
Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal - Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) DPD

Ended on the 5 March 2015

Appendix G

Sustainability Matrix Opportunity Areas

IP- One Opportunity Areas

A – Island Site

B – Merchant Quarter

C – Mint Quarter and surrounding area

D – Education Quarter and surrounding area

E – Westgate

F – River Corridor and Princess Street Corridor

Objective Performance of opportunity area

Temporal scale



Geographical extent


Mitigation / Enhancement Measures


To improve air quality

A: +/-

B: +/-

C: +/-

D: -

E: +/-

F: +

Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty


The regeneration of Opportunity Area A – The Island Site is likely to increase traffic in this area, which would have a negative effect on air quality. However, Area A is close to but not within an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA). Green areas and the reinstatement of the tree lined promenade as well as the provision of pedestrian and cycle routes may have a positive effect on air quality.

A section of the Opportunity Area B - Merchant Quarter is within an AQMA. This covers the area between Star Lane, College Street, and Fore Street. Increased development of sites in this area is likely to result in increased traffic, which would have a negative effect on air quality. However, pedestrian links are proposed, which would contribute partially towards reducing traffic levels within the town centre and help people make more sustainable transport choices in the long term.

Improved cycle routes to link the Merchant Quarter area with the Waterfront and the Central Shopping Centre are considered.

Opportunity Area C- Mint Quarter is not within an AQMA but redevelopment in the area of non-retail use, particularly residential uses and car parking would potentially increase traffic in the area. However, since the redevelopment would be located on an existing surface car park, the overall effect may be neutral or positive, depending on the number of new car parking spaces.

The area along Star Lane, Grimwade Street, Fore Street and Duke Street within Opportunity Area D – Education Quarter is within an AQMA. Additional car parking will increase road traffic in this area, which would have a negative effect on air quality.

The regeneration of Opportunity Area E – Westgate includes a pedestrian link and new level crossings which would improve pedestrian movement within the area. The area is not within an AQMA. However, high density residential housing and shoppers’ car parking are proposed. Also, NO2 emissions along St Matthew Street have been recorded as high.

Opportunity Area F – River Corridor and Princes Street Corridor are not within AQMAs. New or enhanced pedestrian and cycle links are proposed to the Waterfront area. The area of car parking to the east of Portman Road has been identified as having potential for a mixed use development. Although the office and leisure uses and a car park to service those uses will increase traffic, removing the large car park would have a neutral or positive effect on air quality. New or enhanced pedestrian and cycle links are proposed to the Waterfront area. Overall, the potential impact on this SA Objective is positive.

It is recommended that all Opportunity Areas should make reference to improving walking and cycling routes in these areas.


To conserve soil resources and quality

A: +

B: +

C: +

D: +

E: +

F: +

Medium and Long-term

Direct / Indirect


Medium Certainty


Developments in Opportunity Area A, B, C, D, E and F would mostly be located on brownfield sites. There are proposals to include some green areas in Opportunity Area A, which may improve soil quality.

Some sites in Opportunity Areas B, C, D, E and F may possibly be contaminated and these would need to be remediated before any redevelopment. Remediation would improve soil quality.

It is recommended that Opportunity Areas should include a reference to providing landscaped areas and green spaces where practicable.


To reduce waste

A: -

B: -

C: -

D: -

E: -

F: -

Medium and Long-term



Low Certainty


Opportunity Areas A, B, C, D and E include residential developments, which would increase household waste in the Borough. Other uses in mixed use developments– offices, cafes and restaurants would also produce waste. Opportunity Area F would be mainly offices and leisure uses and is expected to produce office waste.

The provision of adequate and appropriately placed bins and where possible recycling facilities within these areas could contribute towards reducing waste and encouraging residents, shoppers and businesses to recycle.

It is recommended that Opportunity Areas should include reference to the provision of adequate waste facilities and where possible recycling facilities within the areas.


To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment

A: +/-

B: +/-

C: +/-

D: +/-

E: +/-

F: +/-

Short, Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty

Borough wide

Increased development and car parking within the Opportunity Areas A, B, C, D, E and F would increase traffic. Pedestrian and cycling links are proposed in Opportunity Areas A and F, while pedestrian links are proposed in Opportunity Areas B, C, and E. These Opportunity Areas would contribute partially towards reducing traffic levels within the town centre. These may help encourage people to make more sustainable transport choices in the long term and contribute towards reducing the effects of traffic upon the environment.

It is recommended that Opportunity Areas A and D should include reference to the provision of cycling and walking routes to promote more sustainable transport choices, which may reduce car use within these areas.


To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population

A: +

B: +

C: +

D: +

E: +

F: +

Medium and Long-term



High Certainty

Borough wide

Regeneration and redevelopment of Opportunity Areas A, B, C, D, E and F would improve access to services. Opportunity Area A provides for heritage/cultural based visitor attractions, marina moorings, retail, cafes and restaurants. Opportunity Area B provides for offices/businesses, cafes/restaurants and small scale retail. Opportunity Area C and E provide for cafes/restaurants and small scale retail uses. Opportunity Area D provides for higher and further education uses. Opportunity Area F provides for offices and leisure uses.

