Proposed Submission Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review

Ended on the 5 March 2015

(1) CHAPTER 10: Implementation

10.1 A key element of the Core Strategy, as well as the Local Plan in general, is the need to set out clear mechanisms and targets for delivery. This chapter focuses on the implementation component of this, with Chapter 11 focusing on actual Plan targets and Chapter 12 on monitoring and review issues.

10.2 The rest of this chapter is set out in the following sections:

  • Delivery Mechanisms; and
  • Major Infrastructure Proposals.

10.3 Delivery Mechanisms

10.4 The Council will work with the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership, Suffolk County Council, and Suffolk districts, particularly within the Ipswich Policy Area to deliver the employment and housing growth set out in this strategy. The Ipswich Policy Area Board, which comprises Councillors and Officers from the five Ipswich Policy Area authorities, was set up in 2007 to ensure the local authorities work together to deliver the vision for the Ipswich Policy Area. This Board continues to be an important delivery mechanism for the Ipswich Policy Area.

10.5 Major Infrastructure Proposals

10.6 The levels of growth proposed within this document are substantial. Linked to these growth levels are identified needs for new infrastructure.

10.7 It is important that the Core Strategy identifies the major issues and sets out how these might be brought forward. Other infrastructure issues are addressed within the Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) development plan document.

10.8 Table 8A identifies the major pieces of infrastructure required to support growth. In addition, support is indicated elsewhere in the plan for other pieces of infrastructure, such as a Wet Dock Crossing. However these are not prerequisites for development to take place.

(2) TABLE 8A Major Infrastructure Proposals


What aspect of the strategy depends on the proposal

Lead Delivery Body / Bodies

Expected Cost


Completion Target

Ipswich Flood Defence Management Strategy

Continued regeneration through mixed use developments within the Flood Risk zones in IP-One

Environment Agency



Growth Point Funding


Travel Ipswich

Accommodating the housing and job growth targets. General levels of growth will increase travel demand which needs to be managed

Highways Authority (+)


DfT via Local Transport



Need for new sites for additional Primary & Secondary school provision in the Borough - sites to be identified through Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) DPD and this Core Strategy and Policies DPD at the Ipswich Garden Suburb

The delivery of residential development across east, west and possibly north Ipswich including at the Waterfront

Education Authority (+)


LA and developer contributions

Throughout the plan period

Green infrastructure:

- green 'rim'

around Ipswich

- country park

Delivering growth,

mitigating impacts on the SPA, and enhancing the Borough's green infrastructure network

Local Enterprise Partnership / Developers


Growth Funding, Developer contributions


A14 Capacity Improvements

Supports jobs growth by ensuring Ipswich remains highly accessible

Highways Agency


Highways Agency


New primary substation at Turret Lane

Development in the town centre in support of the urban renaissance strategy

UK Power Networks


UK Power Networks


New sports, leisure and recreation facilities

- replacement or refurbishment of swimming pool / leisure complex

- possible rationalisation of sports facilities at Gainsborough

Sports Centre

- Ipswich Rights of Way Improvement Plan

Supporting growth, enhancing health and quality of life, and supporting greener lifestyles and green transport

IBC and private sector plus Highways Authority for Rights of Way Improvement Plan


Growth Funding

Need and delivery still under investigation

UCS Development




HEFCE and others



facilities - shared space facilities at:

- the Waterfront - Chantry

Supporting growth and sustainable neighbourhoods



Growth Funding


10.9 Policy CS10 Ipswich Garden Suburb states that the detailed strategic and neighbourhood infrastructure requirements for the Garden Suburb development of approximately 3,500 dwellings, and the triggers for delivery of the items of infrastructure are included in Table 8B below. Table 8B sets out those requirements and triggers, starting with the strategic infrastructure requirements for the whole Ipswich Garden Suburb area and then identifying the detailed neighbourhood infrastructure for each of the three neighbourhoods in turn.

(8) TABLE 8B Strategic and Neighbourhood Infrastructure Requirements for the Ipswich Garden Suburb (formerly Northern Fringe) (see policy CS10 Ipswich Garden Suburb)

Infrastructure theme


Trigger point for delivery [15]

Strategic Infrastructure

Note that dwelling numbers in this section of the table apply to the total number across the whole of the supplementary planning document (SPD) site unless otherwise stated.

Access & transport

Vehicular rail crossing.

Prior to the occupation of 300 dwellings in Henley Gate or as agreed with IBC in view of the sequencing of both Fonnereau and Henley Gate, unless this is otherwise required at an earlier point as informed by an agreed Transport Assessment for the whole development.

Fonnereau Way cycle / pedestrian bridge across rail line.

