
Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal - Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) DPD

Ended on the 5 March 2015


5.1.1 This section provides an outline monitoring framework and advice for monitoring the significant effects of implementing the Site Allocations DPD. Monitoring is an ongoing process integral to the Site Allocations DPD implementation, and can be used to:

  • Determine the performance of the plan and its contribution to objectives and targets;

  • Identify the performance of mitigation measures;

  • Fill data gaps identified earlier in the SA process;

  • Identify undesirable sustainability effects; and

  • Confirm whether sustainability predictions were accurate.

Requirements of the SEA Directive

The activities relevant to monitoring that are stipulated in the SEA Directive are outlined in Box 4. The outcomes of these activities are detailed in this section.

Box 4: SEA Directive Requirements Applicable to Monitoring

“Member States shall monitor the significant environmental effects of the implementation of plans and programmes... in order, inter alia, to identify at an early stage unforeseen adverse effects, and to be able to undertake appropriate remedial action” (Article 10.1).

The Environmental Report should provide information on “a description of the measures envisaged concerning monitoring” (Annex I (i)).


The monitoring framework has been developed to measure the performance of the Site Allocations DPD against changes in defined indicators that are linked to its implementation. These indicators have been developed based on the following:

  • The objectives, targets and indicators that were developed for the SA Framework;

  • Features of the baseline that will indicate the effects of the plan;

  • The likely significant effects that were identified during the effects assessment; and

  • The mitigation measures that were proposed to offset or reduce significant adverse effects.

The monitoring framework has been designed to focus mainly on significant sustainability effects including those:

  • That indicate a likely breach of international, national or local legislation, recognised guidelines or standards.

  • That may give rise to irreversible damage, with a view to identifying trends before such damage is caused.

  • Where there was uncertainty in the SA, and where monitoring would enable preventative or mitigation measures to be taken.

As well as measuring specific indicators linked to the implementation of the Site Allocations DPD, contextual monitoring of social, environmental and economic change has been included i.e. a regular review of baseline conditions in the borough. This enables the measurement of the overall effects of the plan.

There are numerous SA indicators available and it is not always possible to identify how a specific plan has impacted a receptor, for example housing provision is likely to be influenced by a number of actions and different plans. A thorough analysis of the data collated and the emerging trends will, therefore be important.

Existing Monitoring Programmes

A fundamental aspect of developing the monitoring strategy is to link with existing monitoring programmes and to prevent duplication of other monitoring work that is already being undertaken. The Ipswich AMR identifies a series of indicators that can be used to monitor progress. The proposed monitoring framework presented in Table 5-1 has also been ‘tied in’ with the proposed monitoring framework for the Site Allocations DPD.

Proposed Monitoring Framework

Table 5-1 provides a framework for monitoring the effects of the Site Allocations DPD and determining whether the predicted sustainability effects are realised. The framework is based around the SA Objectives and includes the following elements:

  • The potentially significant impact that needs to be monitored or the area of uncertainty;

  • A suitable monitoring indicator;

  • A target (where one has been devised);

  • The potential data source; and

  • The frequency of the monitoring.

For some of the SA Objectives, for example those relating to townscape character and quality, it will be necessary for baseline characteristics and contextual information to be reviewed.

The impacts predicted in the SA will not be realised until development occurs through the Site Allocations DPD.

Monitoring should be ongoing during the whole life of the plan. The targets identified in Table 5-1 will therefore need to be reviewed and updated as new ones are developed and existing ones modified. In addition new or more appropriate indicators may also be developed as more information is gathered and the SA process and Site Allocations DPD further develops.

It should be noted that benefits would be realised from monitoring at different geographical scales. As this is a strategic assessment, it is important to consider the overall changes to Ipswich Borough Council as a whole, as well as considering the changes within individual settlements and the relevant local wards.

It should be noted that a number of socio-economic indicators are not measurable at the very local level. However, as this is a strategic assessment it is important to consider the overall changes to Ipswich as a whole in addition to individual settlements and changes to the local wards. They have, therefore been included to provide a context and to understand how the plan could lead to changes across Ipswich.

Those indicators written in italics highlight current data gaps which will be reviewed and additional information gathered where possible.

Table 5-1 focuses upon indicators which are relevant to the monitoring of the likely significant effects within Ipswich as a result of the Site Allocations DPD.