It is recommended that Opportunity Areas include reference to community facilities such as community halls and health facilities.


To limit and adapt to climate change

A: +/-

B: +/-

C: +/-

D: +/-

E: +/-

F: +/-




Low Certainty

Borough wide

Opportunity Areas A, B, C, D, E and F are accessible by public transport. This would help reduce the use of private cars and greenhouse gas emissions. However, developments within these areas may result in increased use of private cars by people outside Ipswich and this would increase greenhouse emissions. Opportunity Area F is in the vicinity of the railway station.

Opportunity Area A and parts of Opportunity Areas B and D are within Flood Zone 2 and 3. Opportunity Area A is in the vicinity of the River Orwell and Wet Dock. Opportunity Area F is along the River Corridor and within a Flood Zone. Development of these areas should take into account flood risk and encourage the use of SuDS where possible.


To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding

A: +

B: 0

C: 0

D: 0

E: 0

F: 0




Medium Certainty

IP-One town centre

Opportunity Area A and parts of Opportunity Areas B and D are within Flood Zone 2 and 3. Opportunity Area A is in the vicinity of the River Orwell and Wet Dock and includes provision of open space which may help to reduce flood risk. Part of Opportunity Area F is within a Flood Zone and is located along the River Corridor. New developments have potential to increase flood risk. However, since the Opportunity areas are already built up or largely covered by hard surfaces, any development would be redevelopment of existing buildings it is unlikely that there will be increase in flood risk. Opportunity Areas C and E are not within any flood zones and developments are not expected to increase flood risk.

Though not referred to in the Opportunity Areas, the incorporation of Sustainable Urban Design Systems (SuDSs) into opportunity areas would have the potential to contribute to reducing flood risk.

It is recommended that Opportunity Areas A, B, D and F should make some reference to the use of SuDS features against flood risk.


To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs

A: -

B: -

C: 0

D: 0

E: 0

F: -




High Certainty

IP-One town centre

The area around Opportunity Area A – Island Site covering the area west of the Orwell River and adjacent to the Wet Dock area is designated as a County Wildlife Site. It is also close to the Orwell Estuary Special Protection Area. There is potential for developments to have a negative effect on the species and habitats on the river. There is potential for disturbance during construction.

It is recommended that ecological assessments should be undertaken during the design phase of development proposals.

Opportunity Area B is adjacent to the Wet Dock and therefore new developments on the Waterfront have potential to impact water habitats and species.

Opportunity Area C and E are in built up areas and have limited potential to impact biodiversity.

The southern section in Opportunity Area D is located adjacent to the Wet Dock and includes a car park proposal. The existing use is a car park, and as such, redevelopment would not increase surface water run-off The design should ensure that surface water run-off is contained.

Opportunity Area F is along the River Corridor and east of Princes Street is a County Wildlife site. There is potential for development to impact on species and habitats along the river.

It is recommended that ecological assessments should be undertaken during the design phase of development proposals.


To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings

A: +

B: +

C: +

D: +

E: +

F: 0

Short, Medium and Long Term



Medium Certainty


There is a listed building (Felaw Maltings) on the west bank of the on Opportunity Area A. The Opportunity Area is within an area of archaeological importance. There is potential for new development to have an impact on archaeological resources within the area during construction periods. The conversion of historic buildings should be sensitive to the character of the buildings. The Opportunity Area refers to enhancing the setting of historic buildings such as Felaw Maltings. Development in Opportunity areas B and C will take account of Scheduled monuments and archaeology.

There are a number of listed buildings in Opportunity Areas B, C, D and E, which are also in areas of archaeological importance. There is potential for the listed buildings and their setting to be directly affected by new development during construction. However, Opportunity Area B refers to opportunities to reinforce existing historic character. Opportunity Area D refers to developments respecting and enhancing settings of listed and historic buildings. In addition, the Core Strategy policies CS4 and DM9 would offer some protection.

There is only one listed building in Opportunity Area F. There is potential for new development to have an impact on the listed building and its setting during construction, which is considered negligible.

Reference to the protection of heritage assets is included in the DPD, therefore overall impacts are considered to be positive in the long term.


To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes

A: +/-

B: +/-

C: +/-

D: +/-

E: +/-

F: +/-

Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty


Opportunity Areas A, B, C, and D are within or partly within Conservation Areas. Opportunity Area E is adjacent to a Conservation Area. Improved public realms are proposed for Opportunity Areas A, B, C, D, E and F. There is also a commitment to improve connectivity and take account of the existing street patterns. There is potential to impact on the character of the Conservation Areas but also opportunities for enhancement.

Opportunity Area F is not within or adjacent to Conservation Areas. However, the river corridor is along the River Orwell which is a County Wildlife Site and developments have potential to impact on the townscape but also offers an opportunity to enhance the river landscape. This Opportunity Area proposes an improved public realm in front of the station, which would contribute to the visual amenity in the area.

