
Draft Core Strategy and Policies Focused Review

Ended on the 10 March 2014

Part E: Appendices



PART B: The Strategy

Strategic Spatial Approach

Policy CS1: Climate Change
Policy CS2: The Location and Nature of Development
Policy CS3: IP-One Area Action Plan
Policy CS4: Protecting our Assets
Policy CS5: Improving Accessibility
Policy CS6: The Ipswich Policy Area


Policy CS7: The Amount of New Housing Required
Policy CS8: The Balance between Flats and Houses
Policy CS9: Previously Developed Land Target
Policy CS10: Ipswich Northern Fringe
Policy CS11: Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation
Policy CS12: Affordable Housing


Policy CS13: Planning for Jobs Growth
Policy CS14: Retail Development


Policy CS15: Education Provision


Policy CS16: Green Infrastructure, Sport and Recreation


Policy CS17: Delivering Infrastructure
Policy CS18: Strategic Flood Defence
Policy CS19: Provision of Health Services
Policy CS20: Key Transport Proposals

PART C: Development Management Policies

Sustainable Development

Policy DM1: Sustainable Development
Policy DM2: Decentralised Renewable or Low Carbon Energy
Policy DM3: Provision of Private Outdoor Amenity Space in New and Existing Developments

Flooding and Sustainable DELETED: Urban Drainage

Policy DM4: Development and Flood Risk

Urban Design Policies

Policy DM5: Urban Design Quality
Policy DM6: Tall Buildings
Policy DM7: Public Art

Protecting Our Assets

Policy DM8: Conservation Areas
Policy DM9: Buildings of Townscape Interest
Policy DM10: Protection of Trees and Hedgerows
Policy DM11: Ipswich Skyline

Small Scale Residential Development

Policy DM12: Extensions to Dwellinghouses and Provision of Ancillary Buildings
Policy DM13: Small Scale Infill and Backland Residential Development

The Subdivision of Family Dwellings

Policy DM14: The Subdivision of Family Dwellings

Travel Demand Management

Policy DM15: Travel Demand Management
Policy DM16: Sustainable Transport Modes
Policy DM17: Transport and Access in New Developments


Policy DM18: Car Parking
Policy DM19: Cycle Parking

Proposals in Retail Areas

Policy DM20: The Central Shopping Area
Policy DM21: District and Local Centres
Policy DM22: Town Centre Uses Outside the Central Shopping Area
Policy DM23: DELETED: Major Retail Proposals outside Defined Centres

Affordable Housing

Policy DM24: Affordable Housing

Employment Land

Policy DM25: Protection of Employment Land


Policy DM26: Protection of Amenity
Policy DM27: Non-residential Uses in Residential Areas

Open Spaces, Sport and Recreation Facilities

Policy DM28: Protection of Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities
Policy DM29: Provision of New Public Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities

The Density of Residential Development

Policy DM30: The Density of Residential Development

Natural Environment

Policy DM31: Conserving Local Natural and Geological Interest

Community Facilities

Policy DM32: Protection and Provision of Community Facilities
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