
Ipswich Borough Council Local Plan Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) DPD Review - Final Draft

Ended on the 2 March 2020
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(1)CHAPTER 5: IP-One Area

5.1 IP-One is a large area in the centre of Ipswich, which contains a rich mix of uses ranging from shopping, business, public administration and leisure to education and living. It incorporates several smaller areas, each of which has its own identity, character and issues: the medieval town centre, Waterfront, Education Quarter and Portman Quarter. An Action Plan is needed to help to deliver regeneration where needed and ensure the areas link together and complement one another to provide a strong, attractive and vibrant centre to Ipswich.

5.2 The area of central Ipswich that falls within IP-One contains the greatest concentration of the town's designated heritage assets, including a number of important historic and archaeological sites. Much of IP-One is also designated as an Area of Archaeological Importance as it covers the Anglo-Saxon and Medieval town, aspects of which are internationally recognised.

5.3 The Final Draft Core Strategy provides the strategic level of policy for centres in Ipswich, particularly through policy CS2 the Location and Nature of Development and CS14 Retail Development. It defines a network of town, district and local centres; recognises the importance of Ipswich town centre as an economic driver and a focus for shopping, cultural and leisure activities, civic functions and community life; and it sets a target for retail floorspace growth. The development management policies of the Core Strategy Review protect the vitality and viability of centres through managing development in defined centres and outside them.

5.4 The Council's vision for Ipswich town centre combines elements of the Core Strategy Review vision and the Ipswich Central vision for a 'Waterfront Town Centre' and includes:

  • More people living and working in the town centre
  • Focusing new development on the town centre
  • Improving the shopping offer
  • Improving pedestrian links between the central shopping area and the Waterfront, Village, Education Quarter, railway station and northern gateway
  • Putting pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users first
  • Enhancing existing parks and open water and greening the streets
  • Developing the Education Quarter
  • Enhancing and increasing culture and leisure facilities
  • Creating a place that is outgoing and welcoming, vibrant and dynamic and which embraces new ideas; and
  • Reconnecting the town centre with the Waterfront.

5.5 The Council's focus is to strengthen the north-south axis, creating better linkages between the town centre and the Waterfront. The Town Centre Opportunity Areas report recommended a complementary role for the town centre and the Waterfront and opportunities for improving and strengthening linkages between the two. This will be supported through the delivery of site allocations along Turret Lane, Lower Brook Street, Foundation Street, Lower Orwell Street and the Waterfront. Retail uses on these sites should be limited to a small scale as defined through the Core Strategy Review so they do not compete directly with the existing town centre offer.

5.6 Thus this section of the plan sets out policies which:

  • Define the Education Quarter, Waterfront and Portman Quarter and guide development within the areas;
  • Allocate sites for town centre and district centre retail development;
  • Define and safeguard routes for transport proposals including cycling and walking; and
  • Manage car parking provision in the town centre.

5.7 The historic environment within IP-One is addressed in a variety of ways. Within the plan, the site sheets in Appendix 3 identify where there are historic environment constraints which will need to be taken into consideration in the redevelopment of the sites. Core Strategy Review policies CS4 and DM13/DM14 set out the framework for considering the impacts of development on the historic environment through the development management process. The Council will also consider the heritage impacts of allocating the most sensitive sites within IP-One. The Opportunity Area development guidelines in Chapter 6, which focus on areas which are likely to undergo the greatest change, also highlight heritage issues.

5.8 IP-One contains parts of several conservation areas: Central, Wet Dock, Stoke and St Helen's. The Council has produced Conservation Area Character Appraisals for all the conservation areas and these are reviewed every five years. The Council has also adopted an Urban Character supplementary planning document to cover parts of the town outside the conservation areas. Buildings at risk within the Borough are concentrated within IP-One. They are reviewed annually and action is underway to address all the buildings currently at risk, through negotiation with the owners, supporting the preparation of funding bids, compulsory purchase of sites or repairs being undertaken by owners. Grade I and II* buildings in Ipswich are dealt with through the national Heritage at Risk register.

Policy SP10 Retail Site Allocations

Policy SP10 Retail Site Allocations

Sites are allocated in the Central Shopping Area for retail development to meet the forecast need for comparison shopping floorspace to 2031 at:

a. New site – IP347 Mecca Bingo, Lloyds Avenue (650 sq m net);

b. IP040 The former Civic Centre, Civic Drive ('Westgate') as part of a residential-led development (2,050 sq m net);

c. IP048b west part of Mint Quarter as part of a mixed use residential development (4,800 sq m net); and

d. Units in upper Princes Street (675 sq m net).

