
Proposed Submission Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) Development Plan Document

Ended on the 5 March 2015
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(1) Appendix 3

3A Site Allocation Details

This Appendix is attached separately, as the map content results in a large file size.

Please note that the site sheets provided in Appendix 3A are for information only; land allocations are made through the policies of the plan.

3B Development constraints for sites identified through policy SP3 where construction is not already underway

Site reference


Development constraints


Smart Street, Foundation Street (former Gym & Trim)

Archaeology - this site affects an area of archaeological importance, within the area of the Anglo-Saxon and medieval town. It lies adjacent to Scheduled Monuments relating to parts of the early town. No objection in principle to development but it will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation attached to any planning consent. Archaeological costs have the potential to be relatively high.

Flood risk.

TPOs on site, adjacent to a listed building and a conservation area.


Land between Cliff Quay and Landseer Road

Archaeology - no objection in principle to development but it will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation attached to any planning consent.

There are listed buildings within the site of planning permission 12/00700/OUT approved 19/12/13, e.g. the listed Brewery site.

Flood risk.

TPOs on site and adjacent.


Land at Commercial Road

Adjacent to Area of Archaeological Importance.

Previous planning permissions (e.g. 08/00953/FUL) have had a condition attached requiring archaeological investigation, which could include archaeological monitoring and recording of initial groundworks with contingency for fuller archaeological recording if deemed necessary; recording the remaining railway features; checking whether any trace of the dock tramway survives; and a palaeoenvironmental sampling strategy.

Flood risk.



Land between Lower Orwell Street & Star Lane (former Essex Furniture)

Archaeology - this site is within the urban core (IPS 413), close to Scheduled areas of Middle Saxon and medieval occupation (SF 189-191). It is within the street pattern area close to the waterfront and is likely to contain complex and important archaeological remains that will involve potentially high excavation costs. No objection in principle to development but it will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation attached to any planning consent. Archaeological costs have the potential to be relatively high.

Flood risk.

Grade II* listed building to the north or scheduled monuments (Saxon and medieval defences) to the west of the site. The impact on the significance and setting of heritage assets will need to be understood and appropriate development criteria set.


Arclion House, Hadleigh Road

Archaeology - this site is in a topographically favourable location overlooking the River Gipping, in a general area of prehistoric remains (IPS 104, IPS 034). No objection in principle to development but it will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation attached to any planning consent. A desk based assessment would be appropriate in the first instance, to establish impacts of past land use.


Church and land at Upper Orwell Street

Archaeology - this site lies in the historic core of the Anglo-Saxon town. No objection in principle to development but it will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation attached to any planning consent. Archaeological costs have the potential to be relatively high

Listed building and adjacent to a TPO tree.


79 Cauldwell Hall Road

No requirement for archaeology.


Europa Way

Archaeology - this site lies in an area of Prehistoric archaeology (IPS 018, IPS 400). Part of the site is likely to have been destroyed by extraction of clay for brick-making. No objection in principle to development but it will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation attached to any planning consent. Desk-based assessment would assess the impacts of past land-use.


R/O Jupiter Road & Reading Road

No requirement for archaeology.


BT Depot, Woodbridge Road

Archaeology - This site is area of archaeological potential, within the hinterland of the Anglo-Saxon and medieval town recorded in the County Historic Environment Record. As a result there is potential for encountering heritage assets of archaeological interest in this area. No objection in principle to development but it will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation attached to any planning consent.


South of South Street

Archaeology - this site lies on one of the main historic routes into and out of Ipswich. No objection in principle to development but it will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation attached to any planning consent.


Former St Peter's Warehouse Site 4 Bridge Street

Archaeology - this site lies in an area of international archaeological importance, on the Anglo-Saxon and medieval waterfront of Ipswich (Historic Environment Record IPS 413). This site potentially represents that last surviving section of 'early' waterfront, and may also encounter the remains of bridges dating from at least the 10th century. The site will involve potentially high excavation costs. No objection in principle to development but it will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation attached to any planning consent. Archaeological costs have the potential to be relatively high.

Flood risk.

In a conservation area, 4 College Street is a listed building.


112-116 Bramford Road

No requirement for archaeology. Previous monitoring revealed disturbance and clean sands.



Ravenswood S & T (adjacent Fen Bight Circle)

Archaeology - the site lies in the vicinity of Prehistoric and Medieval sites. No objection in principle to development but it will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation attached to any planning consent.

Development should link into cycling and pedestrian route networks.


23-25 Burrell Road

Archaeology - this site lies on the bank of the Orwell. No objection in principle to development but it will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation attached to any planning consent. Archaeological monitoring of groundworks is likely to be appropriate.

Flood risk.


7-9 Woodbridge Road

Archaeology - this site lies in an area of Anglo-Saxon activity outside the medieval town defences. Evaluation of an adjacent site found Saxon pits and an oven (IPS 702). No objection in principle to development but it will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation attached to any planning consent. Early assessment is recommended so that costs an timescales of archaeological work can be appraised.


Island House, Duke Street

Flood risk.


Griffin Wharf, Bath Street

Archaeology - this is a large site on the edge of the river, close to Medieval sites (IPS 145, IPS 294).No objection in principle to development but it will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation attached to any planning consent.

Flood risk.


Burton's, College Street

Archaeology - this site lies in an area of international archaeological importance, on the Anglo-Saxon and medieval waterfront of Ipswich (Historic Environment Record IPS 413). This site potentially represents that last surviving section of 'early' waterfront. The site will involve potentially high excavation costs. No objection in principle to development but it will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation attached to any planning consent.

Flood risk.


Cranfields, College Street

Archaeology - this site has been subject to large scale excavation but post-excavation work was stalled by the development situation and there is still an outstanding obligation for assessment, conservation, analysis and publication, particularly of important waterlogged wooden structures from the Anglo-Saxon waterfront. Preservation by record has not been met, and the condition on IP/04/00313 remains outstanding. Any new applications would require a condition or agreement to secure post-excavation work. Any additional proposed groundworks should be subject to consultation.

Flood risk.


Regatta Quay, Key Street

(subject to further discussions with agent)

Archaeology - this site has largely been excavated. Applications involving further groundworks should be subject to a condition relating to archaeology, where appropriate.

Flood risk.


Helena Road

Archaeology - this site lies on the edge of the channel of the Orwell. There is potential for buried historic deposits. No objection in principle to development but it will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation attached to any planning consent.

Flood risk.


158-160 London Road

The site overlooks the River Gipping in a topographically favourable situation for early occupation. There are Roman, Saxon and prehistoric sites recorded in the vicinity (IPS 245, IPS 280). No objection in principle to development but it will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation attached to any planning consent.


Electric House Crown Street

The basement of the building is dug into the fills of the Late Saxon/Medieval town ditch. Should development involve groundworks/work at basement level, a condition would be recommended relating to archaeology.



28-32 Tacket Street

Within the Area of Archaeological Importance.

Overhead power lines.

Within the Central Conservation Area.

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