 0

DM30: -

Short, Medium and Long term



Medium / Low certainty

Ipswich town centre / very localised

High density residential development within the town centre (Policy DM30), where there are large areas within Flood Zones 2 and 3 may exacerbate existing flooding issues and may reduce the scope to incorporate open space and SuDs measures.

There is no link between the principles of sub dividing family homes (Policy DM14) and the provision of affordable homes (Policy DM24) and the SA Objective.

Infill development as per Policy DM13 may result in a loss of small permeable areas and contribute to urban flooding. Therefore there may be a requirement for SuDS. However, this would be mitigated through Policy DM4.

Policy DM12 would result in very small scale development which is unlikely to affect the SA Objective at this strategic level.


To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs

DM12: 0

DM13: 0


DM24: 0

DM30: -

Short, Medium and Long term



Medium certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM30 proposes high density development within the town centre which may affect the numerous county wildlife sites located there. However, it should be noted that there are more biodiverse areas outside the town centre where lower density development is proposed although the retention of gardens and space would be higher. Overall, effects are considered to be negative.

Policy DM13 would result in a small-scale loss of urban greenspace which may affect biodiversity resources. However, this would be mitigated through Policy CS4 and DM31.


To conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and sites of historical importance

DM12: 0

DM13: +


DM24: 0

DM30: ?

Short, Medium and Long term



Medium certainty

Borough wide

Policies DM13 and DM14 seek to protect the setting of existing buildings and ensure listed buildings / conservation areas are protected against inappropriate infill residential development and the conversion of family homes. Both of which would benefit this SA Objective.

Higher density residential development within the town centre (Policy DM30) may lead to greater adverse effects on the setting of heritage assets as there would be less scope to provide soft landscaping that includes green infrastructure -both of which may offer benefits to the setting of heritage assets. However, it is understood this is not the focus of Policy DM30, the protection of heritage assets is covered within Polices CS4 and DM8. Due to the level of uncertainty, an uncertain score has been recorded against the policy.


To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes

DM12: +

DM13: +

DM14: +

DM24: +

DM30: +

Short, Medium and Long term



Medium certainty

Borough wide

Policies DM12, DM13 and DM14 commit to ensuring associated residential development does not have an overbearing impact on neighbouring amenity, result in an adverse visual impact on the immediate street scene or affect the character of listed buildings and conservation areas. Therefore effects have been assessed as positive.

Policy DM24 would benefit the SA Objective through ensuring that affordable homes are designed to the same standard as market homes along with appearing the same as market homes.

In central areas, higher density is expected and is a characteristic of the existing townscape (Policy DM30). Although it is still important to ensure appropriate public open space it is also good that density is lower in the greener suburban areas as that is also more appropriate to the existing character.


To improve the health of those most in need

DM12: 0

DM13: 0


DM24: +

DM30: 0

Medium and Long term



Low certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM24 relates to the design and integration of affordable homes which would offer health benefits.


To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation

DM12: +

DM13: +

DM14: +

DM24: 0

DM30: 0

Medium and Long term



Medium certainty

Borough wide

Policies DM12, DM13 and DM14 all seek to ensure they do not lead to any adverse effects on neighbouring amenity therefore effects have been assessed as positive.


To reduce poverty and social exclusion

DM12: 0

DM13: 0

DM14: +

DM24: +

DM30: 0



The provision of affordable homes in Ipswich as outlined in Policy DM24 may contribute to reducing current high levels of living environment deprivation.

Whilst sub-division is restricted in Policy DM14 unless appropriate, the creation of cheaper multiple occupancy dwellings is essential for some on low incomes.


To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment

DM12: 0

DM13: 0


DM24: 0

DM30: 0



There is no clear link between the policies and the SA Objective.


To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community

DM12: ++

DM13: ++

DM14: ++

DM24: ++

DM30: ++

Short, Medium and Long term



Medium certainty

Borough wide

Ensuring there is a mix of affordable (Policy DM24), high density, medium density and low density new homes (DM30) across Ipswich would help to meet the housing requirements for the whole community, through the provision of flats to large family homes. Some of which would be affordable.

Policies DM12, DM13 and DM14 are all related to meeting housing needs where appropriate, therefore effects have been recorded as positive.


To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area

DM12: 0

DM13: 0


DM24: 0

DM30: 0



There is no clear link between the policies and the SA Objective.


To support vital and viable town, district and local centres

DM12: 0

DM13: 0

DM14: 0

DM24: +

DM30: +

Medium and Long term



Medium certainty

Town and district centres

Ensuring there is a mix of affordable (Policy DM24), high density, medium density and low density new homes (DM30) across Ipswich would help to support the viability of the town and district centres.

