Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal - Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) DPD
Appendix D
Table D-1 Sites included in the Site Allocations & Policies DPD
Site ref. | Address | Allocated use(s) | Sites DPD policy ref | Pref options ref | Pref options use(s) | Alternatives considered | SA Comments |
IP004 |
Bus depot, Sir Alf Ramsey Way |
50% residential use, |
DM39 |
UC004 |
50% Residential |
100% Residential |
Small site - 1.07 ha. Alternative of 100% residential use will have more negative impacts on air quality and water resources but contribute to housing SA objective and health. The alternative of 100% employment use will have a more significant contribution to economic objectives. The current allocation would contribute to both social and economic objectives. |
IP005 |
Former Tooks Bakery, Old Norwich Road |
80% residential and c. 20% is safeguarded for the provision of a new health centre |
DM39 |
UC005 |
80% Residential |
Leave as existing (employment use) 100% residential |
The proposed use will have negative impacts on air quality, and water use. The alternative to leave as existing use would have a neutral effect on air quality and traffic. The alternative of 100% residential will not provide a health centre and would not make as much positive contribution to the SA Objective on health but other impacts are expected to be the same. |
IP006 |
Coop Warehouse, Pauls Road |
100% Residential |
DM39 |
UC006 |
80% Residential |
Leave as existing (employment use) |
The proposed allocation of residential use will contribute to SA social and health objectives while the alternative allocation for employment will contribute to economic objectives. The site is located in central Ipswich and is well served by public transport. The allocation has scored positive effects against SA Objectives. |
IP009 |
Victoria Nurseries, Westerfield Road |
100% Residential |
DM39 |
UC009 |
100% Residential |
Retain existing use (plant nursery and small shop) or employment |
This is a small site (0.39ha), has TPOs, within a Conservation Area and relatively far from key services at present. There is one bus route near the site and housing development may increase traffic in the area. However, only 14 homes are proposed, so that the impact will not be significant. The alternative of retaining existing use or employment use will contribute to economic objectives but housing will contribute to social objectives. Employment use may not be feasible, due to its location. |
IP010a |
Co-op Depot, Felixstowe Road |
80% Residential |
DM39 |
UC010 (west part) UC010 has been split into 2 sites a and b to reflect multiple ownerships and uses. |
80% residential |
Leave as existing (west part mix of vacant and in use employment premises). |
The proposed allocation would contribute to housing and educational objectives. Retaining depot uses would contribute to employment objectives. |
IP010b |
Felixstowe Road |
60% Residential (remainder retains existing employment uses) |
DM39 |
UC010 (east part) |
80% residential |
Leave as existing (mainly in-use employment premises) |
The proposed allocation would contribute to housing and employment objectives but would result in increased traffic from private car use. The alternative of retaining employment uses would contribute to employment and economic objectives. |
IP011b |
Smart Street, Foundation Street |
Allocated for mixed use development consisting of 80% residential and 20% B1 business |
DM39 |
UC011 (part) |
80% residential |
100% housing 100% B1 employment 100% leisure Mix of the above (30% each plus retail. |
The proposed uses will make contributions to housing needs and employment generation. 100% housing will increase traffic in the area, which is within an AQMA. 100% B1 employment will contribute to economic SA Objectives but employment use may not address housing needs in Ipswich. 100% leisure alternative would contribute to social and health objectives Mixed use alternative (housing, employment and leisure) would contribute to social, health and economic objectives. |
IP012 |
Peter’s Ice Cream |
100% Residential |
DM39 |
UC012 |
100% Residential |
100% B1 employment 100% retail not tested as it is outside the Central Shopping Area and therefore large scale retail would be contrary to policy. |
100% housing will increase traffic in the area, which is near an AQMA. 100% B1 employment will contribute to economic SA Objectives but will employment use may not address housing needs in Ipswich. |
IP015 |
West End Road Surface Car Park |
20% residential plus long stay car parking and 10% B1 office use |
DM39 |
UC015 |
20% Residential |
Housing, employment, retain existing use (surface car
park) or a mix of the above. |
IP015 has an area of 1.21ha and is near an AQMA. Since the site is currently a car park, and the proposed residential use, employment plus a car park would have neutral effect on air quality and traffic when compared to the existing baseline. The allocated use would contribute to housing and economic objectives. However, an alternative to have less parking should be considered to reduce impacts on air quality and traffic. The alternative of 100% parking, which is the existing use, would have a neutral effect on air quality and traffic. However, the opportunity to contribute to social (housing) and economic (offices) objectives as the proposed allocation would be lost. 50% parking and 50% housing would contribute to the housing SA objective and would have less impact on air quality than its existing use. 50% parking and 50% employment would contribute to economic objectives and would have less negative effects on traffic and air quality in relation to the baseline. |
IP029 |
Land opposite 674-734 Bramford Road |
70% residential and |
DM39 |
UC030 |
50% Residential |
100% housing, 100% employment, and 100% open space |
The proposed allocation will contribute to the social objectives on housing and health but may impact on air quality due to increased use of private cars. 100% housing will contribute to housing and health but will have a more significant negative impact on traffic and the quality of life for future residents since 100% housing would require developing right up to the railway line and A14.. 100% employment may contribute to economic objectives but would have less contribution to social objectives. The site is located within a residential area, near the boundary of Ipswich, where there are open spaces nearby. Allocating the site for 100% open space would contribute to environmental objectives but not social or economic objectives. |
IP031 |
Burrell Road |
100% Residential |
DM39 |
UC032 (part) |
100% Residential |
100% retain existing use (car parking) 100% employment not considered realistic, as the preferred locations for office development are the town centre and Ipswich Village. |
The site allocation is proposed as 100% residential, which would contribute to social objectives and health objectives. Retaining the existing use as car parking would continue to generate traffic in the area and negatively impact on air quality and the site is near an AQMA. Therefore this option is not sustainable. A 50-50 housing and employment mix would contribute to both social and economic objectives but the site is within a conservation area and nearby are residential areas, so residential use would fit in better in terms of townscape, amenity and existing quality of life. |
IP032 |
King George V Field, Old Norwich Road |
80% residential and |
DM39 |
UC033 |
50% Residential |
Housing or retain existing use (playing fields) |
This 3.54 ha site is currently a playing field. Development would result in negative impacts on air quality, water use, and soil quality. 100% housing will increase traffic in the area. Retaining the site as open space will contribute to health objectives but would have less contribution to social objectives as housing. However, there are 3 other playing fields in the vicinity of the site, replacement provision would have to be made and residential use is proposed for the adjacent site, IP005. |
IP033 |
Land at Bramford Road (Stocks site) |
50% residential and |
DM39 |
UC034 |
20% Residential |
100% housing and 100% open space. 100% employment would not be something the Council would realistically encourage in this area where much of the recent development has been changing uses from employment to housing. |
This is a former landfill site with an area of 2.03 ha. The proposed use is predicted to have negative impacts on air quality and traffic since housing developments are expected to increase the use of private cars. 100% housing would have a more significant impact on traffic. 100% open space would not contribute to social objectives but would contribute to health and environmental objectives. The site is in the vicinity of residential areas and open spaces are located approximately 500m from the site and as such, there may be no requirement for open space in the areas. |
IP035 |
Key Street / Star Lane / Burtons |
Employment B1, hotel, retail, car parking (planning permission was renewed 11/00708/FUL Nov 2011 for 3 hotels - total 335 bedrooms - 411 sq m retail, 1278 sq m retail/restaurant, 8342 sq m offices, & 420 car parking spaces, plus conversion & renovation of 1-5 College St to bar/restaurant. ) |
DM42 |
UC 036 |
30% Employment |
80% housing and 20% employment; and 60% large scale retail, 20% leisure and 20% car parking.
