Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal - Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) DPD
Appendix E
Assessment of SP Policies
Policy SP4 Land protected for Gypsy and Traveller sites
SA Objective | Performance of policy |
Temporal scale Permanency Certainty |
Geographical extent |
Commentary Mitigation / Enhancement Measures |
Performance of alternative (‘no policy option’) |
Commentary Mitigation / Enhancement Measures |
ET1 To improve air quality |
SP4: ? |
Medium and Long-term Direct / Indirect Reversible Medium / Low Certainty |
Borough wide and neighbouring authorities |
Sites currently used by gypsies and travellers are identified on the policies map and are protected for that use. Since there are no new sites proposed for pitches, it is considered that the existing baseline will not see significant change. It is unknown at this stage where a potential site for a permanent pitch would be allocated, therefore it is considered that the overall effect from the implementation of the current policy is uncertain at this stage. A potential new site allocation for a pitch would need to meet the criteria in policy CS11 of the Core Strategy. |
SP4: ? |
In the absence of policy SP4, the sites used by gypsies and travellers at present will not be protected. As the location of new travellers’ sites in neighbouring authorities is unknown it is difficult to directly compare the preferred option and this alternative option. The effects on air quality will be dependent on the location of any new sites. A potential new site allocation for a pitch would need to meet the criteria in policy CS11 of the Core Strategy. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
SP4: + |
Short, Medium and Long-term Direct Reversible Medium / Low Certainty |
Borough wide and neighbouring authorities |
It is unknown at this stage where the exact location of a new pitch would be. However, as policy CS11 seeks to locate gypsy and traveller accommodation on previously developed land where possible and geological sites should be protected, it is considered that if a new site becomes available it would support the SA objective. |
SP4: + |
In the absence of policy SP4, policy CS11 of the Core Strategy would provide guidance on the requirements of location of gypsy and traveller accommodation. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
SP4: + |
Short, Medium and Long-term Direct Reversible Medium / Low Certainty |
Borough wide and neighbouring authorities |
No significant changes are anticipated with regard to the SA objective. If a new site becomes available, it should be ensured that new gypsy and traveller accommodation is capable of being serviced with waste disposal and re-cycling facilities (as per CS11). |
SP4: + |
No significant changes are anticipated with regard to the SA objective. If a new site becomes available, it should be ensured that new gypsy and traveller accommodation is capable of being serviced with waste disposal and re-cycling facilities (as per CS11). |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
SP4: ? |
Short, Medium and Long-term Direct Reversible Medium / Low Certainty |
Borough wide and neighbouring authorities |
The existing sites are located at a distance from the town centre and community facilities. It is essential that if a new site becomes available, the criteria related to access are met (as per CS11). |
SP4: ? |
As the location of new travellers’ sites in neighbouring authorities is unknown it is difficult to directly compare the preferred option and this alternative option. In the absence of policy SP4, policy CS11 of the Core Strategy would provide guidance on the requirements of location of gypsy and traveller accommodation. |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
SP4: + |
Short, Medium and Long-term Direct / Indirect Reversible Medium / Low Certainty |
Borough wide and neighbouring authorities |
The policy seeks to ensure that all applications for the provision of permanent pitches meet the criteria in policy CS11 of the Core Strategy. This would ensure any new gypsy and traveller accommodation is located (where possible) within 1km of basic services including the public transport network, along with being accessible safely on foot, by bicycle and by vehicle. As the policy seeks to ensure pitch provision is accessible to essential services effects are assessed as positive. |
SP4: + |
In the absence of policy SP4, policy CS11 of the Core Strategy would provide guidance on the access requirements for any new gypsy and traveller accommodation. The alternative option would result in the same effects as the preferred option. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
SP4: 0 |
Medium and Long-term Direct / Indirect Reversible Medium / Low Certainty |
Borough wide and neighbouring authorities |
There is no clear relationship between the policy and the achievement of the SA Objective or the relationship is negligible. |
SP4: 0 |
There is no clear relationship between the alternative option and the achievement of the SA Objective or the relationship is negligible. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
SP4: + |
Short, Medium and Long-term Direct Reversible Medium / Low Certainty |
Borough wide and neighbouring authorities |
The existing pitches are not located in a flood zone. The policy seeks to ensure that all applications for the provision of permanent pitches meet the criteria in policy CS11 of the Core Strategy. This would ensure any new gypsy and traveller accommodation is located in an area free from flood risk. Therefore beneficial effects have been recorded. |
SP4: + |
The existing pitches are not located in a flood zone. In the absence of policy SP4, policy CS11 of the Core Strategy would provide guidance on flood risk criteria for any new gypsy and traveller accommodation. The alternative option would result in the same effects as the preferred option. |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
SP4: + |
Short, Medium and Long-term Direct Reversible Medium / Low Certainty |
Borough wide and neighbouring authorities |
Policy CS11 commits to ensure new gypsy and traveller accommodation is not sited where it could potentially affect sites of nature conservation importance. This would be particularly beneficial given the borough’s (although fairly urban) number of SSSIs, LNRs and the Stour and Orwell Estuaries SPA and Ramsar site. |
SP4: + |
The alternative option would result in the same effects as the preferred option. |
ET9 To conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and sites of historical importance |
SP4: + |
Short, Medium and Long-term Direct Reversible Medium / Low Certainty |
Borough wide and neighbouring authorities |
