Draft Core Strategy and Policies Focused Review
CHAPTER 7: The Key Diagram
7.1 A Key Diagram is an important part of the Core Strategy and Policies document. It diagrammatically illustrates on a not-to-scale map of the town the spatial strategy set out within Chapter 6 of the document.
(4) 7.2 The Key Diagram illustrates on a simple base map:
The IP-One Area Action Plan area and, within it, the Ipswich Village, Waterfront and Education Quarter (Policy CS3);
Key development locations identified including IP-One, and the District and Local Centres (from Policy CS2);
The approach to the Northern Fringe as the location of DELETED: limited development INSERTED: to 2031 DELETED: prior to 2021, and the broad location for future strategic growth after 2021 (from Policy CS10);
The strategic employment site (Policy CS13); and
The INSERTED: ecological network, green corridor and green rim approach to strategic green infrastructure (Policy CS16).