Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal (includes Non-Technical Summary)
Appendix E
Assessments of Site Allocations
Site Names & Refs: |
Existing use: |
Site ha: |
Proposal: |
Description: |
IP152 Airport Farm Kennels |
Greenfield |
7.37 |
Employment land |
A site for longer term development subject to access improvements. Suitable for B1 (excluding office use B1a), B2 or B8 and appropriate employment-generating sui generis. Development will be subject to the preparation of a development brief to address matters including the AONB. The feasibility of Park and Ride will be explored by the Council. |
IP141a Land at Future Park, Nacton Road |
Greenfield |
4.82 |
Employment land |
Suitable for employment uses B1b, B1c, B2, B8 and appropriate sui generis uses as defined through policy DM25. |
IP150a Areas U, V & W, Ravenswood |
Greenfield |
2.23 |
94 dwellings |
Has outline planning permission. It will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation attached to any planning consent. Development should also link into cycling and pedestrian route networks. |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP152 + |
IP152 and IP141a would provide new employment land in proximity to residents, which may help to alleviate local rates of deprivation. IP150a would situate new residents adjacent to an existing community in proximity to key services and amenities – social exclusion is unlikely. |
IP152 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP141a + |
IP141a + |
S-LT |
M |
IP150a + |
IP150a + |
S-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
IP152 O |
IP150a would deliver 94 new dwellings. IP152 and IP141a would have no discernible impact on housing. Suitable provision should be made for affordable homes. |
IP152 O |
N/A |
L |
IP141a O |
IP141a O |
N/A |
L |
IP150a + |
IP150a + |
LT |
L |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
IP152 - |
IP150a would situate new residents 500m south west of Ravenswood Medical Practice, within 500m of open spaces and the countryside and adjacent to an existing community. The Site's proximity to services and facilities may encourage high rates of walking and cycling. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
IP152 - |
N/A |
L |
IP141a - |
IP141a - |
N/A |
L |
IP150a ++ |
IP150a ++ |
S-LT |
L |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
IP152 - |
IP152 and IP141a would result in the loss of greenfield land near existing employment areas, which could be seen as a reduction in the quality of the surrounding area for workers. IP152 would situate new workers adjacent to the A14, which would be likely to be a source of noise, air and light pollution. IP150a would situate new residents in a location that avoids poor noise, air or light pollution and where the quality of homes could be very high. The proposed development at IP152 and IP141a should seek to incorporate a high-quality design and infrastructure, with existing infrastructure preserved as much as possible. Where feasible at IP152, offices and businesses should be set as far back from the A14 as possible. GI should be incorporated into all sites to help screen potential light and noise pollution and filter out air pollutants. |
IP152 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP141a - |
IP141a + |
S-LT |
M |
IP150a + |
IP150a + |
S-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
IP152 + |
The provision of employment land at IP152 and IP141a and the subsequent creation of jobs at the site could potentially provide new employees with an opportunity to learn new skills IP150a would situate new residents within 500m of Ravenswood Primary School and within 600m of Ipswich Academy. |
IP152 + |
N/A |
L |
IP141a + |
IP141a + |
N/A |
L |
IP150a ++ |
IP150a ++ |
LT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
IP152 - |
IP141a coincides with some small ponds. All three sites are within groundwater SPZ3 and each would be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption in relation to existing levels. To avoid contamination of groundwater, development should prevent potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff. |
IP152 - |
S-LT |
M |
S-LT |
L |
IP141a -- |
IP141a - |
LT |
M |
IP150a - |
IP150a - |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
IP152 - |
All three sites would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution in relation to existing levels, in large part due to an associated increase in road traffic. Each site has good access to bus links. Pedestrian and cycle access is somewhat limited for each site, particularly IP141a.The park and ride system being considered for IP51 could help to encourage a greater uptake of lower emission transport modes. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. The provision of electric car charging points could help to limit increases in road traffic emissions. In addition, cycling and pedestrian links should be incorporated into the development at all sites. |
IP152 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP141a - |
IP141a - |
S-LT |
L |
IP150a - |
IP150a - |
LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
IP152 - |
Each site is greenfield, and they would therefore be expected to result in the permanent loss of soils. Sustainable soil management techniques should be adopted during the construction phase. Best efforts should be made to enable an efficient use of land that avoids unnecessary losses of soil and avoids unnecessary compaction and reduces the risk of erosion or contamination. |
IP152 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP141a - |
IP141a - |
S-LT |
L |
IP150a - |
IP150a - |
LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
IP152 - |
The proposed Development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Opportunities for reusing buildings or materials would be lacking as the sites are greenfield. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
IP152 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP141a - |
IP141a - |
S-LT |
L |
IP150a - |
IP150a - |
LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
IP152 - |
The proposed Development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution and energy consumption in relation to existing levels, largely due to an associated increase in road traffic. Each site has good access to bus links and is relatively close to services/amenities/homes/jobs and this may help to limited increases in air pollution associated with traffic. To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency. Pedestrian and cycle access should be incorporated into development at each location. |
IP152 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP141a - |
IP141a - |
S-LT |
L |
IP150a - |
IP150a - |
LT |
L |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
IP152 - |
Each Site is in Flood Zone 1. IP150a has a small area of high surface water flood risk in its northern section. IP141a and IP152 have small areas at a medium risk of surface water flood risk. Undertake a Flood Risk Assessment for the Site and the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS to reduce flood risk. The area of IP50a at a high risk of surface water flooding is relatively small and it is considered to be likely that through a careful layout this area of land could be avoided. |
IP152 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP141a - |
IP141a - |
S-LT |
M |
IP150a -- |
IP150a - |
LT |
M |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
IP152 O |
The proposed Development at each site would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on the coast or estuaries. |
IP152 O |
N/A |
L |
IP141a O |
IP141a O |
N/A |
L |
IP150a O |
IP150a O |
N/A |
L |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
IP152 - |
120M west of IP150a is Brazier's Wood, Ponder Alder Carr and Meadows County Wildlife Site, which is also proposed as an LNR. Each Site is currently greenfield. Development at IP150a and IP152 would reduce local habitat connectivity by increasing the distance between habitats. Development at each location could potentially affect protected species as they contain existing structures. Appropriate ecological surveys of each site should be conducted prior to development to establish the presence of priority species and habitats. Existing green infrastructure, particularly hedgerow and trees, within each site or delineating their perimeters, should be preserved as much as possible and incorporated into the development. Additional green infrastructure should be planted to help preserve the sites' wildlife corridor or stepping stone capacities, as part of a strategic network across the plan area and beyond. |
IP152 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP141a - |
IP141a - |
S-LT |
M |
IP150a - |
IP150a - |
LT |
M |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
IP152 O |
IP152 and IP150a would be unlikely to have a discernible effect on the historic environment. The most western portion of IP141a is viewable from the Grade II Listed Building 'Terminal of Ipswich Airport'. The proposed development would result in the loss of greenfield land and potentially have an adverse impact on the setting of this sensitive heritage asset. The proposed development at IP141a should seek to incorporate a high-quality design, vernacular architecture, screening and green infrastructure to help limit an alteration to the setting of the heritage asset. |
IP152 O |
S-LT |
M |
IP141a - |
IP141a - |
S-LT |
M |
IP150a O |
IP150a O |
LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP152 -- |
IP152 would result in the loss of a greenfield site that is adjacent to, and partially within, the Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB. The proposed development would be expected to have an adverse impact on the setting of the AONB. The requirement for a development brief considering this impact would be likely to help ensure mitigation is incorporated into the proposed development. IP141a and IP50a are both greenfield sites that make a positive contribution to the local character. The proposed development at each site would result in the loss of greenfield land and could potentially alter the local character. However, IP50a would situate residential development adjacent to existing homes, and IP141a would situate employment land near existing employment land, and in each case adverse impacts on character would be likely to be minor. Green Infrastructure (GI) should be incorporated into the proposed development at each site. This should be comprised of a diverse range of locally native species that help to make a positive contribution to the local character. At IP152, GI should be employed in a manner that helps to preserve a relatively seamless character from the AONB to the Site and laid out in a manner that helps to preserve local landscape character, where feasible. |
IP152 -- |
S-LT |
M |
IP141a - |
IP141a - |
S-LT |
M |
IP150a - |
IP150a - |
LT |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
IP152 ++ |
IP152 and IP141a would provide new employment land in the Borough and help to make a positive contribution towards sustainable economic growth. IP150a would situate new residents in proximity to a range of employment opportunities. |
IP152 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP141 ++ |
IP141a ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP150a + |
IP150a + |
LT |
M |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
IP152 ++ |
IP152 and IP141a would provide new employment land relatively close and accessible to central areas of the Borough. IP150a would situate new residents in a location with good access to central areas of Ipswich, which could help provide a boost to retail services here. |
IP152 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP141 ++ |
IP141a ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP150a + |
IP150a + |
LT |
M |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
IP152 + |
Each site is situated on the south-eastern perimeter of Ipswich. Each site is within 500m of a bus stop. Derby Road Railway Station is 2.3km north of IP141a, 2.6km north of IP151a and 3.2km north of IP152. Each site would offer site users and residents excellent access to shops, services, employment areas, green open spaces and the countryside. Each site is accessible for pedestrians, cyclists and users of the strategic road network. The feasibility of Park and Ride at IP152 will be explored by the Council. Each site should provide residents and site users with good access to safe pedestrian and cycle links to central areas of the Borough. |
IP152 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP141 + |
IP141a + |
S-LT |
L |
IP150a + |
IP150a + |
LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
IP152 + |
As each Site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
IP152 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP141 + |
IP141a + |
S-LT |
L |
IP150a + |
IP150a + |
LT |
L |
Site Names & Refs: |
Existing use: |
Site ha: |
Proposal: |
Description: |
IP010a Coop Depot, Felixstowe Road |
Brownfield |
2.22ha |
75 dwellings and community use |
Land allocated for new homes with approximately 25% of the site allocated for an extension to Rosehill primary school. |
IP010b Felixstowe Road |
Brownfield |
2.79ha |
62 dwellings |
Land allocated for residential use. Current use to be retained on 50% of the site. |
IP116 St Clement's Hospital Grounds |
Mix of brownfield and greenfield |
11.85ha |
196 dwellings |
14/00721/OUT 196 dwellings outstanding at 01/04/2018 - Sports facilities would be retained or replaced. There are TPOs on site or nearby and it is adjacent to a local wildlife site (the golf course). Design and layout should support wildlife corridor functions. Bat and reptile surveys will be required prior to any vegetation clearance, and mitigation where appropriate. Site is in an area of high archaeological potential. The proposed works will cause significant ground disturbance that have the potential to damage any archaeological deposit that exist. There is no objection in principle to development, but any permission will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation. Historic buildings would be assessed. Water infrastructure and /or treatment upgrades will be required to serve the proposed growth, or diversion of assets may be required. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP010a + |
The proposed development at each site would situate new residents in proximity to an existing community, key services, amenities, open spaces and employment opportunities. It would therefore be likely to help ensure new residents do not feel excluded. |
IP010a + |
S-LT |
L |
IP010b + |
IP010b + |
S-LT |
L |
IP116 + |
IP116 + |
S-LT |
L |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
IP010a + |
IP010a would deliver 75 dwellings, IP010b would deliver 62 dwellings and IP116 would deliver 196 dwellings. An appropriate level of affordable housing should be provided at each site. |
IP010a + |
S-LT |
L |
IP010b + |
IP010b + |
S-LT |
L |
IP116 + |
IP116 + |
S-LT |
L |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
IP010a ++ |
Each site would be no more than 1.5km from Ipswich Hospital. IP010a and IP010b would be opposite Felixstowe Medical Centre. IP116 would be no more than 900m from the Felixstowe Medical Centre. Sports facilities would be retained or replaced. Each site would have good access to green and open spaces at Racecourse Recreation Ground and St Clements Golf Club. The proximity of each site to services, facilities and amenities may encourage high rates of walking and cycling. Each site would situate new residents within an existing community. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
IP010a ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP010b ++ |
IP010b ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP116 ++ |
IP116 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
IP010a - |
IP010a and IP010b would situate new residents adjacent to the A1156, which would be expected to be a source of noise, air and light pollution. All three sites are adjacent to the railway line which would also be expected to be a source of noise and light pollution. The proposed development at each site should have a noise assessment. GI should be incorporated into all sites to help screen potential light and noise pollution and filter out air pollutants. New homes should be situated as far back from the main road as possible to help reduce the effects of pollution... |
IP010a - |
S-LT |
M |
IP010b - |
IP010b - |
S-LT |
M |
IP116 - |
IP116 - |
S-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
IP010a ++ |
IP010a would facilitate an extension to Rosehill Primary School. It is also 1km south west of Copleston High School. IP010b would be within 500m of Rosehill Primary School and is 1km south west of Copleston High School. IP116 is 600m south of Copleston High School and 800m north east of Rosehill Primary School. |
IP010a ++ |
S-LT |
M |
IP010b ++ |
IP010b ++ |
S-LT |
M |
IP116 ++ |
IP116 ++ |
S-LT |
M |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
IP010a - |
No waterways are within or adjacent to any of the sites. Each site is more than 100m from a waterway. Each site is in groundwater SPZ 3. Each site would be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. IP116 may necessitate improvements to water treatment works to support the quantity of development here. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff. |
IP010a - |
S-LT |
L |
IP010b - |
IP010b - |
S-LT |
L |
IP116 - |
IP116 - |
S-LT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
IP010a - |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution in relation to existing levels. Access to public transport at each location is very good, which may help to limit increases in air pollution associated with road transport. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. The provision of cycle storage and walking and cycling routes into and out of the Site would help to reduce emissions associated with transport. |
IP010a - |
S-LT |
L |
IP010b - |
IP010b - |
S-LT |
L |
IP0116 - |
IP0116 - |
S-LT |
L |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
IP010a ++ |
IP010a and IP010b are brownfield sites and would constitute an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. IP116 is a greenfield site and would result in the loss of potentially ecologically valuable soils, although these soils would not be BMV. The proposed development should seek to make an efficient use of land where appropriate. Sustainable soil management techniques should be adopted during the construction phase with best efforts made to reduce compaction, erosion and contamination of soils. |
IP010a ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP010b ++ |
IP010b ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP0116 - |
IP0116 - |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
IP010a - |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are limited. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
IP010a - |
S-LT |
M |
IP010b - |
IP010b - |
S-LT |
M |
IP0116 - |
IP0116 - |
S-LT |
M |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
IP010a - |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development at each site would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution, largely due to an associated increase in road traffic. Each site has good access to sustainable transport modes, and is within proximity to services and facilities, which may help to limited increase in air pollution associated with transport. The proposed development at each site should incorporate sustainable design that enables high energy efficiency. The use of low emission vehicles should be encouraged and access to electric car charging points should be provided at each site. |
IP010a - |
S-LT |
M |
IP010b - |
IP010b - |
S-LT |
M |
IP116 - |
IP116 - |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
IP010a - |
Each site is in Flood Zone 1. IP116 has a small area in its eastern perimeter at a high risk of surface water flooding. IP010a and IP010b have small areas of land at a medium risk of surface water flooding. It is considered to be likely that the proposed development at each site could avoid land at risk of flooding given the minor extent of such land in each case. Given the size of each site, a flood risk assessment may be required. SUDS should be incorporated. |
IP010a + |
S-LT |
L |
IP010b - |
IP010b + |
S-LT |
L |
IP0116 -- |
IP0116 + |
S-LT |
M |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
IP010a O |
Each site would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on the coast or estuaries. |
IP010a O |
N/A |
L |
IP010b O |
IP010b O |
N/A |
L |
IP116 O |
IP116 O |
N/A |
L |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
IP010a O |
IP010a and IP010b would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on biodiversity. IP116 is adjacent to St Clements Hospital Grounds Local Wildlife Site, which is currently used as a golf course. The Site contains existing structures that could potentially be supporting protected species, which would be harmed by the proposed development. A diverse range of native plant species should be incorporated into the proposed development at IP010a and IP010b to help enhance their biodiversity value. GI should be incorporated into IP116, including a diverse range of native species, distributed in a manner that helps to preserve and potentially enhance the wildlife corridor capacity of the Site. Appropriate ecological surveys of IP116 should be conducted prior to development to establish the presence of protected species. |
IP010a + |
S-LT |
L |
IP010b O |
IP010b + |
S-LT |
L |
IP116 - |
IP116 - |
S-LT |
M |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
IP010a O |
200m west of IP010a is the Grade II Listed Building Church of St Bartholomew. Given the lay of the land and the existing presence of built form between IP010a and the church, impacts on the setting of this sensitive heritage asset would not be expected. No heritage assets are within 300m of IP010b and IP116. IP116 is in an area of high archaeological potential. Archaeological investigation of IP116 should be conducted prior to development. |
IP010a O |
N/A |
L |
IP010b O |
IP010b O |
N/A |
L |
IP116 - |
IP116 - |
N/A |
L |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP010a + |
IP010a and IP010b are brownfield sites and the proposed development here may help to enhance the Site's contribution to the local character. The proposed development at IP116 would result in the loss of greenfield land in addition to the re-development of brownfield land. Overall, it could potentially alter the local character. IP116 should incorporate a high-quality design and GI to help ensure that the re-development of the brownfield land helps the site to make an improved contribution to the local character. |
IP010a + |
S-LT |
L |
IP010b + |
IP010b + |
S-LT |
L |
IP116 - |
IP116 + |
S-LT |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
IP010a + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity to a range of jobs and employment areas, many of which would be within a walkable distance. Each site would situate new residents in proximity, and with good access, to central areas in Ipswich. They may also help to rejuvenate brownfield sites in the Borough. |
IP010a + |
S-LT |
L |
IP010b + |
IP010b + |
S-LT |
L |
IP116 + |
IP116 + |
S-LT |
L |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
IP010a + |
IP010a + |
S-LT |
L |
IP010b + |
IP010b + |
S-LT |
L |
IP116 + |
IP116 + |
S-LT |
L |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
IP010a ++ |
Each site has excellent access to public transport modes, including several bus stops within 500m and Derby Road Railway Station within several meters of IP010a and IP010b and 800m west of IP116. Each site is highly accessible for pedestrians and cyclists as well as via the strategic road network. The proximity of each site to facilities, services and amenities is likely to help encourage high rates of walking and cycling and to facilitate efficient movement. Electric car charging points should be made accessible to new residents. Safe pedestrian and cycle routes from each site into central areas should be provided for. |
IP010a ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP010b ++ |
IP010b ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP116 ++ |
IP116 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
IP010a + |
As each site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which could cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
IP010a + |
S-LT |
L |
IP010b + |
IP010b + |
S-LT |
L |
IP116 + |
IP116 + |
S-LT |
L |
Site Names & Refs: |
Existing use: |
Site ha: |
Proposal: |
Description: |
IP088 79 Cauldwell Hall Road |
Large building and car parking spaces |
0.3ha |
17 Dwellings |
Land with planning permission (17/0111 5/VC approved 22/02/18). |
IP131 Milton Street |
Car parking spaces and vehicle repairs shop |
0.29ha |
9 Dwellings |
Land with planning permission (15/01158/FUL (& 18/00552/FUL)). Possible contamination. |
IP109 Rear of Jupiter Road and Reading Road |
Garages and scrubland behind homes. |
0.49ha |
13 Dwellings |
Land with planning permission (12/00192/FUL (pending). |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP109 + |
The proposed development at each site would situate new residents in proximity to an existing community, key services, amenities, open spaces and employment opportunities. It would therefore be likely to help ensure new residents do not feel excluded. |
IP109 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP088 + |
IP088 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP131 + |
IP131 + |
S-LT |
L |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
IP109 + |
IP109 would deliver 13 dwellings. IP088 would deliver 7 dwellings. IP131 would deliver 9 dwellings. An appropriate level of affordable housing should be provided at each site. |
IP109 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP088 + |
IP088 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP131 + |
IP131 + |
S-LT |
L |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
IP109 ++ |
The proximity of each site to services, facilities and amenities may encourage high rates of walking and cycling. Each site would situate new residents within an existing community. Each site is no more than 900m north west of Ipswich hospital. Each site is within 800m west of Two Rivers Medical Centre. Adjacent to the northern perimeter of IP131 is an accessible greenspace with a play area. IP088 and IP131 are 800m south east of Brunswick road park. Each site is less than 1km south of the entrance to Ransomes Sports Pavilion. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
IP109 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP088 ++ |
IP088 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP131 ++ |
IP131 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
IP109 + |
IP131 would situate new residents behind a garage and workshop, which could be a source of noise, air and light pollution. IP109 and IP088 would help to situate new residents away from sources of noise, air and light pollution. The proposed development IP131 should have a noise assessment. GI should be incorporated into all sites to help screen potential light and noise pollution and filter out air pollutants. |
IP109 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP088 + |
IP088 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP131 - |
IP131 - |
S-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
IP109 ++ |
Each site is within 500m of St John's C of E Primary School and within Parkside Academy. |
IP109 ++ |
S-LT |
M |
IP088 ++ |
IP088 ++ |
S-LT |
M |
IP131 ++ |
IP131 ++ |
S-LT |
M |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
IP109 - |
There are no waterways within, adjacent to or within 100m of any of the three sites. Each site is in groundwater SPZ 3. Each site would be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff. |
IP109 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP088 - |
IP088 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP131 - |
IP131 - |
S-LT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
IP109 - |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution in relation to existing levels. Access to public transport at each location is very good, which may help to limit increases in air pollution associated with road transport. To reduce air emissions, the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. The provision of cycle storage and walking and cycling routes into and out of the Site would help to reduce emissions associated with transport. |
IP109 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP088 - |
IP088 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP131 - |
IP131 - |
S-LT |
L |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
IP109 ++ |
Each site is a brownfield site and would therefore constitute an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. The proposed development should seek to make an efficient use of land where appropriate. Sustainable soil management techniques should be adopted during the construction phase with best efforts made to reduce compaction, erosion and contamination of soils. |
IP109 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP088 ++ |
IP088 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP131 ++ |
IP131 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
IP109 - |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
IP109 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP088 - |
IP088 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP131 - |
IP131 - |
S-LT |
M |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
IP109 - |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development at each site would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution, largely due to an associated increase in road traffic. Each site has good access to sustainable transport modes, and is within proximity to services and facilities, which may help to limited increase in air pollution associated with transport. The proposed development at each site incorporate a sustainable design that enables high energy efficiency. The use of low emission vehicles should be encouraged and access to electric car charging points should be provided at each site. |
IP109 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP088 - |
IP088 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP131 - |
IP131 - |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
IP109 + |
Each site is in Flood Zone 1. Small areas of IP088 are at a medium risk of surface water flooding. IP109 and IP131 are not at risk of surface water flooding. It is considered to be likely that the proposed development at IP088 could avoid land at risk of flooding given the minor extent of such land. |
IP109 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP088 - |
IP088 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP131 + |
IP131 + |
S-LT |
M |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
IP109 O |
Each Site would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on the coast or estuaries. |
IP109 O |
N/A |
L |
IP088 O |
IP088 O |
N/A |
L |
IP131 O |
IP131 O |
N/A |
L |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
IP109 O |
None of the three sites would be expected to have a discernible impact on biodiversity. A diverse range of native plant species should be incorporated into the proposed development at each site to help enhance their biodiversity value. |
IP109 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP088 O |
IP088 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP131 O |
IP131 + |
S-LT |
M |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
IP109 O |
The Grade II Listed Building Church of St John the Baptist is less than 200m west of IP088 and IP131. Given the lay of the land and the existing presence of built form, it is considered to be unlikely that the proposed development would impact on the setting of this heritage asset. No discernible impact on the historic environment would be expected at any site. |
IP109 O |
N/A |
L |
IP088 O |
IP088 O |
N/A |
L |
IP131 O |
IP131 O |
N/A |
L |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP109 O |
Each Site is a brownfield site situated within existing residential built form. It is therefore considered to be unlikely that the proposed development at each location would have a discernible impact on the local character. The development at each site should incorporate a high-quality design and GI throughout to help ensure they make a positive contribution to the local character. |
IP109 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP088 O |
IP088 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP131 O |
IP131 + |
S-LT |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
IP109 + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity to a range of jobs and employment areas, many of which would be within a walkable distance. |
IP109 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP088 + |
IP088 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP131 + |
IP131 + |
S-LT |
L |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
IP109 + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity, and with good access, to central areas in Ipswich. They may also help to rejuvenate brownfield sites in the Borough. |
IP109 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP088 + |
IP088 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP131 + |
IP131 + |
S-LT |
L |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
IP109 ++ |
Each site has excellent access to public transport modes, including several bus stops within 500m and Derby Road Railway Station 1.3km south. Each site is highly accessible for pedestrians and cyclists as well as via the strategic road network. The proximity of each site to facilities, services and amenities is likely to help encourage high rates of walking and cycling and to facilitate efficient movement. Electric car charging points should be made accessible to new residents. Safe pedestrian and cycle routes from each site into central areas should be provided for. |
IP109 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP088 ++ |
IP088 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP131 ++ |
IP131 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
IP109 + |
As each Site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
IP109 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP088 + |
IP088 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP131 + |
IP131 + |
S-LT |
L |
Site Names & Refs: |
Existing use: |
Site ha: |
Proposal: |
Description: |
IP256 Sports Club, Henley Road |
Artificial hockey pitch of Ipswich Sports Club |
0.6ha |
28 dwellings |
Development needs to accord with Core Strategy policy DM28. Artificial hockey pitch, Ipswich Sports Club. Land with planning permission (16/00987/FUL.) awaiting S.106. TPO along the eastern boundary. This site lies in the vicinity of Iron Age and Roman sites. Whilst it remains an area of archaeological potential, given the impacts of previous landscaping there would be no requirement for an archaeological condition or work on this site on the basis that it looks heavily truncated. |
IP009 Victoria Nurseries, Westerfield Road |
Plant nursery (agricultural buildings) Victoria Nurseries |
0.39ha |
12 dwellings |
30dph. Low density to reflect suburban location. |
IP161 2 Park Road |
Large residential property and garden |
0.35ha |
13 dwellings |
Has planning permission - 07/00118/FUL & 13/00498/FUL. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP256 + |
The proposed development at each site would situate new residents in proximity to an existing community, key services, amenities, open spaces and employment opportunities. It would therefore be likely to help ensure new residents do not feel excluded. |
IP256 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP009 + |
IP009 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP161 + |
IP161 + |
S-LT |
L |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
IP256 + |
IP256 would deliver 28 dwellings. IP009 would deliver 12 dwellings. IP161 would deliver 13 dwellings. An appropriate level of affordable housing should be provided at each site. |
IP256 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP009 + |
IP009 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP161 + |
IP161 + |
S-LT |
L |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
IP256 - |
The proximity of each site to services, facilities and amenities may encourage high rates of walking and cycling. Each site would situate new residents within an existing community. IP256 would result in the loss of an artificial hockey pitch, which may have an adverse impact on physical activity in the immediate locality. This may be caveated slightly by its situating new residents adjacent to Ipswich Sports Club which has a range of alternative facilities. The nearest doctor's surgery, Ivy Street Medical Practice, is 1km south-west of IP009, 500m south-west of IP161 and 1km south west of IP256. Each site is no more than 2.4km north west of Ipswich Hospital. Each site would provide good access to green and open spaces, including Ipswich Park, Christchurch Park and the countryside. It is uncertain if the distance between the sites and key areas for services and facilities would encourage walking and cycling. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. The Council should identify opportunities for replacing the artificial hockey pitch lost to development in a nearby location. |
IP256 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP009 + |
IP009 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP161 + |
IP161 + |
S-LT |
L |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
IP256 + |
Each site would situate new residents away from key sources of noise, air and light pollution and would facilitate high quality and active lifestyles at home and outside. |
IP256 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP009 + |
IP009 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP161 + |
IP161 + |
S-LT |
L |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
IP256 ++ |
Each site is within 2km of Northgate High School. Dale Hall Community Primary School is 500m north west of IP256, 1.2km north west of IP161 and 1.2km north west of IP009. |
IP256 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP009 + |
IP009 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP161 + |
IP161 + |
S-LT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
IP256 - |
The three sites do not coincide with, are not adjacent to and are not within 100m of a water body. Each site is in groundwater SPZ 3. Each site would be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff. |
IP256 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP009 - |
IP009 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP161 - |
IP161 - |
S-LT |
M |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
IP256 - |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution in relation to existing levels. Access to public transport at each location is very good, which may help to limit increases in air pollution associated with road transport. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. The provision of cycle storage and walking and cycling routes into and out of the site would help to reduce emissions associated with transport. |
IP256 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP009 - |
IP009 - |
M M |
IP161 - |
IP161 - |
S-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
IP256 - |
The proposed development at each site would result in the loss of a small quantity of previously undeveloped land and thus the permanent loss of soils. These soils are not BMV but are ecologically valuable. The proposed development should seek to make an efficient use of land where appropriate. Sustainable soil management techniques should be adopted during the construction phase with best efforts made to reduce compaction, erosion and contamination of soils. |
IP256 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP009 - |
IP009 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP161 - |
IP161 - |
S-LT |
M |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
IP256 - |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
IP256 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP009 - |
IP009 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP161 - |
IP161 - |
S-LT |
M |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
IP256 - |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development at each site would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution, largely due to an associated increase in road traffic. Each site has good access to sustainable transport modes, and is within proximity to services and facilities, which may help to limited increase in air pollution associated with transport. The proposed development at each site incorporate a sustainable design that enables high energy efficiency. The use of low emission vehicles should be encouraged and access to electric car charging points should be provided at each site. |
IP256 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP009 - |
IP009 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP161 - |
IP161 - |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
IP256 + |
Each site is in Flood Zone 1. IP161 and IP256 are not at risk of surface water flooding. A small area of IP009 is at a high risk of surface water flooding. Development should seek to avoid land at risk of flooding in IP009. A flood risk assessment may be required for the Site as it partially coincides with, and is adjacent to, areas of high surface water flood risk. |
IP256 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP009 -- |
IP009 O |
S-LT |
M |
IP161 + |
IP161 + |
S-LT |
M |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
IP256 O |
Each Site would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on the coast or estuaries. |
IP256 O |
N/A |
M |
IP009 O |
IP009 O |
N/A |
M |
IP161 O |
IP161 O |
N/A |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
IP256 - |
Each site would result in the loss of some greenfield land that contains existing structures that could potentially be supporting protected species. IP161 is adjacent to Christchurch Park County Wildlife Site and is 115m north of Christ Church Park Arboretum County Wildlife Site. A diverse range of native plant species should be incorporated into the proposed development at each site to help enhance their biodiversity value. Appropriate ecological surveys should be carried out at each site to establish the presence of protected flora or fauna. GI within IP161 should be conserved as much as possible and supported by additional GI to help preserve its wildlife corridor capacity and to minimise harm caused to land functionally linked with the nearby wildlife sites. |
IP256 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP009 - |
IP009 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP161 - |
IP161 - |
S-LT |
M |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
IP256 O |
IP256 would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on the historic environment. IP009 is 65m west of the Grade II Listed Building 'The Spinney Including Car Port and Log Store' and is also 150m north east of the Ipswich Conservation Area. Given the lay of the land and the extent of existing residential built form, IP009 would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on the historic environment. IP161 is within the Ipswich Conservation Area and is within 300m of four Grade II Listed Buildings. The proposed development could potentially have a minor adverse impact on the character of the Conservation Area. The proposed development should seek to incorporate a high-quality design, GI and vernacular architecture in a manner that helps to minimise adverse impacts on the setting of the conservation area caused by the development of greenfield land. |
IP256 O |
N/A |
L |
IP009 O |
IP009 O |
N/A |
L |
IP161 - |
IP161 - |
S-LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
IP256 - |
Each Site contains previously undeveloped land and could potentially alter the local townscape character by replacing green and open land with houses. These new houses would be situated within an existing residential area, so adverse impacts would be likely to be kept to a minimum. IP256 would be adjacent to the planned Ipswich Garden Suburb. The development at each site should incorporate a high-quality design, vernacular architecture and high-quality GI throughout to help ensure they make a positive contribution to the local character. |
IP256 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP009 - |
IP009 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP161 - |
IP161 - |
S-LT |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
IP256 + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity to a range of jobs and employment areas, many of which would be within a walkable distance. |
IP256 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP009 + |
IP009 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP161 + |
IP161 + |
S-LT |
L |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
IP256 + |
Each site would situate new residents with good access, to central areas in Ipswich. |
IP256 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP009 + |
IP009 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP161 + |
IP161 + |
S-LT |
M |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
IP256 ++ |
Each site is within 500m of multiple bus stops and is within 2km of Westerfield Railway Station. Each site is accessible for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as users of the strategic road network. The proximity of each site to services, facilities and amenities could encourage high rates of walking and cycling and would be likely to enable efficient movement. Electric car charging points should be made accessible to new residents. Safe pedestrian and cycle routes from each site into central areas should be provided for. |
IP256 ++ |
S-LT |
M |
IP009 ++ |
IP009 ++ |
S-LT |
M |
IP161 ++ |
IP161 ++ |
S-LT |
M |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
IP256 + |
As each site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
IP256 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP009 + |
IP009 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP161 + |
IP161 + |
S-LT |
M |
Site Names & Refs: |
Existing use: |
Site ha: |
Proposal: |
Description: |
IP140 Land north of Whitton Lane |
Greenfield and agricultural land |
6.93ha |
Employment land |
Suitable for B1, B2 and B8 and appropriate employment-generating sui generis uses. Delivery expected in the medium to long term. Should be planned comprehensively as part of a larger scheme with adjacent land in Mid Suffolk but the two areas could come forward in phases. Subject to suitable access being provided. |
IP032 King George V Field, Old Norwich Road |
Sports fields, changing rooms and car parking spaces |
3.7ha |
Open space and 99 dwellings |
Allocated for 80% residential and 20% open space. The allocation is subject to the provision of replacement playing fields and ancillary facilities (e.g. changing rooms and spectator accommodation) in a suitable location. |
IP005 Former Tooks Bakery, Old Norwich Road |
Vacant brownfield plot |
2.79ha |
Community uses and 60 dwellings |
Has planning permission. Doctor's surgery to be included. Access constraints and possible contamination. There is potential for remains of multiple periods on the site and trenched evaluation will be required. Water infrastructure and/or treatment upgrades will be required to serve the proposed growth, or diversion of assets may be required. This site falls within the 91.4m height consultation zones surrounding Wattisham airfield. A transport assessment and travel plan will be required. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP140 + |
The proposed development at IP032 and IP005 would situate new residents in proximity to an existing community, key services, amenities, open spaces and employment opportunities. It would therefore be likely to help ensure new residents do not feel excluded. IP140 would provide new employment land in proximity to residents, which may help to alleviate local rates of deprivation |
IP140 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP032 + |
IP032 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP005 + |
IP005 + |
S-LT |
L |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
IP140 + |
IP140 is allocated for employment land and would not have a discernible impact on housing. IP005 would deliver 60 dwellings and IP032 would deliver 99 dwellings. An appropriate level of affordable housing should be provided at each site. |
IP140 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP032 + |
IP032 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP005 + |
IP005 + |
S-LT |
L |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
IP140 - |
The proximity of each site to services, facilities and amenities may encourage high rates of walking and cycling. Each site would situate new residents within an existing community. IP140 is allocated for employment purposes (B1, B2 and B8) and would therefore be unlikely to have a discernible impact on health. IP032 would result in the loss of playing fields, although development would only proceed if these are replaced by nearby alternatives. IP005 would provide for a new health centre, to which IP032 is adjacent. Ipswich Hospital is just over 6km east. Access to green and open spaces, and a diverse range of natural habitats, is excellent for each site. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. IP140 should be designed and laid out in a manner that helps to avoid and minimise air, noise and light pollution for nearby residents. Green infrastructure should be incorporated into the development to assist with this. |
IP140 - |
M-LT |
L |
IP032 ++ |
IP032 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP005 ++ |
IP005 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
IP140 - |
IP140 would situate workers adjacent to the A14 which would be likely to be a source of noise, air and light pollution. IP005 and IP032 are opposite a retail park which could be a minor source of air, noise or light pollution, particularly during any construction works. A noise assessment may be required for each site. Best efforts should be made to incorporate GI into the proposed development at each location that helps to screen workers and residents from sources of light and noise pollution and laid out in a manner that helps to filter out air pollutants. |
IP140 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP032 - |
IP032 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP005 - |
IP005 - |
S-LT |
L |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
IP140 + |
The provision of employment land at IP140 and the subsequent creation of jobs at the site could potentially provide new employees with an opportunity to learn new skills IP005 and IP032 are 1km north of Westbourne Academy and 1km north of Whitehouse Community Primary School. |
IP140 + |
N/A |
L |
IP032 ++ |
IP032 ++ |
S-LT |
M |
IP005 ++ |
IP005 ++ |
S-LT |
M |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
IP140 - |
Each site is in groundwater SPZ 3. Each site would be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. None of the three sites coincide with, are adjacent to or are within 100m of a water body. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff. |
IP140 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP032 - |
IP032 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP005 - |
IP005 - |
S-LT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
IP140 - |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution in relation to existing levels. Access to public transport at each location is very good, which may help to limit increases in air pollution associated with road transport. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. The provision of cycle storage and walking and cycling routes into and out of the site would help to reduce emissions associated with transport. |
IP140 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP032 - |
IP032 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP005 - |
IP005 - |
S-LT |
L |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
IP140 ++ |
IP005 would redevelop brownfield land and could be an opportunity to remediate contaminated land, which would be recognised as a highly efficient use of the Borough's land. IP140 and IP032 would result in the loss of greenfield that contain ecologically valuable soils (this soil is not BMV). The proposed development should seek to make an efficient use of land where appropriate. Sustainable soil management techniques should be adopted during the construction phase with best efforts made to reduce compaction, erosion and contamination of soils. |
IP140 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP032 - |
IP032 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP005 - |
IP005 - |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
IP140 - |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
IP140 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP032 - |
IP032 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP005 - |
IP005 - |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
IP140 - |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development at each site would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution, largely due to an associated increase in road traffic. Each site has good access to sustainable transport modes, and is within proximity to services and facilities, which may help to limited increase in air pollution associated with transport. The proposed development at each site incorporate a sustainable design that enables high energy efficiency. The use of low emission vehicles should be encouraged and access to electric car charging points should be provided at each site. |
IP140 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP032 - |
IP032 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP005 - |
IP005 - |
S-LT |
L |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
IP140 + |
All sites are in Flood Zone 1. IP140 is not at risk of surface water flooding. An area in the western portion of IP032 is at a high risk of surface water flooding. It is unknown if this would fall within the open space element of the Site. A small area in the south western corner of IP005 is at a high risk of surface water flooding. It is considered to be likely that the proposed development at IP005 could avoid land at risk of flooding. A flood risk assessment may be required for all sites given their size. Best efforts should be made to direct sensitive development away from land at risk of flooding at IP032. SUDS should be incorporated into the development at each site. |
IP140 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP032 -- |
IP032 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP005 -- |
IP005 O |
S-LT |
M |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
IP140 O |
Each site would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on the coast or estuaries. |
IP140 O |
N/A |
L |
IP032 O |
IP032 O |
N/A |
M |
IP005 O |
IP005 O |
N/A |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
IP140 - |
None of the three sites would be expected to have a discernible impact on a designated biodiversity asset. IP140 and IP132 are greenfield that could potentially be supporting protected species given the presence of existing structures. Development at both these locations would also be likely to reduce habitat connectivity in the local area. Development at IP005 would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on biodiversity. A diverse range of native plant species should be incorporated into the proposed development at each site to help enhance their biodiversity value. Appropriate ecological survey of IP140 and IP032 should be carried out prior to development to establish the presence of protected species. Existing GI structures should be preserved as much as possible. |
IP140 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP032 - |
IP032 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP005 O |
IP005 + |
S-LT |
L |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
IP140 - |
Each site is within a few metres (IP140 is partially adjacent) to an Ipswich Conservation Area, within which are six Grade II Listed Buildings. 250m south of IP005 and IP032 is another Grade II Listed Building. It is considered to be likely that the proposed development at IP032 and IP140, which are currently greenfield, would alter the setting of the Conservation Area and nearby Listed Buildings to some extent. Trench evaluation of IP005, a vacant brownfield, may also be required. Development at IP005 would be an opportunity to enhance the sites contribution to the local character. Development at each IP140, IP005 and IP032 should adopt a high-quality design that incorporates well-distributed GI and vernacular architecture to help reduce adverse impacts on the local character and enhance the contribution of IP005. |