Table 5-1 Proposed Monitoring Framework

SA Objective Effect to be Monitored Indicator and Target
(targets and sources are provided where relevant)
Review Timescale
ET1. To improve air quality
ET4. To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment
ET6. To limit and adapt to climate change
The Site Allocations DPD is committed to promoting the use of sustainable transport. It would contribute to sustainable transport through the provision of housing, jobs and facilities in accessible locations which would support and encourage sustainable movement. It may also result in an increase in traffic which would have an uncertain effect on local air quality. Access to services and facilities by public transport, walking and cycling: To link with Travel Ipswich to achieve a 15% modal switch for journeys in Ipswich by 2031 (Ipswich Borough Council).
Number and distribution of AQMAs: No new AQMAs to be designated in the borough (Defra).
Per capita CO2 emissions in the local authority area: To reduce Ipswich’s estimated carbon footprint by 60% from the 2004 base level by 2025 (Ipswich Borough Council).
Annual average domestic gas and electricity consumption: To reduce the Annual average domestic gas and electricity consumption (DECC).
Every three years.
ET2. To conserve soil resources and quality The Site Allocations DPD will seek to develop on brownfield land as a priority which represents a sustainable use of soil resources. Percentage of development on previously developed land: Over the plan period, 75% of major developments to take place in IP-One, District Centres or within 800m of District Centres. (Ipswich Borough Council).
Area of contaminated land returned to beneficial use: Target to be established (Ipswich Borough Council).
Density of new residential development: At least 90 dph in the town centre, Ipswich Village and Waterfront, a minimum of 40 dph around district centres and an average of 35dph elsewhere (Ipswich Borough Council).
Every three years
ET3. To reduce waste The Site Allocations DPD will seek to provide waste disposal and recycling facilities where possible with new development and encourage the reduction of waste. The Site Allocations DPD will seek to minimise the amount of waste generated during construction and through the lifetime of the buildings. However, overall waste is likely to increase due to the proposed levels of growth. Tonnage of household waste produced and recycled: To recycle or compost at least 33% of household waste (Suffolk County Council).
Amount of residual waste (i.e. not recycled) per household: To reduce the amount of residual waste collected per household in Ipswich.
ET5. To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population The Site Allocations DPD contains provisions for improving accessibility and connectivity within the borough which would meet the needs of all communities. Location of new development: Over the plan period, 75% of major developments to take place in IP-One, District Centres or within 800m of District Centres.
Number of LSOAs with wards in bottom 10% of most deprived in terms of barriers to housing and services provision: Reduce the number of wards with LSOAs in the bottom 10% most deprived in terms of barriers to housing (IMD).
Every three years
ET6. To limit and adapt to climate change
ET7. To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding
All development has the potential to impact upon water quality and resources and could increase flood risk in flood zone areas. A large portion of the proposed growth lies within Flood Zone at present. Water quality in rivers and groundwater quality: Aim to achieve at least good status for all water bodies by 2015 (Environment Agency).
Daily domestic water use (per capita consumption, litres): To increase water efficiency measures in new development (Anglian Water).
Number of planning applications granted permission contrary to Environment Agency advice: No planning applications permitted contrary to Environment Agency advice on flooding (Ipswich Borough Council).
Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management: Implementation of the tidal surge barrier by 2017 (Ipswich Borough Council).
ET8. To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity , including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs The Site Allocations DPD seeks to conserve and enhance local biodiversity and to protect the borough’s green infrastructure. It also seeks to create new open spaces and to link ecological and green corridors across Ipswich. Some development has potential to affect habitats and connectivity. Extent and condition of key habitats for which Biodiversity Action Plans have been established: To maintain / enhance condition of BAP habitats. Not recorded in AMR, Where would the data be.
Net change in extent of protected habitat: No net loss of natural capacity. To increase the tree canopy cover in the borough to 22% by 2050 (Ipswich Borough Council).
ET9. To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings
ET10. To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes
Development built to a high quality design along with heritage protection measures outlined in the Site Allocations DPD would help to protect and enhance local townscape. Uncertain effects on some heritage assets including archaeology. Number of heritage assets ‘at risk’: Six currently on this list. Target – to have none on the list (English Heritage).
Landscape character and Conservation Area appraisals: to demonstrate no deterioration in quality of landscape/townscape.
Every five years
HW1. To improve the health of those most in need
HW2. To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation
Provision of new open spaces, better quality housing, sport and community facilities and new employment opportunities are important factors that affect health, quality of life and community participation. An increase in walking and cycling can also increase levels of health and wellbeing. Number of wards in the bottom 10% most deprived (Department for Communities and Local Government): Reduce the number of wards with LSOAs in the bottom 10% most deprived (Index of Multiple Deprivation).
Adult participation in Sport: To increase the levels of adults participating in physical activity.
Area of open space created through new development: To increase provision.
Every three years
ER1. To reduce poverty and social exclusion The Site Allocations DPD promotes significant growth within Ipswich including the provision of new homes, community facilities and employment opportunities which overall could help to reduce deprivation. Proportion of population who live in wards that rank within the 10% most deprived in the country: Reduce the number of wards with LSOAs in the bottom 10% most deprived (Index of Multiple Deprivation). Every three years.
ER2. To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment Over the plan period the creation of jobs along with economic development within accessible areas would provide the foundations to improve existing income and employment deprivation along with reducing unemployment within areas most at need. Unemployment rate: To improve Ipswich’s rank in the indices of multiple deprivation by 2031 for income and employment deprivation (IMD).
Employment opportunities: To deliver up to 12,500 jobs by 2031 (Ipswich Borough Council)
Average wage: To increase the average wage within Ipswich.
Joint working taking place through the IPA Board (or other equivalent forum): To achieve effective cross boundary working on housing, strategic greenspace and employment site provision.
Every three years
ER3. To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community The Site Allocations DPD would lead to residential development across the borough which would help widen the choice, quality and affordability of housing. The provision of student accommodation, residential units, pitches for Gypsies and Travellers. Number of new dwellings achieving a minimum Level 4 Code for Sustainable Homes Standard: At least 75% of new dwellings gaining planning permission in any year to achieve a minimum Level 4 Code for Sustainable Homes standard.
Affordable housing provision In Ipswich: 15% in the Borough outside of the Garden Suburb (Ipswich Borough Council).
Living environment deprivation: To improve Ipswich’s rank for living environment deprivation (IMD).
Number of housing completions: To meet local need (Ipswich Borough Council).
Percentage split of dwelling types (i.e. number of 1 bed, 2 bed, 3 bed etc): To meet local need (Ipswich Borough Council).
Every three years
ER4. To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area
ER5. To support vital and viable town, district and local centres
The Site Allocations DPD seeks to enhance the town centre and to provide improvements to district and local centres. Enhancements and improvements would help to attract visitors, support investment would support the viability of these areas. Development distribution: Over the plan period, 75% of major developments to take place in IP- One, District Centres or within 800m of District Centres.
Take up of employment land: To provide a minimum of 30ha (Ipswich Borough Council).
Unemployment in Ipswich: To reduce the number of people unemployed in Ipswich.
No. / Percentage of vacant retail units: Target to be established.
Percentage of new retail floorspace developed within defined centres: Target to be established.
Every three years
ER6. To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth
ER7. To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment
The Site Allocations DPD seeks to create attractive conditions for business development and economic growth focusing on those areas most in need of regeneration with elevated levels of deprivation. Travel to work percentage by mode: To increase the proportion of the population travelling to work by sustainable transport.
No. of business enquiries to Ipswich Borough Council / Suffolk County Council by types and size of site: Target to be established.
Employment land availability: To provide a minimum of 30ha (Ipswich Borough Council).
Every five years
CL1. To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults The Site Allocations DPD seeks to provide new educational facilities including new schools and extensions to existing facilities in accessible location and also to make improvements to existing facilities. GCSE Attainment Levels (Grades A*-C): Defined target yet to be established though levels of attainment should be increased over time to match regional and national averages.
Proportion of the population with no qualifications: To reduce the proportion of the population with no qualifications (ONS).
Pupil to teacher’s ratios and percentage of community facilities within 800m of a centre: Target to be developed (Ipswich Borough Council).
CD1. To minimise potential opportunities for crime and antisocial activity Provisions focused in particular within central Ipswich and the town centre have the potential to help minimise crime through regeneration benefits and security by design measures. Recorded crime per 1,000 population: - To tie in with Police targets relating to reducing crime levels by 2031 (Ipswich Borough Council).
Fear of Crime (Quality of Life, Suffolk Speaks, British Crime Survey): Target to be established.
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