Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal - Site Allocations and Policies (incorporating IP-One Area Action Plan) DPD
Appendix F
Site Allocations Sustainability Appraisal
Ipswich North West
IP140: Land north of Whitton Lane
IP032: King George V Field, Old Norwich Road, 99 homes
IP005: Former Tooks Bakery, Old Norwich Rd, 101 homes and a
health centre
Objective | Performance of Policy | Temporal Scale: Nature of Impact (Direct/Indirect): Reversibility: Certainty: | Geographical Extent | Commentary/Mitigation |
ET1 To improve air quality |
IP140 +/- IP032 - IP005 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct and indirect Reversible Medium |
North West Central Ipswich transboundary, Mid Suffolk |
IP140 would help contribute to improving air quality in central Ipswich by potentially supporting the future use of the former adjacent park and ride facility. IP140 has potential for positive and negative effects, depending on whether there is public transport, walking and cycling provision to mitigate growth in cars. IP032, IP005 are sites where large scale residential development is proposed, which cumulatively could contribute to higher levels of greenhouse gas emissions through increased private car use. If car journeys were generated towards the town centre, they could adversely affect the AQMA at Norwich Rd/Chevallier Street. However, the sites are on at least one frequent bus route (No. 8 service runs every 10 minutes and evenings and weekends) and there is cycle route provision linking the sites to the town centre and other destinations. Therefore there would be every opportunity for sustainable travel choices to be made by residents. It is recommended that pedestrian and cycling infrastructure is enhanced in this area. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
IP140 - IP032 - IP005 +/ - |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Irreversible Medium |
North West |
IP140 would result in the loss of greenfield land and its associated soil resource. IP032 would see 80% of land used for housing provision which would result in loss of land currently used as playing fields. There is also the potential for contaminated land to be encountered as at IP005, the Former Tooks Bakery though remediation of this would help to improve the soil resource. Land to the north of the site would be retained for use as open space/playing fields which would offer some minor benefits to the SA Objective. Remediation of land at IP005 would help to improve soil quality. Provision of wildlife and recreational green corridor functions associated with the ‘green rim’ (Core Strategy Policy CS16, Site Allocations and Policies DPD draft policies DM33 and DM31) should be encouraged as this could provide partial benefits to the SA Objective. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
IP140 - IP032 - IP005 - |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Reversible Medium |
Site |
IP140 is allocated for employment use and in the long term would lead to an increase in waste during operation. Similarly the provision of homes with an indicative capacity of 99 for IP032 and 101 with IP005 would increase waste in the long term. The provision of adequate waste facilities and where possible recycling facilities would encourage recycling. It is recommended that adequate waste facilities should be provided with development at IP140, IP032 and IP005 and where possible provision of recycling facilities. Where possible, waste reduction initiatives should also be encouraged. |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
IP140 +/- IP032 +/- IP005 +/- |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Reversible Medium |
North West transboundary, Mid Suffolk |
IP140 would help contribute to achieveing the SA objective by potentially supporting the future use of the former adjacent park and ride facility. This would provide the opportunity for the local community and those travelling from further afield to travel locally in a more sustainable manner which would contribute towards reducing the effects of traffic upon the environment and easing congestion within central Ipswich though ultimately it would lead to a minor localised increase in vehicles. The provision of business park with IP140 and homes with IP032 and IP005 would lead to an increase of traffic within the local area. However the sites allocated for housing would provide homes in close proximity to a large existing employment area. There are also bus services running in the north west area which would provide the opportunity for convenient and sustainable travel and help reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment. |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
IP140 + IP032 +/- IP005 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Reversible Medium |
North West Transboundary Central Ipswich |
A park and ride facility adjacent to IP140 would contribute to improving access to key services within the north west and would have positive transboundary effects. The provision of homes with IP032 and IP005 close to an existing District Centre (3) and the provision of a new health centre with IP005 will improve access to key services in the long term. IP032 would also see the loss of open space though some of this would be retained and the allocation expressly requires replacement provision in a suitable location. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
IP140 +/ - IP032 +/ - IP005 +/ - |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Reversible Medium |
North West and central Ipswich |
A park and ride facility adjacent to IP140 would encourage the use of public transport for trips into central Ipswich which would contribute to decreasing vehicle emissions. The provision of business park at IP140 and residential units at IP032 and IP005 would result in potential localised increase in vehicle emissions. If car journeys were generated towards the town centre, they could adversely affect the AQMA at Norwich Rd/Chevallier Street. However, the sites are on at least one frequent bus route (No. 8 service runs every 10 minutes and evenings and weekends) and there is cycle route provision linking the sites to the town centre and other destinations. Therefore there would be every opportunity for sustainable travel choices to be made by residents. The location of this proposed development is within close proximity of existing and proposed employment land and near a District Centre which may contribute to reducing reliance on private cars. These sites are not located in flood risk areas. It is recommended that housing development at IP032 and IP005 should meet Code for Sustainable Homes standards as required by DM1 of the Core Strategy. It is recommended that the business park at IP140 should meet BREEAM standards and where possible SuDS features should be incorporated into design as required by DM1 and DM4 of the Core Strategy. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
IP140 - IP032 - IP005 - |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Reversible Medium |
Site |
The provision of residential units at IP032 and IP005 would lead to an increase in water use. IP140 would replace a greenfield site and this could increase surface run-off, but could be offset by adequate drainage system and gardens. In respect of water supply and waste water treatment, infrastructure and / or treatment upgrades will be required to serve the proposed growth, or diversion of assets may be required. It is recommended that where possible SuDS features should be incorporated into design of these sites as required by DM4 of the Core Strategy. |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
IP140 - IP032 0 IP005 0 |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Site |
IP140 contains hedgerows and mature trees which have great wildlife value. This is a valuable habitat for nesting birds and wildlife which would be lost as a result of development. Further surveys will be needed prior to any vegetation clearance to establish the habitat value and presence/absence of species, including birds and reptiles. There would be a minor loss of green space at IP032 though this would not significantly affect biodiversity. IP140, IP032, and IP005 could offer benefits to biodiversity through incorporating soft landscaping and tree planting. Where possible the site allocations should include provision of soft landscaping thus providing some benefits to biodiversity. It is recommended that where possible the wildlife and recreational green corridor functions associated with the ‘green rim’ Core Strategy Policy CS16, DM33 and DM34 should be supported particularly at IP140. The hedgerows and mature trees have the greatest wildlife value, but further surveys will be needed prior to any vegetation clearance to establish the full wildlife interest, including for birds and reptiles. Compensation measures should be implemented where appropriate. |
ET9 To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings |
IP140 0 IP032 0 IP005 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
IP032 is adjacent to Whitton Conservation Area. Any cumulative impacts on the conservation area with the development of the adjacent site IP005 will need to be taken into account. IP005 has been evaluated and features of prehistoric and Roman date were identified over much of the site in the form of pits and boundary ditches. There is a need for archaeological excavation. There is no objection in principle to development but any permission will require a condition relating to archaeological investigation. The Council has published a development brief for this site and the adjacent former Tooks bakery site (reference IP005). Thus there are potential archaeology and conservation area issues but they can all be addressed through the planning process. On the whole it is considered that the effects will be negligible. |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP140 - IP032 ++ IP005 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Reversible Medium |
North West |
Development could contribute towards enhancing quality and local distinctiveness though IP140 would see the loss of greenfield land. Ipswich Borough Council is in a process of preparing an Urban Character Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to provide additional guidance to support policies set out in their development plan documents. Phase 2 of the work (adoption expected 2016) will cover this area of the town. Once adopted, this document should be consulted upon at design stage. The Council also currently has in place an adopted planning brief for IP005 and IP032. It is recommended that development should complement the existing character of the area opportunities should be sought to enhance townscape. Where possible soft landscaping should be incorporated into design. |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
IP140 ++ IP032 ++ IP005 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised |
The provision of a new health centre at IP005 would directly support the SA Objective as it would provide a health facility to serve existing and future residents in the local area. Residential developments would provide high quality housing to local areas which would help to support the SA Objective. Each of the sites is located close to playing fields and cycle routes, which would contribute to improving health by encouraging healthier lifestyles. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
IP140 ++ IP032 ++ IP005 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised |
The provision of a new health centre with IP005 would contribute to improving the quality of life of where people live. Residential developments would provide high quality housing and alongside the creation of an employment area (IP140) that would help to support the SA Objective. Each site is located near playing fields and cycle routes which would help to encourage healthier lifestyles and encourage community participation. |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP140 ++ IP032 ++ IP005 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised |
The provision of a new health centre with IP005 would make a small contribution towards reducing social exclusion. Housing stock will be improved through IP032 and IP005, indirectly supporting the SA objective in a localised area. IP140 would generate job opportunities which could help to address poverty. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
IP140 ++ IP032 ++ IP005 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct and indirect Reversible High |
North West, transboundary, Mid Suffolk |
Employment opportunities will be created during the construction phase of development. IP140 directly supports the SA Objective as during operation it would provide an opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment. |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
IP140 0 IP032 ++ IP005 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct Reversible Medium |
North West Ipswich |
IP032 seeks to provide homes with an indicative capacity of 99 and 101 for IP005 which directly supports the SA Objective. Ensuring homes are designed to minimise energy use and maximise energy efficiency may also offer some benefits to reducing fuel poverty. IP140 would not contribute to the achievement of the SA objective as this site is allocated for employment use. Affordable housing will be secured through the implementation of policy CS12 in the Core Strategy. |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
IP140 ++ IP032 0 IP005 0 |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
North West Ipswich |
The provision of land for employment use would support and encourage employment and investment which would support the SA Objective. |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
IP140 ++ IP032 ++ IP005 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
North West and central Ipswich |
The provision of homes within 600m of an existing District Centre with IP032 and IP005 will result in an increase of residents which in the long term will serve to support the vitality and viability of the District centre. If the park and ride facility is brought back to service this will improve access to local centres which serves to support the SA Objective. |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
IP140 ++ IP032 ++ IP005 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
North West Ipswich |
The employment area at IP140 and adjacent park and ride facility (if brought back to use) will serve to support the SA Objective. The provision of homes with IP032 and IP005 close to existing employment areas and land allocated for employment will also encourage efficient patterns of movement and in the long term this could help to support economic growth. Frequent transport provision from the park and ride facility will help to support the SA Objective. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
IP140 ++ IP032 ++ IP005 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
North West Ipswich |
Development at each of these sites would encourage investment and in the long term. The increase of local residents associated with housing and employment would support economic growth which would contribute to encouraging and accommodating indigenous and inward investment. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
IP140 0 IP032 0 IP005 0 |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Reversible Medium |
North West Ipswich |
The provision of homes within 1km of more than 10 educational facilities for IP032 and IP005 could contribute to maintaining access to education and skills for both young people and adults in the long term though it is considered that there will not be a significant change from the baseline conditions. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
IP140 +/ - IP032 ++ IP005 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised |
The provision of homes with IP032 and IP005 would increase natural surveillance which may help to minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity. Development at greenfield sites could increase crime from a previously crime free piece of land though design measures could mitigate any negative effects. Secured by design should be considered during the design phase in order to deter crime. |
IP221: Flying Horse PH, 12 homes
IP029: Land opposite 674-734 Bramford Rd, 71 homes and open
IP165: Eastway Business Park, Europa Way, 94 dwellings
IP033: Land at Bramford Rd (Stocks Site), 46 homes and open
IP090: Europa Way, 142 homes
Objective | Performance of Policy | Temporal Scale: Nature of Impact (Direct/Indirect): Reversibility: Certainty: | Geographical Extent | Commentary/Mitigation |
ET1 To improve air quality |
IP221 0 IP029 - IP165 - IP033 - IP090 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct and indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised |
70% of land at IP029 is proposed to accommodate 71 homes. In the medium to long term the localised increase in population could have a minor contribution to increasing vehicular emissions which may negatively affect local air quality in conjunction with the A14 to the east of the site. IP165, IP033, and IP090 cumulatively in the long term would result in localised population increase which could have a negative effect on air quality. There is currently limited access at IP165 and development has the potential to put pressure on Bramford Road/B1067 to the north and Europa Way to the south of the site. Bramford Road passes through an AQMA area at Chevallier Street on its way into town. It is recommended that pedestrian and cycling infrastructure is enhanced in this area. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
IP221 - IP029 - IP165 - IP033 - IP090 - |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Reversible Medium |
Site |
IP221 seeks to develop 6 dwellings and 6 flats, IP029 seeks to develop 71 homes, IP165 seeks to develop 94 homes and IP090 seeks to develop 142 homes. Each of these sites would result in the loss of grassland and scrubland. Development at IP033 would result in the loss of grass and scrubland. There is the potential for contaminated land to be encountered at this site as land here was previously used for landfill purposes. It is recommended that site investigation is undertaken at IP033 and IP261 and where appropriate remediation should take place. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
IP221 0 IP029 - IP165 - IP033 - IP090 - |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Reversible Medium |
Site |
The proposed development of 12 units at IP221 would not result in significant waste production. The provision of a significant number of homes with IP029, IP165, IP033 and IP090 would result in a localised increase in residents and increase of construction and household waste. It is recommended that adequate waste facilities should be provided with development at IP029, IP165, IP033 and IP090. Where possible recycling facilities should be provided. Waste reduction initiatives should also be encouraged. |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
IP221 0 IP029 +/- IP165 - IP033 - IP090 - |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Reversible Medium |
North West and North Ipswich |
Due to the number of units proposed with IP221, it is not expected this site would have a significant impact on the SA Objective. The provision of 71 homes with IP029 would result in an increase of people and private vehicles which could potentially increase traffic within the local area and the A14. This site would also experience traffic noise. However the site is served by two local bus routes. It is also located in close proximity to two Local Centres (40 and 42), three existing employment areas and one allocated employment site and this would provide the opportunity for convenient and sustainable travel which could help to reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment in the long term. For these reasons, it is considered that the effects will be both positive and negative. The increase of vehicles associated with IP165 could potentially put pressure on Bramford Road/B1067 to the north and Europa Way to the south of the site particularly at peak times which could exacerbate congestion and its effects to the environment. The provision of homes at IP033 would result in the increase of vehicles to and from the site which would put pressure on access routes. It is recommended that green buffers are used around IP029 to account for the close proximity of the A14 and the main railway line to the south of the site. It is recommended that adequate access at IP165 and IP033 is provided where possible to avoid exacerbating peak time congestion issues. |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
IP221 ++ IP029 ++ IP165 ++ IP033 ++ IP090 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Reversible Medium |
North Ipswich |
The proposed units with IP221 would be well served with two existing Local Centres and proposed District Centre in close proximity. The site is directly adjacent to playing fields and is also in close proximity to open spaces and an allotment. IP029 would provide homes located in close proximity to local bus routes which in the medium to long term would improve access to key services around the site including open space and two Local Centres. The site will also provide a link road between Bramford Road and Europa Way subject to impacts being assessed. IP165 would provide homes located within 400m of an existing Local Centre and in close proximity to two bus routes and a proposed District Centre. IP033 would provide homes close to a Local Centre and a proposed District Centre. IP090 would provide a significant number of homes, it would contain a District Centre which in the long term would directly support the SA Objective. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
IP221 0 IP029 +/ - IP165 +/ - IP033 +/ - IP090 +/ - |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Reversible Medium |
North Ipswich |
IP029, IP165, IP033 and IP090 each seek to provide a significant number of homes which would result in a localised population increase and private cars. The increase in vehicular emissions could have a negative effect on local air quality however these sites are located in close proximity to local bus routes, Local Centres, a proposed District Centre and employment areas which may offer some mitigation. IP221 has an indicative capacity of 12; therefore it is not considered the site will have a significant impact on climate change. The replacement of derelict buildings with more energy and water efficient buildings could support the SA Objective. It is recommended that where possible design should incorporate sustainability measures (e.g. reduce water use, use of grey water), SuDS features and ensure that Code for Sustainable Homes standards are achieved. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
IP221 0 IP029 0 IP165 0 IP033 0 IP090 0 |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised |
None of these site allocations are located within areas at risk of flooding. There would be no significant effects on water resources with development at grassland sites due to the size of development. However replacement of this land with development could increase the surface run-off (e.g. sites IP029 and IP033), but this could be partially offset by adequate drainage and gardens. It is recommended that where possible design should incorporate sustainability measures (e.g. reduce water use, use of grey water) and SuDS features. |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
IP221 ? IP029 - IP165 - IP033 - IP090 - |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised |
IP221 is located close to a TPO. This site currently contains trees and vegetation which would require clearance and there is the potential for some trees to provide habitat for birds. The majority of the perimeter at IP029 is surrounded by trees and areas within IP165 and IP090 contain trees and vegetation some of which may require removal for access during the construction period. There is the potential for the trees and vegetation to contain birds. IP033 is a local wildlife site which would be lost to development. The site contains trees, vegetation and a pond which are considered suitable habitats for birds and reptiles. Bird and reptile surveys should be undertaken prior to construction at IP221, IP029 and IP165. Should any nesting birds or reptiles be found, appropriate mitigation measures should be put in place. Where possible IP221, IP029 IP033, and IP090 should include provision of soft landscaping and should seek to retain existing trees and the pond at IP033 as this may offer some benefits to biodiversity. |
ET9 To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings |
IP221 0 IP029 0 IP165 0 IP033 0 IP090 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
The site allocations are not located close to any Listed Buildings. IP029 lies in the vicinity of Roman and Prehistoric sites. There were gravel pits across part of IP033. Bronze Age and Neolithic finds were recovered and Saxon remains were recorded to the south. Evaluation is needed to identify the impact of past land use. There are Saxon sites between this one and the river.