The allocation for employment use will contribute to economic SA objectives. The alternative proposed, which is 80% housing will contribute to SA objectives but not as significantly to economic objectives. Also, it may have negative effects on air quality and traffic and the site is already with an AQMA. The alternative of large scale retail, leisure and car parking would have the greatest potential for traffic generation. |
IP037 |
Island Site |
50% Housing, |
DM39 |
UC038 |
50% Residential |
70% housing, 20% employment and small scale food and
drink (including retaining boat building), 10% open
space; and 100% open space is considered undeliverable on viability grounds. |
This 6.02ha site is close to an area designated as AQMA
along Star Lane, College Street, and Bridge Street
located to the north and northeast of the island. The alternative option of 70% housing, 20% employment and 10% open space would generate more traffic on surrounding roads but would have a greater contribution to housing and health SA Objectives. The alternative option of 20% housing, 20% open space and 60% employment would generate less traffic than the proposed allocation but would have a greater contribution to economic objectives and less contribution to housing and health. |
IP039a |
Land between Gower Street & Gt Whip Street |
100% Residential. |
DM39 |
UC040 (part) |
80% Residential |
100% retain existing employment uses, and a mix of 50% employment 50% residential. 100% leisure is not realistic here because it is outside the town centre. |
This site is located adjacent to an AQMA, has listed buildings adjacent, abuts a conservation area and lies within an archaeological area of importance. The allocated use of 100% residential will increase traffic and air quality impacts. The alternatives are to retain employment uses or a mix of employment and residential. Employment uses will contribute to economic objectives but not social objectives. A mix of employment and residential will contribute to both social and economic objectives. However, this is a small site, with an area of 0.48 ha and the contributions to the SA Objectives would not be significant. |
IP040 and IP041 |
Civic Centre Area / Civic Drive - Land at Westgate |
This site is primarily allocated for 80% retail development but will incorporate some residential e.g. over retail uses |
DM49 |
UC041 & UC042 |
Was 2 separate sites- UC041 20% Residential, 60%
Retail, 20% Employment; |
50% B1 employment and 50% housing, and 60% retail and 40% leisure. |
The 1.31 ha site is located next to a secondary
shopping area and the allocated use will contribute to
the achievement of plan economic objectives related to
retail development , the vitality and viability of
centres. and extension of the Central Shopping
The alternative option of 50% employment and 50%
housing may generate more traffic along Crown Street
and St. Margaret Street and deteriorate the air quality
in an existing AQMA. However, as a central location,
there would be opportunities for residents and workers
to choose more sustainable options. This alternative
would contribute to social and economic objectives. The alternative option of 60% retail and 40% leisure may have some positive effects on the economic objectives by attracting more investment in a central area. However, it would not contribute to social objectives by limiting the amount of housing provision in the town centre. |
IP043 |
Commercial Buildings and Jewish Burial Ground, Star Lane |
80% Residential |
DM39 |
UC044 |
No allocation as it had planning permission for mixed use at the time |
60% B1 employment and 40% leisure; and a mix of 60% residential, 20% employment and 20% small scale retail which broadly reflects a previous planning application ref 07/00643. |
This site (0.70 ha) seeks to provide 61 dwellings. The site is within an AQMA and residential use will result in extra traffic, which will impact on air quality. The alternative 60% employment and 40% leisure would have less traffic impacts than the allocated use but would not contribute to the SA housing objective. The leisure use would contribute to health and other social objectives, such as reducing social exclusion and providing opportunities for public participation. The alternative 60% residential, 20% employment and 20% small scale retail would result in less traffic than the proposed allocation and still provide contribution to housing. |
IP048 |
Mint Quarter / Cox Lane regeneration area |
60% Residential development to the east of Cox Lane,
retaining the locally listed façade to Carr Street. |
DM39 |
UC051 |
80% retail, car park & food & drink |
80% housing and 20% open space; 80% retail and 20% residential; 50% retail and 50% retain existing use as car park. . |
The proposed allocation would contribute to housing and health objectives. The proposed new public space would contribute to social objectives. It would provide a space where people could meet and may contribute to reducing social exclusion. The public open space would also potentially contribute to environmental objectives by improving air quality and biodiversity. This option would be more sustainable than the alternatives. The alternative of 80% housing and 20% open space would increase traffic and impact on air quality in this site which is near to three AQMAs. The alternative 80% retail and 20% residential will contribute to economic objectives but less so towards the social objective of housing and indirectly, health objective. The alternative 50% retail and 50% retain existing use as car park would increase traffic and impact on air quality in the area. |
IP049 |
No 8 Shed Orwell Quay |
University uses plus car parking |
DM53 |
UC052 |
50% Housing |
50% student housing and 50% teaching space; a mix of 60% housing, 20% B1 employment, 10% hotel and 10% leisure & small scale retail which broadly reflects a previous planning application (now withdrawn) ref 09/00756. |
This site has an area of 0.76ha. The proposed allocation will contribute to educational, employment, and economic objectives. The alternative of 50% student housing and 50% teaching space would contribute to housing, educational and employment objectives. The alternative mix of 60% housing, 20% employment, 10% hotel and 10% leisure would have more contribution to health than the proposed allocation and the other alternative due to its leisure component. |
IP051 |
Old Cattle Market Portman Road |
80% Employment B1 |
DM42 |
UC054 |
40% large scale leisure |
80% housing and 20% employment;
the preferred option of 40% large scale leisure and 50% retaining the existing use as car parking and 50% B1 office employment. 100% housing is considered unrealistic as is it in the flood zone and would need less vulnerable uses on the ground floor. |
The proposed allocation of 80% employment and 20% main town centre uses would contribute to employment and economic objectives. The alternative of 80% housing and 20% employment will increase traffic and impact air quality. The site is near the football club stadium and there may be increase in traffic in the area during major sport events. Although Portman Road gets closed during events at the football ground, there could be noise and disturbance issues for housing adjacent to the ground. The preferred option of 40% large scale leisure, 20% employment, 20% residential, 10% hotel and 10% small scale retail would contribute to economic and social objectives. The alternative of 50% retaining the existing use as car parking and 50% B1 office employment would contribute to employment objectives but the car parking would increase traffic in the area and adversely impact on air quality. This is the least sustainable option. |