Positive scores were recorded against Policy CS11 as the policy ensures that new gypsy and traveller pitch provision does not have a significant effect on conservation areas. The positive score could be strengthened though removing the reference to conservation areas and historic sites in clauses ii and iii respectively and adding a new clause that states ‘heritage assets’. |
SP4: + |
The alternative option would result in the same effects as the preferred option. |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
SP4: + |
Short, Medium and Long-term Direct Reversible Medium / Low Certainty |
Borough wide and neighbouring authorities |
Policy CS11 makes a commitment to ensuring new pitch provision is proportionate in size to nearby settlements, does not impact on the appearance and character of the open countryside and does not affect sites designated for their landscape qualities. |
SP4: + |
The alternative option would result in the same effects as the preferred option. |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
SP4: 0 |
Short, Medium and Long-term Direct Reversible Medium / Low Certainty |
Borough wide and neighbouring authorities |
There is no clear relationship between the policy and the achievement of the SA Objective or the relationship is negligible. |
SP4: 0 |
There is no clear relationship between the alternative and the achievement of the SA Objective or the relationship is negligible. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
SP4: + |
Short, Medium and Long-term Direct Reversible Medium / Low Certainty |
Borough wide and neighbouring authorities |
Policy CS11 makes a direct commitment to ensuing new gypsy and traveller sites are proportionate in size and support community cohesion. |
SP4: + |
In the absence of policy SP4, policy CS11 makes a direct commitment to ensuing new gypsy and traveller sites are proportionate in size and support community cohesion. Therefore, it is considered that the alternative option would result in the same effects as the preferred option. |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
SP4: ? |
Short, Medium and Long-term Direct Reversible Medium / Low Certainty |
Borough wide and neighbouring authorities |
There is a clear commitment in policy SP4 to protect the existing two sites for Gypsies and Travellers; however it is unknown at this stage how the need for additional permanent pitches will be addressed. The achievement of the SA objective (specifically social inclusion) will be dependent on the joint work with neighbouring authorities and the identification of a new site. |
SP4: - |
The alternative (‘no policy’ option) would fail to offer protection of the existing two sites. In the absence of policy SP4, the land of the existing permanent pitches may be allocated for another use (e.g. residential, employment, etc.). This may lead to the need to relocate travelling show people who are currently using the permanent pitches. Some negative effects are related to social exclusion, particularly if the existing users of the sites are moved to temporary pitches and are scattered across the Borough. With regard to any new sites, policy CS11 makes a direct commitment to ensuing new gypsy and traveller sites are proportionate in size and support community cohesion. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
SP4: + |
Short, Medium and Long-term Direct Reversible Low Certainty |
Site specific |
Policies SP4 relates to provision of accommodation to Gypsies and Travellers to meet the needs identified by the Council. The policy seeks to provide a suitable site for a mixed residential and business use which may offer some employment opportunities in the localised area of the pitches. |
SP4: + |
In the absence of policy SP4, policy CS11 makes a direct commitment to ensuing new gypsy and traveller sites are large enough to allow business activities to be carried out. Therefore, it is considered that the alternative option would result in the same effects as the preferred option. |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
SP4: + |
Short, Medium and Long-term Direct Reversible Medium / Low Certainty |
Borough wide and neighbouring authorities |
The existing sites will be protected through the implementation of the policy. There remains an element of uncertainty as the location of sites for Gypsies and Travellers in neighbouring authorities is currently unknown. New gypsy and traveller pitch provision would also ensure all sectors of society are catered for with regards to housing requirements. |
SP4: - |
The existing sites will not be protected under the ‘no policy’ option. This will lead to failure to meet the identified needs for gypsy and travellers accommodation and direct negative impacts would occur for this community group, especially if the sites are lost (i.e. the existing use changes). |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
SP4: 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
There is no clear relationship between the policy and the achievement of the SA Objective or the relationship is negligible. |
SP4: 0 |
There is no clear relationship between the alternative and the achievement of the SA Objective or the relationship is negligible. |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
SP4: 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
There is no clear relationship between the policy and the achievement of the SA Objective or the relationship is negligible. |
SP4: 0 |
There is no clear relationship between the alternative and the achievement of the SA Objective or the relationship is negligible. |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
SP4: + |
Short, Medium and Long-term Direct Reversible Low Certainty |
Borough wide |
It is unknown whether the implementation of policy SP4 would encourage efficient patterns of movement as the location of additional permanent pitches is unknown. However, if the criteria listed in CS11 are met, some positive effects could be anticipated as the site should be accessible safely on foot, by cycle and by vehicle and it should where possible, within 1km of basic services including the public transport network. |
SP4: + |
In the absence of policy SP4, policy CS11 of the Core Strategy would provide guidance on the location of any additional new gypsy and traveller accommodation. The alternative option would result in the same effects as the preferred option. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
SP4: 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
There is no clear relationship between the policy and the achievement of the SA Objective or the relationship is negligible. |
SP4: + |
If the existing sites are not protected through policy SP4, the land could be allocated for other uses, for example office/retail/employment, which may offer benefits associated with investment in the areas of the existing pitches. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
SP4: 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
