Proposed Submission Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review

Ended on the 5 March 2015

CHAPTER 3: The Local Enterprise Partnership

3.1 The New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership (NALEP) was established in 2011 along with 38 other local enterprise partnerships in England. The NALEP area covers both Suffolk and Norfolk and is identified on Map 1 in this document. NALEP are focused on developing business sectors in this area to grow jobs in the region and remove barriers to business growth.

3.2 Policy CS13 of this Core Strategy supports the business sectors identified by NALEP and the Council through working with the County Council and Suffolk districts on the Suffolk Growth Strategy, and will support the development of jobs on sites in the Borough identified in the Growth Strategy.

3.3 The NALEP Strategic Economic Plan identifies five 'high impact' growth sectors for the East Anglian region, which have the potential to grow rapidly in terms of jobs and productivity: advanced manufacturing and engineering, agri-tech, energy, ICT and digital creative, and life sciences. It also identifies a further four 'underpinning sectors' for the regional economy, which are established and will also be essential to create new employment, and these are: agriculture, financial and business services, port and logistics and tourism and culture. Sectors which are particularly well represented in Ipswich are: information and communication technology, finance and insurance, port and logistics, tourism and creative and cultural industries.

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