
Supporting Documents and PDFs for download

Ended on the 5 March 2015

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Download the documents here:

  Document Size
Supporting Documents
acrobat reader Non-Technical Summary Proposed Submission Core Strategy 474KB
acrobat reader Annex to Proposed Submission Sustainability Appraisal Reports 513KB
(3) acrobat reader Proposed Submission Core Strategy - Appropriate Assessment 4.7MB
acrobat reader Non-Technical Summary Sites Allocations and Policies DPD 362KB
acrobat reader Proposed Submission Site Allocations - Appropriate Assessment 4.9MB
PDFs for download (read-only)
acrobat readerProposed Submission Core Strategy Review DPD 2.3MB
acrobat readerProposed Submission Site Allocations DPD 7.5MB
acrobat readerProposed Submission Core Strategy DPD Sustainability Appraisal 4.1MB
acrobat readerProposed Submission Draft Site Allocations DPD Sustainability Appraisal 6.5MB
acrobat readerSustainability Appraisal Addendum 507KB
acrobat readerSite sheets 1 IP004 to 010a 1.5MB
acrobat readerSite sheets 2 IP010b to 029 1.6MB
acrobat readerSite sheets 3 IP031 to 037 1.7MB
acrobat readerSite sheets 4 IP039a to 051 1.8MB
acrobat readerSite sheets 5 IP052 to 061 1.9MB
acrobat readerSite sheets 6 IP066 to 083 1.2MB
acrobat readerSite sheets 7 IP089 to 099 1.4MB
acrobat readerSite Sheets 8 IP105 to 136 1.5MB
acrobat readerSite sheets 9 IP140 to 147 1.3MB
acrobat readerSite sheets 10 IP149 to 165 1.7MB
acrobat readerSite sheets 11 IP172 to 256 1.5MB
acrobat readerSite Sheets 12 IP258 to 263 938KB
acrobat readerIpswich Local Plan Policies Map Nov 2014 8.2MB
acrobat readerLocal Plan IP-One Policies Map Nov 2014 5.8MB
acrobat readerPlan 1 District and Local Centres Nov 2014 2.2MB
acrobat readerPlan 2 Flood Risk Nov 2014 2.0MB
acrobat readerPlan 3 Conservation Areas Nov 2014 2.2MB
acrobat readerPlan 4 Area of Archeological Importance Nov 2014 1.2MB
acrobat readerPlan 5 Ecological Network Nov 2014 2.4MB
acrobat readerPlan 6 Green Corridors Nov 2014 2.0MB
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