IP140 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP032 - |
IP032 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP005 O |
IP005 + |
S-LT |
L |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP140 - |
Development at IP005, a derelict brownfield, would be an opportunity to improve its impact on the local townscape character. Development at the greenfield of IP140 and IP032 would result in the loss of green land that makes a positive contribution to the local character. The development at each site should incorporate a high-quality design and GI throughout to help ensure they make a positive contribution to the local character. |
IP140 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP032 - |
IP032 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP005 + |
IP005 + |
S-LT |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
IP140 ++ |
IP032 and IP005 would situate new residents in proximity to a range of jobs and employment areas, many of which would be within a walkable distance. IP140 would make a positive contribution towards the amount of employment land and job opportunities in the local area. |
IP140 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP032 + |
IP032 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP005 + |
IP005 + |
S-LT |
L |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
IP140 ++ |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity, and with good access, to central areas in Ipswich. IP005 may help to rejuvenate brownfield sites in the Borough. IP140 would provide new employment land and jobs in the local area which may help to enhance the vibrancy of nearby centres. |
IP140 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP032 + |
IP032 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP005 + |
IP005 + |
S-LT |
L |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
IP140 ++ |
Each site is within 500m of multiple bus stops. The nearest Railway Station to all sites is Westerfield, just over 3km east. IP005 and IP032 are highly accessible for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as users of the strategic road network. IP140 is relatively inaccessible in its current condition, situated as it is behind a retail park which represents the only way in. It is anticipated that the proposed development at IP140 would only proceed on the basis that access is provided. The proximity of all sites to jobs, homes, services, amenities and central areas would enable high rates of walking, cycling and relatively efficient movement. Electric car charging points should be made accessible to new residents. Safe pedestrian and cycle routes from each site into central areas should be provided for. |
IP140 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP032 ++ |
IP032 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP005 ++ |
IP005 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
IP140 + |
As each site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
IP140 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP032 + |
IP032 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP005 + |
IP005 + |
S-LT |
L |
Site Names & Refs: |
Existing use: |
Site ha: |
Proposal: |
Description: |
IP029 Opposite 674 – 734 Bramford Road |
Greenfield |
2.27ha |
45 dwellings and open space |
55% open space, 45% housing (housing on eastern side only). Development should not prejudice the potential provision of a link road between Bramford Road and Europa Way in accordance with SP9, subject to impact testing. |
IP165 Eastway Business Park, Europa Way |
Greenfield |
2.08ha |
94 dwellings |
As per approved scheme (13/00943/OUT) |
IP033 Land at Bramford Road (Stock's Elite) |
Greenfield |
2.04ha |
46 dwellings and open space |
50% housing, 50% open space. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP029 + |
The proposed development at each site would situate new residents in proximity to an existing community, key services, amenities, open spaces and employment opportunities. It would therefore be likely to help ensure new residents do not feel excluded. |
IP029 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP165 + |
IP165 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP033 + |
IP033 + |
S-LT |
L |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
IP029 + |
IP029 would deliver 45 dwellings, IP165 would deliver 94 dwellings and IP033 would deliver 46 dwellings. An appropriate level of affordable housing should be provided at each site. |
IP029 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP165 + |
IP165 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP033 + |
IP033 + |
S-LT |
L |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
IP029 + |
The proximity of each site to services, facilities and amenities may encourage high rates of walking and cycling. Each site would situate new residents within an existing community. Each site is somewhat distant from a GP surgery, the nearest being Norwich Road Surgery and The Chesterfield Drive Surgery, 1km east of IP033, 1.5km east of IP165 and 1.8km east of IP029. The nearest hospital, Ipswich, is 6km east. Each site would provide new residents with excellent access to open space, a diverse range of natural habitats and the countryside. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
IP029 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP165 + |
IP165 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP033 + |
IP033 + |
S-LT |
L |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
IP029 - |
IP029 would situate new residents adjacent to the A14, the B1067 and a railway line, all of which would be sources of noise, air and light pollution. IP165 would situate new residents in proximity to the railway line and adjacent to the B1067. IP033 would help to situate new residents adjacent to the B1067. The B1067 would be likely to be a source of noise, air and light pollution. A noise assessment may be required for each site, particularly IP029 and in relation to the A14 and the railway line. Situate new homes as far back as possible from main roads – for sites IP029 and IP033 the open space elements should be located between the roads and housing in order to situate residents at the furthest distance from the roads. GI should be incorporated into all sites to help screen potential light and noise pollution and filter out air pollutants. |
IP029 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP165 - |
IP165 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP033 - |
IP033 - |
S-LT |
L |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
IP029 ++ |
Each site is just under 1km south of Westbourne Academy and just under 1km south of Whitehouse Community Primary School. |
IP029 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP165 ++ |
IP165 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP033 ++ |
IP033 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
IP029 - |
IP029 and IP165 do not coincide with, are not adjacent to and are not within 100m of a waterbody. A small pond is adjacent to the south western perimeter of IP033. Each site is in groundwater SPZ 3. Each site would be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff. |
IP029 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP165 - |
IP165 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP033 -- |
IP033 - |
S-LT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
IP029 - |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution in relation to existing levels. Access to public transport at each location is very good, which may help to limit increases in air pollution associated with road transport. To reduce air emissions, the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. The provision of cycle storage and walking and cycling routes into and out of the site would help to reduce emissions associated with transport. |
IP029 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP165 - |
IP165 - |
S-LT |
IP033 - |
IP033 - |
S-LT |
L |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
IP029 - |
Each site is greenfield. The proposed development at each location would result in the permanent loss of ecologically valuable soils. This soil is not BMV. The proposed development should seek to make an efficient use of land where appropriate. Sustainable soil management techniques should be adopted during the construction phase with best efforts made to reduce compaction, erosion and contamination of soils. |
IP029 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP165 - |
IP165 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP033 - |
IP033 - |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
IP029 - |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
IP029 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP165 - |
IP165 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP033 - |
IP033 - |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
IP029 - |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development at each site would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution, largely due to an associated increase in road traffic. Each site has good access to sustainable transport modes, and is within proximity to services and facilities, which may help to limited increase in air pollution associated with transport. The proposed Development at each site incorporate a sustainable design that enables high energy efficiency. The use of low emission vehicles should be encouraged and access to electric car charging points should be provided at each site. |
IP029 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP165 - |
IP165 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP033 - |
IP033 - |
S-LT |
L |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
IP029 -- |
Each site is in Flood Zone 1. IP165 is not at risk of surface water flooding. A small area in the south east corner of IP029, and a small area in the south west corner of IP033, is at a high risk of surface water flooding. It is considered to be likely that the proposed development at IP029 and IP033 each location could avoid land at risk of flooding given its relatively small extent. A flood risk assessment may be required for each site. SUDS should be incorporated in the proposed development at each site. |
IP029 O |
S-LT |
M |
IP165 + |
IP165 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP033 -- |
IP033 O |
S-LT |
M |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
IP029 O |
Each Site would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on the coast or estuaries. |
IP029 O |
N/A |
L |
IP165 O |
IP165 O |
N/A |
L |
IP033 O |
IP033 O |
N/A |
L |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
IP029 - |
None of the three sites would be expected to have a discernible impact on a designated biodiversity asset. Each site is greenfield, containing existing structures that could potentially support protected species. The proposed development in each location would reduce habitat connectivity in the local area. A diverse range of native plant species should be incorporated into the proposed development at each site to help enhance their biodiversity value. Existing GI in each site should be preserved as much as possible. Appropriate ecological surveys should be conducted at each site prior to development, including of the pond adjacent to the south western perimeter of IP033, to determine the presence of protected flora and fauna. |
IP029 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP165 - |
IP165 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP033 - |
IP033 - |
S-LT |
M |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
IP029 O |
The proposed development at all three sites would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on the historic environment. |
IP029 O |
N/A |
L |
IP165 O |
IP165 O |
N/A |
L |
IP033 O |
IP033 O |
N/A |
L |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP029 - |
Each site would situate new residential development into an existing residential area. However, they would each result in the loss of greenfield that make a positive contribution to the local character and an adverse impact on the local character can therefore not be ruled out in each case. The provision of open space within IP029 would help to minimise adverse impacts at this site. The development at each site should incorporate a high-quality design, vernacular architecture and GI throughout to help ensure they make a positive contribution to the local character. |
IP029 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP165 - |
IP165 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP033 - |
IP033 - |
S-LT |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
IP029 + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity to a range of jobs and employment areas, many of which would be within a walkable distance. |
IP029 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP165 + |
IP165 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP033 + |
IP033 + |
S-LT |
L |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
IP029 + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity, and with good access, to central areas in Ipswich. |
IP029 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP165 + |
IP165 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP033 + |
IP033 + |
S-LT |
L |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
IP029 ++ |
Each site is within 500m of multiple bus stops. The nearest railway station, Ipswich, is 3km south east. Each site is highly accessible for pedestrians, cyclists and users of the strategic road network. The proximity of each site to jobs, services, amenities and facilities would encourage high rates of walking and cycling and enable efficient movement. Electric car charging points should be made accessible to new residents. Safe pedestrian and cycle routes from each site into central areas should be provided for. |
IP029 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP165 ++ |
IP165 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP033 ++ |
IP033 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
IP029 + |
As each site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
IP029 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP165 + |
IP165 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP033 + |
IP033 + |
S-LT |
L |
Site Names & Refs: |
Existing use: |
Site ha: |
Proposal: |
Description: |
IP147 Land Between Railway Junction and Hadleigh Road |
Derelict and industrial brownfield land |
5.22ha |
Employment use |
Land allocated for employment use. Suitable for B1, B2 or B8 (excluding B1a office use) and appropriate employment-generating sui generis uses. |
IP059 Arclion House and Elton Park Industrial Estate |
Derelict brownfield land and unused buildings |
2.97ha |
103 dwellings |
Land with planning permission (16/01220/O UT). Development will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation attached to any planning consent. Land is safeguarded to land a pedestrian and cycle bridge to the river path. |
IP061 Lavenham Road School Site |
Public open green space |
1.08ha |
Open space and 30 dwellings. |
Land allocated for open space and housing. 70% housing with improvement to existing open space. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP147 + |
The proposed development at IP059 and IP061 would situate new residents in proximity to an existing community, key services, amenities, open spaces and employment opportunities. It would therefore be likely to help ensure new residents do not feel excluded. IP147 would provide new employment land in proximity to residents, which may help to alleviate local rates of deprivation. |
IP147 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP059 + |
IP059 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP061 + |
IP061 + |
S-LT |
L |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
IP147 O |
IP147 is for employment use. IP059 would deliver 103 dwellings. IP061 would deliver 30 dwellings. An appropriate level of affordable housing should be provided at each site. |
IP147 O |
N/A |
L |
IP059 + |
IP059 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP061 + |
IP061 + |
S-LT |
L |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
IP147 - |
As an employment site, suitable for B1, B2 and B8 uses, IP147 would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on health. The proximity of each site to services, facilities and amenities may encourage high rates of walking and cycling. Each site would situate new residents within an existing community. The nearest doctor's surgery to IP059 and IP061 is Hawthorn Drive Surgery, 1km south of IP061 and 1.5km south of IP059. IP061 and IP059 would situate new residents in proximity to green and open spaces, including Chantry Park a few metres south and the countryside just beyond. Land is safeguarded to land a pedestrian and cycle bridge to the river path for IP059 and IP061 requires an improvement to existing open space, which could have benefits against this objective. IP147 should be designed and laid out in a manner that helps to avoid and minimise air, noise and light pollution for nearby residents. Green infrastructure should be incorporated into the development to assist with this. |
IP147 - |
M-LT |
L |
IP059 + |
IP059 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP061 + |
IP061 + |
S-LT |
L |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
IP147 - |
IP147 would situate workers adjacent to the railway line, which would be likely to be a source of noise, air and light pollution. IP061 would situate new residents within a few metres of the A1214, which would be likely to be a source of noise, air and light pollution. IP059 would help to situate residents away from major pollutants. Development should be situated as far back from the A1214 as possible. GI should be incorporated into all sites to help screen potential light and noise pollution and filter out air pollutants |
IP147 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP059 + |
IP059 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP061 - |
IP061 - |
S-LT |
L |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
IP147 + |
500m east of IP061 and 800m south east of IP059 is Raneleigh Primary School. Both sites are within 2km of Chantry Academy. |
IP147 + |
N/A |
L |
IP059 ++ |
IP059 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP061 ++ |
IP061 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
IP147 -- |
IP061 does not coincide with, is not adjacent to, and is not within 100m of a water body. The most northern points of IP147 and IP059 are adjacent to the River Gipping. Each site is in groundwater SPZ 3. Each site would be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff. |
IP147 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP059 -- |
IP059 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP061 O |
IP061 O |
N/A |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
IP147 - |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution in relation to existing levels. Access to public transport at each location is very good, which may help to limit increases in air pollution associated with road transport. To reduce air pollution , the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. The provision of cycle storage and walking and cycling routes into and out of the site would help to reduce emissions associated with transport. |
IP147 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP059 - |
IP059 - |
M |
IP061 - |
IP061 - |
S-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
IP147 ++ |
IP147 and IP059 are brownfield sites and would therefore constitute an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. IP061 is a greenfield site and would result in the permanent loss of ecologically valuable soils. These soils are not BMV. The proposed development should seek to make an efficient use of land where appropriate. Sustainable soil management techniques should be adopted during the construction phase with best efforts made to reduce compaction, erosion and contamination of soils. |
IP147 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP059 ++ |
IP059 ++ |
L |
IP061 - |
IP061 - |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
IP147 - |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
IP147 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP059 - |
IP059 - |
L |
IP061 - |
IP061 - |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
IP147 - |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development at each site would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution, largely due to an associated increase in road traffic. Each site has good access to sustainable transport modes, and is within proximity to services and facilities, which may help to limited increase in air pollution associated with transport. The proposed development at each site should incorporate a sustainable design that enables high energy efficiency. The use of low emission vehicles should be encouraged and access to electric car charging points should be provided at each site. |
IP147 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP059 - |
IP059 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP061 - |
IP061 - |
S-LT |
L |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
IP147 -- |
A small area in the north west of IP147 is in Flood Zone 2. IP061 and IP059 are in Flood Zone 1. IP061 is not at risk of surface water flooding. Small areas of IP059 in the centre and north of the site are at a high risk of surface water flooding. Large areas of IP147 are at a high risk of surface water flooding. Development at IP059 could avoid land at risk of flooding through a careful layout. A flood risk assessment may be needed for all sites given their size. Avoiding land at risk of flooding would be difficult at IP147 but could be feasible. SUDS should be incorporated into the proposed development at all sites. |
IP147 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP059 -- |
IP059 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP061 + |
IP061 + |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
IP147 O |
Each site would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on the coast or estuaries. |
IP147 O |
N/A |
L |
IP059 O |
IP059 O |
N/A |
L |
IP061 O |
IP061 O |
N/A |
L |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
IP147 - |
IP059 is adjacent to Chantry Park County Wildlife Site. IP061 is within 50m of this wildlife site. IP147 is adjacent to the River Gipping County Wildlife Site. Development at IPO61 would result in the loss of a greenfield site, which contains existing structures – it could therefore reduce local habitat connectivity whilst potentially affecting priority species. A diverse range of native plant species should be incorporated into the proposed development at each site to help enhance their biodiversity value. SUDS should be incorporated into IP147 and runoff during construction should be carefully controlled to prevent contamination or pollution of the river wildlife site. Existing GI at all sites should be preserved as much as possible, including trees and/or hedgerow delineating the perimeter. |
IP147 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP059 - |
IP059 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP061 - |
IP061 - |
S-LT |
L |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
IP147 O |
IP147 would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on the historic environment. IP059 could pose a risk to known or unknown archaeological remains belowground. However, Adjacent to the eastern perimeter of IP061 is the Grade II Listed Building Crane Hall. The open space currently plays a major role in the setting of Crane Hall and the proposed development at IP061 would therefore be highly likely to have an adverse impact on its setting. Development at IP061 should seek to adopt a high-quality design, vernacular architecture, screening and excellent GI comprised of a diverse range of native species that help to minimise adverse impacts on the setting of Crane Hall. IP059 would require archaeological investigation. This investigation should be concluded prior to development. This potentially identify previously unknown archaeological remains and make a positive contribution to Ipswich's historic environment. |
IP147 O |
N/A |
L |
IP059 - |
IP059 + |
N/A |
L |
IP061 -- |
IP061 -- |
S-LT |
L |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
IP147 O |
The proposed development of the brownfield IP147 and IP057 would be an opportunity to improve the sites' contribution to the local character. Development at IP061 would result in the loss of a greenfield site and public open space and could therefore have an adverse impact on local character. The development at each site should incorporate a high-quality design and GI throughout to help ensure they make a positive contribution to the local character. |
IP147 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP059 O |
IP059 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP061 - |
IP061 - |
S-LT |
L |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
IP147 ++ |
IP059 and IP061 would situate new residents in proximity to a range of jobs and employment areas, many of which would be within a walkable distance. IP147 would create new jobs and make a positive contribution towards meeting local employment needs. |
IP147 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP059 + |
IP059 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP061 + |
IP061 + |
S-LT |
L |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
IP147 ++ |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity, and with good access, to central areas in Ipswich. IP147 and IP159 may also help to rejuvenate brownfield sites in the Borough. |
IP147 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP059 + |
IP059 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP061 + |
IP061 + |
S-LT |
L |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
IP147 ++ |
Each site is within 500m of multiple bus stops. The nearest railway station, Ipswich, is 1.8km south east. Each site is highly accessible for pedestrians, cyclists and users of the strategic road network. The proximity of each site to jobs, services, amenities and facilities would encourage high rates of walking and cycling and enable efficient movement. Electric car charging points should be made accessible to new residents. Safe pedestrian and cycle routes from each site into central areas should be provided for. |
IP147 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP059 ++ |
IP059 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP061 ++ |
IP061 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
IP147 + |
As each Site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
IP147 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP059 + |
IP059 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP061 + |
IP061 + |
S-LT |
L |
Site Names & Refs: |
Existing use: |
Site ha: |
Proposal: |
Description: |
IP105 Depot, Beaconsfield Road |
Haulage company |
0.33ha |
15 Dwellings |
Land allocated for housing. |
IP135 112–116 Bramford Road |
Car wash |
0.17ha |
14 Dwellings |
Land allocated for housing. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP105 + |
The proposed development at each site would situate new residents in proximity to an existing community, key services, amenities, open spaces and employment opportunities. It would therefore be likely to help ensure new residents do not feel excluded. |
IP105 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP135 + |
IP135 + |
S-LT |
L |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
IP105 + |
IP105 would deliver 15 dwellings and IP135 would deliver 14 dwellings. An appropriate level of affordable housing should be provided at each site. |
IP105 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP135 + |
IP135 + |
S-LT |
L |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
IP105 + |
The proximity of each site to services, facilities and amenities may encourage high rates of walking and cycling. Each site would situate new residents within an existing community. Norwich Road Surgery is 250m north east of IP135 and 550m north east of IP105. The nearest hospital, Ipswich, is just over 4km east. Access to a public open greenspace or a diverse range of natural habitats from IP105 is limited, the nearest likely being over 1km south west at Chandry Park and 1km north east at Broomhill Park. Broomhill Park is 750m north east of IP135. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
IP105 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP135 ++ |
IP135 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
IP105 + |
IP105 would situate new residents away from major pollutants and adjacent to the river, likely facilitating high quality lifestyles at home. IP135 would situate new residents adjacent to the A1214, which would be a source of noise, air and light pollution. Development should be situated as far back from the A1214 as possible. GI should be incorporated into all sites to help screen potential light and noise pollution and filter out air pollutants. |
IP105 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP135 + |
IP135 + |
S-LT |
L |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
IP105 ++ |
Handford Primary School is 250m south of IP105 and 215m north east of IP135. Westbourne Academy is approximately 1.5km north west of both sites. |
IP105 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP135 ++ |
IP135 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
IP105 -- |
IP135 does not coincide with, is not adjacent to, and is not within 100m of a waterbody. IP105 is adjacent to the River Gipping. Each site is in groundwater SPZ 3. Each site would be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff. |
IP105 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP135 - |
IP135 - |
S-LT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
IP105 - |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution in relation to existing levels. Access to public transport at each location is very good, which may help to limit increases in air pollution associated with road transport. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. The provision of cycle storage and walking and cycling routes into and out of the site would help to reduce emissions associated with transport. |
IP105 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP135 - |
IP135 - |
S-LT |
L |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
IP105 ++ |
Each site is brownfield and would therefore constitute an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. The proposed development should seek to make an efficient use of land where appropriate. Sustainable soil management techniques should be adopted during the construction phase with best efforts made to reduce compaction, erosion and contamination of soils. |
IP105 ++ |
S-LT |
M |
IP135 ++ |
IP135 ++ |
S-LT |
M |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
IP105 - |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
IP105 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP135 - |
IP135 - |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
IP105 - |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development at each site would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution, largely due to an associated increase in road traffic. Each site has good access to sustainable transport modes, and is within proximity to services and facilities, which may help to limited increase in air pollution associated with transport. The proposed development at each site should incorporate a sustainable design that enables high energy efficiency. The use of low emission vehicles should be encouraged and access to electric car charging points should be provided at each site. |
IP105 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP135 - |
IP135 - |
S-LT |
L |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
IP105 -- |
IP135 is in Flood Zone 1 and is not at risk of surface water flooding. IP105 coincides with Flood Zones 3 and 2 and has large areas at a high risk of surface water flooding. A flood risk assessment should be provided for IP105. SUDS should be incorporated into the development. Development should avoid land at risk of flooding within the site as much as possible. |
IP105 -- |
S-LT |
M |
IP135 + |
IP135 + |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
IP105 O |
Each site would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on the coast or estuaries. |
IP105 O |
N/A |
L |
IP135 O |
IP135 O |
N/A |
L |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
IP105 - |
IP105 is adjacent to the River Gipping County Wildlife Site. Development at IP135 would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on biodiversity. A diverse range of native plant species should be incorporated into the proposed development at each site to help enhance their biodiversity value. SUDS should be incorporated into the development at IP105. Careful management of runoff during construction is necessary to help avoid contamination or pollution of the waterway. Any GI pre-existing in both sites should be preserved or enhanced as much as possible. |
IP105 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP135 O |
IP135 + |
S-LT |
L |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
IP105 O |
IP105 would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on the historic environment. 30m south of IP135 is the Grade II Listed Building Suffolk Record Office and Theatre. The proposed Development is an opportunity to enhance the site's contribution to the setting of this heritage asset. A high-quality design, the incorporation of GI, screening and vernacular architecture would help to ensure IP135 makes a more positive contribution towards the setting of the Listed Building. |
IP105 O |
S-LT |
L |
IP135 + |
IP135 + |
S-LT |
L |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
IP105 + |
Each site is brownfield and situated within existing residential built form. It is therefore considered to be unlikely that the proposed development at each location would have a discernible impact on the local character. The proposed development could potentially help the sites to make a more positive contribution towards the local character beyond their current site uses. The development at each site should incorporate a high-quality design and GI throughout to help ensure they make a positive contribution to the local character. |
IP105 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP135 + |
IP135 + |
S-LT |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
IP105 + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity to a range of jobs and employment areas, many of which would be within a walkable distance. |
IP105 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP135 + |
IP135 + |
S-LT |
L |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
IP105 + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity, and with good access, to central areas in Ipswich. They may also help to rejuvenate brownfield sites in the Borough. |
IP105 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP135 + |
IP135 + |
S-LT |
L |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
IP105 ++ |
Each site is within 500m of multiple bus stops. The nearest railway station, Ipswich, is 1.4km south. Each site is highly accessible for pedestrians, cyclists and users of the strategic road network. The proximity of each site to jobs, services, amenities and facilities would encourage high rates of walking and cycling and enable efficient movement. Electric car charging points should be made accessible to new residents. Safe pedestrian and cycle routes from each site into central areas should be provided for. |
IP105 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP135 ++ |
IP135 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
IP105 + |
As each site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
IP105 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP135 + |
IP135 + |
S-LT |
L |
Site Names & Refs: |
Existing use: |
Site ha: |
Proposal: |
Description: |
IP221 Waterford Road |
Public house and gardens |
0.35ha |
12 dwellings |
Flying Horse PH, 4 Waterford Road. 50% residential development, 50% retaining public house. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP221 + |
The proposed development would situate new residents in proximity to an existing community, key services, amenities, open spaces and employment opportunities. It would therefore be likely to help ensure new residents do not feel excluded. |
IP221 + |
S-LT |
L |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
IP221 + |
IP221 would deliver 12 dwellings. An appropriate level of affordable housing should be provided at each site. |
IP221 + |
S-LT |
L |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
IP221 ++ |
The proximity of the site to services, facilities and amenities may encourage high rates of walking and cycling. Each site would situate new residents within an existing community. 800m of the Site is Chesterfield Drive Surgery. Ipswich Hospital is just under 6km south east. Residents here would have excellent access to green open spaces, including Whitehouse Park and the countryside. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
IP221 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
IP221 O |
IP221 would situate residents away from sources of major pollutants. It is uncertain if the public house and the through traffic of visitors and cars, behind which the homes would be situated, would be a source of disturbance for residents. Consideration should be given to alleviating potential noise disturbance from the public house. GI should be incorporated into all sites to help screen potential light and noise pollution and filter out air pollutants. |
IP221 + |
S-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
IP221 ++ |
The Site is 220m north of Whitehouse Community Primary School and 240m north west of Westbourne Academy. It is adjacent to a nursery. |
IP221 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
IP221 - |
The site is in groundwater SPZ 3. The proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. The site does not coincide with, is not adjacent to and is not within 100m of a water body. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff. |
IP221 - |
S-LT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
IP221 - |
The proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution in relation to existing levels. Access to public transport at the site is very good, which may help to limit increases in air pollution associated with road transport. To reduce air pollution, the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. The provision of cycle storage and walking and cycling routes into and out of the site would help to reduce emissions associated with transport. |
IP221 - |
S-LT |
L |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
IP221 - |
The portion of land upon which the new homes would be built is previously undeveloped land. The proposed development would result in a permanent loss of ecologically valuable soils. These soils are not BMV. The proposed development should seek to make an efficient use of land where appropriate. Sustainable soil management techniques should be adopted during the construction phase with best efforts made to reduce compaction, erosion and contamination of soils. |
IP221 - |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
IP221 - |
The proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are considered to be very limited. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
IP221 - |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
IP221 - |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution, largely due to an associated increase in road traffic. The site has good access to sustainable transport modes, and is within proximity to services and facilities, which may help to limited increase in air pollution associated with transport. The proposed development should incorporate a sustainable design that enables high energy efficiency. The use of low emission vehicles should be encouraged and access to electric car charging points should be provided at each site. |
IP221 - |
S-LT |
L |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
IP221 + |
The site is in Flood Zone 1 and is not at risk of surface water flooding. |
IP221 + |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
IP221 O |
The site would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on the coast or estuaries. |
IP221 O |
N/A |
L |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
IP221 - |
The proposed development would be unlikely to have impact a designated biodiversity asset. The site could potentially be supporting protected species given the presence of existing structures. The propose development would result in the loss of greenfield. This could also reduce habitat connectivity in the local area. A diverse range of native plant species should be incorporated into the proposed development at each site to help enhance their biodiversity value. Existing GI within the site, including mature trees, should be preserved as much as possible. Appropriate ecological surveys should be carried out prior to development. |
IP221 - |
S-LT |
L |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
IP221 O |
The proposed development would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on the historic environment. |
IP221 O |
N/A |
L |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
IP221 - |
The proposed development would result in the loss of a small greenfield and open space which would have a minor adverse impact on the local character. The development should incorporate high-quality design with vernacular architecture and GI throughout to help ensure they make a positive contribution to the local character. |
IP221 - |
S-LT |
L |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
IP221 + |
The site would situate new residents in proximity to a range of jobs and employment areas, many of which would be within a walkable distance. |
IP221 + |
S-LT |
L |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
IP221 + |
The site would situate new residents in proximity, and with good access, to central areas in Ipswich. |
IP221 + |
S-LT |
L |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
IP221 ++ |
The site is within 500m of multiple bus stops. The nearest railway station, Westerford, is 3.2km east. The site is highly accessible for pedestrians, cyclists and users of the strategic road network. The proximity of the site to jobs, services, amenities and facilities would encourage high rates of walking and cycling and enable efficient movement. Electric car charging points should be made accessible to new residents. Safe pedestrian and cycle routes from the site into central areas should be provided for. |
IP221 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
IP221 + |
The site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
IP221 + |
S-LT |
L |
Site Names & Refs: |
Existing use: |
Site ha: |
Proposal: |
Description: |
IP067b Former British Energy Site |
Former energy site, scrubland and trees |
4.18ha |
Employment land |
Suitable for B1 (excluding office use B1,B8 and appropriate employment-generating sui generis uses. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP067b + |
The proposed development would provide an area of new jobs in proximity to homes and so could help to alleviate local rates of deprivation. It would also provide an opportunity to rejuvenate an area of previously developed land. |
IP067b + |
S-LT |
L |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
IP067b O |
IP067b is allocated for employment use and so would not have a discernible impact on housing. |
IP067b O |
N/A |
L |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
IP067b - |
As an employment site, suitable for B1 and B8 uses, IP067b may pose a risk of pollution for existing nearby residents. The site should be designed and laid out in a manner that helps to avoid and minimise air, noise and light pollution for nearby residents. Green infrastructure should be incorporated into the development to assist with this. |
IP067b - |
N/A |
L |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
IP067b - |
IP067b would situate new workers in proximity to a tarmac manufacturing plant, which could be a source of noise and air pollution. Consideration should be given to ensuring workers are not situated in an area of harmful levels of noise and air pollution emanating from the nearby industrial area and tarmac manufacturer. |
IP067b O |
S-LT |
L |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
IP067b + |
The provision of employment land at IP067b and the subsequent creation of jobs at the site could potentially provide new employees with an opportunity to learn new skills. |
IP067b + |
N/A |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
IP067b - |
The site is in groundwater SPZ 3. The proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. The site does not coincide with, is not adjacent to and is not within 100m of a water body. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff. |
IP067b - |
S-LT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
IP067b - |
The proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution in relation to existing levels. Access to public transport at the site is very good, which may help to limit increases in air pollution associated with road transport. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. The provision of cycle storage and walking and cycling routes into and out of the site would help to reduce emissions associated with transport. |
IP067b - |
S-LT |
L |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
IP067b - |
Much of the site is currently greenfield and so the proposed development would result in a permanent loss of ecologically valuable soils. These soils are not BMV. Given the former energy use of the Site, there could be an opportunity for some land remediation. The proposed development should seek to make an efficient use of land where appropriate. Sustainable soil management techniques should be adopted during the construction phase with best efforts made to reduce compaction, erosion and contamination of soils. |
IP067b - |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
IP067b - |
The proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are considered to be very limited. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
IP067b - |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
IP067b - |
The construction and operation of the proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution, depending on its final use, which may be related to an associated increase in road traffic. The has good access to sustainable transport modes, and is within proximity to services and facilities, which may help to limited increase in air pollution associated with transport. The proposed development should incorporate a sustainable design that enables high energy efficiency. The use of low pollution land uses, and low emission vehicles should be encouraged and access to electric car charging points should be provided at each site. |
IP067b - |
S-LT |
L |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
IP067b + |
The site is in Flood Zone 1 and is not at risk of surface water flooding. |
IP067b + |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
IP067b O |
The site would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on the coast or estuaries. |
IP067b O |
S-LT |
L |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
IP067b - |
The proposed development would be unlikely to have impact a designated biodiversity asset. The site could potentially be supporting protected species given the presence of existing structures. The propose development would result in the loss of greenfield. This would also reduce habitat connectivity in the local area. A diverse range of native plant species should be incorporated into the proposed development at each site to help enhance their biodiversity value. Existing GI within the site, including mature trees, should be preserved as much as possible. Appropriate ecological surveys should be carried out prior to development. |
IP067b - |
S-LT |
L |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
IP067b O |
The proposed development would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on the historic environment. |
IP067b O |
N/A |
L |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
IP067b - |
The proposed development would result in the loss of an area of green and open space which would have a minor adverse impact on the local character. It would be unlikely to impact on views from the AONB 800m south west. The development should incorporate a high-quality design with vernacular architecture and GI throughout to help ensure they make a positive contribution to the local character. |
IP067b - |
S-LT |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
IP067b ++ |
The site would provide new employment area and jobs that would help contribute towards growth and prosperity in the local areas. |
IP067b ++ |
S-LT |
L |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
IP067b ++ |
The site would provide new jobs in proximity to central areas of Ipswich and could help to rejuvenate the site. |
IP067b ++ |
S-LT |
L |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
IP067b + |
The site is within 500m of multiple bus stops. The nearest railway station, Westerford, is 2km north east. Access into the site is currently somewhat limited for pedestrians and cyclists as well as users of the strategic road network. The proximity of the proposed employment site to residential areas and prospective employees may help to encourage walking and cycling. Electric car charging points should be made accessible to new residents. Safe pedestrian and cycle routes from the site into central areas should be provided for. |
IP067b ++ |
S-LT |
M |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
IP067b + |
The Site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to locals. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
IP067b + |
S-LT |
M |
Site Names & Refs: |
Existing use: |
Site ha: |
Proposal: |
Description: |
IP132 - King George V Field, Old Norwich Road |
Former St Peters Warehouse Site. |
0.12 |
73 dwellings. |
Allocated for 80% residential and 20% open space. |
IP205 - Burton's, College Street |
Brownfield. |
0.19 |
125 dwellings. |
Residential as part of a larger site re-development for mixed use residential and commercial uses. |
IP136 - Silo, College Street |
Brownfield. |
0.16 |
48 dwellings. |
Site is primarily allocated for residential with secondary uses to include offices, leisure and/or small-scale retail. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP132 + |
The proposed development at each site would situate new residents in proximity to an existing community, key services, amenities, open spaces and employment opportunities. It would therefore be likely to help ensure new residents do not feel excluded. In addition, IP136, would provide new employment land in proximity to residents, which may help to alleviate local rates of deprivation. |
IP132 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP205 + |
IP205 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP136 + |
IP136 + |
M-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
IP132 + |
IP132 would deliver 73 dwellings. IP205 would deliver 125 dwellings. IP136 would deliver 48 dwellings. An appropriate level of affordable housing should be provided at each site. |
IP132 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP205+ |
IP205 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP136 + |
IP136 + |
M-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
IP132 + + |
The proximity of each site to services, facilities and amenities may encourage high rates of walking and cycling. The nearest GP, Orchard Medical Practice, is within 1km of each site. Each site would situate new residents within an existing community. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site. |
IP132 + + |
M-LT |
M |
IP205 + + |
IP205 + + |
M-LT |
M |
IP136 + + |
IP136 + + |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
IP132 - |
The three sites are adjacent to the A1022 and major roundabouts associated with the A137 and A1156. The proposed development at each site would be therefore likely to expose residents to a source of noise, air or light pollution. Additionally, IP132 and IP136 are within an AQMA and IP205 is within 30m of the same AQMA. The proposed developments at these locations would be likely to make achieving air quality improvement targets at the AQMA more difficult; and new residents at these locations would be exposed to dangerous levels of air pollutants associated with the AQMA. The proposed development at each site should have a noise and air quality assessment. GI should be incorporated into development to help screen new homes from light pollution and help to provide a filter of air pollutants. New homes should be situated as far back from the main road as possible to help reduce the effects of pollution. |
IP132 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP205 - |
IP205 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP136 - |
IP136 - |
S-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
IP132 + |
The Sites are located within 1km of St Helen's Nursey and Primary School and of St Matthew's Church of England Primary School and within 2km of Stoke High Secondary School. |
IP132 + |
S-MT |
L |
IP205 + |
IP205 + |
S-MT |
L |
IP136 + |
IP136 + |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
IP132 - - |
All three sites are adjacent to the River Orwell and Neptune Marina. Each site is in groundwater SPZ 3. Each site would be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. To avoid contamination of the surrounding water bodies and groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff. |
IP132 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP205 - - |
IP205 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP136 - - |
IP136 - |
S-LT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
IP132 - |
IP132 and IP136 are within an AQMA, additionally IP205 is within 30m of the same AQMA. Due to the scale of proposed developments and the associated increase in traffic, the proposed development at each site would be likely to exacerbate existing air quality issues. Access to public transport at each location is very good, which may help to limit increases in air pollution associated with road transport in the long term. Due to the proximity of each site to an AQMA an air quality assessment will need to be conducted. To reduce air pollution the development could include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. The provision of cycle storage and walking and cycling routes into and out of the Site would help to reduce emissions associated with transport. Green infrastructure should be incorporated into the development as much as possible, in a manner that best helps to filter out air pollutants. |
IP132 - |
M-LT |
M |
IP205 - |
IP205 - |
M-LT |
M |
IP136 - |
IP136 - |
M-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
IP132 + |
Each site is a brownfield site and would therefore constitute an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. The proposed development should seek to make an efficient use of land where appropriate. Sustainable soil management techniques should be adopted during the construction phase with best efforts made to reduce compaction, erosion and contamination of soils. |
IP205 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP205 + |
IP136 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP136 + |
IP132 + |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
IP132 - |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
IP132 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP205 - |
IP205 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP136 - |
IP136 - |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
IP132 - |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development at each site would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution, largely due to an associated increase in road traffic. Each site has good access to sustainable transport modes, and is within proximity to services and facilities, which may help to limit increase in air pollution associated with transport. The proposed development at each site incorporate a sustainable design that enables high energy efficiency. The use of low emission vehicles should be encouraged and access to electric car charging points should be provided at each site. |
IP132 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP205 - |
IP205 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP136 - |
