Draft Core Strategy and Policies Focused Review
CHAPTER 9: Development Management Policies
(1) 9.1 INSERTED:This chapter sets out borough wide development management policies. Site and area specific policies are set out in the Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) development plan document. DELETED: The Local Development Scheme makes it clear that Ipswich's main development management policies will be set out within the Core Strategy and Policies document. This Chapter seeks to do that.
(1) 9.2 In setting out the development management policies below, the Council has been particularly mindful of the following three factors:
- the clear government guidance that development management policies should not just repeat what is already contained within national INSERTED:policy DELETED: or regional guidance (and in some cases legislation) - i.e. policies should be distinctive to Ipswich;
- the policies set out within the Ipswich Local Plan 1997 DELETED: and the Ipswich First Deposit Draft 2001; and
- the comments received during INSERTED:previous rounds of consultation prior to the adoption of this document DELETED: the Issues and Options consultation and the Preferred Options consultation.
POLICY DM1: Sustainable Development
All new residential and non-residential buildings shall be required to achieve a high standard of environmental sustainability.
In this regard all developments exceeding the thresholds set out below shall achieve the following standards as a minimum unless, in exceptional circumstances, it can be clearly demonstrated that this is either not feasible or not viable:
TABLE 6 (to be read in conjunction with Policy DM1)
Timescales (grant of planning permission) |
All dwellings (including apartments) |
All other INSERTED: mixed residential and non-residential development with a gross external floorspace of 500 sq. m or more INSERTED: for the whole development* |
Developments of between 1 and 249 dwellings |
Developments of 250 dwellings or more |
DELETED: From 2010 |
DELETED: Level 3 of the CfSH |
DELETED: Level 4 of the CfSH |
From 2013 - 2016 |
Level 4 of the CfSH |
Level 5 of the CfSH |
BREEAM “Excellent” |
From 2016 onwards |
Level 6 of the CfSH |
Level 6 of the CfSH |
BREEAM “Excellent” |
* smaller developments of this type will be encouraged to achieve BREEAM “Very Good”.
9.3 This policy gives effect to a key strategic policy theme of the Local INSERTED: Plan DELETED:Development Framework. It sets out the method by which the Local Planning Authority will support the achievement of the progressively increased standards of sustainability (including reduced carbon footprint and water use) for new development required by national planning and energy policy, through the granting of planning permission.
9.4 DELETED: The Supplement to PPS1: Planning and Climate Change (SPPS1) sets out how regional and local planning can best support the achievement of the Government's climate change policies and targets. Specifically it requires that local planning authorities “should help to achieve national timetables for reducing carbon emissions from domestic and non-domestic buildings”. The Building a Greener Future: Policy Statement (2007) announced INSERTED: The National Planning Policy Framework sets out how local planning can best support the achievement of sustainable development. Specifically it requires that local planning authorities plan with a presumption in favour of sustainable development. The aim of local planning authorities should be to adopt proactive strategies to mitigate and adapt to climate change and a move towards a low carbon future. When setting local requirements for a building’s sustainability, local authorities should do so in a way consistent with the Government’s zero carbon buildings policy and adopt nationally prescribed standards. The Government has further reiterated its commitment to reducing carbon emissions from new development, and that all new homes will be INSERTED:required to be zero carbon from 2016 INSERTED: (Laying the foundations: A Housing Strategy for England, 2011) and the Budget in 2008 announced the Government's ambition that all new non-domestic buildings should be zero carbon from 20191.
9.5 The East of England DELETED:Plan emphasises the particular importance of this agenda to the region by highlighting its INSERTED: is particularly vulnerable DELETED:particular vulnerability to the effects of climate change, which, considered in combination with the high level of planned development here with its potential contribution to emissions and water use, means that INSERTED: adapting and addressing climate change is a particularly urgent and challenging issue for the region. DELETED: Policies ENV7, WAT1, ENG1 and ENG 2 of the East of England Plan all address the issue.
9.6 The policy therefore sets out challenging but achievable requirements for new development that broadly track the Government's timetable for changes to the building regulations over the period of 2010 - 2016 set out in Building a Greener Future. These proposed changes are as follows:
Year |
Improvement over the Building Regulations (AD L1A 2006) |
DELETED: 2010 |
DELETED: 25% (equivalent to Code 3 CfSH) |
2013 | 44% (equivalent to Code 4 CfSH) |
2016 | Zero Carbon (equivalent to Code 6 CfSH) |
9.7 In Building a Greener Future Zero Carbon is defined as follows:
”For a new home to be genuinely zero carbon it will need to deliver zero carbon (net over the year) for all energy use in the home - cooking, washing and electronic entertainment appliances as well as space heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting and hot water.”2
9.8 The Government department Communities and Local Government are currently consulting on the matter of a refined definition of zero carbon homes and non-domestic buildings. It is anticipated that this will result in a definition that will permit zero carbon to be achieved through a range of measures including (i) high standards of energy efficiency, (ii) the introduction of carbon compliance measures including on-site renewables and off-site directly connected systems (e.g. CHP powered district heating), and (iii) a range of “allowable solutions” to deal with residual carbon emissions3.
9.9 The Code for Sustainable Homes (CfSH) introduces INSERTED: nine categories against which a home can be rated. Energy efficiency and water efficiency categories have their own minimum standards that must be achieved at every level of the CfSH, recognising their importance to the sustainability of any home. Other categories include better management of surface water run-off, waste management (including construction waste and encouraging household recycling, pollution and management of the home, all of which contribute to the sustainable performance of homes. DELETED: minimum standards for achieving water efficiency and conservation (including better management of surface water run-off) and waste management (including construction waste and encouraging household recycling) therefore requiring high levels of sustainability performance in these areas. East of England Plan Policy WM6 requires major developments to make provision for waste management facilities and consider innovative approaches to waste management, which could link to renewable energy.
9.10 Whilst it is clear that much of the drive for carbon reduction in new homes and non-domestic buildings will be handled under the building regulations, the Council nevertheless considers it appropriate to have a planning policy requiring new development to achieve progressively higher ratings under the Code for Sustainable Homes and BREEAM both to support the carbon reduction agenda and to ensure the achievement of a more holistic approach to sustainable development through the achievement of the much wider range of environmental and social benefits that these schemes provide for.
9.11 The policy provides for some flexibility in exceptional circumstances where it can be clearly demonstrated that achieving the required rating for the type and scale of development in question would either be not feasible or not viable in the light of such considerations as site constraints, other planning requirements, other development costs, and the prevailing market conditions at the time. In such circumstances the Council may agree to a lower CfSH or BREEAM rating being achieved having regard to other merits of the scheme in terms of sustainability and urban design.
9.12 DELETED: SPPS1 confirms that there INSERTED: There will be situations where, given particular local circumstances, it could be appropriate for planning authorities to anticipate levels of building sustainability in advance of those set out nationally. Where any such local requirements are proposed these should be specified in terms of nationally described standards e.g. CfSH.
9.13 The policy requires any large residential developments in excess of 250 dwellings to achieve higher standards under the CfSH ahead of the national timetable for carbon reduction. This is in recognition of their proportionally greater potential impact in terms of climate change and also the inherent potential for developments of this size to achieve economies of scale in sustainability measures (e.g. potential for local energy centres).
9.14 The Council considers the CfSH to be a particularly appropriate tool to assess sustainability of new residential developments in that it is a nationally accredited system that considers a wide range of sustainability criteria in addition to energy and CO2 emissions, and in particular water use. Similar benefits apply to the use of the BREEAM system of assessment for multi-residential uses (e.g. care homes, sheltered housing, student accommodation) and for non-residential uses.
9.15 This is considered to be a relatively simple policy approach that prescribes clear targets based on recognised national codes, without being unduly prescriptive as to how the targets should be achieved.
9.16 The policy will be implemented through a requirement for the submission of Design Stage Assessments and Post Construction Reviews, carried out by a qualified CfSH or BREEAM assessor (as appropriate), for all planning applications for qualifying development. It will be expected that planning applications also be accompanied by a sustainability statement that explains and illustrates how sustainability considerations have influenced scheme design.
POLICY DM2: Decentralised Renewable or Low Carbon Energy
All new build development of 10 or more dwellings or in excess of 1,000 sq. m of other residential or non-residential floorspace shall provide at least 15% of their energy requirements from decentralised and renewable or low-carbon sources. If it can be clearly demonstrated that this is not either feasible or viable, the alternative of reduced provision and/or equivalent carbon reduction in the form of additional energy efficiency measures will be INSERTED:required DELETED:expected. The design of development should allow for the development of feed in tariffs.
9.17 This policy gives effect to Core Strategy Policy CS1, which sets a target for achieving renewable or low carbon energy sources in major development. It builds on national policy in INSERTED: the National Planning Policy Framework with the aim being of contributing to the Government’s zero carbon economy DELETED:Planning Policy Statements 1 and 22, and regional policies ENG1 and ENG2.
9.18 Given the acknowledged vulnerability of the region to the effects of climate change and the projected levels of development Ipswich will be required to accommodate, the Council considers it reasonable to require new developments above the given threshold to provide a minimum of 15% of energy demand from renewable or low carbon sources, to help achieve DELETED:the 17% regional target for 2020 and national targets INSERTED: of zero carbon homes by 2016 (public sector buildings by 2018 and non-residential buildings by 2019)4.
9.19 The policy is worded to permit a reasonable degree of flexibility to developers as to how the requirement may be met. In this regard, energy from either renewable or low-carbon technologies and from sources that are either on- site or off-site in the locality of the proposed development, could be considered acceptable. The design of such developments should allow for the export of electricity back to the grid (i.e. 'feed in') DELETED:in due course.
9.20 The policy also provides for some flexibility where it can be clearly demonstrated that achieving the required percentage provision of renewable or low-carbon energy would not be either technically feasible or financially viable in the light of such considerations as site constraints, other planning requirements, development costs, and the prevailing market conditions at the time. In such circumstances the Council may agree to a lower percentage provision being achieved DELETED: and/or INSERTED:where the introduction of additional energy efficiency measures (i.e. additional to those required under the relevant Code for Sustainable Homes or BREEAM requirements as set out in Policy DM1 INSERTED: such as passive house design or other inbuilt energy efficiency measures) to achieve an equivalent reduction in carbon emissions.
POLICY DM3: Provision of Private Outdoor Amenity Space in New and Existing Developments
To ensure that new residential developments deliver a suitably high quality and environmentally sustainable living environment all such developments will be required to incorporate well designed and located private outdoor amenity space of an appropriate type and amount. Provision will be in accordance with the following standards unless this would unavoidably conflict with the need to meet other density and urban design requirements of the plan or an applicant is able to demonstrate that a lower figure would be acceptable having regard to the particular circumstances of the proposals. In all cases applicants will be expected to demonstrate that adequate provision of private outdoor amenity space will be provided for the likely occupancy of the proposed dwellings.