It is very unlikely that Policies DM12, DM13 or DM14 would lead to any significant effects on the SA Objectives due to the highly localised nature of development they would lead to.


To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth

DM12: 0

DM13: 0


DM24: 0

DM30: +

Medium and Long term



Medium certainty

Town centre

Higher density development within the town centre would ensure homes are close to amenities, jobs and transport hubs which would benefit this SA Objective.


To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment

DM12: 0

DM13: 0


DM24: 0

DM30: 0



There is no clear link between the policies and the SA Objective.


To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults

DM12: 0

DM13: 0


DM24: 0

DM30: 0



There is no clear link between the policies and the SA Objective.


To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity

DM12: 0

DM13: 0


DM24: 0

DM30: 0



There is no clear link between the policies and the SA Objective.

Transport and Access

  • Policy DM17: Transport and Access in New Developments

  • Policy DM18: Car and Cycle Parking

SA Objective

Performance of policy

Temporal scale



Geographical extent


Mitigation / Enhancement Measures


To improve air quality

DM17: ++

DM18: +

Medium and Long-term

Direct / Indirect


Medium Certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM17 ensures that new development will not be permitted if it will lead to a significant adverse effect on air quality, in addition to ensuring sustainable transport access (walking, cycling and public transport) is an integral part of new development, this would benefit local air quality and the associated AQMAs.

Limiting parking within the town centre as per Policy DM18 may benefit the AQMAs over the long term. In addition, the provision of cycle parking may encourage people to use their bike rather than their car. Both of which would benefit air quality.


To conserve soil resources and quality

DM17: 0

DM18: 0



There is no clear link between the policies and the SA Objective.


To reduce waste

DM17: 0

DM18: 0



There is no clear link between the policies and the SA Objective.


To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment

DM17: ++

DM18: +

Medium and Long-term

Direct / Indirect


Medium Certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM17 ensures that new development will not be permitted if it will lead to a significant adverse effect on air quality (i.e. from transport), in addition ensuring sustainable transport access (walking, cycling and public transport) is an integral part of new development would reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment.

Limiting parking within the town centre as per Policy DM18 and providing cycle parking may encourage people to use their bike rather than their car over the long term. Both of which would benefit this SA Objective.


To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population

DM17: +

DM18: +

Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty

Borough wide

The Policies commit to ensuring new development supports the use of sustainable modes of transport through a requirement to facilitate improved accessibility along with ensuring there is adequate cycle and parking provision across the borough. This would contribute to ensuring new development maintains / improves access to essential services and facilities.


To limit and adapt to climate change

DM17: +

DM18: +

Medium and Long-term

Direct / Indirect


Medium Certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM17 ensures that new development will not be permitted if it will lead to a significant adverse effect on pollution (i.e. carbon emissions), in addition ensuring sustainable transport access (walking, cycling and public transport) is an integral part of new development would reduce carbon emissions from transport over the medium to long term.

Limiting parking within the town centre as per Policy DM18 along with providing cycle parking may encourage people to use their bike rather than their car. Both of which would benefit this SA Objective.


To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding

DM17: 0

DM18: 0



There is no clear link between the policies and the SA Objective.


To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs

DM17: 0

DM18: 0



There is no clear link between the policies and the SA Objective.


To conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and sites of historical importance

DM17: 0

DM18: 0



There is no clear link between the policies and the SA Objective.


To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes

DM17: 0

DM18: +

Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty

Borough wide

Although protecting landscape / townscape is not the focus of the policy, DM18’s commitment to ensuring car and cycle parking is fully integrated into the design of new schemes to create an attractive environment along with ensuring provisions do not dominate the local street scene would provide minor positive effects on the SA Objective.


To improve the health of those most in need

DM17: +

DM18: +

Medium and Long-term

Direct / Indirect


Low certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM17 seeks to ensure the promotion of sustainable modes of transport (i.e. walking, cycling or using public transport) is integral to the design of new development. The promotion of sustainable transport may contribute to encouraging healthy lifestyles and reducing vehicle emissions – this can have positive health effects in the long term.

The provision of cycle parking as per Policy DM18 would also benefit this SA Objective through potentially encouraging people to cycle.


To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation

DM17: +

DM18: +

Medium and Long-term

Direct / Indirect


Low certainty

Borough wide

Walking and cycling as promoted and encouraged within the policies are good for quality of life.


To reduce poverty and social exclusion

DM17: 0

DM18: 0



There is no clear link between the policies and the SA Objective.


To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment

DM17: 0

DM18: 0



There is no clear link between the policies and the SA Objective.


To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community

DM17: 0

DM18: 0



There is no clear link between the policies and the SA Objective.


To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area

DM17: 0

DM18: 0



Although effects have been assessed as neutral against the SA Objective, ensuring new development incorporates sustainable access into the design may contribute to ensuring transport infrastructure meets the needs of business. However, certainty for this is very low.