IP136 - |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
IP132 - - |
All three sites are in Flood Zone 3. All three sites have a small area at a low risk of surface water flooding. IP0205 has a small area of land at a medium risk of surface water flooding. Due to the scale of the developments, a flood risk assessment may be required. To reduce flood risk, the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. Where possible, each site should be designed to avoid areas of highest flood risk. |
IP132 - - |
S-LT |
L |
IP205 - - |
IP205 - - |
S-LT |
L |
IP136 - - |
IP136 - - |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
IP132 - |
Due to being in proximity to the River Orwell, which is hydrologically linked to the Stour and Orwell SPA, the construction and occupation of the proposed development could potentially have an adverse impact on the Coasts and Estuaries objective. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the River should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat. |
IP132 O |
S-LT |
M |
IP205 - |
IP205 O |
S-LT |
M |
IP136 - |
IP136 O |
S-LT |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
IP132 + |
Site IP132 has 20% open space which if designed and maintained correctly could enhance local biodiversity. Due to being in proximity to the River Orwell, which is an important wildlife corridor in the Borough and which is hydrologically linked to the Stour and Orwell SPA as well as the River Gipping CWS, the construction and occupation of the proposed developments could potentially have an adverse impact on the Biodiversity Objective. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the River should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat. Green Infrastructure, featuring a diverse range of native plant species should be incorporated into the proposed development at each site to help enhance their biodiversity value. Assessments of impacts on the Orwell SPA will be updated in light of HRA findings when possible. |
IP132 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP205 - |
IP205 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP136 - |
IP136 + |
S-LT |
M |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
IP132 - |
One Grade II Listed Building is within IP132; however this building is in poor condition and appears derelict. Three listed buildings, including the Church of St Peter, are within 20-50m north of the three development sites. Due to existing presence and nature of the buildings on each development site, impacts on the setting of these sensitive heritage assets would not be expected. The proposed development at each site is an opportunity to improve the local setting given the current brownfield condition of each site. The Grade II Listed Building with site IP132 should be investigated and if possible regenerated as part in the development. High-quality designs, incorporation of GI, screening and vernacular architecture would help to ensure the developments make a positive contribution towards the setting of the Listed Building. |
IP132 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP205 O |
IP205 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP136 O |
IP136 + |
S-LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
IP132 + |
Each site is brownfield with buildings that are in poor condition and appear derelict. It is therefore considered that the developments may help to enhance the local character. The development at each site should incorporate a high-quality design and GI throughout to help ensure they make a positive contribution to the local character. |
IP132 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP205 + |
IP205 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP136 + |
IP136 + |
S-LT |
L |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
IP132 + + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity to a range of jobs and employment areas, many of which would be within a walkable distance. IP132 and IP205 are mix use schemes and will provide small scale office/retail employment. |
IP132 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP205 + + |
IP205 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP136 + |
IP136 + |
S-LT |
L |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
IP132 + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity, and with good access, to central areas in Ipswich. They may also help to rejuvenate brownfield sites in the Borough. |
IP132 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP205 + |
IP205 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP136 + |
IP136 + |
S-LT |
L |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
IP132 ++ |
Each site is within 500m of multiple bus stops. The nearest railway station, Ipswich, is 1km south west. The proximity of each site to jobs, services, amenities and facilities would encourage high rates of walking and cycling and enable efficient movement. Electric car charging points should be made accessible to new residents. Safe pedestrian and cycle routes from each site into central areas should be provided for. |
IP132 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP205 ++ |
IP205 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP136 ++ |
IP136 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
IP132 + |
As each Site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
IP132 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP205 + |
IP205 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP136 + |
IP136 + |
S-LT |
L |
Site Names & Refs: |
Existing use: |
Site ha: |
Proposal: |
Description: |
IP035 - Key Street / Star Lane / Burtons (St Peter Port) |
Brownfield. |
0.54 |
86 dwellings. |
Residential-led mixed use scheme. Additional uses could include office, leisure or small scale retail. |
IP211 - Regatta Quay, Key Street |
Brownfield. |
0.85 |
157 dwellings. |
Residential use. |
IP206 - Cranfields, College Street |
Cranfield Mill site and associated garage and lorry parking areas. |
0.71 |
135 dwellings. |
135 dwellings as part of a mixed use development in multi-storey blocks (up to 23 storeys), comprising: residential use (private/affordable residential apartments - 384 units in total); live/work units; commercial use (within use classes A1/A2/A3/B1 and D2); 81 bedroom hotel; car parking; formation/alteration of vehicular accesses; laying out of open spaces and associated works. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP035 + |
The proposed development at each site would situate new residents in proximity to an existing community, key services, amenities, open spaces and employment opportunities. It would therefore be likely to help ensure new residents do not feel excluded. |
IP035 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP211 + |
IP211 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP206 + |
IP206 + |
M-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
IP035 + |
IP035 would deliver 86 dwellings. IP211 would deliver 157 dwellings. IP206 would deliver 135 dwellings. An appropriate level of affordable housing should be provided at each site. |
IP035 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP211 + |
IP211 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP206 + |
IP206 + |
M-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
IP035 + + |
The proximity of each site to services, facilities and amenities may encourage high rates of walking and cycling. The nearest GP, Orchard Medical Practice, is within 1km of each site. Each site would situate new residents within an existing community. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
IP035 + + |
M-LT |
M |
IP211 + + |
IP211 + + |
M-LT |
M |
IP206 + + |
IP206 + + |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
IP035 - |
All three sites are located adjacent to the A1022. The proposed development at each site would be therefore likely to expose residents to a source of noise, air or light pollution. In addition, all three sites are partially within an AQMA. The proposed developments at these locations would be likely to make achieving air quality improvement targets at the AQMA more difficult; and new residents at these locations would be exposed to dangerous levels of air pollutants associated with the AQMA The proposed development at each site should have a noise and air quality assessment. GI should be incorporated into development to help screen new homes from light pollution and help to provide a filter of air pollutants. New homes should be situated as far back from the main road as possible to help reduce the effects of pollution. |
IP035 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP211 - |
IP211 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP206 - |
IP206 - |
S-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
IP035 + |
The Sites are located within 1km of St Helen's Nursey and Primary School and of St Matthew's Church of England Primary School and within 2km of Stoke High Secondary School. |
IP035 + |
S-MT |
L |
IP211 + |
IP211 + |
S-MT |
L |
IP206 + |
IP206 + |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
IP035 - |
IP211 and IP206 are adjacent to the River Orwell and Neptune Marina. Each site is in groundwater SPZ 3. Each site would be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. To avoid contamination of the surrounding water bodies and groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff. |
IP035 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP211 - - |
IP211 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP206 - - |
IP206 - |
S-LT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
IP035 - |
All three sites are within an AQMA. Due to the scale of proposed developments in this area and the associated increase in traffic, the proposed development at each site would be likely to exacerbate existing air quality issues. Access to public transport at each location is very good, which may help to limit increases in air pollution associated with road transport in the long term. Due to the proximity of each site to an AQMA an air quality assessment will need to be conducted. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. The provision of cycle storage and walking and cycling routes into and out of the Site would help to reduce emissions associated with transport. Green infrastructure should be incorporated into the development as much as possible, in a manner that best helps to filter out air pollutants. |
IP035 - |
M-LT |
M |
IP211 - |
IP211 - |
M-LT |
M |
IP206 - |
IP206 - |
M-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
IP035 + + |
Each site is a brownfield site and would therefore constitute an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. The proposed development should seek to make an efficient use of land where appropriate. Sustainable soil management techniques should be adopted during the construction phase with best efforts made to reduce compaction, erosion and contamination of soils. |
IP035 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP211 + + |
IP211 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP206 + + |
IP206 + + |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
IP035 - |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
IP035 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP211 - |
IP211 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP206 - |
IP206 - |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
IP035 - |
The construction and occupation of the proposed Development at each site would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution, largely due to an associated increase in road traffic. Each site has good access to sustainable transport modes, and is within proximity to services and facilities, which may help to limit increase in air pollution associated with transport. The proposed Development at each site incorporate a sustainable design that enables high energy efficiency. The use of low emission vehicles should be encouraged and access to electric car charging points should be provided at each site. |
IP035 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP211 - |
IP211 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP206 - |
IP206 - |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
IP035 - - |
All 3 sites are in Flood Zone 3 and at low risk of fluvial flooding. IP035 has approximately 30% of land at risk of surface water flooding – largely at low and medium risk in the south and east with a small area of high risk on the site's western boundary. IP211 has approximately 60% of land at risk of surface water flooding, the majority of which is at high risk, primarily in the north and western areas of the site, with lower risk in the western area of the site. IP206 has approximately 40% of land at risk of surface water flooding – largely at low and medium risk in the north and west with a small area of high risk on the site's eastern boundary with IP211. Due to the scale of the developments and a flood risk assessment will be required. To reduce flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. Where possible, each site should be designed to avoid areas of highest flood risk. |
IP035 - - |
S-LT |
L |
IP211 - - |
IP211 - - |
S-LT |
L |
IP206 - - |
IP206 - - |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
IP035 - |
IP035 O |
S-LT |
M |
IP211 - |
IP211 O |
S-LT |
M |
IP206 - |
IP206 O |
S-LT |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
IP035 - |
Approximately 60% of IP035 appears to be a derelict brownfield site with grasses and a range of flowering species growing. Construction and occupation of this land could reduce local levels of biodiversity. Green Infrastructure, featuring a diverse range of native plant species should be incorporated into the proposed development at each site to help enhance their biodiversity value. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the River should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat. Assessments of impacts on the Orwell SPA will be updated in light of HRA findings when possible. |
IP035 O |
S-LT |
M |
IP211 - |
IP211 O |
S-LT |
M |
IP206 - |
IP206 O |
S-LT |
M |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
IP035 - |
One Grade II Listed Building, 1-5 College Street, and one Scheduled Monument and listed building, Wolsey's Gate, are within IP035. In addition, IP035 is adjacent to two Grade II Listed Buildings, Church of St Peter and Church of St Mary at the Quay and 2 Scheduled Monuments, areas of middle and late Saxon town. IP211 and IP206 are adjacent to one Grade II Listed Building, Church of St Mary at the Quay and within proximity to the listed buildings and scheduled monuments, mentioned for IP035. Due to existing presence and nature of the buildings on each development site, impacts on the setting of these sensitive heritage asset would not be expected. The proposed developments are an opportunity to improve the local setting. The listed buildings and scheduled monument within IP035 should undergo archaeological investigation and where possible integrated into the design of the site. High-quality designs, incorporation of GI, screening and vernacular architecture would help to ensure the developments make a positive contribution towards the setting of the Listed Building. |
IP035 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP211 O |
IP211 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP206 O |
IP206 + |
S-LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
IP035 + |
Each site appears to be a disused brownfield site, it is therefore considered that the developments may help to enhance the local character. The development at each site should incorporate a high-quality design and GI throughout to help ensure they make a positive contribution to the local character. |
IP035 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP211 + |
IP211 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP206 + |
IP206 + |
S-LT |
L |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
IP035 + + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity to a range of jobs and employment areas, many of which would be within a walkable distance. IP035 and IP206 are mix use schemes and will provide office/retail employment. |
IP035 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP211 + |
IP211 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP206 + + |
IP206 + + |
S-LT |
L |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
IP035 + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity, and with good access, to central areas in Ipswich. They may also help to rejuvenate brownfield sites in the Borough. |
IP035 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP211 + |
IP211 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP206 + |
IP206 + |
S-LT |
L |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
IP035 ++ |
Each site is within 500m of multiple bus stops. The nearest railway station, Ipswich, is 1km south west. The proximity of each site to jobs, services, amenities and facilities would encourage high rates of walking and cycling and enable efficient movement. Electric car charging points should be made accessible to new residents. Safe pedestrian and cycle routes from each site into central areas should be provided for. |
IP035 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP211 ++ |
IP211 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP206 ++ |
IP206 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
IP035 + |
As each site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
IP035 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP211 + |
IP211 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP206 + |
IP206 + |
S-LT |
L |
Site Names & Refs: |
Existing use: |
Site ha: |
Proposal: |
Description: |
IP011a - Lower Orwell Street |
Small yard with vegetation. |
0.15 |
14 dwellings. |
Residential use. |
IP089 - Waterworks Street |
Car park. |
0.31 |
223 dwellings. |
Residential use. |
IP074 - Church and land at Upper Orwell Street |
Car park. |
0.07 |
9 dwellings. |
Erection of nine flats in three 2 and 3-storey blocks plus alteration to vehicle access and associated works. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP011a + + |
The proposed development at each site would situate new residents in proximity to an existing community, key services, amenities, open spaces and employment opportunities. It would therefore be likely to help ensure new residents do not feel excluded. |
IP011a + + |
M-LT |
M |
IP089 + + |
IP089 + + |
M-LT |
M |
IP074 + + |
IP074 + + |
M-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
IP011a + |
IP011a would deliver 14 dwellings. IP089 would deliver 223 dwellings. IP074 would deliver 9 dwellings. An appropriate level of affordable housing should be provided at each site. |
IP011a + |
M-LT |
M |
IP089 + |
IP089 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP074 + |
IP074 + |
M-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
IP011a + + |
The proximity of each site to services, facilities and amenities may encourage high rates of walking and cycling. The nearest GP, Orchard Medical Practice, is within 500m of each site. Each site would situate new residents within an existing community. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
IP011a + + |
M-LT |
M |
IP089 + + |
IP089 + + |
M-LT |
M |
IP074 + + |
IP074 + + |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
IP011a - |
IP011a is within 50m of the A1022 and is therefore likely to expose residents to a source of noise, air or light pollution. IP089 and IP074 are adjacent to the A1156 and are therefore likely to expose residents to a source of noise, air or light pollution. In addition, the southern boundary of IP089 is coincident with an AQMA. The proposed development at this location would be likely to make achieving air quality improvement targets at the AQMA more difficult; and new residents at this location would be exposed to dangerous levels of air pollutants associated with the AQMA. The proposed development at each site should have a noise and air quality assessment.GI should be incorporated into all sites to help screen potential light and noise pollution and filter out air pollutants. New homes should be situated as far back from the main road as possible to help reduce the effects of pollution. |
IP011a - |
S-LT |
M |
IP089 - |
IP089 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP074 - |
IP074 - |
S-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
IP011a + |
IP011a is located within 1km and IP089 and IP074 are located within 500m of St Helen's Nursey and Primary School. Each site is within 2km of Stoke High Secondary School. |
IP011a + |
S-MT |
L |
IP089 + + |
IP089 + + |
S-MT |
L |
IP074 + + |
IP074 + + |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
IP011a - |
Each site is in groundwater SPZ 3. Each site would be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. Each site does not coincide with, is not adjacent to and is not within 100m of a water body. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff. |
IP011a - |
S-MT |
L |
IP089 - |
IP089 - |
S-MT |
L |
IP074 - |
IP074 - |
S-MT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
IP011a - |
The southern boundary of IP089 is in an AQMA. Due to the scale of proposed developments in this area and the associated increase in traffic, the proposed development at each site would be likely to exacerbate existing air quality issues. Access to public transport at each location is very good, which may help to limit increases in air pollution associated with road transport in the long term. Due to the proximity of IP011a to an AQMA an air quality assessment will need to be conducted. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. The provision of cycle storage and walking and cycling routes into and out of the site would help to reduce emissions associated with transport. Green infrastructure should be incorporated into the development as much as possible, in a manner that best helps to filter out air pollutants. |
IP011a - |
M-LT |
M |
IP089 - |
IP089 - |
M-LT |
M |
IP074 - |
IP074 - |
M-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
IP011a - |
IP011a is a small vegetated yard in Ipswich's urban centre, therefore this would not be an efficient use of land. IP089 and IP074 are brownfield sites and would therefore constitute an efficient use of land. The proposed development should seek to make an efficient use of land where appropriate. Sustainable soil management techniques should be adopted during the construction phase with best efforts made to reduce compaction, erosion and contamination of soils. |
IP011a - |
S-LT |
L |
IP089 + + |
IP089 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP074 + + |
IP074 + + |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
IP011a - |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
IP011a - |
S-LT |
L |
IP089 - |
IP089 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP074 - |
IP074 - |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
IP011a - |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development at each site would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution, largely due to an associated increase in road traffic. Each site has good access to sustainable transport modes, and is within proximity to services and facilities, which may help to limit increase in air pollution associated with transport. The proposed development at each site incorporate a sustainable design that enables high energy efficiency. The use of low emission vehicles should be encouraged and access to electric car charging points should be provided at each site. |
IP011a - |
S-LT |
M |
IP089 - |
IP089 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP074 - |
IP074 - |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
IP011a - |
IP011a has a very small area of low surface water flood risk on site, however the adjacent road (Lower Orwell Street) has high surface water flood risk. IP011a is currently vegetated, the removal of this vegetation in place of a residential development could potentially alter the local extent of surface water flood risk. IP089 and IP074 are in Flood Zone 1. Due to the scale of the developments, a flood risk assessment may be required. To reduce flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. |
IP011a - |
S-LT |
L |
IP089 + |
IP089 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP074 + |
IP074 + |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
IP011a O |
Each site would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on the coast or estuaries. |
IP011a O |
N/A |
M |
IP089 O |
IP089 O |
N/A |
M |
IP074 O |
IP074 O |
N/A |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
IP011a - |
The loss of trees at IP011a could impact upon local biodiversity and habitat connectivity. IP089 and IP074 are unlikely to have a discernible impact on biodiversity. Green infrastructure, including a diverse range of native plant species should be incorporated into the proposed development at each site to help enhance their biodiversity value. |
IP011a O |
S-LT |
M |
IP089 O |
IP089 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP074 O |
IP074 + |
S-LT |
M |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
IP011a O |
IP011a is on the site of a Scheduled Monument, buried remains of late Saxon town. IP089 is within 100m of approximately 20 listed buildings along Fore Street, Eagle Street and Waterworks. IP074 is adjacent to two Grade II Listed Buildings, 33 Upper Orwell Street and St Michaels church. Due to existing nature of the development sites, impacts on the setting of these sensitive heritage assets would not be expected. High-quality designs, incorporation of GI, screening and vernacular architecture would help to ensure the developments make a positive contribution towards the setting of the Listed Building. In addition, the Scheduled Monument at IP11a should undergo archaeological investigation and where possible integrated into the design of the site. |
IP011a O |
N/A |
M |
IP089 O |
IP089 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP074 O |
IP074 + |
S-LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
IP011a + |
IP011a is a disused yard with no public access and IP089 and IP074 are car parks, it is therefore considered that the developments may help to enhance the local character. The development at each site should incorporate a high-quality design and GI throughout to help ensure they make a positive contribution to the local character. |
IP011a + |
S-LT |
L |
IP089 + |
IP089 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP074 + |
IP074 + |
S-LT |
L |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
IP011a + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity to a range of jobs and employment areas, many of which would be within a walkable distance. |
IP011a + |
S-LT |
L |
IP089 + |
IP089 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP074 + |
IP074 + |
S-LT |
L |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
IP011a + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity, and with good access, to central areas in Ipswich. They may also help to rejuvenate brownfield sites in the Borough. |
IP011a + |
S-LT |
L |
IP089 + |
IP089 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP074 + |
IP074 + |
S-LT |
L |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
IP011a + + |
Each site is within 500m of multiple bus stops. Each site is within 1.5km of the nearest railway station, Ipswich. The proximity of each site to jobs, services, amenities and facilities would encourage high rates of walking and cycling and enable efficient movement. Electric car charging points should be made accessible to new residents. Safe pedestrian and cycle routes from each site into central areas should be provided for. |
IP011a + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP089 + + |
IP089 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP074 + + |
IP074 + + |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
IP011a + |
As each site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
IP011a + |
S-LT |
L |
IP089 + |
IP089 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP074 + |
IP074 + |
S-LT |
L |
Site Names & Refs: |
Existing use: |
Site ha: |
Proposal: |
Description: |
IP012 - Peter's Ice Cream |
Brownfield and car park. |
0.32 |
29 dwellings. |
Residential use. |
IP043 - Commercial Buildings & Jewish Burial Ground Star Lane |
Car park and 'Hyper Cars Ipswich'. |
0.7 |
46 dwellings. |
Residential use. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP012 + + |
The proposed development at each site would situate new residents in proximity to an existing community, key services, amenities, open spaces and employment opportunities. It would therefore be likely to help ensure new residents do not feel excluded. In addition, IP043 would provide new employment land in proximity to residents, which may help to alleviate local rates of deprivation. |
IP012 + + |
M-LT |
M |
IP043 + + |
IP043 + + |
M-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
IP012 + |
IP012 would deliver 29 dwellings. IP043 would deliver 46 dwellings. An appropriate level of affordable housing should be provided at each site. |
IP012 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP043 + |
IP043 + |
M-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
IP012 + + |
The proximity of each site to services, facilities and amenities may encourage high rates of walking and cycling. The nearest GP, Orchard Medical Practice, is within 500m of each site. Each site would situate new residents within an existing community. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
IP012 + + |
M-LT |
M |
IP043 + + |
IP043 + + |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
IP012 - |
IP012 is adjacent to the intersection of the A1156 and A1022.IP043 is located between the A1022 east and west bound roads. The proposed development at each site would be therefore likely to expose residents to a source of noise, air or light pollution. In addition, approximately 40% of IP043 lies within an AQMA which would expose new residents to dangerous levels of air pollution. The proposed development at each site should have a noise assessment. GI should be incorporated into development to help screen new homes from light pollution and help to provide a filter of air pollutants. New homes should be situated as far back from the main road as possible to help reduce the effects of pollution. |
IP012 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP043 - |
IP043 - |
S-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
IP012 + |
Each site is located within 500m of St Helen's Nursey and Primary School and is within 2km of Stoke High Secondary School. |
IP012 + |
S-MT |
L |
IP043 + |
IP043 + |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
IP012 - |
Each site is in groundwater SPZ 3. Each site would be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. IP012 does not coincide with, is not adjacent to and is not within 100m of a water body. IP043 is within 50m of Neptune Marina. To avoid contamination of the surrounding water bodies and groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff. |
IP012 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP043 - - |
IP043 - |
S-LT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
IP012 - |
Approximately 40% of IP043 lies within an AQMA. Due to the scale of proposed developments in this area and the associated increase in traffic, the proposed development at each site would be likely to exacerbate existing air quality issues. Access to public transport at each location is very good, which may help to limit increases in air pollution associated with road transport in the long term. Due to the proximity of IP043 to an AQMA an air quality assessment will need to be conducted. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. The provision of cycle storage and walking and cycling routes into and out of the site would help to reduce emissions associated with transport. Green infrastructure should be incorporated into the development as much as possible, in a manner that best helps to filter out air pollutants. |
IP012 - |
M-LT |
M |
M-LT |
M |
IP012 - |
IP012 - |
M-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
IP012 + + |
Each site is a brownfield site and would therefore constitute an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. The proposed development should seek to make an efficient use of land where appropriate. Sustainable soil management techniques should be adopted during the construction phase with best efforts made to reduce compaction, erosion and contamination of soils. |
IP012 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP043 + + |
IP043 + + |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
IP012 - |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
IP012 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP043 - |
IP043 - |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
IP012 - |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development at each site would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution, largely due to an associated increase in road traffic. Each site has good access to sustainable transport modes, and is within proximity to services and facilities, which may help to limit increase in air pollution associated with transport. The proposed development at each site should incorporate a sustainable design that enables high energy efficiency. The use of low emission vehicles should be encouraged and access to electric car charging points should be provided at each site. |
IP012 - |
S-LT |
M |
S-LT |
M |
IP012 - |
IP012 - |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
IP012 - |
Approximately 50% of the land at IP012 is at low risk of surface water flooding with a small area of medium and high surface water flood risk where the site borders Grimwade Street. IP043 has approximately 10% of its land in Flood Zone 3 and approximately 20% in Flood Zone 2. IP043 has a small area of land with low surface water flood risk in the south east of the site. Due to the scale of the developments, a flood risk assessment may be required. To reduce flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. Where possible, each site should be designed to avoid areas of highest flood risk. |
IP012 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP043 - - |
IP043 - - |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
IP012 O |
IP012 would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on the coast or estuaries. IP043 is within 50m of Neptune Marina, which is hydrologically linked to the Stour and Orwell SPA. The construction and occupation of the proposed development could potentially have an adverse impact on the Coasts and Estuaries objective. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the River should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat |
IP012 O |
N/A |
M |
IP043 - |
IP043 O |
S-LT |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
IP012 O |
IP012 would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on biodiversity. IP043 is within 50m of Neptune Marina, which is hydrologically linked to the River Orwell, Stour and Orwell SPA as well as the River Gipping CWS. The construction and occupation of the proposed development could potentially have an adverse impact on the Biodiversity Objective. Green infrastructure, including a diverse range of native plant species should be incorporated into the proposed development at each site to help enhance their biodiversity value. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the River should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat. Assessments of impacts on the Orwell SPA will be updated in light of HRA findings when possible. |
IP012 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP043 - |
IP043 O |
S-LT |
M |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
IP012 O |
One Grade II Listed Building, St Clemants church, is in proximity of IP012. Due to existing nature of IP012, impacts on the setting of these sensitive heritage assets would not be expected. The proposed development is an opportunity to improve the local setting. One Grade II Listed Building, Store at the rear of 54-58, is within IP043 and several listed buildings are in proximity along Fore street. In addition, the design of IP043 avoids the Grade II Listed Jewish Burial ground. The Grade II Listed Building not currently accounted for in the design of IP043's boundary should be integrated into the site's design. High-quality designs, incorporation of GI, screening and vernacular architecture would help to ensure the developments make a positive contribution towards the setting of the Listed Building. |
IP012 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP043 - |
IP043 O |
S-LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
IP012 + |
IP012 currently consists of a car parking area and buildings which appear empty. IP043 consists a warehouse and car park. Therefore, it is considered that the developments may help to enhance the local character. The development at each site should incorporate a high-quality design and GI throughout to help ensure they make a positive contribution to the local character. In addition, the development at IP043 should try to accord with the local architecture along the adjacent, Fore Street. |
IP012 + |
IP043 + |
IP043 + |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
IP012 + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity to a range of jobs and employment areas, many of which would be within a walkable distance. |
IP012 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP043 + |
IP043 + |
S-LT |
L |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
IP012 + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity, and with good access, to central areas in Ipswich. They may also help to rejuvenate brownfield sites in the Borough. |
IP012 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP043 + |
IP043 + |
S-LT |
L |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
IP012 + + |
Each site is within 500m of multiple bus stops and 1.5km of the nearest railway station, Ipswich. The proximity of each site to jobs, services, amenities and facilities would encourage high rates of walking and cycling and enable efficient movement. Electric car charging points should be made accessible to new residents. Safe pedestrian and cycle routes from each site into central areas should be provided for. |
IP012 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP043 + + |
IP043 + + |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
IP012 + |
As each Site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
IP012 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP043 + |
IP043 + |
S-LT |
L |
Site Names & Refs: |
Existing use: |
Site ha: |
Proposal: |
Description: |
IP051 - Old Cattle Market Portman Road |
Car park. |
2.21 |
N/A |
80% B1a and 20% main town centre uses such as hotel / leisure (excluding retail). Existing long-stay car parking provision in this area will be required prior to the parking being lost. |
IP004 - Bus depot Sir Alf Ramsey Way |
Bus depot. |
1.07 |
48 dwellings |
Residential and 50% employment as part of mixed-use scheme with housing. |
IP096 - Car Park Handford Road East |
Car park. |
0.22 |
20 dwellings. |
Residential use. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP051 + |
IP051 and IP004 would provide new employment land in proximity to residents, which may help to alleviate local rates of deprivation. The proposed development at IP004 and IP096 would situate new residents in proximity to an existing community, key services, amenities, open spaces and employment opportunities. It would therefore be likely to help ensure new residents do not feel excluded. |
IP051 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP004 + |
IP004 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP096 + |
IP096 + |
M-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
IP051 O |
IP151 would have no discernible impact on housing as it is allocated for employment and car parking. IP004 would deliver 48 dwellings. IP096 would deliver 20 dwellings. An appropriate level of affordable housing should be provided at each site. |
IP051 O |
N/A |
M |
IP004 + |
IP004 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP096 + |
IP096 + |
M-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
IP051 + |
The proximity of each site to services, facilities and amenities may encourage high rates of walking and cycling. The nearest GP, Burlington Road Surgery, is within 1km of IP051 and IP096, and within 500m of IP096. Each site would situate new residents within an existing community. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
IP051 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP004 + |
IP004 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP096 + + |
IP096 + + |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
IP051 - |
IP051 is within 50m of the A1022; IP004 is adjacent to the A137; and IP096 is adjacent to the A1071. Therefore, these developments are likely to expose residents and business users to sources of noise, air or light pollution. The proximity of IP004 and IP051 to Ipswich Town FC may negatively impact quality of life, due to additional noise, congestion and crime associated with match days. The proposed development at each site should have a noise and air quality assessment.GI should be incorporated into all sites to help screen potential light and noise pollution and filter out air pollutants. New homes should be situated as far back from the main road as possible to help reduce the effects of pollution. |
IP051 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP004 - |
IP004 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP096 - |
IP096 - |
S-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
IP051 + + |
IP051 and IP096 are located within 500m and IP004 is located within 1km of St Matthew's Church of England Primary School. Each site is within 2km of Stoke High Secondary School and Stone Lodge Academy. The provision of employment land at IP051 and IP004 and the subsequent creation of jobs at the site could potentially provide new employees with an opportunity to learn new skills. |
IP051 + + |
S-MT |
L |
IP004 + |
IP004 + |
S-MT |
L |
IP096 + + |
IP096 + + |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
IP051 - |
Each site is in groundwater SPZ 3. Each site would be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. There are no water bodies within 100 m of IP051. IP096 is within 50m of Alderman Canal west and the River Gipping. IP096 is adjacent to Alderman Canal East. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff. |
IP051 - |
S-MT |
L |
IP004 - - |
IP004 - |
S-MT |
L |
IP096 - - |
IP096 - |
S-MT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
IP051 - |
Due to the scale of proposed developments and the associated increase in traffic, the proposed development at each site would be likely to exacerbate existing air quality issues. Access to public transport at each location is very good, which may help to limit increases in air pollution associated with road transport. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. The provision of cycle storage and walking and cycling routes into and out of the site would help to reduce emissions associated with transport. |
IP051 - |
M-LT |
M |
IP004 - |
IP004 - |
M-LT |
M |
IP051 - |
IP051 - |
M-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
IP051 + + |
Each site is a brownfield site and would therefore constitute an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. |
IP051 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP004 + + |
IP004 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP096 + + |
IP096 + + |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
IP051 - |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
IP051 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP004 - |
IP004 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP096 - |
IP096 - |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
IP051 - |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development at each site would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution, largely due to an associated increase in road traffic. Each site has good access to sustainable transport modes, and is within proximity to services and facilities, which may help to limit increase in air pollution associated with transport. |
IP051 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP004 - |
IP004 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP096 - |
IP096 - |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
IP051 - - |
IP051 and IP004 are located in Flood Zone 3. IP051 has approximately 80% of land at risk of surface water flooding, with high and medium flood risk in the centre of the site. IP004 has a small area of low surface water flood risk along the northern boundary of the site. IP096 is in Flood Zone 1 and has one small area of low surface water flood risk. All developments in Flood Zone 3 would require an FRA. Due to the scale of the development in IP096, a flood risk assessment may be required. To reduce flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. Where possible, each site should be designed to avoid areas of highest flood risk. |
IP051 - - |
S-LT |
L |
IP004 - - |
IP004 - - |
S-LT |
L |
IP096 O |
IP096 + |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
IP051 O |
Each site would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on the coast or estuaries. |
IP051 O |
N/A |
M |
IP004 O |
IP004 O |
N/A |
M |
IP096 O |
IP096 O |
N/A |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
IP051 O |
IP051 is unlikely to have a discernible impact on biodiversity. IP096 is adjacent to Alderman Canal East LNR and IP004 is within 50m of Alderman Canal West LNR both which contain Reed bed wetland habitat. IP096 and IP004 should be designed to have the smallest possible impact on the nearby LNR. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the Canals in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the River should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat. Green infrastructure, including a diverse range of native plant species should be incorporated into the proposed development at each site to help enhance their biodiversity value. |
IP051 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP004 - |
IP004 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP096 - |
IP096 O |
S-LT |
M |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
IP051 O |
There is one Grade II Listed Building, Firbank, within 50m of IP096, however it is not visible from the site. IP051 and IP004 are unlikely to have a significant impact on the historic environment. The proposed Development at each site is an opportunity to improve the local setting. The design of IP096 should accord with the local residential character. |
IP051 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP004 + |
IP004 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP096 + |
IP096 + |
S-LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
IP051 + |
Each Site is a car park and it is therefore considered that the developments may help to enhance the local character. The development at each site should incorporate a high-quality design and GI throughout to help ensure they make a positive contribution to the local character. High-quality designs, incorporation of GI, screening and vernacular architecture would help to ensure the developments make a positive contribution towards the setting of the Listed Building. |
IP051 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP004 + |
IP004 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP096 + |
IP096 + |
S-LT |
L |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
IP051 + + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity to a range of jobs and employment areas, many of which would be within a walkable distance. IP051 is an employment site and IP004 is a mixed-use development that will also provide employment opportunities. |
IP051 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP004 + + |
IP004 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP096 + |
IP096 + |
S-LT |
L |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
IP051 + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity, and with good access, to central areas in Ipswich. They may also help to rejuvenate brownfield sites in the Borough. |
IP051 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP004 + |
IP004 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP096 + |
IP096 + |
S-LT |
L |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
IP051 + + |
Each site is within 500m of multiple bus stops. Each site is within 1km of the nearest railway station, Ipswich. The proximity of each site to jobs, services, amenities and facilities would encourage high rates of walking and cycling and enable efficient movement. Electric car charging points should be made accessible to new residents. Safe pedestrian and cycle routes from each site into central areas should be provided for. |
IP051 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP004 + + |
IP004 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP096 + + |
IP096 + + |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
IP051 + |
As each site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
IP051 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP004 + |
IP004 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP096 + |
IP096 + |
S-LT |
L |
Site Names & Refs: |
Existing use: |
Site ha: |
Proposal: |
Description: |
IP245 - 12-12a Arcade Street |
Car park. |
0.06 |
7 dwellings. |
Residential use. |
IP172 - 15-19 St Margaret's Green |
Car park. |
0.08 |
9 dwellings. |
Residential use. |
IP214 - 300 Old Foundry Road |
Derelict building. |
0.02 |
12 dwellings. |
Residential use. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP245 + + |
The proposed development at each site would situate new residents in proximity to an existing community, key services, amenities, open spaces and employment opportunities. It would therefore be likely to help ensure new residents do not feel excluded. |
IP245 + + |
M-LT |
M |
IP172 + + |
IP172 + + |
M-LT |
M |
IP214 + + |
IP214 + + |
M-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
IP245 + |
IP245 would deliver 7 dwellings. IP172 would deliver 9 dwellings. IP214 would deliver 12 dwellings. An appropriate level of affordable housing should be provided at each site. |
IP245 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP172 + |
IP172 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP214 + |
IP214 + |
M-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
IP245 + |
The proximity of each site to services, facilities and amenities may encourage high rates of walking and cycling. The nearest GP to IP245, Burlington Road Surgery, is within 600m and the nearest GP to IP172 and 214, Orchard Medical Practice is within 500m. Each site would situate new residents within an existing community. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
IP245 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP172 + + |
IP172 + + |
M-LT |
M |
IP214 + + |
IP214 + + |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
IP245 O |
IP172 and IP214 are adjacent to the A1156 and therefore are likely to expose resident to source of noise, air and light pollution. IP245 is unlikely to have a discernible effect on people's exposure to hazards or noise. The proposed development at each site should have a noise and air quality assessment.GI should be incorporated into all sites to help screen potential light and noise pollution and filter out air pollutants. New homes should be situated as far back from the main road as possible to help reduce the effects of pollution. |
IP245 O |
S-LT |
M |
IP172 - |
IP172 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP214 - |
IP214 - |
S-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
IP245 + + |
IP245 is located within 500m of St Matthew's Church of England Primary School and within 2km of Stoke High Secondary School. IP172 and 214 are within 500m of St Margaret's Church of England Primary school and are within 2km of Stoke High Secondary School. |
IP245 + + |
S-MT |
L |
IP172 + + |
IP172 + + |
S-MT |
L |
IP214 + + |
IP214 + + |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
IP245 - |
Each site is in groundwater SPZ 3. Each site would be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. There are no water bodies within 100 m of each site. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff. |
IP245 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP172 - |
IP172 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP214 - |
IP214 - |
S-LT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
IP245 - |
Due to the scale of proposed developments in this area and the associated increase in traffic, the proposed development at each site would be likely to exacerbate existing air quality issues Access to public transport at each location is very good, which may help to limit increases in air pollution associated with road transport. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. The provision of cycle storage and walking and cycling routes into and out of the Site would help to reduce emissions associated with transport. |
IP245 - |
M-LT |
M |
IP172 - |
IP172 - |
M-LT |
M |
IP245 - |
IP245 - |
M-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
IP245 + + |
IP245 and IP172 are car parks and IP214 is a disused building, therefore development would constitute an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. |
IP245 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP172 + + |
IP172 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP214 + + |
IP214 + + |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
IP245 - |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
IP245 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP172 - |
IP172 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP214 - |
IP214 - |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
IP245 - |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development at each site would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution, largely due to an associated increase in road traffic. Each site has good access to sustainable transport modes, and is within proximity to services and facilities, which may help to limit increase in air pollution associated with transport. The proposed development at each site should incorporate a sustainable design that enables high energy efficiency. The use of low emission vehicles should be encouraged and access to electric car charging points should be provided at each site. |
IP245 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP172 - |
IP172 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP214 - |
IP214 - |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
IP245 + |
All three sites are in Flood Zone 1 and are not at risk of surface water flooding. To reduce future flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. |
IP245 |
S-LT |
L |
IP172 + |
IP172 |
S-LT |
L |
IP214 + |
IP214 |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
IP245 O |
Each site would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on the coast or estuaries. |
IP245 O |
N/A |
M |
IP172 O |
IP172 O |
N/A |
M |
IP214 O |
IP214 O |
N/A |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
IP245 O |
All three sites are unlikely to have a discernible impact on biodiversity. Green infrastructure, including a diverse range of native plant species should be incorporated into the proposed development at each site to help enhance their biodiversity value. |
IP245 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP172 O |
IP172 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP214 O |
IP214 + |
S-LT |
M |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
IP245 + |
There are multiple Grade II Listed Buildings within 50m of IP245, along Museum Street. There are multiple Grade II Listed Buildings within 50m of IP172 and IP214, along Soane and Northgate Street. The proposed development at each site is an opportunity to improve the local setting given the current brownfield location of IP245 and IP172 and derelict condition of IP214. The design of each site, where possible, should accord well with the nearby Listed buildings. |
IP245 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP172 + |
IP172 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP214 + |
IP214 + |
S-LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
IP245 + |
IP245 and IP172 are carparks and IP214 is a disused building, it is therefore considered that the developments may help to enhance the local character. The development at each site should incorporate a high-quality design and GI throughout to help ensure they make a positive contribution to the local character. |
IP245 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP172 + |
IP172 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP214 + |