There is no clear relationship between the provision of new sites or pitches and improved access to education. |
SP4: 0 |
There is no clear relationship between the alternative and the achievement of the SA Objective or the relationship is negligible. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
SP4: 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
Crime rates are higher than national average within Ipswich with high records of organised crime and hate crime amongst others. An influx of new residents could potentially result in an increase in thefts in the short term, however, this not the only factor that contributes to an increase of crime levels – for this reason effects have been recorded as neutral. |
SP4: 0 |
There is no clear relationship between the alternative and the achievement of the SA Objective or the relationship is negligible. |
Policy SP9 Safeguarding land for transport infrastructure
SA Objective | Performance of policy |
Temporal scale Permanency Certainty |
Geographical extent |
Commentary Mitigation / Enhancement Measures |
Performance of alternative (‘no policy option’) |
Commentary Mitigation / Enhancement Measures |
ET1 To improve air quality |
SP9: + |
Medium and Long-term Direct / Indirect Reversible Low Certainty |
Site specific |
Policy SP9 ensures that the site allocations at IP010a or b, IP059a, IP037, and IP029 will include provision for adequate transport infrastructure. Sustainable transport access (pedestrian and cycle river crossings) is an integral part of these developments which would benefit local air quality and the associated AQMAs. The potential impacts of the link road at IP029 on the traffic network will be known after detailed modelling work is undertaken. The park and ride site at Bury Road is currently disused. Bringing back into service the facility would provide an opportunity for the local community and those travelling from further afield to travel locally in a more sustainable manner which would contribute towards easing congestion within central Ipswich though ultimately it would lead to a minor localised increase in vehicles. |
SP9: - |
In the absence of policy SP9 which seeks to safeguard land for transport infrastructure at specific site allocations, the provision of this site specific infrastructure will not be secured. The ‘no policy’ option would not offer benefits such as improved pedestrian and cycling connectivity and access, and it is considered that in the absence of the policy, the impacts on air quality may be negative as people would use private cars rather than choose walking or cycling. In addition, the park and ride site would not be safeguarded and if the land is allocated for other uses, there will be lost opportunities to bring back the facility into service and encourage people to travel in a more sustainable manner. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
SP9: 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
There is no clear link between the policy and the SA Objective. |
SP9: 0 |
There is no clear relationship between the alternative and the achievement of the SA Objective or the relationship is negligible. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
SP9: 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
There is no clear link between the policy and the SA Objective. |
SP9: 0 |
There is no clear link between the alternative and the SA Objective. |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
SP9: + |
Medium and Long-term Direct / Indirect Reversible Medium Certainty |
Borough wide |
Policy SP9 ensures that sustainable transport access (walking, cycling and public transport) is an integral part of new development at IP010a or b, IP059a, IP037, and IP029. This would reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment and contribute directly to the achievement of the SA objective. |
SP9: - |
In the absence of policy SP9, it is likely that less sustainable travel options would be chosen by the local residents to access key services and employment areas, and effects of traffic upon the environment could be negative. |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
SP9: + |
Short, Medium and Long-term Direct Reversible Medium Certainty |
Borough wide |
Policy SP9 commits to ensuring the transport infrastructure proposed with IP010a or b, IP059a, IP037 supports the use of sustainable modes of transport. This will be achieved through improved accessibility and adequate cycle and parking provision across at the sites. This would contribute to ensuring new development maintains / improves access to essential services and facilities. |
SP9: - |
It is considered that the ‘no policy’ option may result in failing to secure the provision of adequate transport infrastructure within certain development sites. This will result in direct negative impact in relation to SA Objective ET5 due to potential limited access opportunities. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
SP9: + |
Medium and Long-term Direct / Indirect Reversible Medium Certainty |
Borough wide |
Positive effects are associated with the provision of pedestrian and cycle crossings. This would encourage people to choose more sustainable travel options (walking, cycling) and reduce carbon emissions from transport over the medium to long term. |
SP9: - |
The ‘no policy’ option would not offer benefits such as improved pedestrian and cycling connectivity and access, and it is considered that in the absence of a policy the impacts on climate change may be negative as people would use private cars rather than choose walking or cycling. In addition, the park and ride site would not be safeguarded and if the land is allocated for other uses, there will be lost opportunities to bring back the facility into service and encourage people to travel in a more sustainable manner. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
SP9: 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
There is no clear link between the policy and the SA Objective. |
SP9: 0 |
There is no clear link between the alternative and the SA Objective. |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
SP9: 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
There is no clear link between the policy and the SA Objective. |
SP9: 0 |
There is no clear link between the alternative and the SA Objective. |
ET9 To conserve and where appropriate enhance areas and sites of historical importance |
SP9: 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
There is no clear link between the policy and the SA Objective. |
SP9: 0 |
There is no clear link between the alternative and the SA Objective. |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
SP9: 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