IP052 |
Land between Lower Orwell Street & Star Lane |
80% residential |
DM42 |
UC055 |
80% Residential |
100% employment and 100% leisure. The latter reflects the recently permitted temporary bowling use on part of the site. The former would probably take the form of light industry B1c. Currently part of the site is used as a hand car wash. 12/00811/VC pp renewal for student accommodation approved Jan '13; 13/00649/ FUL temporary pp for bowling alley & adult gaming approved Sept '13. |
This is a small site (0.40). The proposed allocations would contribute to housing, health and economic objectives but residential use will increase traffic in this area which is within an AQMA. The alternative of 100% employment would contribute to employment and economic objectives. The alternative of 100% leisure would contribute to health and social objectives, such as reducing social exclusion. It would also contribute to the vitality of the town centre. The alternatives of 100% employment and 100% leisure would have less impact on traffic than the proposed allocation. |
IP054 |
Land between Old Cattle Market and Star Lane |
The part of the site to the west of Turret Lane (30%)
is allocated primarily for residential use. |
DM39 |
UC057 |
50% Residential |
40% retain existing uses (W of Turret Lane) 60% mix of offices, leisure and car parking (this mix broadly reflects the Link proposal); 25% housing 25% B1 employment 25% large scale retail 25% car parking. |
This 1.72ha site is allocated for mixed use development which may generate traffic on Star Lane and key town centre roads. Although the site is well served by public transport and near two bus stations, the number of new residents suggests potential for congestion at key junctions in the town centre. The alternative of 40% retain existing uses (W of Turret Lane) and 60% mix of offices, leisure and car parking (this mix broadly reflects the Link proposal) would contribute to economic, social and health objectives, but the car parking would increase traffic to the area. The alternative of 25% housing 25% B1 employment 25% large scale retail and 25% car parking would contribute less to the SA objective on housing but would contribute to employment and economic objectives; car parking would increase traffic in the area. |
IP055 |
Crown Street |
100% Car parking |
DM57 |
UC058 (only part) |
For much larger site: |
50% leisure (sport or culture) and 50% public car park; and 50% housing, 30% leisure and 20% public car park. Leisure/cultural uses could relate to Crown pools or to the High Street museum hub. |
The alternatives would have less impact on traffic and air quality than the proposed allocation. It would not contribute to health, housing or employment. This is the least sustainable option because of its potential environmental impacts. However, the allocation of 100% short term parking would support the vitality and viability of town centre shops. The alternative of 50% leisure (sport or culture) and 50% public car park would have less impact on traffic and will contribute more positively to social and health objectives. The alternative of 50% housing, 30% leisure and 20% public car park would contribute more positively to the housing, social and health objectives and there will be less increase in traffic than the proposed allocation. |
IP058 |
Former Volvo Site Raeburn Road South |
100% Employment |
DM42 |
UC061 |
50% Residential |
Employment, housing or retail. IBC Environmental Health advised that housing was inappropriate due to odour from nearby sewage works. The site is outside the town centre therefore retail and leisure would not comply with policy. A mix of 50% open space and 50% employment. |
The site has an area of 5.82 ha. The site is in existing employment use (storage) and is also identified as a County Wildlife Site, but as the Wildlife Audit update 2012 recommends, its CWS status should be reviewed because the species for which it was designated is no longer evident. The proposed allocation would impact on biodiversity, amenity and health. Since the site is currently designated as a country wildlife site, more consideration is required prior to its allocation for employment. A detailed ecological assessment of the impact on biodiversity from development should be undertaken. The alternative of a mix of 50% open space and 50% employment would also impact biodiversity, health and amenity. As above, a more detailed ecological assessment of the impact on biodiversity should be undertaken. |
IP059a |
Elton Park Industrial Estate, Hadleigh Road |
100% Residential - this is the western part of the employment area, formerly occupied by a factory |
DM39 |
UC062 (part) |
50% Residential |
100% employment use, which reflects the current or most recent use, and a mix of 50% housing and 50% employment. |
This site has an area of 2.63 ha. The proposed allocation of 100% residential use will increase in traffic and impact on air quality in the area. Any development has potential to impact on trees with Tree Preservation Orders in the area. The alternative of 100% employment would contribute to economic and employment objectives but not to housing and indirectly, health objectives. The alternative of 50% housing and 50% employment would contribute to social and economic objectives and there would be less traffic from residential use. This site is adjacent to an employment area and its current use is employment. |
IP061 |
Former School Site, Lavenham Road |
70% Residential |
DM39 |
UC064 |
New School |
100% retaining as open space, and 50% housing 50% open space. Site is currently open space. SCC have confirmed the school site is no longer required. |
The proposed allocation would contribute to housing and health objectives. The alternative of 100% retaining as open space would indirectly contribute to health as people may use the open space, but would not contribute to SA objective on housing. The alternative of 50% housing 50% open space alternative would contribute to the SA housing objective and the health objective. |
IP065 |
Former 405 Club, Bader Close |
100% Residential |
DM39 |
UC068 |
50% Housing |
40% open space and 60% housing (the 2010 SHLAA envisaged 60% residential). IBC is building council housing on this site. |
IP065 replaces open space with 100% housing, associated drainage and necessary road infrastructure. This could increase the surface run-off, but would be offset by adequate drainage and gardens. However, there will be increase in traffic and impact on air quality. This is less sustainable than the alternative. The alternative of 40% open space and 60% housing will contribute to housing but will also increase traffic. The site is adjacent to a railway line and any development would have potential impact on the wildlife corridor. |
IP066 |
JJ Wilson, White Elm Street |
100% Residential |
DM39 |
UC069 (a smaller site) |
100% Residential (on a slightly smaller site) |
100% retaining existing employment use (warehousing). |
This is a small site (0.32 ha). The site is within an AQMA and residential use will increase traffic to the area but contribute to social and housing objectives. The alternative of retaining the current 100% employment use as warehousing will contribute to economic and employment objectives but this will not be significant |
IP067 |
Former British Energy Site |
100% Employment |
DM42 |
UC070 |
50% Residential |
Housing, employment or open space.