IP090 lies in an area of Prehistoric archaeology. Part
of the site is likely to have been destroyed by
extraction of clay for brick-making. There is no
objection in principle to development of these sites
but any permission will require a condition relating to
archaeological investigation attached to any planning
consent. Early evaluation is advisable. Therefore it is considered the effects will be negligible on conserving or enhancing the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings. |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP221 ++ IP029 ++ IP165 ++ IP033 ++ IP090 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised |
Development with IP221, IP029, IP165, IP033 and IP090 could contribute towards enhancing townscape quality and local distinctiveness. Ipswich Borough Council is in a process of preparing an Urban Character Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to provide additional guidance to support policies set out in their development plan documents. Phase 1 is due for adopted in January 2015 and provides guidance about the Gipping Valley area. Phase 2 of the work (adoption expected 2016) will cover more outer areas of the town. Once adopted, this document should be consulted upon at design stage. It is recommended that development at IP221, IP029, IP165, IP033 and IP090 should be undertaken sensitively and should complement the existing character of the area which could also serve to enhance townscape. Where possible soft landscaping should be incorporated into design. |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
IP221 ++ IP029 ++ IP165 ++ IP033 ++ IP090 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised |
IP221, IP029, IP165, IP033 and IP090 are located close to areas of open space. The provision of quality development could make partial contributions towards improving health in the long term through encouraging people to go outdoors and promoting healthier lifestyles. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
IP221 ++ IP029 ++ IP165 ++ IP033 ++ IP090 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised |
IP221 is close to Local and District Centres, open space and an allotment. This could make partial contributions towards improving the quality of life by promoting healthier lifestyles encouraging community participation. IP165 seeks to provide homes in close proximity to open spaces and close to Local Centres and a proposed District Centre which collectively could make some contributions towards improving the quality of life where people live. Development at IP033 and IP090 will provide homes close to and immediately adjacent to the new District Centre which could make partial contributions towards achieving the SA Objective. |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP221 ++ IP029 ++ IP165 ++ IP033 ++ IP090 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Localised |
Each of the site allocations are located close to an existing Local centre or proposed District Centre. The Local and District centres would serve each of the site allocations and contribute towards reducing social exclusion. Housing provision would improve the quality of housing stock and could contribute towards increasing quality of life for residents. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
IP221 0 IP029 0 IP165 0 IP033 0 IP090 0 |
Short term Indirect Reversible High |
North Ipswich |
During the construction phase of development, there would be some opportunity for construction related employment, though this would be temporary and in the short term. |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
IP221 ++ IP029 ++ IP165 ++ IP033 ++ IP090 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct Reversible High |
North Ipswich |
IP221, IP029 and IP165 each support the SA Objective and seek to provide 12 units, 71 new homes and 94 new homes respectively which would help to meet the housing requirements for the whole community. IP033 and IP090 seek to provide 46 and 142 homes respectively which would directly support the SA Objective. The provision of affordable housing is addressed in Policy CS12 in the Core Strategy. Housing type and tenure are addressed in Policy CS8 in the Core Strategy. |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
IP221 0 IP029 0 IP165 0 IP033 0 IP090 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
North Ipswich |
The site allocations are not considered to have a significant effect on achieving sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area. The provision of the District Centre at IP090 would be supported by the development of 142 homes and the localised increase of residents may encourage economic growth in the area. |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
IP221 0 IP029 ++ IP165 ++ IP033 ++ IP090 ++ |
Medium and Long term Indirect and direct Reversible Medium |
North Ipswich |
The provision of homes with IP221 in close proximity to a Local Centre may offer some benefits to the SA Objective. However due to the small number of units proposed, benefits would be limited. The provision of a significant number of homes IP029, IP165 and IP033 in close proximity to Local Centres and a proposed District Centre would help to support the vitality and viability of these centres in the long term. IP090 would directly support the vitality and viability of the proposed District Centre as it would result in increase of local residents and would be conveniently located to meet their needs. |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
IP221 0 IP029 ++ IP165 ++ IP033 ++ IP090 ++ |
Medium to long term Indirect Reversible Low |
North Ipswich |
The provision of the District Centre at IP090 would be supported by the development of 142 homes. The cumulative localised population increase from development at IP033, IP029, and IP165 near community facilities would encourage efficient patterns of movement as well as sustainable and convenient travel. All of the above would encourage economic growth in the area. The sites are located close to main roads and the A14 which could support efficient patterns of movement into town centre areas. IP221 is not considered to have a significant effect on encouraging efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth. Public transport provision would support the SA Objective. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
IP221 0 IP029 ++ IP165 ++ IP033 ++ IP090 ++ |
Long term Indirect Reversible Low |
North Ipswich |
The provision of the District Centre at IP090 would be supported by the development of 142 homes. The localised increase in population cumulatively from the sites would encourage indigenous and inward investment. IP221 is not considered to have significant effects on the SA Objective due to the small scale of development proposed. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
IP221 0 IP029 0 IP165 0 IP033 0 IP090 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
Development at these sites is not considered to have a significant effect on maintaining and improving access to education and skills for both young people and adults. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
IP221 0 IP029 ++ IP165 ++ IP033 ++ IP090 ++ |
Medium and Long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Localised |
The provision of homes at IP029, IP165 IP033 and IP090 would increase natural surveillance which may help to minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social behaviour. IP221is not considered to have a significant effect on the SA Objective. |
Ipswich North East
Bixley and St Johns
IP109: R/O Jupiter Road & Reading Road, 13 homes
IP131: Milton Street, 13 homes
IP088: 79 Cauldwell Hall Road, 16 homes
Objective | Performance of Policy | Temporal Scale: Nature of Impact (Direct/Indirect): Reversibility: Certainty: | Geographical Extent | Commentary/Mitigation |
ET1 To improve air quality |
IP109 0 IP131 0 IP088 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
IP109 and IP131 seek to provide 13 new homes each and IP088 seeks to provide 16 homes and are unlikely to have a significant effect on air quality due to the small scale of proposed development. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
IP109 ++ IP131 ++ IP088 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Site |
Each of the sites will be developed on brownfield land and will not involve land take of greenfield sites which will offer some benefits to the SA Objective. It is possible that contaminated land is encountered at IP109 and IP131 and remediation would help to improve the soil resource. It is recommended that remediation works are undertaken where appropriate. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
IP109 - IP131 - IP088 - |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Site |
Housing development at IP109, IP131 and IP088 would result in increasing waste production at these sites. It is recommended that adequate waste facilities should be provided with new development. Where possible recycling facilities should be provided. Waste reduction initiatives should also be encouraged. |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
IP109 ++ IP131 ++ IP088 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
North East Ipswich |
Each of the sites is located close to a District Centre, two Local Centres and areas of open space. This may encourage sustainable travel locally. |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
IP109 ++ IP131 ++ IP088 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
North East Ipswich |
IP109, IP131 and IP088 each have good access and are located close to a District Centre, two Local Centres and areas of open space which would allow easy access to these services. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
IP109 0 IP131 0 IP088 0 |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
North East Ipswich |
The close proximity of Local Centres, District Centres and bus routes would promote the use of public transport and sustainable travel modes. IP109, IP131 and IP088 are not thought to have significant impacts upon the SA Objective due to the number of proposed homes. It is recommended that where possible design should incorporate sustainability measures (e.g. reduce water use, use of grey water), SuDS features and ensure that Code for Sustainable Homes standards are achieved. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
IP109 0 IP131 0 IP088 0 |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised |
None of these site allocations are located within areas at risk of flooding. It is recommended that where possible design should incorporate sustainability measures (e.g. reduce water use, use of grey water) and SuDS features. |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
IP109 - IP131 0 IP088 0 |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised |
There are areas of vegetation and trees at IP109 which have the potential to contain nesting birds. IP131 and IP088 are not considered to have a significant effect on biodiversity as they are not located close to any designated sites and do not comprise any valuable habitats. It is recommended that vegetation is not removed during bird nesting season at IP109. Soft landscaping and vegetation planting should be encouraged where appropriate. |
ET9 To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings |
IP109 0 IP131 0 IP088 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
St Johns Baptist Church Grade II Listed Building is within 400m of IP131 and IP088. However at such distance it is not anticipated that there would be a direct negative effect on the setting of the Listed Building. There are no heritage assets located near or within IP109. |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP109 ++ IP131 ++ IP088 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised |
Development at each of these site allocations could contribute towards enhancing quality and local distinctiveness through modern design and the replacement of existing structures. Ipswich Borough Council is in a process of preparing an Urban Character Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) (Phase 1 to be adopted in January 2015, Phase 2 for outer Ipswich in 2016) to provide additional guidance to support policies set out in their development plan documents. Once adopted, this document should be consulted upon at design stage. It is recommended that development at each of the sites should be undertaken sensitively and should complement the existing character of the area which could also serve to enhance townscape. Where possible soft landscaping should be incorporated into design. |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
IP109 ++ IP131 ++ IP088 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Localised |
Each of these sites is located close to protected playing fields which could make partial contributions towards improving health in the long term through encouraging people to go outdoors and promoting healthier lifestyles. High quality housing would also help to support the SA Objective. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
IP109 ++ IP131 ++ IP088 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Localised |
Development at each of these sites would be close to District Centres, Local Centres and protected playing fields which collectively could make contributions towards improving the quality of life by promoting healthier lifestyles encouraging community participation. High quality housing would also help to support the SA Objective. |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP109 ++ IP131 ++ IP088 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Low |
North East Ipswich |
IP109, IP131 and IP088 will be located close to an existing District Centre which provides community facilities and could contribute to reducing social exclusion. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
IP109 0 IP131 0 IP088 0 |
Short term Indirect Reversible High |
North East Ipswich |
There would be the opportunity for construction related employment. Though this would be opportunities would be limited to the construction phase. |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
IP109 ++ IP131 ++ IP088 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct Reversible High |
North East Ipswich |
IP109 and IP131 each seek to provide 13 homes and IP088 seeks to provide 16 homes. Each of these site allocations directly supports the SA Objective. |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
IP109 0 IP131 0 IP088 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
Housing provision would not significantly contribute to achieving sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth. |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
IP109 ++ IP131 ++ IP088 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
North East Ipswich |
The provision of homes with each of these site allocations close to existing District Centre 18 and Local Centres 19 and 36 would encourage residents to use these facilities which would support the vitality and viability of these centres. |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
IP109 ++ IP131 ++ IP088 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Low |
North East Ipswich |
Efficient patterns of movement will be encouraged as the sites are located near existing District and Local Centres. The area is well served by public transport. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
IP109 ++ IP131 ++ IP088 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
North East Ipswich |
The cumulative development at these sites would encourage investment and in the long term. The increase of people would cumulatively serve to support local business which would contribute to encouraging and accommodating indigenous and inward investment. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
IP109 0 IP131 0 IP088 0 |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Low |
North East Ipswich |
There is one high school within 500m of IP109, IP131 and IP088. The provision of homes at these sites would make some contributions towards maintaining access to education skills for young people and adults though contributions are considered to have a negligible effect. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
IP109 ++ IP131 ++ IP088 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Localised |
The provision of homes may result in increase of natural surveillance which may in turn help to minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social behaviour. |
St Johns
IP116: St Clements Hospital Grounds - mixed greenspace and 227 housing units
Objective | Performance of Policy | Temporal Scale: Nature of Impact (Direct/Indirect): Reversibility: Certainty: | Geographical Extent | Commentary/Mitigation |
ET1 To improve air quality |
IP116 - |
Long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised |
The provision of 227 homes at IP116 would see a localised population increase. This may result in increased car use and subsequent increase in vehicle emissions, however it is located on at least two bus routes, close to Derby Road station and approximately 2km from work opportunities in the town centre and at Ransomes Europark. The use of sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged through the implementation of a Travel plan. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
IP116 +/- |
Long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Site |
Development at IP116 would be in part on previously developed land which would offer some benefits if any contaminated land is remediated. Part of the development will be on greenfield land. Therefore it is considered that effects will be both positive and negative in the long term. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
IP116 - |
Medium and long term Direct Reversible Medium |
Site |
This site is currently used as a hospital and the proposed development of 227 homes at this site would see an increase in waste production during construction and operation. It is recommended that adequate waste facilities should be provided with development. Where possible recycling facilities should be provided. Waste reduction initiatives should also be encouraged. |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
IP116 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct Reversible Medium |
Localised |
The site is located directly adjacent to an area of open space and an existing Local Centre and is relatively close to three bus routes therefore it is considered that the use of sustainable transport modes would be encouraged which may partially support the SA Objective. |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
IP116 ++ |
Long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised |
This large site is located close to a Local Centre (22) and public transport services are already available. Therefore, it is considered that access to key services will be ensured through this site allocation. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
IP116 +/- |
Long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
North East Ipswich |
The increase in people and cars would be more than its current use. The provision of homes and the replacement of inefficient buildings would help to increase sustainability performance which would support the SA Objective. The site is located directly adjacent to an area of open space and an existing Local Centre and is relatively close to three bus routes therefore it is thought that sustainable transport modes would be encouraged which may partially support the SA Objective. It is recommended that where possible design should incorporate sustainability measures (e.g. reduce water use, use of grey water), SuDS features and ensure that Code for Sustainable Homes standards are achieved. It should be ensured that homes are designed to maximise energy efficiency which may also contribute to reducing fuel poverty. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
IP116 - |
Long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised |
The site is not located within an area at risk of flooding. Development at this site would lead to an increase in water use. It is recommended that where possible design should incorporate sustainability measures (e.g. reduce water use, use of grey water) and SuDS features. |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
IP116 - |
Long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised |
There are a significant number of TPOs on the northern boundary of the site and within the site. They may be affected as a result of the vast development proposed at this site. It is recommended that TPOs at the northern boundary of the site should be retained and TPOs within the site should be retained as far as possible. The site should incorporate soft landscaping and tree planting to support biodiversity. |
ET9 To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings |
IP116 ++ |
N/A |
N/A |
The hospital building at this site is listed on the Ipswich Borough Council Local List as a building which should be retained. Ipswich Borough Council is in a process of preparing an Urban Character Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) (Phase 1 to be adopted in January 2015, Phase 2 in 2016) to provide additional guidance to support policies set out in their development plan documents. Once adopted, this document should be consulted upon at design stage. The St Clement’s Hospital Building should be retained and enhanced as appropriate. |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP116 ++ |
Long term Indirect Reversible Low |
North East Ipswich |
Development at St Clements hospital secures its future and may offer opportunities to enhance the existing building features. It is recommended that development at should be undertaken sensitively and the locally listed Hospital building should be retained within development and new features should complement the existing character of the area which could also serve to enhance townscape. Where possible soft landscaping should be incorporated into design. |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
IP116 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Localised |
This site is located directly adjacent to an area of open space which could make partial contributions towards improving health in the long term through encouraging people to go outdoors and promoting healthier lifestyles. The redevelopment also retains the bowling green and replaces on site the existing football pitch thus there will be recreation opportunities available to new residents. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
IP116 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Localised |
The site is located close to a Local Centre directly adjacent to an area of open space. The site is also located in close proximity to IP010a which is allocated for housing and community use. Each of these features could make contributions towards improving quality of life by promoting healthier lifestyles, encouraging the use of community facilities which could increase community participation. |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP116 ? |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Localised |
Development at this site is located close to IP010a which is allocated for housing and community use. The community facility proposed at IP010a is an extension to an existing primary school. It could benefit children in the St Clements development. It is however uncertain whether the site allocation will help reduce poverty. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
IP116 0 |
Short term Indirect Reversible High |
