Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal (includes Non-Technical Summary)
Next steps
Consultation on the Preferred Options
LPR and Interim SA Report
- The purpose of this Interim SA Report is to accompany the Preferred Options version of the LPR for consultation. The responses to this public consultation, including that which is received from the statutory consultees and other interested parties, will be considered and taken on board where appropriate in advance of the next version of this SA Report, which will accompany the Regulation 19 version of the LPR for public consultation in the summer of 2019.
- The SEA Directive, with regards to the requirements for monitoring, states:
Consultation on the Preferred Options
LPR and Interim SA Report
"Member States shall monitor the significant environmental effects of the implementation of plans and programmes... in order, inter alia, to identify at an early stage unforeseen adverse effects, and to be able to undertake appropriate remedial action" (Article 10.1) and "The Environmental Report should provide information on "a description of the measures envisaged concerning monitoring"" (Annex I (i)).
10.2.2 This SA Report therefore proposes a Draft Monitoring Framework in Table 10-1 that will be revisited and updated at each stage of the SA process in light of changes to the LPR.
10.2.3 A Draft Monitoring Framework is proposed to measure the performance of the LPR, including the Core Strategy DPD and the Site Allocations DPD, against defined indicators. Indicators in the Monitoring Framework have been developed based on:
- The objectives, targets and indicators that were developed for the SA Framework;
- Features of the baseline that will indicate the effects of the plan;
- The likely significant effects that were identified during the effects assessment; and
- The mitigation measures that were proposed to offset or
reduce significant adverse effects.
- Feedback from the monitoring process helps to provide more relevant information that can be used to pinpoint specific performance issues and significant effects, and ultimately lead to more informed decision-making. In addition to monitoring the sustainability impacts of the LPR, it will also be necessary to monitor changes to the environmental, social and economic context and baseline conditions.
- Monitoring in accordance with the SEA Directive can be incorporated into existing monitoring arrangements. The Council prepare an annual Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) to review progress on local development document preparation and monitor the outputs and implementation of current policies. It is expected that the proposed Draft Monitoring Framework in this chapter would be incorporated into the AMR.
Table 10-1: Proposed Monitoring Framework
Please use the scroll bar at the bottom of the table to view additional cells
SA Objective |
Effect to be monitored |
Indicators |
Data source |
Frequency |
1 - To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
Every three years |
2 - To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
Every three years |
3 - To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
Every three years |
4 - To improve the quality of where people live and work |
Annual |
5 - To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
Annual |
6 - To conserve and enhance water quality and resources |
Annual/Every five years |
7 - To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
Every three years |
8 - To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
Every three years |
9 - To promote the sustainable management of waste |
As frequently as the data is collected and available |
10 - To reduce emissions of greenhouse gases from energy consumption |
Annual |
11 - To reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
Every three years |
12 - To safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
Every three years |
13 - To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
Annual |
14 - To conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical and archaeological importance |
Every five years |
15 - To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscape |
Every five years |
16 - To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
Every three years |
17 - To maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
Every three years |
18 - To encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services |
Every three years |
19 - To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
Annual |