IP214 + |
S-LT |
L |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
IP245 + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity to a range of jobs and employment areas, many of which would be within a walkable distance. |
IP245 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP172 + |
IP172 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP214 + |
IP214 + |
S-LT |
L |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
IP245 + + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity, and with good access, to central areas in Ipswich. |
IP245 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP172 + + |
IP172 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP214 + + |
IP214 + + |
S-LT |
L |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
IP245 + + |
Each site is within 500m of multiple bus stops. IP245 is within 1km of the nearest railway station, Ipswich and IP172 and IP214 are within 1.5km. The proximity of each site to jobs, services, amenities and facilities would encourage high rates of walking and cycling and enable efficient movement. Electric car charging points should be made accessible to new residents. Safe pedestrian and cycle routes from each site into central areas should be provided for. |
IP245 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP172 + + |
IP172 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP214 + + |
IP214 + + |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
IP245 + |
As each site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
IP245 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP172 + |
IP172 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP214 + |
IP214 + |
S-LT |
L |
Site Names & Refs: |
Existing use: |
Site ha: |
Proposal: |
Description: |
IP169 - 23-25 Burrell Road |
Car park. |
0.08 |
14 dwellings. |
Change of use of former commercial building into 14 (fourteen) flats plus demolition of existing side extensions and rear extension, excavation of lightwell and erection of three-storey side extension. |
IP047 - Land at Commercial Road |
Brownfield and car park. |
2.86 |
103 dwellings. |
Mixed use scheme of 40% housing, 20% public open space and enhanced river path, 40% office, leisure, hotel. |
IP015 - West End Road Surface Car Park |
Car park. |
1.22 |
43 dwellings. |
Primary allocation for long stay parking (60%) with secondary residential (40%). |
IP094 - Land to rear of Grafton House |
Brownfield and car park. |
0.31 |
N/A |
Employment - Suitable for B1a office. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP169 + |
IP169, IP047 and IP015 site would situate new residents in proximity to an existing community, key services, amenities, open spaces and employment opportunities. It would therefore be likely to help ensure new residents do not feel excluded. In addition, IP047 will create a new public open space and leisure facilities. IP094 would provide new employment land in proximity to residents, which may help to alleviate local rates of deprivation. |
IP169 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP047 + + |
IP047 + + |
M-LT |
M |
IP015 + |
IP015 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP094 + |
IP094 + |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
IP169 + |
IP169 would deliver 14 dwellings. IP047 would deliver 103 dwellings. IP015 would deliver 43 dwellings. IP094 would have no discernible impact on housing as it is allocated for employment. An appropriate level of affordable housing should be provided at each site. |
IP169 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP047 + + |
IP047 + + |
M-LT |
M |
IP015 + |
IP015 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP094 O |
IP094 O |
N/A |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
IP169 + + |
The proximity of each site to services, facilities and amenities may encourage high rates of walking and cycling. The nearest GP, Burlington Road Surgery, is within 1km of each site. Each site would situate new residents within an existing community. IP169, IP015 and IP094 are within 500m of IP150b Land at Ravenswood (7.8ha) and play area and IP047 creates a new public open space. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
IP169 + + |
M-LT |
M |
IP047 + + |
IP047 + + |
M-LT |
M |
IP015 + + |
IP015 + + |
M-LT |
M |
IP094 + + |
IP094 + + |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
IP169 - |
IP169 is within 100m of Ipswich Station, therefore the area is likely to be exposed to additional congestion - exposing residents to a source of noise, air and light pollution. IP047, IP015 and IP094 are all adjacent to the A137 and therefore are likely to expose resident to source of noise, air and light pollution. IP047 is within 100m of an AQMA. The proposed development at each site should have a noise and air quality assessment.GI should be incorporated into all sites to help screen potential light and noise pollution and filter out air pollutants. New homes should be situated as far back from the main road as possible to help reduce the effects of pollution. |
IP169 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP047 - |
IP047 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP015 - |
IP015 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP094 - |
IP094 - |
S-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
IP169 + |
Each site is located within 1km of Hillside Primary School and St Matthew's Church of England Primary School. IP169 and IP047 are within 1km and IP015 and IP094 are within 2km of Stoke High Secondary School. The provision of employment land at IP047 andIP094 and the subsequent creation of jobs at the site could potentially provide new employees with an opportunity to learn new skills. |
IP169 + |
S-MT |
L |
IP047 + |
IP047 + |
S-MT |
L |
IP015 + |
IP015 + |
S-MT |
L |
IP094 + |
IP094 + |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
IP169 - - |
Each site is in groundwater SPZ 3. Each site would be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. IP169, IP047 and IP015 are adjacent to and IP094 is within 100m of the River Orwell. To avoid contamination of the surrounding water bodies and groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff. |
IP094 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP047 - - |
IP169 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP015 - - |
IP047 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP094 - - |
IP094 - |
S-LT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
IP169 - |
Due to the scale of proposed developments in this area and the associated increase in traffic, the proposed development at each site would be likely to exacerbate existing air quality issues. In addition, IP015 includes a long stay car park in the proposal. This could encourage higher rates of driving for new residents and mean that larger number of cars will be driving in and out of site with adverse impacts on air quality as well as residential amenity due to noise, air and light pollution. IP047 is within 100m of an AQMA. Access to public transport at each location is very good, which may help to limit increases in air pollution associated with road transport in the long term. Due to the proximity of IP047 to an AQMA an air quality assessment will need to be conducted. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. The provision of cycle storage and walking and cycling routes into and out of the Site would help to reduce emissions associated with transport. Green infrastructure should be incorporated into the development as much as possible, in a manner that best helps to filter out air pollutants. |
IP169 - |
M-LT |
M |
IP047 - |
IP047 - |
M-LT |
M |
IP015 - |
IP015 - |
M-LT |
M |
IP094 - |
IP094 - |
M-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
IP169 + + |
Each site is a brownfield site and would therefore constitute an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. |
IP169 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP047 + + |
IP047 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP015 + + |
IP015 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP094 + + |
IP094 + + |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
IP169 - |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
IP169 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP047 - |
IP047 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP015 - |
IP015 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP094 - |
IP094 - |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
IP169 - |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development at each site would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution, largely due to an associated increase in road traffic. Each site has good access to sustainable transport modes, and is within proximity to services and facilities, which may help to limit increase in air pollution associated with transport. The proposed development at each site should incorporate a sustainable design that enables high energy efficiency. The use of low emission vehicles should be encouraged and access to electric car charging points should be provided at each site. |
IP169 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP047 - |
IP047 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP015 - |
IP015 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP094 - |
IP094 - |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
IP169 - - |
Each site is within Flood Zone 3. IP169 has approximately 20% of its land on the northern boundary at low risk of surface water flood risk. IP047 has a thin band of low surface water flood risk which runs east to west across the site. IP015 has small patches of low surface water flood risk with an area of medium-high flood risk in the south east corner. IP094 has approximately 60% of land in low surface water flood risk. All developments in Flood Zone 3 would require an FRA. To reduce flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. Where possible, ach site should be designed to avoid areas of highest flood risk. |
IP169 - - |
S-LT |
L |
IP047 - - |
IP047 - - |
S-LT |
L |
IP015 - - |
IP015 - - |
S-LT |
L |
IP094 - - |
IP094 - - |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
IP169 - |
Due to each site being in proximity to the River Orwell, which is hydrologically linked to the Stour and Orwell SPA, the construction and occupation of the proposed developments could potentially have an adverse impact on the Coasts and Estuaries objective. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the River should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat. |
IP169 O |
S-LT |
M |
IP047 - |
IP047 O |
S-LT |
M |
IP015 - |
IP015 O |
S-LT |
M |
IP094 - |
IP094 O |
S-LT |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
IP169 - |
Due to each site being in proximity to the River Orwell, which is an important wildlife corridor in the Borough and which is hydrologically linked to the Stour and Orwell SPA as well as the River Gipping CWS. The construction and occupation of the proposed development could potentially have an adverse impact on the Biodiversity Objective. Green Infrastructure, featuring a diverse range of native plant species should be incorporated into the proposed development at each site to help enhance their biodiversity value. Assessments of impacts on the Orwell SPA will be updated in light of HRA findings when possible. |
IP169 O |
S-LT |
M |
IP047 - |
IP047 O |
S-LT |
M |
IP015 - |
IP015 O |
S-LT |
M |
IP094 - |
IP094 O |
S-LT |
M |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
IP169 + |
One Grade II Listed Building, Pauls Maltings and adjoining kiln, is adjacent to IP015. Due to existing presence and nature of the buildings on IP015 and the surrounding area, impacts on the setting of this sensitive heritage asset would not be expected. IP168, IP047 and IP094 are not in proximity to any sensitive heritage assets. The proposed development at each site is an opportunity to improve the local setting given the current brownfield condition of each site. The design of IP015, where possible, should accord well with the nearby Listed Buildings. High-quality designs, incorporation of GI, screening and vernacular architecture would help to ensure the developments make a positive contribution towards the setting of the Listed Building. |
IP047 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP047 + |
IP015 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP015 + |
IP094 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP094 + |
IP047 + |
S-LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
IP169 + |
IP169, IP015 and IP094 are car parking areas and IP047 is 50% car parking and 50% vacant brownfield site. It is therefore considered that the developments may help to enhance the local character. The development at each site should incorporate a high-quality design and GI throughout to help ensure they make a positive contribution to the local character. |
IP169 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP047 + |
IP047 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP015 + |
IP015 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP094 + |
IP094 + |
S-LT |
L |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
IP169 + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity to a range of jobs and employment areas, many of which would be within a walkable distance. IP094 is an employment site and IP047 is a mixed-use scheme with employment opportunities. |
IP169 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP047 + + |
IP047 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP015 + |
IP015 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP094 + + |
IP094 + + |
S-LT |
L |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
IP169 + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity, and with good access, to central areas in Ipswich. They may also help to rejuvenate brownfield sites in the Borough. |
IP169 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP047 + |
IP047 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP015 + |
IP015 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP094 + |
IP094 + |
S-LT |
L |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
IP169 + + |
Each site is within 500m of multiple bus stops. The nearest railway station, Ipswich, is within 500m of IP169, IP015 and IP094 and within 1km of IP047. The proximity of each site to jobs, services, amenities and facilities would encourage high rates of walking and cycling and enable efficient movement. The long stay car park at IP015 would facilitate good access via car and contribute towards a permeable development. However, it may also encourage higher rates of driving for local residents or contribute towards roads immediately outside the site being more congested and thus less safe and appealing in the minds of cyclists and pedestrians. Electric car charging points should be made accessible to new residents, as well as at the long stay car park. Safe pedestrian and cycle routes from each site into central areas should be provided for. |
IP169 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP047 + + |
IP047 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP015 + + |
IP015 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP094 + + |
IP094 + + |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
IP169 + |
As each site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
IP169 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP047 + |
IP047 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP015 + |
IP015 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP094 + |
IP094 + |
S-LT |
L |
Site Names & Refs: |
Existing use: |
Site ha: |
Proposal: |
Description: |
IP149 - Land at Pond Hall Carr and Farm |
Land at Pond Hall Carr and Farm |
N/A |
Allocated as an extension to Orwell Country Park, to provide better management of visitors to this part of the Orwell Estuary Special Protection Area. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP149 + |
Site is allocated for a country park allocation and could therefore promote community interaction and social cohesion through providing an accessible green space. |
IP149 + |
N/A |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
IP149 O |
Site is allocated for a country park allocation and would therefore not have a discernible impact on this Objective |
IP149 O |
N/A |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
IP149 ++ |
Site provides an extension to an area of public open space adjacent to the Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB and is an opportunity to provide a better network of footpaths and viewpoints over the estuary for visitors that may facilitate active and outdoor activities for the Borough's residents. |
IP149 ++ |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
IP149 + |
Site is allocated for a country park allocation and therefore could contribute to improving local quality of life. |
IP149 + |
N/A |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
IP149 O |
Site is allocated for a country park allocation and would therefore not have a discernible impact on this Objective |
IP149 O |
N/A |
M |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
IP149 + |
The extension of the country park, in place of Pond Hall Farm, may allow for improvements to the quality of coastal waters of the adjacent SPA, Stour and Orwell Estuaries. |
IP149 + |
S-LT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
IP149 - |
The extension of the country park may attract additional visitors and increase road traffic. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include public transport. The provision of cycle storage and walking and cycling routes into and out of the Site would help to reduce emissions associated with transport. |
IP149 O |
M-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
IP149 ++ |
The extension of the country park will maintain and protect a greenfield site. |
IP149 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
IP149 + |
The extension to the country park could potentially enable more efficient management of the park and visitors, including the generation of waste. |
IP149 + |
N/A |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
IP149 +/- |
The extension of the country park may attract additional visitors and increase road traffic and air pollution. However, the allocation of a country park maintains a greenfield site, preventing additional emissions from residential or employment uses. The Country Park should encourage the use of sustainable transport, through the extension of existing bus routes and provision of electric car charging points at the site's car parking facilities. |
IP149 O |
N/A |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
IP149 + |
The Site's south western boundary is within Flood Zone 3. A line of low- high surface water flood risk runs through the site along the path of a small stream within the site. Through preserving this greenfield site and not allocating land for residential development, it keeps residents away from Flood Zone 3 and preserves the GI cover in this area, that provides a natural flood alleviation service. To reduce flood risk the country park should consider the use of green infrastructure and SUDS and manage the public's access to specified regions during times of flooding. |
IP149 + |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
IP149 + + |
The site is likely to have a positive contribution to the local character and biodiversity associated with the adjacent SPA, Stour and Orwell estuary. |
IP149 + + |
S-LT |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
IP149 + + |
The extension of the country park will maintain and protect a greenfield site adjacent to the Suffolk Coast and Heath AONB and the Stour and Orwell estuary SPA |
IP149 + + |
S-LT |
M |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
IP149 + |
Pond Hall associated with Pond Hall Farm is a Grade II Listed Building. The extension of the country park will maintain and protect Pond Hall and the local setting. Visitors to the country park should be provided with good access to the heritage asset and information on its historical value. |
IP149 + + |
S-LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
IP149 + + |
The extension of the country park will protect and maintain the landscape of a greenfield site adjacent to the Suffolk Coast and Heath AONB and the Stour and Orwell estuary SPA. |
IP149 + + |
S-LT |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
IP149 + |
The proposed site use would be likely to be a visitor attraction that could provide a boost to shops and services in the local area. |
IP149 + |
N/A |
M |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
IP149 O |
Site is allocated for a country park allocation and would therefore not have a discernible impact on this Objective |
IP149 O |
N/A |
M |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
IP149 O |
Site is allocated for a country park allocation and would therefore not have a discernible impact on this Objective The development and management of the country park should seek to improve accessibility. |
IP149 O |
N/A |
M |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
IP149 O |
Site is allocated for a country park allocation and would therefore not have a discernible impact on this Objective |
IP149 O |
N/A |
L |
Site Names & Refs: |
Existing use: |
Site ha: |
Proposal: |
Description: |
IP098 - Transco, south of Patteson Road |
Derelict yard. |
0.57 |
51 dwellings. |
Residential use. |
IP042 - Land between Cliff Quay and Landseer Road |
Warehouses and shipping containers. |
1.64 |
222 dwellings. |
Residential, multi-storey car park, museum, health club, commercial employment space. |
IP142 - Land at Duke Street |
Greenfield. |
0.39 |
44 dwellings. |
Primarily residential with 25% allocated for public open space. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP098 + |
The proposed development at each site would situate new residents in proximity to an existing community, key services, amenities, open spaces and employment opportunities. It would therefore be likely to help ensure new residents do not feel excluded. IP042 will provide cultural and leisure facilities, including a museum and health club and IP142 will provide an area of public open space. |
IP098 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP042 + + |
IP042 + + |
M-LT |
M |
IP142 + + |
IP142 + + |
M-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
IP098 + |
IP098 would deliver 51 dwellings. IP042 would deliver 222 dwellings. IP142 would deliver 44 dwellings. An appropriate level of affordable housing should be provided at each site. |
IP098 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP042 + |
IP042 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP142 + |
IP142 + |
M-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
IP098 + |
The proximity of each site to services, facilities and amenities may encourage high rates of walking and cycling. The nearest GP, Felixstowe Road Medical Practice, is within 2km of each site. Each site would situate new residents within an existing community. IP142 includes 25% open space. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
IP098 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP042 + |
IP042 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP142 + + |
IP142 + + |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
IP098 - |
IP098 and IP042 are adjacent to industrial and shipping areas and development may therefore expose residents to a source of noise, air or light pollution. IP142 is located in a semi-residential area. The proposed development at IP098 and OP042 should have noise and air quality assessments. GI should be incorporated into development to help screen new homes from light pollution and help to provide a filter of air pollutants. New homes should be situated as far back from the road as possible to help reduce the effects of pollution. reduce the effects of pollution. In addition, the residential development of IP042 will remove a source of pollution from IP098, through the replacement of a HGV yard. |
IP098 O |
S-LT |
M |
IP042 - |
IP042 O |
S-LT |
M |
IP142 + |
IP042 + |
S-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
IP098 + |
IP042 is located within 500m and IP098 and IP142 are located within 1km of Cliff Lane Primary School Primary School. Each site is within 2km of Stoke High Secondary School. The provision of employment land at IP042 and the subsequent creation of jobs at the site could potentially provide new employees with an opportunity to learn new skills. |
IP098 + |
S-MT |
L |
IP042 + + |
IP042 + + |
S-MT |
L |
IP142 + |
IP142 + |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
IP098 - - |
IP042 is within 50m of the River Orwell and within 15m of a Pond network associated with Hollywell Park. IP098 is within 100m of the River Orwell. Each site is in groundwater SPZ 3. Each site would be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. To avoid contamination of the surrounding water bodies and groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff. |
IP098 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP042 - - |
IP042 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP142 - |
IP142 - |
S-LT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
IP098 - |
Due to the scale of proposed developments in this area and the associated increase in traffic, the proposed development at each site would be likely to exacerbate existing air quality issues. Access to public transport at each location is very good, which may help to limit increases in air pollution associated with road transport. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. The provision of cycle storage and walking and cycling routes into and out of the Site would help to reduce emissions associated with transport. |
IP098 - |
M-LT |
M |
IP042 - |
IP042 - |
M-LT |
M |
IP098 - |
IP098 - |
M-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
IP098 + + |
IP042 and IP098 are brownfield sites and would therefore constitute an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. IP142 is located on a greenfield site. The proposed development should seek to make an efficient use of land where appropriate. Sustainable soil management techniques should be adopted during the construction phase with best efforts made to reduce compaction, erosion and contamination of soils. |
IP098 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP042 + + |
IP042 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP142 - |
IP142 - |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
IP098 - |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
IP098 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP042 - |
IP042 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP142 - |
IP142 - |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
IP098 - |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development at each site would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution, largely due to an associated increase in road traffic. Each site has good access to sustainable transport modes, and is within proximity to services and facilities, which may help to limit increase in air pollution associated with transport. The proposed development at each site should incorporate a sustainable design that enables high energy efficiency. The use of low emission vehicles should be encouraged and access to electric car charging points should be provided at each site. |
IP098 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP042 - |
IP042 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP142 - |
IP142 - |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
IP098 - - |
IP098 is within Flood Zone 2 and with small areas coinciding with Flood Zone 3 around the site's boundary. IP042 has a small area land within Flood Zone 3. IP042 has small patches of low surface water flood risk across the site. IP142 is in Flood Zone 1. All developments in Flood Zone 3 would require an FRA. To reduce flood, risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS.IP042 an IP098 should be designed to avoid areas of highest flood risk. |
IP098 - - |
S-LT |
L |
IP042 - - |
IP042 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP142 + |
IP142 + |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
IP098 - |
Due to, IP042 and IP098, being in proximity to the River Orwell, which is hydrologically linked to the Stour and Orwell SPA, the construction and occupation of the proposed development could potentially have an adverse impact on the Coasts and Estuaries objective. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the River should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat. |
IP098 O |
S-LT |
M |
IP042 - |
IP042 O |
S-LT |
M |
IP142 O |
IP142 O |
S-LT |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
IP098 - |
IP098 appears to be a derelict brownfield site with a range of grasses and plants growing. Construction and occupation of this land could reduce local levels of biodiversity. Due to, IP042 and IP098, being in proximity to the River Orwell, which is an important wildlife corridor in the Borough and which is hydrologically linked to the Stour and Orwell SPA as well as the River Gipping CWS. The construction and occupation of the proposed development could potentially have an adverse impact on the Biodiversity Objective. IP142 is located on a greenfield site. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the River should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat. Green Infrastructure, featuring a diverse range of native plant species should be incorporated into the proposed development at each site to help enhance their biodiversity value. Assessments of impacts on the Orwell SPA will be updated in light of HRA findings when possible. |
IP098 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP042 O |
IP042 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP142 - |
IP142 - |
S-LT |
M |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
IP098 + |
There are three Grade II Listed Building (Cliff House, Tolly Cobbold Brewery and Cliff Cottage) adjacent and in proximity of IP042. Due to the scale of the development at this site there could be impacts of the area's historic setting. However, due to existing nature of IP042, impacts on the setting of these sensitive heritage assets would not be significant. IP142 and IP98 are unlikely to have a significant impact on the historic environment and due to their brownfield nature, the proposed developments are an opportunity to improve the local setting. High-quality designs, incorporation of GI, screening and vernacular architecture would help to ensure the developments make a positive contribution towards the setting of the Listed Buildings. |
IP098 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP042 - |
IP042 O |
S-LT |
M |
IP142 + |
IP142 + |
S-LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
IP098 - |
IP098 and IP042 are brownfield sites. The development of IP098 would result in the development of a derelict brownfield site and therefore development may help to enhance the local character. The scale of the development at IP042 could have impacts on local character. IP142 would result in the loss of a greenfield site. The development at each site should incorporate a high-quality design and GI throughout to help ensure they make a positive contribution to the local character. |
IP098 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP042 + + |
IP042 + + |
S-LT |
M |
IP142 - |
IP142 - |
S-LT |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
IP098 + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity to a range of jobs and employment areas, many of which would be within a walkable distance. |
IP098 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP042 + + |
IP042 + + |
S-LT |
M |
IP142 + |
IP142 + |
S-LT |
M |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
IP098 + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity, and with good access, to established employment areas and central Ipswich. They may also help to rejuvenate brownfield sites in the Borough. IP042 has land allocated for commercial employment. |
IP098 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP042 + + |
IP042 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP142 + |
IP142 + |
S-LT |
L |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
IP098 + |
Each site is within 500m of multiple bus stops. The nearest railway stations, Ipswich and Derby Road, are within 2km. The proximity of each site to jobs, services, amenities and facilities would encourage high rates of walking and cycling and enable efficient movement. Electric car charging points should be made accessible to new residents. Safe pedestrian and cycle routes from each site into central areas should be provided for. |
IP098 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP042 + |
IP042 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP142 + |
IP142 + |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
IP098 + |
As each Site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
IP098 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP042 + |
IP042 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP142 + |
IP142 + |
S-LT |
L |
Existing use: |
Site ha: |
Proposal: |
Description: |
IP080 - 240 Wherstead Road |
Derelict and vegetated land. |
0.49 |
27 dwellings. |
Residential use – linear layout. |
IP200 - Griffin Wharf, Bath Street |
Brownfield. |
0.79 |
113 dwellings. |
Residential use. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP080 + |
The proposed development at each site would situate new residents in proximity to an existing community, key services, amenities, open spaces and employment opportunities. It would therefore be likely to help ensure new residents do not feel excluded. |
IP080 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP200 + |
IP200 + |
M-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
IP080 + |
IP080 would deliver 27 dwellings. IP200 would deliver 113 dwellings. An appropriate level of affordable housing should be provided at each site. |
IP080 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP200 + |
IP200 + |
M-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
IP080 + |
The proximity of each site to services, facilities and amenities may encourage high rates of walking and cycling. The nearest GP, Stoke Park Medical Practice, is within 2km of each site. Each site would situate new residents within an existing community. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
IP080 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP200 + |
IP200 + |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
IP080 - |
IP080 is adjacent to the A137 and is within 50m of a railway line, therefore this development is likely to expose residents and to sources of noise, air or light pollution. IP200 would situate new residents away from major sources of noise, air and light pollution. The proposed development at IP080 should have a noise and air quality assessment. GI should be incorporated into development to help screen new homes from light pollution and help to provide a filter of air pollutants. New homes should be situated as far back from the main road as possible to help reduce the effects of pollution. reduce the effects of pollution. |
IP080 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP200 + |
IP200 + |
S-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
IP080 + + |
IP080 is located within 500m and IP200 is located within 1km of Hillside Primary School. Each site is within 1km of Stoke High Secondary School. |
IP080 + + |
S-MT |
L |
IP200 + |
IP200 + |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
IP080 - |
Each site is in groundwater SPZ 3. Each site would be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. There are no water bodies within 100 m of IP080. IP200 is adjacent to the River Orwell. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff. |
IP080 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP200 - - |
IP200 - |
S-LT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
IP080 - |
Due to the scale of proposed developments and the associated increase in traffic, the proposed development at each site would be likely to exacerbate existing air quality issues. Access to public transport at each location is very good, which may help to limit increases in air pollution associated with road transport. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. The provision of cycle storage and walking and cycling routes into and out of the Site would help to reduce emissions associated with transport. |
IP080 - |
M-LT |
M |
IP200 - |
IP200 - |
M-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
IP080 + |
IP080 is 50% derelict brownfield, this would constitute an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. The remaining 50% of IP080 is unmanaged greenfield which is considered to be a sustainable option. IP200 is a brownfield site and would therefore constitute an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. The proposed development should seek to make an efficient use of land where appropriate. Sustainable soil management techniques should be adopted during the construction phase with best efforts made to reduce compaction, erosion and contamination of soils. |
IP080 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP200 - - |
IP200 - - |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
IP080 - |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
IP080 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP200 - |
IP200 - |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
IP080 - |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development at each site would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution, largely due to an associated increase in road traffic. Each site has good access to sustainable transport modes, and is within proximity to services and facilities, which may help to limit increase in air pollution associated with transport. The proposed development at each site incorporate a sustainable design that enables high energy efficiency. The use of low emission vehicles should be encouraged and access to electric car charging points should be provided at each site. |
IP080 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP200 - |
IP200 - |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
IP080 - - |
IP200 is within Flood Zone 3. Approximately 50% of IP200 is at low risk of surface water flooding, with small areas of high and medium risk. The loss of permeable surfaces on this site could potentially alter the local extent of surface water flood risk. IP080 has approximately 80% of land at risk of low surface water flooding with small areas of medium- high risk in the south western and north eastern corners. The loss of vegetation and permeable ground at this site could potentially alter the local extent of surface water flood risk. All developments in Flood Zone 3 would require an FRA.To reduce flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. |
IP080 - - |
S-LT |
L |
IP200 - - |
IP200 - - |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
IP080 O |
Due to IP200 being adjacent to the River Orwell, which is hydrologically linked to the Stour and Orwell SPA, the construction and occupation of the proposed development could potentially have an adverse impact on the Coasts and Estuaries objective. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the River should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat. |
IP080 O |
S-LT |
M |
IP200 - |
IP200 O |
S-LT |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
IP080 - |
Approximately, 50% of IP080 is unmanaged greenfield with a range of plants and trees growing. Construction and occupation of this land could reduce local levels of biodiversity. Due IP200 being adjacent to the River Orwell, which is an important wildlife corridor in the Borough and which is hydrologically linked to the Stour and Orwell SPA as well as the River Gipping CWS. The construction and occupation of the proposed development could potentially have an adverse impact on the Biodiversity Objective. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the River should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat. Green infrastructure, including a diverse range of native plant species should be incorporated into the proposed development at each site to help enhance their biodiversity value. Assessments of impacts on the Orwell SPA will be updated in light of HRA findings when possible. |
IP080 O |
S-LT |
M |
IP200 - |
IP200 O |
S-LT |
M |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
IP080 + |
Each site would be unlikely to have a significant impact on the historic environment. And due to the brownfield and derelict nature of the sites the proposed development at each site is an opportunity to improve the local setting. |
IP080 + |
S-LT |
M |
IP200 + |
IP200 + |
S-LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
IP080 + |
IP080 is 50% derelict brownfield and 50% unmanaged greenfield. IP200 is an empty brownfield site. It is therefore considered that the developments may help to enhance the local character. The development at each site should incorporate a high-quality design and GI throughout to help ensure they make a positive contribution to the local character. |
IP080 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP200 + |
IP200 + |
S-LT |
L |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
IP080 + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity to a range of jobs and employment areas, many of which would be within a walkable distance. |
IP080 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP200 + |
IP200 + |
S-LT |
L |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
IP080 + + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity to Wherstead Road District Centre, and with good access to central areas of Ipswich. |
IP080 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP200 + + |
IP200 + + |
S-LT |
L |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
IP080 + + |
Each site is within 500m of multiple bus stops. Each site is approximately 1km from the nearest railway station, Ipswich. The proximity of each site to jobs, services, amenities and facilities would encourage high rates of walking and cycling and enable efficient movement. Electric car charging points should be made accessible to new residents. Safe pedestrian and cycle routes from each site into central areas should be provided for. |
IP080 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP200 + + |
IP200 + + |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
IP080 + |
As each Site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
IP080 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP200 + |
IP200 + |
S-LT |
L |
Site Names & Refs: |
Existing use: |
Site ha: |
Proposal: |
Description: |
IP039a - Land between Gower Street & Gt Whip Street |
Warehouse. |
0.48 |
43 dwellings. |
Residential use. |
IP133 - South of Felaw Street |
Greenfield. |
0.37 |
33 dwellings. |
Residential use. |
IP188 - Websters Saleyard site, Dock Street |
Brownfield. |
0.11 |
9 dwellings. |
Residential use. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP039a + |
The proposed development at each site would situate new residents in proximity to an existing community, key services, amenities, open spaces and employment opportunities. It would therefore be likely to help ensure new residents do not feel excluded. |
IP039a + |
M-LT |
M |
IP133 + |
IP133 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP188 + |
IP188 + |
M-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
IP039a + |
IP039a would deliver 43 dwellings. IP133 would deliver 33 dwellings. IP136 would deliver 9 dwellings. An appropriate level of affordable housing should be provided at each site. |
IP039a + |
M-LT |
M |
IP133 + |
IP133 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP188 + |
IP188 + |
M-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
IP039a + |
The proximity of each site to services, facilities and amenities may encourage high rates of walking and cycling. The nearest GP, Burlington Road Surgery, is within 2km of each site. Each site would situate new residents within an existing community. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
IP039a + |
M-LT |
M |
IP133 + |
IP133 + |
M-LT |
M |
IP188 + |
IP188 + |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
IP039a - |
IP133 is adjacent to the A137. IP039a and IP188 are within 50m of the A137. Therefore, these developments are likely to expose residents and business users to sources of noise, air or light pollution. The proposed development at each site should have a noise and air quality assessment. GI should be incorporated into development to help screen new homes from light pollution and help to provide a filter of air pollutants. New homes should be situated as far back from the main road as possible to help reduce the effects of pollution. reduce the effects of pollution. |
IP039a - |
S-LT |
M |
IP133 - |
IP133 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP188 - |
IP188 - |
S-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
IP039a + |
Each site is located within 1km of Hillside Primary School. IP133 and IP039a are within 1km and IP188 is approximately 1km from Stoke High Secondary School. |
IP039a + |
S-MT |
L |
IP133 + |
IP133 + |
S-MT |
L |
IP188 + |
IP188 + |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
IP039a - - |
Each site is in groundwater SPZ 3. Each site would be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. IP133 and IP188 are adjacent to the River Orwell. IP039a is within 50m of the River Orwell. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff. |
IP039a - |
S-MT |
L |
IP133 - - |
IP133 - |
S-MT |
L |
IP188 - - |
IP188 - |
S-MT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
IP039a - |
Due to the scale of proposed developments and the associated increase in traffic, the proposed development at each site would be likely to exacerbate existing air quality issues. Access to public transport at each location is very good, which may help to limit increases in air pollution associated with road transport. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. The provision of cycle storage and walking and cycling routes into and out of the Site would help to reduce emissions associated with transport. |
IP039a - |
M-LT |
M |
IP133 - |
IP133 - |
M-LT |
M |
IP039a - |
IP039a - |
M-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
IP039a + + |
IP188 and IP039a are brownfield sites and would therefore constitute an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. IP133 is a greenfield site. The proposed developments should seek to make an efficient use of land where appropriate. Sustainable soil management techniques should be adopted during the construction phase with best efforts made to reduce compaction, erosion and contamination of soils. |
IP039a + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP133 - |
IP133 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP188 + + |
IP188 + + |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
IP039a - |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
IP039a - |
S-LT |
L |
IP133 - |
IP133 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP188 - |
IP188 - |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
IP039a - |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development at each site would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution, largely due to an associated increase in road traffic. Each site has good access to sustainable transport modes, and is within proximity to services and facilities, which may help to limit increase in air pollution associated with transport. The proposed development at each site incorporate a sustainable design that enables high energy efficiency. The use of low emission vehicles should be encouraged and access to electric car charging points should be provided at each site. |
IP039a - |
S-LT |
M |
IP133 - |
IP133 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP188 - |
IP188 - |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
IP039a - - |
All three sites have at least 50% of land in Flood Zone 3. IP039a has a large area of high surface water flood risk in the north of the site. IP133 has a small central area of medium surface water flood risk. All developments in Flood Zone 3 would require an FRA. To reduce flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. |
IP039a - - |
S-LT |
L |
IP133 - - |
IP133 - - |
S-LT |
L |
IP188 - - |
IP188 - - |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
IP039a - |
Due to each site being in proximity of to the River Orwell, which is hydrologically linked to the Stour and Orwell SPA, the construction and occupation of the proposed development could potentially have an adverse impact on the Coasts and Estuaries objective. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the River should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat |
IP039a O |
S-LT |
M |
IP133 - |
IP133 O |
S-LT |
M |
IP188 - |
IP188 O |
S-LT |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
IP039a - |
IP133 is an urban greenfield site and therefore the development could impact upon local biodiversity and habitat connectivity. Due to each site being in proximity to the River Orwell, which is an important wildlife corridor in the Borough and which is hydrologically linked to the Stour and Orwell SPA as well as the River Gipping CWS. The construction and occupation of the proposed development could potentially have an adverse impact on the Biodiversity Objective. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the River should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat. Green infrastructure, including a diverse range of native plant species should be incorporated into the proposed development at each site to help enhance their biodiversity value. Assessments of impacts on the Orwell SPA will be updated in light of HRA findings when possible. |
IP039a O |
S-LT |
M |
IP133 - |
IP133 - |
S-LT |
M |
IP188 - |
IP188 O |
S-LT |
M |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
IP039a + |
IP133 is adjacent to one Grade II Listed Building, Feelaw Street. IP188 and IP039a are in proximity to two Grade II Listed Buildings, Gipping Inn and the Old Bell Inn. Due to the existing nature of IP188 and IP039a, impacts on the setting of these sensitive heritage assets would not be expected. The proposed development of IP188 and IP039a is an opportunity to improve the local setting. High-quality designs, incorporation of GI, screening and vernacular architecture would help to ensure the developments make a positive contribution towards the setting of the Listed Building. |
IP039a + |
S-LT |
M |
IP133 O |
IP133 O |
S-LT |
M |
IP188 + |
IP188 + |
S-LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
IP039a + |
IP188 and IP039a are brownfield sites and it is therefore considered that the developments may help to enhance the local character. IP133 is a greenfield site, therefore the development would result in the loss of an urban open space. The development at each site should incorporate a high-quality design and GI throughout to help ensure they make a positive contribution to the local character. |
IP039a + |
S-LT |
L |
IP133 - |
IP133 - |
S-LT |
L |
IP188 + |
IP188 + |
S-LT |
L |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
IP039a + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity to a range of jobs and employment areas, many of which would be within a walkable distance. |
IP039a + |
S-LT |
L |
IP133 + |
IP133 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP188 + |
IP188 + |
S-LT |
L |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
IP039a + + |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity to Wherstead Road District Centre, and with good access to central areas of Ipswich. |
IP039a + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP133 + + |
IP133 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP188 + + |
IP188 + + |
S-LT |
L |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
IP039a + + |
Each site is within 500m of multiple bus stops. Each site is within 1km of the nearest railway station, Ipswich. The proximity of each site to jobs, services, amenities and facilities would encourage high rates of walking and cycling and enable efficient movement. Electric car charging points should be made accessible to new residents. Safe pedestrian and cycle routes from each site into central areas should be provided for. |
IP039a + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP133 + + |
IP133 + + |
S-LT |
L |
IP188 + + |
IP188 + + |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
IP039a + |
As each site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
IP039a + |
S-LT |
L |
IP133 + |
IP133 + |
S-LT |
L |
IP188 + |
IP188 + |
S-LT |
L |
Site Names & Refs: |
Existing use: |
Site ha: |
Proposal: |
Description: |
Whitton Church lane area (WCL) |
Greenfield and agricultural land. |
300 dwellings. |
Residential use. |
Thurleston Lane area (TL) |
Greenfield and agricultural land. |
268 dwellings. |
Residential use. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
WCL + |
The proposed development at each site would situate new residents in proximity to an existing community (Whitton) and open spaces. In addition, the proposed developments are within 2km of key services, amenities and employment opportunities. It would therefore be likely to help ensure new residents do not feel excluded. |
WCL + |
M-LT |
M |
TL + |
TL + |
M-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
WCL + |
WCL would deliver 300 dwellings. TL would deliver 268 dwellings. An appropriate level of affordable housing should be provided at each site. |
WCL + |
M-LT |
M |
TL + |
TL + |
M-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
WCL + |
The proximity of each site to services, facilities and amenities may encourage high rates of walking and cycling. The nearest GP, Chesterfield Drive Surgery, is within 2km of each site. Each site would situate new residents within an existing community. Access to green and open spaces, and a diverse range of natural habitats, is excellent for each site. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site. |
WCL + |
M-LT |
M |
TL + |
TL + |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
WCL + |
WCL and TL would situate new residents away from major sources of noise, air and light pollution. GI should be incorporated into development to help screen new homes from light pollution and help to provide a filter of air pollutants. New homes should be situated as far back from the road as possible to help reduce the effects of pollution. |
WCL + |
S-LT |
M |
TL + |
TL + |
S-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
WCL + |
WCL and TL would be located approximately 2km from Westbourne Academy and 1km. WCL would be located within approximately 1km of Whitton Community Primary School and TL WCL would be located within approximately 1km from Castle Hill Infant and Junior School. |
WCL + |
S-MT |
L |
TL + |
TL + |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
WCL - |
Each site is in groundwater SPZ 3. Each site would be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. There is a small stream located to the north of Thurleston and Whitton Church Lane. To avoid contamination of groundwater and nearby streams, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff. |
WCL - |
S-LT |
L |
TL - |
TL - |
S-LT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
WCL - |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution in relation to existing levels. Access to public transport at each location is adequate, Improvements to public transport links to the new residential areas may help to limit increases in air pollution associated with road transport. |
WCL - |
M-LT |
M |
TL - |
TL - |
M-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
WCL - |
Each development would result in the loss of greenfield that contain ecologically valuable soils, although not BMV soils. The proposed development should seek to make an efficient use of land where appropriate. Sustainable soil management techniques should be adopted during the construction phase with best efforts made to reduce compaction, erosion and contamination of soils. |
WCL - |
S-LT |
L |
TL - |
TL - |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
WCL - |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
WCL - |
S-LT |
L |
TL - |
TL - |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
WCL - |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development at each site would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution, largely due to an associated increase in road traffic. Each site has good access to sustainable transport modes, and is within proximity to services and facilities, which may help to limited increase in air pollution associated with transport. The proposed development at each site incorporate a sustainable design that enables high energy efficiency. The use of low emission vehicles should be encouraged and access to electric car charging points should be provided at each site. |