The policy does not explicitly commit to any measures to ensure that new transport infrastructure is designed to maintain and enhance local distinctiveness and townscape. However, as the infrastructure forms part of housing developments, it is anticipated that the mitigation measures suggested for the individual site allocations will be taken into consideration where possible. |
SP9: 0 |
The alternative option would result in the same effects as the preferred option. |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
SP9: + |
Medium and Long-term Direct / Indirect Reversible Low certainty |
Borough wide |
Policy SP9 seeks to ensure the promotion of sustainable modes of transport (i.e. walking, cycling or using public transport) is integral to the design of new development at IP010a or b, IP059a, IP037, and IP029. The promotion of sustainable transport may contribute to encouraging healthy lifestyles and reducing vehicle emissions – this can have positive health effects in the long term. |
SP9: - |
Some negative effects are possible if residents are provided with less opportunities for pedestrian/cycling access to key services or/and employment areas. That may result in people travelling/commuting primarily using their private cars and following less healthy lifestyles. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
SP9: + |
Medium and Long-term Direct / Indirect Reversible Low certainty |
Borough wide |
The SA objective will be achieved through improved access to and from new development to facilities (e.g. parks, public transport infrastructure, etc.). The provision of pedestrian and cycle crossings would help to encourage healthier lifestyles and encourage community participation. |
SP9: - |
In the absence of policy SP9, sustainable access options to key services and community facilities may not be available from IP010a or b, IP059a, IP037 and IP029. People may be discouraged to participate in community events due to limited options to travel. |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
SP9: 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
There is no clear link between the policy and the SA Objective. |
SP9: 0 |
There is no clear link between the alternative and the SA Objective. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
SP9: + |
Medium and Long-term Direct / Indirect Reversible Low certainty |
Site specific |
Access to employment sites will be improved at IP059a to Hadleigh Road Industrial Estate. Vehicular, cycle and pedestrian connections will improve the connectivity of IP037 to the town centre and employment areas. Therefore, the policy scored positively against the SA objective. |
SP9: - |
In the absence of policy SP9, sustainable access options to employment areas may not be available from IP010a or b, IP059a, IP037 and IP029. Therefore, it is considered that potential effects would be negative. |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
SP9: 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
The primary focus of this policy is not to address issues related to housing. |
SP9: 0 |
There is no clear link between the alternative and the SA Objective. |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
SP9: 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
Although effects have been assessed as neutral against the SA Objective, ensuring new development incorporates sustainable access into the design may contribute to ensuring transport infrastructure meets the needs of business. However, certainty for this is very low. |
SP9: - |
In the absence of policy SP9, the provision of adequate transport infrastructure within the new development sites at IP010a or b, IP059a, IP037 and IP029 may not be secured. This may have indirect negative impacts on prosperity and economic growth in the vicinity of the sites as the needs of business may not be met. |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
SP9: + |
Short, Medium and Long-term Indirect Reversible Low Certainty |
Local, district and the town centre |
The policy commits to ensuring new development supports the use of sustainable modes of transport through a requirement to facilitate improved accessibility. A new cycle and pedestrian crossing will link IP010a and b to the District Centre Another pedestrian and cycle crossing will link IP059a to the river path on the northern bank. Additional vehicular, cycle and pedestrian access to and from the Island Ste (IP037) will improve connectivity between the residents and the town centre. This would contribute to ensuring new development maintains / improves access to essential services and facilities – most of which are located within the boroughs town centre, local and district centres, therefore this may have positive effects on the SA Objective. |
SP9: - |
Access options from the new sites (IP010a or b, IP059a, IP037 and IP029) will be limited under the ‘no policy’ option as less opportunities for people to use sustainable modes of transport will be available. The park and ride site would not be safeguarded land which may result in allocating the site for other uses. If the park and ride facility is lost, the sustainable access to the town centre of people travelling outside Ipswich will be restricted. For all these reasons, it is considered that the alternative will lead to negative effects with regard to this SA Objective. |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
SP9: + |
Short, Medium and Long-term Indirect Reversible Medium Certainty |
Borough wide |
Policy SP9 would benefit the SA Objective as it would contribute to ensuring new development meets people’s transport infrastructure needs (including walking and cycling) along with ensuring new adequate vehicular access is provided. This would promote the use of sustainable travel modes and may reduce dependence on the private car over the medium to long term. All of the above would encourage efficient patterns of movement to support economic growth. |
SP9: - |
It is considered that under the ‘no policy’ option may result in failing to secure the provision of adequate transport infrastructure within certain development sites. Negative effects may occur as the use of sustainable travel modes would potentially be discouraged in the absence of adequate transport infrastructure. This may result in congestion issues in peak hours of the day and travel delays. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
SP9: + |
Short, Medium and Long-term Indirect Reversible Medium Certainty |
Borough wide |
Ensuring sites are accessible may make Ipswich a more attractive place people want to invest in. |
SP9: - |
Failing to provide access improvements at IP010a or b, IP059a, IP037 and IP029 will make the area less attractive in terms of investment opportunities. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
SP9: 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
There is no clear link between the policy and the SA Objective. |
SP9: 0 |