IBC Environmental Health advised that housing was
inappropriate due to odour from nearby sewage
works. |
No Comment. |
IP080 |
240 Wherstead Rd |
100% Residential |
DM39 |
UC085 |
100% Residential |
100% employment as this was the previous use (offices). |
The area of this site is 0.49ha. This site is not within an AQMA but residential use may generate traffic northwards towards the centre or employment areas. The area is prone to flooding, located adjacent to a Flood zone, so residential use may have potential risks to residents and properties. The allocation would contribute to the housing objective. The 100% employment alternative would contribute to employment and economic objectives and have less impact on traffic than the proposed allocation. |
IP083 |
Banks of River upriver from Princes Street |
80% open space To be planned comprehensively with IP015. |
DM43 |
UC089 |
Primarily open space and public transport route plus some limited small scale retail, leisure or food & drink |
Open space or housing To be planned comprehensively with IP015 An element of open space will be required to protect the river path and its setting. The site is in the flood zone. 100% open space, and 60% open space, 20% housing and 20% small scale retail and food and drink. |
The site is near an AQMA. Only 20% of site IP083 will be allocated for residential uses; therefore it is not considered that new residents will contribute significantly to increase in the traffic on the key roads in the area. The alternative of 100% open space will have less contribution to SA objective on housing but this would not be significant but would contribute more significantly to biodiversity, amenity and health. The mix of 60% open space, 20% housing and 20% retail and food and drink would contribute to housing and economic objectives. Since the area is within a flood zone, housing may be a problem. |
IP089 |
Waterworks Street |
100% Residential |
DM39 |
UC096 |
100% Residential |
50% employment 50% car parking which broadly reflects the current uses, and 50% housing 50% car parking. |
The proposed allocation would contribute to housing and health objectives. The influx of new residents may increase traffic in the area although it is served well by public transport. The alternative of 50% employment, 50% car parking would contribute to employment and economic objectives but would increase traffic in the area. The site is near an AQMA and this alternative would have a greater negative effect on traffic and air quality than the proposed allocation. The alternative 50% housing and 50% car parking would increase traffic in the area and would have less contribution to the SA housing objective than the proposed allocation. |
IP094 |
Land to rear Grafton House |
100% Employment |
DM42 |
UC104 |
100% Employment B1 |
100% hotel or 20% employment and 80% residential (the site is in the flood zone so the Council would look for non-residential use on the ground floor). |
The proposed allocation would contribute to employment and economic objectives. The alternative of 80% residential and 20% employment would contribute to the housing objective but being in the flood zone, would have a negative score against the health objective. The alternatives of 100% hotel and of 100% employment would have similar impacts although being in a flood zone, a hotel would have a negative impact on health. |
IP096 |
Car Park Handford Road |
100% Residential |
DM39 |
UC109 |
100% Residential |
100% car parking (existing use) |
The area of this site is 0.22 ha. The area is well served by public transport and so although housing may generate traffic, the alternative of 100% car parking would have a greater negative impact on traffic and air quality. The alternative of 50% housing and 50% employment would contribute to employment and economic objectives as well as housing objective. It would result in less increase in traffic than the proposed allocation. |
IP099 |
Part of Former Volvo Site Raeburn Road |
100% Employment |
DM42 |
UC113 |
100% Employment |
Only employment is appropriate because of proximity to sewage works. No realistic alternative except non allocation. |
Non allocation would not contribute to employment or economic objectives. |
IP098 |
Transco, south of Patteson Road |
100% Residential |
DM39 |
UC111 |
100% Residential |
Employment or retain existing use (gas governor / Transco depot)
100% retain existing use (although it is quite an
inefficient use of land) |
The area is 0.57 ha. Residential use may increase road traffic but the area is well served by public transport, so the increase may not be significant. Retaining use as a depot within IP-One would not contribute to social or economic objectives. The alternative of 20% employment and 80% residential would contribute to both economic and social objectives. |
IP105 |
Depot, Beaconsfield Road |
100% Residential |
DM39 |
UC129 |
100% Residential |
None - retaining existing depot use inappropriate on access and amenity grounds |
The area of this site is 0.33 ha. Residential use would contribute to housing and health objectives. The existing use would contribute to employment objectives but this would not be significant. This option is not sustainable because of access problems and also it is near residential areas. |
IP116 |
St Clements Hospital Grounds |
80% Residential and 20% open space The site is a former mental hospital. Some mental health services are retained on part of the site excluded from the allocation. The remainder is vacant or becoming vacant. The allocation includes converting and refurbishing the Victorian hospital building and new build in the grounds |
DM39 |
UC185 |
80% Residential |
Retaining existing use not practical as it has already part relocated to Heath Road Hospital. 80% leisure/hotel and open space (country club type facility), as it is already adjacent to a golf course, with 20% housing as enabling development |
This is a large site, 12.51 ha. The proposed allocation would contribute to housing objectives. However, it may have potential negative impacts on health and biodiversity as development would be built on the grounds. This allocation would increase traffic in the area and reduce air quality. The alternative of 80% leisure/hotel and open space and 20% housing would contribute to economic, employment, and housing objectives. The leisure component would potentially contribute to health. However, this alternative would increase traffic in the area. Any development on the grounds will have potential impact on biodiversity. |
IP121 |
Front of Pumping Station Belstead Rd |
100% Residential |
DM39 |
UC209 |
100% Residential |
Currently landscaped grounds screening pumping station. Alternative: 100% retaining existing use as the alternative. |
The proposed allocation would contribute to housing objectives but would impact on biodiversity and amenity. The alternative of retaining the existing use would not contribute to housing objectives but would retain its biodiversity and amenity value. |
IP131 |
488-496 Woodbridge Rd / Milton Street |
100% Residential |
DM39 |
UC245 |
Was not allocated as had pp for residential at the time. Site now reduced in size from that which formerly had pp. |
Alternative uses as 100% retaining existing use (vehicle workshops) or 100% a new employment allocation. |
The proposed allocation would contribute to housing objectives. Retaining existing use as 100% vehicle workshops would contribute to employment and economic objectives. The alternative of 100% new employment use would contribute to employment and economic objectives. |
IP136 |
Silo College Street |
80% Residential |
DM39 |
UC251 |
80% Residential |
Alternative use as 100% hotel (based on market information). |