The former British Homes Stores, Butter Market, is safeguarded to include some future A1 retail provision.

The Central Shopping Area is amended to extend to the south-west part way down Princes Street and contract at its western extend to exclude the former police station (site IP041) and adjacent housing.

Land is also allocated at the former Co-Op Depot, Boss Hall Road (315 sq m net), to meet the need for comparison shopping floorspace as part of the new Sproughton Road District Centre. Development will be at an appropriate scale for a district centre in accordance with CS14.

The allocations and the extent of the Central Shopping Area are illustrated on the policies map and the IP-One Area Inset policies map.

5.9 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) advises that local planning authorities should set out policies for the management and growth of town centres over the plan period. The Council's Retail and Commercial Leisure Study (2017) identified a need for additional retail floorspace in the town centre. It is needed to meet the needs of a growing population and secure the town's position as a regional shopping centre, which can compete effectively with other centres.

5.10 However, more recent evidence in the study undertaken by DTZ (2013) to advise the Council on the delivery of additional retail floorspace in the town centre indicates that, in the current economic climate and given the pressures facing town centre retailing, the quantum of deliverable new floorspace is likely to be less than previously thought. The subsequent 2017 Retail Study identifies that within the first five years of the Local Plan period, there is no need for any additional retail floorspace. The 2019 retail position update states that over the 10-year period required by the NPPF (2019), there is a need for 9,900sq m (10,500 sq m including Copdock) net comparison floorspace to 2029.

5.11 The focus should be on strengthening the existing centre, particularly the prime pitch, prioritising sites and supporting the delivery of one scheme in a development cycle (10 years) for new retail floorspace. This evidence has informed Core Strategy Review policy CS14 and policy SP10 above.

5.12 Delivering new retail investment in town centres can be challenging in this economic climate. The Mecca Bingo site, Westgate site and west side of the Mint Quarter are identified as a key opportunities to achieve new development, as they are located in close proximity to the existing retail core and would build upon the existing well functioning retail centre.

5.13 New retail floorspace here helps to address the qualitative deficiencies in the town centre, such as the lack of choice of large floor plate shop units.

5.14 A development brief will be prepared to guide the redevelopment of the Mint Quarter.

5.15 In addition to the new allocations, existing units which are vacant or in A2 use are allocated and safeguarded, consisting of the upper part of Princes Street currently primarily in A2 use but with two vacant units, and the former BHS store on the Butter Market which has potential for over 3,000 sq m of floor space in a large floorplate building in the primary shopping area.

5.16 The allocations above, and small scale retail floorspace likely to be delivered within mixed use developments in IP-One (840 sq m net), and the new District Centre allocated at Ipswich Garden Suburb through policy CS10 provide for at least 10,000 sq m (net) of new comparison retail floorspace. The need for retail floorspace will be kept under review.

Policy SP11 The Waterfront

(4)Policy SP11 The Waterfront

The Waterfront is defined on the IP-One Area inset policies map. The Waterfront remains the focus for regeneration within central Ipswich to create high quality, mixed use neighbourhoods in accordance with Core Strategy Review policies CS2 and CS3.

Within the Waterfront, new development should contain a mix of uses. Residential, community, office, arts, culture, open space, boat-related and tourism uses will be permitted. Final Draft Core Strategy policy DM23 a. shall apply in relation to residential density.

Where the Waterfront overlaps with the town centre at the northern quays, all the main town centre uses will be permitted with the exception of retail uses, applications for which will be considered against Final Draft Core Strategy policy DM31.

The Education Quarter is addressed through policy SP12 and arts, culture and tourism through policy DM28 (formerly SP14).

5.17 The Waterfront consists of over 80ha of land and buildings around the Wet Dock, which was completed in 1842. It includes the historic port area located to the north of the modern commercial port. It is characterised by a mix of buildings of varying scales. The Wet Dock was designated a conservation area in 1991. The area contains a number of important heritage assets, including listed buildings, which new development will need to take into account. Final Draft Core Strategy policy DM13 addresses heritage assets and conservation.

5.18 The regeneration of the Waterfront as a mixed use area started in 1999 with the completion of apartments at Neptune Quay. To date, much development has been delivered, including residential and commercial uses and academic and student accommodation buildings for the University of Suffolk.