For all houses, bungalows, or ground floor maisonettes with 3 or more bedrooms a minimum rear garden area of 75 sq. m.
For all houses, bungalows, or ground floor maisonettes with 1 or 2 bedrooms a minimum rear garden area of 50 sq. m.
For all apartments or upper floor maisonettes an average of 25 sq. m of private outdoor amenity space.
(1) 9.21 The Council considers that, in addition to the provision of well-planned public spaces, the provision of high quality private outdoor amenity space for all types of new residential development must be considered to be an essential component of high quality design, and key to the creation of a sustainable residential environment both in terms of its contribution to liveability and to urban greening and the preservation and/or enhancement of local biodiversity INSERTED: and ecological networks.
9.22 Such space is needed for sitting out, socialising, play, drying washing, and gardening (flowers and food).
9.23 Garden sizes need to be sufficient to accommodate most household activities and at the same time be adequate to offer visual delight, receive some sunshine, and encourage plant growth. The BRE report “Site Layout for Daylight and Sunlight” recommends that no more than two fifths and preferably no more than a quarter of the garden should be prevented by buildings, walls or fences from receiving sunshine on 21 March.
9.24 It is considered that a suitably designed 75 sq.m rear garden should be capable of achieving the above requirements for a three-bedroom or larger house.
9.25 It is accepted that smaller properties, less likely to be occupied by families with children, may reasonably function with a smaller rear garden of at least 50 sq. m. It should be noted that for both sizes of dwellings, gardens may need to exceed the minimum size specified in the policy where they need to accommodate soakaways.
9.26 Key characteristics of well designed private amenity space will normally be required, and these are: (i) a well shaped (rectangular), useable area having good accessibility and a well planned relationship to the internal living spaces within the dwelling; (ii) provision for a private sitting out area not overlooked by any window of a neighbouring property either at ground or first floor; (iii) high standards of security and privacy; (iv) a reasonable outlook; and (v) access to direct sunlight for part of the space for at least part of the day. The Council's Development Control Policies and Design Guidelines, which address matters such as spacing between dwellings, will apply, INSERTED: until the adoption of a Space and Design Guidelines supplementary planning document. The garden standards set out in the policy will equally apply to existing gardens remaining after garden severance.
9.27 The Council considers that in the case of low-rise housing development conventional rear gardens remain the best option for private amenity space. For apartment schemes and other forms of higher density development an imaginative combination of gardens (private and communal), terraces, roof- gardens, and balconies should be considered. In addition to functional benefits, well designed and fully integrated outside space can enhance the architectural quality and interest of a scheme.
9.28 Apartment schemes may typically choose to provide a combination of communal gardens for use by all residents together with private balcony spaces or terraces for use by individual households. All balconies should be well designed, positioned where they are convenient and comfortable to use, and large enough to accommodate a table and four chairs to suit the occupancy of the flat as well as some additional space for plants (a minimum size of 5 sq. m is a useful guide in this regard).
9.29 Poorly designed areas of grass to the rear of blocks of flats will no longer be an acceptable way of providing communal gardens. These spaces are rarely private and are often overshadowed by tall buildings. Private communal gardens therefore need to be:
- of sufficient size to be useable;
- secure and private;
- well-designed and integral to the character of the development; and
- providing a combination of sun and shade, particularly during the summer months of the year.
POLICY DM4: Development and Flood Risk
Development will only be approved where it can be demonstrated that the proposal satisfies all the following criteria:
it does not increase the overall risk of all forms of flooding in the area through the layout and form of the development and appropriate application of Sustainable DELETED:Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS);
it will be adequately protected from flooding in accordance with adopted standards wherever practicable;
it is and will remain safe for people for the lifetime of the development; and
it includes water efficiency measures such as rainwater harvesting, or use of local land drainage water where practicable.
(1) 9.30 It is recognised that the need to reduce flood risk in Ipswich is essential to ensure accordance with guidelines set out in national government policy on development and flood risk, INSERTED: the National Planning Policy Framework DELETED:Planning Policy Statement 25 (PPS25). This includes planning for the effects of increasing rainfall intensities and sea levels. As a result of the Pitt Review and the DELETED:expected Floods INSERTED: Flood and Water Management Act INSERTED: 2010, much more emphasis will be placed on planning for flooding in future than previously.
9.31 The Council will apply the INSERTED: NPPF DELETED:PPS25 hierarchy for managing flood risk i.e.:
1. Assess |
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) and site-specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA). |
2. Avoid |
Layout should be designed so that the most vulnerable uses are restricted to higher ground at lower risk of flooding, with more flood-compatible development (parking, open space etc.) in the highest risk areas. Use Sustainable DELETED:Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) at source. |
3. Substitute |
Apply the sequential approach to locate more vulnerable development in lowest risk areas. |
4. Control |
Use SuDS and implement Surface Water Management Plans (SWMP) to manage and reduce risk. |
9.32 Flood risk management should be considered in all developments before site layouts are planned. It is necessary to locate development away from a risk of flooding and sequentially preferable sites will be those in Flood Zone 1 suitable for the development proposed, with planning permission and/or allocated for residential development in planning policy, and which are genuinely available. Highly vulnerable, more vulnerable and less vulnerable development will not be permitted in Flood Zone 3b (functional flood plain). Highly vulnerable development will not be permitted in Flood Zone 3a. INSERTED: Flood Zones 2 and 3 are shown on plan 1.
9.33 The Ipswich Level 2 SFRA provides the necessary information to help facilitate the sequential approach DELETED:and part c of the PPS25 Exception Test INSERTED: as outlined in the NPPF. Site-specific Flood Risk Assessments (FRAs) are required for all development in Flood Zones 2 and 3, and for all sites over 1ha in size. The SFRA also provides additional guidance and information for locations where site-specific Flood Risk Assessments (FRAs) will be required as part of the development process. This includes certain sites in Flood Zone 1, which may be less than 1 ha. The SFRA also considers the effects of development on local flooding and minor watercourses and identifies mitigation measures including SuDS.
9.34 SuDS are an important method of reducing flood risk associated with development and are an essential element of any development in the Borough wherever practicable. Layout and form of buildings and roads must be designed around SuDS bearing in mind SuDS should be sited in lower areas, but preferably close to source, making use of topography.
9.35 The SFRA also identifies key surface water flood paths and watercourses (flow routes) and areas at risk of flooding. These are to be safeguarded for the future by protecting them from development and other obstruction. Development proposals should design for key flow routes. Surface water management plans will be able to facilitate this.
9.36 Site-specific FRAs may therefore be required to consider such issues, most likely aiming to identify the extent of the flow route, water levels and frequency so that appropriate site layouts and floor levels can be planned. In the future SWMP and the SFRA may provide much of this information.
9.37 SuDS standards and policies are currently set out in the Council’s Drainage and Flood Defence Policy (although these standards may be rewritten and incorporated as a supplementary planning document). In the future it is expected that National Standards will be followed.
9.38 The Council’s Level 2 SFRA provides information relevant to both the existing tidal/fluvial defences at 2011 and also to the completed defences, with the proposed barrier in place. In each case the SFRA provides data on residual risks taking account of flood depth and the velocity of floodwater. The preparation of many site-specific FRAs can make use of mapped risks from the new SFRA. However in some instances, site-specific FRAs will still need to include detailed flood modelling to ascertain the flood risk.
9.39 FRAs for proposals in Zones 2 and 3 need to clearly state the frequency of flooding in and around the site and, until the EA's flood defence barrier is implemented, will need to assume existing defences are in place. Alternatively a FRA could be presented assuming the barrier is in place, however any planning permission would be conditioned to prevent construction until the final stage of the barrier is under construction.
9.40 More vulnerable and less vulnerable development sited in Flood Zones 2 and 3a, as defined in INSERTED: the NPPF DELETED:PPS25, may be acceptable. However FRAs will be required to demonstrate that such developments will be ‘safe’ in accordance with the INSERTED: Development and Flood Risk SPD DELETED:Safety Framework described in sections 16.2 and 16.3 of the Level 2 SFRA (to be detailed in a future SPD) and consider flood risk from other sources. The assessment will follow INSERTED: the NPPF and its supporting technical guidance note DELETED:PPS25 and DELETED:Annex E of PPS25. Planning permission will not be granted if submitted details do not comply with the Safety Framework. In addition, permissions should not be granted if emergency responders are concerned about their capabilities/plans.
9.41 Basements or lowered ground levels around buildings will increase flood risk to people contrary to the aims of INSERTED: the NPPF DELETED:PPS25. Basements are particularly vulnerable to all types of flooding. Basement dwellings will not be permitted where the floor level is below 0.1% AEP tide level in 100 years time. Basement dwellings will not be permitted in “Areas Susceptible to Surface Water flooding’. Basements in Flood Zone 1 will only be permitted subject to adequate FRAs, which must address groundwater, sewer and overland flood sources.
9.42 FRAs will be required for any land raising including impacts on Surface Water flood risk. No raising of ground levels should be permitted around the Wet Dock that would impede Surface Water flood paths from Bridge Street, Key Street, Fore Street and Coprolite Street to the Wet Dock.
(1) 9.43 The Council believes that good urban design matters, in creating good architecture as a legacy for the future and attractive and distinctive public spaces that create a sense of place, encourage cultural and leisure activities, and foster a healthier lifestyle. Urban design adds value for the town both visually and functionally, but more importantly, it benefits people by making Ipswich more liveable and attractive to visitors.
POLICY DM5: Urban Design Quality
The Council will require all new development to be well designed and sustainable. In Ipswich this will mean:
layouts and designs that provide a safe, attractive, permeable, legible and useable public realm for all users, which is pedestrian and cycle orientated;
areas which function well and where possible integrate residential, working and community environments and fit well with adjoining areas;
the promotion of safe and secure communities;
greener streets and spaces to contribute to local biodiversity, visual amenity, and health and well-being, and offset the impacts of climate change;
protecting and enhancing the special character and distinctiveness of Ipswich and helping to reinforce the attractive physical characteristics of local neighbourhoods;
buildings that exhibit very good architectural quality, are highly sustainable INSERTED:and accessible and are designed for long life by being capable of adaptation to accommodate changing needs and uses over time;
ensuring that new development incorporates cycle and waste storage, public transport infrastructure and car parking if appropriate, all designed and integrated in a way that supports the street scene and safeguards amenity; and
new buildings in or around Air Quality Management Areas will be designed so that their size and layout will minimise, and at the very least not increase, localised retention of polluting emissions, and will include ventilation systems that protect the health of users of the buildings.
Design that is considered not to adequately meet all these criteria will be refused.
9.44 National planning policy is clear that all new development should achieve high standards of design and environmental sustainability. Given high projected levels of growth in Ipswich over the plan period and the distinctiveness and quality of the central area of town where much of this growth is to be directed, design quality is considered to be a particularly important requirement for all new development in the town.