Prior to the occupation of 300 dwellings in Henley Gate or as agreed with Ipswich Borough Council (IBC) in view of sequencing of both Fonnereau Village and Henley Gate, unless this is otherwise required at an earlier point as informed by Network Rail consultation.

Phased delivery of bus services & bus priority measures.

Strategic phasing plan for delivery of service and bus priority measures to be agreed prior to the commencement of development.

Improvements to strategic town centre & east-west footpaths / cycleways.

Strategic phasing plan for delivery of strategic improvements to be agreed prior to the commencement of development.

Improvements to Westerfield Station and level crossing.

Contribution towards car & cycle parking provision (to include CCTV, lighting, landscaping and other associated infrastructure) and level-crossing upgrade (where required by Network Rail) will be secured at an appropriate stage in the development.

Controlled cycle / pedestrian crossing on Westerfield Road.

Prior to the first building occupation in both Fonnereau and Red House Villages.

Traffic management scheme for Westerfield village, The Crofts and other locations.

Details of and timetable for delivery of scheme to be informed by the Transport Assessment for the whole development in agreement with SCC Highways department.


1200 space secondary school (including sixth form facility) with site providing playing fields and recreational facilities that would be secured for use by the community.

Development will not be permitted to commence until arrangements are in place to secure the commencement of the construction of a secondary school within the SPD site in accordance with a timetable to be agreed.

Phased contributions proportionate to pupil yield shall be secured throughout each stage of the development.

Open space, recreation & play

Country Park with joint visitor / community centre for Henley Gate.

Phasing for tree planting and landscaping to be agreed and commenced at an early stage in the development of Henley Gate. Completion and land transfer of initial ancillary works to include visitor facility / community centre and works compound prior to the occupation of 500 dwellings in Henley Gate.

Capital and maintenance contributions (or in-kind provision by the Henley Gate developer) and transfer of the remaining land will be secured at an appropriate stage in the development.

Swimming contribution (off-site)

Contributions to be secured at an appropriate stage in the development and used to enhance and maintain existing facilities.

Community facilities

District & Local Centres including community buildings with integrated library facilities & police office (where required) alongside new health centre & reserved sites for community use.

Delivery linked to development of each neighbourhood - see entries in the Neighbourhood Infrastructure Tables which follow below.

Funding for community development support officer(s).

Contributions to be secured on commencement of early phases of development to ensure officer(s) in post prior to first dwelling occupation.


Any strategic improvements to electricity & gas supply.

As required.

Any strategic improvements to water supply.

As required.

Any strategic improvements to sewerage system.

As required.

Any strategic infrastructure needed to deliver low carbon development.

In accordance with agreed low carbon framework to be agreed prior to the commencement of development.

Strategic SuDS infrastructure & connections.

In accordance with agreed phasing plan prior to the commencement of development.

Neighbourhood Infrastructure - Southern Neighbourhood

Note that dwelling numbers in the section of the table below apply to total number in this neighbourhood alone unless otherwise stated.

Access & transport

Off-site junction improvements in surrounding road network.

Timetable for delivery to be informed by the Transport Assessment for the whole development in agreement with SCC Highways department.

Connection to the Urban Traffic Management & Control (UTMC) system.

Timetable for delivery to be informed by the Transport Assessment for the whole department in agreement with SCC Highways department.

Travel Plan development, implementation & monitoring.

Travel Plan to be submitted and agreed with SCC Highways department as part of full / outline application for the development of the site. To be implemented and monitored during and following each phase of the neighbourhood development.

Improvements to Fonnereau Way (complete section linking Valley Road & railway line).

Prior to occupation of 500 dwellings.

Pedestrian and cycle signage (monoliths).

Contributions to be secured at an appropriate stage in the development.

Education & early years

2FE (form of entry) primary school & nursery with the potential for some facilities to be shared with the community.

Serviced site (with access roads) to be transferred prior to occupation of 100 dwellings. The need and timetable for the provision of a second form of entry will be reviewed following this. Phased contributions proportionate to pupil yield shall be secured throughout each stage of the development.

Open space, recreation & play

Neighbourhood parks, allotments & open spaces with equipped sports & play facilities as per SPD.

In accordance with phasing plan to be agreed prior to the commencement of development.

Community infrastructure

District Centre supporting infrastructure (CCTV, electric charging points, recycling facility, cycle parking etc. as detailed in agreed infrastructure framework.

Prior to occupation of 500 dwellings.

Community centre in District Centre with integrated library facilities, workspace hub and police office (where required by Suffolk Constabulary).

Temporary community centre to be provided prior to occupation of 50 dwellings. Permanent community centre with integrated facilities prior to occupation of 500 dwellings.