5.19 However, a few key sites remain to be redeveloped and the recession has seen some large developments stall. Therefore the regeneration focus needs to remain on this area. The flood defence barrier is important for the release of development sites at the Waterfront (and the wider area in the flood zone). It was completed in 2019.

5.20 The 'main town centre uses' are defined through the National Planning Policy Framework as retail, leisure, entertainment facilities, more intensive sport and recreation uses, offices, arts culture and tourism. The Waterfront extends further south than the town centre but the two areas overlap at the northern quays. Within the Waterfront, office, arts, culture open space, boat-related and tourism uses are considered appropriate in order to support the delivery of a mixed use area, to provide some flexibility to support its continued regeneration and because the accessibility of the Waterfront is good. At the northern quays additional main town centre uses are permissible with the exception of retail uses. A key element of the Council's strategy for the Waterfront is to ensure that it complements, but does not compete with, the shopping focus in the Central Shopping Area.

5.21 Ipswich Port is situated within and adjacent to the Waterfront and therefore new development should take account of its operational needs.

5.22 This policy helps to implement Policies CS2 and CS3 of the Core Strategy Review. CS2 'The Location and Nature of Development' sees a focus on residential and community facility development within the Waterfront in order to support the regeneration and sustainable growth of Ipswich, and mixed use development within the town centre. CS3 identifies the importance of the Waterfront and town centre as areas within IP-One.

5.23 Parts of the Waterfront also fall within the town centre and the Education Quarter. The town centre is addressed by policy DM31 in the Final Draft Core Strategy. The Education Quarter is addressed by policy SP12 in this plan.

Policy SP12 Education Quarter

(1)Policy SP12 Education Quarter

The Education Quarter is defined on the IP-One Area inset policies map, comprising the Suffolk New College campus and the University of Suffolk campus. Within the defined Education Quarter, development for education and ancillary uses such as student accommodation or offices will be permitted.

On sites which fall within the Education Quarter and the Waterfront, the Council would consider Waterfront uses on their merits, provided they would not compromise the ability of the University to function or expand and to meet future education needs.

Development of site reference IP049 No 8 Shed Orwell Quay will be required to include an element of public car parking in accordance with policy SP17.

5.24 University Campus Suffolk (UCS) grew from around 3,000 students in 2008/09 to over 3,900 in 2011/12. In August 2016 it became the University of Suffolk. It makes many important contributions to the town e.g. through raising levels of educational attainment, its links with the business sector, attracting young people to locate or stay in Ipswich, adding vibrancy to the Waterfront and town centre and indirectly helping to support shops and businesses providing goods and services to students.

5.25 Suffolk New College is a tertiary college established in 2007 in new premises on Rope Walk, providing for students studying for a range of qualifications. Like the University of Suffolk, it makes an important contribution to Ipswich life and to raising the levels of educational attainment amongst Ipswich residents and beyond.

5.26 The Council wishes to safeguard the Education Quarter for predominantly education uses, because of its importance to the town and the benefits that can flow from locating educational uses in close proximity. The institutions need to be able to grow and adapt over coming years. The policy allows for education uses, but also offers some flexibility for appropriate uses provided this would not compromise future use or expansion for education purposes. Proposals for development within the Education Quarter should demonstrate how sustainable modes of transport will be achieved.

5.27 The co-location of knowledge-based businesses in close proximity to the University campus is recognised by the Council as an important consideration, therefore the policy would allow for spin-off businesses to locate within the Education Quarter. This would also help to support the institution's success in placing its graduates into employment.

5.28 Ancillary uses are those uses which have a functional relationship with the main education use. Proposals for retail development within the Education Quarter will be considered in relation to retail policies of the Core Strategy Review. Policy DM28 (formerly SP14) states the Council's 'in principle' support for the development of flexible conference and exhibition space at the Waterfront. This could occur within the Waterfront section of the Education Quarter in accordance with this policy.

5.29 The need for an element of public car parking at site reference IP049 which falls within the Education Quarter and the Waterfront was identified through the emerging Parking Study. Development principles for the Education Quarter are set out in Chapter 6 (see 'Opportunity Area D').