9.45 In an era of rapid social, economic, environmental and technological change, buildings need to be designed to be adaptable to respond in a sustainable manner to the changing needs of occupiers. This is the 'long-life, loose- fit' principle. It could be achieved using the lifetime homes principle to ensure that homes can meet families' changing needs over time. For commercial buildings, it could mean ensuring that a building designed as an office for one organisation is physically capable of being subdivided, should future patterns of demand change.
9.46 The public realm is defined as the parts of a town that are available without charge for everyone to experience and enjoy. It includes both formal and informal spaces such as streets, squares, parks INSERTED:and open spaces, the urban fringe and footpaths linking to nearby countryside. An attractive and well functioning public realm that is friendly to all users is key to creating the sort of environment that people want to be in. It is also important in prioritising the needs of pedestrians and cyclists over those of the car in terms of safety and air quality for a healthier lifestyle. Specific proposals for new and improved areas of public realm in central Ipswich will be identified through the IP-One Area Action Plan.
9.47 Integrating land uses into mixed use developments and neighbourhoods improves the overall sustainability of Ipswich and also reinforces community cohesion. It helps to create local vitality and reduce the need to travel. In areas such as the Waterfront, Ipswich has seen the benefit of a mixed use approach that combines living, leisure and culture, and working.
9.48 Community safety is fundamental to people's quality of life and a primary objective of the Community Strategy. This is not just about designing-out crime, although it is important, but about planning developments and neighbourhoods in ways that encourage neighbourliness, nurture healthy communities and assist social inclusion. Designing into schemes safety measures such as lighting and in some cases CCTV can support actual and perceived safety, however lighting must be carefully designed to maximise energy efficiency and avoid 'leakage' into the night sky and nuisance to nearby occupiers.
(1) 9.49 Greening the streets of Ipswich has visual INSERTED: , DELETED:and functional INSERTED:, social, economic and environmental benefits. In terms of climate change, street INSERTED: and car park trees help by providing shade from the sun, slowing surface water runoff, and combating the urban heat island effect. DELETED:They INSERTED: Trees also DELETED:provide INSERTED: contribute to health, welfare and quality of life of everyone who lives and works in the urban environmental along with being an additional habitat for wildlife. Where underground services INSERTED: and hard surfacing are a potential issue, the use of INSERTED:root barriers and below ground engineered tree pits to provide viable soil volumes, and Tree Root Protection Systems DELETED:planters will be explored. The appearance of streets will also be improved through INSERTED: a Tree Planting Design Guide and limiting the amount of 'street clutter', including unnecessary signage, bollards, railings, road markings and street furniture.
9.50 The character and distinctiveness of Ipswich is the product of a combination of Ipswich's geographical setting, history and communities. It is fundamental to our local identity and is described in Chapter 5.
9.51 In order to support Ipswich residents in adopting sustainable lifestyles, the Council will ensure that the layout of new developments makes adequate provision for travel by cycle, their safe storage, and provision for the recycling of waste materials.
9.52 Assessment of design quality for major applications for residential development will be made using the Building for Life INSERTED: 12 criteria (CABE at the Design Council / Design for Homes / HBF) and applicants will be expected to demonstrate that scheme designs can achieve a INSERTED: ‘green’ score in each category enabling schemes to be eligible for ‘Building for Life Diamond’ status. However it is recognised that not every development proposal will meet this criteria and in these circumstances developers will be expected to justify why this is not possible DELETED:minimum score of 14 out of 20 (i.e. a silver award standard).
9.53 The design quality of smaller residential developments will be assessed against the various Building for Life criteria as may be considered reasonably applicable to the type and scale of development under consideration. The Council's Development Control Policies and Design Guidelines, which address matters such as spacing between dwellings, will apply to all residential developments INSERTED: , until replaced by the Space and Design Guidelines supplementary planning document.
9.54 The design of all major non-residential or mixed-use developments will be assessed against the design criteria set out in By Design: DETR 2000.
9.55 Applicants for planning permission will be required to clearly demonstrate how the submitted development proposal achieves urban design quality through the design and access statement accompanying their application, addressing the relevant criteria as appropriate.
9.56 It will be necessary to ensure that the siting, layout, scale, form, massing, materials and detailing of any proposed buildings will have a INSERTED: positive DELETED:harmonious visual relationship with surrounding buildings. Matters of silhouette, proportion, and solid to void ratios will all be important considerations to be addressed.
9.57 It is important that the design of development creates buildings that work well for their occupiers. This includes the provision of adequate storage in new developments, be that for wheelie bins, cycles, or for the storage of mobility scooters. It may also mean designing for an ageing population to reflect demographic trends.
9.58 Urban greening is important, to enhance the townscape, tackle INSERTED:and help adapt for climate change and enhance biodiversity. It could include the incorporation of INSERTED: canopy cover DELETED:street trees, green walls and green roofs and the creation of urban greenspace INSERTED: , as part of soft landscaping considerations. Opportunities for greening should be maximised in all developments, where appropriate. Provision to support biodiversity should include measures such as bird boxes, bat boxes and swift bricks, where possible incorporated into the fabric of the building. INSERTED: The Council will also refer to its Open Space and Biodiversity Policy.
9.59 Ipswich has INSERTED: four DELETED:three Air Quality Management Areas where it is important to ensure that new development does not compound existing air quality problems for example by blocking the movement of air.
POLICY DM6: Tall Buildings
Planning permission for tall buildings will be granted within the arc of land to the south-west of the town centre in the vicinity of Civic Drive and the Northern Quays of the Waterfront, and provided the design of any proposed building satisfactorily addresses all of the following criteria:
relationship to context;
relationship to transport infrastructure;
achieving a building of the highest architectural quality;
sustainable design and construction;
the credibility of the design in technical and financial terms;
the contribution the building will make to public space and facilities;
the effect on the local environment including microclimate;
the contribution the development will make to the permeability of the site and the wider area;
the provision of a well planned external and internal environment; and
the effect of the building in terms of its silhouette and impact on strategic views, with particular reference to conservation areas.
In other locations within the Borough proposals for tall buildings may exceptionally be considered to be appropriate if it can be demonstrated satisfactorily that they satisfy criteria a. to j. of the policy and would not harm the character and appearance of the area.
9.60 Tall buildings can only be considered appropriate in certain limited locations in Ipswich and various special considerations, over and above standard urban design considerations, should apply to their planning and design, particularly in listed building and conservation area terms.
9.61 Tall buildings may be defined as “buildings which are substantially taller than their neighbours and / or which significantly change the skyline”. The definition is taken from 'Guidance on Tall Buildings' EH /CABE 2007, to which proposals should have regard.
9.62 Detailed guidance and planning submission requirements for proposed schemes are set out in detail in the above mentioned document and will be used by the Council in the assessment of any such proposals.
(1) 9.63 The boundaries of the arc of land to which this policy applies will be identified in the INSERTED: Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan INSERTED: ) development plan document. Strategic views in and across central Ipswich will be identified in the INSERTED:Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan INSERTED: ) development plan document and the Ipswich Urban Characterisation Study INSERTED: supplementary planning document.
9.64 The impact of any proposed tall building on listed buildings will be assessed under the provisions of Section 66(1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.
POLICY DM7: Public Art
Major developments shall include a substantial public art proposal likely to be equivalent to about 1% of the construction contract value of the development scheme unless it can be demonstrated that this percentage would render the scheme unviable or would be disproportionate to the nature, size and location of the development. Proposals must be fully integrated into the proposed development at the design stage.
9.65 Public art can play a critical part in the development and regeneration of places by making the architecture and/or the setting or public space around them more attractive, and establishing a sense of place and local identity. It also has intrinsic cultural and aesthetic value.
9.66 The placing of public artworks on or off development sites is a material consideration in the planning system. The Council encourages all major developments (10 or more dwellings or 1,000 sq. m or more of non-residential floorspace) to integrate public artworks as part of the overall design concept from the outset. Applications for development should incorporate information on the content and quality of any artwork into the accompanying Design and Access Statement.
9.67 In exceptional circumstances where the incorporation of artwork is not possible within the development, the Council will seek an equivalent financial contribution to a 'pool' for the commissioning of public artworks elsewhere within the Borough INSERTED: , or following the introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) the Council may include off-site commissions within a list of the types of infrastructure that it intends will be funded by CIL. In such cases, the requirement in the policy for integrated design would not apply.
POLICY DM8: Conservation Areas
The Council will seek to protect and enhance the character and appearance of conservation areas through adopted Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans. These will be used to inform the Council's decisions when assessing the impact of proposals for planning permission.
(1) 9.68 The Council is keen to protect and enhance the town's 14 designated conservation areas INSERTED: , which are shown on plan 2. The character appraisals and management plans for each area highlight what is distinctive about the area including building styles, street patterns, land form, historical development and key views. INSERTED: Future character appraisals will include landscape and tree assessments. Proposals for development will need to indicate precisely how each scheme will preserve and enhance the conservation area in which it is located by a thorough appreciation of these distinctive characteristics.
9.69 National advice INSERTED: and policy on the conservation DELETED:for dentification and protection of listed buildings, conservation areas, archaeological remains and other elements of the historic environment is set out in INSERTED: the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) DELETED:PPS5 (Planning for the Historic Environment) 2010 and the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. INSERTED: The NPPF supersedes Planning Policy Statement 5 (Planning for the Historic Environment) although the Practice Guide to PPS5 remains in place as guidance. The general approach to managing heritage assets will also follow the guidance set out in BS79135.
9.70 DELETED:PPS5 INSERTED: The NPPF establishes a presumption in favour of sustainable development and states that great weight should be given to the conservation of designated heritage assets such as conservation areas. Where a proposed development will lead to substantial harm to or total loss of significance of a designated heritage asset, planning permission should not be given unless substantial public benefits can be identified that outweigh that harm or loss DELETED:gives general guidance on demolition within conservation areas and states that there should be a presumption in favour of retaining buildings which make a positive contribution to the character or appearance of a conservation area and that consent to demolish should not be given unless there are acceptable plans for redevelopment.
9.71 The East of England Plan stresses that local authorities should afford the highest level of protection to the wider historic environment which contributes to the distinctiveness of the region. Policies E13, ENV5, SS16, and SS5 all address this issue.
POLICY DM9: Buildings of Townscape Interest
There is a presumption in favour of retaining and repairing buildings of local townscape interest. Proposals involving the loss of such buildings will only be permitted if it can be demonstrated by thorough analysis in the Design and Access Statement that the replacement building(s) is of an equal or higher standard of design and incorporates sustainability features.
9.72 The Council acknowledges the townscape importance of buildings of local interest which have no other statutory protection, and encourages their retention and upkeep. In situations where the benefits of a replacement development outweigh the retention of an existing building on the local list, the Council will expect a high standard of design.