North East Ipswich |
Construction jobs will increase however the effect will be only temporary and on the whole is considered to be negligible. |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
IP116 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct Reversible High |
North East Ipswich |
The site allocation directly supports the SA Objective with the provision of 227 new homes. Affordable housing will be secured through the implementation of policy CS12 in the Core Strategy. |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
IP116 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
IP116 does not significantly contribute to achieving the SA Objective. |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
IP116 ++ |
Long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
North East Ipswich |
The provision of a large number of homes close to Local Centre 22 would increase the number of residents within its vicinity which would serve to support the vitality and viability of the Local Centre. |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
IP116 ++ |
Long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
North East Ipswich |
The location of new residential development close to the existing Local Centre 22 would encourage efficient patterns of movement. There are bus links close to this site which would encourage sustainable and convenient travel all of which would encourage economic growth. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
IP116 ++ |
Long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
North East Ipswich |
Development would encourage investment and in the long term. The increase of local residents would support local business which would contribute to encouraging and accommodating indigenous and inward investment. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
IP116 ++ |
Medium and Long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
North East Ipswich |
The site allocation is located within 500m of one primary school and one high school, and approximately 700m of a second primary school; the provision of 227 homes would help to improve access to education and skills for the new residents, subject to the number of school places being increased as necessary. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
IP116 ++ |
Medium and Long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Localised |
The provision of 227 homes with this site allocation would increase natural surveillance which may help to minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social behaviour. |
Ipswich Central
IP105: Depot, Beaconsfield Road, 15 homes
IP246: 158-160 London Road, 13 homes
IP135: 112-116 Bramford Road, 24 homes
IP130: South of South Street, 11 homes
Objective | Performance of Policy | Temporal Scale: Nature of Impact (Direct/Indirect): Reversibility: Certainty: | Geographical Extent | Commentary/Mitigation |
ET1 To improve air quality |
IP105 0 IP246 0 IP135 0 IP130 0 |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Central |
IP246 and IP105 are sites currently in use therefore due to the proposed number of housing at these sites it is not considered that the increase on private cars as a result of development would significantly increase vehicular emissions. Cumulatively the housing proposed at IP135, IP130 and IP105 would potentially have a negative effect on local air quality, however the level of certainty is low. It is recommended that where possible public transport links should be provided within 400m of development. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
IP105 ++ IP246 ++ IP135 ++ IP130 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Site |
Each of these sites would be developed on previously developed land. Contaminated land may be encountered at IP105 and IP135. Remediation works would benefit the soil resource. Contaminated land should be appropriately remediated at IP105 and IP135. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
IP105 - IP246 - IP135 - IP130 - |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Site |
Cumulatively the site allocations will result in increase of construction and household waste. Adequate waste facilities should be provided with new development. Where possible recycling facilities should be provided. Waste reduction initiatives should also be encouraged. |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
IP105 0 IP246 0 IP135 0 IP130 0 |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised |
IP105 and IP246 propose 15 and 13 homes respectively. Effects upon traffic during operation would not increase significantly due to the number of new homes proposed though there would be a temporary increase in construction traffic. IP130 proposes 11 new homes which would not have a significant impact on air quality. IP135 proposed 24 homes and similarly will only have a negligible effect on traffic the area. |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
IP105 ++ IP246 ++ IP135 ++ IP130 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised |
IP105 is relatively close to the existing Local Centre 35 which would contribute to the achievement of the SA objective. Similarly IP246, IP135 and IP130 are located relatively close to District Centre 7, and Local Centre 35 which would provide easy access to these services in the long term. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
IP105 0 IP246 0 IP135 0 IP130 0 |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central |
Housing provision at these sites is considered to have a very minor effect on vehicular emissions due to the number of houses proposed. Therefore no significant effects to the SA Objective are likely to occur. Where possible design should incorporate sustainability measures (e.g. reduce water use, use of grey water), SuDS features and ensure that Code for Sustainable Homes standards are achieved. These sites should ensure that homes are designed to maximise energy efficiency which may also contribute to reducing fuel poverty. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
IP105 0 IP246 0 IP135 0 IP130 0 |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised |
Provision of houses would increase water use at each of these sites though not to a significant amount. With sites currently in use, no significant drainage problems would be envisaged. None of these site allocations are located within areas at risk of flooding. It is recommended that where possible design should incorporate sustainability measures (e.g. reduce water use, use of grey water) and SuDS features. |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
IP105 0 IP246 0 IP135 - IP130 0 |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised |
There are TPOs at IP135 which may be affected by new development. It is recommended that where possible TPOs should be incorporated into design at IP135. Each of the site allocations should maximise the use of soft landscaping and vegetation planting which would offer some benefits to the SA Objective. |
ET9 To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings |
IP105 0 IP246 0 IP135 0 IP130 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
There are no heritage assets within 100m of the sites therefore no impacts are recorded for this set of sites. |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP105 ++ IP246 ++ IP135 ++ IP130 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central |
Development with each of these site allocations could contribute towards enhancing townscape quality by implementing careful design techniques that integrate with the local character of the area. Ipswich Borough Council is in a process of preparing an Urban Character Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) (Phase 1 to be adopted in January 2015, Phase 2 in 2016) to provide additional guidance to support policies set out in their development plan documents. Once adopted, this document should be consulted upon at design stage. It is recommended that development at each of the sites should complement the existing character of the area which could also serve to enhance townscape. Where possible soft landscaping should be incorporated into design. |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
IP105 ++ IP246 ++ IP135 0 IP130 0 |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Central |
Development at IP105 is located close to a protected playing field and IP246 is located close to an area of woodland which could make partial contributions towards improving health in the long term through encouraging people to go outdoors and promoting healthier lifestyles. No significant effects with IP135 and IP130 are considered likely. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
IP105 ++ IP246 ++ IP135 ++ IP130 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central |
The provision of housing with these site allocations would help to improve quality and availability of homes cumulatively within the local area. Housing would also be provided close to Local and District Centres which would contribute to healthier lifestyles and encouraging community participation. |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP105 ++ IP246 ++ IP135 ++ IP130 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Central |
The provision of housing close to Local and District Centres would contribute to improving access to community facilities and reducing social exclusion. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
IP105 0 IP246 0 IP135 0 IP130 0 |
Short term Indirect Reversible High |
Central |
There would be the opportunity for construction related employment though this would be limited to the construction phase. |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
IP105 ++ IP246 ++ IP135 ++ IP130 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct Reversible High |
Central |
Each of these site allocations seeks to provide housing within the local area which directly supports the SA Objective. |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
IP105 0 IP246 0 IP135 0 IP130 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
The sites do not have a significant effect on encouraging employment and investment. |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
IP105 ++ IP246 ++ IP135 ++ IP130 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central |
The provision of homes with each of these site allocations close to existing District and Local Centres would help to encourage residents to use these facilities in the long term which would partially support the vitality and viability of these centres. |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
IP105 ++ IP246 ++ IP135 ++ IP130 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central |
The cumulative minor increase in population close to existing centres would help to encourage efficient patterns of movement. There are bus links close to each of these sites which would encourage sustainable and convenient travel. All of the above would encourage economic growth. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
IP105 ++ IP246 ++ IP135 ++ IP130 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central |
Development at these sites may help to encourage investment and in the long term. The cumulative population increase would support local business which would contribute to encouraging and accommodating indigenous and inward investment. Providing the right type of housing in the right locations could also help attract or retain skills to/in Ipswich which are key to attracting businesses. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
IP105 0 IP246 0 IP135 0 IP130 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
The site allocations are not considered to have an effect on maintaining and improving access to education and skills for both young people and adults. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
IP105 ++ IP246 ++ IP135 ++ IP130 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Central |
The provision of homes with each of the site allocations may help to increase natural surveillance which may in turn help to minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social behaviour. |
Castle Hill and St Margarets – a
IP009: Victoria Nurseries, Westerfield Road, 12 homes
IP256: Artificial hockey pitch, Ipswich Sports Club, subject
to the requirements of policy DM28 being met, 18 homes
Objective | Performance of Policy | Temporal Scale: Nature of Impact (Direct/Indirect): Reversibility: Certainty: | Geographical Extent | Commentary/Mitigation |
ET1 To improve air quality |
IP009 0 IP256 0 |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central |
The provision of 12 homes at IP009 and 18 homes IP256 would cumulatively result in a minor increase in private cars which in the medium to long term may have a very small contribution to an increase in vehicular emissions locally. There is however one local bus route in close proximity to each of these sites which may encourage more sustainable travel. Both are located within one mile of the town centre where there are job opportunities and services available. For these reasons effects on air quality are considered to be negligible. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
IP009 ++ IP256 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central |
Each of these sites would be developed on previously developed land. It is possible that contaminated land may be encountered at IP256. Remediation works would help to improve the soil resource. It is recommended that remediation works take place at IP256. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
IP009 - IP256 - |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central |
The proposed development with each of the site allocations would increase waste production. It is recommended that adequate waste facilities should be provided with development at these sites. Where possible recycling facilities should be provided. Waste reduction initiatives should also be encouraged. |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
IP009 0 IP256 0 |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central |
Housing provision will have a potential negative effect on emissions and their effect on the environment though on the whole impacts would be negligible. There is one local bus route which serves each of these site allocations which may help to reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment the long term. It is recommended that pedestrian and cycling infrastructure is enhanced in this area. |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
IP009 ++ IP256 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Central |
IP256 is located close to Local Centre 4 and both of the site allocations are located close to a large open space area which partially supports the SA Objective. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
IP009 - IP256 - |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central |
Housing provision at these sites would have a potential negative effect on vehicular emissions however each of the sites are located close to a local bus route and the town centre, which could encourage people to use public transport, cycle or walk. It is recommended that where possible public transport links should be provided within 400m of development. Where possible design should incorporate sustainability measures (e.g. reduce water use, use of grey water), SuDS features and ensure that Code for Sustainable Homes standards are achieved. These sites should ensure that homes are designed to maximise energy efficiency which may also contribute to reducing fuel poverty. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
IP009 0 IP256 - |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central |
There may be a drainage constraint at IP256 due to the previous use of the site as a sports pitch. None of the site allocations are located within areas at risk of flooding. It is recommended that where possible design should incorporate sustainability measures (e.g. reduce water use, use of grey water) and SuDS features. |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
IP009 - IP256 - |
N/A |
N/A |
Each of these sites contains TPOs which could be affected by development. Where possible TPOs should be incorporated into design and soft landscaping and tree planting should be encouraged to support biodiversity. |
ET9 To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings |
IP009 0 IP256 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
The Spinney including Car Port and Log Store Grade II Listed Building is located within 100m of IP009. However as development would not affect the Listed Building setting no negative effects are considered likely. |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP009 ++ IP256 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central |
Development of these site allocations could contribute towards enhancing townscape quality and local distinctiveness through careful design. Ipswich Borough Council is in a process of preparing an Urban Character Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) (Phase 1 to be adopted in January 2015, Phase 2 in 2016) to provide additional guidance to support policies set out in their development plan documents. Once adopted, this document should be consulted upon at design stage. It is recommended that development should complement the existing character of the area which could also serve to enhance townscape. Where possible soft landscaping should be incorporated into design. |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
IP009 ++ IP256 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Central |
Each of these proposed developments are located close to a large area of open space which could make minor contributions towards improving health in the long term through encouraging people to go outdoors and promoting healthier lifestyles. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
IP009 ++ IP256 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central |
The provision of housing with these site allocations would improve quality and availability of homes within the local area. Housing would also be provided close to a Local Centre at IP256 which would contribute to healthier lifestyles and encouraging community participation. IP256 is currently an all-weather sports pitch which will be lost to a housing development however mitigated through Core Strategy policy DM28. |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP009 0 IP256 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Central |
The provision of housing close to a Local Centre at IP256 would contribute to improving access to community facilities and reducing social exclusion. IP009 is not considered to have a significant effect on the SA Objective. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
IP009 0 IP256 0 |
Short term Indirect Reversible High |
Central |
Construction jobs may become available in the short term; however it is considered that on the whole the effect will be negligible. |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
IP009 ++ IP256 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct Reversible High |
Central |
Each of these site allocations seeks to provide housing within the local area which directly supports the SA Objective. |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
IP009 0 IP256 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
The sites would not support the SA Objective. |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
IP009 0 IP256 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central |
The provision of homes at IP256 close to an existing Local Centre would encourage residents to use these facilities which would support the vitality and viability of these centres. IP009 is not considered to have a significant effect on the SA Objective as it is not located close to any Local/District Centres. |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
IP009 0 IP256 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central |
The population increase associated with IP256 close to the existing Local Centre would encourage efficient patterns of movement. There are bus links close to this site which would encourage sustainable and convenient travel all of which would encourage economic growth. IP009 is not considered to have a significant effect on the SA Objective due it its location and distance from a Local or a District Centre. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
IP009 0 IP256 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central |
Development at IP256 would encourage investment and in the long term. The increase in numbers of local residents would support local business which would contribute to encouraging and accommodating indigenous and inward investment. IP009 is not considered to have a significant effect on the SA Objective due to its location. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
IP009 0 IP256 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
The site allocations are not considered to have an effect on maintaining and improving access to education and skills for both young people and adults. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
IP009 ++ IP256 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Central |
The provision of homes with each of the site allocations may help to increase natural surveillance which may in turn help to minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social behaviour. |
St Margarets- b
IP129: BT Depot, Woodbridge Road, housing 39 homes
IP161: 2 Park Road, up to 13 homes
Objective | Performance of Policy | Temporal Scale: Nature of Impact (Direct/Indirect): Reversibility: Certainty: | Geographical Extent | Commentary/Mitigation |
ET1 To improve air quality |
IP129 +/- IP161 0 |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central |
Development at IP129 would increase private cars vehicles which in the medium to long term would contribute to an increase in vehicle emissions locally. There are however local bus routes in close proximity to each of these sites which may encourage more sustainable travel. It is considered that IP161 will have a negligible effect on air quality due its small site area and capacity. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
IP129 ++ IP161 0 |
Medium and long term Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central |
IP129 would be developed on previously developed land. Contaminated land may be encountered at IP129 and remediation work would improve the soil resource. Contaminated land should be remediated where appropriate. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
IP129 - IP161 0 |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central |
It is considered that IP161 will have a negligible effect on waste due its small site area and capacity. IP129 would cumulatively increase waste production. It is recommended that adequate waste facilities should be provided with development at these sites. Where possible recycling facilities should be provided. Waste reduction initiatives should also be encouraged. |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
IP129 +/- IP161 0 |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central |
It is considered that IP161 will have a negligible effect on traffic due its small site area and capacity. Housing provision at IP129 may have a negative effect on emissions and their effect on the environment as traffic in the area is likely to increase. However there are local bus routes which serve each of these site allocations which may help to reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment in the long term. It is also located close to the town centre which would facilitate walking and cycling. |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