WCL - |
S-LT |
M |
TL - |
TL - |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
WCL - |
Each site is in Flood Zone 1. There is an area of land in Flood Zone 2 associated with a stream located to the north of Thurleston and Whitton Church Lane. The area surrounding both Thurleston and Whitton Church Lane has some small, localised areas of low-high surface water flooding, that follow the path of roads and the stream. Due to the scale of the developments, a flood risk assessment may be required. To reduce flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. |
WCL - |
S-LT |
L |
TL - |
TL - |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
Each site would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on the coast or estuaries. |
N/A |
M |
TL O |
TL O |
N/A |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
WCL - |
WCL and TL are comprised of greenfield that could potentially be supporting protected species given the presence of existing structures. Development at both these locations would also be likely to reduce habitat connectivity in the local area. A diverse range of native plant species should be incorporated into the proposed Development at each site to help enhance their biodiversity value. Appropriate ecological survey of both sites should be carried out prior to development to establish the presence of protected species. Existing GI structures should be preserved as much as possible. |
WCL - |
S-LT |
M |
TL - |
TL - |
S-LT |
M |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
WCL - |
There are three Grade II Listed Buildings in proximity to WCL, including Whitton Church Rectory, Church of St Mary and Church of St Mary's war memorial. Additionally, Ipswich Conservation Area, within which are six Grade II Listed Buildings is located to the west of the proposed site. There are three Grade II Listed Buildings, Sparrowe's Nest Farm buildings, in proximity to TL. It is considered to be likely that the proposed development at WCL and TL, which are currently greenfield, would alter the setting of the nearby Listed Buildings to some extent. High-quality designs, incorporation of GI, screening and vernacular architecture would help to ensure the developments make a positive contribution towards the setting of the Listed Buildings. |
WCL - |
S-LT |
M |
TL - |
TL - |
S-LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
WCL - |
The landscape character of the sites and their surroundings are characterised in the Settlement Sensitivity Assessment (2018). Development at the greenfield of WCL and TL would result in the loss of green land, including protected playing fields, open space and allotments at WCL, that makes a positive contribution to the local character and would be likely to have an adverse impact on views. The development at each site should incorporate a high-quality design and GI throughout to help ensure they make a positive contribution to the local character. |
WCL - |
S-LT |
L |
TL - |
TL - |
S-LT |
L |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
Each site would situate new residents within 2km to a range of jobs and employment areas. Public transport links and cycle paths to the key employment areas should be developed to encourage the use of sustainable transportation. |
WCL + |
S-LT |
L |
TL O |
TL + |
S-LT |
L |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
Each site would situate new residents within 4km of central Ipswich. Pedestrian access into and out of the Site, including footpaths and cycle paths, should be provided for to ensure residents can travel sustainably to central areas or places of employment. |
WCL + |
S-LT |
L |
TL O |
TL + |
S-LT |
L |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
WCL + + |
Each site is within 500m of multiple bus stops. Each site is approximately 2km from the nearest railway station, Westerfield. The proximity of each site to jobs, services, amenities and facilities would encourage high rates of walking and cycling and enable efficient movement. Electric car charging points should be made accessible to new residents. Safe pedestrian and cycle routes from each site into central areas should be provided for. |
TCL + + |
S-LT |
L |
TL + + |
TL + + |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
WCL + |
As each site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
WCL + |
S-LT |
L |
TL + |
TL + |
S-LT |
L |
Site Names & Refs: |
Existing use: |
Site ha: |
Proposal: |
Description: |
IP150b - Land at Ravenswood |
Greenfield. |
7.8 |
N/A |
Allocated for open space. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP150b + |
Key reasons: |
Site is allocated for open space allocation and could therefore promote community interaction and social cohesion through providing an accessible green space. |
IP150b + |
N/A |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
IP150b O |
Key reasons: |
Site is allocated for open space allocation and would therefore not have a discernible impact on this Objective |
IP150b O |
N/A |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
IP150b + + |
Key reasons: |
Site provides an area of public open space adjacent to the Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB and Orwell Country Park and is an opportunity to provide a better network of footpaths and viewpoints that may facilitate active and outdoor activities for the Borough's residents. |
IP150b + + |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
IP150b + |
Key reasons: |
Site is allocated for open space and therefore could contribute to improving local quality of life. |
IP150b + |
N/A |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
IP150b O |
Key reasons: |
Site is allocated for open space and would therefore not have a discernible impact on this Objective |
IP150b O |
N/A |
M |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
IP150b + |
Key reasons: |
The allocation for open space will have no negative impact on water quality. In addition, the preservation of a greenfield site will maintain water quality. |
IP150b + |
S-LT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
P150b + |
Key reasons: |
Site is allocated for open space and therefore will not increase emissions to air. In addition, the scenic surroundings may encourage residents to walk or cycle. |
I P150b + |
M-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
IP150b + |
Key reasons: |
The allocation for open space will maintain and protect a greenfield site. |
IP150b + |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
IP150b O |
Key reasons: |
Site is allocated for open space and would therefore not have a discernible impact on this Objective |
IP150b O |
N/A |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
IP150b O |
Key reasons: |
The proposed development is unlikely to have a discernible impact on current GHG emissions |
IP150b O |
N/A |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
IP150b + |
Key reasons: |
The site is in Flood Zone 1. There are a few small areas of low- medium surface water flood risk within the site. Through preserving this greenfield site and not allocating land for residential development, it keeps residents away from Flood Zone 3 and preserves the GI cover in this area, that provides a natural flood alleviation service. |
IP150b + |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
IP150b + |
Key reasons: |
The site is with 1km of the Stour and Orwell estuary SPA and therefore the allocation of open space is likely to have a positive contribution to the local character and biodiversity associated with the nearby SPA. |
IP150b + |
S-LT |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
IP150b + + |
Key reasons: |
The allocation of open space will maintain and protect a greenfield site adjacent to the Suffolk Coast and Heath AONB and the Stour and Orwell estuary SPA |
IP150b + + |
S-LT |
M |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
IP150b O |
Key reasons: |
There are no historical assets in proximity to IP150b. |
IP150b O |
S-LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
IP150b + |
Key reasons: |
The allocation for open space will protect and maintain the landscape of a greenfield site adjacent to the Suffolk Coast and Heath AONB and Orwell Country Park. |
IP150b + |
S-LT |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
IP150b O |
Key reasons: |
Site is allocated for open space and would therefore not have a discernible impact on this Objective. |
IP150b O |
N/A |
M |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
IP150b O |
Key reasons: |
Site is allocated for open space and would therefore not have a discernible impact on this Objective |
IP150b O |
N/A |
M |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
IP150b O |
Key reasons: |
Site is allocated for open space and would therefore not have a discernible impact on this Objective |
IP150b O |
N/A |
M |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
IP150b O |
Key reasons: |
Site is allocated for open space and would therefore not have a discernible impact on this Objective |
IP150b O |
N/A |
L |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP003 - Waste tip and employment area north of Sir Alf Ramsey Way |
Existing use: |
Waste tip, concrete plant and car sales |
Site Area (ha): |
1.41 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
114 |
Description: |
Re-development is dependent on the appropriate relocation of existing uses. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
The site is within 500m of a place of worship (St Matthews Church, Burlington Baptist Church and Elim Pentecostal Church). The Site is also within 1km of a local or key service centre (Norwich Road District Centre) and a cultural or leisure facility (e.g. Ipswich Town FC and Cineworld). |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
The site provides 144 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
++ |
The site is within 1 km of a GP surgery (e.g. Burlington Road Surgery) and within 500m of a play area or sports facility (adjacent to Alderman Canal local nature reserve and green space with playground facilities). Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work |
++ |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
- |
The site is adjacent to the A137 and a bus depot and is therefore likely to expose residents to a source of noise, air or light pollution. The site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on levels of crime. The site has potential for contaminated land and developing the site is likely to lead to the remediation of contaminated land, associated with CEMEX Ipswich Concrete Plant, resulting in the elimination of a potential environmental hazard. The site's proximity (250m) to Ipswich Town FC may negatively impact quality of life, due to additional noise, congestion and crime associated with match days. The site should have a noise and air quality assessment. Green infrastructure screening to reduce light pollution from the adjacent A-road should be incorporated into the development. To reduce air pollution set houses as far back from the main road as possible and use landscaping. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
+ |
The site is located within 1km of St Matthew's Church of England Primary School and within 2km of Stone Lodge Academy, Stoke High and St Joseph's College. The site is within 2km of The University of Suffolk campus. |
+ |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
-- |
The site is adjacent to 3 water bodies – River Gipping, Alderman Canal East and Alderman Canal West. The site is within Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3. The site will remediate potentially contaminated land adjacent to a water body (CEMEX Ipswich Concrete Plant). The proposed development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination of water resources and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff. |
- |
S-MT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
Site has potential to moderately increase emissions to air due to the scale of proposed development and associated increase in traffic. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
++ |
Site is on brownfield land and may promote remediation of contaminated land, associated with CEMEX Ipswich Concrete Plant. The developer should use recycled/secondary materials to reduce the demand for raw materials. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The Site is currently used for recycling waste which, although lost to the development at this location, would be replaced in an alternative location and so local recycling rates would not be impacted. The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The construction and occupation phases of the proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution in relation to existing levels. The site is adjacent to sustainable transport opportunities and jobs (Russel Road employment area). To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
-- |
A large area of site is within EA Flood Zone 3 (high risk) and a small area of the site has high surface water flood risk. A large area of site has low surface water flood risk. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. All developments in Flood Zone 3 would require an FRA. To reduce flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
- |
Due to being adjacent to the River Gipping CWS, which is hydrologically linked to the River Orwell and the Stour and Orwell SPA, the construction and occupation of the proposed development could potentially have an adverse impact on the Coasts and Estuaries objective. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the River should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat. |
O |
S-LT |
L |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
-- |
The site is adjacent to an Alderman Canal West LNR which contains reedbed wetland habitat. The site has potential to reduce habitat connectivity, such as by increasing distances between habitats or agricultural areas in any direction. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage - brownfield site. However, the high density of proposed housing (90dph) will limit outdoor space and green infrastructure. Due to being in adjacent to the River Gipping CWS, which is hydrologically linked to the Stour and Orwell SPA as well as the River Orwell which is an important wildlife corridor in the Borough. The construction and occupation of the proposed development could potentially have an adverse impact on the Biodiversity Objective. In order to maintain habitat connectivity and enhance biodiversity the site should be designed to have the smallest possible impact on the neighbouring LNR (e.g. through pollution) and should include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors. Decreasing the housing density for this site should be considered. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the River should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat. Assessments of impacts on the Orwell SPA will be updated in light of HRA findings when possible. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a significant impact on the historic environment. |
O |
N/A |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
+ |
The proposed development would be likely to have a positive effect on the local townscape character. The broad proposed design or appearance is unknown at this stage, although the site would result in the re-development of an urban brownfield site with opportunities to improve local character. A high-quality design that closely considers the existing local setting and incorporates vernacular architecture and green infrastructure would help to ensure the proposed development makes a positive contribution towards the local townscape character. To reduce light pollution smart lighting systems should be considered in the site design. Controls on the strength of light bulbs for lights, fitted on the outside of homes, should also be considered. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
+ |
The site is located 200m from Russel Road employment area. The site would situate new residents in proximity to a range of jobs and employment areas, many of which would be within a walkable distance. The site is primarily designated as a residential which will lead to the loss of an active employment site (1 ha+) - Aston Car Sales, CEMEX Ipswich Concrete Plant and BTN Auto Electrics. However, the employment provision from these businesses would not be lost from the Borough as development would only proceed if these businesses are relocated. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
+ |
The site is a housing site within 1 km of an existing retail or service centre (Norwich Road District Centre). The site is a 90% residential and 10% employment, and so may contribute to the delivery of benefits against this objective. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
Site is within 500 m of a bus service / stop or railway station and an existing area of open space (Alderman Canal LNR). The site is also within 1km of Norwich road District Centre and other retail and service areas. The site's proximity to key services and employment areas is likely to encourage walking or cycling. The site would have adequate highways access or is easily provided. Pedestrian access into and out of the site, including footpaths and cycle paths, should be provided for to ensure residents can walk or cycle to central areas or places of employment. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G |
+ |
N/A |
M |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP011b - Smart Street, Foundation Street (South) |
Existing use: |
Bus depot |
Site Area (ha): |
0.62 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
44 |
Description: |
Allocated for residential-led development with secondary B1 business use. Re-development is dependent on the appropriate relocation of existing uses. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
The site is within 500m of a place of worship (Ipswich Mosque, St Clemants Church and Proclaimers Church Ipswich). The Site is within 500m of the town centre and within 1km of a local or key service centre (Duke Street District Centre) and a cultural or leisure facility (e.g. Goals Ipswich). Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
The site provides 44 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
++ |
The site is within 1 km of a multiple GP surgeries, including Orchard Road Medical Practice and Wood Bridge Road Surgery. The site is 500m of a sports facility, Goals Ipswich, and within 1km of a green public space (Alexandra Park). Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
++ |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
- |
The site is adjacent to the A1022 and is therefore likely to expose residents to a major source of noise, air or light pollution. The site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on levels of crime. Developing the site may contribute to remedying existing noise and air pollution, associated with the bus terminus. The site should have a noise and air quality assessment. Additionally, the use of green infrastructure screening to reduce noise and light pollution from the adjacent A-road should be provided. To reduce air pollution set houses as far back from the main road as possible and use landscaping. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
+ |
The Site is located within 1km of St Helen's Nursey and Primary School and within 2km of Stoke High Secondary School. The site is within 1km of The University of Suffolk campus. The provision of employment land at IP140 and the subsequent creation of jobs at the site could potentially provide new employees with an opportunity to learn new skills. |
+ |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
- |
The site is within the Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3. The proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption in relation to existing levels. There are no water bodies within 100m of the site, and no other known impacts on water quality issues. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff alongside a mix of water collection/recycling/efficiency measures and mains supply to reduce the demand on water resources. |
O |
S-MT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
The proposed development has potential to moderately increase emissions to air due to the scale of proposed development and associated increase in traffic. This would be expected to make achieving air quality improvement targets in the nearby AQMA, of which a small area of the site is within, more difficult. Due to the site's proximity to an AQMA an air quality assessment will need to be conducted. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. Green infrastructure should be incorporated into the development as much as possible, in a manner that best helps to filter out air pollutants. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
++ |
Site is brownfield and the proposed development would therefore make for an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. The developer should use low impact/recycled/secondary materials to reduce the demand for raw materials. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution, largely as a result of the associated increase in road traffic. The site is adjacent to sustainable transport opportunities and located within 500m of existing jobs and services. In addition, the site is mixed use and therefore may provide some onsite employment opportunities. To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
-- |
A large area of site is within EA Flood Zone 2 (moderate risk) and a small area of the site is within EA Flood Zone 3 (high risk). A small area of the site has low surface water flood risk. All developments in Flood Zone 3 would require an FRA. To reduce flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on any designation associated with the coast or estuary |
O |
N/A |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
O |
The site is not in proximity to a designated nature conservation site, is at low risk of affecting protected or priority species and is unlikely to affect habitat connectivity significantly. The high density of proposed housing (90dph) will limit outdoor space and green infrastructure. In order to enhance biodiversity, the site should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors and green roofs. Decreasing the housing density for this site should be considered. |
+ |
N/A |
H |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
+/- |
The site contains a Scheduled Monument (buried remains of a late Saxon town) and the site is within 300m of multiple listed buildings. The Scheduling relates to the archaeological value belowground. Given the Site is previously developed and currently in-use, the proposed Development could potentially be an option to access valuable heritage assets here although it is uncertain if any heritage assets could or should be removed whilst the impacts of construction could pose a risk of direct harm. The existing use of this site is a bus depot and therefore redevelopment may lead to enhancement of the local area. However, the housing density at this site would necessitate the use of 3 or 4 storey apartment blocks which would be taller than the surrounding properties and could alter the character of the area. The proposed Development should seek to adopt a spacious layout and design that is consistent with the local landscape and townscape character with a vernacular architecture that accords well with the nearby Listed Buildings and Scheduled Monument. A Heritage Statement should be provided, and careful consideration should be given to opportunities for protecting and enhancing the value of sensitive heritage assets related to the below ground Saxon archaeology. |
+/- |
S-LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
O |
In addition, the housing density at this site is 90dph which would necessitate the use of 3 or 4 storey apartment blocks which would be considerably taller than the surrounding properties and have the potential to alter the area's character. The site would result in the redevelopment of an urban brownfield site with opportunities to improve local character if mitigation is implemented. A high quality design that closely considers the exiting local setting and incorporates vernacular architecture and green infrastructure would help to ensure the proposed Development makes a positive contribution towards the local townscape character. Decreasing the housing density for this site should be considered. To reduce light pollution smart lighting systems should be considered in the site design. Controls on the strength of light bulbs, for lights fitted on the outside of homes, should also be considered. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
++ |
The proposed development is for a mixed-use site located within 500m of key employment areas and despite being a small site, includes the provision of one or more business types. The site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on economic inclusion or employment diversification. Although currently used as a bus depot, the development would not proceed until this use is relocated and so no loss of employment in the Borough would be expected |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
++ |
The site is a mix use residential and business development within 250m of the central retail area and is within the Ipswich town centre boundary. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
The site is within 500m of Ipswich town centre and 1km of Duke Street District Centre. Site is within 500 m of a bus service and the site's proximity to key services and employment areas is likely to encourage walking or cycling, however the site unlikely to have a discernible effect on access to open space. The site would have adequate highways access. Pedestrian access into and out of the Site, including footpaths and cycle paths, should be provided for to ensure residents can walk or cycle to central areas or places of employment. |
++ |
M-LT |
M |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the Site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
+ |
N/A |
M |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP011c - Smart Street, Foundation Street (North) |
Existing use: |
Car Park |
Site Area (ha): |
0.08 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
7 |
Description: |
Allocated for residential-led development. Site IP011b has been split to reflect the ownerships. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
The site is within 500m of a place of worship (Ipswich Mosque, St Clemants Church and Proclaimers Church Ipswich). The Site is also within 1km of a local or key service centre (Duke Street District Centre) and a cultural or leisure facility (e.g. Goals Ipswich). The site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on rates of deprivation. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
The site provides 7 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
++ |
The site is within 1 km of a multiple GP surgeries, including Orchard Road Medical Practice and Wood Bridge Road Surgery. The site is 500m of a sports facility, Goals Ipswich, and within 1km of a green public space (Alexandra Park). Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
++ |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
- |
The site is within 100m of the A1022 and is therefore likely to expose residents to a source of noise, air or light pollution. The site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on levels of crime or on people's exposure to hazards. The site should have a noise and air quality assessment. Additionally, the use of environmental screening to reduce noise and light pollution from the A1022. To reduce air pollution : set houses as far back from the main road as possible and use landscaping. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
+ |
The Site is located within 1km of St Helen's Nursey and Primary School and within 2km of Stoke High Secondary School. The site is within 1km of The University of Suffolk campus. |
+ |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
- |
The site is within the Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3. The proposed Development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. There are no water bodies within 100m of the site, and no other known impacts on water quality issues. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the Development to control surface water runoff. |
- |
S-MT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
Site has potential to moderately increase emissions to air due to the scale of proposed development and associated increase in traffic. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
++ |
Site is brownfield and the proposed Development would therefore make for an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. The developer should use low impact/recycled/secondary materials to reduce the demand for raw materials. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The proposed Development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution in relation to existing levels. The site is adjacent to sustainable transport opportunities and located within 500m of jobs/services. To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
+ |
The site is within a low risk flood zone and is not at risk of surface water flooding. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. To reduce the risk of future flood risk, GI and SUDS should be incorporated into the development. |
+ |
N/A |
H |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on any designation associated with the coast or estuary |
O |
N/A |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
O |
The site is not in proximity to a designated nature conservation site, is at low risk of affecting protected or priority species and is unlikely to affect habitat connectivity significantly. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. However, the high density of proposed housing (90dph) will limit outdoor space and green infrastructure. In order to enhance biodiversity, the site should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors and green roofs. Decreasing the housing density for this site should be considered. |
+ |
N/A |
H |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
- |
The site is within 300m of multiple listed buildings and a Scheduled monument. The Scheduling relates to the archaeological value belowground. Given the Site is previously developed and currently in-use, the proposed Development could potentially be an option to access valuable heritage assets here although it is uncertain if any heritage assets could or should be removed whilst the impacts of construction could pose a risk of direct harm. The existing use of this site is a car park and therefore redevelopment may lead to enhancement of the local area. However, the housing density at this site would necessitate the use of 3 or 4 storey apartment blocks which would be considerably taller than the current use and could alter the character of the area. The proposed Development should seek to adopt a spacious layout and design that is consistent with the local landscape and townscape character with a vernacular architecture that accords well with the nearby Listed Buildings and Scheduled Monument. A Heritage Statement should be provided, and careful consideration should be given to opportunities for protecting and enhancing the value of sensitive heritage assets related to the below ground Saxon archaeology. |
+/- |
S-LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
O |
The housing density at this site is 90dph which would necessitate the use of 3 or 4 storey apartment blocks which would be considerably taller than the surrounding properties and have the potential to alter the area's character. The site would result in the redevelopment of an urban brownfield site with opportunities to improve local character if mitigation is implemented. Decreasing the housing density for this site should be considered. A high quality design that closely considers the exiting local setting and incorporates vernacular architecture and green infrastructure would help to ensure the proposed Development makes a positive contribution towards the local townscape character. To reduce light pollution smart lighting systems should be considered in the site design. Controls on the strength of light bulbs for lights, fitted on the outside of homes, should also be considered. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
+ |
Site is located within 500m of key employment areas. The site would situate new residents in proximity to a range of jobs and employment areas, many of which would be within a walkable distance. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
++ |
The site is a housing site within 250m of the central retail area and is within the Ipswich town centre boundary. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
The site is within 500m of Ipswich town centre and 1km of Duke Street District Centre. Site is within 500 m of a bus service and the site's proximity to key services and employment areas is likely to encourage walking or cycling. The site would have adequate highways access. Development would not proceed unless the bus depot, which provides sustainable transport options, is relocated. Pedestrian access into and out of the Site, including footpaths and cycle paths, should be provided for to ensure residents can walk or cycle to central areas or places of employment. |
++ |
M-LT |
M |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the Site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
+ |
N/A |
M |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP014 - Hope Church |
Existing use: |
Church centre and commercial land. |
Site Area (ha): |
0.21 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
23 |
Description: |
Redevelopment is dependent on the appropriate relocation of existing uses. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
The site is within 500m of a place of worship (Holy Trinity and St Clemants Church), however development of the site would lead to the loss of Hope Church. The site is within 200m of a local or key service centre (Duke Street District Centre) and 1km of a cultural or leisure facilitates (e.g. Goals Ipswich). The current site use is for the Orwell Centre which houses Hope Church. Development would not proceed until the current site use is relocated and so there would be no loss in community services overall, although some local residents may find they now need to travel further to reach their church. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
The site provides 23 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
++ |
The site is within 1 km of a GP surgery (Orchard Road Medical Practice), a sports facility (Goals Ipswich) and within 300m of a green public space (Alexandra Park). Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
++ |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
- |
The site is adjacent to the A1156 and is therefore likely to expose residents to a source of noise, air or light pollution. The site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on levels of crime or on people's exposure to hazards. The Site should have a noise and air quality assessment. Additionally, the use of environmental screening to reduce noise and light pollution from the adjacent A-road. To reduce air pollution : set houses as far back from the main road as possible and use landscaping. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
+ |
The Site is located within 1km of St Helen's Nursey and Primary School and Clifford Road Primary School. The site is also within 2km of Stoke High and Copleston High Secondary Schools. The site is within 500m of The University of Suffolk campus. |
+ |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
- |
The site is within the Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3. The proposed Development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. There are no water bodies within 100m of the site, and no other known impacts on water quality issues. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the Development to control surface water runoff |
- |
S-MT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
Site has potential to moderately increase emissions to air due to the scale of proposed development and associated increase in traffic. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing indicatives and public transport. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
++ |
Site is brownfield and the proposed Development would therefore make for an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. The developer should use low impact/recycled/secondary materials to reduce the demand for raw materials. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The proposed Development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution and energy consumption in relation to existing levels. The potential for energy efficiency or renewable energy sources is unknown at this stage. The site is adjacent to sustainable transport opportunities, jobs (Cavendish Street employment area) and services (Duke Street District Centre). To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
+ |
The site is within a low risk flood zone and is not at risk of surface water flooding. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. To reduce flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. |
+ |
N/A |
H |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on any designation associated with the coast or estuary |
O |
N/A |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
O |
The site is not in proximity to a designated nature conservation site, is at low risk of affecting protected or priority species and is unlikely to affect habitat connectivity significantly. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. However, the high density of proposed housing (110dph) will limit outdoor space and green infrastructure. In order to enhance biodiversity, the site should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors and green roofs. Decreasing the housing density for this site should be considered. |
+ |
N/A |
H |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
O |
The site is within 300m of multiple listed buildings and a Scheduled monument, however this site is likely to blend in with the surrounding land uses and therefore the development is unlikely to have a discernible effect on the area's historic character. The proposed development should seek to adopt a spacious layout and design that is consistent with the local landscape and townscape character with a vernacular architecture that accords well with the nearby Scheduled Monument and Listed Buildings. |
O |
N/A |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
+ |
The proposed Development would be an opportunity to enhance the Site's current impact on the local townscape character through high quality design and green infrastructure. The site would have a neutral effect on townscape character as the site is surrounded with similar high-density apartment blocks. A high-quality design that closely considers the exiting local setting and incorporates vernacular architecture and green infrastructure would help to ensure the proposed development makes a positive contribution towards the local townscape character. To reduce light pollution smart lighting systems should be considered in the site design. Controls on the strength of light bulbs for lights, fitted on the outside of homes, should also be considered. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
+ |
The site is adjacent to existing employment areas. The site would situate new residents in proximity to a range of jobs and employment areas, many of which would be within a walkable distance. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
++ |
The site is a housing site within 200m Duke Street District Centre. The proposed development could potentially help to rejuvenate a derelict area of central Ipswich. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
The site is within 200m of Duke Street District Centre, 300m of a green public space (Alexandra Park) and adjacent to a bus service. The site's proximity to key services and employment areas is also likely to encourage walking or cycling. The site would have adequate highways access. Pedestrian access into and out of the site, including footpaths and cycle paths, should be provided for to ensure residents can walk or cycle to central areas or places of employment. |
++ |
M-LT |
M |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
+ |
N/A |
M |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP028a - Jewsons, Greyfriars Road and island adjacent |
Existing use: |
Jewson Timber and Building supplies. |
Site Area (ha): |
0.12 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
11 |
Description: |
Redevelopment is dependent on the appropriate relocation of existing uses and mitigation of noise from the nightclub. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
The site is within 500m of a place of worship (Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich, Foundation St Church and Christian Orthodox church). The Site is also within 1km of a local or key service centre (Wherstead Road District Centre) and 200m a cultural or leisure facility (e.g. St Peters by the Waterfront and Cineworld.). Additionally, the site is expected to provide a leisure facility. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
The site will provide 11 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
++ |
The site is within 1 km of a GP surgery (Burlington Road Surgery), green public space (Alderman Canal local nature reserve) and within 500m of a sports facility (Better Gym Ipswich). Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
++ |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
- |
The site is adjacent to the intersection of the A137 and the A1022 and is therefore likely to expose residents to a major source of noise, air or light pollution. The site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on levels of crime or on people's exposure to hazards or noise. The site should have a noise and air quality assessment. Additionally, the use of environmental screening to reduce noise and light pollution from the adjacent A-roads. To reduce air pollution set houses as far back from the main road as possible and use landscaping. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
+ |
The site is located within 1km of St Matthew's Church of England Primary School. The site is also within 2km of Stoke High Secondary School. The site is within 1km of The University of Suffolk campus. |
+ |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
- |
The site is within the Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3. The proposed Development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. There are no water bodies within 100 m of the site, and no other known impacts on water quality issues. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff |
- |
S-MT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
The site is in within 50m of an AQMA. The site has potential to moderately increase emissions to air due to the scale of proposed development and associated increase in traffic. Due to the site's proximity to an AQMA an air quality assessment will need to be conducted. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. Green infrastructure should be incorporated into the development as much as possible, in a manner that best helps to filter out air pollutants. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
++ |
Site is brownfield and the proposed development would therefore make for an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. The developer should use low impact/recycled/secondary materials to reduce the demand for raw materials. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The construction and occupation phases of the proposed Development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution. The potential for energy efficiency or renewable energy sources is unknown at this stage. The site is located within 200m of sustainable transport opportunities, jobs (Princes Street employment areas) and 1km from Duke Street District Centre. To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
-- |
A large area of site is within EA Flood Zone 3 (high risk) and EA Flood Zone 2 (moderate risk) and a large area of the site has low surface water flood risk. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. All developments in Flood Zone 3 would require an FRA. To reduce flood risk the site should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on any designation associated with the coast or estuary |
O |
N/A |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
O |
The site is not in proximity to a designated nature conservation site, is at low risk of affecting protected or priority species and is unlikely to affect habitat connectivity significantly. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. However, the high density of proposed housing (90dph) will limit outdoor space and green infrastructure. In order to enhance biodiversity, the site should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors and green roofs. Decreasing the housing density for this site should be considered. |
+ |
N/A |
H |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
+/- |
The site is adjacent to a Scheduled Monument (area of middle and late Saxon town) and multiple listed buildings within 300m, along St Peters Street. However, this site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on the area's character due to the surrounding land uses (commercial estate and office blocks). The Scheduling relates to the archaeological value belowground. Given the Site is previously developed and currently in-use, the proposed Development could potentially be an option to access valuable heritage assets here although it is uncertain if any heritage assets could or should be removed whilst the impacts of construction could pose a risk of direct harm. The proposed development should seek to adopt a spacious layout and design that is consistent with the local landscape and townscape character with a vernacular architecture that accords well with the nearby Scheduled Monument and Listed Buildings. A Heritage Statement should be provided, and careful consideration should be given to opportunities for protecting and enhancing the value of sensitive heritage assets related to the below ground Saxon archaeology. |
+/- |
N/A |
H |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
+ |
The proposed Development could be an opportunity to enhance the Site's impact on the local character through high quality design and green infrastructure. The broad proposed design or appearance is unknown at this stage, however the redevelopment of the site (Jewson Ltd building supplies merchant) will provide an opportunity to improve local character. A high-quality design that closely considers the exiting local setting and incorporates vernacular architecture and green infrastructure would help to ensure the proposed Development makes a positive contribution towards the local townscape character. To reduce light pollution smart lighting systems should be considered in the site design. Controls on the strength of light bulbs for lights, fitted on the outside of homes, should also be considered. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
++ |
The site is a mixed-use space and therefore employment opportunities could be generated onsite. In addition, new residents would have excellent access to employment opportunities in central Ipswich. The development would not lead to the loss of an active business - Jewson Ltd building supplies merchant, as the proposed Development would not proceed until the current use has been relocated. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
++ |
The site is a housing site within 200m of the central retail area and is within the Ipswich town centre boundary. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
The site is within 1km of Wherstead Road District Centre. The site is within 200 m of a bus service and the site's proximity to key services and employment areas is likely to encourage walking or cycling, however the site unlikely to have a discernible effect on access to open space. The site would have adequate highways access. Pedestrian access into and out of the site, including footpaths and cycle paths, should be provided for to ensure residents can walk or cycle to central areas or places of employment. |
++ |
M-LT |
M |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the Site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
+ |
N/A |
M |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP028b - Jewsons, Greyfriars Road and island adjacent |
Existing use: |
Jewson Timber and Building supplies. |
Site Area (ha): |
0.9 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
34 |
Description: |
The development will allocate 50% of the land to housing and 50% will be leisure or office use to buffer noise. Redevelopment is dependent on the appropriate relocation of existing uses and mitigation of noise from the nightclub. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
The site is within 500m of a place of worship (Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich, Foundation St Church and Christian Orthodox church). The Site is also within 1km of a local or key service centre (Wherstead Road District Centre) and 200m a cultural or leisure facility (e.g. St Peters by the Waterfront and Cineworld.). Additionally, the site is expected to provide a leisure facility. T Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
The site will provide 34 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
++ |
The site is within 1 km of a GP surgery (Burlington Road Surgery), green public space (Alderman Canal local nature reserve) and within 500m of a sports facility (Better Gym Ipswich). Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
++ |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
- |
The site is adjacent to the intersection of the A137 and the A1022 and is therefore likely to expose residents to a major source of noise, air or light pollution. The site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on levels of crime or on people's exposure to hazards or noise. The Site should have a noise and air quality assessment. Additionally, the use of environmental screening to reduce noise and light pollution from the adjacent A-roads. To reduce air pollution set houses as far back from the main road as possible and use landscaping. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
+ |
The Site is located within 1km of St Matthew's Church of England Primary School. The site is also within 2km of Stoke High Secondary School. The site is within 1km of The University of Suffolk campus. The provision of employment land at IP028b and the subsequent creation of jobs at the site could potentially provide new employees with an opportunity to learn new skills. |
+ |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
- |
The site is within the Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3. The proposed Development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. There are no water bodies within 100 m of the site, and no other known impacts on water quality issues. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff |
- |
S-MT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
The site is in within 50m of an AQMA. The site has potential to moderately increase emissions to air due to the scale of proposed development and associated increase in traffic. Due to the site's proximity to an AQMA an air quality assessment will need to be conducted. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. Green infrastructure should be incorporated into the development as much as possible, in a manner that best helps to filter out air pollutants. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
++ |
Site is brownfield and the proposed Development would therefore make for an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. The developer should use low impact/recycled/secondary materials to reduce the demand for raw materials. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The construction and occupation phases of the proposed Development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution. The potential for energy efficiency or renewable energy sources is unknown at this stage. The site is located within 200m of sustainable transport opportunities, jobs (Princes Street employment areas) and 1km from Duke Street District Centre. To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
-- |
A large area of site is within EA Flood Zone 3 (high risk) and EA Flood Zone 2 (moderate risk) and a large area of the site has low surface water flood risk. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. All developments in Flood Zone 3 would require an FRA. To reduce flood risk the site should be designed to include green infrastructure and SuDS. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on any designation associated with the coast or estuary |
O |
N/A |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
O |
The site is not in proximity to a designated nature conservation site, is at low risk of affecting protected or priority species and is unlikely to affect habitat connectivity significantly. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. However, the high density of proposed housing (90dph) will limit outdoor space and green infrastructure. In order to enhance biodiversity, the site should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors and green roofs. Decreasing the housing density for this site should be considered. |
+ |
N/A |
H |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
+/- |
The site is adjacent to a Scheduled Monument (area of middle and late Saxon town) and multiple listed buildings within 300m, along St Peters Street. However, this site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on the area's character due to the surrounding land uses (commercial estate and office blocks). The Scheduling relates to the archaeological value belowground. Given the Site is previously developed and currently in-use, the proposed Development could potentially be an option to access valuable heritage assets here although it is uncertain if any heritage assets could or should be removed whilst the impacts of construction could pose a risk of direct harm. The proposed development should seek to adopt a spacious layout and design that is consistent with the local landscape and townscape character with a vernacular architecture that accords well with the nearby Scheduled Monument and Listed Buildings. A Heritage Statement should be provided, and careful consideration should be given to opportunities for protecting and enhancing the value of sensitive heritage assets related to the below ground Saxon archaeology. |
+/- |
N/A |
H |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
+ |
The proposed Development could be an opportunity to enhance the Site's impact on the local character through high quality design and green infrastructure. The broad proposed design or appearance is unknown at this stage, however the redevelopment of the site (Jewson Ltd building supplies merchant) will provide an opportunity to improve local character. A high-quality design that closely considers the exiting local setting and incorporates vernacular architecture and green infrastructure would help to ensure the proposed Development makes a positive contribution towards the local townscape character. To reduce light pollution smart lighting systems should be considered in the site design. Controls on the strength of light bulbs for lights, fitted on the outside of homes, should also be considered. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
++ |
The site is a mixed-use space and therefore employment opportunities could be generated onsite. Residents here would have excellent access to employment opportunities in central Ipswich. The development would not lead to the loss of an active business - Jewson Ltd building supplies merchant, as the proposed Development would not proceed until the current use has been relocated. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
++ |
The site is a housing site within 200m of the central retail area and is within the Ipswich town centre boundary. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