(1) 9.73 INSERTED: The Local List (Buildings of Townscape Interest) supplementary planning document DELETED:Supplementary guidance will be INSERTED: was published INSERTED: in 2013 updating the previous list and identifying buildings of particular local interest.
(2) 9.74 DELETED:The need for locally specific variations in guidance is limited given the clear government guidance in PPS5, which sets out how archaeological interest should be evaluated and remains should be preserved in an urban setting and in the countryside. INSERTED: The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out specific requirements for assets with archaeological interest. Where a site on which development is proposed includes or has the potential to include heritage assets with archaeological interest, developers will be required to submit an appropriate desk based assessment and, where necessary, a field evaluation. Scheduled Ancient Monuments are designated by the Secretary of State and the records held by English Heritage who develop policies to protect them. Suffolk County Council Archaeology Service holds the Historic Environment Record for Ipswich and is consulted on planning applications that could affect archaeology.
POLICY DM10: Protection of Trees and Hedgerows
The Council will protect INSERTED:and ensure the care of DELETED: and retain trees INSERTED: and increase canopy cover in the interests of amenity INSERTED:and biodiversity by:
making Tree Preservation Orders; DELETED: and
only granting consent for felling, topping, lopping or uprooting if a sound arboricultural reason is provided DELETED:. INSERTED:;
adhering to the principles of BS3998 ‘Tree work – Recommendations’ 2010 for established tree management options (including soil care and tree felling);
refusing planning permission for development resulting in the loss or deterioration of aged or veteran trees found outside ancient woodland unless the need for, and benefits of, the development in that location clearly outweigh the loss; and
encouraging tree planting to help achieve a target of 22% canopy cover by 2050.
Applications for development should retain existing trees and hedgerows of amenity or biodiversity value where possible. Where development affecting trees is proposed, the application must be accompanied by:
an accurate survey and assessment of all existing trees on site in accordance with BS5837 INSERTED: ‘Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – Recommendations)’ 2012 by a competent arborist DELETED: “Guide for Trees in Relation to Construction” 1991;
details of protective measures to be put in place during the development process to ensure the heath and safety of each specimen to be retained; and
where removal is proposed, a plan for replacement planting on a two for one basis and using semi-mature specimens, unless otherwise agreed by the Council.
INSERTED: Design in new development should have proper regard to the setting of protected trees. Landscaping and tree planting should be integrated into new development.
9.75 Whether viewed individually or collectively from a distance trees make an important contribution to the environmental quality of Ipswich. They contribute to the townscape, biodiversity and air quality.
9.76 Established trees are a scarce resource and will be protected by Tree Preservation Orders when under threat. The Council will also impose planning conditions where appropriate to secure replanting schemes under circumstances where felling of trees is unavoidable.
9.77 Tree planting on development sites should not be an afterthought. BS5837: 2012 provides guidance in respect of development sites, on tree retention, protection during development and incorporating trees into design of the development. The level of detail expected with a planning application should be appropriate to the scale of the proposal.
9.78 Trees are important elements of green infrastructure, contributing to urban cooling through evapotranspiration and providing micro-climatic effects that can reduce energy demands in buildings. They therefore represent a key resource that can significantly contribute to climate change adaptation. Tree planting should help shape the built environment and new development in a way that strengthens the positive character and diversity of the area and increase climate change resilience. Climate change has a direct and indirect effect on trees in a number of ways including higher temperatures, and greater fluctuations in rainfall and wind. Climate change needs to be considered as part of a process to ensure the tree-scape continues to flourish and retains its unique qualities of landscape, botanical and bio-diverse richness.
9.79 Community woodlands offer valuable opportunities for improving the environment around Ipswich by upgrading the landscape and providing for recreation and wildlife. Any new development will need to take account of any community woodland plan in place at the time of a planning application.
9.80 Where the Council permits the removal of trees, replacement planting will be on a two for one basis. This may not always be possible or appropriate on the development site in question, and in such cases off-site provision will be expected as an alternative. Applicants are advised to liaise with the Council's Arboricultural Officer at the earliest opportunity to discuss appropriate replacement species and locations. All replacement tree planting proposals will need to be accompanied by a tree care and management plan for the new trees.
9.81 The Council deals with trees through its function as landowner and local authority in line with its Tree Management Policy, unless the need for, and benefits of the development in that location clearly outweigh the loss.
POLICY DM11: Central Ipswich Skyline
Central Ipswich is circled by a wooded skyline, which is particularly important to the setting of the central area including Ipswich Village and the Waterfront. Developments will only be permitted where they do not seriously disrupt this setting, especially when viewed from key viewpoints.
(1) 9.82 The wooded skyline that provides the backdrop to much of central Ipswich is a key part of the centre's character and setting and will be protected INSERTED: and sustainably enhanced. The INSERTED: Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan INSERTED: ) development plan document and the Ipswich Urban Characterisation Study INSERTED: supplementary planning document will identify key viewpoints and key strategic views in relation to the wooded skyline around central Ipswich. Relevant policy guidance in respect of tall buildings can be found in Policy DM6.
9.83 The vast majority of planning applications the Council receives relate to proposals for residential extensions or for small infill or backland residential developments.
9.84 Extensions to houses are often a convenient way of providing additional living space for growing households. Extensions often benefit from INSERTED: ‘permitted development’ rights, which enable households to extend their property without the need for planning permission, DELETED: an automatic grant of planning permission known commonly as “permitted development” so it will often be the larger and potentially more problematic extensions that are the subject of consideration by the Council under the following policy.
POLICY DM12: Extensions to Dwellinghouses and the Provision of Ancillary Buildings
An extension to, or development within the curtilage of a dwellinghouse will be permitted provided that it:
would not result in more than approximately 50% of the useable private garden area of the original dwellinghouse being occupied by buildings;
does not lead to the creation of a terracing effect where there are not already terraces;
does not detract from the amenity of neighbouring residents, particularly in terms of privacy, light or overbearing impact; and
in the case of extensions or large buildings, it is designed to be in keeping with the original dwellinghouse.
9.85 Extensions and ancillary buildings must be well designed and must be appropriate given the particular context of the property in question. Detailed guidance is given in the form of the Council's supplementary planning INSERTED: guidance DELETED: document “Good practice guide to extending your home” and in particular care should be taken to ensure that two storey side extensions to semi-detached or detached houses do not close the gaps between houses and create a “terracing effect”. Such extensions would normally have to be set back behind the main front wall of the house by 4 metres. Such development should also maintain the possibility of external access to rear gardens. INSERTED: A new Space and Design Guidelines supplementary planning document will supersede this guidance document.
9.86 Any increase in carbon emissions resulting from an extension should where practicable be offset through improvements to the existing building(s). Extensions are likely to lead to an increase in the overall energy footprint of a dwelling through additional space heating, lighting and appliances. Therefore any such increase should be offset through retrospective improvements to the original dwelling, such as extra loft insulation. This will help to achieve carbon reduction targets.
9.87 Severance of rear and side gardens, infilling between existing development and development of backland sites often provide opportunities for the provision of additional homes. However, care should be taken to ensure that such development is appropriate, well designed and well related to its surroundings. The following policy will therefore apply.
POLICY DM13: Small Scale Infill and Backland Residential Developments
Proposals for small scale residential development involving infill, backland or severance plots will not be permitted unless the development:
is sited in a location where it would not be disturbed by other land uses;
establishes a safe and secure environment;
protects the setting of existing buildings and the character and appearance of the area;
protects the amenity of neighbouring residents, particularly in terms of loss of privacy or light, or overbearing impact;
has safe and convenient access; and
has secure and lit bicycle storage and facilities for the storage of refuse, recycling and garden waste containers.
9.88 The tight Borough boundary around Ipswich means that small sites, such as backland plots behind existing dwellings, have historically been an important source of additional dwellings for the town. However, given the nature of such sites often close to existing housing, new development needs to be carefully controlled in order to protect the character and amenity of the neighbourhood and the quality of life of its inhabitants.
(1) 9.89 In the case of severance plots, it is important that the original dwelling(s) shall retain sufficient garden space to meet the Council's minimum standards. The Council's Development Control Policies and Design Guidelines, which address matters such as spacing between dwellings, will also apply, INSERTED: until superseded by the Space and Design Guidelines supplementary planning document.
9.90 In recent years there has been significant pressure, particularly in central locations, to convert existing houses into flats, bedsits and houses in multiple occupation. Furthermore it is possible that this pressure may increase further as a result of the growth of University Campus Suffolk and Suffolk New College.
9.91 It is also important to note that not all shared accommodation will trigger the need for planning permission. However, where planning permission is required it is considered important to ensure that such development takes place in an appropriate form and location. In particular it is considered important to have regard to amenity and also to prevent the conversion of small and modest sized family housing.
POLICY DM14: The Subdivision of Family Dwellings
Development involving the conversion of houses into flats, bedsits or houses in multiple occupation will be permitted provided that it:
provides sufficient car parking in accordance with the standards, secure and lit bicycle storage, amenity space and refuse, recycling and garden waste container storage is provided for each unit;
incorporates a convenient principal entrance door for each unit of accommodation and provides an appropriate standard of residential accommodation;
would not lead to an overload of flats, bedsits or houses in multiple occupation in a particular area causing unacceptable levels of traffic congestion or activity;
would not lead to detriment to a listed building INSERTED:and/or conservation area DELETED:or the amenity of neighbouring residents;
INSERTED: would not lead to detriment of the amenity of neighbouring residents though careful consideration of internal layouts; and
would not result in the conversion of small or modest sized family houses containing 3 bedrooms or fewer or having a floorspace of less than 100 sq.m.
9.92 Proposals for flats, bedsits and houses in multiple occupation are often controversial and can have significant impact upon the amenity of an area. The growth of University Campus Suffolk and Suffolk New College and the likely increase in demand for flats, bedsits and houses in multiple occupation provide a further justification for a policy specific to Ipswich in order to ensure that conversions are appropriate. The Council requires applicants to consider the amenity of residents in adjacent dwellings, and within the building itself. The latter will be assisted through careful internal layout, which for example avoids positioning living rooms next to bedrooms in adjacent dwellings INSERTED:and within the building itself
9.93 Overload will be assessed in relation to each application on the basis of the existing proportion of houses in multiple occupation in the area. Generally, no more than 30% of the dwellings in the area would be expected to be houses in multiple occupation.