IP129 ++ IP161 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Central |
IP129 is located relatively close to Local Centre 37 and the town centre and adjacent to areas of open space which supports the SA Objective. IP161 is located near Christchurch park and close to the town centre therefore scores are recorded to be positive with regard to access. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
IP129 - IP161 0 |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central |
Housing provision at IP129 may result in an increase in vehicle emissions. However the site is located close to local bus routes which could support climate change adaptation. IP161 will have a negligible effect on climate change. It is recommended that where possible design should incorporate sustainability measures (e.g. reduce water use, use of grey water), SuDS features and ensure that Code for Sustainable Homes standards are achieved. These sites should ensure that homes are designed to maximise energy efficiency which may also contribute to reducing fuel poverty. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
IP129 - IP161 - |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central |
Provision of new residential units would increase water use at each of these sites. The sites are not located in flood risk areas. It is recommended that where possible design should incorporate sustainability measures (e.g. reduce water use, use of grey water) and SuDS features. |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
IP129 - IP161 - |
N/A |
N/A |
IP129 and IP161 each contain TPOs and it is possible that these may be affected by development. IP161 is adjacent to Christchurch Park (a County Wildlife Site) and IP129 is adjacent to the railway line which is a key wildlife corridor. The development of IP129 in particular could offer opportunities to enhance its biodiversity as it is hard standing and buildings at present. Development should take account of the presence of TPOs. Where possible TPOs should be incorporated into design and soft landscaping and tree planting should be encouraged to support biodiversity. |
ET9 To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings |
IP129 - IP161 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
IP161 is within a conservation area but the conversion retains the building. 325 Albion Hill Grade II Listed Feature (milestone) is located within 50m of IP129. There are no Scheduled Monuments in the vicinity of the sites. |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP129 ++ IP161 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central |
Development with each of these site allocations could contribute towards enhancing townscape quality and local distinctiveness through appropriate design. Design guidance is available through the Park Conservation Area character appraisal and the Urban Character SPD (Phase 1 to be adopted in January 2015). It is recommended that development should complement the existing character of the area which could also serve to enhance townscape. Where possible soft landscaping should be incorporated into design. |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
IP129 ++ IP161 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Central |
Each of these proposed developments are located close to areas of open space which could make partial contributions towards improving health in the long term through encouraging people to go outdoors and promoting healthier lifestyles. Both sites are also close to the town centre which may encourage walking and cycling. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
IP129 ++ IP161 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central |
The provision of housing with these site allocations would improve quality and availability of homes within the local area. Housing would also be provided close to a Local Centre at IP129 which would encourage community participation. |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP129 ++ IP161 0 |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Central |
The provision of housing close to a Local Centre for IP129 would contribute to improving access to community facilities and reducing social exclusion. The allocation of IP161 will have a negligible effect on the SA objective. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
IP129 0 IP161 0 |
Short term Indirect Reversible High |
Central |
During the construction phase of development, there would be the opportunity for construction related employment this would be limited to the construction phase. |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
IP129 ++ IP161 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct Reversible High |
Central |
Each of these site allocations seeks to provide housing within a localised area which directly supports the SA Objective. |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
IP129 0 IP161 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
No significant effects are considered against the SA Objective. |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
IP129 ++ IP161 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central |
The provision of homes at IP129 (close to an existing Local Centre) would encourage residents to use these facilities in the long term which would support the vitality and viability of these centres. The sites are also close to the town centre therefore effects are assessed as positive. |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
IP129 ++ IP161 ++ |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central |
The increase in residents associated with IP129 close to the existing Local Centre would encourage efficient patterns of movement. The sites are located in close proximity to the town centre. There are bus links near the sites which would encourage sustainable and convenient travel. All of the above would encourage economic growth. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
IP129 ++ IP161 0 |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central |
Development at IP129 would encourage investment in the long term. The increase in residents would support local businesses which would contribute to encouraging and accommodating indigenous and inward investment. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
IP129 0 IP161 0 |
N/A |
N/A |
The site allocations are not considered to have an effect on maintaining and improving access to education and skills for both young people and adults. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
IP129 ++ IP161 0 |
Medium and long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Central |
The provision of homes with each of the site allocations may help to increase natural surveillance which may in turn minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social behaviour. |
Ipswich South East
IP066: JJ Wilson, White Elm Street – 18 dwellings
IP010a: Co-op Depot, Felixstowe Road – 66 dwellings
IP010b: Felixstowe Road – 75 dwellings
Objective | Performance of Policy | Temporal Scale: Nature of Impact (Direct/Indirect): Reversibility: Certainty: | Geographical Extent | Commentary/Mitigation |
ET1 To improve air quality |
IP066: - IP010a: - IP010b: - |
Long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised |
Provision of extra housing at IP010a and IP010b could result in minor traffic and emissions increase. IP066 is within an AQMA and any additional traffic associated with housing provision may result in further deterioration of air quality. However, the site is located close to the town centre which could facilitate walking and cycling, and it is currently in industrial use so there is some traffic generation already. Use of sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
IP066: ++ IP010a: ++ IP010b: ++ |
Long term Indirect Irreversible Low |
Site |
Housing within all of these areas will increase the green space through the provision of gardens and open spaces (all are primarily hard surfaced or built on at present). The existing land use associated with commercial and industrial properties at IP010a and IP010b will be removed and replaced. Potential for contaminated land has been identified along the railway track. Appropriate remediation techniques and survey for contaminated land should be conducted during design of any scheme. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
IP066: - IP010a: - IP010b: - |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Site |
The provision of housing will potentially increase the volume of household waste produced within these areas. Recycling household waste initiatives would mitigate any potential increase. Industrial and commercial waste will be reduced at IP010a and IP101b through removal of these land uses. However, there will be associated removal of construction and demolition waste. |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
IP066: - IP010a: 0 IP010b: 0 |
Long term Indirect Reversible High |
Localised |
All units will realise an increase in residential traffic. Construction traffic will increase temporarily. IP066 is already in AQMA and even a slight increase in air pollution would be considered significant. IP010a and IP010b will realise a reduction in commercial and industrial traffic, through elimination of this land use. This may broadly offset the increase in residential traffic. Provision of public transport will enable the increase in traffic volumes to be minimised. |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
IP066: ++ IP010a: ++ IP010b: ++ |
Long term Indirect Reversible High |
Localised |
IP010a and IP010b are in close proximity to an existing District Centre 23 (along Felixstowe Road) and development within these areas would not hinder access to key services. IP066 is in close proximity to District Centre 21 (along Foxhall Road) and central Ipswich, therefore development would allow access to key services. As part of the development of IP010a, Rose Hill Primary School will be extended and provide an increased level of service to the immediate area. Any development should include provision to maintain and improve accessibility and connectivity to the green spaces within the district. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
IP066: ++ IP010a: ++ IP010b: ++ |
Long term Indirect Reversible High |
Ipswich – South East |
Residential development is expected at IP066, IP010a, and IP010b. This will replace existing buildings with energy efficient new buildings including insulation and heating; therefore replacing existing inefficient practices with modern standards. These would be in line with the Code for Sustainable Homes. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
IP066: ++ IP010a: ++ IP010b: ++ |
Long term Indirect Irreversible Low |
Sites |
Removal of existing hard standing and car parks and replacement with open space and landscaping will improve run off and aid ground absorption. The implementation of SuDS will offer benefits with regard to drainage and may reduce flood risk within the area. These methods should be studied and applied to any proposals where applicable. |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
IP066: +/- IP010a: +/- IP010b: +/- |
Long term Indirect Irreversible Low |
Localised |
All of the sites are presently of low biodiversity value. However, IP066 is located within close proximity to a County Wildlife Site. To the south of the site is an area of land designated as open space with geologically important features. IP010a and IP010b border the railway line, where a wildlife corridor exists. Proposals that may have a negative impact on wildlife habitats should not be accepted. Opportunities for enhancement should be sought. Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) are present within (or nearby) IP010a and IP010b; any development would be required to adhere to any conditions associated with these TPOs. |
ET9 To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings |
IP066: 0 IP010a: 0 IP010b: 0 |
Long term Indirect Irreversible Low |
Localised |
There are three listed buildings within 150m of the development areas. The Church of St Bartholomew (Grade II), Uplands (Grade II) and Boundary Wall, Gate piers and Gate at Uplands (Grade II). None of the areas will directly impact on any known features of historical interest nor will the proposals affect the setting of these listed buildings. |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP066: 0 IP010a: 0 IP010b: 0 |
Long term Indirect Irreversible Low |
Localised |
New housing developments at all sites should be designed to be sensitive and in-keeping with local character. It is likely that the construction of new housing at the sites in place of existing developments will have a slight positive impact upon the townscape. However, the impact is considered to be negligible. There are no listed buildings or conservation areas within proximity to the sites. IP010a and b fall within the California Urban Character Area in the Urban Character SPD (to be adopted January 2015) and IP066 is adjacent to the Parks area. The SPD provides design guidance. |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
IP066: ++ IP010a: ++ IP010b: ++ |
Long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Site |
New development at IP066, IP010a and IP010b will add improved quality housing to the area. Associated recreational areas and gardens should improve the health and amenity for local residents. IP010a is designated to include some community usage through extension to the local primary school. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
IP066: ++ IP010a: ++ IP010b: ++ |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Site |
Provision of new housing at the sites will increase the quality and availability of housing stock in eastern Ipswich. New housing will be constructed to a higher standard and the council will ensure that affordable housing will be provided. The provision of affordable housing is addressed in Policy CS12 in the Core Strategy. |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP066: 0 IP010a: ++ IP010b: 0 |
Long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Localised |
Provision of new housing at these sites will increase the quality and availability of housing stock in eastern Ipswich. IP010a and IP010b are situated in close proximity to the District centre 23 (along Felixstowe Road). IP010a is allocated for community usage, which is likely to include the extension to a local school. Employment will be created within the construction sector for the new housing provision, the extension of Rose Hill School and associated amenity improvements. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
IP066: ++ IP010a: - IP010b: ++ |
Short term Indirect Reversible Low |
Localised |
Employment will be created across all sites during the construction period of the new housing developments. However, some IP010a existing employment site will be lost. IP066 and IP010b will displace existing economic activities so they will need to be relocated within Ipswich if the jobs benefit is to be retained. Increased job opportunities will be available for the District Centre 23 (along Foxhall Road). |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
IP066: ++ IP010a: ++ IP010b: ++ |
Long term Indirect Reversible High |
Localised |
Provision of new housing at IP066, IP010a and IP010b will increase the quality and availability of housing stock in eastern Ipswich. It is envisaged that an element of affordable housing will be included in any future development. The provision of affordable housing is addressed in Policy CS12 in the Core Strategy. |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
IP066: 0 IP010a: 0 IP010b: 0 |
Long term Indirect Reversible High |
Site |
Employment and investment would be encouraged across IP066, IP010a and IP010b during the design and construction of the proposed development. However, the short term nature of this employment results in a negligible impact. An existing employment area is located to the north of IP066. An increase in the number of local residents could provide a workforce and expansion opportunity for the businesses within this area. Improved transport, connectivity and access routes should be encouraged to link the new developments to the employment area |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
IP066: ++ IP010a: ++ IP010b: ++ |
Long term Indirect Reversible High |
Localised |
The developments at IP066, IP010a, IP010b all offer new housing stock and are in close proximity to two local district centres 21 & 23 (along Foxhall Road and Felixstowe Road) containing shops and retail services. Although none of the development sites are primarily designated for commercial uses, their residents will use local services and add to the economy of the area and also that of Ipswich town centre. |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
IP066: ++ IP010a: ++ IP010b: ++ |
Long term Indirect Reversible High |
Ipswich – South East |
New housing created at IP066, IP010a and IP010b will provide an available workforce to the surrounding district centres, adjacent town centre and designated employment area. There are presently bus routes in close proximity to the sites along Felixstowe Road to central Ipswich. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
IP066: ++ IP010a: ++ IP010b: ++ |
Long term Indirect Reversible High |
Localised |
IP066, IP010a and IP010b are all housing developments. There will be investment into the areas for the design and construction of these sites. There are limited opportunities for new business to develop on these sites; however, the improvement in housing stock and accessibility will benefit surrounding business and attract investment. IP066 and IP010b will displace existing economic activities so they will need to be relocated within Ipswich if the jobs benefit is to be retained. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
IP066: 0 IP010a: ++ IP010b: 0 |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Localised |
The developments will provide new housing and some amenity in open space. IP010a will ensure that community facilities are maintained and extend a valuable resource in Rose Hill Primary School. The extension to Rose Hill Primary School in IP010a could contribute to achieving higher educational attainment and increase living standards within the local area. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
IP066: ++ IP010a: ++ IP010b: ++ |
Medium term Indirect Reversible High |
Site |
IP066, IP010a and IP010b would provide new housing to the local area; this will likely be an improvement on existing stock and increase community pride. Employment during construction will attract investment to the area and could have beneficial effects on crime levels thorough improved design and accessibility. The extension to Rose Hill Primary School in IP010a could contribute to achieving higher educational attainment and increase living standards within the local area. Proposals should incorporate safety in design principles and increase natural surveillance thereby minimising opportunities for crime and anti-social behaviour. |
IP067 – Former British Energy Site – employment
IP058 - Former Volvo site, Raeburn Rd South – employment
IP099 - Part of former Volvo Site, Raeburn Road South –
employment allocation
Objective | Performance of Policy | Temporal Scale: Nature of Impact (Direct/Indirect): Reversibility: Certainty: | Geographical Extent | Commentary/Mitigation |
ET1 To improve air quality |
IP067: - IP058: - IP099: - |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Localised |
The area around IP067, IP099 and IP058 is presently affected by odour from the nearby sewage works. This has been identified as an existing barrier to development. The proposals create employment areas at IP067, IP099 and IP058. It is considered likely that traffic volumes and emissions will increase. Public transport provision would mitigate some of this increase. The closest existing bus routes are to the north and east of the sites along Landseer Road. The sites are also next to a large residential area which could supply a labour force for future employment uses Bus improvements should be sought to reduce impacts on air quality if the proposals are completed. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
IP067: ++ IP058: ++ IP099: ++ |
Long term Direct Irreversible High |
Site |
IP067 is formerly the British Energy site; there may be some contaminants in this area. Site investigation may be required prior to any development. Remediation could be necessary and would improve the quality of soil resource. IP099 and IP058 are former Volvo sites and are presently consisting predominantly of hard standing car parking/depot and structures. Remediation works to be undertaken where appropriate. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
IP067: - IP058: - IP099: - |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Site |
Creation of employment areas at IP067, IP099 and IP058 will create industrial/commercial waste. This can be offset by the implementation of recycling schemes. Some demolition work and removal of contaminants may be required and this waste should be disposed of appropriately off-site. Any contaminated excavated ground should be disposed of appropriately. |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
IP067: - IP058: - IP099: - |
Long term Indirect Reversible High |
Localised |
The proposals create employment areas at IP067, IP099 and IP058 with likely increase in traffic volumes and emissions. Public transport provision would mitigate some of this increase. The closest existing bus routes are to the north and east of the sites along Landseer Road. An improvement to the public transport network and green travel plans should be developed to include access to these sites. |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
IP067: ++ IP058: ++ IP099: ++ |
Long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised |
IP058 and IP067 contain areas of open space which should be developed to provide an amenity or recreational asset for the local area. IP099 should contribute to the development of open spaces within these sites. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
IP067: ++/- IP058: ++/- IP099: ++/- |
Long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Ipswich – South East |
New employment areas and open space at IP067, IP058 and IP099 will replace derelict and former use buildings with more energy and water efficient structures. However, overall emissions would still increase. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
IP067: ++ IP058: ++ IP099: ++ |
Long term Indirect Irreversible High |
Localised |
None of the areas designated for employment use are within the floodplain. It is likely that the removal of existing depot/car parking structures and replacement with landscaped developments will decrease the potential run off by increasing ground absorption. Suitable drainage systems should be encouraged to ensure flood risk is minimised. |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
IP067: - IP058: - IP099: - |
Long term Direct Irreversible High |
Localised |
IP058 is presently a County Wildlife Site. It would be beneficial for any development on this site to promote the wildlife where possible associated with the CWS as per the recommendations in the 2012/2013 Wildlife Audit. IP067 and IP099 also have potential to create areas with rich biodiversity. IP099 and IP058 are close to the Pipers Vale Local Nature Reserve (LNR) to the south. Opportunities should be sought to enhance wildlife corridors by linking the areas of open space. Consultation with Natural England would be beneficial to determine potential enhancement of habitats. It is important that any development is in keeping and does not deteriorate the sensitive nature of the protected sites. |