There is no clear link between the alternative and the SA Objective. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
SP9: 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
There is no clear link between the policy and the SA Objective. |
SP9: 0 |
There is no clear link between the alternative and the SA Objective. |
IP- One Policies
Policy SP10 – Retail Site Allocations
Policy SP11 – Ipswich Waterfront
Policy SP12 – Education Quarter
Policy SP13 – Ipswich Village
Policy SP14 – Arts, Culture and Tourism
Policy SP15 – Improving Pedestrian and cycle routes
Policy SP16 – Transport Proposals in IP-One
Policy SP17 – Town Centre Car Parking
Objective | Performance of policy |
Temporal scale Permanency Certainty |
Geographical extent |
Commentary Mitigation / Enhancement Measures |
ET1 To improve air quality |
Medium and Long-term Direct Reversible Medium Certainty |
Central Area Shopping Areas, Retail Areas, District Centres within IP-One town centre The Waterfront, Education Quarter and IP-One |
Policy SP10 relates to the Land at Westgate, which is allocated for A1 retail-led mixed use development. Refurbishments of the Tower Ramparts located in the town centre are supported in the reasoned justification. Policy SP11 relates to the Waterfront, which remains the focus for regeneration within central Ipswich to create mixed use neighbourhoods – residential, community, office, arts, culture and tourism. Much of the 80 ha area is developed but a few key sites remain to be redeveloped. Policy SP13 has a similar regeneration focus replacing older industries with large-scale office development. SP11 and SP13 may result in an increased use of private cars by future residents who may travel to areas outside Ipswich and by people that may be travelling to these cultural facilities and employment areas from outside Ipswich. Increased traffic may negatively impact air quality. However, this is a central area with a range of uses nearby, accessible by public transport, particularly for residents in the town centre. SP12 focuses development for education and ancillary uses, such as student accommodation or offices within the Education Quarter. This policy is likely to have a positive impact within the quarter and reduce travelling by private car since the developments would be within the Suffolk New College Campus and the University Campus Suffolk. SP14 supports the retention and enhancement of existing facilities, providing for arts, culture and tourism facilities and the creation of new facilities including visitor accommodation within the town centre boundary and the Waterfront area. The facilities will be focused in the town centre, which is well served by public transport which may reduce impact on air quality. However, there may also be those who would travel by private car to these facilities. SP15 supports improvements to pedestrian and cycle routes within the town centre and those linking the town centres to residential areas and beyond, which is likely to have a positive impact on air quality. The Star Lane Gyratory, which is a key east-west corridor, causes congestion and poor air quality as well as a barrier to pedestrian movement between the Waterfront and the Central Shopping Area. SP16 safeguards provision of a new Wet Dock Crossing. This policy is likely to contribute positively to air quality. SP17 provides for a Central Car Parking Core within town centre. Additional spaces at car parks are proposed in the Mint Quarter, and Turret Lane, which are within or close to AQMA. This provision of a number of car parks may encourage people to travel by private car. The policy states that it supports the Travel Ipswich measures and encourages the use of sustainable modes of transport. Although the policy lists the benefits of promoting sustainable transport choices, it is recommended that Policy SP17 includes information on how it supports sustainable modes of transport within IP-One. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
Medium and Long-term Direct / Indirect Reversible Medium Certainty |
IP-One town centre |
SP10 seeks to define where retail activities are to take place. Policy SP11, SP12, SP13 and SP14 relate to the regeneration of the Waterfront, Ipswich Village, developments in the Education Quarter and the development of cultural and arts facilities in the town centre. Proposed developments would be on brownfield land and would make contributions to the SA Objective if any contaminated land is remediated. SP15, SP16 and SP17 relate to cycling and pedestrian routes, a pedestrian crossing and car parks respectively and these are likely to be in the built up area of the town centre. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
Medium and Long-term Direct Reversible Low Certainty |
Waterfront and Education Quarter and IP-One town centre |
SP10 will result in increase in waste from the Tower Ramparts Shopping Centre and the residential-led scheme on the eastern half of the Mint Quarter site. The provision of adequate and appropriately placed bins and where possible recycling facilities within these areas could contribute towards reducing waste and encouraging residents to recycle. It would also serve to maintain an attractive image of the Central Shopping Area and district centres by keeping them tidy and free from litter. It is recommended that Policy SP10 should include reference to the provision of adequate waste facilities and where possible recycling facilities within the Central Shopping Area, Westgate and district centres. The proposed developments in SP11 and SP13 could potentially lead to an increase in waste within the Waterfront and Ipswich Village. Similarly, developments proposed within SP12 could potentially lead to an increase in waste within the Education Quarter. The development of cultural facilities and visitor accommodation as proposed in SP14 could also lead to an increase in waste within the Waterfront and within the town centre. SP15, SP16 and SP17 are not likely to result in significant waste generation. It is recommended that Policies SP11, SP12, SP13 and SP14 should include reference to the provision of adequate waste facilities and where possible recycling facilities within the Waterfront, Education Quarter and town centre. The application of Code for Sustainable Homes and BREEAM standards as part of new development should lead to a progressive reduction in waste generation and encourage greater levels of re-use and recycling as part of new development. |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
Short, Medium and Long-term Indirect Reversible Medium Certainty |
Borough wide |