POLICY DM15: Travel Demand Management
In proposals for the development of 10 or more dwellings or 1,000 sq. m or more of non-residential floorspace, or where more than 50 people will be employed, the Council will require:
a transport assessment to be undertaken including an assessment of the impact on the local highway network with appropriate mitigation measures secured by a planning obligation;
where likely to have an impact on or be located in an Air Quality Management Area or other sensitive area, an assessment of the air quality impacts of the development with appropriate mitigation measures proposed as necessary;
a travel plan outlining how the development will ensure high levels of cycling and walking together with public transport use;
the minimisation of the use and ownership of the car by providing an integrated solution which could include car clubs, well-designed dedicated cycle and pedestrian routes, high quality secure cycle storage and safe and convenient access to public transport within 400 metres of the development; and
for non-residential developments, high quality shower facilities and lockers to ensure that a modal shift can occur.
POLICY DM16: Sustainable Transport Modes
When considering proposals for all other new developments not included in Policy DM15, the Council will expect:
safe and convenient access to public transport within 400 metres of the site; and
high quality, secure cycle storage.
(1) 9.94 In accordance with the Ipswich Transport Strategy 2007 and the Suffolk Local Transport Plan INSERTED: 2011-2031 DELETED:2006-11, the Council is keen to ensure a modal shift can occur within the Borough.
9.95 DELETED:National policy (Planning Policy Guidance 13: Transport, 2001) supports such an approach to INSERTED: The National Planning Policy Framework supports the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the reduction of congestion by reducing the DELETED:reduce reliance on the car and INSERTED: encouraging DELETED: encourage more sustainable modes of transport including cycling, walking and public transport.
9.96 DELETED: The East of England Plan identifies Ipswich INSERTED: is DELETED:as a regional transport node and therefore it should be possible to access the town centre and other parts of the town by sustainable means.
9.97 These policies will build on the locational guidance provided elsewhere in the Strategy, principally Policy CS2.
9.98 The Council is keen to see all major developments and those employing more than 50 people have suitable green travel plan components and that the headline elements of these are an integral part of proposals, which is supported by the Government's 'Good Practice Guidelines - Delivering Travel Planning through the Planning Process' (April, 2009).
(1) 9.99 With the levels of growth proposed for the town coupled with the fact the town already has INSERTED: four DELETED:three Air Quality Management Areas it is felt essential that air quality impacts and mitigations are fully addressed.
9.100 Each development will need to ensure it can be adequately accessed and the travel assessment proposed should set out whether and how this can be done.
9.101 Through providing high quality secure cycle storage both in commercial and residential developments, and high quality showers and lockers in commercial developments, employers should be able to encourage greater levels of cycling to and from their workplaces, which will also improve the health of employees.
9.102 By providing well-designed cycle and pedestrian routes, developers will be able to encourage greater levels of cycling and walking, and through providing good access to public transport within 400 metres, should reduce reliance on the car especially at peak times.
9.103 Through the introduction of car clubs in larger schemes developers can contribute to reducing levels of car ownership in the town.
POLICY DM17: Transport and Access in New Developments
Each development proposal will be assessed in terms of:
its impact on the road network in respect of traffic capacity, highway safety and the environmental impact of generated traffic;
pedestrian and cycle accessibility to and within the site as well as the wider effects of the development upon pedestrian movement;
its impacts on rights of way; and
availability of and access to public transport.
Applicants will be required to demonstrate how the development would improve provision and/or how any acceptable adverse impacts would be managed and mitigated.
The Council will require the inclusion of priority bus measures and dedicated cycle routes where appropriate.
The Council will require mitigating measures to be provided to the satisfaction of the Highway Authority where necessary.
9.104 The Council is keen to ensure that new developments have an acceptable impact on and relationship to existing transport infrastructure. Therefore the above will be important considerations in determining planning applications. The Council will need to be satisfied that impacts can be managed in a satisfactory way and that suitable additional infrastructure provision is made where necessary.
9.105 The Ipswich Definitive Map was published in July 2009 showing rights of way in Ipswich. A Rights of Way Improvement Plan INSERTED: forms part of the Suffolk County Council Local Transport Plan 2011-2031 where improvements to the access network focuses on the needs of non-motorised users DELETED:is now under preparation.
9.106 Necessary mitigating measures may be provided directly by the development or where more appropriate the Council may require public transport contributions in lieu.
9.107 Where appropriate, development proposals on sites which abut or relate closely to the banks of the river will be expected to provide for the improvement of public access including appropriate landscaping works along the length of the site boundary fronting the river.
POLICY DM18: Car Parking
The Council will require local parking standards to be complied with in all new development, and will expect parking to be fully integrated into the design of the scheme to provide secure and convenient facilities.
Outside the IP-One area, there will be minimum parking standards for residential development and although a minimum standard is applicable, car parking must be designed so as not to dominate the development or street scene or to result in the inefficient use of land.
There will be reduced maximum standards of provision for residential development within the IP-One Area, which has frequent and extensive public transport networks, and easy access to a wide range of employment, shopping, and other facilities.
Across the Borough there will be maximum parking standards for non-residential development.
A central car parking core will be defined in the town centre, through the IP-One Area Action Plan. Within the central car parking core, only operational car parking will be permitted in connection with non-residential development, so that the stock of long-stay parking is not increased. New, non-residential long-stay car parks will not be permitted.
(1) 9.108 There are several sources of national policy advice on car parking. INSERTED: The National Planning Policy Framework DELETED: Planning Policy Statement 3: Housing, 2006 and Planning Policy Guidance 13: Transport, 2001 provides DELETED: some guidance on the approach to residential and non-residential parking standards. At the local level, the Suffolk Advisory Parking Standards are those currently in use. These will continue to be applied until they are superseded by updated Suffolk standards, which will introduce a minimum standard that will be applied to residential development outside the IP-One area. DELETED: The Council will prepare a supplementary planning document setting out the revised local parking standards, which will closely follow the revised Suffolk standards.
9.109 The requirement for a minimum level of car parking provision for residential developments outside IP-One is reintroduced through this policy. The maximum standards imposed by INSERTED: an earlier DELETED: the previous version of Planning Policy Statement 3 have resulted in some residential schemes providing inadequate parking for residents and visitors. This can lead to parking on verges and on street, to the detriment of the street scene and highway safety. Whilst the emphasis of transport policy remains firmly on encouraging and enabling people to switch to more sustainable modes where possible, it is also recognised that INSERTED:many people DELETED: may still DELETED: wish to own INSERTED: cars DELETED: a car to use for longer journeys. Therefore the current thrust of policy is to provide adequate parking at people's homes that uses land efficiently and is designed in from the outset to ensure that cars do not dominate the street scene.
9.110 Well-designed car parking is essential to enhance its surroundings and to become integral to the larger scheme. There are a number of publications, which look at the design of car parking in more detail, notably 'Car Parking: What Works Where' (English Partnerships, 2006) and ‘Manual for Streets’ (Department for Transport, 2007). Underground parking is also an efficient way to accommodate the car and should be considered where this is acceptable in flood risk terms.
9,111 In order to encourage modal shift, particularly amongst the commuting public, it is important to limit long-term car parking within the central car parking core and for organisations to encourage employees to travel to work by more sustainable means through travel planning. Limiting long-stay parking in the centre also helps to limit congestion. Therefore only necessary operational parking will be allowed for new non-residential development within the central car parking core. This excludes staff parking and includes only space required within the curtilage of a development for vehicles for which regular access is considered essential for the business operations of those premises.
POLICY DM19: Cycle Parking
The Council will require minimum standards of cycle parking to be met for all new residential and major non-residential development proposals. All cycle parking is expected to be of a high quality and secure. The Council will also require the provision of secure cycle parking in any new car parks in the town.
9.112 Safe, convenient and secure cycle parking is essential to encouraging increased cycle use in Ipswich. The policy aims to ensure the provision of high quality secure cycle storage both in residential and commercial developments. The emphasis on good cycle parking relates to more strategic measures being taken across the town to improve cycle routes, through the Local Transport Plan and the Ipswich Cycling Strategy.
9.113 The Council will apply the Suffolk Advisory Parking Standards until these are superseded by the revised Suffolk County standards on parking DELETED: and the parking standards supplementary planning document.
POLICY DM20: The Central Shopping Area
The Council will support the town's vitality and viability by promoting and enhancing appropriate development in the Central Shopping Area.
The Central Shopping Area comprises the Primary, Secondary and Specialist Shopping Areas, which will be defined through the INSERTED:Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan INSERTED: ) development plan document. Sites identified as suitable for major retail investment will be allocated in the INSERTED: Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan INSERTED: ) development plan document.
Class A1 retail use should remain the predominant use at all times in the Central Shopping Area, to ensure the strategic retail function of Ipswich is maintained. A2-A5 DELETED:retail uses INSERTED:and other main town centre uses will also be supported INSERTED:in the Secondary and Specialist Shopping Areas, provided the overall percentage of the frontage does not exceed the levels specified DELETED: below INSERTED: and accords with the criteria set out below. INSERTED:A1-A5 DELETED: A2-A5 uses INSERTED: and other main town centre uses are defined in the Glossary.
Primary Shopping Area – INSERTED:A2-A4 DELETED: A2-A5 retail uses will be permitted where they will not exceed 10% of a group of identified ground floor frontages INSERTED: and ground and first floor frontages in the Buttermarket and Tower Ramparts Shopping Centres and the site is not adjacent to an existing non-A1 DELETED: retail use within the same Use Class as the proposal. A5 uses will not be permitted.
Secondary Shopping Area - A2-A5 DELETED: retail uses INSERTED: and other main town centre uses will be permitted where they will not exceed 25% of a group of identified ground floor frontages, and provided the proposal does not create a concentration of more than 30 metres of non-A1 DELETED: retail frontage, and the site is not adjacent to an existing non-A1 DELETED: retail use within the same Use Class as the proposal. Of this 25%, no more than 10% of the total identified ground floor frontage will be permitted for A4 or A5 uses.
Specialist Shopping Area - A2-A5 DELETED: retail uses INSERTED: and other main town centre uses will be permitted where they will not exceed 40% of a group of identified ground floor frontages. Of this 40%, no more than 35% of the total identified ground floor frontage will be permitted for INSERTED:A2, A4 or A5 uses.
A3, A4 and A5 uses INSERTED:and other main town centre uses will only be permitted where they have no detrimental effect on the amenities of nearby residential accommodation in terms of noise, fumes, smell, litter and general activity generated from the use INSERTED: and retain an active frontage.
Mixed use development, including B1 office, A2 financial and professional services, C3 housing, and C1 hotel or any combination of these uses will be supported in the Central Shopping Area, provided there is a ground floor DELETED: retail use in accordance with the above.
Within Primary and Secondary Shopping Area, the Council will not grant planning permission for the use of a ground floor unit to a use falling outside classes A1 to A5 INSERTED:in Primary Shopping Areas and A1 to A5 and other main town centre uses in Secondary Shopping Areas.
INSERTED:The Council is planning proposals to redevelop the Cornhill. The results of the study will be taken into account when applying frontage policies in this area.
The Council also supports the retention of the open market.
9.114 Protecting the vitality and viability of the town centre and district and local centres is a key part of national policy and the importance of the town's shops is set out in the strategic policies of the Core Strategy.