To support vital and viable town, district and local centres

DM17: +

DM18: +

Short, Medium and Long-term



Low Certainty

Local, district and the town centre

The Policies commit to ensuring new development supports the use of sustainable modes of transport through a requirement to facilitate improved accessibility along with ensuring there is adequate cycle and parking provision across the borough. This would contribute to ensuring new development maintains / improves access to essential services and facilities – most of which are located within the boroughs town centre, local and district centres, therefore this may have positive effects on the SA Objective.


To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth

DM17: +

DM18: +

Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty

Borough wide

Policies DM17 and DM18 would benefit the SA Objective as they would contribute to ensuring new development meets people’s transport infrastructure needs (including walking and cycling) along with ensuring new development is within 400m of public transport provision. This would promote the use of sustainable travel modes and may reduce dependence on the private car over the medium to long term. All of the above would encourage efficient patterns of movement to support economic growth.


To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment

DM17: +

DM18: +

Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty

Borough wide

Ensuring sites are accessible with sufficient car parking and cycle parking may make Ipswich a more attractive place people want to invest in.


To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults

DM17: 0

DM18: 0



It is unlikely the policies would have any significant effects on the SA Objective.


To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity

DM17: 0

DM18: +

Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM18 ensures that parking and cycling provision is secure and safe. This may reduce the risk of opportunistic crimes.

Proposals in Retail Areas

  • Policy DM20: The Central Shopping Area

  • Policy DM21: District and Local Centres

  • Policy DM22: Town Centre Uses Outside the Central Shopping Area

  • Policy DM23: Retail Proposals Outside Defined Centres

SA Objective

Performance of policy

Temporal scale



Geographical extent


Mitigation / Enhancement Measures


To improve air quality

DM20: 0

DM21: 0

DM22: 0

DM23: 0

Medium and Long-term



Medium / Low Certainty

Defined centres

Policies DM20, DM21, DM22 and DM23 all seek to focus appropriate retail activity within areas defined for retail/centre use. The location of these retail areas is already assessed in the spatial strategy so the type of retail is unlikely to affect this objective.


To conserve soil resources and quality

DM20: 0

DM21: 0

DM22: 0

DM23: 0



It is unlikely that Policies DM20, DM21, DM22 and DM23 would have any significant effects on the SA Objective as they simply state the type of use that will be permitted within defined boundaries and seek to restrict this type of development elsewhere.


To reduce waste

DM20: 0

DM21: 0


DM23: 0



The proposed retail units would produce waste. However, this would also be true for other similar retail activity focussed in those areas. Therefore effects have been assessed as neutral.


To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment

DM20: 0

DM21: 0

DM22: 0

DM23: 0

Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty

Outside defined centres

Policies DM20, DM21, DM22 and DM23 all seek to focus appropriate retail activity within areas defined for retail/centre use and restrict this type of use elsewhere. The location of these retail areas is already assessed in the spatial strategy so the type of retail is unlikely to affect this objective.


To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population

DM20: +

DM21: +

DM22: +

DM23: +

Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium / Low Certainty

Borough wide

Policies DM20 and DM22 both seek to locate appropriate retail and community facilities within existing commercial areas that are highly accessible. Therefore effects have been assessed as positive.

Policy DM21 would result in a new district centre and two new local centres along with town centre use development outside defined areas all of which may improve the accessibility to essential services for those that live away from existing commercial areas. In addition Policy DM23 seeks to restrict retail outside accessible centres where possible therefore would provide further beneficial effects.


To limit and adapt to climate change

DM20: 0

DM21: 0

DM22: 0

DM23: 0

Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty

Outside defined centres

Policies DM20, DM21, DM22 and DM23 all seek to focus appropriate retail activity within areas defined for retail/centre use and restrict this type of development elsewhere. The location of these retail areas is already assessed in the spatial strategy so the type of retail is unlikely to affect this objective.


To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding

DM20: 0

DM21: 0

DM22: 0

DM23: 0



Policies DM20, DM21, DM22 and DM23 all seek to focus appropriate retail activity within areas defined for retail/centre use. The location of these retail areas is already assessed in the spatial strategy so the type of retail is unlikely to affect this objective.


To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs

DM20: 0

DM21: 0

DM22: 0

DM23: 0



Policies DM20, DM21, DM22 and DM23 all seek to focus appropriate retail activity within areas defined for retail/centre use and restrict this type of development elsewhere. The location of these retail areas is already assessed in the spatial strategy so the type of retail is unlikely to affect this objective.


To conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and sites of historical importance

DM20: 0

DM21: 0

DM22: 0

DM23: 0



Policies DM20, DM21, DM22 and DM23 all seek to focus appropriate retail activity within areas defined for retail/centre use and restrict this type of development elsewhere. The location of these retail areas is already assessed in the spatial strategy so the type of retail is unlikely to affect this objective.


To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes

DM20: 0

DM21: 0

DM22: 0

DM23: 0



Policies DM20, DM21, DM22 and DM23 all seek to focus appropriate retail activity within areas defined for retail/centre use and restrict this type of development elsewhere. The location of these retail areas is already assessed in the spatial strategy so the type of retail is unlikely to affect this objective.


To improve the health of those most in need

DM20: 0

DM21: 0


DM23: 0



Policies DM20, DM21, DM22 and DM23 all seek to focus appropriate retail activity within areas defined for retail/centre use and restrict this type of development elsewhere. The location of these retail areas is already assessed in the spatial strategy so the type of retail is unlikely to affect this objective.

Policy DM22 may contribute to promoting healthy lifestyles though its support for leisure and recreation uses, which would be focused outside the central shopping area but within the town centre.


To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation

DM20: 0

DM21: 0


DM23: 0



There is no clear link between the policy and the SA Objective.


To reduce poverty and social exclusion

DM20: 0

DM21: 0


DM23: 0



There is no clear link between the policy and the SA Objective.


To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment

DM20: +

DM21: +

DM22: +

DM23: +

Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty

Borough wide

Retail units within the accessible central shopping area (Policy DM20) along with the provision of local shops in accessible district and local centres (Policy DM21) may contribute over the medium to long term to reducing unemployment in areas most at need (there is currently high levels of employment and income deprivation within the town centre). The selection of appropriate retail types is an important component of this.

Policy DM22s commitment to facilitating the development of leisure, recreation, culture and tourism use development within accessible the town centre again would benefit this SA Objective through providing job opportunities.

Policy DM23 would also benefit the SA Objective through supporting existing centres, which may also support existing jobs in these centres.


To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community

DM20: 0

DM21: 0


DM23: 0



There is no clear link between the policy and the SA Objective.


To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area

DM20: +

DM21: +


DM23: +

Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty

Borough wide

The policies would encourage economic growth through their commitment to encouraging retail and community facilities. Specifically Policy DM22 may also help to diversify the job offer in Ipswich though promoting leisure, recreation, culture and tourism development within the town centre.


To support vital and viable town, district and local centres

DM20: +

DM21: +


DM23: +

Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty

Town, district and local centres

Policies DM20, DM21, DM22 and DM23 all directly seek to support this SA Objective through focussing appropriate retail and commercial development within defined boundaries and deterring inappropriate use classes. This would not only support the viability of town, district and local centres but also improve the offer of retail and facilities within these areas.


To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth

DM20: +

DM21: +

DM22: +

DM23: +

Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium / Low Certainty

Borough wide

Focussing retail and commercial development within defined and accessible locations as per Policies DM20, DM21, DM22 and DM23 would benefit this SA Objective, through potentially creating ‘one stop shop’ areas. The selection of appropriate retail types is an important component of this.


To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment

DM20: +

DM21: +


DM23: +



Policies DM20, DM21, DM22 and DM23 all directly seek to support this SA Objective through focussing appropriate retail and commercial development within defined boundaries and deterring inappropriate use classes. This should help to attract appropriate types of balanced investment. Development outside these areas would only be permitted where appropriate.


To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults

DM20: 0

DM21: 0


DM23: 0



There is no clear link between the policy and the SA Objective.


To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity

DM20: 0

DM21: 0


DM23: 0



There is no clear link between the policy and the SA Objective.

Employment Land

  • Policy DM25: Protection of Employment Land

SA Objective

Performance of policy

Temporal scale



Geographical extent


Mitigation / Enhancement Measures


To improve air quality

DM25: +/-

Medium and Long-term



Low Certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM25 seeks to safeguard employment areas within the borough which over the medium to long term may increase the number of job opportunities within those areas. In turn this may lead to an increase in vehicle movements related to people accessing employment and may negatively impact air quality and the AQMAs. However, the clustering of employment areas within accessible locations may indirectly encourage people to access employment via sustainable modes of transport, which would benefit this SA Objective. NB It is understood that promoting sustainable travel is not the focus of this policy, this is covered elsewhere within the Core Strategy i.e. Policy CS5 and DM17.


To conserve soil resources and quality

DM25: +

Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty

Employment areas

This policy would have positive effects by protecting existing land allocated for employment use and therefore potentially reduce demand for greenfield sites for employment use elsewhere in the borough. . Conversely, employment areas within urban Ipswich located on previously developed land would protect soil resources and may result in remediation of contaminated sites if development is proposed. Effects have therefore been assessed as positive.