These policies would contribute partially towards reducing traffic levels within the Borough as they would be located within the town centre, where sustainable modes of transport are available. The provision of retail uses in the district centres of Wherstead and Duke Street will provide convenient access for people to go to work and use local services. This in turn may help to encourage people to make more sustainable transport choices in the long term and contribute towards reducing the effects of traffic upon the environment. Policy SP11 approach is to encourage regeneration within the Waterfront to create mixed use developments so that facilities and services would be accessible to residents. Similarly, Policy SP12 provides for education and ancillary uses within the Education Quarter, which would be accessible to those at the Suffolk New College and Suffolk University. Policy SP13 seeks to provide offices/leisure facilities in the west part of the town centre. SP14 provides for access to arts, culture and tourism facilities within the town centre. These policies would contribute partially towards reducing traffic levels within the Borough as they would be located within the town centre, where sustainable modes of transport are available. Policy SP15 would encourage cycling and walking and help reduce car use. SP16 would facilitate access between the Waterfront and the Central Shopping Area, which may reduce car use. Policy SP17 provides for car parking in the town centre and is likely to increase traffic congestion within the town centre. Car park site allocations are proposed within or adjacent to AQMAs. It is recommended that Policy SP17 includes information on sustainable modes of transport within IP-One. |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
Medium and Long-term Direct/Indirect Reversible High Certainty |
Waterfront, Education Quarter, IP One |
Policy SP10 directly supports the SA Objective and highlight the important serving role of the town centre and district centres as places to provide key service needs for the local surrounding population. Policies SP11, SP12, SP13 and SP14 directly support the SA Objective and highlight the important serving role of the town centre, the Waterfront, Ipswich Village and Education Quarter as places to provide key service needs for the local surrounding population. Policy SP15 would improve access to services within the town centre and also the wider area. Policy SP16 would improve access between the Waterfront and Central Shopping Area, serving both the Waterfront residents and those in the Central Shopping Area. SP17 would improve access services in the town centre from within or even outside the Borough. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
Long-term Direct Irreversible Low Certainty |
Borough wide |
Policy SP10 promotes retail uses within the town centre, which are accessible by public transport. Similarly policy SP13 promotes large scale office development within the town centre boundary. This would help reduce the use of private cars and greenhouse gas emissions. However, policy SP10 and SP13 may result in increased use of private cars by people outside Ipswich and this would increase greenhouse emissions. On the whole, people are likely to have more opportunities to use sustainable modes of transport by providing developments in the town centre. Policies SP11, SP12, SP14 and SP15 would help reduce dependence on the private car. New housing proposed in Policy SP11 would be located in the Waterfront and accessible to the town centre. Student accommodation proposed in Policy SP12 would be accessible to the University and Suffolk New College. Visitor accommodation as proposed in SP14 would be within the town centre and the Waterfront. The Waterfront area is within Flood Zone 2 and 3 and new developments may increase flood risk. It should be noted, however, that the flood defence barrier is important for release of the development sites at the Waterfront and those within the flood zones. Policy SP15 provides for cycling and pedestrian routes while SP16 supports pedestrian access. SP16 would also facilitate movement of traffic along the Star Lane Gyratory and may alleviate congestion problems. However, providing for public car parks within the town centre as proposed in SP17 would increase greenhouse emissions. SP11, SP12, SP14 and SP15 apply to areas within Flood Zones. It is recommended that these policies include reference to ensuring that new development does not exacerbate current flood risk issues in the area. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
Long-term Direct Reversible High Certainty |
Waterfront, Education Quarter, IP One town centre |
Policy SP10 relates to retail uses in the town centre. The refurbishment of the Tower Ramparts Shopping centre is supported by the policy. The shopping centre is not in a Flood risk zone and will not have impact on water resources or flood risk. Policy SP11 relates to the Waterfront, which is adjacent to the River Orwell and the Neptune Marina and is within Flood Zones 2 and 3. Policy SP12 – Education Quarter is located adjacent to the Neptune Wharf and this area is within Flood Zones 2 and 3. Policy SP13 – the majority of Ipswich Village is located within Flood Zone 2 and 3. Policy SP14 includes proposals to develop visitor accommodation in the Waterfront, which is in a Flood Risk Zone. Policies SP15 and SP16 are not expected to have an impact on water resources or flood risk. Policy SP17 relates to car parks within the town centre. Car parks south and southwest of the town centre are within Flood Zones 2 and 3. Though not referred to in the Policy, the incorporation of Sustainable Urban Design Systems (SuDS) within the Waterfront and the town centre would contribute to reducing flood risk. It is recommended that Policies SP11, SP12, SP13, and SP14 should make some reference to the use of SuDS features against flood risk. |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
Long-term Direct/Indirect Reversible Medium Certainty |
Waterfront, Education Quarter and Areas within IP-One town centre |
There are a number of trees with preservation orders within the central shopping area. Policy SP10 seeks to provide urban greening within the town centre which may offer biodiversity benefits. Policy SP11 relates to the Waterfront Area, which is adjacent to the River Orwell and the Neptune Marina where developments have potential to impact freshwater species and habitats. Development within Ipswich Village (SP13) would be limited and mainly regeneration projects. SP12 relates to the University Quarter, where a section (open space and car parks) is adjacent to the Neptune Marina and therefore potential negative impacts are identified. In addition, the University Quarter has some mature trees and is adjacent to Alexandra Park, where there are also mature trees, which may be affected indirectly by construction work associated with new developments. SP14 proposes arts, cultural and tourism facilities in the town centre and visitor accommodation in the Waterfront, where developments have potential to impact freshwater species and habitats. SP15 and SP16 and SP17 relate to cycle and pedestrian routes, pedestrian access and car parks within central Ipswich and are not likely to impact biodiversity and geodiversity. It is recommended that Policies SP10, SP11, SP12, SP13, and SP14 should make some reference to protecting biodiversity resources. |