The site is within 1km of Wherstead Road District Centre. The site is within 200 m of a bus service and the site's proximity to key services and employment areas is likely to encourage walking or cycling, however the site unlikely to have a discernible effect on access to open space. The site would have adequate highways access. Pedestrian access into and out of the Site, including footpaths and cycle paths, should be provided for to ensure residents can walk or cycle to central areas or places of employment. |
++ |
M-LT |
M |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
+ |
N/A |
M |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP040 - Former Civic Centre / Civic Drive |
Existing use: |
Car park |
Site Area (ha): |
0.73 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
59 |
Description: |
This site is primarily allocated for 10% retail and leisure development at ground/first floor level but primarily residential use. Site re-divided to reflect different ownerships and exclude Hanover Housing. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
++ |
The site is within 200m of a place of worship (St Matthew's Church). The Site is also within 500m of a local or key service centre (Norwich Road District Centre and Ipswich town centre) and adjacent to a cultural facility (The New Wosley Theatre). Additionally, the site is expected to provide a new leisure and retail facility. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
++ |
M-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
The site will provide 59 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
++ |
The site is within 500m of a GP surgery (Barrack Lane Medical centre) and within 300m of a sports facility (The Gym – St Matthews Court). Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
++ |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
- |
The site is within 50m of the A1022 and A1156 and is therefore likely to expose residents to a major source of noise, air or light pollution. The site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on levels of crime or on people's exposure to hazards or noise. The site should have a noise and air quality assessment. Additionally, the use of environmental screening to reduce noise and light pollution from the A1022 and A1156. To reduce air pollution set houses as far back from the main road as possible and use landscaping. |
- |
S-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
+ |
The Site is located within 200m of St Matthew's Church of England Primary School. The site is also within 2km of Stone Lodge Academy Secondary School. The site is within 2km of The University of Suffolk campus. |
+ |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
- |
The site is within the Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3. The proposed Development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. There are no water bodies within 100 m of the site, and no other known impacts on water quality issues. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the Development to control surface water runoff. |
- |
S-MT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
Site has potential to moderately increase emissions to air due to the scale of proposed development and associated increase in traffic. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
++ |
Site is brownfield and the proposed development would therefore make for an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. The developer should use low impact/recycled/secondary materials to reduce the demand for raw materials. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The construction and occupation of the proposed Development would be expected to result in a net increase in energy consumption and air pollution in relation to existing levels. The site is adjacent to sustainable transport opportunities and within 250m of jobs (Portman Road employment areas) and Norwich Road District Centre. To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
+ |
The site is within a low risk flood zone and is not at risk of surface water flooding. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on any designation associated with the coast or estuary |
O |
N/A |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
O |
The site is not in proximity to a designated nature conservation site, is at low risk of affecting protected or priority species and is unlikely to affect habitat connectivity significantly. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. However, the high density of proposed housing (90dph) will limit outdoor space and green infrastructure. In order to enhance biodiversity, the site should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors and green roofs. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
O |
The site is within 50-100m of multiple Listed Buildings, along Museum Street. However, the lay of the land make it unlikely that the proposed Development would alter views. The proposed Development would also be in keeping with the existing built form on all sides (residential housing on Black Horse Lane and multiple storey buildings on Chapman Lane/Crown Street). The proposed development should seek to adopt a spacious layout and design that is consistent with the local landscape and townscape character with a vernacular architecture that accords well with the nearby Listed Buildings. |
O |
N/A |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
+ |
The site would have a neutral effect on landscape character. The broad proposed design or appearance is unknown at this stage; however the redevelopment of the existing car park area will provide an opportunity to improve local character. A high-quality design that closely considers the exiting local setting and incorporates vernacular architecture and green infrastructure would help to ensure the proposed Development makes a positive contribution towards the local townscape character. To reduce light pollution smart lighting systems should be considered in the site design. Controls on the strength of light bulbs for lights, fitted on the outside of homes, should also be considered. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
++ |
The proposed development is for a mixed-use site and would make a positive contribution to the local economy. The Site would provide new residents with excellent access to employment opportunities e.g. it is located 250m from Portman Road employment area. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
++ |
The site is a mixed used site within 200m of Norwich Road local District Centre and is within the Ipswich town centre boundary. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
The site is within 200m of Norwich Road District Centre and 600m of an area of open green space (Christchurch Park). The site is also adjacent to a bus service and the site's proximity to key services and employment areas is likely to encourage walking or cycling. The site would have adequate highways access. Pedestrian access into and out of the site, including footpaths and cycle paths, should be provided for to ensure residents can walk or cycle to central areas or places of employment. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the Site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
+ |
N/A |
M |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP041 - Former Police Station, Civic Drive |
Existing use: |
Volunteering matters centre |
Site Area (ha): |
0.52 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
46 |
Description: |
Site re-divided to reflect different ownerships and exclude Hanover Housing |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
++ |
The site is within 250m of a place of worship (St Matthew's Church). The Site is also within 500m of a local or key service centre (Norwich Road District Centre and Ipswich town centre) and adjacent to a cultural facility (The New Wosley Theatre). Additionally, the proposal for the adjacent site includes the provision of a new leisure and retail facility. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
++ |
M-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
The site will provide 46 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
++ |
The site is within 500m of a GP surgery (Barrack Lane Medical centre) and within 300m of a sports facility (The Gym – St Matthews Court). Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
++ |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
- |
The site is adjacent to the A1022 and within 150m of the A1156 and is therefore likely to expose residents to a major source of noise, air or light pollution. The site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on levels of crime or on people's exposure to hazards or noise. The Site should have a noise assessment. Additionally, the use of environmental screening to reduce noise and light pollution from the adjacent A-road. To reduce air pollution set houses as far back from the main road as possible and use landscaping. |
- |
S-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
+ |
The Site is located within 200m of St Matthew's Church of England Primary School. The site is also within 2km of Stone Lodge Academy Secondary School. The site is within 2km of The University of Suffolk campus. |
+ |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
- |
The site is within the Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3. There are no water bodies within 100 m of the site, and no other known impacts on water quality issues. The proposed development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff |
- |
S-MT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
Site has potential to moderately increase emissions to air due to the scale of proposed development and associated increase in traffic. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
++ |
Site is brownfield and the proposed development would therefore make for an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. The developer should use low impact/recycled/secondary materials to reduce the demand for raw materials. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in energy consumption and air pollution in relation to existing levels. The site is adjacent to sustainable transport opportunities and within 250m of jobs (Portman Road employment areas) and Norwich Road District Centre. To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
+ |
The site is not at risk of fluvial or surface water flooding. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. To reduce future flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. |
+ |
N/A |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on any designation associated with the coast or estuary |
O |
N/A |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
O |
The site is not in proximity to a designated nature conservation site, is at low risk of affecting protected or priority species and is unlikely to affect habitat connectivity significantly. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. However, the high density of proposed housing (90dph) will limit outdoor space and green infrastructure. In order to enhance biodiversity, the site should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors and green roofs. |
+ |
N/A |
H |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
O |
The site is within 50-100m of multiple listed buildings, along Museum Street. However, this site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on the area's character due to the surrounding land uses (residential housing on Black Horse Lane and multiple storey buildings on Chapman Lane/Crown Street). The proposed Development should seek to adopt a spacious layout and design that is consistent with the local landscape and townscape character with a vernacular architecture that accords well with the nearby Listed Buildings. |
O |
N/A |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
+ |
The redevelopment of the site will provide an opportunity to improve local character. The site would have a neutral effect on landscape character. The broad proposed design or appearance is unknown at this stage. A high-quality design that closely considers the exiting local setting and incorporates vernacular architecture and green infrastructure would help to ensure the proposed Development makes a positive contribution towards the local townscape character. To reduce light pollution smart lighting systems should be considered in the site design. Controls on the strength of light bulbs, for lights fitted on the outside of homes, should also be considered. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
+ |
The site would situate new residents in proximity to a range of jobs and employment areas (250m from Portman Road employment area), many of which would be within a walkable distance. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
+ |
The site is within 200m of Norwich Road local District Centre and is within the Ipswich town centre boundary. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
The site is within 200m of Norwich Road District Centre and 600m of an area of open green space (Christchurch Park). The site is also adjacent to a bus service and the site's proximity to key services and employment areas is likely to encourage walking or cycling. The site would have adequate highways access. Pedestrian access into and out of the Site, including footpaths and cycle paths, should be provided for to ensure residents can walk or cycle to central areas or places of employment. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the Site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
+ |
N/A |
M |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP045 - Land bounded by Cliff Road, Toller Road and Holywells Road |
Existing use: |
Various businesses including taxi and distribution services |
Site Area (ha): |
2.06 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
148 |
Description: |
Redevelopment is dependent on the appropriate relocation of existing uses. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
The site is within 500m of a place of worship (St Luke's Church). The site is within 500m of a local or key service centre (Duke Street District Centre) and 200m of a cultural or leisure facilities (Holywells Park and Hollywell Bowls Club). Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
The site will provide 148 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
+ |
The site is within 2km of a GP surgery (Felixstowe Road Medical Practice). The site within 200m a sports facility (Envy Gym and Flex Gym) and within 200m of a green public space (Holywells Park). Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
- |
The site is located between two main roads and adjacent to an industrial area and is therefore likely to expose residents to a significant source of noise, air or light pollution. The redevelopment of the site would lead to the removal of a lorry depot that would help to reduce and remediate noise, air or light pollution. The site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on levels of crime. The site should have a noise assessment. Additionally, the use of environmental screening to reduce noise and light pollution from the roads and surrounding area. To reduce air pollution set houses as far back from the main road as possible and use landscaping. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
+ |
The Site is located within 500m of Cliff Lane Primary School. The site is also within 2km of Stoke High and Copleston High Secondary Schools. The site is within 500m of The University of Suffolk campus. |
+ |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
- |
The site is within 45m of a Pond network associated with Holywells Park. The site is within the Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3. The proposed development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the Development to control surface water runoff. |
- |
S-MT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
The site has potential to moderately increase emissions to air due to the scale of proposed development and associated increase in traffic. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
++ |
Site is brownfield and the proposed Development would therefore make for an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. The developer should use low impact/recycled/secondary materials to reduce the demand for raw materials. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in energy consumption and air pollution in relation to existing levels. The site is adjacent to sustainable transport opportunities and jobs (Holywells Road employment areas) and is within 500m of Norwich Road District Centre. To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
-- |
The site falls entirely within an EA Flood Zone 3 (high risk) and the entire site has a low surface water flood risk. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. All developments in Flood Zone 3 would require an FRA. To reduce flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on any designation associated with the coast or estuary. |
O |
N/A |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
O |
The site is not in proximity to a designated nature conservation site, is at low risk of affecting protected or priority species and is unlikely to affect habitat connectivity significantly. However, the site is within 45m of a pond network and the construction and occupation of the proposed development could potentially have an adverse impact on the biodiversity. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. However, the high density of proposed housing (90dph) will limit outdoor space and green infrastructure. In order to enhance biodiversity, the site should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors and green roofs. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the ponds in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the ponds should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat. |
+ |
N/A |
H |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
O |
The site is within 200m of three listed buildings. However, this site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on the area's character due to the surrounding industrial land uses. The proposed Development should seek to adopt a spacious layout and design that is consistent with the local landscape and townscape character with a vernacular architecture that accords well with the nearby Listed Buildings. |
+ |
N/A |
H |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
+ |
The site would have a positive effect on landscape character. The broad proposed design or appearance is unknown at this stage; however, the redevelopment of the site will provide an opportunity to improve local character. A high-quality design that closely considers the exiting local setting and incorporates vernacular architecture and green infrastructure would help to ensure the proposed Development makes a positive contribution towards the local townscape character. To reduce light pollution smart lighting systems should be considered in the site design. Controls on the strength of light bulbs for lights, fitted on the outside of homes, should also be considered. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
++ |
The proposed development is for a mixed-use site that would make a positive contribution to the local economy. New residents would have excellent access to employment opportunities. The current site use would be relocated prior to development proceeding and thus there would not be a loss in employment. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
++ |
The site is a mixed used site within 500m of Duke Street local District Centre. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
The site is within 500m of Duke Street District Centre, 200m of a green public space (Hollywells Park) and adjacent to a bus service. The site's proximity to key services and employment areas is also likely to encourage walking or cycling. The site would have adequate highways access. Pedestrian access into and out of the site, including footpaths and cycle paths, should be provided for to ensure residents can walk or cycle to central areas or places of employment. |
++ |
M-LT |
M |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the Site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
+ |
N/A |
M |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP048a - Mint Quarter / Cox Lane East regeneration area |
Existing use: |
Businesses and car park |
Site Area (ha): |
1.33 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
47 |
Description: |
Primary school and car parking development to the north of Upper Barclay Street, retaining the locally listed façade to Carr Street. Residential development to the south of Upper Barclay Street. Development to include new public open space and short stay parking in a medium sized multi-storey car park (location in relation to Cox Lane to be determined). A development brief for the whole site will be prepared but development will come forward incrementally. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
The site is adjacent to a place of worship (Christ church). The site is in central Ipswich, in proximity to key services, and cultural or leisure facilities (e.g. Ipswich Regent Theatre). Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
The site will provide 47 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
++ |
The site is within 500m of a GP surgery (Orchard Medical Practice), green public space (Christchurch Park) and within 500m of a sports facility (Pure Gym Ipswich and Goals Ipswich). The development would include new open space. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
++ |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
- |
The site is in Ipswich city centre and is within 25m of the A1156 and is therefore likely to expose residents to a major source of noise, air or light pollution. The site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on levels of crime or on people's exposure to hazards or noise. The site should have a noise and air quality assessment. Additionally, the use of environmental screening to reduce noise and light pollution from the roads and surrounding area. To reduce air pollution set houses as far back from the main road as possible and use landscaping. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
++ |
The site provides a new primary school and is located within 1km of St Helen's Nursery and Primary School. The site is also within 2km of Stoke High Secondary School. The site is within 500m of The University of Suffolk campus. |
++ |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
- |
The site is within the Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3. The proposed Development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. There are no water bodies within 100m of the site, and no other known impacts on water quality issues. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the Development to control surface water runoff. |
- |
S-MT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
The site is adjacent to an AQMA and the site has potential to moderately increase emissions to air due to the scale of proposed development and associated increase in traffic. Due to the site's proximity to an AQMA an air quality assessment will need to be conducted. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. Green infrastructure should be incorporated into the development as much as possible, in a manner that best helps to filter out air pollutants. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
++ |
Site is brownfield and the proposed Development would make for an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. The developer should use low impact/recycled/secondary materials to reduce the demand for raw materials. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
- |
S-LT |
M |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The construction and occupation of the proposed Development would be expected to result in a net increase in energy consumption and air pollution in relation to existing levels. The site is adjacent to sustainable transport opportunities. The site is in Ipswich city centre and is within 600m of Willis building employment areas. To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
O |
The site is within a low risk flood zone and is not at risk of surface water flooding. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. To reduce future flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. |
+ |
N/A |
H |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on any designation associated with the coast or estuary |
O |
N/A |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
O |
The site is not in proximity to a designated nature conservation site, is at low risk of affecting protected or priority species and is unlikely to affect habitat connectivity significantly. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage, however the redevelopment includes the provision of a new public space which will the correct design could enhance biodiversity. In order to enhance biodiversity, the site, especially the in the new public open space, should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors and green roofs. |
+ |
N/A |
H |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
+/- |
The site contains and is adjacent to multiple listed buildings and is on the site of a Scheduled Monument (area of middle and late Saxon town). The Scheduling relates to the archaeological value belowground. Given the Site is previously developed and currently in-use, the proposed Development could potentially be an option to access valuable heritage assets here although it is uncertain if any heritage assets could or should be removed whilst the impacts of construction could pose a risk of direct harm. The proposed redevelopment of this site likely to lead to enhancement of the local character. Additionally, the proposal includes retaining the listed façade. The proposed development should seek to adopt a spacious layout and design that is consistent with the local landscape and townscape character with a vernacular architecture that accords well with the nearby Listed Buildings. A Heritage Statement should be provided, and careful consideration should be given to opportunities for protecting and enhancing the value of sensitive heritage assets related to the below ground Saxon archaeology. |
+/- |
S-LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
+ |
The site would result in the redevelopment of an urban brownfield site with opportunities to improve local character if mitigation is implemented. A high-quality design that closely considers the exiting local setting and incorporates vernacular architecture and green infrastructure would help to ensure the proposed Development makes a positive contribution towards the local townscape character. To reduce light pollution smart lighting systems should be considered in the site design. Controls on the strength of light bulbs for lights, fitted on the outside of homes, should also be considered. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
++ |
The proposed Development would be for a mixed-use site that makes a positive contribution towards the local economy. It would also situate residents in proximity to a range of employment opportunities. The development would not lead to the loss of employment as the current site use would be relocated. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
++ |
The site is a mixed use residential, employment and education site in Ipswich city centre. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
The site is in Ipswich city centre, within 500m of a public green space and with the potential to create an onsite green public space. The site has an adjacent bus service and the proximity to key services and employment areas is also likely to encourage walking or cycling. The site would have adequate highways access. The public open space within the development should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as SUDS, wildlife corridors and green roofs. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the Site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G |
+ |
N/A |
M |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP048b - Mint Quarter / Cox Lane West regeneration area |
Existing use: |
? |
Site Area (ha): |
1.57 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
42 |
Description: |
Residential and retail mix incorporating short stay car parking for shoppers and civic/open space. A development brief for the whole site (a and b) will be prepared but development will come forward incrementally. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
The site is adjacent to a place of worship (Christ church). The site is in central Ipswich, in proximity to key services, and cultural or leisure facilities (e.g. Ipswich Regent Theatre). Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
The site provides 42 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
++ |
The site is within 500m of a GP surgery (Orchard Medical Practice), green public space (Christchurch Park) and within 500m of a sports facility (Pure Gym Ipswich and Goals Ipswich). Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
++ |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
- |
The site is in Ipswich city centre and is within 100m of the A1156 and is therefore likely to expose residents to a major source of noise, air or light pollution. The site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on levels of crime or on people's exposure to hazards or noise. The site should have a noise and air quality assessment. Additionally, the use of environmental screening to reduce noise and light pollution from the roads and surrounding area. To reduce air pollution set houses as far back from the main road as possible and use landscaping. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
+ |
The site is located within 1km of St Helen's Nursery and Primary School. Additionally, the site adjacent site (IP048A) provides a new primary school. The site is also within 2km of Stoke High Secondary School. The site is within 500m of The University of Suffolk campus. The provision of employment land at IP048b and the subsequent creation of jobs at the site could potentially provide new employees with an opportunity to learn new skills. |
+ |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
- |
The site is within the Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3. The proposed Development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. There are no water bodies within 100 m of the site, and no other known impacts on water quality issues. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff. |
- |
S-MT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
Site has potential to moderately increase emissions to air due to the scale of proposed development and associated increase in traffic. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
++ |
Site is brownfield and the proposed development would make for an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. The developer should use low impact/recycled/secondary materials to reduce the demand for raw materials. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The construction and occupation of the proposed Development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution in relation to current levels. The site is adjacent to sustainable transport opportunities. The site is in Ipswich city centre and is within 600m of Willis building employment areas. To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
+ |
The site is within a low risk flood zone and is not at risk of surface water flooding. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. To reduce future flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. |
+ |
N/A |
H |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on any designation associated with the coast or estuary. |
O |
N/A |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
O |
The site is not in proximity to a designated nature conservation site, is at low risk of affecting protected or priority species and is unlikely to affect habitat connectivity significantly. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. However, the high density of proposed housing (90dph) will limit outdoor space and green infrastructure. In order to enhance biodiversity, the site should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors and green roofs. |
+ |
N/A |
H |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
+/- |
The site contains and is adjacent to multiple listed buildings and is on the site of a Scheduled Monument (area of middle and late Saxon town). The Scheduling relates to the archaeological value belowground. Given the Site is previously developed and currently in-use, the proposed Development could potentially be an option to access valuable heritage assets here although it is uncertain if any heritage assets could or should be removed whilst the impacts of construction could pose a risk of direct harm. The existing use of this site is a car park/ old retail spaces and therefore the mixed-use redevelopment is likely to lead to enhancement of the local area. The proposed development should seek to adopt a spacious layout and design that is consistent with the local landscape and townscape character with a vernacular architecture that accords well with the nearby Listed Buildings. A Heritage Statement should be provided, and careful consideration should be given to opportunities for protecting and enhancing the value of sensitive heritage assets related to the below ground Saxon archaeology. |
+/- |
S-LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
+ |
The site would result in the redevelopment of an urban brownfield site with opportunities to improve local character if mitigation is implemented. A high-quality design that closely considers the exiting local setting and incorporates vernacular architecture and green infrastructure would help to ensure the proposed development makes a positive contribution towards the local townscape character. To reduce light pollution smart lighting systems should be considered in the site design. Controls on the strength of light bulbs for lights, fitted on the outside of homes, should also be considered. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
++ |
The site would situate new residents within Ipswich city centre and thus with excellent access to employment opportunities. The proposed Development is for a mixed-use site that would make a positive contribution to the local economy. The development will lead to the loss of a small but active employment site. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
++ |
The site is a housing site within 500 m of an existing retail or service centre. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
The site is in Ipswich city centre, within 500m of a public green space. The site has an adjacent bus service and the proximity to key services and employment areas is also likely to encourage walking or cycling. The site would have adequate highways access. The public open space within the development should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as SUDS, wildlife corridors and green roofs. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the Site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
+ |
N/A |
M |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP052 - Land between Lower Orwell Street & Star Lane (former Essex Furniture) |
Existing use: |
Outlet stores and bar |
Site Area (ha): |
0.40 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
29 |
Description: |
n/a |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
The site is within 500m of a place of worship (Ipswich Mosque, St Clemants Church and Proclaimers Church Ipswich). The site is within 500m of the town centre and a local or key service centre (Duke Street District Centre) and a cultural or leisure facility (e.g. Goals Ipswich). Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
The site provides 29 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
++ |
The site is within 1 km of a multiple GP surgeries, including Orchard Road Medical Practice and Wood Bridge Road Surgery. The site is 500m of a sports facility, Goals Ipswich, and within 1km of a green public space (Alexandra Park). Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
++ |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
- |
The site is adjacent to the A1022 and is therefore likely to expose residents to a major source of noise, air or light pollution. The site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on levels of crime. Developing the site may contribute to remedying existing noise and air pollution, associated with the bus terminus. The site should have a noise and air quality assessment. Additionally, the use of environmental screening to reduce noise and light pollution from the adjacent A-road. To reduce air pollution set houses as far back from the main road as possible and use landscaping. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
+ |
The Site is located within 1km of St Helen's Nursey and Primary School and within 2km of Stoke High Secondary School. The site is within 500m of The University of Suffolk campus. The provision of employment land at IP052 and the subsequent creation of jobs at the site could potentially provide new employees with an opportunity to learn new skills. |
+ |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
- |
The site is within the Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3. The proposed Development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. There are no water bodies within 100 m of the site, and no other known impacts on water quality issues. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the Development to control surface water runoff. |
- |
S-MT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
A small area of the site is in an AQMA and has potential to moderately increase emissions to air due to the scale of proposed development and associated increase in traffic. Due to the site's proximity to an AQMA an air quality assessment will need to be conducted. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. Green infrastructure should be incorporated into the development as much as possible, in a manner that best helps to filter out air pollutants. |
- |
M-LT |
L |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
++ |
Site is brownfield and the proposed development would make for an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. The developer should use low impact/recycled/secondary materials to reduce the demand for raw materials. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The construction and occupation phases of the proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution. The potential for energy efficiency or renewable energy sources is unknown at this stage. The site is adjacent to sustainable transport opportunities and located within 500m of existing jobs and services. In addition, the site is mixed use and therefore may provide some onsite employment opportunities. To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
- |
A small area of site is within EA Flood Zone 2 (moderate risk) and a small area of the site has low surface water flood risk. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. To reduce flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. |
O |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on any designation associated with the coast or estuary |
O |
N/A |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
O |
The site is not in proximity to a designated nature conservation site, is at low risk of affecting protected or priority species and is unlikely to affect habitat connectivity significantly. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. However, the high density of proposed housing (90dph) will limit outdoor space and green infrastructure. In order to enhance biodiversity, the site should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors and green roofs. |
+ |
N/A |
H |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
O |
The site is adjacent to a Scheduled Monument (buried remains of a late Saxon town) and multiple listed buildings on Fore Street. The redevelopment of this site may lead to enhancement of the local area. However, the housing density at this site would necessitate the use of 3 or 4 storey apartment blocks which would be considerably taller than the surrounding properties and alter the character of the area. Decreasing the housing density for this site should be considered. The proposed development should seek to adopt a spacious layout and design that is consistent with the local landscape and townscape character with a vernacular architecture that accords well with the nearby Listed Buildings and Scheduled Monument. |
+ |
N/A |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
O |
The housing density at this site is 90dph which would necessitate the use of 3 or 4 storey apartment blocks which would be considerably taller than the surrounding properties and have the potential to alter the area's character. The site would result in the redevelopment of an urban brownfield site with opportunities to improve local character if mitigation is implemented. A high-quality design that closely considers the exiting local setting and incorporates vernacular architecture and green infrastructure would help to ensure the proposed Development makes a positive contribution towards the local townscape character. Decreasing the housing density for this site should be considered. To reduce light pollution smart lighting systems should be considered in the site design. Controls on the strength of light bulbs, for lights fitted on the outside of homes, should also be considered. |
+ |
N/A |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
++ |
Site is located within 1km of key employment areas (Willis Building and Cavendish Street area) and despite being a small site, includes the provision of one or more business types as a mixed-use development. Site would not result in the loss of employment as the current use would be relocated prior to development. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
++ |
The site is a mix use residential and business development within 250m of the central retail area and is within the Ipswich town centre boundary. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
The site is within 500m of Ipswich town centre and 1km of Duke Street District Centre. Site is adjacent to a bus service and within 500m open space (Alexandra Park). The site's proximity to key services and employment areas is likely to encourage walking or cycling. The site would have adequate highways access. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the Site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G |
+ |
N/A |
M |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP054b - Land between Old Cattle Market and Star Lane |
Existing use: |
Various businesses and car park |
Site Area (ha): |
0.95 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
31 |
Description: |
The site now excludes the former Archant site to the east of Turret Lane and is allocated primarily for residential use alongside small scale retail and leisure and an extended or replacement electricity sub-station. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
The site is adjacent to a place of worship (Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich). The Site is within 500m of the town centre and a cultural or leisure facility (e.g. Cineworld) and within 1km of a local or key service centre (Duke Street District Centre and Norwich Road). Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
The site provides 31 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
+ |
The site is within 1 km of a multiple GP surgeries, including Orchard Road Medical Practice and Burlington Road Surgery. The site is 1km of a play area or sports facility (Alderman Canal local nature reserve and green space with playground facilities). Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
- |
The site is adjacent to the A1022 and is therefore likely to expose residents to a major source of noise, air or light pollution. The site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on levels of crime. The site should have a noise and air quality assessment. Additionally, the use of environmental screening to reduce noise and light pollution from the adjacent A-road. To reduce air pollution set houses as far back from the main road as possible and use landscaping. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
+ |
The Site is located within 1km of St Matthew's Church of England Primary School and within 2km of Stoke High Secondary School. The site is within 1km of The University of Suffolk campus. The provision of employment land at IP054b and the subsequent creation of jobs at the site could potentially provide new employees with an opportunity to learn new skills. |
+ |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
- |
The site is within the Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3. The proposed Development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. There are no water bodies within 100 m of the site, and no other known impacts on water quality issues. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the Development to control surface water runoff. |
- |
S-MT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
Site has potential to moderately increase emissions to air due to the scale of proposed development and associated increase in traffic. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
++ |
Site is brownfield and the proposed Development would make for an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. The developer should use low impact/recycled/secondary materials to reduce the demand for raw materials. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and businesses should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The construction and occupation phases would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution. The site is adjacent to sustainable transport opportunities and located within 500m of existing jobs and services. In addition, the site is mixed use and therefore may provide some onsite employment opportunities. The potential for energy efficiency or renewable energy sources is unknown at this stage. To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
-- |
A small area of site is within EA Flood Zone 3 (high risk) and a large area is within EA Flood Zone 2 (moderate risk). A large area of the site has low surface water flood risk. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. All developments in Flood Zone 3 would require an FRA. To reduce flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on any designation associated with the coast or estuary |
O |
N/A |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
O |
The site is not in proximity to a designated nature conservation site, is at low risk of affecting protected or priority species and is unlikely to affect habitat connectivity significantly. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. In order to enhance biodiversity, the site should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors and green roofs. |
+ |
N/A |
H |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
O |
The site contains a Scheduled Monument (buried remains of a late Saxon town) and is adjacent to multiple listed buildings on St Peter's Street. The redevelopment of the site may lead to enhancement of the local area. In addition, the proposal includes the provision of a combination of townhouses and flats that are more fitting with the local townscape. The proposed development should seek to adopt a spacious layout and design that is consistent with the local landscape and townscape character with a vernacular architecture that accords well with the nearby Listed Buildings and Scheduled Monument. |
+ |
N/A |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
+ |
The site would result in the redevelopment of an urban brownfield site with opportunities to improve local character if mitigation is implemented. A high-quality design that closely considers the exiting local setting and incorporates vernacular architecture and green infrastructure would help to ensure the proposed development makes a positive contribution towards the local townscape character. To reduce light pollution smart lighting systems should be considered in the site design. Controls on the strength of light bulbs for lights, fitted on the outside of homes, should also be considered. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
+ |
The proposed Development would lead to the loss of existing economic land, although this would be replaced by new economic land. The proposed Development would situate new residents in proximity to employment opportunities. The site includes provision for one or more business type and is located 500m from St Clare's house and Willis building employment areas. The site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on economic inclusion. The site is a mixed-use space and therefore employment opportunities could be generated onsite. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
++ |
The site is a mix use site that is adjacent to the central retail area and is within the Ipswich town centre boundary. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
The site is within 1km of Duke Street and Norwich Road local District Centres. The site is adjacent to a bus service and the site's proximity to key services and employment areas is likely to encourage walking or cycling, however the site unlikely to have a discernible effect on access to open space. The site would have adequate highways access. Pedestrian access into and out of the site, including footpaths and cycle paths, should be provided for to ensure residents can walk or cycle to central areas or places of employment. |
++ |
M-LT |
M |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the Site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G |
+ |
N/A |
M |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP064a - Land between Holywells Road and Holywells Park |
Existing use: |
Site Area (ha): |
1.20 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
66 |
Description: |
Redevelopment is dependent on the appropriate relocation of existing uses |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
Site is located within 500m of a local or key service
centre (Cliff Lane Primary School). The Site is located with 500m of a local district boundary (Duke Street) The site falls within 40% least deprived. Site is a housing site in proximity to an existing community. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
S– LT |
L |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
Site will provide 66 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M - LT |
L |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
++ |
The site is located adjacent to the Holywells Park and within 500m of Holywells Park Play Area and a Sport Facility (adjacent to The Margaret Catchpole Pub). The site is within 1km of a GP surgery (The Derby Road Practice).Site is a housing site in proximity to an existing community. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
++ |
M - LT |
L |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
- |
The site is located adjacent to Holywells Road and within an existing industrial site and is therefore likely to expose residents to a major source of noise, air or light pollution. The site has potential for contaminated land and developing the site is likely to lead to the remediation of contaminated land, associated with the industrial site (e.g. CVS (Anglia), Medi-Plinth, Johnstone Leylands etc.), resulting in the elimination of a potential environmental hazard. The site should have a noise and air quality assessment. Additionally, the use of environmental screening to reduce noise and light pollution from the adjacent A-road. To reduce air pollution set houses as far back from the main road as possible and use landscaping. |
O |
S - LT |
L |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
+ |
Site is located within 2km of a secondary school (Stoke High School – with capacity as it is not currently full).
Site is located within 500m of a Primary School
(Cliff Lane Primary School) Cliff Lane Primary School
is not full but is close to capacity. |
+ |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
-- |
The site is adjacent to a waterbody (Big Pond). The site falls within a total catchment Source Protection Zone (SPZ) 3. The proposed development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption.
Careful consideration should be given to the
potential impacts of the development proposal on the
quality of the nearby waterbody, particularly during
the construction phase. Dust or other
contaminants entering the waterbody through surface
runoff should be prevented and the local water table
should remain unaltered by development. |
- |
S - LT |
M |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
Site has potential to moderately increase emissions to air due to the scale of proposed development and associated increase in traffic. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. Promote the use of low-emission vehicles during construction. |
- |
M – LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
++ |
Site is brownfield and the proposed development would therefore make for an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. The developer should use low impact/recycled/secondary materials to reduce the demand for raw materials. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The construction and occupation phases of the proposed Development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution. Site is located within 1km of sustainable transport opportunities (Bus Stops and Parking Zones). Site located within 1km of jobs/services. Energy and Sustainability Statements should be included in the site's planning application to determine the likely energy consumption of the development proposal during construction and operation and to identify and seek out opportunities for improving energy efficiency and employing low-carbon and renewable energy technologies. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
-- |
Small area of the site is located within Flood Zone 3 – high risk. Site is in an area of high risk of surface water flooding. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage – brownfield site. All developments in Flood Zone 3 would require an FRA. To reduce flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on any designation associated with the coast or estuary. |
O |
N/A |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
-- |
Site lies adjacent to a Holywells Park and Canal LWS.
Within 500m of a local geological designation
(Holywells Park – Regionally Important Geological
Site) Whilst the site is a brownfield site, it currently contains an area of Ancient Woodland. The extent of mature trees to the east of the Site boundary is linked with the adjoining Local Wildlife Site. In order to enhance biodiversity, the site should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors and green roofs. Appropriate ecological surveys of the Site, including of mature trees that could be supporting bats and the waterbody (big pond) to the east of the Site, should be conducted prior to development. |
- |
S – LT |
L |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
- |
Site is located adjacent to a Conservation Area (Holywells Park Conservation Area) Site is within 300m of three Grade II Listed Buildings (Holywells Park Orangery Grade II Listed, Holywells Park Stable Block and Town, and Cliff Cottage. The proposed Development would be unlikely to worsen the Site's current impact on the setting of these heritage assets to a major extent. Holywells Park Conservation Area is adjacent to the site. Given the views from the heritage asset are currently screened by linear mature trees, the development proposal could potentially be altered to a minor extent if the scale of the development were below the current treeline. |
- |
S – LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
+ |
The proposed development could be an opportunity to enhance the Site's contribution to the local townscape character.
The broad proposed design or appearance is unknown at
this stage. Hedgerows and trees delineating the site perimeter with the Conservation Area should be preserved. A spacious layout and a design that accords with existing local townscape and landscape, in addition to the incorporation of green infrastructure into the development proposal, would be likely to help ensure that the impacts on views or the setting of this heritage asset would be negligible. |
+ |
S – LT |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
+ |
The proposed development would situate new residents in proximity to a range of employment opportunities.