To reduce waste

DM25: -

Medium and Long-term



Low Certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM25 seeks to safeguard employment areas which over the medium to long term may increase the number of people working in the borough. This could therefore increase the amount of waste produced per capita. NB It is understood that reducing waste is not the focus of this policy, this is covered elsewhere within the Core Strategy i.e. Policy CS4. It should also be noted that by retaining clusters of employment uses there may there be benefits to be gained through facilitating recycling e.g. easier collections.


To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment

DM25: +/-

Medium and Long-term



Low Certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM25 seeks to safeguard employment areas within the borough which over the medium to long term may increase the number people working in the borough. In turn this may lead to an increase in vehicle movements related to people accessing employment. However, the clustering of employment areas within accessible locations may indirectly encourage people to access employment via sustainable modes of transport, which would benefit this SA Objective. NB It is understood that promoting sustainable travel is not the focus of this policy, this is covered elsewhere within the Core Strategy i.e. Policy CS5.


To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population

DM25: 0



There is no clear link between the policy and the SA Objective.


To limit and adapt to climate change

DM25: +/-

Medium and Long-term



Low Certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM25 seeks to safeguard employment areas within the borough which over the medium to long term may increase the number people working in the borough. In turn this may lead to an increase in vehicle movements (and carbon emissions) related to people accessing employment. However, the clustering of employment areas within accessible locations may indirectly encourage people to access employment via sustainable modes of transport, which would benefit this SA Objective. NB It is understood that promoting sustainable travel is not the focus of this policy, this is covered elsewhere within the Core Strategy i.e. Policy CS5.


To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding

DM25: -

Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty

IP One area

The focus of this policy is not to reduce and manage flooding and protect water quality, this is covered within Policy DM4. However, it should be noted there are employment areas within the IP One area located within Flood Zones 2 and 3. In addition, any effects on water quality/pollution could be mitigated using standard, accepted mechanisms such as the Environment Agency’s Pollution Prevention Guidelines.


To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs

DM25: +

Short, Medium and Long-term



Low Certainty

Employment areas

The focus of this policy is not to conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, this is provided within Policies CS4 and DM31. However, it should be noted that protecting existing employment areas may reduce demand for future greenfield employment development.


To conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and sites of historical importance

DM25: +

Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty

Borough wide

The focus of this policy is not to conserve and enhance heritage assets, this is provided in Policies CS4 and DM8. However, it should be noted that the policy may indirectly protect heritage assets elsewhere in the borough through potentially reducing future demand for employment development in more greenfield locations.


To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes

DM25: +

Short, Medium and Long-term



Low Certainty

Borough wide

The focus of this policy is not to conserve and enhance townscape / landscape character and quality, this is provided in Policy CS4 and a variety of DM policies. However, it should be noted that the policy may indirectly protect the landscape and townscape elsewhere in the borough through potentially reducing future demand for employment development in more greenfield locations. .


To improve the health of those most in need

DM25: 0



There is no clear link between the policy and the SA Objective.


To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation

DM25: 0



There is no clear link between the policy and the SA Objective.


To reduce poverty and social exclusion

DM25: +

Medium and Long-term



Medium / Low Certainty

Areas with high levels of employment and income deprivation

There are areas within the town centre which currently have high levels of employment deprivation and income deprivation. Therefore, the safeguarding of employment areas within the town centre may offer opportunities for new jobs over the medium to long term.


To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment

DM25: ++

Short, Medium and Long-term



High Certainty

Borough wide

The policy directly supports the SA Objective as it seeks to safeguard employment areas within accessible locations across Ipswich. Over the long term development within the employment allocations may contribute to a reduction in unemployment in the areas most at need – employment and income deprivation is currently high within the IP One area.


To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community

DM25: 0



There is no clear link between the policy and the SA Objective.


To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area

DM25: ++

Short, Medium and Long-term



High Certainty

Borough wide

The Policy safeguards land within Ipswich for employment development. This would help to encourage new business formation along with helping to increase and diversify employment opportunities.

The location of employment areas within clusters and accessible locations along with providing a choice / variety of areas may prove attractive to new businesses and may support economic growth.


To support vital and viable town, district and local centres

DM25: +

Short, Medium and Long-term



High Certainty

Town centre and District and local centres

The Policy seeks to safeguard employment areas for businesses to locate within the town centre, district and local centres. This would help to support vital and viable town, district and local centres.


To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth

DM25: +/-

Medium and Long-term



Low Certainty

Borough wide

The Policy safeguards allocated and existing employment land within Ipswich. This would help ensure there is sufficient land, buildings and premises available to accommodate business start-up and growth across Ipswich.