ET9 To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings |
IP067: 0 IP058: 0 IP099: 0 |
Long term Direct Irreversible Low |
Localised |
There are no heritage assets within close proximity of IP067, IP058, and IP099. |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP067: ++/- IP058: ++/- IP099: ++/- |
Long term Direct Irreversible Low |
Localised |
Development at the disused sites IP058, IP099 and IP067 should incorporate green spaces to add to the wildlife sites and corridors in the locality. Development should encourage an improvement to the natural and man-made landscape. It is likely that negative impacts will be realised on the landscape of the CWS, however positive impacts could be realised through the development of derelict sites. Design of this development should be sensitive and encourage a continuation of the features contained within the protected sites. |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
IP067: 0 IP058: 0 IP099: 0 |
Long term Direct Reversible Low |
Localised |
The creation of employment areas at IP067, IP058 and IP099 should attract investment into the area, potentially resulting in a slight increase in wages and standard of living for the local population, however this impact is assessed to be negligible. The improvement of the local nature reserves and green space should be encouraged to allow access and recreational use of these sites. Removal and appropriate disposal of potentially contaminated land within all areas could bring added health benefits. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
IP067: ++ IP058: ++ IP099: ++ |
Long term Direct Irreversible Low |
Localised |
The creation of employment areas at IP067, IP058 and IP099 would create jobs and an increase in wages and standard of living for the local population. The improvement of the County Wildlife Site and green space should be encouraged to provide a wildlife corridor and if possible allow access and recreational use within IP058 and IP067. |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP067: ++ IP058: ++ IP099: ++ |
Long term Indirect Irreversible Low |
Ipswich – South East |
Creation of employment areas at IP058, IP067 and IP099 will attract investment and create jobs. Nearby residents north of Sandyhill Road should benefit from close proximity to employment areas. The Index of Multiple Deprivation highlights that the area containing these development sites is toward the most deprived. Creation of employment and associated improvement in amenities, transport linkages and townscape will benefit the area. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
IP067: ++ IP058: ++ IP099: ++ |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Ipswich – South East |
Employment will be created within IP067, IP058, and IP099. This will be permanent employment during operation and temporary employment during the construction period. |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
IP067: 0 IP058: 0 IP099: 0 |
Long term Indirect Irreversible Low |
Localised |
There are no housing proposals associated with the development policies for IP058, IP067, and IP099. |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
IP067: ++ IP058: ++ IP099: ++ |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Ipswich – South East |
Creation of employment areas at IP058, IP067 and IP099 will attract investment and create jobs. Nearby residents north of Sandyhill Road should benefit from close proximity to employment areas. |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
IP067: ++ IP058: ++ IP099: ++ |
Long term Indirect Reversible High |
Localised |
Creation of employment areas at IP058, IP067 and IP099 will bring investment to an area where there are several disused industrial units. The proposals should support existing employment areas and alongside appropriate investment in public transport and connectivity should increase usage of the area and the nearest local centres 25 and 26. |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
IP067: ++ IP058: ++ IP099: ++ |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Ipswich – South East |
Creation of employment areas at IP058, IP067 and IP099 should provide economic growth to the area. Improvement of public transport links and green space connectivity should encourage efficient movement of a workforce. Access from the local residential area north of Sandyhill Lane should be encouraged to reduce traffic, commuting distances and provide an available local workforce to enable business investment. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
IP067: ++ IP058: ++ IP099: ++ |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Ipswich – South East |
The primary aim of the policies at IP067, IP058, and IP099 is to encourage and accommodate investment. To encourage inward investment it would be beneficial to encourage existing businesses and employers within the nearby employment area and district centre 26 (along Landseer Road) by improving access and connectivity between the sites. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
IP067: 0 IP058: 0 IP099: 0 |
Long term Indirect Reversible High |
Localised |
Pipers Vale School is situated on Sandyhill Lane and increased investment in the surrounding area could bring benefits. Creation of employment areas at IP058, IP067 and IP099 should provide economic growth to the area and potentially raise the standard of living within the local community. An increase in public transport and green space connectivity could benefit the students of the school. However, these effects are more likely to be cumulative in combination with other proposals, therefore the performance of the each site is assessed to be negligible. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
IP067: ++ IP058: ++ IP099: ++ |
Long term Indirect Reversible High |
Localised |
Creation of employment areas at IP058, IP067 and IP099 should attract investment and job creation. The living standards within the local area could also rise. The development of disused sites at IP058, IP067, and IP099 will improve the local amenity and vibrancy. Disused sites can be associated with crime and anti-social behaviour. By bringing these back into acceptable use, then the community should benefit. Secured by design principles and an increase in natural surveillance may reduce crime levels within the area. |
Priory Heath B - Ravenswood
IP149: Pond Hall Carr and Farm; extension to Orwell Country
IP150a: Ravenswood T (adjacent Fen Bight Circle) Ravenswood
U, V, W 138 new dwellings
IP150b: Land south of Ravenswood; sports facilities
IP150c: Land south of Ravenswood; employment allocation
IP152: Airport Farm Kennels, north of the A14; employment
Objective | Performance of Policy | Temporal Scale: Nature of Impact (Direct/Indirect): Reversibility: Certainty: | Geographical Extent | Commentary/Mitigation |
ET1 To improve air quality |
IP149: 0 IP150a: - IP150b: - IP150c: - IP152: - |
Long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised |
Extension to Orwell Country Park at IP149 is unlikely to have a significant effect on air quality. There could be a slight increase in vehicle numbers visiting the site, but this is negligible. New housing provision at IP150a will likely lead to an increase in traffic movements due to population increase. To mitigate these effects, proposals to improve the public transport system in south east Ipswich (frequency, bus station provision, passenger information) should be considered. IP150b includes the development of sporting facilities which may increase visitors and traffic to the area. Cycling and walking should be encouraged through appropriate infrastructure and public realm improvements. IP152 proposes the establishment of an employment area, which will likely increase traffic to the area. This could be mitigated by increasing public transport provision. It should be noted that cumulatively the allocation of homes, employment and recreation facilities within a small area could encourage efficient patterns of movement in the long term. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
IP149: ++ IP150a: - IP150b: - IP150c: - IP152: - |
Long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Site |
Proposal to extend the country park at IP149 will extend the level of protection of soils within this area. New housing developments, sporting facilities and employment areas at IP150a, IP150b, IP150c and IP152 are likely to cause some disturbance to the soils. Contaminated areas may be uncovered and will require specialist disposal. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
IP149: 0 IP150a: - IP150b: 0 IP150c: - IP152: - |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Site |
New housing provision at IP150a will result in an increase in household waste generated within the area. This could be offset by the promotion of recycling schemes throughout the area. Creation of a new employment zone at IP152 and IP150c will lead to an increase in waste during construction and operation. This could be offset by recycling schemes. It is considered unlikely that the extension of the country park at IP149 will lead to any waste increase. |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
IP149: 0 IP150a: - IP150b: - IP150c: - IP152: - |
Long term Indirect Reversible High |
Localised |
Extension to the country park in IP149 could realise a slight increase in vehicle numbers visiting the site, but this is negligible. New housing provision at IP150a may lead to an increase in traffic movements due to population increase. IP152 and IP150c proposes the establishment of an employment area, which may increase traffic to the area. To mitigate these effects, proposals to improve the public transport system in south east Ipswich (frequency, bus station provision, passenger information) should be considered. IP150b includes the development of sport facilities which may increase visitors and traffic to the area. Cycling and walking should be encouraged through appropriate infrastructure and public realm improvements. |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
IP149: ++ IP150a: 0 IP150b: ++ IP150c: 0 IP152: 0 |
Long term Direct Reversible Low |
Localised |
Extension to the country park in IP149 will provide additional recreational opportunity for the local population. Housing development at IP150a will not provide key services directly, however, increases in population should encourage key service provision and this should be considered during the planning and design stage. It is also considered that the development could lead to an increase in the viability of Ravenswood District Centre. IP150b adds sport facilities and will directly benefit the key service provision within the area. IP152 and IP150c do not add any key services to the area but workers could access Ravenswood District Centre. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
IP149: 0 IP150a: - IP150b: - IP150c: - IP152: - |
Long term Indirect Irreversible Low |
Ipswich – South East |
Proposals to extend the country park at IP149 will not have an impact upon climate change. New housing development, sport facilities and employment areas at IP150a, IP150b, IP150c and IP152 should be constructed using energy efficient techniques and materials. The increase in traffic associated with these developments could have an adverse impact; this could be offset by improvements to the public transport system. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
IP149: 0 IP150a: - IP150b: - IP150c: - IP152: - |
Long term Direct Irreversible High |
Sites |
None of the sites are presently within the floodplain. Housing developments, sporting facilities and location of businesses within IP150a, IP150b, IP150c and IP152 could replace areas of open space with housing, structures, associated drainage and necessary road infrastructure. This could increase the surface run-off. Proposals should investigate whether SuDS would be appropriate within this area. Extension to the country park in IP149 is unlikely to have any impact upon flooding or water resources. |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
IP149: ++ IP150a: - IP150b: - IP150c: - IP152: - |
Long term Direct / Indirect Irreversible High |
Localised |
The extension of the country park at Pond Hall Farm (IP149) could enhance the biodiversity within the area. The site is bordered by the internationally designated SPA/Ramsar and nationally designated SSSI. Visitors’ management measures will be implemented to ensure the Orwell Estuary SPA is protected and any disturbance of birds is minimised. The Habitats Regulations Assessment (2014) has concluded that Policy SP8, regarding Site IP149, will not result in a likely significant effect upon any European site. Housing development at IP150a could benefit biodiversity if adequate planting and landscaping is included within any proposals. IP150b has been highlighted as an area where reptiles and invertebrate species are potentially present. Development of any proposals in this area will be required to be sensitive to any protected species. Appropriate surveys should be conducted prior to any development. Creation of the employment areas at IP152 and IP150c may have an adverse impact upon biodiversity. At present approximately one third of the site IP152 is designated as Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), which could be lost if development proceeds. Mitigation measures to offset the effects on species and habitats should be included within the proposals. For the area as a whole, the increase in connectivity through retention of a network of green space will ensure further impacts upon biodiversity are minimised. |
ET9 To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings |
IP149: 0 IP150a: 0 IP150b: 0 IP150c: 0 IP152: 0 |
Long term Indirect Irreversible Low |
Localised |
Pond Hall Farm is a listed building (Grade II) however the country park proposal is not expected to have a significant effect on it. Sites IP150a, b and c lie in the vicinity of Prehistoric remains and cropmarks, and as such any necessary mitigation measures should be addressed at an appropriate stage in the planning process. IP152 includes a known Bronze Age barrow (IPS 027). This indicates that there are other prehistoric archaeological remains of high importance in the vicinity. As such any necessary mitigation measures should be addressed at an appropriate stage in the planning process. |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP149: ++ IP150a: 0 IP150b: 0 IP150c: 0 IP152: 0 |
Long term Indirect Irreversible Low |
Localised |
There is the possibility that these developments may result in adverse impact upon views and open space. Therefore, the new housing developments, sport facilities and employment areas at sites IP150a, IP150b, IP150c and IP152 should be designed to be sensitive and in-keeping with local character. There are no listed buildings or conservation areas within proximity to the sites. ‘Existing countryside features, such as hedgerows, should be maintained at IP152 wherever possible’. IP149 will develop the existing country park and would potentially add benefits to the landscape character. Proposed facilities should be designed to blend in with the surroundings. Where possible linkages between the green spaces should be encouraged to improve the landscape characteristics. |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
IP149: ++ IP150a: ++ IP150b: ++ IP150c: ++ IP152: ++ |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Site |
New development at IP150a will provide high quality housing to the area. Associated recreational areas and gardens should improve the amenity for local residents. IP150b will develop sport facilities, allowing a valuable resource for the local area to be maintained. IP149 will extend the existing countryside park and increase the recreational area for use by the public. Employment opportunities at IP152 and IP150c would offer benefits with regard to mental health. For these reasons, it is considered that the sites will offer some benefits for the local residents with regard to both physical and mental health. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
IP149: ++ IP150a: ++ IP150b: ++ IP150c: ++ IP152: ++ |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Site |
New housing development at IP150a will improve the quality of the housing stock within the area. Associated recreational areas would improve both physical and mental health and may increase community participation. Any proposals should include provision for open spaces for community use. IP152 and IP150c will offer some additional employment offering indirect benefits to mental health and well-being. IP149 and IP150b will provide additional recreational facilities for the local population. IP149 will provide health benefits to the area through preservation and extension of the country park. |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP149: ++ IP150a: ++ IP150b: ++ IP150c: ++ IP152: ++ |
Long term Indirect Reversible High |
Localised |
The area containing IP149, IP150a, IP150b, IP150c and IP52 is ranked as third most deprived on the national scale. (1 most deprived – 10 least deprived). The creation of employment at IP152 and IP150c could have a positive impact on the quality of life and standard of living within the area. New housing provision will improve the quality of the stock and increase the quality of life for residents. Community facilities, such as the sport facilities at IP150b and the country park extension at IP149 will encourage community participation. The proposals should include plans to maintain in good condition these community assets in the long term and provide linkages and connectivity where possible. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
IP149: 0 IP150a: 0 IP150b: 0 IP150c: ++ IP152: ++ |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Localised |
Short term employment will be created with the construction of new housing and improvements to sport and country park facilities at IP149, IP150a and IP150b. It is unlikely that these provisions would provide long term opportunities for employment although the country park extension could if a visitors’ centre is provided on site. Development at IP152 and IP150c has the potential to offer long term employment to the local population. |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
IP149: 0 IP150a: ++ IP150b: 0 IP150c: 0 IP152: 0 |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Localised |
IP149, IP150b and c, and IP152 will not create further housing provision for the community. IP150a will create 138 (when complete) new homes. The provision of affordable housing is addressed in Policy CS12 in the Core Strategy. |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
IP149: ++ IP150a: ++ IP150b: ++ IP150c: ++ IP152: ++ |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Site |
Creation of employment areas at IP152 and IP150c will attract investment and create jobs. Nearby residents along Nacton Road and Landseer Road should benefit from close proximity to the employment areas. Linkages should be sought with the existing employment area to the east of Nacton Road to extend the scope of investment in the area. Improved housing and community facilities at IP149, IP150a and IP150b will assist in regeneration of the area and potentially attract further investment. |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
IP149: ++ IP150a: ++ IP150b: ++ IP150c: ++ IP152: ++ |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Localised |
Creation of an employment area at IP152 and IP150c will bring investment to the area. The proposals should support the existing employment areas to the east of Nacton Road and alongside appropriate investment in public transport and connectivity should increase usage of the area. Improved housing and community facilities at IP149, IP150a and IP150b will assist in regeneration of the area and potentially attract further investment. This will benefit the existing District Centre 47 (Ravenswood). |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
IP149: ++ IP150a: ++ IP150b: ++ IP150c: ++ IP152: ++ |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Ipswich – South East |
Creation of employment areas at IP152 and IP150c should provide economic growth to the area. New housing and sport facilities will provide temporary employment during the construction phase. The location of the sites at the periphery of Ipswich, mix of uses and improvement of public transport links and green space connectivity should encourage efficient movement of the workforce. The use of sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged to reduce traffic, commuting distances and provide easy access to employment areas. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
IP149: ++ IP150a: ++ IP150b: ++ IP150c: ++ IP152: ++ |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Localised |
The primary aim of the allocations at IP152 and IP150c is to encourage and accommodate investment. An increase in high quality housing and an improvement in the landscape at IP149, IP150a and IP150b could make the area more attractive to investors. To encourage inward investment it would be beneficial to improve access and connectivity between the existing and planned developments. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
IP149: ++ IP150a: 0 IP150b: ++ IP150c: 0 IP152: ++ |
Long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised |
A visitor centre at IP149 would raise awareness of the potential impacts of disturbance on birds on the estuary. Ravenswood School is situated on Ravenswood Ave, just adjacent to IP150a and increased investment in the surrounding area could bring benefits. Creation of employment areas at IP152 and IP150c should encourage economic growth locally and potentially raise the standard of living within the local community. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
IP149: 0 IP150a: ++ IP150b: ++ IP150c: 0 IP152: 0 |
Long term Indirect Reversible High |
Site |
Creation of employment areas at IP152 and IP150c should attract investment and job creation. The living standards within the local area could also rise as a result. The development of IP150a and IP150b should help regenerate the area and raise living standards. Proposals should include open/green spaces for community use. Secured by design principles should be considered during the design stage. It is unlikely that the extension of the county park at IP149 will have an impact upon crime or anti-social behaviour. |
Priory Heath C – The Havens
IP146 - Ransomes Europark East; three employment areas
Objective | Performance of Policy | Temporal Scale: Nature of Impact (Direct/Indirect): Reversibility: Certainty: | Geographical Extent | Commentary/Mitigation |
ET1 To improve air quality |
IP146: - |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Localised |
The proposals create employment areas at three locations at IP146. These areas are likely to generate traffic in peak hours and have a negative effect on air quality. It is likely that these traffic effects will be in combination with the effect of the other employment areas nearby. There are bus services running through the Ransomes Europark, with connection close to the Makro store. Sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged through the implementation of Travel plans. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
