Proposed Submission Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review
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Proposed Submission Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review
CS7: The Amount of Housing Required
Representation ID: 5399
Received: 03/03/2015
Respondent: Northern Fringe Protection Group
Number of people: 323
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Support the efforts of the Council in using existing models and forecasts. However, the data is not up to date. ONS migration data used only goes up to 2010/11 whereas latest forecasts show no migration to Ipswich from 2012-2031. Immigration will take place in places with better jobs and wages. DCLG's household projections show a need for 10,434 homes. The baseline household figure used is too high.
See attachment
Proposed Submission Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review
CS12: Affordable Housing
Representation ID: 5400
Received: 03/03/2015
Respondent: Northern Fringe Protection Group
Number of people: 323
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
The Ipswich Viability Report showed that 'the indicative scheme average equated to 31.6% affordable housing provision by number and 28.4% by floor space, alongside the full provision of infrastructure.' It is therefore unsound to set a target of 35%. Since the Garden suburb infrastructure costs were developed other costs have arisen due to wastewater infrastructure.
See attachment
Proposed Submission Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review
CS13: Planning for Jobs Growth
Representation ID: 5401
Received: 03/03/2015
Respondent: Northern Fringe Protection Group
Number of people: 323
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Based on past trends, jobs are unlikely to grow by 625pa to 2031. EEFM forecasts are based on higher population projections than ONS projections and the sectors forecast to grow don't align with the Strategic Economic Plan. There is over-reliance on retail jobs. The target may not be achievable without government funding and improved transport infrastructure. Job forecasts in the Core Strategies of Ipswich and neighbouring authorities are 26% higher than EEFM and are unrealistic. Unclear whether the target relates to Ipswich or the Ipswich Policy Area. If the latter a separate jobs target must be established. Indicators are needed.
See attachment
Proposed Submission Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review
CS14: Retail Development and Main Town Centre Uses
Representation ID: 5402
Received: 03/03/2015
Respondent: Northern Fringe Protection Group
Number of people: 323
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
The Viability Study challenges the deliverability of the Westgate site by stating that small comparison and convenience retail is marginally viable but large format convenience is not viable. This raises uncertainty over deliverability of jobs in the town centre. The Core Strategy does not mention the acquisition of the Sugar Beet Factory site which could take jobs away from the Borough.
See attachment
Proposed Submission Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review
6.7 The Vision
Representation ID: 5403
Received: 03/03/2015
Respondent: Northern Fringe Protection Group
Number of people: 323
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Support the vision but consider the strategy will not deliver it. The development of the Garden Suburb will result in severe congestion in north Ipswich and the town centre. Proposals to increase opportunities for buses, walking and cycling to the town centre are flawed as evidence challenges the viability of job creation in the town centre. Homes growth without jobs and sustainable transport will result in more commuting. This will harm prospects for investment. Updated traffic modelling and air quality modelling must be undertaken.
See attachment
Proposed Submission Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review
Representation ID: 5404
Received: 03/03/2015
Respondent: Northern Fringe Protection Group
Number of people: 323
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
The Core Strategy fails to take sufficient account of the waste water issues arising from proposed expansion of Ipswich. The Draft Strategic Economic Plan identified the scale and cost of new connections as inhibiting development of some strategic sites. The Water Cycle Study shows that significant upgrading is required to wastewater treatment capacity. The pipeline from north Ipswich to Cliff Quay is at capacity and no viable solutions for the Garden Suburb have been proposed. This could seriously undermine the delivery of the Core Strategy.
See attachment
Proposed Submission Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review
Representation ID: 5405
Received: 03/03/2015
Respondent: Northern Fringe Protection Group
Number of people: 323
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Support the strategy of urban renaissance in Ipswich and note the first bullet point 'it will maximise opportunities to re-use previously developed land within central Ipswich.' The proposed removal of the 60% target for development on brownfield land is a negative step. With the multi-site development of the Garden Suburb concerned that developers will focus on greenfield development. This will have a detrimental impact on the regeneration of brownfield sites particularly in the town centre and deprived areas.
See attachment
Proposed Submission Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review
Representation ID: 5406
Received: 03/03/2015
Respondent: Northern Fringe Protection Group
Number of people: 323
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Concern that the Country Park may not be delivered if only 499 homes are developed in Henley Gate or if only the other two parts of the Garden Suburb are developed. If the Country Park is delivered later that 2021 or not at all this will adversely impact on the integrity of a European site.
See attachment
Proposed Submission Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review
10: Table 8B
Representation ID: 5407
Received: 03/03/2015
Respondent: Northern Fringe Protection Group
Number of people: 323
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
Concern that the Country Park may not be delivered if only 499 homes are developed in Henley Gate or if only the other two parts of the Garden Suburb are developed. If the Country Park is delivered later that 2021 or not at all this will adversely impact on the integrity of a European site. The Core Strategy fails to identify and plan for key strategic wastewater infrastructure. There is the possibility that a major new pipeline will be needed from the Garden Suburb to Cliff Quay.
See attachment
Proposed Submission Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review
Representation ID: 5425
Received: 03/03/2015
Respondent: Northern Fringe Protection Group
Number of people: 323
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? No
There is no public evidence on of any strategic policy outcomes from the IPA. There are no joint Topic Papers on housing growth, jobs growth and strategic infrastructure. Evidence base documents referred to in 8.70 have not been made available which is in breach of the Development Plan Document process. The Core Strategy should better ensure effective co-operation between Ipswich Borough Council and neighbouring authorities.
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