Ultimately the policy may increase the number people working in the borough which may increase in vehicle movements, this may have an adverse effect on the current transport network. However, the clustering of employment areas within accessible locations may indirectly encourage people to access employment via sustainable modes of transport, which would benefit this SA Objective.


To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment

DM25: ++

Short, Medium and Long-term



Low Certainty

Borough wide

The Policy safeguards employment areas across the borough largely within accessible locations. Choice and accessibility may prove attractive and could facilitate regeneration which could encourage both indigenous and inward investment.


To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults

DM25: 0



Although effects have been assessed as neutral, the Policy would ultimately result in an increased employment offer in the borough. This may increase the number of apprenticeships available in the borough which would offer benefits to this SA Objective. However, this link could be considered tenuous.


To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity

DM25: 0



There is no clear link between the policy and the SA Objective.

Amenity, Open Space, Sport and Recreation and Community Facilities

  • Policy DM26: Protection of Amenity

  • Policy DM27: Non-residential Uses in Residential Areas

  • Policy DM28: Protection of Open Spaces, Sport and Recreation Facilities

  • Policy DM29: Provision of New Open Spaces, Sport and Recreation Facilities

  • Policy DM32: Protection and Provision of Community Facilities

SA Objective

Performance of policy

Temporal scale



Geographical extent


Mitigation / Enhancement Measures


To improve air quality

DM26: +

DM27: 0


DM29: 0


Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty

Borough wide

It is unlikely the policies would significantly affect any of the SA Objectives. However, Policy DM26 states new development that could produce harmful effects e.g. air pollution will be directed to locations where they would minimise harm to the environment which may offer very minor benefits to the SA Objective.


To conserve soil resources and quality

DM26: 0

DM27: 0


DM29: +


Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty

Borough wide

Policies DM28 and DM29 seek to protect existing areas of open space within Ipswich together with providing new areas of open space as part of new development. This would help to maintain and enhance soil quality where possible, as such effects have been recorded as positive.


To reduce waste


DM27: 0


DM29: 0




There is no clear link between the policies and the SA Objective.


To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment


DM27: 0


DM29: 0




There is no clear link between the policies and the SA Objective.


To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population


DM27: 0


DM29: +


Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty

Borough wide

Policies DM28, DM29 and DM32 would benefit this SA Objective though their commitment to protecting existing areas of open space together with creating new areas within new development. This would therefore increase the offer within Ipswich. In addition, Policy DM32 specifically ensures a range of community facilities are available and meet local need within the borough.


To limit and adapt to climate change


DM27: 0


DM29: +


Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty

Borough wide

Green areas of open space can act as natural flood storage and attenuation. Therefore positive effects have been recorded against policies DM28 and DM29.


To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding


DM27: 0


DM29: +


Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty

Borough wide

As above.


To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs


DM27: 0


DM29: +


Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty

Borough wide

Ensuring areas of open space are safeguarded and new areas created within new development would offer opportunities for habitat creation and enhancement. It may also provide opportunities for people to access wildlife and open green spaces. Effects have therefore been assessed as positive against Policies DM28 and DM29.


To conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and sites of historical importance


DM27: +


DM29: 0


Short, Medium and Long-term



Low Certainty

Residential areas

Policy DM27 ensures that the scale and massing of non-residential use development in residential areas is compatible with the surrounding area – this may indirectly benefit the historic landscape.


To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes


DM27: +


DM29: +


Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM27 ensures that the scale and massing of non-residential use development in residential areas is compatible with the surrounding area – this may indirectly benefit the landscape / townscape character and quality.

The protection of existing open space and the provision of new open space as part of new development would contribute to urban greening and benefit this SA Objective.


To improve the health of those most in need


DM27: +


DM29: +

DM32: +

Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty

Borough wide

Ensuring noisy polluting activities as per Policy DM27 are not located by housing would benefit both mental physical health.

Safeguarding the provision of community facilities and providing new facilities to meet local need (Policy DM32) would benefit this SA Objective through ensuring health and social care provision is adequate.

In addition Policies DM28 and DM29 would benefit the SA Objective through safeguarding existing areas of open space and providing new opportunities for sport and recreation in new development. This would contribute to promoting healthy lifestyles across the borough.


To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation

DM26: +

DM27: +


DM29: +

DM32: +

Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium / Low Certainty

Borough wide

Policies DM26 and DM27 seek to guard against adverse effects on amenity resulting from new development. It seeks to do this by refusing development that would cause a material nuisance (i.e. through noise, light pollution etc.) and where it would be detrimental to human health. Therefore effects have been assessed as positive.

The safeguarding of existing open space and provision of new open space may increase opportunities for community participation – albeit with a low certainty. However, effects have been assed as positive against Policies DM28 and DM29.

The protection and provision of community facilities would encourage community participation, therefore effects have been assessed as positive against Policy DM32.


