
Preferred Options Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) DPD Review

Ended on the 13 March 2019
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Part E


Appendix 1

A Summary of the Tests of Soundness

Development plan documents are subject to independent examination by a planning inspector. The inspector considers whether the plan has been prepared in accordance with the Duty to Cooperate and legal and procedural requirements, and whether it is 'sound'.

Soundness is assessed in terms of whether the plan meets the following tests of soundness, as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (paragraph 35):

  1. It should be positively prepared – the plan should be based on a strategy which seeks to meet objectively assessed development and infrastructure requirements, including unmet requirements from neighbouring authorities where it is reasonable to do so and consistent with achieving sustainable development;
  1. It should be justified – the plan should be an appropriate strategy, when considered against the reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence;
  1. It should be effective – the plan should be deliverable over its period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic priorities that have been dealt with rather than deferred as evidenced through a statement of common ground; and
  1. It should be consistent with national policy – the plan should enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the Framework.

Appendix 2

A list of Policies Contained in this Document

Chapter 4 Site Allocations

Policy SP1 The protection of allocated sites

Policy SP2 Land allocated for housing

Policy SP3 Land with planning permission or awaiting a Section 106

Policy SP5 Land allocated for employment use

Policy SP6 Land allocated and protected as open space

Policy SP7 Land allocated for leisure uses or community facilities

Policy SP8 Orwell Country Park Extension

Policy SP9 Safeguarding land for transport infrastructure

Chapter 5 IP-One

Policy SP10 Retail Site Allocation

Policy SP11 The Waterfront

Policy SP12 Education Quarter

Policy SP13 Portman Quarter (formerly called Ipswich Village

Policy SP14 Arts, Culture and Tourism Policy relocated to Part C Chapter 9 of the Core Strategy, as it is primarily a development management policy.

Policy SP15 Improving pedestrian and cycle routes

Policy SP16 Transport Proposals in IP-One

Policy SP17 Town Centre Car Parking

Chapter 6 Opportunity Areas

This chapter sets out urban design and development principles for the seven Opportunity Areas:

A Island Site

B Merchant Quarter

C Mint Quarter and surrounding area

D Education Quarter and surrounding area

E Westgate

F River Corridor and Princes Street Corridor

G Upper Orwell River and Canalside – this is the area in the vicinity of West End Road.

(1) Appendix 3

3A Site Allocation Details

This Appendix is attached separately, as the map content results in a large file size.

Please note that the site sheets provided in Appendix 3A are for information only; land allocations are made through the policies of the plan.

3B Development constraints for sites identified through policy SP3 where construction is not already underway

Site reference


Development constraints


Former Tooks Bakery, Old Norwich Road

Doctor's surgery to be included.

Access constraints and possible contamination.

The site is close to the Whitton Conservation Area. Any cumulative impacts on the conservation area with the development of adjacent site IP032 and site IP140 will need to be taken into account.

Archaeology - the site lies on high ground above the Gipping Valley. The adjacent site IP032 has been subject to geophysical survey and a desk based assessment has been carried out for both sites. There is potential for remains of multiple periods on the site and trenched evaluation will be required.

Water infrastructure and/or treatment upgrades will be required to serve the proposed growth, or diversion of assets may be required.

This site falls within the 91.4m height consultation zones surrounding Wattisham airfield.

A transport assessment and travel plan will be required.

Surface water flooding local to site


Land between Cliff Quay and Landseer Road

Archaeology - no objection in principle to development but it will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation attached to any planning consent.

There are listed buildings within the site of planning permission 12/00700/OUT approved 19/12/13, e.g. the listed Brewery site.

Flood risk.

TPOs on site and adjacent.


Arclion House and Elton Park, Hadleigh Road

Archaeology - this site is in a topographically favourable location overlooking the River Gipping, in a general area of prehistoric remains (IPS 104, IPS 034). No objection in principle to development but it will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation attached to any planning consent. A desk based assessment would be appropriate in the first instance, to establish impacts of past land use.

Need to ensure land is safeguarded to land a pedestrian and cycle bridge to the river path (see Policy SP9). Possible contamination, TPO on site or nearby and adjacent to a flood zone. Need to address drainage issues.

This site falls within the 91.4m height consultation zones surrounding Wattisham airfield.

A transport assessment and travel plan will be required.