ET9 To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings |
Short, Medium and Long Term Direct Reversible Medium Certainty |
Waterfront, Education Quarter and Areas within IP-One town centre |
There is potential for the development of new shopping and retail areas through SP10, to have an impact on heritage assets during construction periods. There are a number of listed buildings and Scheduled Monuments within IP-One which may be directly affected. There are also Areas of Archaeological Importance within the central shopping area. There are no listed buildings in the immediate vicinity of the Waterfront (SP11) but it includes the historic port area and is within the Wet Dock Conservation Area. There are a number of heritage assets within and in the vicinity of the Education Quarter, therefore there is potential for new developments relating to Policy SP12 to have an impact on the listed buildings/scheduled monuments and their settings during construction periods. The Education Quarter is also within the Central Conservation Area, so there is potential for new developments to impact heritage assets. Policy SP14 applies to the town centre, where there are a number of heritage assets which may be directly affected by new developments relating to arts, culture and tourism. Policies SP13is not expected to impact any heritage assets. Some potential negative impacts are identified with SP15 and SP16 relating to the creation of new crossings within Conservation areas; however, it is considered that on the whole that will change will be negligible. SP17 may have potential to impact Listed Buildings and there are some located in the vicinity of the Crown Street, Mint Quarter, and Turret Lane, where car parks are proposed. Shed Orwell Quay and Turret Lane are located in an Area of Archaeological Importance. It is recommended that Policies SP10, SP11, SP12 and SP14 should include a reference to the protection of heritage assets (including listed buildings, scheduled monuments and non-designated sites). |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
Medium and Long-term Indirect Reversible Medium Certainty |
Waterfront, Education Quarter and Areas within IP-One town centre |
The Mint Quarter, to which SP10 applies, is within a Conservation Area. There are two Conservation Areas within the town centre- Christchurch Street and Central and any developments would have potential to affect the town centre’s townscape. It is recommended that SP10 should include a reference to the design of new developments to enhance the townscape. Policies SP11, SP12, SP13 and SP14 relate to Waterfront, the Education Quarter, Ipswich Village and the town centre which are within Conservation Areas – Central and Wet Dock. Depending on the design of the new developments, there is potential to impact townscape. Policies SP15 and SP16 will have a negligible impacts on this SA Objective. Pedestrian and cycle routes may have a minor effect on townscape but this is expected to be negligible. SP17 supports the development of car parks, which have the potential to impact the character of Conservation Areas. No 8 Shed Orwell Quay is adjacent to a Conservation Area. Turret Lane is within a Conservation Area. Crown Street is adjacent to a Conservation Area. Depending on the design of the car parks, these have potential to impact the character of the Conservation Areas. It is recommended that Policies SP11, SP12, SP13, SP14 and SP17 include a reference to the design of new developments taking account of the character of the Conservation Areas. |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
Medium and Long-term Indirect Reversible Medium Certainty |
Waterfront, Education Quarter and Areas within IP-One town centre |
Although fairly tenuous SP10 commitment to largely focussing employment development within the accessible town centre may help to encourage healthy lifestyles. Policies SP11 and SP12 seek provision of residential accommodation which may have indirect health benefits from good quality housing. Policy SP13 may have positive effects through the provision of open spaces. Policy SP14 is not expected to have a significant effect on this SA Objective as it only provides for visitor accommodation. By improving pedestrian and cycle routes Policy SP15 may encourage people to cycle or walk and the exercise would have health benefits. Policy SP16 and SP17 are not expected to contribute to this SA Objective. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
Medium and Long-term Indirect Reversible Medium Certainty |
Waterfront, Education Quarter and Areas within IP-One town centre |
It is unlikely that SP10 would offer many benefits to this SA Objective therefore effects are assessed as neutral. Policies SP11, SP12, SP13 and SP14 seek to provide residential, educational ancillary uses, employment uses, arts, tourism and cultural facilities community uses within the Waterfront, the Education Quarter and the town centre. New developments will contribute to the vitality and vibrancy of these areas and help to improve quality of life of residents as well as contribute towards encouraging community participation. SP15, SP16 and SP17 will improve access to the town centre and the Waterfront areas but the effect would be negligible. |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
Medium and Long-term Indirect Reversible Low Certainty |
Waterfront, Education Quarter and Areas within IP-One town centre |
Policy SP10 would make some contribution to the SA Objective through providing communities with key services and facilities which would support the reduction of social exclusion. Policies SP11, SP12, SP13 and SP14 would make some contribution to the SA Objective through providing communities with key services and facilities which would support the reduction of social exclusion. Improving accessibility to areas of open space as per SP15 may also contribute to reducing overall health and disability deprivation through encouraging healthy lifestyles – although certainty for this is low. SP16 and SP17 will improve access to the town centre and the Waterfront areas but the effect would be negligible. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
Medium and Long-term Direct/Indirect Reversible Low Certainty |
Waterfront, Education Quarter and Areas within IP-One town centre |