IP146: - |
Long term Direct Irreversible High |
Site |
IP146 is presently an area of unused fields. Development on greenfield land could have a negative effect on soil resource. Compensation measures may be required if the soil is of good agricultural quality. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
IP146: - |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Site |
The proposed employment area at IP146 will be constructed on open space/farmland. There will be an inevitable increase in waste from the site once operational. However, this can be partly mitigated by encouraging recycling schemes. |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
IP146: - |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Localised |
The proposals create employment areas at IP146 and may lead to an increase in traffic volumes and emissions. It is likely that these negative effects will be in combination with the negative effects of other employment areas nearby. There are bus services running through the Ransomes Europark, with connection close to the Makro store. Sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged. |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
IP146: 0 |
Long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Localised |
Creation of employment areas at IP146 will not provide any key services to the local area. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
IP146: - |
Long term Indirect Irreversible Low |
Ipswich – South East |
New employment areas at IP146 will be constructed on previously undeveloped land. To mitigate this, the proposals should include energy and water efficiency measures in line with the BREEAM requirements. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
IP146: - |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Sites |
None of the areas designated for employment use are within the floodplain. It is likely that the removal of existing fields and grassland and replacement with hard standing or buildings will increase run off and decrease ground absorption. SuDS should be included within any proposals along with landscaped areas where possible. |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
IP146: - |
Long term Direct Irreversible High |
Localised |
IP146 is presently located close to a small local nature reserve. It would be beneficial for any development to include open space and habitat enhancements to increase the benefits for biodiversity and wildlife associated with the LNR. The three development sites are located on previously undeveloped land and are close to the periphery of Ipswich and the countryside; therefore any proposed development should be sensitive to ecological receptors. Surveys for protected species should be conducted prior to any proposals being approved. |
ET9 To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings |
IP146: 0 |
Long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Localised |
There are no known heritage assets within close proximity of IP146. |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP146: 0 |
Long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Site |
Development at IP146 will be upon greenfield land. Negative effects on landscape are likely to occur. Cumulative loss of the urban fringe and development of the site for employment is reduced by the existing industrial backdrop. Design of this development should be sensitive and encourage a continuation of the features contained within the surrounding countryside. |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
IP146: ++ |
Long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Site |
The creation of employment areas at IP146 should attract investment into the area, resulting in an increase in wages and standard of living for the local population. This may have an indirect positive impact on mental health and well-being. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
IP146: 0 |
Long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Site |
The creation of employment areas at IP146 would create some jobs. However, this is unlikely to have a significant impact in isolation. |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP146: ++ |
Long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Localised |
Creation of employment areas at IP146 will attract investment and create some jobs. Nearby residents in the Ravenswood and Gainsborough areas should benefit from close proximity to employment areas. The location of the site at the edge of the borough and close to a large road results in a reduced effect upon the local population. The Index of Multiple Deprivation highlights that the area containing these development sites is toward the least deprived. The development should include some improvements for public transport and local amenity to benefit local residents. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
IP146: ++ |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Localised |
There will be permanent employment opportunities during operation and temporary employment during the construction period. |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
IP146: 0 |
Long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Localised |
There are no housing proposals associated with IP146. |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
IP146: ++ |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Site |
Creation of employment areas at IP146 will attract investment and create jobs. Nearby residents in Ravenswood and Gainsborough should benefit from close proximity to employment areas. Linkages between businesses should be sought with the existing employment area and those to the west of Nacton Road. This would extend the scope of investment in the area. The cumulative effect of these sites is likely to be positive in combination with the existing employment areas. |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
IP146: ++ |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Localised |
Creation of employment areas at IP146 will attract investment in the long term. The proposal should support existing district and local centres and alongside appropriate investment in public transport and connectivity should increase usage of the employment area and the surrounding Europark. The proposals are likely to have little impact upon town centres when considered in isolation, however, the effect on the larger area will be positive. |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
IP146: ++ |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Ipswich – South East |
Creation of employment areas at IP146 should increase economic growth to the area. Improvement of public transport links and green space connectivity should be encouraged to provide efficient movement of a workforce. Access from the local residential area around Ravenswood should be encouraged to reduce traffic, commuting distances and enable business investment. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
IP146: ++ |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Localised |
The primary aim of site allocation IP146 is to encourage and accommodate investment. It would be beneficial to improve access and connectivity between the existing employment areas and IP146 to encourage existing businesses within the nearby employment area and district centre 47 (Ravenswood) to invest locally. Cumulative effects on the larger employment area is likely be positive. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
IP146: 0 |
Long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Localised |
There will be no impact upon educational assets as a result of IP146. There could be the provision of training to the workforce, but is assessed to be of negligible impact. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
IP146: 0 |
Long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Site |
Creation of employment areas at IP146 should attract investment and job creation. Secured by design principles should be considered during the design stage. |
Ipswich South West
IP147: Land between railway junction and Hadleigh Road;
creation of an employment area
IP059a: Elton Park Industrial Estate; creation of 105 new
IP059b: Arclion House, Hadleigh Road; creation of 18 new
IP061: School Site, Lavenham Road; creation of 30 new
dwellings and open space
IP168: Stoke Park Drive – creation of 11 new dwellings
Objective | Performance of Policy | Temporal Scale: Nature of Impact (Direct/Indirect): Reversibility: Certainty: | Geographical Extent | Commentary/Mitigation |
ET1 To improve air quality |
IP147: - IP059a: - IP059b: - IP061: - IP168: - |
Long term Indirect Reversible High |
Localised |
Provision of housing at IP059a, IP059b, IP061, IP168 and the creation of an employment area at IP147 could result in extra traffic and related emissions through an influx of residents and workers. The area is not within an AQMA. There is public transport provision along nearby London Road and Dickens Road. The effect of additional traffic within the area could be offset by the improvement of public transport services to increase the frequency and geographical scope. Sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
IP147: ++ IP059a: ++ IP059b: ++ IP061: - IP168: ++ |
Long term Direct Irreversible High |
Site |
IP061 proposes to use previously undeveloped grassland/open space to build 30 new homes. This will create disturbance to the existing soil resource and reduce the quality. Creation of housing developments at IP059a, IP059b, IP168 and an employment area at IP147 is on previously developed land. Remediation works should be undertaken if contaminated land is found. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
IP147: - IP059a: - IP059b: - IP061: - IP168: - |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Site |
Sites IP059a, IP059b, IP061, IP168 provide additional residential units and IP147 an employment area. This may result in an increase in household and commercial waste in the medium and long term. Recycling schemes will reduce the impact of additional waste. |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
IP147: - IP059a: - IP059b: - IP061:- IP168: - |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Localised |
The provision of housing at IP059a, IP059b, IP061, and IP168 may lead to an increase in traffic as a result of residents increase in numbers into the area. The creation of designated employment area at IP147 will potentially lead to an increase in traffic movements in peak hours of the day. There are existing bus services along Dickens Road to the south and east of the sites and London Road to the south. Improvements in these services, such as bus stop provision and passenger information may offset any impacts from increased traffic as a result of the developments. Sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged. |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
IP147: 0 IP059a: 0 IP059b: 0 IP061: - IP168: 0 |
Long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Localised |
Housing developments at IP059a, IP059b, IP061, and IP168 will not provide key services directly, however, increases in population would encourage key service provision around Local centre 8. IP061 is developing an area of open space/playing fields. Some will be retained for use by the existing and new residents. Improvements to the amenity of this space should be considered to offset impacts of the development. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
IP147: - IP059a: - IP059b: - IP061: - IP168: - |
Long term Indirect Irreversible Low |
Ipswich – West |
New housing development and employment areas at IP147, IP059a, IP059b, IP168 and IP061 should be constructed using energy efficient techniques and materials. The increase in traffic associated with these developments could have an adverse impact, which could be offset by the improvement to public transport services. The retention of some area of open space at IP061 would also offset some of the impacts. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
IP147: - IP059a: 0 IP059b: 0 IP061: - IP168: - |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Sites |
Housing developments at IP168 and IP061 would replace areas of open space with housing, ancillary structures and necessary road infrastructure. This could increase the surface run-off and the risk of flooding. Drainage issues should be taken into account through the detailed planning of the development at planning application stage. A small section to the north of IP059a is adjacent to Flood zone 2 and 3. This may increase the risk of flooding unless mitigated. Any development within this area should be sensitive to the flood risk issues and not increase downstream residual issues. |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
IP147: 0 IP059a: - IP059b: - IP061: 0 IP168: 0 |
Long term Direct Irreversible High |
Localised |
Housing developments at IP061, IP059a, IP059b, and IP168 could benefit biodiversity if adequate planting and landscaping is included within any proposals. There are tree preservation orders (TPOs) in place at IP059a and IP059b; any proposals should be sensitive to these natural assets. The creation of an employment area at IP147 is adjacent to the River Gipping, which is a County Wildlife Site. Mitigation measures should be put in place to ensure any potential impacts upon the site are avoided or minimised. Development should be sensitive to the natural environment of the river and protect biodiversity resources. |
ET9 To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings |
IP147: 0 IP059a: 0 IP059b: 0 IP061: - IP168: 0 |
Long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Localised |
There are no known heritage assets within close proximity to IP147, IP059a, IP059b, and IP168. Crane Hall, a Grade II Listed Building, is adjacent to the proposed housing development site at IP061. The proposal should not have a direct impact upon the listed building or the setting, but should be sensitive to the nature of the structure and use suitable construction techniques to avoid any visual impact. |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP147: 0 IP059a: 0 IP059b: 0 IP061: - IP168: 0 |
Long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Site |
New housing developments and employment areas at IP147, IP059a, IP059b and IP061, and IP168 should be designed to be sensitive and in-keeping with local character. IP061 is to be constructed on open space therefore may have a negative impact on townscape only in localised area. There is a listed building in close proximity to IP061, therefore construction and setting considerations should be taken into account prior to development. Where possible linkages between the green spaces should be encouraged to improve the landscape characteristics. |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
IP147: ++ IP059a: ++ IP059b: ++ IP061: ++ IP168: ++ |
Long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Site |
New housing development at IP059a, IP059b, IP061 and IP168 will provide high quality housing to the area. Associated recreational areas and gardens would benefit mental and physical health of the local residents. IP061 will include some open space for recreational use of residents. The creation of an employment area at IP147 should attract investment and result in creation of job opportunities. This may benefit mental health and well-being in the long term. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
IP147: ++ IP059a: ++ IP059b: ++ IP061:++ IP168: ++ |
Long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Site |
New housing development at IP059a, IP059b, IP061, and IP168 will improve the quality of the housing stock within the area. Associated recreational areas should improve health of local residents and increase community participation. Any proposals at IP059a, IP059b, and IP168 should include provision of open spaces for community use. These are already provided for within the development at IP061. The creation of an employment area at IP147 should attract investment and employment to the area, therefore raising the standard of living within the area. Linkages should be improved to ensure that the residents have easy access to the employment opportunities. |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP147: ++ IP059a: ++ IP059b: ++ IP061:++ IP168: ++ |
Long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Localised |
The area containing all sites is ranked at 5828 on the national deprivation scale (1=most deprived, 32482=least deprived). Therefore the creation of employment at IP147 could have a positive impact on the quality of life and standard of living within the area. New housing provision will improve the quality of the housing stock and improve the quality of life. The creation of an employment area at IP147 will attract investment and should result in more job opportunities for the local residents. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
IP147: ++ IP059a: 0 IP059b: 0 IP061: 0 IP168: 0 |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Localised |
Short term employment will be created with the construction of new housing facilities at IP059a, IP059b, IP168 and IP061. It is unlikely that these provisions would provide long term opportunities for employment. Development at IP147 has the potential to offer long term employment opportunities. |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
IP147: 0 IP059a: ++ IP059b: ++ IP061: ++ IP168: ++ |
Long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Localised |
IP059a will create 105 new homes, IP059b will create 18, IP168 will create 11, and IP061 will create 30. There is no provision for new housing within the employment area at IP147. The provision of affordable housing is addressed in Policy CS12 in the Core Strategy. |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
IP147: ++ IP059a: ++ IP059b: ++ IP061: ++ IP168: ++ |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Site |
Creation of an employment area at IP147 will attract investment and create jobs. Nearby residents along London Road, Kelly Road and the surrounding estate would benefit from close proximity to the employment areas. Linkages should be sought with the existing employment area adjacent IP147 to extend the scope of investment in the area and increase cumulative positive impacts. Improved housing and community facilities at IP059a, IP059b, IP168 and IP061 will assist in regeneration of the area and potentially attract further investment when in combination with each other. The District Centre (8) at the eastern end of Kelly Road and the one at Stoke Park Drive (11) should also benefit from the influx of new residents and employees. |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
IP147: ++ IP059a: ++ IP059b: ++ IP061: ++ IP168: ++ |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Localised |
Creation of an employment area at IP147 will bring investment to the area. The proposals should support the existing employment areas to the east of IP147; the Hadleigh Road industrial estate. Improved housing at IP059a, IP059b, IP168 and IP061 will assist in regeneration of the area and potentially attract further investment. This will benefit the District Centre (8) along Kelly Road and Dickens Road and District Centre (11) along Stoke Park Drive. |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
IP147: ++ IP059a: ++ IP059b: ++ IP061: ++ IP168: 0 |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Ipswich – West |
Creation of employment area at IP147 should provide economic growth to the area. New housing at IP059a, IP059b, IP168 and IP061 will provide temporary employment during the construction phase. The location of the housing developments and employment areas in close proximity will have a positive impact. IP168 is located at a distance from existing employment areas and may have a negative impact but it is considered to be negligible due to the size of the site. Improvement of public transport links and green space connectivity should encourage efficient movement of a workforce. Sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
IP147: ++ IP059a: ++ IP059b: ++ IP061: ++ IP168: ++ |
Long term Direct Reversible High |
Localised |
An increase in high quality housing and an improvement of townscape quality at IP059a, IP059b, IP061, and IP168 could make the area more attractive to investors. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
IP147: ++ IP059a: 0 IP059b: 0 IP061: 0 IP168: 0 |
Long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Localised |
The proposals at IP059a, IP059b, IP061, IP147, and IP168 will not directly affect the educational assets within the area. Creation of an employment area at IP147 may include provision of employee training and offer benefits in the long term. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
IP147: ++ IP059a: ++ IP059b: ++ IP061: ++ IP168: ++ |
Long term Indirect Reversible Low |
Site |
Creation of an employment area at IP147 should attract investment and job creation. The development of IP059a, IP059b, IP061, and IP168 should improve the housing stock within the area and result in economic regeneration, which should raise living standards. |
IP – One Area
Central – St. Margaret’s, Alexandra
IP172: 15-19 St. Margaret’s Green, 9 homes
IP176: 7-9 Woodbridge Road, 14 homes
IP214: 300 Old Foundry Road, 11 homes
IP260: The Former Odeon Cinema, leisure uses
Objective | Performance of Policy | Temporal Scale: Nature of Impact (Direct/Indirect): Reversibility: Certainty: | Geographical Extent | Commentary/Mitigation |
ET1 To improve air quality |
IP172 0 IP176 0 IP214 0 IP260 - |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP172, IP176, and IP214 are already within AQMA, and IP260 is in close proximity to AQMA. The development of the sites may potentially increase air pollution during construction in the short term. The main use of the land (IP172, IP176, and IP214) will be residential, which may lead to additional use of private cars of any new residents. However, the sites are relatively small in size and the overall effect on traffic would be negligible due to the central location near most community facilities. IP260 is allocated for leisure uses/community facility and the increase of traffic to the site may be determined by the available car parking spaces and frequency of the local bus service that runs through the area. Opportunities should be sought to encourage sustainable modes of transport through enhancement of the pedestrian infrastructure and creation of cycling routes. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
IP172 ++ IP176 ++ IP214 ++ IP260 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The sites are located in urban Ipswich, on brownfield land and are relatively small in size. The sites may potentially be contaminated due to previous use of the land and opportunities could be sought to remediate the land before use. Therefore it is considered that the effect in the medium and long term is likely to be beneficial. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
IP172 0 IP176 0 IP214 0 IP260 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Waste is likely to be generated in the short term during construction and in the long term during operation (household waste). The capacity of sites IP172, IP176, and IP214 is low in number of residential units, therefore on their own the development of the sites is not anticipated to result in any significant negative effects. IP260 is allocated for leisure uses and waste is likely to be generated in the long term as a result of increased number of visitors. Cumulative effects are likely to occur when the site allocations are considered along with other sites in IP-one area. Opportunities should be sought to encourage recycling and reuse of materials. |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