This 0.16ha site has a proposed allocation of 21 dwellings would contribute to housing and health objectives. It would also contribute to employment. The alternative use of 100% hotel would contribute to employment and economic objectives. |
IP140a |
Land north of Whitton Lane |
Park and ride extension |
DM45 |
UC257 |
No allocation |
100% employment as the alternative (B1, B2 or B8). |
IP140a has an area of 1.1ha, which is a greenfield site. IP140a is proposed for a park and ride extension. The site is on grassland and would have the potential for transboundary effects attracting workers from Mid Suffolk and potentially having an effect on traffic moving in and out of Ipswich concentrated in the north west and particularly on the A14. The alternative of 100% employment could also result in increase in traffic but the impact would be less than the park and ride facility. Any development on the site would have significant impacts on biodiversity and soil quality. There could also be a significant impact due to loss of potential for food production from the loss of agricultural land. |
IP140b |
Land north of Whitton Lane |
100% Employment |
DM42 |
UC257 |
No allocation |
50% employment 30% housing 20% open space An alternative of 100% housing is not realistic due to the Core Strategy commitment to deliver the 'green rim' in this vicinity. |
IP140b has an area of 5.92ha, which is a greenfield site. The site is on grassland and would have the potential for transboundary effects attracting workers from Mid Suffolk and potentially having an effect on traffic moving in and out of Ipswich concentrated in the north west and particularly on the A14. However, the allocation would contribute to economic and employment objectives The alternative of 50% employment and 30% housing and 20% open space could also result in increase in traffic but would contribute to housing, health, economic and biodiversity objectives. Any development on the site would have significant impacts on biodiversity and soil quality. There could also be a significant impact due to loss of potential for food production from the loss of agricultural land. |
IP142 |
Land at Duke St |
75% Residential Site is currently part vacant land and part employment premises. SCC have confirmed the school site is no longer required. |
DM39 |
UC259 |
New School |
100% open space and 50% residential and 50% public car park. |
The site has an area of 0.39 ha. The proposed allocation would contribute to housing and health objectives. The area is well served by public transport but there may be increased traffic due to private cars, impacting on the nearby AQMA. The alternative of 100% open space would contribute to SA Objectives on biodiversity and health. The nearest open space is approximately 400m from the site, so it would benefit nearby residents. The alternative of 50% residential and 50% car park would increase traffic in the area and impact on air quality. The area is well served by public transport, so that the increase in traffic would be mainly from the car park. This is the least sustainable alternative. |
IP146 |
Ransomes Europark (east) |
100% Employment |
DM42 |
UC263 |
100% Employment (on a larger site) |
This site lies in a designated employment area therefore there is no realistic alternative except non-allocation. |
The allocation for 100% employment would contribute to employment and economic objectives. Non allocation would have the same effects as the proposed allocation since the site lies within a designated employment area. |
IP147 |
Land between railway junction and Hadleigh Road |
100% Employment |
DM42 |
UC264 |
100% Employment plus land for rail chord (on larger site) Rail chord nearing completion hence smaller site now allocated for employment. |
None This site lies in a designated employment area therefore there is no realistic alternative except non-allocation. |
The allocation for 100% employment would contribute to employment and economic objectives. Non allocation would have the same effects as the proposed allocation since the site lies within a designated employment area. |
IP149 |
Pond Hall Carr & Farm |
Country park and visitor centre |
DM44 |
UC266 |
No allocation |
Retain existing use (agriculture) |
This 27.4ha site has access constraints, possible contamination and is adjacent to a Ramsar Site and Special Protection Area for Birds. The allocated use would result in loss of agricultural land, which would impact on food production. However, a country park has potential to contribute to health, amenity, and soil resource objectives. There may also be potential for biodiversity enhancements. Providing a country park and visitor area would provide an opportunity to manage recreational impacts on the SPA, as recommended by the Appropriate Assessment of the adopted Core Strategy.. The alternative of retaining the existing agricultural use would mean that there would be continued food production and no loss of agricultural land. |
IP150c |
Land south of Ravenswood |
100% Residential |
DM39 |
UC267 |
No allocation. Not allocated in 2007 as covered by Outline planning permission since lapsed. Previous local plan allocation was for residential, employment and sports park. |
100% employment and 50% employment 50% residential. |
This is part of a large site, covering 4.62 ha out of a total of 34.78 ha. The site is greenfield land, which is used for informal open space. Any development may have drainage constraints and would have biodiversity impacts. The site has potential wildlife interest – reptile and invertebrate surveys will be needed prior to any vegetation clearance and mitigation where appropriate. The proposed allocation would contribute to housing and health objectives. However, residential use would result in increased traffic in the area due to private car use and reduce air quality. There will be loss of amenity to nearby residents due to the loss of informal open space. The alternative of 100% employment would contribute to employment and economic objectives. There would be no contribution to housing or health objectives. The alternative 50% employment and 50% residential would contribute to economic and housing objectives. This alternative may be more sustainable than the 100% employment as it contributes to both social and economic objectives. |
IP150b |
Land at Ravenswood |
100% Sports Park |
DM44 |
UC267 |
No allocation. Not allocated in 2007 as covered by outline planning permission since lapsed. Previous local plan allocation was for residential, employment and sports park. |
100% residential, 100% open space and 50% residential 50% open space. |
Any development on this greenfield site has potential to impact on biodiversity. The proposed allocation will contribute to health, amenity and social objectives. The alternative of 100% residential would contribute to housing objective and indirectly to health objectives for the new residents. The sports park, however, would have potential direct health benefits for anyone in the Borough who would like to use the Sports Park. The alternative of 100% open space would have a similar contribution to health and amenity as the sports park but may have less contribution to community cohesion. However, this use would not impact on biodiversity. The alternative of 50% residential and 50% open space would contribute to housing, amenity and health objectives but less towards community cohesion. The sports park would have the potential to contribute to the health of the wider community. |
IP152 |
Airport Farm Kennels |
100% Employment |
DM42 |
UC269 |
50% Park & ride |
50% Park & Ride and 50% agriculture; 80% residential and 20% open space; and 50% P & R and 50% employment. |
