Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal (includes Non-Technical Summary)

Ended on the 13 March 2019
  1. Mitigation

9.1.1 Annex 1(g) of the SEA Directive requires the following information to be included in the environmental report:

"the measures envisaged to prevent, reduce and as fully as possible offset any significant adverse effects on the environment of implementing the plan or programme"

9.1.2 The assessment of proposals in the Ipswich LPR has identified the likely significant effects, including those that are positive and adverse. Where adverse effects were identified, recommendations have been made to help avoid or minimise these effects. Where positive effects have been identified, recommendations have been made to enhance these effects where feasible. Recommendations are included within the policy and sites assessments tables in Appendices D and E.

9.1.3 The most frequent measure recommended throughout the assessments has been the development of a coherent, high-quality and connected GI network extending throughout and beyond the Borough. This network could include all forms of GI such as parks, hedgerow and mature trees. The GI network should be designed and managed in a way that:

  • Helps to ensure it is of high biodiversity value, provides refuge for protected habitats and priority species and enables the free movement of wildlife through and beyond the Borough;
  • Makes a positive contribution to the local townscape and landscape character, including by being visually attractive, in-keeping with the existing setting, helping to screen development and protect views and by linking development sites with the natural landscape;
  • Contributes towards visually attractive regeneration of brownfield sites;
  • Helps to protect and enhance the structure and fertility of soils;
  • Contributes to the sustainable management of surface water runoff, thereby helping to manage flood risk and protect water quality;
  • Helps to filter out air pollutants and contribute towards cleaner air, as well as to act as a carbon capture and storage service;
  • Provides residents with access to greenspaces and a diverse range of natural habitats, as well as safe and attractive pedestrian and cycle routes to services, facilities and amenities, in order to benefit their mental well-being, to encourage physical activity and to facilitate sustainable and efficient forms of movement;
  • Facilitates community engagement and outdoor socialisation to reduce the risk of social exclusion; and
  • Provides good links in to central and shopping areas to increase footfall and support local businesses.
9.1.4 It may be appropriate to consider the benefits of preparing a Supplementary Planning Document dedicated to the design, implementation and management of the Borough's GI network.
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