IP172 ++ IP176 ++ IP214 ++ IP260 - / ? |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Low |
Central Ipswich |
The sites are located in close proximity to the primary and secondary shopping areas (walking distance) and other town centre jobs and facilities, which may reduce the need to travel by private car. Users of the leisure facility (IP260) may increase traffic in the area but the level of certainty of prediction of potential effects is low. The use of sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged through improvements of the pedestrian and cycling infrastructure in the area. |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
IP172 ++ IP176 ++ IP214 ++ IP260 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
All the sites are located in the central urban area of Ipswich and no major access constraints are identified with IP172, IP176, IP214, and IP260. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
IP172 0 IP176 0 IP214 0 IP260 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
The whole borough |
The sites are not located in Flood Zones 2 and 3 and the risk of flooding of development is considered to be low. The traffic generated by IP172, IP176, and IP214 is likely to be low due to the size and the central location of the sites. Cumulatively, the effects on climate change can be reduced through encouraging people to use more sustainable modes of transport. The use of sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged through improvements of the pedestrian and cycling infrastructure in the area. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
IP172 ++ IP176 ++ IP214 ++ IP260 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The sites are not located in Flood Zones 2 and 3 and the risk of flooding of development is considered to be low. Benefits for water can be maximised if there are opportunities to remediate some historical areas of contamination. |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
IP172 0 IP176 0 IP214 0 IP260 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
There are no wildlife sites/TPOs near or adjacent to the site allocations. Therefore it is considered that the effects on biodiversity will be negligible. |
ET9 To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings |
IP172 +/- IP176 0 IP214 +/- IP260 +/- |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The development of IP176 will have neutral effect on areas of historical importance due to no heritage assets located in the vicinity of the site. Potential for any negative effects on heritage assets are identified with the development of sites IP172, IP214 and IP260 as there listed buildings located opposite or directly adjacent to the sites: 4 Soane Street (Grade II), Freemasons Hall (Grade II), Clarence House (Grade II), Milestone (Grade II), 35, St Margaret’s Street (Grade II*), Olde Tudor Café (Grade II*) Appropriate design of buildings should be considered (through the use of traditional or sympathetic building materials and techniques which respect those found on the surrounding buildings) to maintain the local distinctiveness of the area in order to avoid any negative effects on the listing buildings opposite or adjacent to new development. There is potential for archaeological remains at IP214 and IP172 as they are located in Area of Archaeological importance and conservation area. |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP172 +/- IP176 0 IP214 +/- IP260 +/- |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Potential negative effects on listed buildings are identified with the development of IP172, IP214 and IP260. The local townscape distinctiveness should be conserved through the use of traditional or sympathetic building materials and techniques which respect those found on the listed building. |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
IP172 ++ IP176 ++ IP214 ++ IP260 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Whilst the provision of decent housing associated with the development of sites IP172, IP176, and IP214 may have some positive indirect effects on health, it is considered that the overall effect will be negligible. However, positive indirect effects on human health are likely to occur due to the close proximity of Christchurch park which may encourage people to walk and participate in sport events. IP260 is allocated for leisure uses and during the operation of the site, potential indirect benefits could result from the use of indoor sport or leisure facilities that may be available. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
IP172 ++ IP176 ++ IP214 ++ IP260 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Community participation will be encouraged through the allocation of land for leisure at IP260. Sites IP172, IP176, and IP214 will contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through the provision of decent housing and thus improving the quality of life. |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP172 0 IP176 0 IP214 0 IP260 0 |
Short, medium and long term Indirect Irreversible Medium |
N/A |
There is no clear relationship between the allocation of the sites and the achievement of the SA objective and/or the effect will be negligible. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
IP172 0 IP176 0 IP214 0 IP260 0 |
Short Direct Reversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Some employment opportunities are likely to arise with the development of leisure facilities at IP260 and temporary construction jobs with each new development. However, on the whole, the predicted positive effects are unlikely to be significant. |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
IP172 ++ IP176 ++ IP214 ++ IP260 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Site allocations IP172, IP176, and IP214 are likely to contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through the delivery of residential dwellings. |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
IP172 0 IP176 0 IP214 0 IP260 0 |
Short, medium and long term Indirect Irreversible Medium |
N/A |
Whilst new residential developments and a leisure facility will contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through improving the overall quality of life, it is considered that on its own each site will have a negligible effect. |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
IP172 ++ IP176 ++ IP214 ++ IP260 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The development of the site will potentially provide support to the town centre shopping areas. |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
IP172 ++ IP176 ++ IP214 ++ IP260 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The provision of residential dwellings (IP172 and IP176, IP214) and a leisure facility (IP260) close to existing employment and shopping areas will encourage efficient patterns of movement and in the long term this could help to support economic growth. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
IP172 0 IP176 0 IP214 0 IP260 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
On its own, each site is unlikely to contribute to the achievement of the SA objective. Some local economic benefits are associated with the development of IP260. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
IP172 0 IP176 0 IP214 0 IP260 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Whilst the close proximity of the sites to the University Campus Suffolk and Suffolk New College may result in educational benefits for the residents, it is considered that due to the small size of each site the effect will be negligible. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
IP172 0 IP176 0 IP214 0 IP260 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Whilst the size of the sites does not suggest any significant effect on the baseline conditions, it should be noted that the sites are located in an area ranked as most deprived. On the whole, crime levels are higher in Ipswich than national average. Therefore, it would be beneficial to incorporate secured by design principles within new developments regardless of their size. |
Central – Alexandra
IP055 Crown Street – short stay car park
IP253: Electric House, Lloyds Avenue, 13 homes
IP245: 12-12a Arcade Street, 14 homes
IP040: Civic Centre Area / Civic Drive, 80% retail, 20%
residential (29 homes)
Objective | Performance of Policy | Temporal Scale: Nature of Impact (Direct/Indirect): Reversibility: Certainty: | Geographical Extent | Commentary/Mitigation |
ET1 To improve air quality |
IP253 0 IP245 0 IP040 - IP055 - |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The sites (IP253, IP245, and IP040) are located in or near AQMA (along Crown Street and St. Margaret’s Street), and potential negative effects are associated with dust and air pollution during construction The main use of the land (IP253, IP245) will be residential which may lead to additional use of private cars of any new residents. However, the sites are relatively small in size and the overall effect on traffic may be negligible due to the central location near most community facilities. The sites are well served by public transport therefore it is considered that effects will be neutral in the long term. IP040 has the potential to generate traffic from users of the retail services. Therefore, the use of public transport should be encouraged through appropriate location of bus stops in the area. IP055 is allocated for a short stay shopper car park. It will attract cars but it is north of the AQMA so could help to prevent cars from entering the AQMA to find parking elsewhere. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
IP253 0 IP245 ++ IP040 ++ IP055 0 |
Medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The sites are located in urban Ipswich, on brownfield land and are relatively small in size. IP245, IP040 may potentially be contaminated due to previous use of the land and opportunities could be sought to remediate the land before use. Therefore it is considered that the effect in the medium and long term is likely to be beneficial. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
IP253 0 IP245 0 IP040 - IP055 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Waste is likely to be generated in the short term during construction and in the long term during operation (household waste and waste from retail operations). The indicative capacity of sites IP245 and IP253 is low in number of residential units, therefore on their own the development of the sites is not anticipated to result in any significant negative effects. Cumulative effects are likely to occur when the site allocations are considered along with other sites in IP-one area. Opportunities should be sought to encourage recycling and reuse of materials. It is considered that IP055 will have a negligible effect on waste as the future uses of the site will be the same as the existing use. |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
IP253 ++ IP245 ++ IP040 +/- IP055 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP253 is located within a speciality shopping area where community facilities and employment hubs are available at walking distance which may result in reduced need to travel by private car. The area is well served by public transport. The use of sustainable modes of transport should also be encouraged through improvements of the pedestrian and cycling infrastructure in the area. The availability of additional car parking spaces at IP055 may encourage people to travel by private car, particularly those travelling from adjacent districts into Ipswich town centre. |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
IP253 ++ IP245 ++ IP040 ++ IP055 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The sites are located in a central urban area of Ipswich and will improve access to shopping areas, education facilities, etc. Access will be improved mainly for those who have access to a car and people travelling from outside Ipswich. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
IP253 0 IP245 0 IP040 0 IP055 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
The whole borough |
None of the sites is located in Flood Zones 2 and 3 and the risk of flooding of development is considered to be rather low. The central location of IP253, IP245, and IP040 may encourage the use of more sustainable modes of transport, particularly due to the fact that community facilities are within walking distance. Therefore, cumulative positive effects may occur in the long term. Negative effects are likely to occur as a result of the allocation of site IP055 for car parking uses which may increase the use of private cars. Sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged through improved pedestrian infrastructure and/or where appropriate the creation of cycle routes/lanes. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
IP253 ++ IP245 ++ IP040 ++ IP055 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The sites are not located in Flood Zones 2 and 3 and the risk of flooding of development is considered to be low. Benefits for water quality improvements are available if opportunities to remediate some historical areas of contamination are used (IP245 and IP040). |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
IP253 - IP245 0 IP040 0 IP055 ? |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
There are no designated sites near or adjacent to any of the site allocations. Therefore it is considered that the effects on biodiversity will be negligible. TPOs are identified at IP055 and IP253 has TPO nearby and an application for Tree Works may be required (dependent on the design of the new car parking at IP055). |
ET9 To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings |
IP253 +/- IP245 +/- IP040 +/- IP055 +/- |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Potential for any negative effects on heritage assets are identified with the development of site IP245 as there is a listed building located adjacent to the site (14&16 Arcade Street, Grade II). Appropriate design of building should be considered in order to avoid any negative effects on the setting of the designated site. There is potential for any archaeological remains at the sites as they are located in Area of Archaeological importance and three of them are near a conservation area (IP245, IP055 and IP040). There are no Scheduled monuments in the vicinity of the sites. Mitigation measures may be required if any archaeological remains are discovered to avoid damage of heritage assets (where appropriate the completion of a licensed excavation and recording of remains before development commences). |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP253 0 IP245 - IP040 0 IP055 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Potential negative effects on listed buildings are identified only with the development of IP245. The site is also located in a Conservation area. IP055 is adjacent to a Conservation area. The local townscape distinctiveness should be conserved through the use of traditional or sympathetic building materials and techniques which respect those found on the listed building and maintain the local distinctiveness of the area. |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
IP253 0 IP245 0 IP040 0 IP055 0 |
Short, medium and long term Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Whilst the provision of decent housing associated with the sites may have some positive indirect effects on health, it is considered that the overall effect will be negligible. No significant impacts on health are identified with the allocation of IP055 for car parking. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
IP253 ++ IP245 ++ IP040 ++ IP055 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Community participation will be encouraged through the allocation of sites in the central urban area near a wide range of facilities. The sites will also contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through the provision of decent housing thus improving the quality of life. |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP253 0 IP245 0 IP040 0 IP055 0 |
Short, medium and long term Indirect Irreversible Medium |
N/A |
There is no clear relationship between the allocation of the housing sites and the achievement of the SA objective and/or the effect will be negligible. No significant impacts on poverty are identified with the allocation of IP055 for car parking. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
IP253 0 IP245 0 IP040 ++ IP055 0 |
Short, medium Direct Reversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Some employment opportunities are likely to arise with the retail development of IP040 and temporary construction jobs with each new development. However, on the whole, the predicted positive effects are unlikely to be significant. |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
IP253 ++ IP245 ++ IP040 ++ IP055 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP253, IP245, and IP040 are likely to contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through the delivery of residential dwellings. No effects are recorded with the allocation of IP055 as the site will be used for car parking. |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
IP253 0 IP245 0 IP040 0 IP055 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Indirect Irreversible Medium |
N/A |
Whilst new residential developments and a retail centre will contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through improving the overall quality of life, it is considered that on its own each of the housing sites will have a negligible effect. IP055 is allocated for a short stay car park for shoppers. Its purpose is to support town centre shops and leisure facilities, recognising that not everyone who may want to use town centre facilities has access to regular public transport, especially in rural areas outside Ipswich. Therefore it is considered that IP055 may have some indirect positive effects on economic growth through improved access to town centre facilities. |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
IP253 0 IP245 0 IP040 ++ IP055 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The development of IP040 will contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through opportunity to offer additional retail services in the central urban Ipswich. IP055 may offer direct benefits through improved access to town centre facilities. There is no clear relationship between the allocation of the rest of the sites and the achievement of the SA objective and/or the effect will be negligible. |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
IP253 ++ IP245 ++ IP040 ++ IP055 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Indirect/Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The provision of residential dwellings close to existing employment and shopping areas will encourage efficient patterns of movement and in the long term this could help to support economic growth. IP040is at the edge of the existing central shopping area thus adding to an existing attraction in a highly accessible location rather than creating a rival attraction out of town. IP055 may offer direct benefits through improved access to town centre facilities, especially to people visiting from rural areas outside Ipswich. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
IP253 0 IP245 0 IP040 ++ IP055 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
On its own, each site is unlikely to contribute to the achievement of the SA objective. Some local economic benefits are associated with the development of IP040 for retail use. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
IP253 0 IP245 0 IP040 0 IP055 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Whilst the close proximity of the sites to the University Campus Suffolk and Suffolk New College may result in educational benefits for the residents, it is considered that due to the small size of each site the effect will be negligible. There is no relationship between the allocation of IP055 for car parking and educational attainment. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
IP253 0 IP245 0 IP040 0 IP055 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Whilst the size of the sites does not suggest any significant effect on the baseline conditions, it should be noted that the sites are located in an area ranked as most deprived. On the whole, crime levels are higher in Ipswich than national average. Therefore, it would be beneficial to incorporate secured by design principles within new developments regardless of their size. |
Group 17 – Central – Alexandra
IP048: Mint Quarter / Cox Lane – open space, short stay
parking, 72 homes
IP074: Church and land at Upper Orwell Street, 12 homes
IP264: 28-32 Tacket Street, 16 homes
Objective | Performance of Policy | Temporal Scale: Nature of Impact (Direct/Indirect): Reversibility: Certainty: | Geographical Extent | Commentary/Mitigation |
ET1 To improve air quality |
IP048 - IP074 - IP264 - |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP048 and IP074 are located in or close to AQMA (in the area of St. Helen’s Street), and potential negative effects are associated with dust and air pollution during construction. IP264 is unlikely to have any impact on AQMA due to its distance and size. The main use of the land (IP048, IP074, and IP264) will be residential which may lead to additional use of private cars by new residents. Although the sites are well served by public transport and near two bus stations, the number of new residents suggests potential for increased traffic in the town centre. Therefore, sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged through improved pedestrian routes in the area. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
IP048 ++ IP074 ++ IP264 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The sites are located in urban Ipswich, on brownfield land and are likely to be contaminated due to previous use of the land and opportunities could be sought to remediate the land before use. Therefore it is considered that the effect in the medium and long term is likely to be beneficial. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
IP048 - IP074 0 IP264 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Waste is likely to be generated in the short term during construction and in the long term during operation (household waste). The indicative capacity of IP048 suggests potential for negative effects if mitigation measures are not in place. Cumulatively, negative effects are likely to occur when the site allocations are considered along with other sites in IP-one area. Opportunities should be sought to encourage recycling and reuse of materials. |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
IP048 ++ IP074 ++ IP264 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The central location of the sites may result in reduced need to travel by private car. The area is well served by public transport. Tower Ramparts Bus Station and Old Cattle Market Bus Station and Ipswich Railway Station are located at a walking distance from the sites. Therefore, it is considered that the site allocation is likely to contribute to the achievement of the SA objective. |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
IP048 ++ IP074 ++ IP264 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