To reduce poverty and social exclusion


DM27: 0


DM29: 0

DM32: +

Medium and Long-term



Medium / Low Certainty

Borough wide

The protection and provision of community facilities as outlined in Policy DM32 may have indirect positive effects on reducing social exclusion.


To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment


DM27: 0


DM29: 0




It is unlikely the policies would affect the SA Objectives to any significant degree. However, the protection and provision of community facilities to meet local need (Policy DM32) may offer some new employment opportunities within the borough – albeit a small number.


To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community


DM27: 0


DM29: 0




It is unlikely the policies would affect the SA Objectives to any significant degree.


To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area


DM27: 0


DM29: 0




It is unlikely the policies would affect the SA Objectives to any significant degree.


To support vital and viable town, district and local centres

DM26: +

DM27: 0

DM28: +

DM29: +

DM32: +

Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium / Low Certainty

District and local centres

The protection and provision of community facilities to meet local need (Policy DM32) may offer some benefits to the SA Objective, through contributing to ensuring district and local centres are viable. In addition, the protection and provision of open space and protection amenity would also all benefit this SA Objective.


To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth


DM27: 0


DM29: 0




It is unlikely the policies would affect the SA Objectives to any significant degree.


To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment


DM27: 0


DM29: +





Low Certainty

Borough wide

Policies DM28 and DM29 would contribute to the achievement of this SA Objective through safeguarding and providing areas of open space in the borough. This could create multi-functional green infrastructure in urban areas which over the long term could make the borough a more visually attractive place to invest.


To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults


DM27: 0


DM29: 0




There is no clear link between the policies and the SA Objective.


To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity


DM27: 0


DM29: 0




It is unlikely the policies would affect the SA Objectives to any significant degree.

The Natural Environment

  • Policy DM31: The Natural Environment

  • Policy DM33: Green Corridors

  • Policy DM34: Countryside

SA Objective

Performance of policy

Temporal scale



Geographical extent


Mitigation / Enhancement Measures


To improve air quality

DM31: 0

DM33: 0

DM34: 0



Policies DM33 and DM31 seek to establish and enhance green corridors and ecological networks across the borough. Therefore the policy may make partial contributions to improving air quality - the provision of tree and vegetation planting would enable vegetation to improve air quality through the removal of carbon dioxide in the air. Policy DM34 states that development would only be permitted in the countryside where it contributes to strategic walking and cycling routes. Over the medium to long term this may offer some benefits to air quality though reducing vehicle movements. Overall however, effects on this SA Objective are likely to be negligible.


To conserve soil resources and quality

DM31: +

DM33: +

DM34: +

Short, Medium and Long-term

Direct / Indirect


Medium Certainty

Ipswich Green Corridors and ecological networks along with the countryside.

Policy DM31 and DM33 seek to establish and enhance green corridors and ecological networks within the borough which would protect soil resources.

Policy DM34’s commitment to guarding against inappropriate development within the countryside and retaining the best and most versatile agricultural land would contribute to the protection of the boroughs soil resource.


To reduce waste

DM31: 0

DM33: 0

DM34: 0



There is no clear link between the policies and the SA Objective.


To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment

DM31: 0

DM33: 0

DM34: 0



Policy DM34 states that development would only be permitted in the countryside where it contributes to strategic walking and cycling routes. Over the medium to long term this may offer some benefits to reducing vehicle movements. However, this is not likely to be significant, therefore effects have been assessed as negligible.


To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population

DM31: 0

DM33: +

DM34: +

Short, Medium and Long-term

Direct / Indirect


Medium Certainty

Ipswich Green Corridors and ecological networks along with the countryside.

The establishment and enhancement of green corridors and ecological networks as outlined within Policies DM31 and DM33 could increase connectivity and accessibility to key services within the borough. Policy DM33 in particular seeks to provide green corridors with recreational, amenity and transport functions.

Policy DM34 promotes the recreational use of land that retains the open character of the countryside along with ensuring new development contributes to strategic walking and cycling routes which may improve access to areas of opens space for residents to enjoy.


To limit and adapt to climate change

DM31: 0

DM33: +

DM34: 0



Policies DM33 and DM31 seek to establish and enhance green corridors and ecological networks across the borough. Therefore the policy may make partial contributions to reducing carbon emissions - the provision of tree and vegetation planting would also enable vegetation to help to minimise climate change through the removal of carbon dioxide in the air. All of which would benefit biodiversity. Policy DM34 states that development would only be permitted in the countryside where it contributes to strategic walking and cycling routes. Over the medium to long term this may offer some benefits to climate change though reducing vehicle movements. Overall however, effects on this SA Objective are likely to be negligible.