The current economic site use would be relocated
prior to development and not lost. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
+ |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity to key services, and with good access to central areas of Ipswich. |
+ |
S – LT |
M |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
Site has potential highways access issue on to the Holywells Road (single-track lanes and potential poor visibility).
Site is within 500m of a bus stop Site is within 500 of a local or key service centre (Wherstead Road and Duke Street District Centres). |
++ |
S - LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the Site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
+ |
N/A |
M |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP067a - Former British Energy Site |
Existing use: |
Former energy site |
Site Area (ha): |
0.38 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
17 |
Description: |
Northern section only, subject to resolving odour issues to satisfaction of IBC |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
The proposed development would situate new residents in proximity to an existing community, key services, amenities, open spaces and employment opportunities. It would therefore be likely to help ensure new residents do not feel excluded. Provision for adequate affordable housing should be included. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
The site will provide 17 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M – LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
+ |
Site is 1km south of a Suffolk GP Federation. Site is within 500m of greenspace and is adjacent to an existing community. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
+ |
Site would situate new residents away from major sources of noise, air and light pollution. |
+ |
S - LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
+ |
The Site is located within 1km of Cliff Lane Primary School and Piper's Vale Primary Academy The Site is within 2km of Stoke High Secondary School. The site is within 2km of The University of Suffolk campus. |
+ |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
- |
The site is within the Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3. The proposed Development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. There are no water bodies within 100 m of the site, and no other known impacts on water quality issues. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the Development to control surface water runoff. |
- |
S – MT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
The proposed Development would be expected to result in a net increase in emissions, primarily due to the associated increase in local traffic. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. |
- |
N / A |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
++ |
Site is brownfield (former energy site) and the proposed development would therefore make for an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. The developer should use low impact/recycled/secondary materials to reduce the demand for raw materials. |
++ |
S – LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The construction and occupation phases of the proposed Development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution. The site is located within 120m of sustainable transport opportunities, jobs (Cliff Quay, Sandy Hill Lane and Landseer Road employment areas) and 1.5km from Nacton Road District Centre. To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S – LT |
L |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
+ |
Site is within EA Flood Zone 1 – low risk The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. To reduce flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. |
+ |
N/A |
M |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on any designation associated with the coast or estuary |
O |
N / A |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
- |
The Site is within 500m of River Orwell LWS (not adjacent), Landseer Park Carr LWS (not adjacent) and Volvo, Raeburn Road Site LWS (not adjacent).
The extent of green infrastructure proposed is
unknown at this stage. In order to enhance biodiversity, the site should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors and green roofs. |
- |
S – LT |
L |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a significant impact on the historic environment due to no statutory designated sites located within 300m of the Site. |
O |
N/A |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
- |
The site is a former energy site. However, it currently contains trees and hedgerow along the site perimeter that make a positive contribution to the local character and the proposed Development could potentially diminish this. Design details are unknown at this stage. Green infrastructure should be incorporated into the development and existing trees and hedgerow delineating the site's perimeter and currently within the Site should be preserved as much as possible. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
+ |
The proposed Development would situate residents in proximity to a range of employment opportunities. As the site is of residential nature, it is unlikely to have a discernible effect on economic inclusion or employment diversification. |
+ |
S– LT |
M |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
+ |
Each site would situate new residents in proximity to key services, and with good access to central areas of Ipswich. Ensure pedestrian and cycle access from the site to town and retail centres should be provided for. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
Site is 165m south of a bus stop. The site is accessible via foot and cycle. The Site is highly accessible via the strategic road network. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the Site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
+ |
N/A |
M |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP083 - Banks of River upriver from Princes Street |
Existing use: |
Greenfield and footpath adjacent to river |
Site Area (ha): |
0.76 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
14 |
Description: |
Site to be master planned with IP015 adjacent |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
Site would situate new residents in proximity to an existing community, services, amenities and employment areas and they would therefore be unlikely to feel excluded. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
Site will provide 14 new homes Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M – LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
+ |
Burlington Road Surgery is 825m north. The Site has excellent access to green and open spaces, including alongside the adjacent river and 150m south west. A footpath runs through the Site although it is expected that this would be incorporated into the Development. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
- |
The Site is within 100m of the A137 and is therefore likely to expose residents to a major source of noise, air or light pollution. The Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on levels of crime or on people's exposure to hazards. The Site should have a noise and air quality assessment. Additionally, the use of environmental screening to reduce noise and light pollution from the adjacent A-road. To reduce air pollution set houses as far back from the main road as possible and use landscaping. |
- |
M – LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
+ |
The Site is located within 1km of Hillside Primary and Nursery School. The Site is within 1km of Stoke High Secondary School. The site is within 1km of The University of Suffolk campus. |
+ |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
-- |
The site is located adjacent to the River Orwell. The site is within the Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3. The proposed Development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption.
Careful consideration should be given to the
potential impacts of the development proposal on the
quality of the nearby waterbody, particularly during
the construction phase. Dust or other
contaminants entering the waterbody through surface
runoff should be prevented and the local water table
should remain unaltered by development. |
- |
S – MT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
Site has potential to moderately increase emissions to air due to the scale of proposed development and associated increase in traffic. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. |
- |
M – LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
- |
Site is likely to increase the demand for raw materials. Without mitigating policy, site will increase the demand for water resources. The proposed development would result in a permanent net loss of ecologically valuable soils, although not BMV soils. Although on greenfield land, the site is small (>1 ha) and in a sustainable location. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. Promote sustainable management soils during construction and re-use excavated soils where feasible. |
- |
S – LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The site is greenfield. The construction and occupation phases of the proposed Development would be expected to result in a net increase in GGH emissions. The potential for energy efficiency or renewable energy sources is unknown at this stage. The site is adjacent to sustainable transport opportunities (e.g. bus stop) and is 50m south of the Russell Road area employment area and 720m south of Norwich Road District Centre. To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S – LT |
L |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
-- |
Large area of Site is within EA Flood Zone 3 –high risk Small area of Site is within EA Flood Zone 2 – moderate risk
Site is not at risk of surface water flooding. All developments in Flood Zone 3 would require an FRA. To reduce flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. |
- |
S- LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
- |
Due to being in proximity to the River Orwell, which is the Stour and Orwell SPA, the construction and occupation of the proposed development could potentially have an adverse impact on the Coasts and Estuaries objective. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the river should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat. |
O |
S – LT |
L |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
-- |
Due to being in proximity to the River Orwell, which is an important wildlife corridor in the Borough and which is hydrologically linked to the Stour and Orwell SPA as well as the River Gipping CWS. The construction and occupation of the proposed development could potentially have an adverse impact on the Biodiversity Objective. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the River should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat. In order to enhance biodiversity, the site should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors and green roofs. Assessments of impacts on the Orwell SPA will be updated in light of HRA findings when possible. |
- |
S – LT |
L |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
- |
Site is within 300m of a Listed Building (Paul's Maltings Including Adjoining Kiln (Grade II) located approx.50m north of the Site). The site is a public open space and development here could potentially alter the setting of Listed Building. Given the lay of the land and views from the heritage asset could potentially be altered to a minor extent/neutral impact. A spacious layout and a design that accords with the existing local townscape, in addition to retaining the linear rows of trees and incorporation of green infrastructure in to the development proposal would likely help to ensure that impacts on views or the setting of this heritage asset would be negligible. |
O |
S - LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
-- |
The proposed development would be likely to necessitate a multi-storey building adjacent to the river. This would have a major adverse impact on views as well as the local character. A high-quality design that incorporates as much green infrastructure as possible and gives close consideration to the potential impacts on views for residents and users of the local PRoW would help to limit adverse impacts on views and character. |
- |
S-LT |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
+ |
The site is located 50m south of Russell Road area (existing employment site). There are multiple employment areas within 1km of the Site. |
+ |
S-MT |
M |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
+ |
The site would situate residents adjacent to retail and shopping centres of Ipswich. |
+ |
S-MT |
M |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
Site is 90m south of bus stops and 100m north of Ipswich Railway Station. Pedestrian and cycle access is very good. Site is in proximity to amenities, services and employment areas. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the Site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
+ |
N/A |
M |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP119 - Land east of West End Road |
Existing use: |
Derelict brownfield land and car sales |
Site Area (ha): |
0.61 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
38 |
Description: |
Redevelopment is dependent on the appropriate relocation of existing uses |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
Site would situate new residents in proximity to services, amenities, employment areas and an existing community and it is unlikely residents would feel excluded. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
The Site will provide 38 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M – LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
++ |
The site is within 1 km of a GP surgery (e.g. Burlington Road Surgery) and within 500m of a play area or sports facility (adjacent to Alderman Canal local nature reserve and green space with playground facilities). Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
- |
The site is adjacent to the A137 and is therefore likely to expose residents to a major source of noise, air or light pollution. The site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on levels of crime or on people's exposure to hazards. The site should have a noise and air quality assessment. Additionally, the use of environmental screening to reduce noise and light pollution from the adjacent A-road. To reduce air pollution set houses as far back from the main road as possible and use landscaping. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
++ |
The site is located within 500m of Ranelagh Primary School and the Triangle Children's Nursery. The site is within 1km of Stoke High Secondary School. The site is within 2km of The University of Suffolk campus. |
++ |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
-- |
The site is located adjacent to the River Gipping. The proposed development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. The site is within the Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3.
Careful consideration should be given to the
potential impacts of the development proposal on the
quality of the nearby waterbody, particularly during
the construction phase. Dust or other
contaminants entering the waterbody through surface
runoff should be prevented and the local water table
should remain unaltered by development. |
- |
S – MT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
Site has potential to moderately increase emissions to air due to the scale of proposed development and associated increase in traffic. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. |
- |
M – LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
++ |
Site is brownfield (former energy site) and the proposed development would therefore make for an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. The developer should use low impact/recycled/secondary materials to reduce the demand for raw materials. |
++ |
S – LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The construction and occupation phases of the proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution. The potential for energy efficiency or renewable energy sources is unknown at this stage. The site is located within 100m of sustainable transport opportunities, jobs (Russell Road area employment areas) and 700m from Norwich Road District Centre. To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S – LT |
L |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
- |
Large area of Site is within EA Flood Zone 2 – moderate risk
Site is not at risk of surface water flooding. To reduce flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. |
- |
S- LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
- |
Due to being in proximity to the River Gipping, which is hydrologically linked to the River Orwell and the Stour and Orwell SPA, the construction and occupation of the proposed development could potentially have an adverse impact on the Coasts and Estuaries objective. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the River should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat. |
O |
S- LT |
L |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
-- |
Site is lies adjacent to River Gipping LWS Site is within 500m of River Orwell LWS and Alderman Canal East (not adjacent) Site is within 500m of Alderman Canal LNR (not adjacent) Due to being in proximity to the River Gipping, which is an important wildlife corridor in the Borough and which is hydrologically linked to the River Orwell and the Stour and Orwell SPA. The construction and occupation of the proposed development could potentially have an adverse impact on the Biodiversity Objective. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the River should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat. In order to enhance biodiversity, the site should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors and green roofs. Assessments of impacts on the Orwell SPA will be updated in light of HRA findings when possible. |
- |
S – LT |
L |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
O |
Site is within 300m of two Listed Buildings (e.g. Milestone 68 Outside Number 142 (Grade II) located approx. 260m north east of the site and 121 London Road (Grade II) located approximately 200m north east of the site. Given the lay of the land and distance of the Listed Buildings from the heritage asset, the score could potentially be altered to a minor extent/neutral impact. A spacious layout and a design that accords with the existing local townscape, in addition to retaining the linear rows of trees along the River Gipping and incorporation of green infrastructure in to the development proposal would likely help to ensure that impacts on views or the setting of this heritage asset would be negligible. |
O |
S – LT |
H |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
+ |
The proposed development could be an opportunity to improve the Site's contribution to the local character. High-quality design with green infrastructure incorporated into the Development would help to ensure the Site makes a positive impact on views and the local character. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
++ |
The proposed development is for a mixed-use site that would make a positive contribution to the local economy. There are multiple employment areas within 1km of the site. The site is located 200m east of Russell Road area (existing employment site). The current site use would be relocated prior to development. |
++ |
S – LT |
M |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
++ |
Site would situate new residents and create new jobs in proximity to retail and town centres in Ipswich and could be an opportunity to rejuvenate the current site use. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
Site is within 500m of several bus stops and is 900m north west if Ipswich Railway Station. The site is in proximity to services, amenities, open spaces and employment areas. Pedestrian and cycle access is good. Access via the strategic road network is very good. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
+ |
N/A |
M |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP129 - BT Depot, Woodbridge Road |
Existing use: |
Brownfield BT Depot |
Site Area (ha): |
1.07 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
39 |
Description: |
n/a |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
The proposed development would situate new residents in proximity to services, amenities, jobs and an existing community. They are therefore unlikely to feel excluded. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
The site will provide 39 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M – LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
++ |
Site is 750m north east of Orchard Medical Practice. Site is 450m south west of Brunswick Road Park. The proposed development would situate new residents in an existing community. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
- |
The site is adjacent to the A1071 and is therefore likely to expose residents to a major source of noise, air or light pollution. The site should have a noise and air quality assessment. Additionally, the use of environmental screening to reduce noise and light pollution from the adjacent A-road. To reduce air pollution set houses as far back from the main road as possible and use landscaping. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
++ |
The Site is located within 500m of St Mary's Catholic Primary School. The Site is within 1km of Northgate High Secondary School. The site is within 2km of The University of Suffolk campus. |
++ |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
- |
The site is within the Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3. The proposed Development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. There are no water bodies within 100 m of the site, and no other known impacts on water quality issues. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the Development to control surface water runoff. |
- |
S – MT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
Site has potential to moderately increase emissions to air due to the scale of proposed development and associated increase in traffic. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. |
- |
M – LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
++ |
The site is located on a brownfield land and would therefore constitute an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. Promote sustainable management soils during construction and re-use excavated soils where feasible. |
++ |
S – LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution. The potential for energy efficiency or renewable energy sources is unknown at this stage. The site is located within 100m of sustainable transport opportunities, 800m of jobs (Cavendish Street area employment area) and 500m from Woodbridge Road/Cauldwell Hall Road District Centre. To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S – LT |
L |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
+ |
Site is within EA Flood Zone 1 – low risk The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. The development should be designed to include green infrastructure. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on any designation associated with the coast or estuary |
O |
N / A |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
O |
The site is not in proximity to a designated nature conservation site, is at low risk of affecting protected or priority species and is unlikely to affect habitat connectivity significantly. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. In order to enhance biodiversity, the site should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors and green roofs. |
+ |
N /A |
H |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
- |
There are multiple designated heritage assets located within 300m of the Site. Registered Park and Garden (e.g. Old and New Cemetery (Grade II*)) located approx.100m north of the Site. There are three Listed Buildings located within 300m of the Site (e.g. Milestone 70 Outside Number 325 (Grade II), 221 Woodbridge Road (Grade II) and Sunny Hill (Grade II)). The closest Listed Building (221 Woodbridge Road (Grade II) is located approx..85m west of the Site. Two Conservations Areas are located within 300m of the Site (e.g. Cemeteries Conservation Area is located approx.75Xm north of the Site and St Helen's Conservation Area is located approx. 75m west of the Site). Views from the heritage assets could potentially be altered to a minor extent/neutral as a result of the derelict brownfield site being developed. A spacious layout and a design that accords with the existing local townscape, in addition to retaining the linear rows of trees along the eastern boundary of the Site and incorporation of green infrastructure in to the development proposal would likely help to ensure that impacts on views or the setting of this heritage asset would be negligible. |
O |
S – LT |
H |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
+ |
The proposed development is an opportunity to improve the Site's contribution to the local character. High quality design, a spacious layout and green infrastructure would help to ensure the site makes a positive contribution to character. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
+ |
The proposed development would situate new residents in proximity to employment opportunities e.g. the site lies within 1km of an existing employment site (e.g. Cavendish Street area). |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
+ |
The proposed development would situate new residents in proximity to the centre and could be an opportunity to rejuvenate the current site use. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
The site is within 500m of multiple bus stops including those on Albion Hill. Derby Road Railway Station is 1.5km south east. Pedestrian and cycle access is very good, as is access via the strategic road network. Key services, amenities, employment areas and open spaces are nearby. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
+ |
N/A |
M |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP143 - Former Norsk Hydro, Sandyhill Lane |
Existing use: |
Former Norsk site |
Site Area (ha): |
4.51 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
85 |
Description: |
n/a |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
The proposed development would situate new residents in proximity to services, amenities, jobs and an existing community. They are therefore unlikely to feel excluded. |
+ |
M – LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
The site will provide 85 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M – LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
++ |
Site is 1km south of a Suffolk GP Federation. Site is within 500m of greenspace and is adjacent to an existing community. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
+ |
Site has potential for contaminated land and developing the site could lead to remediation of contaminated land resulting in the elimination of a potential environmental hazard. Site would situate new residents away from major sources of noise, air and light pollution. |
+ |
S - LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
+ |
The site is located within 1km of Cliff Lane Primary School and Piper's Vale Primary Academy The site is within 2km of Stoke High Secondary School. The site is within 2km of The University of Suffolk campus. |
+ |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
- |
The site is within the Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3. The proposed development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. There are no water bodies within 100 m of the site, and no other known impacts on water quality issues. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the Development to control surface water runoff. |
- |
S – MT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
Site has potential to moderately increase emissions to air due to the scale of proposed development and associated increase in traffic. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. |
- |
M – LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
+ + |
The site is located on a brownfield land and would therefore constitute an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. Promote sustainable management soils during construction and re-use excavated soils where feasible. |
+ + |
S – LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
Site is likely to increase the amount of waste sent to landfill. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The construction and occupation of the proposed Development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution. The potential for energy efficiency or renewable energy sources is unknown at this stage. The site is located within 100m of sustainable transport opportunities, jobs (Cliff Quay, Sandy Hill Lane and Landseer Road employment areas) and 1.5km from Nacton Road District Centre. To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S – LT |
L |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
+ |
Site is within EA Flood Zone 1 – low risk The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. The development should be designed to include green infrastructure. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on any designation associated with the coast or estuary |
O |
N / A |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
- |
The Site is within 500m of River Orwell LWS (not
adjacent), Landseer Park Carr LWS (not adjacent) and
Volvo, Raeburn Road Site LWS (not adjacent). The Site is within 500m of Orwell Estuaries SSSI (not adjacent).
The extent of green infrastructure proposed is
unknown at this stage. In order to enhance biodiversity, the site should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors and green roofs. |
O |
S – LT |
L |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a significant impact on the historic environment due to no statutory designated sites located within 300m of the Site. |
O |
N/A |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
+ |
The site has been previously developed and is currently unused scrubland. The proposed Development could be an opportunity to enhance the site's contribution to the local character. A spacious layout, high quality design and green infrastructure should be incorporated into the design to help ensure the Site makes a positive contribution to the local character. Existing green infrastructure, including trees and hedgerow delineating the site perimeter, should be preserved. |
+ |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
+ |
The proposed development would situate new residents in very proximity to employment opportunities. |
+ |
S – LT |
M |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
+ |
The proposed development would situate residents in proximity to the centre and could potentially rejuvenate the Site's current use. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
The site is within 500m of several bus stops and is 1.4km south west of Derby Road Railway Station. Pedestrian and cycle access is very good, as is access via the strategic road network. The Site is in proximity to services, amenities and open spaces. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the Site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
+ |
N/A |
M |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP226 - Helena Road/Patteson Road |
Existing use: |
Industrial uses |
Site Area (ha): |
1.87 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
337 |
Description: |
Redevelopment is dependent on the appropriate relocation of existing uses. High density scheme of 566 dwellings previously had resolution to grant but did not take place. Market may prefer mix of flats and houses now. Stoke Quay most recent example of mix but was mainly flats – 257 dph. Therefore apply slightly lower here 200 dph. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
O |
The site falls within 40% least deprived. The site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on rates of deprivation. Site is located within 500m of a local or key service centre (Cliff Lane Primary School). Site is located with 500m of a worship, town or village hall (St. Luke's Church & Hall). The site is located with 500m of a local district boundary (Duke Street) Site is a housing site in proximity to an existing community. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable / social housing. |
+ |
N/A |
L |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
The site will provide 337 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M-LT |
L |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
+ |
The site is within 1-4km of a GP surgery (e.g. The Derby Road Practice and Landseer Road Surgery). The site is located adjacent to the Holywells Park and within 500m of Holywells Park Play Area and a Sport Facility (adjacent to The Margaret Catchpole Pub). Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
+ |
M-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
- |
The site is located adjacent to Cliff Road, Patterson Road and Ship Launch Road and the surrounding industrial sites and is therefore likely to expose residents to a major source of noise, air or light pollution.
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on
levels of crime. Use of environmental screening to reduce air, noise and light pollution from Cliff Road, Patterson Road and Ship Launch Road and the surrounding industrial sites. |
- |
S-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
++ |
Site is located within 500m of a Primary School (Cliff Lane Primary School) Cliff Lane Primary School is not full but is close to capacity. Site is located within 2km of a further educational facility (University of Suffolk). Site is located within 1km of a secondary school (Stoke High School – with capacity as it is not currently full). |
++ |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
- |
Site is within 100m of a water body (Neptune Marina), but none adjacent or within the site. The proposed Development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. The site falls within a total catchment SPZ 3. Careful consideration should be given to the potential impacts of the development proposal on the quality of the nearby waterbody, particularly during the construction phase. Dust or other contaminants entering the waterbody through surface runoff should be prevented and the local water table should remain unaltered by development. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should give close consideration to preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the Development to control surface water runoff. |
- |
S-MT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
Site has potential to moderately increase emissions to air due to the scale of proposed development and associated increase in traffic. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. |
- |
M – LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
- |
Site is likely to increase the demand for raw materials. Without mitigating policy, site will increase the demand for water resources. The site is located on a brownfield site (current industrial site). Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. Promote sustainable management soils during construction and re-use excavated soils where feasible. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution in relation to existing levels. Site is located within 1km of sustainable transport opportunities (Bus Stops). Site located within 1km of jobs/services. Energy and Sustainability Statements should be included in the site's planning application to determine the likely energy consumption of the development proposal during construction and operation and to identify and seek out opportunities for improving energy efficiency and employing low-carbon and renewable energy technologies. |
- |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
-- |
Site falls entirely within EA Flood Zone 3 – high risk
A small area of the Site falls within an area of low
surface water flood risk. All developments in Flood Zone 3 would require an FRA. To reduce flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS |
- |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
- |
Due to being in proximity to the Neptune Marina, which is hydrologically linked to the River Orwell and the Stour and Orwell SPA, the construction and occupation of the proposed development could potentially have an adverse impact on the Coasts and Estuaries objective. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the River should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat. |
O |
S-LT |
L |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
- |
The site is within 500m of a local wildlife designation (e.g. River Orwell Docks (closest proximity), River Orwell, Holywells Park and Canal, and Landseer Park Carr). Whilst the site is an industrial / brownfield site with vegetation present north east of the site.
The extent of green infrastructure proposed at this
stage is unknown at this stage – brownfield site. Appropriate ecological surveys of the site should be conducted prior to development to establish the presence of priority species and habitats. In order to enhance biodiversity, the site should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors and green roofs. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the River should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat. Assessments of impacts on the Orwell SPA will be updated in light of HRA findings when possible. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
-- |
The western perimeter of the site is adjacent to the Wet Dock Conservation Area. The site is within 300m of a Listed Building (Holywells Park Orangery Grade II Listed, Holywells Park Stable Block and Town, and Cliff Cottage) and Conservation Area (Holywells Park Conservation Area). An area of archaeological importance is located adjacent to the north and west boundary of the Site. Given the Site is brownfield / industrial site, it can be assumed any below ground historical environment records would have been disturbed during construction. Wet Docks Conservation Area is adjacent to the Site. Given the views from the heritage asset are not currently screened (e.g. by vegetation / existing buildings). High-quality designs, incorporation of GI, screening and vernacular architecture would help to ensure the developments make a positive contribution towards the setting of the Conservation Area and Listed Buildings. |
- |
S – LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
O |
Site would have a neutral effect on landscape
character assuming mitigation in place. The broad proposed design or appearance is unknown at this stage. Site would lead to a net reduction in light pollution, e.g. by replacing the existing land use with possible security lighting with residential land use. Trees within the existing site should be preserved. Additional green infrastructure should be incorporated into the development proposal, in addition to a spacious layout and vernacular architecture that helps to ensure the site is in keeping with the local townscape. |
+ |
S – LT |
M |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
++ |
The proposed development is for a mixed-use site that would make a positive contribution to the local character. The site is located adjacent to Cliff Road/Holywells Road existing employment site and within 1km of 10 existing employment sites. The current site use would be relocated prior to development so there would be no losses in economic land. |
++ |
S – LT |
L |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
++ |
Site is a mixed-use site within 1km of an existing retail / service centre. The proposed Development would situate new jobs close to the centre. |
++ |
S – LT |
M |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
The Site is located with 500m of a local district
boundary (Duke Street). The Site is in proximity to
services, amenities, jobs and open spaces. |
++ |
M - LT |
M |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the Site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
+ |
N/A |
M |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP150d - Land south of Ravenswood – Sports Park |
Existing use: |
Greenfield |
Site Area (ha): |
1.8 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
34 |
Description: |
Part adjacent to Alnesbourn Crescent only. Low density as part of mixed use with sports park. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
The proposed Development would situate new residents adjacent to an existing community in proximity to key services and amenities – social exclusion is unlikely. The development should include suitable provision of affordable homes. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
The Site will provide 34 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M – LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
++ |
Site is 590m south of Ravenswood Medical Practice. Site is adjacent to green and open spaces. A leisure centre sits 1km north west and the Site would be mixed-use with a sports centre. This site would situate new residents within an existing community. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
- |
The site is within 100m of the A14 and is therefore likely to expose residents to a major source of noise, air or light pollution. The site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on levels of crime or on people's exposure to hazards. The site should have a noise and air quality assessment. Additionally, the use of environmental screening to reduce noise and light pollution from the adjacent A-road. To reduce air pollution set houses as far back from the main road as possible and use landscaping. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
++ |
The Site is located within 500m of Ravenswood Community Primary School The Site is within 1km of a secondary school (e.g. Ipswich Academy). The site is located within 5km of University of Suffolk Campus. |
++ |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
- |
The site is within the Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3. The proposed development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. There are no water bodies within 100 m of the site, and no other known impacts on water quality issues. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the Development to control surface water runoff |
- |
S – MT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
Site has potential to moderately increase emissions to air due to the scale of proposed development and associated increase in traffic. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. |
- |
M – LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
- |
The site is a large greenfield site (>1ha) and the proposed Development would result in the loss of ecologically valuable soils, although not BMV soils. Site is likely to increase the demand for raw materials. Without mitigating policy, site will increase the demand for water resources. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. Promote sustainable management of soils during construction and re-use excavated soils where feasible. |
- |
S – LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents and users of the leisure facility should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution. The potential for energy efficiency or renewable energy sources is unknown at this stage. The site is located adjacent of sustainable transport opportunities (e.g. bus stop), 500m of jobs (Ransomes Europark employment areas) and 300m from Ravenswood District Centre. To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S – LT |
L |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
-- |
Site is in an area of high surface water flood risk (e.g. two small areas) The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. Site is within EA Flood Zone 1 – low risk. Undertake a Flood Risk Assessment for the site and the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS to reduce flood risk. |
- |
S- LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
O |
The Site is 1km north east of Orwell and Stour Estuary SPA. Adverse impacts on the estuary are considered to be unlikely as the site is not hydrologically connected and does not contain functionally linked land. |
O |
N / A |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
- |
The site is within 500m of Brazier's Wood, Pond Alder Carr and Meadows LWS (not adjacent). The site is within 500m of Bridge Wood LNR. The proposed development could potentially impact protected species as the site contains existing structures. It could also increase the distance between habitats and therefore adversely impact connectivity. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. The Site is 1km north east of Orwell and Stour Estuary SPA. In order to enhance biodiversity, the site should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors and green roofs. Existing green infrastructure of value should be preserved. Appropriate ecological surveys of the Site should be conducted prior to development to establish the presence of priority species and habitats. |
- |
S – LT |
L |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a significant impact on the historic environment due to no statutory designated sites located within 300m of the Site. |
O |
N/A |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
- |
The proposed development would result in the loss of greenfield land that makes a positive contribution to the local character and views for local residents. It is likely that A high-quality design that incorporates green infrastructure and vernacular architecture would help to ensure the proposed Development accords with the existing local character and adverse impacts on views are limited. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
+ |
Site is located within 1km of key employment area (e.g. Ransomes Europark, Futura Park and The Drift and Leslie Road, Nacton Road). |
+ |
N / A |
M |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
+ |
The proposed development would situate new residents in a location with good access to central areas of Ipswich. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
The site is within 500m of multiple bus stops and 2.9km south of Derby Road Railway Station. Access via foot, cycle and the strategic road network is very good. The site is in proximity to services, amenities, jobs and open spaces. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. The development proposal could consider upgrading digital infrastructure in the area to improve broadband speeds. |
+ |
N/A |
M |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP150e - Land south of Ravenswood |
Existing use: |
Greenfield |
Site Area (ha): |
3.6 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
126 |
Description: |
Excluding area fronting Nacton Road. Low density as part of mixed use with B1 employment uses. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
The proposed development would situate new residents adjacent to an existing community in proximity to key services and amenities – social exclusion is unlikely. The development should include suitable provision of affordable homes. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
The site will provide 150 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M – LT |
L |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
++ |
Site is 590m south of Ravenswood Medical Practice. Site is adjacent to green and open spaces. A leisure centre sits 1km north west and the Site would be mixed-use with a sports centre. This site would situate new residents within an existing community. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
- |
The site is within 150m of the A14 and is therefore likely to expose residents to a major source of noise, air or light pollution. The site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on levels of crime or on people's exposure to hazards. The site should have a noise and air quality assessment. Additionally, the use of environmental screening to reduce noise and light pollution from the adjacent A-road. To reduce air pollution set houses as far back from the main road as possible and use landscaping. |
- |
M-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
++ |
The site is located within 500m of Ravenswood Community Primary School and within 1km of a secondary school (e.g. Ipswich Academy). Additionally, the provision of employment land at IP150e and the subsequent creation of jobs at the site could potentially provide new employees with an opportunity to learn new skills. |
++ |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
- |
The site is within the Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3. The proposed development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. There are no water bodies within 100 m of the site, and no other known impacts on water quality issues. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the Development to control surface water runoff. |
- |
S – MT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
Site has potential to moderately increase emissions to air due to the scale of proposed development and associated increase in traffic. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. |
- |
M – LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
- |
Site is likely to increase the demand for raw materials. Without mitigating policy, site will increase the demand for water resources. The site is a large greenfield site (>1ha) and so the proposed Development would result in the permanent loss of ecologically valuable soils, although not BMV soils. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. Promote sustainable management soils during construction and re-use excavated soils where feasible. |
- |
S – LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The site is greenfield and may increase the current GHG emissions. The potential for energy efficiency or renewable energy sources is unknown at this stage. The site is located adjacent of sustainable transport opportunities (e.g. bus stop), jobs (Ransomes Europark employment areas) and 100m from Ravenswood District Centre. To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S – LT |
L |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
-- |
Site is in an area of high surface water flood risk (e.g. two small areas) The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. Site is within EA Flood Zone 1 – low risk. Undertake a Flood Risk Assessment for the site and the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS to reduce flood risk. |
- |
S- LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
O |
The Site is 1km north east of Orwell and Stour Estuary SPA. Adverse impacts on the estuary are considered to be unlikely as the site is not hydrologically connected and does not contain functionally linked land. |
O |
N / A |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
- |
The site is greenfield, and the proposed development could potentially affect protected species here. The proposed development would also reduce habitat connectivity by increasing distances between habitats. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. Site is 1km north east of Stour and Orwell Estuaries SPA. In order to enhance biodiversity, the site should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors and green roofs. Existing green infrastructure of value should be preserved. Appropriate ecological surveys of the Site should be conducted prior to development to establish the presence of priority species and habitats. |
- |
N / A |
H |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a significant impact on the historic environment due to no statutory designated sites located within 300m of the Site. |
O |
N/A |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
- |
The proposed development would result in the loss of a greenfield that makes a positive contribution to the local character and views for local residents. It is likely that A high-quality design that incorporates green infrastructure and vernacular architecture would help to ensure the proposed Development accords with the existing local character and adverse impacts on views are limited. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
++ |
The proposed development is for a mixed-use site including B1 offices. This would make a positive difference to the local economy. The Site would also situate new residents in proximity to employment opportunities. Site is located within 1km of key employment area (e.g. Ransomes Europark, Futura Park and The Drift and Leslie Road, Nacton Road). |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
+ |
The proposed development would situate new residents in a location with good access to the centre. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
The site is within 500m of multiple bus stops and 2.9km south of Derby Road Railway Station. Access via foot, cycle and the strategic road network is very good. The Site is in proximity to services, amenities, jobs and open spaces. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
+ |
N/A |
M |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP307 - Prince of Wales Drive |
Existing use: |
Brownfield, building and car parking |
Site Area (ha): |
0.27 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
12 |
Description: |
n/a |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
The proposed development would situate new residents in proximity to services, amenities, jobs and an existing community. They are therefore unlikely to feel excluded. Ensure the development provides sufficient affordable/social housing |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
Site will provide 12 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
M – LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
++ |
The site is 650m north east of Stoke Park Medical Centre and 400m west of open greenspaces and allotments. The site would situate new residents within an existing community. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on levels of crime. Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on people's exposure to hazards or noise. Site would situate new residents away from major sources of noise, air and light pollution. |
+ |
S – LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
++ |
The Site is located within 500m of Halifax Primary School. The site is within 500m of a secondary school (e.g. Stoke High School). The site is within 2km of The University of Suffolk campus. |
++ |
S – MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
- |
The site is within the Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3. The proposed development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. There are no water bodies within 100 m of the site, and no other known impacts on water quality issues. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the Development to control surface water runoff. |
- |
S – MT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
The proposed development would be likely to result in a net increase in air pollution, primarily due to a rise in local traffic. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. |
- |
N / A |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
++ |
The site is located on a brownfield land and would therefore constitute an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. Promote sustainable management soils during construction and re-use excavated soils where feasible. |
++ |
S – LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution. The potential for energy efficiency or renewable energy sources is unknown at this stage. The site is adjacent to sustainable transport opportunities (e.g. bus stops), 600m of jobs (West Bank Terminal area employment areas) and 500m from Stoke Park Drive District Centre. To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S – LT |
L |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
+ |
Site is within EA Flood Zone 1 – low risk The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. The development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. |
+ |
S-MT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on any designation associated with the coast or estuary |
O |
N / A |
M |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
O |
The site is not in proximity to a designated nature conservation site, is at low risk of affecting protected or priority species and is unlikely to affect habitat connectivity significantly. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. In order to enhance biodiversity, the site should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors and green roofs. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a significant impact on the historic environment due to no statutory designated sites located within 300m of the Site. |
O |
N/A |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
+ |
The proposed development could be an opportunity to enhance the Site's contribution to the local character. Green infrastructure and high-quality design, potentially including vernacular architecture, should be incorporated into the Development in order to help ensure the Site makes a positive contribution towards the local character. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
+/- |
The proposed development would result in the loss of land currently used for economic purposes - it is uncertain the extent to which the current economic use is viable or if it would be relocated prior to development. The proposed development would situate new residents in proximity to jobs, e.g. being within 1km of key employment area (e.g. Riverside Industrial Park and West Bank Terminal). |
+/- |
S – LT |
H |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
+/- |
The proposed development would situate new residents in proximity to the centre and could be an opportunity to rejuvenate the current site use. However, it would also result in the loss of economic land near the centre – it is uncertain the extent to which the current economic use is viable or if it would be relocated prior to development. |
+/- |
S-LT |
H |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
The site is within 500m of several bus stops and is 1km north south of Ipswich Railway Station. Pedestrian and cycle access is very good, as is access via the strategic road network. The site is in proximity to services, amenities and open spaces. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
+ |
N/A |
M |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP346 - Suffolk Retail Park - north |
Existing use: |
The Range store and parking in retail park |
Site Area (ha): |
1.96 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
88 |
Description: |
Medium density at 45 dph as within 800m of Norwich Road District Centre. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