It is recommended that Opportunity Areas A, B, C and D include a reference to the design of new developments being sensitive to the character of the Conservation Areas. Opportunity Area D should include a reference to the design of new developments being sensitive to the river corridor landscape.


To improve the health of those most in need

A: +/-

B: +/-

C: +/-

D: +/-

E: +/-

F: +/-

Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty


Opportunity Areas A, B, C, D and E propose residential developments, which would improve the housing stock within the Borough. Good quality housing will indirectly contribute positively to this SA Objective.

Opportunity Area F provides for leisure uses, which should have an indirect effect on the health of those using the facilities.

However, new developments would increase traffic and affect air quality, which could also have a negative impact on health.


To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation

A: +

B: +

C: +

D: +

E: +

F: +

Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty

Borough wide

Opportunity Area A proposes employment, small scale retail, heritage and cultural based visitor attraction as well as public open space and waterfront promenade which would contribute to the quality of life within the Ipswich Waterfront.

Opportunity Areas B, C, D and E also propose residential, business, cafes and small scale retail uses which will provide key services and facilities to meet the needs of residents. Opportunity Area C seeks to address higher and further education needs through academic facilities, support facilities and student accommodation.

Opportunity Area F proposes office and leisure uses and the improvement of the river corridor would provide an amenity to the residents.

With the approach to development focused on development in and around town centre, contributions can be made to the vitality and vibrancy and will help to improve quality of life as well as contribute towards encouraging community participation.


To reduce poverty and social exclusion

A: +

B: +

C: +

D: +

E: +

F: +

Medium and Long-term



Low Certainty

Borough wide

Opportunity Areas A, B, C, D, E and F would make some contribution to the SA Objective through providing communities with employment areas, key services and facilities which would support the reduction of social exclusion.


To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment

A: +

B: +

C: +

D: +

E: +

F: +

Medium and Long-term



Low Certainty

Borough wide

Opportunity Areas A, B, C, D, E and F would make some contribution to the SA Objective through providing employment within the opportunity areas.


To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community

A: +

B: +

C: +

D: +

E: +

F: 0

Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty

Borough wide

Opportunity Areas A, B, C, D and E would contribute to the SA Objective through proposals for residential uses within the opportunity areas. Opportunity Area F would not contribute to this objective since it only provides for offices and leisure uses.


To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area

A: +

B: +

C: +

D: +

E: +

F: +

Medium and Long-term



Low Certainty


Opportunity Areas A, B, C, D, E and F would make some contribution to the SA Objective through providing communities with employment areas, key services and facilities, which would prove attractive to new businesses because of accessibility and would serve to support economic growth.

These policies would provide the opportunities to encourage new business formation and would promote opportunity areas as places to live and work which would support economic growth within the plan area.


To support vital and viable town, district and local centres

A: +

B: +

C: +

D: +

E: +

F: +

Medium - Long-term



High Certainty

Town Centre and District Centres

Opportunity Areas A, B, C, D, E and F directly support the SA Objective, particularly the vitality and viability of the town centre. These Opportunity Areas recognises that these areas perform an important role serving the day to day convenience, food and services needs of their local resident catchment populations. These opportunity areas will provide a focus for community facilities and higher density housing development, would contribute to the vitality of these areas as well as the town centre.

These opportunity areas provide key employment areas for businesses to locate. The provision of adequate employment areas will increase the Borough’s attractiveness and will help to support the vitality and viability of the town centre.


To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth

A: +/-

B: +/-

C: +/-

D: +/-

E: +/-

F: +/-




Medium Certainty

Town Centre and District Centres

Opportunity Areas A, B, C, D, E and F recognise the importance of connectivity within the town centre. Cycling and pedestrian routes are proposed or are to be improved.

However, should the total number of parking spaces increase this may encourage more private cars into the centre. There are proposals in the vicinity of the Star Lane Gyratory and St Matthews Street, which would increase traffic in those areas.


To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment

A: +

B: +

C: +

D: +

E: +

F: +

Short, Medium and Long-term



Low Certainty


Opportunity Areas A, B, C, D, E and F recognise the importance of protecting and allocating employment, business and retail areas within the town centre. This will ensure that sufficient land and premises will be available to accommodate new businesses. Public realm improvement will also provide an attractive central environment, which may encourage investment.


To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults

A: 0

B: 0

C: 0

D: +

E: 0

F: 0

Medium and Long-term



Medium Certainty

Borough wide

Opportunity Area D supports this SA Objective by providing for land for educational uses and support facilities.

Other Opportunity Areas would not contribute to this objective.


To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity

A: +/-

B: +/-

C: +/-

D: +/-

E: +/-

F: +/-

Short, Medium and Long-term



Low Certainty


There may be increased opportunities for crime within the Opportunity Areas due to the increase in population, shops and businesses. However, increased employment opportunities and improved living standards may also contribute to the reduction of crime. Opportunity Areas include connectivity, the development of vacant sites and opening of spaces to further community use could lower anti-social behaviour incidences.

It is recommended that Opportunity Areas make reference to incorporating safety by design which would contribute towards reducing the potential for crime and anti-social activities.

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