To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding

DM31: +

DM33: +

DM34: +

Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM31 seeks to protect the Stour and Orwell Estuaries SSSI, SPA and Ramsar site which would contribute to this SA Objective. In addition, the creation of an ecological network and green corridors and protection of countryside across Ipswich would create areas that may benefit flood storage under all three policies.


To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs

DM31: ++

DM33: ++

DM34: +

Short, Medium and Long-term



High Certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM31 commits to protecting and enhancing biodiversity across the borough, from Europeans sites and SSSIs to County Wildlife Sites, Local Wildlife Sites and sites important for their geodiversity. It also makes specific provision for the protection of European sites that mirrors the Habitats Directive. In addition, the Policy seeks to establish an ecological network across the borough which would only benefit local wildlife along with help to facilitate movement throughout Ipswich. For these reasons effects have been assessed as major positive. That said, the policy could be strengthened through making reference to ‘alone or in-combination with other proposals’.

Policy DM33 supports the SA Objective as it seeks to establish and enhance green corridors within Ipswich which would provide vital connections between habitats for use by wildlife.

Policy DM34 seeks to protect the countryside and retain its character. The countryside around Ipswich urban area provides an attractive setting for the town and links into its ecological and green networks. Under this Policy, the Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB, would be protected – planning permission would only be granted for development that sought to conserve the landscape and scenic beauty of the AONB and contributed to the green rim / wildlife corridors across the borough.


To conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and sites of historical importance

DM31: 0

DM33: 0

DM34: 0



There is no clear link between the policies and the SA Objective.


To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes

DM31: +

DM33: +

DM34: ++

Short, Medium and Long-term

Direct / Indirect


High Certainty

Borough wide

Policy DM31 seeks to establish and enhance the borough’s ecological network through encouraging development to provide net biodiversity gains commensurate with the scale of the proposal, through measures such as retaining existing habitat features, tree planning, habitat restoration or re-creation and comprehensive landscaping, which is appropriate to local wildlife. All of which would serve not only to enhance biodiversity but contribute to enhancing landscapes and townscapes within Ipswich.

Policy DM33 seeks to establish attractive green corridors that contribute to improving the public realm and character of the borough. Within defined green corridors, only development that maintains / enhances the corridor’s amenity and function would be permitted. This would contribute to enhancing landscape and local distinctiveness within the borough.

Policy DM34 seeks to retain the character of the countryside which would help to conserve the local distinctiveness of the local landscape and townscape. One of the principles of planning set out in the NPPF is that it should recognise the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside – this is reflected within the Policy through discouraging development that does not respect the character of the countryside.


To improve the health of those most in need

DM31: +

DM33: ++

DM34: +

Short, Medium and Long-term



Low Certainty

Borough wide

Policies DM31, DM33 and DM34 may contribute towards the SA Objective. The establishment of attractive green corridors and ecological networks that connect the borough along with improving links to open spaces / the countryside may encourage people to walk / cycle which in turn may encourage healthy lifestyle choices along with benefitting mental wellbeing.


To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation

DM31: +

DM33: +

DM34: +

Short, Medium and Long-term



Low Certainty

Borough wide

As above the establishment of attractive green corridors and ecological networks that connect the borough along with improving links to open spaces / the countryside may offer health benefits to those living in Ipswich – albeit a low certainty.


To reduce poverty and social exclusion

DM31: 0

DM33: 0

DM34: 0



There is no clear link between the policies and the SA Objective.


To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment

DM31: 0

DM33: 0

DM34: 0



There is no clear link between the policies and the SA Objective.


To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community

DM31: 0

DM33: 0

DM34: 0



There is no clear link between the policies and the SA Objective.


To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area

DM31: 0

DM33: 0

DM34: +

Short, Medium and Long-term



Low Certainty


Policy DM34 may help to increase and diversify employment opportunities within the countryside as it states development would be permitted where it is necessary to support a sustainable rural business including tourism.


To support vital and viable town, district and local centres

DM31: 0

DM33: 0

DM34: 0



There is no clear link between the policies and the SA Objective.


To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth

DM31: 0

DM33: 0

DM34: 0



There is no clear link between the policies and the SA Objective.


To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment

DM31: +

DM33: +

DM34: 0

Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium / Low Certainty

Borough wide

Policies DM31 and DM33 both seek to promote the development of multi-functional green infrastructure in urban areas. This would offer benefits to this SA Objective through contributing to making urban Ipswich an attractive place people may want to invest in.


To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults

DM31: 0

DM33: 0

DM34: 0



There is no clear link between the policies and the SA Objective.


To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity

DM31: 0

DM33: +

DM34: 0

Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty

Borough wide

Through Policies DM33 the Council would establish attractive green links which provide public access wherever safe and practicable which would contribute towards minimising opportunities for crime and anti-social behaviour.

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