Policy SP13 Portman Quarter (formerly Ipswich Village)

(1)SP13 Portman Quarter

The Portman Quarter is defined on the IP-One Area inset policies map as a focus for regeneration in the west of IP-One. The Council's vision for the Portman Quarter is a mixed-use neighbourhood of residential use, open spaces and main town centre uses, excluding retail, where they accord with Final Draft Core Strategy policy DM31.

5.30 Ipswich Village is an area focused on the Portman Road football ground and has be re-named 'the Portman Quarter' to reflect this key leisure facility and align with the Ipswich Vision document. The area has undergone a significant amount of change already with new office, court and residential uses replacing older industries through developments such as the County Court, Voyage, Endeavour House and Grafton House. The Council wishes this regeneration to continue and, to this effect, allocations for development within the area are made elsewhere in this plan.

5.31 The east part of the Portman Quarter lies within the town centre boundary where main town centre uses such as offices and leisure are permitted. The Princes Street corridor, part of which lies within Ipswich Village, gained Enterprise Zone status in 2015. The western part of the area is identified as an Opportunity Area through Chapter 6 of this plan.

Policy SP14 Arts, Culture and Tourism Policy moved to sit with the Development Management policies.

Policy SP15 Improving Pedestrian and Cycle Routes

5.32 The Local Transport Plan for Suffolk 2011-2031 identifies the following key issues for Ipswich:

  • Road condition
  • Urban realm improvements
  • Tackling congestion
  • Modernisation of bus stations
  • Reducing separation between town centre and waterfront
  • Better facilities for walking and cycling
  • Stronger neighbourhoods
  • Longer term – crossing for improved access to wet dock island site
  • Town centre masterplan
  • A14 improvements
  • Ipswich – Transport fit for the 21st Century (now known as Travel Ipswich)
  • Extensive Air Quality Management Areas
  • A14 Orwell Bridge and Seven Hills Interchange Congestion

5.33 The Local Transport Plan is under review. A draft Transport Mitigation Strategy has been published by Suffolk County Council, with a detailed action plan to mitigate the impacts of planned growth under discussion by the Ipswich Strategic Planning Area Board (see policy CS20 of the Final Draft Core Strategy). Walking and cycling route and infrastructure improvements to support and encourage healthy and sustainable travel will form a key component of the strategy.

(4)Policy SP15 Improving Pedestrian and Cycle Routes

The Council will support improvements to pedestrian and cycle routes within the IP-One area and linking the town centre to residential areas and beyond. It will seek opportunities to deliver the following specific improvements through safeguarding routes where necessary, new developments and/or seeking funding opportunities:

The provision of safe cycle and pedestrian access across the lock gates at the entrance to the Wet Dock to create a circular route;

The provision of new foot and cycle bridges across the new Cut linking Stoke Quay to St Peter's Wharf and the Island site to Felaw Street;

An improved pedestrian environment on key walking routes from the Waterfront to the Central Shopping Area - Turret Lane, Lower Brook Street, Foundation Street and Lower Orwell Street;

Improved pedestrian links through Cardinal Park linking the station and Central Shopping Area;

Enhanced walking and cycling links between the railway station and the Waterfront via the river path;

Improved pedestrian and cycle links from Handford Road to Sir Alf Ramsey Way;

Improved pedestrian and cycle routes linking St Matthew's Church, the New Wolsey Theatre, Westgate Street and the proposed cultural hub at High Street; and

The pedestrianisation of Princes Street North and Upper Brook Street.

Throughout the Borough, development should improve linkages to the rights of way network, including cross boundary links, where opportunities exist to do so.

Pedestrian and cycle measures are also supported outside IP-One, specifically:

a. A pedestrian and cycle bridge across the River Gipping in west Ipswich; and

b. A pedestrian and cycle bridge across the railway line at Felixstowe Road District Centre.

5.34 Some improvements have been made under the Travel Ipswich scheme to walking routes from the railway station via Princes Street to the Central Shopping Area.

5.35 However, other improvements are also needed as listed in the policy, providing links across water or enhancing routes between key nodes or improving the pedestrian and cycle environment. The Council will work with the Highway Authority, developers and landowners to deliver new routes and improvements to existing routes. The Council has also adopted a Public Realm Strategy Supplementary Planning Document for the town centre which identifies the priorities in the town centre and Waterfront for environmental enhancements.

5.36 The Town Centre and Waterfront Public Realm Strategy SPD (2019) states that accessibility to and around the town centre for walking and cycling is fair but there is a need to increase the quality and safety of routes, to improve information and to provide more facilities for crossing the busy roads at the edge of the central area. It recommends making Star Lane more pedestrian friendly and easier to cross and improving links for pedestrians between the Waterfront and Town Centre.