9.115 The designation of the Central Shopping Area, including the Primary, Secondary and Specialist Shopping Area boundaries, will be set out through the INSERTED:Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan INSERTED: ) development plan document. Frontage boundaries will continue to be set out in the INSERTED: supplementary planning guidance: 'Central Shopping Area - Identified Frontages' document, which is monitored and updated annually. The streets within the Central Shopping Area are broken down into ‘shopping frontages’ by the Council. The frontages usually consist of a continuous line of buildings fronting the street or pavement, segregated by intersecting streets.
9.116 The approach to the Central Shopping Area (CSA) is to maintain a balance between A1 retail and other DELETED: retail INSERTED: A-class and main town centre uses, through the control of frontages. The proportion of frontages permitted for non-A1 uses, as set out in the adopted Local Plan and INSERTED: the former First Deposit Draft Local Plan, has been the subject of review. An assessment of the existing percentage of groups of frontages in non-A1 uses in the CSA has influenced the policy percentages. The 10% allowance to non-A1 use is still appropriate in the Primary Shopping Area and therefore should be maintained.
9.117 The thresholds for non-A1 uses in Secondary and Specialist Shopping Areas have been increased from 20% and 33% to 25% and 40% respectively. A criterion has been included in the policy, which restricts adjacent non-A1 uses to the Primary and Secondary Shopping Areas alone. It is not considered necessary to control adjacent uses in Specialist Shopping Areas, as a higher proportion of non-A1 DELETED: retail uses is considered acceptable here. Protecting the visual character of listed buildings in the Central Shopping Area is covered elsewhere.
9.118 The introduction of new use class categories A4 and A5 has been represented in the policy and will assist in controlling the night-time economy. This policy allows a small proportion of A4 uses to exist in the Primary Shopping Area, as the intention is to keep this predominantly A1, and focus A4 and A5 uses to Secondary and Specialist Shopping Areas, and District and Local Centres.
9.119 Mixed-use development will be supported in the Central Shopping Area only where a ground floor DELETED: retail use INSERTED: in accordance with policy DM20 is provided. This reflects government policy to encourage diversification and mixed uses, and can help to create a vibrant centre including outside shopping hours. INSERTED: Main town centre uses as defined in the NPPF will only be permitted within the Central Shopping Area where specified criteria are met as set out in policy DM20.
POLICY DM21: District and Local Centres
The Council will support the retention and provision of local shops and community facilities within defined District and Local Centres.
Within the defined District and Local Centres:
proposals for the provision of additional shops or extensions to existing shops will be permitted provided they are of a scale appropriate to the centre. The requirements of INSERTED:the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) DELETED: Planning Policy Statement 4 (PPS4) should be satisfied;
proposals for change of use from A1 to INSERTED:A2-A5 DELETED: retail uses INSERTED: and sui generis uses appropriate to a centre, including launderettes will be permitted where they will not exceed 40% of the total identified ground floor frontage, provided the identified shopping frontage or the shopping character and range of shops is not unacceptably diminished. Of this 40%, no more than 20% of the total identified ground floor frontage will be permitted for A4 or A5 uses;
proposals for the change of use of ground floor units to community facilities will be permitted provided that:
the unit does not occupy a prominent position in the Centre;
satisfactory vehicular access and car parking can be provided;
the unit has suffered from a clearly demonstrated long-term vacancy for a period of at least 12 months INSERTED:. A marketing strategy for the unit must be agreed with the Local Planning Authority prior to its implementation and the agreed strategy implemented for a minimum period of 12 months prior to applying for planning permission for change of use or redevelopment. Any such application must be accompanied by an independent appraisal of the economic viability of the facility in its current use; and
the physical treatment of the unit minimises the problem of dead frontages or is appropriate to the proposed use.
Residential uses will not be permitted on ground floor unless it has been clearly demonstrated the unit has suffered from long term vacancy for at least 12 months and none of the uses stated in paragraphs a, b and c are suitable, viable or deliverable.
Outside District Centres but within a 400m straight line distance of the centre the provision of community facilities will be permitted provided the facility:
is appropriate in scale and supports the needs of the adjacent residential area;
is accessible to all sectors of the community; and
offers satisfactory vehicular access and car parking space in accordance with the Council’s standards.
INSERTED: One DELETED: Two new District INSERTED:Centre DELETED: Centres are INSERTED: is proposed within the plan period INSERTED: at DELETED: , 1) Sproughton Road DELETED: and 2) Duke Street. INSERTED: This centre DELETED: These centres will provide retail units and community facilities of a scale appropriate to serve INSERTED:its DELETED: their catchment area. Development of the Northern Fringe in accordance with Policy CS10 will require the provision of a new District Centre INSERTED:and two new local centres.
9.120 The approach to District and Local Centres is to strengthen their role and function and seek to retain shops and community facilities. Within the District and Local Centres, a balance between A1 retail (shops) and non-A1 DELETED: retail uses (such as food and drink establishments) will be maintained. DELETED: Non-A1 retail INSERTED: A2 to A5 uses and INSERTED: sui generis uses appropriate to a centre will also be supported, provided the overall percentage of the frontage does not exceed the levels specified in the policy. District centres are listed under Policy CS2. The local centres are listed below.
- Fircroft Road
- Garrick Way
- Dale Hall Lane/Dales Road
- Ulster Avenue
- Norwich Road (197-307a)
- Dickens Road
- Cambridge Drive<
- Maidenhall Green
- Ellenbrook Green
- Colchester Road (61-65)
- Brunswick Road
- Cauldwell Hall Road/Spring Road
- Cauldwell Hall Road/St John’s Road
- Foxhall Road (25-97, 34-124)
- Bixley Road/Foxhall Road
- Selkirk Road
- Clapgate Lane (207-221)/Landseer Road (325-327a)
- Reynolds Road
- Queen’s Way
- Felixstowe Road (474-486)
- Penshurst Road
- Cliff Lane
- St Helen’s Street
- Bramford Lane
- Bramford Road
- Spring Road
- Albion Hill, Woodbridge Road INSERTED: (291-386)
- Lavender Hill
- Prince of Wales Drive
- Bramford Road (560 and 651-677)
- Bramford Lane (483-487)
- St Matthew’s Street
- Grimwade Street
- Woodbridge Road INSERTED: (28-110)
9.121 The policy will help focus community development in the Local and District Centres. The community facilities are defined in Appendix 4.
9.122 Zonal maps for each District Centre to support community facilities within 400m straight-line distance INSERTED: are DELETED: will be defined INSERTED: on plan 3 DELETED: through the IP-One Area Action Plan and Site Allocation and Policies and development plan document. INSERTED:Local Centres are also defined on plan 3.
9.123 As an indication of appropriate scale the Council expects additional food stores in District and Local Centres should not exceed 1,500 sq. m. net. This is to ensure the development is of a scale appropriate to serve the centre and not the town as a whole, which could in effect divert retail away from the town centre. The applicant should also demonstrate that it can meet the requirements as set out in INSERTED: the NPPF DELETED: PPS4, which covers the following points:
that the development is of an appropriate scale;
that there are no more central sites for the development;
that there are no unacceptable impacts on existing centres; and
that locations are accessible.
9.124 The approach is to maintain a balance between retail and non-retail uses, through the control of frontages. An analysis of the existing frontages in a sample of the District and Local Centres supports the increase in the thresholds of DELETED: non- A1 retail INSERTED: A2 to A5 uses to 40%.
9.125 The introduction of new use class categories A4 and A5 (drinking establishments and hot food takeaways) has been reflected in the policy. This will assist in controlling the night-time economy. A proportion of 20% has been set, which is higher than the threshold set for the Central Shopping Area, but appropriate, as the District and Local Centres serve residential communities.
9.126 Two new district centres are proposed, one at Sproughton Road and one at Duke Street. Development of the Northern Fringe in accordance with Policy CS10 will require the provision of a new District Centre.
9.127 The policy allows change of use to take place from retail to proposals for community uses where certain criteria apply DELETED: and this reflects existing policy of the First Deposit Draft Local Plan. Residential uses will be encouraged on upper floors in the centres and in the vicinity of the centres to maximise access to shops and facilities.
POLICY DM22: Town Centre Uses Outside the Central Shopping Area
Within the Town Centre but outside the Central Shopping Area, the development of non-retail town centre uses, including leisure, recreation, culture and tourism uses, will be permitted. This area must be considered before edge or out of centre locations for these town centre uses. B1 office uses and mixed use schemes including housing will also be encouraged in the town centre, however industrial uses (Classes DELETED: B1, B2 and B8) will not be permitted.
9.128 This policy reflects INSERTED: the NPPF DELETED: PPS4, which identifies the main uses appropriate to a town centre. These non-retail uses are INSERTED: predominantly focused away from the Central Shopping Area, with the exception INSERTED: to a small element permitted in the Secondary and Specialist Shopping Areas or as part of certain mixed use developments as described in Policy DM20, in order to maintain A1 retail use as the predominant use in the Central Shopping Area. For the development of non-retail town centre uses outside the Town Centre, DELETED: PPS4 INSERTED: the NPPF shall apply.
9.129 The town centre boundary will be defined through the INSERTED: Site Allocations and Policies DPD (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan). It overlaps to a DELETED: significant degree with DELETED: both the Ipswich Waterfront and Ipswich Village.
(2) POLICY DM23: DELETED: Major Retail Proposals Outside Defined Centres
DELETED: Major retail INSERTED: Retail proposals for more than 200 sq. m DELETED: gross INSERTED: net floorspace in locations outside defined centres will only be permitted if the proposal can be demonstrated to be acceptable under the terms of INSERTED: the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) DELETED: Planning Policy Statement 4 (PPS4), particularly in terms of:
the appropriate scale of development;
the sequential approach;
avoiding significant adverse impact on existing defined Centres; and
accessibility by a choice of means of transport.
9.130 Defined Centres in Ipswich consist of the Central Shopping Area, District Centres and Local Centres. The town centre is not a defined centre for the purposes of this policy.
9.131 Out of town retail parks, sole retail warehouses and large foodstores (such as supermarket and superstores) are not defined as centres and therefore policy DM23 should apply. Retail warehouses are large stores specialising in the sale of household goods (such as carpets, furniture and electrical goods), DIY items and other ranges of bulky goods, catering mainly for car borne customers.
Listed below are items which the Council considers to be bulky goods:
domestic household electrical;
audio-visual equipment (including radio, TV, Hi-Fi, and computer goods);
furniture, lighting, carpets and floor covering;
hardware and DIY goods;
garden centre goods and garden furniture;
builders merchants;
automotive products and accessories together with associated fitting;
caravans boats and boat equipment;
cycles, cycle products and accessories;
camping equipment;
pets and pet supplies;
furnishing fabrics and curtains; and
blinds and poles;
Items such as clothing, footwear and food are not considered to be bulky goods and shall not be permitted.