This has an area of 7.37 ha, which is currently in agricultural use and is a greenfield site. The site is adjacent to the proposed sports park (IP150b) and housing (IP150c) and countryside. The allocation is for 100% employment, which would contribute to economic objectives. However, a greenfield site, there are potential impacts on biodiversity, food production and the quality of soil resources. The alternative of 50% park and ride and 50% agriculture would result in increased traffic and impact on air quality in the area but would have a benefit within central Ipswich. 50% retained as agriculture would benefit soil and food production. The alternative of 80% residential and 20% open space would contribute to the housing, health, amenity and biodiversity objectives but not economic objectives. The alternative 50% park and ride and 50% employment would increase traffic in the area but the park and ride may benefit the town centre. |
IP165 |
Eastway Business Park Europa Way |
100% Residential |
DM39 |
N/A |
N/A The site had planning permission for residential use in 2007. |
100% employment |
This site is 2.08 in area. IP165 seeks to provide 100 new dwellings which in the long term would result in the influx of private cars. Currently there is limited access to the site and this has the potential to put pressure on Bramford Road/B1067 to the north and Europa Way to the south of the site. Development on the site would result in the loss of grassland and scrubland. IP165 would provide homes located within 200m of an existing Local Centre and in close proximity to two bus routes and a proposed District Centre. The alternative use for 100% employment would contribute to economic objectives whilst the allocation would contribute to housing and indirectly, health objectives. The site is near a railway track, so noise may be a problem. There are employment areas nearby and employment use in the site may complement those areas. |
IP172 |
15-19 St Margaret's Plain |
Residential and town centre uses (non-retail) |
DM39 |
UC088 |
No allocation as had permission for flats |
50% residential 50% open space. |
The site is within an AQMA. The main use of the land will be residential, which may lead to additional use of private cars of any new residents. However, the site is relatively small in size (0.08ha) and the overall effect on traffic may be negligible due to the central location near most community facilities. Whilst the provision of decent housing associated with the development of the site may have some positive indirect effects on health, it is considered that the overall effect will be negligible. However, positive indirect effects on human health are likely to occur due to the close proximity of Christchurch park which may encourage people to walk and participate in sport events. The alternative of 50% residential and 50% open space would contribute less to the housing objective and but would have a greater contribution to health objectives. There would be less contribution to economic objectives. |
IP175 |
47-51 Waveney Road |
Residential |
DM39 |
N/A |
New site |
Alternative: 100% retaining the existing use (small workshop). |
This is a small site (0.15 ha) which is currently used as a vehicle repair workshop and it is proposed to use the land to develop 12 dwellings. It is not expected to have significant impacts on traffic or air quality. However, when considered together with the other proposed allocations (IP029, IP165 and IP033) in the area, the cumulative effects on traffic may be significant. Residential use would contribute to housing objectives whilst retaining the existing use as a small workshop would contribute to providing employment locally as well as providing a service to the local community. |
IP188 |
Webster's Saleyard Site, Dock Street |
100% Residential |
DM39 |
N/A |
New site |
100% employment use |
This is a small site (0.11 ha) and near an AQMA, designated due to air pollution along Vernon Street and Bridge Street. Although currently the site is located near existing employment areas to the southeast, the influx of new residents may cause congestion and deteriorate air pollution to the north of the sites in the vicinity of Bridge Street, Star Lane and Commercial Road. However, because the site is small, the impact is not considered to be significant. However, when considered together with the other proposed allocations, the cumulative effects on traffic may be significant. Also, the site is in a flood zone and residential use may not be appropriate because of the flood risk. The alternative of 100% employment use would contribute to economic objectives and would complement the other employment uses in the vicinity. |
IP221 |
Flying Horse PH, 4 Waterford Road |
50% Residential |
DM39 |
N/A |
New site |
100% residential |
This is a small site with an area of 0.35 ha. The allocation includes a pub will contribute to social objectives and provide a service to the local community. The alternative of 100% housing will contribute to housing objective but won't provide a service to the community. |
IP256 |
Artificial Hockey Pitch Ipswich Sports Club Henley Road |
100% Residential |
DM39 |
N/A |
New site |
Alternative: retaining the existing use (sports facility). |
This is a small site (0.6 ha), which is located next to open space and surrounded by residential areas. The development of 30 homes on the site would cumulatively result in an influx of people and private vehicles which in the medium to long term may contribute to an increase in vehicular emissions locally. There is, however, one local bus route in close proximity which may encourage more sustainable travel. Residential use would contribute to housing objectives. However, the site backs on to the Northern Fringe, so that there may be cumulative impacts on traffic in the area. The alternative of retaining the existing use (sports facility) would contribute to health, community participation and key services to the local community. |
IP257 |
Land at Felixstowe Road east of Malvern Close |
100% Residential |
DM39 |
N/A |
New site |
Alternative: retaining the existing use (care facility). |
This site (0.78ha) would provide for 27 dwellings which could result in extra traffic and emissions. The site is located within a residential area and residential use would contribute to the housing objective. The alternative of retaining the existing use as a care facility would provide a service to children in the community as well as providing housing. The care facility would result in less traffic, as traffic would be generated mainly by employees. |
IP258 |
Land at University Campus Suffolk |
New primary school |
DM44 |
N/A |
New site |
100% student accommodation and 100% retaining existing teaching uses. |
This site (2.58ha), allocated as a primary school, is near an AQMA. As a primary school, the allocation would contribute to educational objective and provide a key service to the community. The alternatives of 100% student accommodation or retaining existing teaching uses are not expected to have a significant impact on traffic since the site is well served by public transport. The 100% student accommodation would contribute to the housing objective but the primary school and retaining the site for teaching uses would contribute to the education objective. |
IP259 |
Former Holywells High School |
100% Residential |
DM39 |
N/A |
New site. The school is now an academy relocating to new buildings on a new site. |
100% retain as community facility (e.g. free school) and 50% residential 50% community facility. |
This 1.82 ha site is not within an AQMA for Ipswich. However, the provision of housing would contribute to the housing objective but could result in extra traffic and emissions. There is, however, current public transport provision along Lindbergh Road, which is close to the site, which may encourage new residents to use more sustainable transport choices. Sporting facilities, open space and sports fields will be kept as part of the plan. These would increase access to recreational and sporting facilities for the larger Priory Heath area as a whole. The alternative of retaining the site as a community facility would contribute to the services in the community, which could in turn contribute to community participation and cohesiveness but it would not contribute to the housing SA objective. The 50% residential and 50% community facility would provide benefits both to housing and social objectives. |