Church and land at Upper Orwell Street

Archaeology - this site lies in the historic core of the Anglo-Saxon town. No objection in principle to development but it will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation attached to any planning consent. Archaeological costs have the potential to be relatively high

Listed building and adjacent to a TPO tree.


79 Cauldwell Hall Road

No requirement for archaeology.


R/O Jupiter Road & Reading Road

No requirement for archaeology.


St Clement's Hospital Grounds

Sports facilities should be retained or replaced.

TPOs on site or nearby and adjacent to a local wildlife site (the golf course). Design and layout should support wildlife corridor functions. Bat and reptile surveys will be required prior to any vegetation clearance, and mitigation where appropriate.

Archaeology - This development affects an area of high archaeological potential, as defined by information held by the County Historic Environment Record (HER). The proposed works will cause significant ground disturbance that have the potential to damage any archaeological deposit that exist. There is no objection in principle to development but any permission will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation. Historic buildings should be assessed.

Water infrastructure and /or treatment upgrades will be required to serve the proposed growth, or diversion of assets may be required.


Milton Street

Possible contamination. Surface water flooding local to site.


Land at Duke Street

Close to an Air Quality Management Area, possible contamination, and TPOs on site or nearby (an application for Tree Works may be needed).

Surface water flooding local to site - will need to be considered at planning application stage.


Ravenswood S & T (adjacent Fen Bight Circle)

Archaeology - the site lies in the vicinity of Prehistoric and Medieval sites. No objection in principle to development but it will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation attached to any planning consent.

Development should link into cycling and pedestrian route networks.


23-25 Burrell Road

Archaeology - this site lies on the bank of the Orwell. No objection in principle to development but it will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation attached to any planning consent. Archaeological monitoring of groundworks is likely to be appropriate.

Flood risk.


Griffin Wharf, Bath Street

Archaeology - this is a large site on the edge of the river, close to Medieval sites (IPS 145, IPS 294).No objection in principle to development but it will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation attached to any planning consent.

Flood risk.


Burton's, College Street

Archaeology - this site lies in an area of international archaeological importance, on the Anglo-Saxon and medieval waterfront of Ipswich (Historic Environment Record IPS 413). This site potentially represents that last surviving section of 'early' waterfront. The site will involve potentially high excavation costs. Measures for archaeology should be addressed at an appropriate stage in the planning process. Early consultation and evaluation is advised so that decisions can be taken on preservation in situ, and/or appropriate investigation strategies designed.

Flood risk.


Cranfields, College Street

Archaeology - this site has been subject to large scale excavation but post-excavation work was stalled by the development situation and there is still an outstanding obligation for assessment, conservation, analysis and publication, particularly of important waterlogged wooden structures from the Anglo-Saxon waterfront. Preservation by record has not been met, and the condition on IP/04/00313 remains outstanding. Any new applications would require a condition or agreement to secure post-excavation work. Any additional proposed groundworks should be subject to consultation.

Flood risk.


Regatta Quay, Key Street

(subject to further discussions with agent)

Archaeology - this site has largely been excavated. Applications involving further groundworks should be subject to a condition relating to archaeology, where appropriate.

Flood risk.


300 Old Foundry Road

The site is in the Central Conservation Area and an Air Quality Management. This site lies within the historic core of Ipswich and within the Area of Archaeological Importance (IPS413), close to the town defences. Detailed early pre-application discussions with Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service would be required to agree the scope of required assessment and to inform design.

Surface water flooding local to site.


12-12a Arcade Street

The site is in the Central Conservation Area and next to a listed building. The site is also within the Area of Archaeological Importance (IPS413).

Detailed early pre-application discussions with Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service would be required to agree the scope of required assessment and to inform design (e.g. to allow for preservation in-situ of deposits or appropriate programmes of work). Archaeological remains may be complex and important and mitigation could involve significant costs and timescales.

Surface water flooding local to site - will need to be considered at planning application stage. There is a Flood Incident Report for this site.


Artificial Hockey Pitch, Ipswich Sports Club

Development needs to accord with Core Strategy policy DM28.

TPO along the eastern boundary.

Possible drainage constraint. Surface water flooding local to site - will need to be considered at planning application stage.

This site lies in the vicinity of Iron Age and Roman sites. Whilst it remains an area of archaeological potential, given the impacts of previous landscaping there would be no requirement for an archaeological condition or work on this site on the basis that it looks heavily truncated.

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