Policy SP10 would make some contribution to the SA Objective through providing employment generating retail uses. Policies SP11, SP12, SP13 and SP14 would make some contribution to the SA Objective through providing employment in office developments in the Waterfront, in developments relating to educational ancillary uses within the Education Quarter, in large-scale office developments in Ipswich Village, and in the arts, culture and tourism uses in the town centre. Although physical accessibility to employment areas will be improved through the implementation of Policies SP15, SP16, and SP17, the overall impact would be negligible. |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
Medium and Long-term Direct Reversible Medium Certainty |
Waterfront, Education Quarter and Areas within IP-One town centre Mint Quarter |
Although Policy SP10 seeks residential-led scheme on the eastern half of the site, it is considered that the overall contribution to the SA Objective will be negligible. Policy SP12 seeks to provide residential accommodation. Policy SP13 will support mixed-used neighbourhood of residential use, open space and main town centre uses. . Policy SP14 is not expected to contribute significantly to this SA Objective as it supports visitor accommodation. No significant effects are anticipated with the implementation of Policies SP15, SP16, and SP17. |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
Medium and Long-term Direct/Indirect Reversible Low Certainty |
Waterfront, Education Quarter and Areas within IP-One town centre |
Policy SP10 would make some contribution to the SA Objective through providing employment within the shopping and employment areas. Policies SP11, SP12, SP13 and SP14 would make some contribution to the SA Objective through providing employment within the Waterfront, the Education Quarter, Ipswich Village and the town centre employment areas. Developments in these areas would prove attractive to new businesses because of accessibility and would serve to support economic growth within IP-One. Policies SP15, SP16 and SP17 would offer indirect benefits through improved transport infrastructure that meets the needs of business. |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
Medium - Long-term Direct Reversible High Certainty |
Waterfront, and IP-One area |
Policy SP10 directly supports the SA Objective, particularly the vitality and viability of the town centre. Policy SP10 will safeguard employment areas. Policies SP11, SP12, SP13 and SP14 directly support the SA Objective, particularly the vitality and viability of the Waterfront, the Education Quarter, Ipswich Village and town centre. These centres provide a focus for community facilities and services. With the focus of development in and around centres, residents will have the opportunity to make more sustainable travel choices. The provision of adequate employment areas will increase the Borough’s attractiveness and will help to support the vitality and viability of the town centre. SP15, SP16 and SP17 will improve access within the Waterfront, the town centre and areas beyond, which will help support the vitality of the town centre. |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
Medium-Long-term Direct/Indirect Reversible Medium Certainty |
Waterfront, and IP-One area |
Policy SP10 recognises the importance of protecting shopping areas within the town centre. This ensures that shopping and retail services are accessible to residents and that sufficient land and premises will be available to accommodate business start-up and growth. Policies SP11, SP12, SP13 and SP12 seek to protect existing developments and support new developments within the Waterfront, the Education Quarter, Ipswich Village and the town centre. This ensures that services and employment areas are accessible to residents and will ensure that sufficient land and premises will be available to accommodate business start-up and growth. Policies SP15 and SP16 would make the town centre more accessible, which would support businesses and contribute to economic growth. The effect of SP17 is uncertain; it will make the town centre accessible by private car as businesses and shoppers can park in the town centre but these may also contribute to traffic congestion. Policy SP17 includes a reference to Travel Ipswich and states the use of sustainable modes of transport. Additional text in this policy should be provided on measures to encourage people to use sustainable measures rather than a private car. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
Short, Medium and Long-term Indirect Reversible Low Certainty |
Waterfront, and within IP-One area |
Policy SP10 recognises the importance of protecting shopping areas within the town centre. Policies SP11, SP12, SP13 and SP14 recognise the importance of protecting mixed use areas within the Waterfront/Ipswich Village/ Education Quarter and arts, cultural and tourism areas within the town centre as well as supporting new developments. This will ensure that sufficient land and premises will be available to accommodate new businesses. No significant effects are anticipated with the implementation of Policies SP15 and SP16. SP17 recognises that providing sufficient car parking in the town centre may support the town centre economy and encourage investment. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
Short, Medium and Long-term Direct/Indirect Reversible Medium Certainty |
IP-One area |
Policy SP12 provides for education and ancillary uses within the Education Quarter, which would support this SA Objective. Under SP15 improving sustainable accessibility throughout Ipswich may have indirect beneficial effects on this SA Objective as it would improve access to educational establishments throughout the borough. There is no link between policies SP10, SP11, SP13, SP14, SP16, and SP17 and the SA Objective. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
Short, Medium and Long-term Indirect Reversible Low Certainty |
IP-One area |
It is possible that development within, and overall regeneration of the Waterfront, Ipswich Village and the Education Quarter would increase natural surveillance and potentially contribute to a reduction in crime levels. However, there may be increased opportunities for crime within the town centre due to increase in population and businesses. It is recommended that Policies SP10, SP11, SP12, SP13 and SP14 make reference to incorporating secured by design principles in new developments, which would contribute towards reducing the potential for crime and anti-social activities. SP15 and SP16 should also make reference to making cycling and pedestrian routes safe in relation to the potential for crime and anti-social activities. Although temporary car parks would not be permitted in the town centre, the development at IP049 No. 8 Shed Orwell Quay and IP054 Turret Lane will provide public car parking. SP17 should include a reference to incorporating secured by design measures in car parks, which would contribute towards reducing crime and anti-social activities. |