9.132 In accordance with Planning for Town Centres, Practice Guidance on need, impact and the sequential approach dated 2009, conditions will be imposed to manage the impact of these developments including the following:
to prevent developments from being sub divided into a number of smaller shops or units;
to ensure that ancillary elements remain ancillary to the main development, by allowing up to 10% or 200sqm of net floorspace (whichever is the smaller) to be devoted to ancillary and incidental goods taken together;
to limit any internal alterations to increase the amount of gross floor space by specifying the maximum retail floor space permitted; and
to limit the range of goods sold, and control the mix of convenience and comparison goods.
9.133 This policy applies to retail proposals which are defined as those uses falling within Use Classes A1 (Shops), A2 (Financial and Professional Services) and A5 (Hot Food Takeaways) only. Use Classes A3 (Restaurants and Cafes) and A4 (Drinking Establishments) are classified as leisure within the NPPF definition of main town centre uses and therefore this policy does not apply to these uses. It is important to distinguish between these use classes as it affects the application of the sequential test, as set out in the NPPF.
9.134 Policy DM23 applies to proposals which give rise to more than 200 sq. m net floorspace, either from a single unit or the aggregation of units within the proposed development.
9.135 The DELETED: Ipswich Retail Study 2005, as confirmed by the Retail and Commercial Leisure Study 2010, indicates that there is no need or justification for further major out-of-town retailing in Ipswich.
9.136 The sequential approach to the consideration of DELETED: major retail proposals will be applied as follows:
- firstly, to consider whether there are sites available in the DELETED: Central Shopping Area INSERTED: Primary Shopping Area, comprising Primary and Secondary Shopping Frontages, and DELETED: then in the District and Local Centres INSERTED: only where the scale of the proposed development is appropriate to the catchment areas the centres serve;
- secondly, to consider sites in edge of centre locations INSERTED: as defined in the NPPF; and
- thirdly, to consider sites in out of centre locations.
POLICY DM24: Affordable Housing
Affordable housing provision will be required in accordance with Core Policy CS12.
The presumption will be in favour of on-site provision rather than the payment of commuted sums in lieu of provision.
The Council will require that the affordable housing:
is designed and built to at least the same standard as the market housing, including the appropriate level of the Code for Sustainable Homes at the time;
is integrated into developments and from external appearance should be indistinguishable from the market housing;
should not generally be grouped in clusters of more than 12-15 INSERTED:dwellings DELETED: units; and
has car parking provided at the same ratio as for the development as a whole.
The appropriate type, size and mix, will be determined by the findings of the Borough's most up to date Housing Needs Survey and Strategic Housing Market Assessment for the time being, and the particular characteristics of the site.
(1) 9.137 In formulating policy DM24 the Council has taken into consideration findings from the 2005 Housing Needs Survey and INSERTED: both the 2008 INSERTED: and 2012 Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA). In addition to the SHMA, a viability study was also carried out in 2008, which informed the Council's decision to seek 35% affordable housing on larger sites, and 20% affordable housing provision on smaller sites. The lower target at 20% reflects the reduced capacity for economies of scale in smaller developments. DELETED: The exact INSERTED: A lower percentage on any given site DELETED: will INSERTED: may be agreed through negotiation INSERTED: , although this must have regard to the sustainability of the development, clearly demonstrable viability issues or an alternative mechanism to meeting affordable housing need such as off-site provision.
9.138 The type and mix of affordable dwellings required will be as set out in the Council's Affordable Housing Position Statement. The requirement to avoid clusters of more than 12 to 15 affordable units is a general guide. The size of clusters may need to vary with the overall size of a development and with the design and layout. The objective is to achieve developments in which the affordable units are truly integrated into the market housing and are also practical for management purposes.
POLICY DM25: Protection of Employment Land
Sites and premises used and/or allocated for employment uses in Use Classes B1 Business, B2 General Industry or B8 Storage and Distribution, as defined by the Use Classes Order 1987 (as amended) INSERTED:and defined Employment Areas will be safeguarded for INSERTED: employment uses DELETED: that purpose. Permission for the conversion, change of use or redevelopment of such sites or premises to non- Class B1, B2 and B8 purposes, will only be permitted where:
the proposed use is compatible with the surrounding uses; and
it can be demonstrated to the Council's satisfaction that the alternative uses are employment-generating uses appropriate to the location with no reasonable prospect of locating elsewhere within the Borough; DELETED: or
it can be demonstrated to the Council’s satisfaction that the proposed use is ancillary to and supports existing employment uses DELETED:. INSERTED:; or
the site has been allocated for an alternative use in the Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) development plan document.
INSERTED: Outside the defined Employment Areas, change of use from B1, B2 or B8 to other uses may be considered where there is no reasonable prospect of the site being re-used for employment purposes over the plan period.
(1) 9.139 DELETED: The East of England Economic Strategy states that employment INSERTED: Employment sites are under increasing pressure to be developed for housing but it is important to retain existing employment sites where possible and appropriate. Employment site retention and provision is particularly necessary to enable balanced job and housing growth. The Council proposes a policy that safeguards employment land INSERTED:, including the defined employment areas and sets out criteria against which loss of employment land to other uses will be considered. This excludes the main town centre uses as defined in INSERTED: the National Planning Policy Framework DELETED: PPS4, such as retail INSERTED:, but includes B1 office uses.
9.140 The loss of employment land, whether in existing employment use or allocated for employment, could affect the Council's ability to achieve its employment objectives and job targets DELETED: as set out in the East of England Plan. Land and buildings in employment use may also come under pressure from other forms of development that tend to have higher values such as retail, leisure and housing. As a general principle therefore, such land needs to be protected. INSERTED: Retail uses will not be permitted other than as small scale retailing ancillary to the main/B class use.
9.141 Ancillary uses are defined in terms of size of floorspace and there being a functional relationship with the main B class use. Ancillary retailing should be less than 10% of the floorspace or 200 sq. m net, whichever is the smaller.
9.142 The Council recognises the importance of retaining existing employment uses and allowing for their growth and development where this can be accomplished without giving rise to serious environmental problems or unacceptable increases in traffic. Where employment uses are no longer appropriate to their surroundings or cannot reasonably expand further on their existing sites they will be encouraged to relocate within Employment Areas identified on the DELETED: adopted Local Plan INSERTED:policies map DELETED: Proposals Map INSERTED: and listed in policy DM36 in the DELETED:(which will be updated alongside the Site Allocations DELETED: and INSERTED: (incorporating IP-One INSERTED: Area Action Plan) development plan document DELETED: documents).
POLICY DM26: Protection of Amenity
Development which could lead to significant adverse effects on the amenity or environment of neighbouring uses will not be permitted.
Development which could itself be significantly adversely affected by the conduct of established or potentially noisy or polluting uses nearby will not be permitted. DELETED: Planning Policy Guidance Note 24 (PPG24) and BS4142 surveys will be required in relation to noise.
Exceptions will only be made where satisfactory mitigation measures can be secured through the use of planning conditions or Section 106 DELETED: planning Agreements.
INSERTED: Where appropriate, BS4142 surveys or other technical reports covering noise, pollution, land contamination, light, or vibration are required to be submitted with planning applications; they will be proportionate in content to the development type and in accordance with Council’s guidance.
9.143 The policy is intended to ensure that the quality of life of people close to a new development, or occupying a new development, is considered and protected. Amenity is taken to mean those general aspects of the home or workplace environment that define the quality of conditions enjoyed by people in their home or workplace. These are normally taken to include such things as privacy, safety and security, access to reasonable levels of daylight and sunlight, and absence of air and noise pollution. Amenity considerations can also include litter and disturbance from general levels of activity, for example in relation to hot food takeaways.
9.144 Amenity will vary between different areas, but this policy seeks to ensure that developments do not unduly alter an area such that existing levels of amenity are significantly harmed.
9/145 New developments that could produce harmful effects, such as air, noise, vibration or light pollution, will therefore be directed to locations where they would minimise the harm to the environment or amenity of neighbouring uses.
9.146 Equally important is to ensure that proposals for new development that would itself be sensitive to the harmful effects of air, noise, vibration or light pollution, such as hospitals, are not located where there are or could be such problems.
9.147 All major construction sites will be required to provide a Construction Management Programme designed to limit adverse impacts on neighbours. On larger sites it will be necessary for the developer to submit baseline studies so that future vibration/subsidence problems can be validated.
9.148 Where appropriate, planning conditions may be imposed or planning obligations sought for the control of noise or air pollution.
POLICY DM27: Non-residential uses in residential areas
Non-residential uses in residential areas will be permitted where the proposed development:
would not involve the loss of a dwelling unless the use provides a necessary community facility or would have significant benefits to the local economy;
is compatible with the size and scale of housing in the surrounding area and would not have a harmful effect on residential amenity through traffic generation or general activity as a result of excessive numbers of people calling at the premises throughout the day and night; and
can be satisfactorily accessed and serviced.
9.149 Some small businesses can operate in residential areas without harming residential amenity. Indeed, such uses can contribute to creating more mixed-use neighbourhoods enabling people to live closer to their workplace. The Council recognises the importance of home working and is likely to support proposals for it. Thus, subject to the criteria above and amenity considerations set out elsewhere, such uses will be permitted. The significance of benefits to the local economy will be assessed on its merits, taking into account the number of dwellings lost and the number of jobs created or supported.
POLICY DM28: Protection of Open Spaces, Sport and Recreation Facilities
Development involving the loss of open space, sports or recreation facilities will only be permitted if:
the site or facility is surplus in terms of all the functions an open space can perform, and is of low value and poor quality, as shown by the Ipswich Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities Study 2009 INSERTED: and subsequent update as a result of the Council’s Open Space and Biodiversity policy; or
alternative and improved provision would be made in a location well related to the users of the existing facility INSERTED:; or
INSERTED: the development is for alternative sports and recreation provision, the need for which clearly outweighs the loss.
9.150 Open spaces and sports and recreation facilities are essential to the quality of life of Ipswich people and the quality of the town's environment. They can deliver INSERTED: social, economic and environmental values – public health and well-being, DELETED: many potential benefits - to health and fitness, INSERTED: air quality, water flood management, help tackle climate change, regeneration, the image of the town, INSERTED: ecology nature and biodiversity, green transport and community cohesion, for example.
9.151 The Council will therefore protect them from development unless the particular circumstances set out in the policy apply. This accords with INSERTED: the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) DELETED: Planning Policy Guidance Note 17 (PPG17), which states that existing sites and facilities should not be built on unless an up to date assessment has clearly shown them to be surplus to requirements.