IP260 |
The former Odeon Cinema |
100% Leisure uses |
DM44 |
N/A |
New site |
100% residential |
Leisure use would complement the nearby theatre and provides access to a leisure service to the community. It would therefore contribute to the vitality of the centre and provide a place for people to meet, thereby reducing social exclusion. The alternative of 100% residential would contribute to housing objectives but would not contribute to the other social objectives. |
IP261 |
Land at River Hill |
100% Gypsy and Traveller Site |
DM41 |
New site |
New site |
Alternatives: retaining existing use (grazing), or housing, or allocating a larger area of the site for a greater number of G & T pitches (approx. 20 pitches on up to 1ha). |
This is 3 ha greenfield site which seeks to provide 5 pitches on part only for use by Gypsies and travellers on farmland. This allocation may cause disturbance to the land, lead to drainage problems and potentially contamination of the land from business activities if they are conducted on site. The alternative of retaining existing use (grazing) would retain soil quality and help support food production but would not meet a housing need. Housing would result in extra traffic and impact on air quality. As the site is next to the A14 there may be noise and access constraints. Allocating a larger area of the site for a greater number of pitches would increase negative impacts on soil and drainage. It would also increase traffic and air quality impacts but would provide more homes for Gypsies and travellers. |
IP262 |
Ash Tip, Cliff Quay |
100% Port related uses |
DM46 |
N/A |
Old Local Plan allocation carried forward |
100% general employment use or 100% retain existing use (as habitat) |
The site (3.12ha) will support port activities by providing an area for expansion. However, it will also create further traffic and machinery emissions through designation as port use. The site is presently on an area of unused/derelict land. Development on this area would result in disturbance to potential contaminants due to the historic use as an ash tip. Remediation works in this area could improve the quality of the soils. Port use and general employment use would both contribute to economic objectives. However, the site borders the SPA/Ramsar site to the east and is close to a SSSI to the south and port and general employment may potential impact the designated sites. The alternative to retain existing use would contribute to biodiversity and water resources objectives. |
IP263 |
West of Bridge Street north of the River Orwell |
Public open space This site is part of a far larger one which has planning permission for a large retail-led mixed use scheme. |
DM43 |
Small part of UC048 |
Larger site was suggested for: |
80% hotel 20% open space; and 80% residential 20% open space. |
The site may contribute partially to the achievement of the air quality SA objective through the provision of 0.17ha open space at the Waterfront part within the AQMA. The open space would also contribute to biodiversity, water, leisure, and indirectly, health objectives. The alternative of 80% hotel and 20% open space and 80% residential and 20% open space would contribute less to these objectives but the hotel would contribute to economic objectives and the residential, to the housing objective. Since this area is in the flood zone, there may be health risks from flooding. |
Table D-2 Sites included in the Site Allocations & Policies DPD - Table 2, Sites with PP / Awaiting a S106
Site ref. | Address | Allocated use(s) | Sites DPD policy ref | Pref options ref | Pref options use(s) | Alternatives considered | SA Comments |
IP11a |
Smart St Foundation St (part of former UC011 between Shire Hall Yard and Lower Orwell Street) |
Residential / residential-led mixed use Has planning permission for student accommodation. |
DM40 |
UC011 (part) |
80% residential |
Housing, employment, leisure or retail |
This site is 0.16ha and the indicative capacity is 17 dwellings. The relatively central location of the site may result in reduced need to travel by private car. The area is very well served by public transport and the alternative - housing, employment, leisure or retail would have similar impacts as the proposed allocation. Residential use will contribute to the housing objective but employment use would contribute to economic objectives. |
IP016 |
Funeral Director's Suffolk Road |
Residential / residential-led mixed use Has planning permission for 14 dwellings; ground works have started. |
DM40 |
UC016 |
100% Housing |
Employment, housing or open space |
Employment would contribute to employment and economic objectives. Housing would contribute to housing and indirectly, health objectives. There may be increased traffic from private cars but due to the number of proposed dwellings, the impact is not considered significant. The alternative of open space would contribute to amenity and health and would provide an opportunity for biodiversity enhancement. |
IP042 |
Land between Cliff Quay and Landseer Road |
Residential / residential-led mixed use Development as permitted would deliver a new use for the listed former brewery building. |
DM40 |
UC043 (part only) |
Retain existing uses (various - port related, walk in
clinic, pub, AW yard) |
Employment or retain existing uses |
This 3.78ha site is located near AQMA designated due to air pollution along Duke Street. As a result of the influx of new residents, traffic may be generated in the vicinity of Duke Street, the A1156, and Fore Street. The area is currently very well served by public transport and the indicative capacity of the site does not suggest a significant increase in traffic. Residential use will contribute to the housing SA objective and there may also be contribution to economic objectives from other mixed uses. The alternative of employment would contribute to economic and employment objectives. Retaining existing uses, which are port related, clinic, and pub would provide benefits to the community and contribute to social objectives as well as providing vitality to this area. Any development should be sensitive to the listed building designation. |
IP059b |
Arclion House, Hadleigh Road |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
UC062 (part) |
50% Residential |
Employment, housing, or retain existing uses (in-use and vacant employment premises) |
The proposed allocation would contribute to housing and indirectly, health objectives. Its mixed use component would contribute to employment and economic objectives. The alternative of housing would contribute to the housing objective but will not contribute to economic objectives. The alternatives of employment and of retaining existing uses (employment and vacant employment premises) have potential to contribute to economic objectives. |
IP074 |
Church and land at Upper Orwell Street |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
UC078 |
No allocation as the site had planning permission |
None |
No comment since there is no reasonable alternative. |
IP084 |
Land adjacent to County Hall, St Helen's Street |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
UC091 (part) |
No allocation as the site had planning permission |
Employment use. |
This site (0.84ha) has an indicative capacity for 50
dwellings. The site is located close to AQMA (in the
area of St. Helens Street), and potential negative
effects are associated with dust and air pollution
during construction.
