
Draft Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) Development Plan Document

Ended on the 10 March 2014

Part D

Implementation, Targets, Monitoring and Review

Chapter 8: Implementation, Targets, Monitoring and Review


8.1 A key element of the Local Plan is the need to set out clear mechanism and targets for delivery. The Core Strategy and Policies plan sets out the main mechanisms by which the Council will assist with the delivery of the Framework (chapter 10).

8.2 It focuses on key partnerships that had been developed to assist in bringing forward for appropriate development the sites identified within this document.

8.3 Thus the key partnerships now which can support or assist with the delivery of development and infrastructure as set out in this development plan document are as follows:

  • New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership (NALEP);
  • Suffolk Growth Group; and
  • Ipswich Policy Area Board.

8.4 More detail on these partnerships and other components of delivery mechanisms are set out within Chapter 10 of the Core Strategy focused review.


8.5 The Council recognises that it is important to have a limited number of measurable targets against which the delivery of the Local Plan can be assessed. These are set out within Chapter 11 of the Core Strategy and Policies focused review document.

Monitoring and Review

8.6 The annual Authority Monitoring Report will review the progress against the targets set out in Chapter 11 of the Core Strategy focused review.

8.7 The Local Development Scheme states that the documents will be kept under regular review following their adoption.

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