Draft Core Strategy and Policies Focused Review

Ended on the 10 March 2014

CHAPTER 4: The Ipswich Sustainable Community Strategy

4.1 The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 places a legal requirement on local planning authorities to have regard to relevant Sustainable Community Strategies when preparing their Local Development Documents.

4.2 The Community Strategy for Ipswich was published in July 2008 by the Local Strategic Partnership, one-ipswich.

DELETED: The board of one-ipswich is made up of key organisations from the public, voluntary, community and business sectors who work together to deliver shared outcomes for the residents and communities of Ipswich. The range of agencies and organisations includes those set out in the box below.

Ipswich and Suffolk Council for Racial Equality
Ipswich and Suffolk Small Business Association Ipswich Borough Council
Ipswich Central
Ipswich Council for Voluntary Organisations
Job Centre Plus
Ipswich Hospital
Suffolk New College
Learning and Skills Council
Suffolk Primary Care Trust
Suffolk Chamber of Commerce
Suffolk Constabulary
Suffolk County Council
University Campus Suffolk
Representation from faith communities
Councillor representatives from each of the five area forums

4.3 The Community Strategy vision is set out below.

'Everybody Matters - we want Ipswich to be a vibrant, prosperous and thriving place.

We will address deprivation and inequality in neighbourhoods and develop an economically dynamic and enterprising society so everyone in Ipswich can:

  • be prosperous and have a place to live
  • be healthy and stay well
  • achieve their potential and enjoy life
  • keep safe
  • have a greater say and better choices
  • live in friendly and supportive communities'.

4.4 The Community Strategy seeks to manage and plan for growth and change and to build social infrastructure through the delivery of the following six outcomes:

  1. Everyone should have a roof over their head
  2. People enjoy good health
  3. There is work for all
  4. Create a better environment for people in Ipswich
  5. People keep safe
  6. People living in friendly and supportive communities and have a greater say.

4.5 Whilst the Community Strategy does not take an explicitly spatial approach, all the six 'outcomes' have a direct relationship to 'place shaping', which is the role of the Council's Local INSERTED: Plan DELETED: Development Framework. The Council INSERTED: is working DELETED: and the Local Strategic Partnership are therefore working together to enable the delivery of these outcomes by appropriate strategic planning through the Local INSERTED: Plan DELETED: Development Framework .


4.6 There is also a Suffolk Community Strategy to which the Council should have regard in preparing the Core Strategy and Policies development plan document. The Suffolk Community Strategy was considered in the preparation of the one-ipswich Community Strategy to ensure that both are pulling in the same direction and working towards complementary outcomes.

DELETED: 4.7 INSERTED: 4.6 It is considered that the above vision and outcomes are addressed within this document.

INSERTED: Although there have been recent changes to the way community strategies are produced and their relationship to local plans, it is felt that the vision and outcomes identified in this chapter remain relevant in the strategic planning of Ipswich.
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