Health Centre.

Serviced site within District Centre to be transferred at time to be agreed. Phased contributions for capital costs of providing health centre to be agreed.

Other items

Household waste facilities (sum).

Contributions to be secured at an appropriate stage in the development.

Superfast broadband infrastructure.

To be delivered in each phase of development in neighbourhood.

Neighbourhood Infrastructure - Northern Neighbourhood

Note that dwelling numbers in the section of the table below apply to total number in this neighbourhood alone unless otherwise stated.

Access & transport

Off-site junction improvements in surrounding road network.

Timetable for delivery to be informed by the Transport Assessment for the whole development in agreement with SCC Highways department.

Connection to the Urban Traffic Management & Control (UTMC) system.

Timetable for delivery to be informed by the Transport Assessment for the whole development in agreement with SCC Highways department.

Travel Plan development, implementation & monitoring.

Travel Plan to be submitted and agreed with SCC Highways department as part of full / outline application for the development of the site. To be implemented and monitored during and following each phase of the neighbourhood development.

Improvements to Fonnereau Way (complete section linking railway line and Lower Road).

Prior to occupation of 500 dwellings.

Pedestrian and cycle signage (monoliths).

Contributions to be secured at an appropriate stage in the development.

Education & early years

2FE (forms of entry) primary school & nursery with the potential for some facilities to be shared with the community.

Serviced site (with access roads) to be transferred and 1FE primary school & nursery facility provided prior to occupation of 200 dwellings unless a revised timetable for delivery is otherwise agreed with IBC in conjunction with SCC Education department where sustainable access to another primary school & nursery with capacity is available. The need and timetable for the provision of a second form of entry will be reviewed following this. Phased contributions proportionate to pupil yield shall be secured throughout each stage of the development.

Open space, recreation & play

Neighbourhood parks, allotments & open spaces with equipped sport & play facilities as per SPD.

In accordance with phasing plan to be agreed prior to the commencement of development.

Community infrastructure

Local Centre supporting infrastructure (CCTV, electric charging points, recycling facility, cycle parking etc. as detailed in agreed infrastructure framework).

Prior to occupation of 500 dwellings.

Community centre (may include workspace hub).

Delivery linked to provision of Country Park visitor centre.

Reserved and serviced site for community use (up to 0.25ha).

Prior to occupation of 500 dwellings and agreed marketing strategy thereafter.

Other items

Household waste facilities (sum).

Contributions to be secured at an appropriate stage in the development.

Superfast broadband infrastructure.

To be delivered in each phase of development in neighbourhood.

Neighbourhood Infrastructure - Eastern Neighbourhood

Note that dwelling numbers in the section of the table below apply to total number in this neighbourhood alone unless otherwise stated.

Access & transport

Off-site junction improvements in surrounding road network.

Timetable for delivery to be informed by the Transport Assessment for the whole development in agreement with SCC Highways department.

Connection to the Urban Traffic Management & Control (UTMC) system.

Timetable for delivery to be informed by the Transport Assessment for the whole development in agreement with SCC Highways department.

Travel Plan development, implementation & monitoring.

Travel Plan to be submitted and agreed with SCC Highways department as part of full / outline application for the development of the site. To be implemented and monitored during and following each phase of the neighbourhood development.

Pedestrian & cycle signage (monoliths).

Contributions to be secured at an appropriate stage in the development.

Education & early years

2FE (forms of entry) primary school & nursery with the potential for some facilities to be shared with the community.

Serviced site (with access roads) to be transferred and 1FE primary school & nursery facility provided prior to occupation of 200 dwellings unless a revised timetable for delivery is otherwise agreed with IBC in conjunction with SCC Education department where sustainable access to another primary school & nursery with capacity is available. The need and timetable for the provision of a second form of entry will be reviewed following this. Phased contributions proportionate to pupil yield shall be secured throughout each stage of the development.

Open space, recreation & play

Neighbourhood parks, allotments & open spaces with equipped play & sports facilities as per SPD.

In accordance with phasing plan to be agreed prior to the commencement of development.

Community infrastructure

Local Centre supporting infrastructure (CCTV, electric charging points, recycling facility, cycle parking etc. as detailed in agreed infrastructure framework).

Prior to occupation of 500 dwellings.

Reserved and serviced site for community use (up to 0.25ha).

Prior to occupation of 500 dwellings and agreed marketing strategy thereafter.

Other items

Household waste facilities (sum).

Contributions to be secured at an appropriate stage in the development.

Superfast broadband infrastructure.

To be delivered in each phase of development in neighbourhood.

[15] Unless otherwise agreed with Ipswich Borough Council and included in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan to be submitted to and approved by the Council

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