9.152 The Council has carried out an open space, sport and recreation facility audit and needs assessment, as required by INSERTED: the NPPF DELETED: PPG17. This identifies the typology of open spaces, sport and recreation facilities, assesses the quantity and quality of provision in Ipswich and sets out standards for the quantity, quality and accessibility of provision. The typology, together with the quantity and accessibility standards, is reproduced in Appendix 6. Quality standards can be found in the Ipswich Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities Study 2009 INSERTED: and subsequent update as a result of the Council’s Open Space and Biodiversity policy.
9.153 The Study examines provision by type in each of the Area INSERTED:Committee DELETED: Forum areas of Ipswich. Although provision in Ipswich is generally good, there are existing deficits in some areas.
POLICY DM29: Provision of New Open Spaces, Sport and Recreation Facilities
All residential developments, and non-residential developments of 1,000 sq. m floorspace or more, will be required to provide and/or contribute to public open spaces and sport and recreation facilities, to meet the needs of their occupiers.
DELETED: In all major developments (10 dwellings or 1,000 sq. m non-residential development or more), at least 10% of the site area, or 15% in high density developments, should consist of incidental green space (useable by the public in relation to residential schemes).
Further provision or contribution will be sought according to the size of the proposed development and the quantity and quality of existing open spaces and sports and recreation facilities within the catchment area of the site, as identified by the Ipswich Open Space, Sport and Recreation Study 2009 and subsequentINSERTED: update as a result of the Council’s Open Space and Biodiversity policy DELETED: monitoring. Provision will be made in accordance with the standards set out in Appendix 6 INSERTED: , which include provision for children’s play areas and for young people.
INSERTED: In all major developments (10 dwellings or 1,000 sq. m non-residential development or more), at least 10% of the site area, or 15% in high density developments, should consist of on-site green space (useable by the public in relation to residential schemes), which will contribute to meeting the overall requirement.
One-for-one replacement dwellings will be exempt from the requirements of the policy, because they are likely to have a minimal impact on demand for facilities. In addition, only certain types of public open space will be required for elderly persons' accommodation and nursing homes.
The requirement will apply to all schemes, unless it can be demonstrated that this would lead to the scheme being unviable and/or site-specific matters so justify. In such cases, a reduced level of provision will be negotiated with the applicant.
9.154 The Council's approach is to require new developments to meet their needs for public open spaces and sport and recreation facilities. DELETED: but only Where the various types of facility are known to be in INSERTED: quantitative deficit DELETED: (in quantity or quality terms) in the area around the development site INSERTED: or do not meet the accessibility standard, additional provision will be needed. DELETED: Thus additional provision will be needed when the total provision within the distance threshold of the site is, or would be after the development is built, below the standard of provision required.
9.155 If new provision is needed, the decision as to whether it should be on- or off-site will depend on whether the total amount of each type needed as a result of the development is above the minimum acceptable size identified in the table in Appendix 6. If it is, provision should be on-site. INSERTED: Only if additional provision is not feasible will the enhancement of existing facilities through contributions be considered.
9.156 If there is a surplus of open space within the catchment of the site, additional provision will not be required but contributions will be required to enhance existing facilities. A supplementary planning document will be prepared to provide details on how open space requirements will be calculated in connection with new developments.
9.157 However, notwithstanding the above, in all major developments of 10 or more dwellings or 1,000 sq. m or more non-residential floorspace the requirement is for a minimum of 10% of the site to consist of public green space or soft landscaping and tree planting, to enhance the appearance and biodiversity value of the development, and contribute to sustainable urban drainage and air quality. In high density developments (defined in Policy DM30) this will be 15%, to compensate for the fact that private amenity space tends to be more limited and to provide an attractive setting for the buildings. This will count towards provision needed to meet the open space standards for residential development. Where possible, this provision should include wildlife habitat designed and located so as to create a network or corridor with existing green infrastructure INSERTED: – green corridors and/or ecological networks, where such networks exist beyond the site boundaries. All planting proposals should be accompanied by an appropriate management plan.
9.158 Not all types of residential development will create the same demand for public open spaces and sports and recreation facilities. Replacement dwellings and extensions or annexes are therefore exempt from the policy. Nursing homes and elderly persons' accommodation are not exempt, but will only be required to provide certain types of public open space and not sports facilities. This is separate from any requirement for private garden space.
9.159 The provision of strategic, borough wide open spaces and sports and recreation facilities (listed in part D of this document) will form part of the standard charge approach outlined in Policy CS17 and detailed in a supplementary planning document, and is not covered by this policy.
POLICY DM30: The Density of Residential Development
The density of new housing development in Ipswich will be as follows:
within the town centre, Ipswich Village and Waterfront, development will be expected to achieve a high density of at least 90 dwellings per hectare (dph) (the average will be taken as 110 dph);
within the remainder of IP-One, District Centres and an 800m area around District Centres, development will be expected to achieve a medium density of at least 40 dph (the average will be taken as 45 dph); and
elsewhere in Ipswich, low-density development will be required (the average will be taken as 35 dph).
Exceptions to this approach will only be considered where:
the site location, characteristics, constraints or sustainable design justify a different approach; or
a different approach is demonstrated to better meet all housing needs in the area.
(1) 9.160 INSERTED: Between 2001 and 2011 the main housing supply in Ipswich has been flats and as a result DELETED: Since 2001, actual densities achieved in residential schemes in Ipswich have been high. DELETED: This reflects the fact that there has been a boom in the construction of flats over the period, and more flats can be accommodated per unit of site area than houses. Over the five years from 2003 to 2008, 70% of the completions were flats. In 2007-08 78% of the completed units were flats. However, the average masks a range, from 38 dwellings per hectare (dph) at Ravenswood (which is 31% flats) and 48 dph at Celestion (49% flats) to 206 dph at Wolsey Street (100% flats). Densities are reported in the Council's annual INSERTED:Authority Monitoring Report.
(1) 9.161 However, the density figures in the policy (especially the high density figure) have been revised downwards from those suggested in the preferred options document to take account of the following factors:
The economic downturn has shown that in a weaker market flats are less likely to be built, because demand for flats drops away most dramatically of all dwelling types;
The SHMA indicates a surplus of flats at the moment therefore the balance of housing delivery needs to swing towards houses until the market recovers, and houses cannot achieve the same densities;
Sustainable design such as designing for passive solar gain, which will be essential to meeting the Borough's carbon reduction obligations, can impact on the layouts and configurations that may be achievable;
Sustainable DELETED: urban drainage requires more space in some areas of town and impacts on achievable site density;
Flats will still be needed, but they may need to be bigger to attract older households away from family houses, and in some cases to cater for families also; and
The mix policy for larger sites (Policy CS8) means that 100% flatted development on most major scheme sites will not be acceptable.
9.162 In the vicinity of the Waterfront and Civic Drive in central Ipswich, the Council will expect high density developments to exceed the minimum set out in the policy, because this is the area where tall buildings may be appropriate as identified through Policy DM6. This also more closely reflects site capacities achieved through recent planning permissions.
9.163 In order to ensure that dwellings, and especially flats, provide versatile and attractive living space that appeals to a wide audience and is therefore more sustainable in changing market conditions, the Council will encourage developers to exceed minimum floorspace areas used by the former English Partnerships in its own developments (Quality Standards 2007) (gross internal floor area):
- at least 51 sq m for a 1 bed/2 person dwelling
- at least 66 sq m for a 2 bed/3 person dwelling
- at least 77 sq m for a 2 bed/4 person dwelling
- at least 93 sq m for a 3 bed/5 person dwelling and
- at least 106 sq m for a 4 bed/6 person dwelling.
9.164 It is important to strike an appropriate balance between providing freedom and flexibility for the housing market to operate and ensuring that land is used efficiently by achieving higher densities in the most sustainable locations. The exceptions in the above policy allow a degree of flexibility in controlled conditions. The densities set out in the policy are minimum requirements. The averages referred to will be used to calculate site capacities.
POLICY DM31: Conserving Local Natural and Geological Interest
The Council will seek to conserve the nature conservation and geodiversity interest of County Wildlife Sites, Local Wildlife Sites and RIGS identified on the INSERTED:policies DELETED: Proposals Map, INSERTED: veteran trees, and Suffolk Biodiversity Action Plan species and habitats, by controlling the type and intensity of development. The Council will not grant planning permission for development which would be likely to cause net loss after mitigation and compensation of the relevant biodiversity or geodiversity interest, or protected BAP species, in terms of population size or loss of extent of BAP habitat or feature for which the site was designated.
9.165 The Council recognises the importance of biodiversity and geodiversity (the range of plants, animals and geological features) in the Borough, for its intrinsic value and its contribution to local distinctiveness and quality of life. Ipswich has 19 County Wildlife Sites. They were surveyed in INSERTED: 2012 and 2013DELETED: 2001 and their value assessed. Any change to the sites is checked regularly and reported through the annual INSERTED: Authority Monitoring Report. The County Wildlife Sites are identified on the INSERTED: policies map DELETED: Proposals Map.
9.166 Locally designated sites make an important contribution to ecological networks and provide stepping stones between other sites and corridors, including those with national or international conservation designations.
9.167 RIGS are Regionally Important Geological and Geomorphological Sites. They are designated on the basis of locally developed criteria. They are the most important sites for geology or geomorphology outside statutorily protected sites such as SSSIs. Ipswich has no RIGS currently, but there is a process underway by the Geo Suffolk Group to register part of Holywells Park as a site.
9.168 In assessing the potential impact of development proposals, direct and indirect impacts will be taken into account.
POLICY DM32: Protection and Provision of Community Facilities
The Council will work with partners to ensure that a range of local community facilities is made available and retained to meet local needs. Where possible and appropriate, opportunities will be taken to provide shared space for the delivery of community services.
The redevelopment or change of use of community facilities to non-community uses will only be permitted where the applicant can demonstrate to the Council's satisfaction that the facility is genuinely redundant and surplus to current and future requirements, or where appropriate alternative provision is proposed or available within a reasonable distance.
INSERTED: Having regard to public houses, a marketing strategy for the public house must be agreed with the Local Planning Authority prior to its implementation and the agreed strategy implemented for a minimum period of 12 months prior to applying for planning permission for change of use or redevelopment. Any such application must be accompanied by an independent appraisal of the economic viability of the facility in its current use.
9.169 The provision of community facilities is important to enable communities to function sustainably. Local community facilities include: doctor and dentist surgeries, health centres, chemists, places of worship, meeting halls, public houses, post offices, education facilities and police facilities. An application for a new community facility that is not owned by the organisation intending to use it should be accompanied by a management plan for the facilities.
9.170 Policy CS17 identifies the need for community facilities to support planned growth in the Borough. Strategic needs are also identified in Chapter 10 of this document.
9.171 Shared community spaces could bring together the delivery of services such as schooling, local policing and safer neighbourhood teams, and health services. This approach would require the agreement of all the service providers.
9.172 Open spaces and play provision are dealt with in a separate policy.