The proposed development would situate new residents in proximity to services, amenities, jobs and an existing community. They are therefore unlikely to feel excluded. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
The site will provide 74 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
++ |
550m east of the site is Burlington Road Surgery. Adjacent to the Site's northern perimeter, as well as 600m south east, are areas of green and open space. 300m north east is a playground. The proposed Development would situate new residents into an existing community. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
- |
The site would situate new residents adjacent to the A1214, which would be expected to be a major source of noise, air and light pollution. The site should have a noise and air quality assessment. Additionally, the use of environmental screening to reduce noise and light pollution from the adjacent A-road. To reduce air pollution set houses as far back from the main road as possible and use landscaping. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
++ |
200m north of the site is Handford Hall Primary School. Westbourne Academy is within 2km north west. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
-- |
The site is adjacent to the River Gipping, which is also a county wildlife site. The site is within Groundwater SPZ 3. Development could therefore pose a risk to water quality. The proposed development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. Careful consideration should be given to the potential impacts of the development proposal on the quality of the nearby waterbody, particularly during the construction phase. Dust or other contaminants entering the waterbody through surface runoff should be prevented and the local water table should remain unaltered by development. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should give close consideration to preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the Development to control surface water runoff. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
The construction and occupation phases of the proposed Development would be expected to have a minor adverse impact on air quality, primarily due to a net increase in traffic. The site has good pedestrian, cycle and bus access which may help to limit emissions from residents. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
++ |
The site is brownfield. The proposed development would therefore constitute and efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. Promote sustainable management soils during construction and re-use excavated soils where feasible. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution. The site is located within 200m of sustainable transport opportunities and jobs which may help to limit residents' carbon footprint. To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
+ |
Site is in Flood Zone 1 and is not at risk of surface water flooding. To reduce future flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
- |
Due to being in proximity to the River Gipping, which is hydrologically linked to the River Orwell and the Stour and Orwell SPA, the construction and occupation of the proposed development could potentially have an adverse impact on the Coasts and Estuaries objective. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the River should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat. |
O |
S-LT |
L |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
- |
The site is adjacent to the River Gipping County Wildlife Site, which could potentially be adversely impacted by the proposed Development through contamination or pollution. There is not considered to be any biodiversity value on-site. Careful consideration should be given to the potential impacts of the development proposal on the quality of the nearby waterbody, particularly during the construction phase. Dust or other contaminants entering the waterbody through surface runoff should be prevented and the local water table should remain unaltered by development. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the River should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat. Green infrastructure comprised of a diverse range of native species should be incorporated into the Development to help enhance the site's biodiversity value. Assessments of impacts on the Orwell SPA will be updated in light of HRA findings when possible. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
+ |
The Grade II Listed Buildings are within 300m of the Site:
It is considered to be likely that the proposed Development would make a positive enhancement to the Site's current contribution to the local character and setting of these heritage assets, although given the lay of the land it is unlikely to be entirely viewable or to make a major difference. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
+ |
It is considered to be likely that the proposed development will provide the opportunity to enhance the site's contribution to the local townscape character. A high-quality design incorporating green infrastructure, and potentially a spacious layout with vernacular architecture would help to ensure the Site is in-keeping with the existing setting but also makes an improved contribution to character. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
+/- |
The proposed development would situate new residents in a location with excellent access to a diverse range of employment opportunities. It is uncertain if it would result in the loss of existing economic land use (The Range) of the existing economic use is currently unviable or would be relocated. |
+/- |
S-LT |
H |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
+/- |
The proposed development would situate new residents in proximity to the centre and could potentially rejuvenate a site near the centre. It is uncertain if it would result in the loss of existing economic land use (The Range) of the existing economic use is currently unviable or would be relocated. |
+/- |
S-LT |
H |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
The site is within 500m of multiple bus stops and is 1.2km north west of Ipswich Railway Station. Access via foot, cycle and the strategies road network is very good. The Site is in proximity to jobs, services, amenities and open spaces. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
+ |
N/A |
L |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP279 – Former British Telecom Office, Bibb Way |
Existing use: |
Offices and parking |
Site Area (ha): |
1.67 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
104 |
Description: |
Mix of flats and studios, based on prior approval application18/ 00470/P3JPA |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
The site is within 500m of a place of worship (St Matthews Church, Burlington Baptist Church and Elim Pentecostal Church). The Site is also within 1km of a local or key service centre (Norwich Road District Centre) and a cultural or leisure facility (e.g. Ipswich Town FC and Cineworld). Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
The site provides 144 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
++ |
The site is within 1 km of a GP surgery (e.g. Burlington Road Surgery) and within 500m of a play area or sports facility (adjacent to Alderman Canal local nature reserve and green space with playground facilities). Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
- |
The site is adjacent to the A1071 and a bus depot and is therefore likely to expose residents to a major source of noise, air or light pollution. The Site should have a noise and air quality assessment. Green infrastructure screening to reduce light pollution from the adjacent A-road should be incorporated into the development. To reduce air pollution set houses as far back from the main road as possible and use landscaping. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
+ |
The Site is located within 1km of St Matthew's Church of England Primary School and within 2km of Stone Lodge Academy, Stoke High and St Joseph's College. The site is within 2km of The University of Suffolk campus. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
-- |
The site is adjacent to water bodies. The site is within Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3. The proposed development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the Development to control surface water runoff. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
Site has potential to moderately increase emissions to air due to the scale of proposed development and associated increase in traffic. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
++ |
Site is on brownfield land and would therefore constitute and efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. The developer should use low impact/recycled/secondary materials to reduce the demand for raw materials. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The construction and occupation phases of the proposed Development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution in relation to existing levels. The site is adjacent to sustainable transport opportunities and jobs (Russel Road employment area). To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
+ |
Site is in Flood Zone 1 and not at risk of surface water flooding. To reduce future flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on any designation associated with the coast or estuary |
O |
N/A |
L |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
-- |
Site is adjacent to the Alderman Canal County Wildlife Site, Alderman Canal East LNR and Alderman Canal West LNR. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage - brownfield site. However, the high density of proposed housing (90dph) will limit outdoor space and green infrastructure. In order to maintain habitat connectivity and enhance biodiversity the site should be designed to have the smallest possible impact on the neighbouring LNR (e.g. through pollution) and should include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a significant impact on the historic environment. |
O |
S-LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
+ |
The proposed development would be likely to have a positive effect on the local townscape character. The broad proposed design or appearance is unknown at this stage, although the Site would result in the redevelopment of an urban brownfield site with opportunities to improve local character. A high-quality design that closely considers the exiting local setting and incorporates vernacular architecture and green infrastructure would help to ensure the proposed Development makes a positive contribution towards the local townscape character. To reduce light pollution smart lighting systems should be considered in the site design. Controls on the strength of light bulbs for lights, fitted on the outside of homes, should also be considered. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
+ |
The proposed development would situate new residents in proximity to a range of employment opportunities. |
+ |
S-LT |
H |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
++ |
The proposed development would situate new residents in proximity to the centre. It may also be an opportunity to rejuvenate the Site. |
++ |
S-LT |
H |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
Site is within 500 m of a bus service / stop or railway station and an existing area of open space (Alderman Canal LNR). The site is also within 1km of Norwich road District Centre and other retail and service areas. The site's proximity to key services and employment areas is likely to encourage walking or cycling. The site would have adequate highways access or is easily provided. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the Site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G |
+ |
N/A |
L |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP283 25 Grimwade Street |
Existing use: |
Car parking spaces and large building |
Site Area (ha): |
0.27 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
12 |
Description: |
Erection of 12 dwellings (6x two-bedroom; 5x three-bedroom and 1x four-bedroom); 2 flats (1x one bedroom and 1x studio); and 4 offices (370sqm GIA); ancillary parking (19 spaces), following demolition of existing buildings and highway works. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
The proposed development would situate new residents in proximity to services, amenities, jobs and an existing community. They are therefore unlikely to feel excluded. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
Site will provide 12 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
++ |
Site is 200m south east of Orchard Medical Practice and 400m north west of Alexandra Park. The site would situate new residents within an existing community. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
- |
Site would situate new residents adjacent to the A1156, which would be expected to be a major source of noise, air and light pollution. The site should have a noise and air quality assessment. Green infrastructure screening to reduce light pollution from the adjacent A-road should be incorporated into the development. To reduce air pollution set houses as far back from the main road as possible and use landscaping. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
++ |
Site is within 300m of St Helen's Nursery and Primary School and within 2km of Stoke High Secondary School. The site is 200m north west of Suffolk New College. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
- |
Site is in groundwater SPZ3. The proposed development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the Development to control surface water runoff. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
The proposed development would be likely to result in a net increase in air pollution, primarily due to a rise in local traffic. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. |
S-LT |
L |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
++ |
The site is located on a brownfield land and would therefore constitute an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. Promote sustainable management soils during construction and re-use excavated soils where feasible. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution. The potential for energy efficiency or renewable energy sources is unknown at this stage. The site is adjacent to sustainable transport opportunities (e.g. bus stops), 600m of jobs (West Bank Terminal area employment areas) and 500m from Stoke Park Drive District Centre. To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
+ |
Site is in Flood Zone 1 and not at risk of surface water flooding. To reduce future flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on any designation associated with the coast or estuary |
O |
N/A |
L |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
O |
The site is not in proximity to a designated nature conservation site, is at low risk of affecting protected or priority species and is unlikely to affect habitat connectivity significantly. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. In order to enhance biodiversity, the site should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors and green roofs. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
+ |
A range of Grade II Listed Buildings are within 100m north of the Site along St Helens Street. The Site is currently car parking spaces and a large student union club building. It is considered to be likely that the proposed residential Development would not discernibly alter the setting of these heritage assets. High-quality designs, incorporation of GI, screening and vernacular architecture would help to ensure the developments make a positive contribution towards the setting of the Listed Building. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
+ |
It is considered to be likely that the proposed development would be an opportunity to enhance the Site's contribution to the local character. A high-quality design with green infrastructure and vernacular architecture should be incorporated into the Development to help ensure that Site makes a positive impact on the local character. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
+ |
The propose development would situate new residents in proximity to a range of employment opportunities. |
+ |
S-LT |
H |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
+ |
The proposed development would situate new residents in proximity to the centre and could potentially be an opportunity to rejuvenate the site. |
+ |
S-LT |
H |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
The Site is within 500m of several bus stops and is 1.4km from Ipswich Railway Station as well as 1.4km from Derby Road Railway Station. Pedestrian and cycle access is very good, as is access via the strategic road network. The Site is in proximity to services, amenities and open spaces. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
+ |
N/A |
L |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP031 Burrell Road |
Existing use: |
Car park |
Site Area (ha): |
0.7 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
28 |
Description: |
Including land to the east with access from Burrell Road |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
The site is within 500m of a place of worship. The Site is also within 1km of a local or key service centre and multiple cultural and leisure facilities. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
The site provides 28 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
++ |
The site is within 1 km of a multiple GP surgeries. The site is 500m of a sports facility and within 1km of a green public space. The site's proximity to services, amenities and employment areas would be likely to encourage walking and cycling. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
- |
The site would situate new residents' adjacent to the B1075 which would be a source of noise, air and light pollution. The Site should have a noise and air quality assessment. Additionally, the use of environmental screening to reduce noise and light pollution from the B-road. To reduce air pollution set houses as far back from the main road as possible and use landscaping. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
+ |
The site is located within 1km of St Matthew's Church of England Primary School. The site is also within 2km of Stoke High Secondary School. The site is within 1km of The University of Suffolk campus. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
-- |
The site is adjacent to the River Orwell. The site is within the Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3. The proposed development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination of the River and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
The proposed development would be likely to result in a net increase in air pollution, primarily due to a rise in local traffic. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. The provision of cycle storage and walking and cycling routes into and out of the Site would help to reduce emissions associated with transport. |
S-LT |
L |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
++ |
Site is brownfield and the proposed development would therefore make for an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. The developer should use low impact/recycled/secondary materials to reduce the demand for raw materials. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution. The potential for energy efficiency or renewable energy sources is unknown at this stage. The site is adjacent to sustainable transport opportunities (e.g. bus stops), 600m of jobs (West Bank Terminal area employment areas) and 500m from Stoke Park Drive District Centre. To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
-- |
The Site is in Flood Zone 3 and the south-west corner is at a high risk of surface water flooding. All developments in Flood Zone 3 would require an FRA. To reduce flood risk the site should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. Appropriate flood defence mechanisms agreed in advance with the EA should also be incorporated. |
S-LT |
M |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
- |
Due to being in proximity to the River Orwell, which is hydrologically linked to the Stour and Orwell SPA, the construction and occupation of the proposed development could potentially have an adverse impact on the Coasts and Estuaries objective. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the River should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat. |
O |
S-LT |
L |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
- |
The Site is adjacent to the River Orwell County Wildlife Site. The site is at a low risk of affecting protected or priority species and is unlikely to affect habitat connectivity significantly. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. However, the high density of proposed housing (90dph) will limit outdoor space and green infrastructure. The Construction phase should avoid contamination or pollution of the adjacent river. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. In order to enhance biodiversity, the site should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors and green roofs. Decreasing the housing density for this site could be considered. Assessments of impacts on the Orwell SPA will be updated in light of HRA findings when possible. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
+ |
The site coincides with Ipswich Conservation Area. 45m south of the Site is the Grade I Listed Building Church of St Mary at Stoke. The proposed Development is considered to be an opportunity to enhance the Site's contribution to the local character and the setting of these heritage assets by replacing the existing brownfield's use with a high-quality development. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
+ |
The proposed Development could be an opportunity to enhance the Site's impact on the local character through high quality design and green infrastructure. A high-quality design that closely considers the exiting local setting and incorporates vernacular architecture and green infrastructure would help to ensure the proposed development makes a positive contribution towards the local townscape character. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
+ |
The proposed development would provide new residents with excellent access to various employment areas. |
+ |
S-LT |
H |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
+ |
The proposed development would provide new residents with excellent access to the central area. |
+ |
S-LT |
H |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
The proposed development would situate new residents in proximity to multiple bus stops, as well as to within 500m of Ipswich Railway Station. The site's proximity to services, amenities and employment areas would be likely to encourage walking and cycling. Access via the strategic road network is also very good. The proposed Development would result in the loss of a car park and it is unclear the extent to which this would alter the capacity of local car parking spaces in relation to the growing need. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the Site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
+ |
N/A |
L |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP037 Island Site |
Existing use: |
Mix of uses – boat building, fitting and servicing, pub/restaurant, industrial uses |
Site Area (ha): |
6.02 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
421 |
Description: |
Residential-led mixed use scheme. Additional uses could include office, leisure or small-scale retail. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
The site is within 500m of a place of worship. The Site is also within 1km of a local or key service centre and multiple cultural and leisure facilities. Residents would be likely to feel situated in the middle of an existing community. However, there are fairly limited entrance and exit points off the island and residents may therefore find that reaching community centres can take a relatively long time. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
The site provides 421 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
+ |
Several GP surgeries are within 1km of the island. Access to sports facilities, open spaces and play grounds is somewhat limited from this location, although it is expected that the site would be masterplanned with open space provided for. It is also expected that improved access to the island for pedestrians would be provided, which could encourage walking and cycling. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
+ |
The proposed development would help to situate a large quantity of new residents away from major sources of noise, air and light pollution. The location of the site, being on an island surrounded by some waterfronts and the marina, may permit a high quality of life for new residents. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
++ |
School Albion and Pipers Vale Primary Schools are both within 500m of the Site. Stoke High School is 1km south west. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
The site is on an island surrounded by the River Orwell and Neptune Marina. The site is within the Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3. The proposed Development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. To avoid contamination of groundwater as well as the river and the marina, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
The proposed Development would be likely to result in a net increase in air pollution, primarily due to a rise in local traffic. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. The provision of cycle storage and walking and cycling routes into and out of the Site would help to reduce emissions associated with transport. |
S-LT |
L |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
++ |
Site is brownfield and the proposed development would therefore make for an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. The developer should use low impact/recycled/secondary materials to reduce the demand for raw materials. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution. The potential for energy efficiency or renewable energy sources is unknown at this stage. The site is adjacent to sustainable transport opportunities (e.g. bus stops), 600m of jobs (West Bank Terminal area employment areas) and 500m from Stoke Park Drive District Centre. To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
-- |
The Site is in Flood Zone 3. All developments in Flood Zone 3 would require an FRA. To reduce flood risk the site should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. Appropriate flood defence mechanisms agreed in advance with the EA should also be incorporated. |
- |
S-LT |
M |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
- |
Due to being in proximity to the River Orwell, which is hydrologically linked to the Stour and Orwell SPA, the construction and occupation of the proposed development could potentially have an adverse impact on the Coasts and Estuaries objective. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the River should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat. |
O |
S-LT |
L |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
-- |
The site is surrounded on all sites by the River Orwell County Wildlife Site. The site is at a low risk of affecting protected or priority species and is unlikely to affect habitat connectivity significantly. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. However, the high density of proposed housing (90dph) will limit outdoor space and green infrastructure. It is considered to be unlikely that the operation and occupation phases of the proposed development would pose a greater risk to the wildlife site more than the site's current use does. However, the construction phase poses a risk to the wildlife site through pollution or contamination. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Assessments of impacts on the Orwell SPA will be updated in light of HRA findings when possible. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
- |
The site is within Ipswich Conservation Area and an area of Archaeological importance. Whilst there are no Listed Buildings in particularly proximity, the site sits in the centre of Ipswich and is highly visible from a number of locations, playing an important role in the local character. A high-quality design should be adopted, along with vernacular infrastructure and blue and green infrastructure throughout the Site to help ensure it makes a positive contribution to the local character as well as on views from sensitive heritage assets. A heritage statement may be required in light of the area of archaeological importance. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
+ |
The site sits in the centre of Ipswich and is highly visible from a number of locations, playing an important role in the local character. The Site is currently used for a variety of purposes and is not considered to be particularly visually attractive. The proposed Development would be an opportunity to enhance the site's contribution to the local townscape character and to make a more positive contribution to views for sensitive receptors including users of the marina. A high-quality design should be adopted, along with vernacular infrastructure and blue and green infrastructure throughout the Site to help ensure it makes a positive contribution to the local character. Taller buildings would preferable be situated in a location and layout that helps to avoid completely distorting the sense of place. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
++ |
The proposed development would situate new residents in proximity to a range of employment opportunities and also provide new jobs in the centre of Ipswich. |
++ |
S-LT |
H |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
++ |
The proposed development would situate new residents and new jobs in proximity to the centre of Ipswich and would be likely to help rejuvenate the location. |
++ |
S-LT |
H |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
+ |
The proposed development would situate new residents fairly isolated from bus stops, the nearest being off the island. It is expected that the development would provide enhanced pedestrian access which may help to encourage good rates of walking and cycling. There are fairly limited access options onto the site, including for car, although these would be enhanced following the development. Ipswich Railway Station is 1km west. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
+ |
N/A |
L |
Site Name and Ref: |
IP066 JJ Wilson and land to rear at Cavendish Street |
Existing use: |
Warehousing. |
Site Area (ha): |
0.32 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
47 |
Description: |
100% residential. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
The site is within 500m of a place of worship (Holy Trinity and St Clemants Church), however development of the site would lead to the loss of Hope Church. The site is within 200m of a local or key service centre (Duke Street District Centre) and 1km of a cultural or leisure facilitates (e.g. Goals Ipswich). Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
The site provides 47 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
++ |
The site is within 1 km of a GP surgery (Orchard Road Medical Practice), a sports facility (Goals Ipswich) and within 300m of a green public space (Holywells Park). Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
- |
The site is adjacent to the A1156 and is therefore likely to expose residents to a major source of noise, air or light pollution. The Site should have a noise and air quality assessment. Additionally, the use of environmental screening to reduce noise and light pollution from the adjacent A-road. To reduce air pollution set houses as far back from the main road as possible. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
+ |
The site is located within 1km of St Helen's Nursey and Primary School and Clifford Road Primary School. The site is also within 2km of Stoke High and Copleston High Secondary Schools. The site is within 500m of The University of Suffolk campus. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
- |
The site is within the Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3. The proposed development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the Development to control surface water runoff |
- |
S-LT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
The proposed development would be likely to result in a net increase in air pollution, primarily due to a rise in local traffic. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. The provision of cycle storage and walking and cycling routes into and out of the Site would help to reduce emissions associated with transport. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
++ |
Site is brownfield and the proposed development would therefore make for an efficient use of land and potentially an opportunity to remediate contaminated land. The developer should use low impact/recycled/secondary materials to reduce the demand for raw materials. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development at each location would be expected to result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. In addition, new residents should be provided with good access to waste recycling facilities. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution. The potential for energy efficiency or renewable energy sources is unknown at this stage. The site is adjacent to sustainable transport opportunities (e.g. bus stops), 600m of jobs (West Bank Terminal area employment areas) and 500m from Stoke Park Drive District Centre. To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
+ |
The site is within a low risk flood zone and is not at risk of surface water flooding. The extent of green infrastructure proposed is unknown at this stage. To reduce future flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on any designation associated with the coast or estuary |
O |
N/A |
L |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
- |
The site is adjacent to Mitre Way County Wildlife Site. The site is at low risk of affecting protected or priority species and is unlikely to affect habitat connectivity significantly. In order to enhance biodiversity, the site should be designed to include green infrastructure, such as wildlife corridors and green roofs. Particular consideration should be given to protecting green infrastructure, including trees on the Site's southern perimeter, that are likely to functionally linked with the wildlife site. |
O |
S-LT |
L |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
O |
There are several Grade II Listed Buildings within 300m of the site. However, given the lay of the land and the existing built form between these assets and the site, as well as the fact that the site is currently used for warehousing, the proposed Development would not be expected to discernibly impact the historic environment. High-quality designs, incorporation of GI, screening and vernacular architecture would help to ensure the developments make a positive contribution towards the setting of the Listed Building. |
O |
S-LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
+ |
The proposed Development would be an opportunity to enhance the Site's current impact on the local townscape character through high quality design and green infrastructure. A high-quality design that closely considers the exiting local setting and incorporates vernacular architecture and green infrastructure would help to ensure the proposed development makes a positive contribution towards the local townscape character. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
+ |
The proposed development would situate new residents in proximity to a range of employment areas. |
+ |
S-LT |
H |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
+ |
The proposed development would situate new residents in proximity to the centre of Ipswich and may also help to rejuvenate this site. |
+ |
S-LT |
H |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
The site is within 200m of Duke Street District Centre, 300m of a green public space (Holywells Park) and adjacent to a bus service. The site's proximity to key services and employment areas is also likely to encourage walking or cycling. Access via the strategic road network is also very good. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the Site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
+ |
N/A |
L |
Site Name and Ref: |
Humber Doucy Lane Broad Area |
Existing use: |
Greenfield |
Site Area (ha): |
c.15.17 |
Proposed No. Dwellings: |
375 (approx.) |
Description: |
Broad area for housing and associated facilities that could potentially be delivered after 2031, on the north-eastern perimeter of Ipswich adjacent to existing protected open spaces, playing fields and allotments. It is expected that development would not occur until the necessary access infrastructure has been provided for. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
+ |
The broad area has excellent access to community facilities and sports facilities as well as several play areas, including Ipswich Rugby Club and Gretna Gardens Allotments. Whilst it is on the periphery of Ipswich, it is adjacent to existing residential development and would situate new residents within an existing community. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
+ |
The proposed Development would provide approximately 375 new homes. Ensure development provides sufficient affordable/social housing. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
++ |
The nearest GP surgeries are approximately 1km south of the broad area, in and around the same area as Ipswich Hospital. Residents at the broad area would have excellent access to play areas, sports facilities as well as the countryside and a diverse range of natural habitats. The proximity of the Site to various facilities may also encourage walking and cycling. Residents may be willing to walk or cycle to central areas should access to safe routes be provided for. Access for pedestrians and cyclists should be provided at each site to surrounding communities and places of work. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
++ |
The broad area would situate new residents away from major sources of noise, air and light pollution and would be likely to facilitate high quality and active lifestyles. |
++ |
S-LT |
L |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
+ |
Residents here would be expected to be within approximately 2km of Rushmere Hall Primary School and within 1km of St Albans Catholic High School. |
+ |
S-LT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
-- |
There are several small streams in the area and it is likely that development would coincide or be adjacent to a natural watercourse. The site is within the Groundwater Source Protection Zone 3. The proposed development would also be expected to result in a net increase in water consumption. Development in the area should seek to avoid coinciding or being adjacent with a natural watercourse. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the Development to control surface water runoff. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
- |
The proposed development would be likely to result in a net increase in air pollution, primarily due to a rise in local traffic. To reduce air pollution the development should include electric charging points and establish travel plans that could include car sharing initiatives and public transport. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
- |
The broad area is largely comprised of greenfield and previously undeveloped land. The proposed development would therefore be expected to result in a net loss of agriculturally and ecologically valuable soil, potentially including Grade 2 ALC soils (i.e. BMV). The proposed development should seek to make an efficient use of land where appropriate. Sustainable soil management techniques should be adopted during the construction phase with best efforts made to reduce compaction, erosion and contamination of soils. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
- |
The proposed development would be expected to increase the amount of waste sent to landfill from this location. Given the broad area is greenfield, options for reusing buildings would be non-existent. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
- |
The construction and occupation of the proposed development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution. The potential for energy efficiency or renewable energy sources is unknown at this stage. The site has good access to bus links, including those on Humber Doucy Lane. The nearest railway station is 2.5km south west at Derby Road. The Site is within 2km of central areas and various employment areas. To reduce air pollution the development should be designed to maximise energy efficiency, through sustainable design and renewable energy. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
+ |
The broad area is in Flood Zone 1 and is not at risk of surface water flooding. To reduce future flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS. |
+ |
S-LT |
M |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
O |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on any designation associated with the coast or estuary |
O |
N/A |
L |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
- |
The site has potential to reduce habitat connectivity, by increasing distances between habitats and agricultural areas. Additionally, the site could potentially affect priority or protected species as it is agricultural land (e.g. breeding birds). The proposed development would be unlikely to impact a statutorily protected biodiversity site. In order to maintain habitat connectivity and enhance biodiversity green infrastructure comprised of a diverse range of natural species should be incorporated into the Development. Existing green infrastructure, including hedgerow, scrubland and trees should be preserved and incorporated into the proposed Development to help conserve the Site's wildlife corridor capacity. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
- |
There are three Grade II Listed Buildings within300m of the broad area and it is likely that the proposed development would alter their setting. The proposed development should seek to adopt a high-quality design and a considerate layout that seeks to preserve views for local receptors. A large quantity of high-quality green infrastructure should be incorporated throughout along with vernacular architecture that help to ensure the broad area makes a positive contribution to the setting of nearby heritage assets. |
- |
S-LT |
M |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
-- |
The landscape character of the site and its surroundings are characterised in the Settlement Sensitivity Assessment (2018). The proposed development would be likely to result in a major alteration to the local landscape character and would extent the built form into the countryside. It would be difficult to ensure all development in the broad area is in keeping with the local and distinctive character and views for sensitive receptors, including users of the local PRoW or outdoor sports facilities, would be likely to be significantly altered. The proposed development should seek to adopt a high-quality design and a considerate layout that seeks to preserve views for local receptors. A large quantity of high-quality green infrastructure should be incorporated throughout along with vernacular architecture that help to ensure the broad area makes a positive contribution to the local landscape and townscape character. To reduce light pollution smart lighting systems should be considered in the site design. |
- |
S-LT |
L |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
+ |
The proposed development would situate residents in proximity to multiple employment areas within 1km of the Site. The provision of associated infrastructure may help to make a positive contribution to the local economy. |
+ |
S-LT |
H |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
++ |
Site would situate new residents and create new jobs in proximity to retail and town centres in Ipswich and could be an opportunity to rejuvenate the current site use. |
++ |
S-LT |
H |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
++ |
Site is within 500m of several bus stops and is 2.5km north east of Derby Road Railway Station. The site is in proximity to services, amenities, open spaces and employment areas. Pedestrian and cycle access, as well as access via the strategic road network, would be likely to be very good following the provision of necessary access infrastructure. |
++ |
S-LT |
M |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
+ |
Site is unlikely to have a discernible effect on digital infrastructure or broadband speeds. As the site is in an urban area it is likely to be more accessible for fast broadband technology, the delivery of which would cater to the needs of a large portion of residents. Provision should be made for ultra-fast and full-fibre internet speeds, with consideration also given to the future need of 5G. |
+ |
N/A |
L |
Site Names & Refs: |
Existing use: |
Site ha: |
Proposal: |
Description: |
IP347 Mecca Bingo, Lloyds Avenue |
Brownfield, former bingo hall |
650m2 retail use |
In proximity to the existing retail core and would build upon the existing well-functioning retail centre. |
Units in Upper Princes Street |
Brownfield, various buildings |
675m2 retail use |
Retail use. |
IP049 No 8 Shed Orwell Quay |
Brownfield, surface car park |
Multi-storey car park |
Long stay car parking |
Coop Depot, Boss Hall Road |
Brownfield, Coop buildings |
500m2 retail use |
Allocated to meet the need for comparison shopping floorspace as part of the new Sproughton Road District Centre. Development will be at an appropriate scale for a district centre in accordance with CS14. |
SA Objective Topics (See SA Framework) |
Site Scores |
Commentary Recommendations/mitigation |
Residual Scores |
Duration |
Uncertainty |
1 |
To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP347 + |
The proposed development at each site would provide new floorspace for retail businesses. These would be in proximity to residential areas and would be likely to contribute towards reducing unemployment, regenerating brownfield sites in central areas and contributing towards a sense of community. |
IP347 + |
M-LT |
M |
M-LT |
M |
IP049 + |
IP049 + |
M-LT |
M |
M-LT |
M |
2 |
To meet the housing requirements of the whole community |
IP347 O |
Each site is allocated for retail use or for car parking and would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on housing. |
IP347 O |
N/A |
L |
N/A |
L |
IP049 O |
IP049 O |
N/A |
L |
N/A |
L |
3 |
To improve the health of the population overall and reduce health inequalities |
IP347 O |
Each site is allocated for retail use or for car parking and would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on health. |
IP347 O |
N/A |
L |
N/A |
L |
IP049 O |
IP049 O |
N/A |
L |
N/A |
L |
4 |
To improve the quality of where people live and work |
IP347 + |
Each retail site would situate retail uses within existing retail areas. This would help to ensure it is an appropriate location that discords with, for example, a residential area. The proposed allocation of each site may be an opportunity to improve the working environment for residents in these locations. The proposed car park atIP049 would replace an existing car park and also help to avoid situating a new car park in a residential location in a manner that may reduce the quality of the living environment. |
IP347 + |
S-LT |
M |
S-LT |
M |
IP049 + |
IP049 + |
S-LT |
M |
S-LT |
M |
5 |
To improve levels of education and skills in the population overall |
IP347 + |
IP049 is allocated for a car park and would be unlikely to have any impact on education or skills. The proposed retail sites could potentially provide residents of Ipswich with access to employment opportunities that teach them new skills. |
IP347 + |
S-MT |
L |
S-MT |
L |
IP049 O |
IP049 O |
N/A |
L |
S-MT |
L |
6 |
To conserve and enhance water quality and resource |
IP347 O |
Each site is in groundwater SPZ 3. IP049 is within a few meters of the Neptune Marina. The construction phase of the proposed multi-storey car park could potentially pose a risk to the quality of water here. The proposed allocation of each site would not be expected to impact on the consumption of water resources. To avoid contamination of groundwater, the development proposal should consider preventing potential pollution during the construction and operation phases, which may require monitoring. Appropriate waste storage and disposal during the construction and occupation phases will be essential to preventing contamination and so a Site Waste Management Plan should be provided. SUDS should also be incorporated into the development to control surface water runoff where feasible. |
IP347 O |
N/A |
L |
N/A |
L |
IP049 - |
IP049 - |
S-LT |
L |
N/A |
L |
7 |
To maintain and where possible improve air quality |
IP347 O |
The proposed retail allocations could potentially lead to an increase in air pollution associated with those travelling to work or shop via car, although this would be alleviated to some extent by the excellent access to public transport at these locations. The proposed car park and IP049 could encourage higher rates of driving into the local area which could exacerbate air pollution here. Users of the car park should be provided with access to electric car charging points to facilitate the use of low-emission vehicles. Safe and convenient pedestrian and cycle access into retail areas should be provided for the use of shoppers and workers to encourage walking and cycling. |
IP347 O |
M-LT |
M |
M-LT |
M |
IP049 O |
IP049 O |
M-LT |
M |
M-LT |
M |
8 |
To conserve and enhance soil and mineral resources |
IP347 ++ |
Each site is a brownfield site and is considered to be an efficient use of land. At each site, there could potentially also be an opportunity for the remediation of contaminated land, particularly at the surface car park present in IP049. |
IP347 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
UIUPS ++ |
UIUPS ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP049 ++ |
IP049 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
CDBHR ++ |
CDBHR ++ |
S-LT |
L |
9 |
To promote the sustainable management of waste |
IP347 - |
The proposed development at each retail site allocated could potentially result in a net increase in the quantity of waste sent to landfill. Options for reusing buildings or existing materials are uncertain. The car park at IP049 may potentially lead to an increase in waste generation during the construction phase. Promote the use of recycled/ reused materials in order to decrease the demand on raw materials during construction and provide on-site waste separation facilities wherever possible. |
IP347 - |
S-LT |
L |
S-LT |
L |
IP049 - |
IP049 - |
S-LT |
L |
S-LT |
L |
10 |
Reduce emissions of GHG from energy consumption |
IP347 - |
The construction and operation of the proposed retail development would be expected to result in a net increase in air pollution, largely due to an associated increase in road traffic. Each retail site has good access to sustainable transport modes which may help to limit increase in air pollution associated with transport. The proposed multi-storey car park could potentially encourage higher rates of driving to this location and nearby areas, which would result in an increase in GHG emissions here. The proposed development at each site incorporate a sustainable design that enables high energy efficiency. The use of low emission vehicles should be encouraged and access to electric car charging points should be provided at the car park |
IP347 - |
S-LT |
M |
S-LT |
M |
IP049 - |
IP049 - |
S-LT |
M |
S-LT |
M |
11 |
Reduce vulnerability to climatic events and flooding |
IP347 + |
Each retail site is in Flood Zone 1 and not at risk of surface water flooding, other than the Units at Princes Street Site which has a small are at a medium risk of surface water flooding. IP049 sits within Flood Zone 3 and has some land at a medium risk of surface water flooding. The car park would therefore be exposed to some flood risk, although this may be a more suitable use of the site than homes or businesses. All developments in Flood Zone 3 would require an FRA.To reduce flood risk the development should be designed to include green infrastructure and SUDS where feasible. |
IP347 + |
S-LT |
L |
S-LT |
L |
IP049 - |
IP049 - |
S-LT |
L |
S-LT |
L |
12 |
Safeguard the integrity of the coast and estuaries |
IP347 O |
The proposed retail sites would be expected to have no discernible impacts on the estuary or coast. Due to IP049 being adjacent to the Marina, which is hydrologically linked to the Stour and Orwell SPA, the construction of the proposed car park could potentially have a minor adverse impact on the Coasts and Estuaries objective. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the River should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat. |
IP347 O |
N/A |
L |
N/A |
L |
IP049 - |
IP049 - |
S-LT |
M |
N/A |
L |
13 |
To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity |
IP347 O |
The proposed retail allocations would be expected to have no discernible impact on the biodiversity objective. Due IP049 being adjacent to the Marina, which is linked to an important wildlife corridor in the Borough and which is hydrologically linked to the Stour and Orwell SPA as well as the River Gipping CWS. The construction of the proposed car park could potentially have an adverse impact on the Biodiversity Objective. Best practice should be employed to prevent contamination or pollution of the river in line with EA Guidance, including by managing surface runoff. Green infrastructure buffering the site from the River should be incorporated into the development to naturally manage runoff and protect water quality as well as to increase the local extent of riparian habitat. Assessments of impacts on the Orwell SPA will be updated in light of HRA findings when possible. |
IP347 O |
N/A |
L |
N/A |
L |
IP049 - |
IP049 - |
S-LT |
M |
N/A |
L |
14 |
Conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and assets of historical & archaeological importance |
IP347 O |
The proposed retail site allocations would be unlikely to have a discernible impact on the historic environment and they would be in-keeping with the existing local character. And due to the brownfield nature of the sites the proposed development at each site is an opportunity to improve the local setting. The proposed multi-storey car park at IP049 is adjacent to the Conservation Area and within 300m of numerous Listed Buildings. Given the presence of existing multi-storey-built form on the northern and southern perimeters of the site, impacts on the setting of the Conservation Area or Listed Buildings would be likely to be mostly screened and to be minor. However, it is considered to be likely that in some locations the car park would alter views and the setting of heritage assets. The design of the car park should be of high quality to ensure it avoids adverse impacts on the local setting and townscape as much as possible. Incorporating green infrastructure could help it to have a positive impact on views and to screen the development. |
IP347 O |
N/A |
L |
N/A |
L |
IP049 - |
IP049 - |
S-LT |
M |
N/A |
L |
15 |
Conserve & enhance the quality & local distinctivene-ss of landscapes and townscapes |
IP347 O |
The proposed retail site allocations would be in-keeping with the existing local character. Due to the brownfield nature of the sites the proposed development at each site is an opportunity to improve the local character. Given the presence of existing multi-storey-built form on the northern and southern perimeters of IP049, impacts on the local character would be likely to be mostly screened and to be minor. However, it is considered to be likely that in some locations the car park would alter views and character, particularly to for views over the marina. The design of the car park should be of high quality to ensure it avoids adverse impacts on the local setting and townscape as much as possible. Incorporating green infrastructure could help it to have a positive impact on views and to screen the development. |
IP347 O |
S-LT |
L |
N/A |
L |
IP049 - |
IP049 - |
S-LT |
L |
N/A |
L |
16 |
Achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and growth throughout the plan area |
IP347 ++ |
The proposed retail allocations would help to create new jobs in locations accessible for residents and would contribute towards meeting the desired jobs growth for Ipswich. IP049 would improve the accessibility of employment and central areas for residents. |
IP347 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
UIUPS ++ |
UIUPS ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP049 + |
IP049 + |
S-LT |
L |
CDBHR ++ |
CDBHR ++ |
S-LT |
L |
17 |
Maintain and enhance the vitality and viability of town and retail centres |
IP347 ++ |
The proposed retail sites could help to provide a boost to the vitality and vibrancy of the central areas within which they are located. The proposed development is an opportunity to enhance the attractiveness of these areas to increase footfall. IP049 could also help to increase footfall in central areas by enhancing accessibility via car. |
IP347 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
UIUPS ++ |
UIUPS ++ |
S-LT |
L |
IP049 ++ |
IP049 ++ |
S-LT |
L |
CDBHR ++ |
CDBHR ++ |
S-LT |
L |
18 |
Encourage efficient patterns of movement, promote sustainable travel of transport and ensure good access to services. |
IP347 + |
Each retail site is within 500m of multiple bus stops and has relatively good access to Ipswich Railway Station. IP049 would facilitate more efficient movement into and out of central Ipswich via car. Electric car charging points should be made accessible to users of the car park. Safe pedestrian and cycle routes from each retail site into central areas and Ipswich Railway Station should be provided for. |
IP347 + |
S-LT |
L |
S-LT |
L |
IP049 + |
IP049 + |
S-LT |
L |
S-LT |
L |
19 |
To ensure that the digital infrastructure available meets the needs of current and future generations |
IP347 O |
None of the proposed site allocations would be expected to have a discernible impact on digital infrastructure. |
IP347 O |
N/A |
L |
N/A |
L |
IP049 O |
IP049 O |
N/A |
L |
N/A |
L |
[2] Those policies in the NPPF relating to sites protected under the Birds and Habitats Directives and/or designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest; land designated as Local Green Space; and Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty; irreplaceable habitats; designated heritage assets and areas at risk of flooding or coastal change.