5.37 The Council adopted a Cycling Strategy supplementary planning document in July 2016. Opportunities to implement the strategy will be sought through development proposals and any funding opportunities that arise as a result of the preparation by the Highway Authority of a Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan. The river path is a key route for active travel which links into adjacent districts. Currently the route is obstructed in the vicinity of Boss Hall to cyclists and people with reduced mobility by a structure formerly needed for the operation of a sluice gate. Opportunities will be sought to secure its removal.

5.38 Where land within development sites is needed for walking and cycling infrastructure, it is safeguarded through policy SP9.

Policy SP16 Transport Proposals in IP-One

(1)Policy SP16 Transport Proposals in IP-One

The Council supports the aspiration identified in the Local Transport Plan for the provision of a new Wet Dock Crossing, linking the east bank in the vicinity of Toller Road with the west bank in the vicinity of Felaw Street. The crossing would facilitate access to the Island Site and may provide for through traffic. Its design would maintain boat access through the lock and navigation along the New Cut. The design and layout of development on the Island Site IP037 should not prejudice the future delivery of a Wet Dock Crossing should a firm proposal be included in future updates of the Local Transport Plan.

The Council also supports measures to improve pedestrian and cycle access between the Waterfront and Central Shopping Area.

5.39 The geography of central Ipswich is such that vehicular movement between its eastern and western sides is constrained by the mediaeval core and the existence of the Wet Dock. This limits options for such movements and means that the Star Lane Gyratory is a key east-west corridor. However, it causes several problems including congestion, poor air quality[6] and a physical barrier to pedestrian movement between the Waterfront and the Central Shopping Area.

5.40 The Ipswich Waterfront Study 2007 suggested reducing the Gyratory to one lane in each direction[7]. However, the Council concluded that it could be supported only if a compensatory alternative east west route could be found. Through the Final Draft Core Strategy policy CS20, the Council has identified that this could be achieved through a Wet Dock Crossing, or an Ipswich northern by-pass. The Wet Dock Crossing would provide access to the Island Site. It could also provide a route for through traffic, but this is yet to be determined.

5.41 In March 2015, the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership obtained funding in order to carry out a feasibility study for the Wet Dock Crossing. It was re-named the Upper Orwell Crossings Project and involved three bridges: bridge A a vehicular link between the east and west banks; bridge B a pedestrian and cycle bridge across the lock gates; and bridge C a vehicular link over the New Cut West. In January 2019, Suffolk County Council formally cancelled the project but feasibility work on bridges B and C continues.

5.42 Final Draft Core Strategy paragraphs 8.246 and 8.247 address access to the Island Site, which as a minimum will require a road bridge from the west bank to the Island Site and a pedestrian and cycle bridge across the Wet Dock lock gates to enable any significant development (equivalent to Upper Orwell Crossings Project bridges 2 and 3). The Island Site IP037 does not require a full Wet Dock Crossing to enable its delivery. The proposal is included as an aspiration in the Local Transport Plan, which is currently under review

5.43 Any crossing here would pass through the Island Site and the Wet Dock Conservation Area and therefore its design would need to take into account heritage issues. The Wet Dock Crossing must avoid unacceptable impact on vessel access to the Wet Dock, on Cliff Road, on the West Bank Terminal railhead, on port security and on New Cut navigation.

Policy SP17 Town Centre Car Parking

(5)Policy SP17 Town Centre Car Parking

The Council will pursue a town centre car parking policy with the twin aims of supporting the economy of the town centre and limiting congestion, through encouraging the use of sustainable modes of transport.

To this end, a Central Car Parking Core is identified on the IP-One inset policies map. Within this area, Core Strategy Review policy DM22 shall apply.

Sites are allocated for multi storey car parks providing additional short stay shopper and visitor parking or long stay commuter parking as specified below:

a. IP015 West End Road – long stay parking;

b. IP048 Mint Quarter – short stay parking;

c. IP049 No 8 Shed Orwell Quay – long stay parking.

The provision of a multi-storey car park at site IP015 West End Road will replace the existing on-site surface parking. It will also replace existing long stay parking at IP051 Old Cattle Market, Portman Road, if this is not replaced on site through redevelopment.

