Proposed Submission Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document Review
CHAPTER 11: Key Targets associated with Part B
11.1 The Council recognises that it is important to have a limited number of measurable targets against which the delivery of the Local Plan can be assessed.
11.2 Where possible the Council would prefer to monitor its Local Plan using established indicators that are already being measured, rather than new indicators it would need to create.
11.3 It is suggested that indicators should focus on measuring performance against the objectives set out in Chapter 6. The indicators set out below relate to the objectives in this document.
11.4 It is also recognised that further work is required to establish baseline data in many instances.
11.5 The twelve objectives of Chapter 6 are set out below along with suggested indicators and targets, or recognising where indicators and targets need to be developed.
High standards of design will be required in new development. Development must be sustainable, environmentally friendly and resilient to the effects of climate change. Standards of acceptability will be raised progressively from 2006 (Building Regulations) levels for all developments in the town in terms of design and environmental performance.
- Overall / general satisfaction with local area.
- Proportion of completed dwellings or non-residential floor space achieving CfSH or BREEAM targets (in relation to policy DM1).
- Proportion of dwellings granted planning permission that achieve Building for Life 12.
At least 75% of new dwellings gaining planning permission in any year to achieve CfSH Levels as set out in policy DM1.
Every development should contribute to the aim of reducing Ipswich's carbon emissions below 2004 levels.
- Per Capita CO2 emissions in the local authority area.
To reduce Ipswich's estimated carbon footprint by 60% from the 2004 base level (CRed) by 2025.
At least: (a) 13,550 new dwellings shall be provided to meet the needs of Ipswich within the Housing Market Area between 2011 and 2031 in a manner that addresses identified local housing needs and provides a decent home for everyone, with at least 35% at the Ipswich Garden Suburb and at least 15% in the remainder of the Borough being affordable homes; and (b) in the region of 12,500 additional jobs shall be provided in Ipswich to support growth in the Ipswich Policy Area between 2011 and 2031
- Net additional homes provided.
- Supply of ready to develop housing sites.
- Proportion of new dwellings provided on previously developed land.
- Number of affordable homes delivered (gross).
- Net annual housing and employment land completions.
To deliver at least (a) 13,550 homes by 2031 and in the region of (b) 12,500 jobs by 2031
The development of the Borough should be focused primarily within the central Ipswich 'IP- One' area, Ipswich Garden Suburb and within and adjacent to identified district centres (these areas are identified on the key diagram).
- Previously developed land that has been vacant or derelict for more than five years.
- Density of residential development taking place in IP-One.
- Percentage of major schemes in IP-One consisting of a mix of uses.
Over the plan period, 75% of major developments to take place in IP-One, District Centres or within 800m of District Centres.
Opportunities shall be provided to improve strategic facilities in Ipswich by:
- Significantly enhancing the town centre in terms of the quantity and quality of the shops, the cultural offer and the network of public spaces;
- Ensuring a new strategic employment site at Futura Park continues to be developed;
- Extending the strategic greenspace network; and
- Continuing to support the development of University Campus Suffolk and Suffolk New College.
- Net additional retail floorspace developed in the Central Shopping Area and outside the Central Shopping Area.
- Additional employment floorspace developed at Futura Park.
- Gains in green infrastructure within the Ipswich Policy Area (ha).
- Number of students at University Campus Suffolk and Suffolk New College.
To improve the retail rank of Ipswich by 2031 and complete the 'green rim'.
To improve accessibility to and the convenience of all forms of transport, and achieve significant modal shift from the car to more sustainable modes through Travel Ipswich and other local initiatives. This will: (a) promote choice and better health; (b) facilitate sustainable growth, development and regeneration; (c) improve integration, accessibility and connectivity; and (d) promote green infrastructure as alternative 'green' non-vehicular access around the town and urban greening of existing routes. Specifically:
- Significant improvements should take place to the accessibility to and between the three key nodes of: the railway station (including the wider Ipswich Village environment), the Waterfront (and particularly the Education Quarter) and the Central Shopping Area;
- Additional east-west highway capacity could be provided within the plan period in the Ipswich area to meet the needs of the wider population and to provide the potential to reallocate some central road space;
- Comprehensive cycle routes should be provided; and
- Ipswich Borough Council aspires to an enhanced public transport system.
- Congestion - average journey time per mile during the morning peak.
- Access to services and facilities by public transport, walking and cycling.
- Children travelling to school - mode of travel usually used.
To link with Travel Ipswich to achieve a 15% modal switch for journeys in Ipswich by 2031.
Enhanced flood protection including a tidal surge barrier to be in place to protect the town's existing and expanding communities from the threat of tidal flooding.
- Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management.
Implementation of the tidal surge barrier by 2017.
To protect and enhance high quality, accessible strategic and local open spaces rich in biodiversity and geodiversity for people to visit and use, and conserve and enhance the historic environment and landscape character of Ipswich, including historic buildings, archaeology and townscape.
- Net change in extent of protected habitat.
- Number of buildings on Buildings at Risk register.
No net loss of natural capital by 2031.
To increase the tree canopy cover in the Borough to 22% by 2050.
To retain and provide high quality schools, health facilities, sports and cultural facilities and other key elements of community infrastructure in locations accessible by sustainable means and in time to meet the demands put on such services from the town's growth and ageing population.
- Average class size in Ipswich schools.
- Percentage of new community facilities located in or within 800m of a centre.
To be developed but will meet the requirements for new provision set out within the indicators.
To tackle deprivation and inequalities across the town.
- Unemployment rates.
- Educational attainment levels.
To improve Ipswich's rank in the indices of multiple deprivation by 2031.
To improve air quality and create a safer, greener more cohesive town.
1. Levels of participation in community events such as the IP-Art Festival.
To tie in with Police targets relating to reducing crime levels by 2031.
To work with other local authorities in the Ipswich Policy Area and with community partners to ensure a co‑ordinated approach to planning and development.
1. Joint working taking place through the IPA Board (or other equivalent forum).
To achieve effective cross boundary working on housing, strategic greenspace and employment site provision.
11.6 It is not intended to develop indicators and targets for other elements of the Core Strategy document. This is appropriate since the policies set out in Parts B and C largely relate to providing a basis for achieving the objectives.