The alternative of employment use would contribute to
economic objectives. |
IP088 |
79 Cauldwell Hall Road |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
UC095 |
No allocation as the site had planning permission |
Housing or retain existing use (church hall) |
The proposed allocation would contribute to the housing objective and indirectly, to the health objective. It would also contribute to economic objectives. The alternative of housing would contribute to the housing objective and indirectly, to health objectives but there will be no contribution to economic objectives. The alternative of retaining its existing use as a church hall would contribute to providing a key service to the community and may support community cohesion. |
IP090 |
Europa Way |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
UC100 |
No allocation as the site had planning permission |
Retail use (the site is also allocated as a new district centre) |
This 1.43 ha site seeks to provide 142 dwellings, which would result in an influx of private vehicles and an increase in emissions which may negatively affect local air quality. The significant number of homes provided by the allocation would support the District Centre. The site is located adjacent to an employment area and there are a number of housing sites proposed nearby (IP65, IP033 and IP029), all of which may result in cumulative effects on traffic and air quality The alternative of retail use may contribute to economic and employment objectives. Its effect on traffic and air quality is not anticipated to have as significantly adverse an effect as the proposed housing allocation. |
IP109 |
The Drift Woodbridge Road |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
UC156 |
100% residential |
Retain existing use (gardens and garages) |
This 0.42ha site seeks to provide 13 dwellings. Due to the number of dwellings proposed, it is not expected that there will be significant impacts on traffic and air quality. The loss of gardens would have biodiversity impacts. |
IP129 |
BT Depot Woodbridge Road |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
UC237 |
100% residential |
Employment or retain existing use (as BT depot) |
This 1.07ha site seeks to provide 39 dwellings, which would contribute to the housing SA objective. The residential use would increase private vehicles which in the medium to long term would contribute to an increase in vehicular emissions locally. There are however local bus routes in close proximity to the site, which may encourage more sustainable travel. The alternative, employment or retaining existing use would contribute to employment objectives and would have less impact on vehicular emissions locally. |
IP130 |
South of South Street |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
UC241 |
No allocation as the site had planning permission |
Car parking use. |
This 0.22ha site seeks to provide 11 dwellings, which would not have significant effects on traffic but a car parking would increase traffic in this residential area. |
IP132 |
Bridge Street, Northern Quays |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
UC247 |
No allocation as the site had planning permission |
None |
No comment since there are no alternatives. |
IP133 |
South of Felaw Street |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
UC248 |
No allocation as the site had planning permission |
None |
No comment since there are no alternatives. |
IP135 |
112-116 Bramford Road |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
UC250 |
100% residential |
Employment |
The proposed allocation would contribute to housing and indirectly, health objectives. The mixed use component would contribute to economic objectives. However, the allocation would result in increased traffic from private cars. The alternative of employment would contribute to employment and economic objectives and would generate less traffic than housing |
IP150a |
Land south of Ravenswood - Ravenswood S & T |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
UC267 |
Not allocated 2007 as covered by outline pp since lapsed. Previous local plan allocation was for residential, employment and sports park. |
Leisure, employment, housing, retain existing use (open land) |
This 4.1 ha site for residential use will increase traffic in the area. However, Ravenswood has a District Centre and a primary school so that shops and facilities are accessible by foot. The allocation includes the development of sporting facilities which will likely increase visitors and traffic to the area. Increase to public transport provision could mitigate this. Residential and residential led mixed use would contribute to housing and economic objectives. The alternative of retaining existing as open land would contribute to biodiversity, leisure and air quality. |
IP169 |
23-25 Burrell Road |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
N/A |
No allocation as the site had planning permission |
Employment use as an alternative |
The proposed allocation would contribute to housing and indirectly, health objectives. The mixed use component would contribute to economic objectives. However, the allocation would result in increased traffic from private cars, although it is situated very close to the railway station to encourage sustainable travel. The alternative of employment would contribute to employment and economic objectives and would generate less traffic than housing. |
IP176 |
7-9 Woodbridge Road |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
UC081 |
No allocation as the site had planning permission for apartments, retail and office |
Housing or employment |
The proposed allocation would contribute to housing and indirectly, health objectives. The mixed use component would contribute to economic objectives. However, the allocation would result in increased traffic from private cars. The alternative of housing only would contribute to housing and health objectives but there would be no contribution to economic objectives. The alternative of employment would contribute to employment and economic objectives and would generate less traffic than housing. |
IP178 |
Island House, Duke Street |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
N/A |
No allocation as the site had planning permission for student accommodation |
Leisure use. |
This is a small site (0.09ha) with an indicative capacity of 9 dwellings and would have a minor contribution to the housing objective. The alternative of leisure use would contribute to health and amenity in the area. |
IP200 |
Griffin Wharf, Bath Street |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
N/A |
No allocation as the site had planning permission |
None |
No Comment since there are no alternatives |
IP205 |
Burton's, College Street |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
N/A |
No allocation as the site had planning permission |
None |
No Comment since there are no alternatives |
IP206 |
Cranfields, College Street |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
N/A |
No allocation as the site was under construction in 2007 |
None |
No Comment since there are no alternatives This is a stalled development at the Waterfront |
IP209 |
158 Foxhall Road |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
N/A |
No allocation as the site had planning permission |
None |
No Comment since there are no alternatives |
IP211 |
Regatta Quay, Key Street |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
N/A |
No allocation as the site was under construction in 2007 |
None |
No Comment since there are no alternatives. This is a stalled development at the Waterfront |
IP214 |
300 Old Foundry Road |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
N/A |
No allocation as the site had planning permission |
None |
No Comment since there are no alternatives |
IP215 |
7-15 Queen Street |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
N/A |
No allocation as the site had planning permission |
None |
No Comment since there are no alternatives |
IP223 |
Hayhill Road, Woodbridge Road |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
N/A |
No allocation as the site had planning permission |
None |
No Comment since there are no alternatives. The site is part built with 106 additional dwellings yet to be completed |
IP245 |
12-12a Arcade Street |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
N/A |
No allocation as the site had planning permission |
Leisure use as an alternative |
This is a small site (0.06ha) located near an AQMA
(along Crown Street and St. Margaret Street), and
potential negative effects are associated with dust and
air pollution during construction.
Residential use would contribute to housing objectives
and indirectly, health objectives. The alternative of leisure use, assuming a cinema or gym, would have less impact on traffic but would contribute to health, community cohesion and the vitality of the area. |
IP246 |
158-160 London Road |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
N/A |
No allocation as the site had planning permission |
Employment use as an alternative. |
This is a small site (0.06ha) and the site is currently in use therefore due to the proposed number of housing at the site, it is not considered that the increase in private cars as a result of development would significantly increase vehicular emissions. The residential use would contribute to the housing objective. The alternative of employment use would not generate as much traffic and contribute to economic objectives. |
IP253 |
Electric House, Lloyds Avenue |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
N/A |
No allocation as the site had planning permission |
Employment use as an alternative. |
The main use of the land will be residential which may lead to additional use of private cars of any new residents. However, the site is relatively small in size and the overall effect on traffic may be negligible due to the central location near most community facilities. The site is well served by public transport therefore it is considered that effects will be neutral in the long term. The alternative of employment would contribute to economic objectives while residential use would contribute to the housing objective. |
IP226 |
Helena Road |
Residential / residential-led mixed use |
DM40 |
N/A |
No allocation as the site has a resolution to grant planning permission for 566 dwellings subject to a Section 106 Agreement. |
Employment use as an alternative. |
This site is 1.87ha in size and the relatively central location of the site may result in reduced need to travel by private car. The area is very well served by public transport (three local buses running on Duke Street and two buses running on Bishops Hill). In addition, the site is located near a District Centre on Duke Street. The indicative 566 dwellings would have a major positive contribution to the housing SA objective. The alternative of employment use would contribute to economic objectives. |