All new permanent car parks will be required to achieve good design and quality, and include electric vehicle charging points and variable messaging technology.

Proposals for additional temporary car parks within the town centre will not be permitted. Proposals to renew existing planning consents for temporary short stay public parking within the town centre will not be permitted when the permanent provision allocated above has been delivered. Until then, temporary car parks will be expected to achieve the same level of quality as permanent ones.

5.44 Promoting sustainable transport choices is important to tackle congestion in Ipswich and its associated disadvantages for businesses, the environment and human health. It is also important for equality and inclusion, as 27.8% of Ipswich households do not have access to a car or van (2011 Census ONS Table KS404EW) and therefore it is important that public transport services can be sustained through high levels of use. Car parking policies are an important tool, alongside other planning and transport measures, to promote sustainable transport choices.

5.45 At the same time, providing sufficient car parking of good quality in the right places is essential to support the vitality and viability of the Central Shopping Area and enable it to compete with other centres, out of centre shops and internet shopping.

5.46 It is important to weigh the need to control car parking in Ipswich town centre with the need to support the town centre economy. Ipswich town centre also serves a rural hinterland where car ownership is higher and public transport services are less available. In the three adjacent districts to Ipswich, the average percentage of households with no car or van available is only 13.1%.

5.47 The provision of public car parking provision within central Ipswich has been reviewed through a parking study, which will inform the preparation of an Ipswich Parking Strategy. The study identified that central Ipswich contains approximately 6,817 public, off-street car parking spaces in and around the town centre (including 147 disabled spaces). Some 4,885 of the spaces within the study area provide the option for long-stay parking with the remaining 1,932 providing for short-stay parking only. Pricing mechanisms are used as a disincentive to using short stay car parks for long stay visits.

5.48 Short stay car parks support the economy of town centre and culture and leisure based activities. Through the Local Plan, the aim is to ensure a reasonable supply of conveniently located and reasonably priced spaces. Short stay is defined as up to 5 hours. Short stay car parks may be located within or outside the central car parking core.

5.49 Long stay parking is mainly for commuters. The aim is to discourage commuting trips from entering the town centre, in order to manage the morning and evening peaks, whilst recognising that there needs to be some supply for those commuters who will only or can only drive (some or all of the time).

5.50 The emerging findings from the parking strategy (which does not differentiate future demand in terms of long or short stay) suggest a net deficit of spaces by 2036 in central Ipswich of fewer than ten spaces. Geographically, the areas of deficit are in the vicinity of the railway station and office quarter around Russell Road, the Waterfront and in the north of the town centre. The Council is preparing a Ipswich Area Parking Plan to indicate how new, permanent parking provision will be made to replace the existing temporary spaces, in accordance with the evidence. In doing so, the Council will have regard to the County Council's draft Transport Mitigation Study and emerging action plan to ensure that parking is considered as part of a comprehensive approach to travel into central Ipswich.

5.51 The principle reflected through this policy is to allocate sites to meet the need for additional capacity in locations at the key entry points of the town centre. This approach seeks to limit driver 'churn' looking for appropriate spaces and needing to drive across the town centre. These could be single sites offering both long and short stay or they could be separate sites, outside the parking core if they are long stay car parks, and inside the core if they are short stay car parks.

5.52 The policy aims to strike an appropriate balance between providing sufficient, correctly priced car parking to encourage shoppers and visitors into Ipswich town centre, without adding to the burden of congestion or undermining sustainable travel options. Whilst short stay temporary car parking has been allowed on a number of sites awaiting redevelopment within the town centre, it is considered that any more would undermine work to encourage mode switching. Therefore the policy does not permit additional provision of such car parking.

5.53 The National Planning Policy Framework states that local authorities should seek to improve the quality of parking in town centres so that it is convenient, safe and secure, alongside measures to promote accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists (see policy SP15).

5.54 The number of spaces to be provided at the sites allocated will be determined in relation to the delivery of additional floorspace in the town centre for the main town centre uses and spaces being lost to redevelopment. Short stay parking is that which provides for shoppers or leisure visitors visiting the town centre for part of a day or evening, whilst long stay parking is whole-day parking for workers. The difference is usually established by the location and pricing structure of the car park. When designing proposals, consideration should be given to Secured by Design guidance relating to car parks.

[7]Ipswich Waterfront Transport Study, 2007, Suffolk County Council. Core Document Library

reference ICD45

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