
Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) DPD - Pre-Submission of Main Modifications

Ended on the 23 November 2015

Ipswich Borough Council Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) DPD Regulation 22 Submission Stage – Schedule of Proposed Modifications

Main Modifications for Public Consultation

Main Modifications are substantive changes which alter the meaning of a policy or strategy (e.g. rewording policies to change their meaning, adding new sites or deleting existing ones). New text added is shown INSERTED: with this shading, deleted text is shown DELETED: with this shading.

Policy / paragraph Main modification Reason Objector(s)
SP2 Land allocated for housing (and policies map)

Additional site allocations of sites previously listed under policy SP3 – to be added to Table 1:

  • INSERTED: IP011a Lower Orwell Street (former Gym & Trim and formerly listed as Smart Street/Foundation Street) 0.15ha, 14 dwellings (90dph on 100% of site) (permission for student accommodation granted 25/10/11 - lapsed Oct 2014)
  • INSERTED: IP047 Land at Commercial Rd 2.86ha, 103 dwellings (90dph on 40%) as part of a mixed use scheme of 40% housing, 20% public open space and enhanced river path, 40% office, leisure, hotel (development including supermarket approved 7/2/11 – lapsed Feb 2015)
  • INSERTED: IP090 Europa Way 1.43ha, 18 dwellings (indicative masterplan), as part of a mixed use district centre (approved 11/07/11 – lapsed July 2014)
  • INSERTED: IP132 Former St Peters Warehouse Site, 4 Bridge Street, 0.18ha, 73 dwellings as part of a mixed use scheme (with B1a office use, leisure or small scale retail) (approved 14/4/11 – lapsed April 2014)
  • INSERTED: IP135 112-116 Bramford Road 0.17ha, 14 dwellings (pending application withdrawn October 2014)

Site sheets have been prepared for these allocations for inclusion in Appendix 3A.

Delete site which has a resolution to grant permission subject to a Section 106 Agreement and which needs to be safeguarded through policy SP3: DELETED: IP116 St Clement's Hospital Grounds, 227 dwellings.

Add 222 dwellings to total capacity figure of SP2 Table 1 but delete 227 dwellings:

Total DELETED: 1,934 INSERTED: 1,929

The plan baseline has been updated to 1st April 2015. The planning permissions for some sites have now lapsed or applications been withdrawn and therefore it is appropriate to allocate the sites for development.

Reference to the district centre added to IP090 to ensure the allocation through SP2 aligns with its allocation as a District Centre through policy DM21.

Capacity of IP132 Former St Peter's Warehouse increased from 48 to 73 to reflect the successful bid for the site.

Editorial update.


SSP3 Land with planning permission or awaiting a Section 106 (and policies map)

Delete table entries for sites identified through SP3, for which planning permission has now lapsed or which have been withdrawn. The sites are to be allocated through policy SP2 (see above) and are listed below.

  • DELETED: IP11a Smart Street Foundation Street (former Gym & Trim) (planning permission for student accommodation granted 25/10/11 - lapsed Oct 2014)
  • DELETED: IP047 Land at Commercial Rd (approved 7/2/11 – lapsed Feb 2015)
  • DELETED: IP090 Europa Way (approved 11/07/11 – lapsed July 2014)
  • DELETED: IP132 Former St Peters Warehouse Site 4 Bridge Street (approved 14/4/11 – lapsed April 2014)
  • DELETED: IP135 112-116 Bramford Road (pending application withdrawn October 2014)

Delete table entry now being used as a music venue under planning permission 10/00277:

  • DELETED: IP178 Island House, Duke Street (student accommodation approved Feb 2012 – lapsed Feb 2015)

Add sites granted planning permission or with a resolution to grant subject to a Section 106 Agreement, which need to be safeguarded through policy SP3:
INSERTED: IP116 St Clement's Hospital Grounds, 227 dwellings and public open space provision.
INSERTED: IP272 72 Foundation Street, 10 dwellings (reference 14/00939/FUL granted 19/02/15)

Delete 232 dwellings from capacity figure of SP3, Table 2, but add 237.

Total DELETED:  1,892INSERTED: 1,897

The sites have been moved into policy SP2 as allocations, to update the plan baseline to 1st April 2015. Editorial update
SP5 Land allocated for employment use

Add to second part of Table 3 (sites allocated for employment uses with a mix of other uses):
INSERTED: IP047 Land at Commercial Road, 2.86ha (40%) 1.14ha, as part of a mixed use scheme with 40% housing and 20% public open Space and enhanced river path. The B1a element could also include hotel and leisure uses.

INSERTED: IP132 Former St Peters Warehouse Site, 4 Bridge Street, 0.18ha / 0.05ha, B1a office, leisure, small scale retail as part of a mixed use scheme of 73 dwellings (approved 14/4/11 – lapsed April 2014)

To update the plan baseline to 1st April 2015. Editorial Update
SP6 Land allocated and protected as open space

DELETED: Site IP263 West of Bridge Street, north of the River Orwell is allocated for public open space.

Add to table:
INSERTED: IP047 Land at Commercial Road (UC048) 20% Public Open Space and enhanced river path; 40% housing, 40% B1a business, hotel, leisure.

Delete from table:
DELETED: IP116 St Clement's Hospital Grounds

Amend paragraph 4.37: ... for this use at site DELETED: IP263INSERTED: IP047 and within ...

To update the plan baseline to 1st April 2015. The planning permission on the site IP047 has now lapsed and therefore it is appropriate to allocate the whole site, including the IP236 element, for residential-led mixed use development including public open space.

There is a resolution to grant planning permission for IP116 St Clement's Hospital Grounds, subject to a section 106, and therefore the site has been moved to policy SP3.

Editorial Update
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