All the sites are located in the central urban area of Ipswich near shopping and community facilities and no major access constraints are identified. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
IP048 ++ IP074 ++ IP264 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
The whole borough |
None of the sites are located in Flood Zones 2 and 3 and the risk of flooding of development is considered to be rather low. The central location of the sites may encourage the use of more sustainable modes of transport, particularly due to the fact that community facilities are within walking distance. Cumulatively, the effects from climate change can be reduced through encouraging people to use more sustainable modes of transport, e.g. walking at short distances. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
IP048 ++ IP074 ++ IP264 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The sites are not located in Flood Zones 2 and 3 and the risk of flooding of development is considered to be low. Benefits for water quality can be maximised if opportunities are sought to remediate the contaminated land where appropriate. |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
IP048 - IP074 - IP264 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
There are no biodiversity/geodiversity designated sites within or near the site allocations. TPOs are identified at IP048 and IP074 and an application for Tree Works may be required. |
ET9 To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings |
IP048 - IP074 - IP264 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
IP264 is located in a conservation areas and IP048 is adjacent to it. Potential for any negative effects on sites of historical importance are identified with the development of these three sites as there are listed buildings located adjacent to the sites:
The locally listed façade to Carr Street will be retained. Appropriate design of building should be considered in order to avoid any negative effects on the setting of designated site. There is also potential for any archaeological remains at the sites as they are located in Area of Archaeological importance. The Area between Upper Brook Street and Upper Orwell Street is a Scheduled Monument - middle and late Saxon town. Therefore mitigation measures may be required if any archaeological remains are discovered to avoid damage of heritage assets. Where appropriate the mitigation measures can include completion of a licensed excavation and recording of remains before development commences. |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP048 - IP074 - IP264 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Potential negative effects on listed buildings are identified with the development of the sites. Sites IP048 and IP264 are located respectively next to and in a Conservation area and the local townscape distinctiveness should be conserved through the use of traditional or sympathetic building materials and techniques which respect those found on the surrounding buildings to maintain the local distinctiveness of the area. |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
IP048 ++ IP074 ++ IP264 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Whilst the provision of decent housing associated with the development of the sites may have some positive indirect effects on health, it is considered that the overall effect will be negligible. However, positive indirect effects are likely to occur with regards to the potential use of Christchurch park and Alexandra Park located near the sites. The creation of new public open space at IP048 will also have an indirect positive effect on health in a localised area. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
IP048 ++ IP074 ++ IP264 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Community participation will be encouraged through the allocation of sites in the central urban area near a wide range of facilities. The sites will also contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through the provision of decent housing and open space and thus improving the quality of life. |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP048 ++ IP074 ++ IP264 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Social exclusion will be reduced through the development of residential dwellings near a wide range of community facilities easily accessible by different means of transport. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
IP048 0 IP074 0 IP264 0 |
Short, medium Direct Reversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The allocation of sites detracts from the SA objective as the land use is primarily residential and any jobs during construction will only be temporary. |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
IP048 ++ IP074 ++ IP264 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP048, IP074, and IP264 are likely to contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through the delivery of residential dwellings. |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
IP048 0 IP074 0 IP264 0 |
Short, medium and long term Indirect Irreversible Medium |
N/A |
Whilst new residential developments will contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through improved quality of life, it is considered that on its own each site will have a negligible effect on the economic growth of the borough. |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
IP048 ++ IP074 ++ IP264 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Indirect/Direct Irreversible Low |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Positive effects are identified with regard to the shopping areas located in the town centre, which may benefit from the increase of new residents in the area. Short stay car parking for shoppers (element of IP048) will replace and add to existing surface car parking and directly support the SA objective. |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
IP048 ++ IP074 ++ IP264 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Indirect/Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The provision of residential dwellings close to existing employment and shopping areas will encourage efficient patterns of movement and in the long term this could help to support economic growth. Short stay car parking for shoppers (element of IP048) will replace and add to existing surface car parking and directly support the SA objective. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
IP048 ++ IP074 ++ IP264 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Low |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
On its own, each site is unlikely to contribute to the achievement of the SA objective. Cumulatively, the sites will contribute to the regeneration / redevelopment of central town areas, with some infrastructure improvements (car parking) at IP048, the provision of new public open space which may increase the attractiveness of the area. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
IP048 0 IP074 0 IP264 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Whilst the close proximity of the sites to the University Campus Suffolk and Suffolk New College may result in educational benefits for the residents, it is considered that due to the relatively small size of each site the effect will be negligible. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
IP048 0 IP074 0 IP264 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Whilst the size of the sites does not suggest any significant effect on the baseline conditions, it should be noted that the sites are located in an area ranked as most deprived. On the whole, crime levels are higher in Ipswich than national average. Therefore, it would be beneficial to incorporate secured by design principles within new developments regardless of their size. |
Central – Alexandra
IP052: Land between Lower Orwell Street, 29 homes +
employment use
IP011a: Smart Street, Foundation Street (former Gym and
Trim), 14 homes
IP011b: Smart Street / Foundation Street, 50 homes +
employment use
IP054: Land between Old Cattle Market and Star Lane, 28 homes
+ 70% for office/leisure use, retail use, short stay car
Objective | Performance of Policy | Temporal Scale: Nature of Impact (Direct/Indirect): Reversibility: Certainty: | Geographical Extent | Commentary/Mitigation |
ET1 To improve air quality |
IP052 - IP011a 0 IP011b - IP054 - |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The sites are located in or close to AQMA.. Sites IP052 and IP054 are allocated for mixed use developments and may generate traffic on Star Lane and key town centre roads. Although the sites are well served by public transport and near two bus stations, the number of new residents suggests potential for congestion at key junctions in the town centre. Therefore, sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged through improved pedestrian routes in the area. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
IP052 ++ IP011a ++ IP011b ++ IP054 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The sites are located in urban Ipswich, on brownfield land and are likely to be contaminated due to previous use of the land and opportunities could be sought to remediate the land before use. Therefore it is considered that the effect in the medium and long term is likely to be beneficial. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
IP052 0 IP011a 0 IP011b - IP054 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Waste is likely to be generated in the short term during construction and in the long term during operation (household waste). The indicative capacity of sites IP011b and IP054 suggest potential for negative effects if mitigation measures are not in place. Cumulatively, negative effects are likely to occur when the site allocations are considered along with other sites in IP-one area. Opportunities should be sought to encourage recycling and reuse of materials. |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
IP052 ++ IP011a ++ IP011b ++ IP054 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The central location of the sites may result in reduced need to travel by private car. The area is well served by public transport. Tower Ramparts Bus Station and Old Cattle Market Bus Station and Ipswich Railway Station are located at a walking distance from the sites. In addition, the main shopping area is adjacent to IP011a, IP052 and IP054 and land is allocated to the south of the sites (IP035) for employment use. For all these reasons it is considered that the sites will contribute to the achievement of the SA objective. |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
IP052 ++ IP011a ++ IP011b ++ IP054 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
All the sites are located in the central urban area of Ipswich near shopping areas and community facilities and no major access constraints are identified. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
IP052 +/- IP011a +/- IP011b +/- IP054 +/- |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
The whole borough |
Parts of the sites are located in Flood Zones 2 and 3 with a risk of flooding of the southern parts of new development. Flood risk assessment may be required at project assessment level to identify appropriate mitigation measures for the parts of the development that fall within Flood Zone 2 and 3 (e.g. through design). New developments should be encouraged to use SuDS to manage runoff, reduce further flood risk and protect water quality. The central location of the sites may encourage the use of more sustainable modes of transport, particularly due to the fact that community facilities are within walking distance. Cumulatively, the effects from climate change can be reduced through encouraging people to use more sustainable modes of transport. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
IP052 +/- IP011a +/- IP011b +/- IP054 +/- |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Parts of the sites are located in Flood Zones 2 and 3 and there is a risk of flooding of the southern parts of new development. In the medium and long term it is anticipated that the risk will be alleviated through the delivery of Ipswich Flood Defence. However, flood risk assessment may be required at project assessment level to identify appropriate mitigation measures for the parts of the development that fall within Flood Zone 2 and 3 (e.g. through design). Water quality could be enhanced if opportunities are sought to remediate the contaminated land where appropriate. |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
IP052 0 IP011a - IP011b - IP054 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
There are no biodiversity/geodiversity designated sites within or near the site allocations. TPO nearby is identified in IP011a, IP011b and IP054 and an application for Tree Works may be required. |
ET9 To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings |
IP052 - IP011a - IP011b - IP054 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
All the sites are adjacent to a conservation area and part of IP054 is located within a Conservation area. Potential for any negative effects on sites of historical importance are identified with the development of IP052 and IP054 as there are listed buildings located adjacent to the sites (32 Lower Brook Street – Grade II, 24 Fore Street – Grade II*, Conservative Office – Grade II). Also IP011a and b because they adjoin the listed Tooley’s Court. Scheduled monuments in the vicinity of the sites include Dominican Friary (remains of); area of middle and late Saxon town, off Foundation Street; area of middle and late Saxon and medieval defences, off Shire Hall Yard; area of middle and late Saxon town, off Star Lane. Appropriate design of building should be considered in order to avoid any negative effects on the setting of designated site. There is also potential for any archaeological remains at all four sites as they are located in an Area of Archaeological importance. Therefore mitigation measures may be required if any archaeological remains are discovered to avoid damage of heritage assets (where appropriate the completion of a licensed excavation and recording of remains before development commences). |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP052 - IP011a - IP011b - IP054 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Potential negative effects on listed buildings are identified with the development of IP011a and b, IP052 and IP054. IP052 and IP011a are adjacent to a Conservation area and IP054 is located part within a Conservation area. The townscape distinctiveness should be conserved through the use of traditional or sympathetic building materials and techniques which respect those found on the surrounding buildings to maintain the local distinctiveness of the area. |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
IP052 ++ IP011a ++ IP011b ++ IP054 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Whilst the provision of decent housing associated with the development of sites all four sites may have some positive indirect effects on health, it is considered that the overall effect will be negligible. However, positive indirect effects are likely to occur with regards to the potential use of Christchurch park Alexandra Park located near the sites. The sites are also near designated river paths and close to community facilities (restaurants, cinemas, churches) which may encourage more people to choose walking as the main mode of transport. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
IP052 ++ IP011a ++ IP011b ++ IP054 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct / Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Community participation will be encouraged through the allocation of sites in the central urban area near a wide range of facilities (e.g. football club, university campus, etc.). The sites will also contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through the provision of decent housing and some employment opportunities (mixed use developments IP052 and IP054) thus improving the quality of life. |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP052 ++ IP011a ++ IP011b ++ IP054 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct / Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Social exclusion will be reduced through the allocation of sites for residential/mixed use near a wide range of community facilities easily accessible by different means of transport. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
IP052 ++ IP011a 0 IP011b ++ IP054 ++ |
Short, medium Direct Reversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The allocation of IP052, IP011b and IP054 will contribute to the SA objective as part of the sites will be for business/employment use. |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
IP052 ++ IP011a ++ IP011b ++ IP054 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP052, IP011a and b and IP054 will contribute directly to the achievement of the SA objective through the delivery of residential dwellings. |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
IP052 ++ IP011a 0 IP011b ++ IP054 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The SA objective will be achieved through the delivery of decent housing, employment opportunities and opportunities for inward investment with the development of IP052, IP011b, and IP054. |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
IP052 ++ IP011a 0 IP011b ++ IP054 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP052, IP011b, and IP054 would support new business formation through the allocation of land for business/employment use and thus increasing the number of new jobs. IP054 also supports the SA Objective though the delivery of car parking which may improve access to essential services and facilities for both existing and new residents. |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
IP052 ++ IP011a ++ IP011b ++ IP054 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The provision of residential/mixed use dwellings and student accommodation close to existing/future employment and shopping areas will encourage efficient patterns of movement and in the long term this could help to support economic growth. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
IP052 0 IP011a 0 IP011b 0 IP054 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
IP054 strongly supports the achievement of the SA objective through the allocation of land for various uses including office, leisure and retail. On its own, IP052, IP011a and IP011b are unlikely to contribute to the achievement of the SA objective due to their size and purpose. Cumulatively, the sites will contribute to the regeneration / redevelopment of central town areas, with some infrastructure improvements (car parking) at IP0054, the replacement of an electricity substation which may increase the business attractiveness of the area. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
IP052 0 IP011a 0 IP011b 0 IP054 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Whilst the close proximity of the sites to the University Campus Suffolk and Suffolk New College may result in educational benefits for the residents, it is considered that due to the relatively low indicative capacity of each site the effect will be negligible. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
IP052 0 IP011a 0 IP011b 0 IP054 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Whilst the size of the sites does not suggest any significant effect on the baseline conditions, it should be noted that the sites are located in an area ranked as most deprived. On the whole, crime levels are higher in Ipswich than national average. Therefore, it would be beneficial to incorporate secured by design principles within new developments regardless of their size. |
Central – Alexandra
IP089: Waterworks Street, 23 homes
IP012: Peter’s Ice Cream, 29 homes
IP258: Land at University Campus Suffolk as part of the
Education Quarter, new primary school
IP043: Commercial Buildings and Jewish Burial Ground, Star
Lane, 50 homes + employment use
Objective | Performance of Policy | Temporal Scale: Nature of Impact (Direct/Indirect): Reversibility: Certainty: | Geographical Extent | Commentary/Mitigation |
ET1 To improve air quality |
IP089 - IP012 - IP258 - IP043 - |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP089, IP012, IP258 and IP043 are located near AQMA. As a result of the increase of new residents traffic may be generated in the vicinity of Fore St, Star Lane and Grimwade Street. Although the sites are well served by public transport and near two bus stations, the number of new residents suggests potential for congestion at key junctions in the town centre. Therefore, sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged through improved pedestrian routes in the area. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
IP089 ++ IP012 ++ IP258 ++ IP043 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The sites are located in urban Ipswich, on brownfield land and are likely to be contaminated due to previous use of the land and opportunities could be sought to remediate the land before use. Therefore it is considered that the effect in the medium and long term is likely to be beneficial. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
IP089 0 IP012 0 IP258 0 IP043 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Waste is likely to be generated in the short term during construction and in the long term during operation (household waste). The indicative capacity of IP043 suggests potential for negative effects if mitigation measures are not in place. Cumulatively, negative effects are likely to occur when the site allocations are considered along with other sites in IP-one area. Opportunities should be sought to encourage recycling and reuse of materials. |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
IP089 ++ IP012 ++ IP258 ++ IP043 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The central location of the sites may result in reduced need to travel by private car. The area is well served by public transport. Tower Ramparts Bus Station and Old Cattle Market Bus Station and Ipswich Railway Station are located at a walking distance from the sites. In addition, the IP089 and IP043 are adjacent to speciality shopping area and IP012 is near existing Local Centre. The provision of school at IP258 would provide an opportunity for children living around the Waterfront to walk to school. For all these reasons, it is considered that the sites are likely to contribute to the achievement of the SA objective. |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
IP089 ++ IP012 +/- IP258 ++ IP043 +/- |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
All the sites are located in the central urban area of Ipswich near shopping areas and community facilities. Access constraints are identified at IP012 and IP043 associated with potential negative effects on the local highway network (A1156 and Star Lane). Sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged through improved pedestrian infrastructure and/or where appropriate the creation of cycle routes/lanes particularly around the vicinity of the university buildings. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
IP089 0 IP012 0 IP258 0 IP043 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP043 is located in Flood Zones 2 and 3 with a risk of flooding of the southern parts of new development. Flood risk assessment may be required at project assessment level to identify appropriate mitigation measures for the parts of the development that fall within Flood Zone 2 and 3 (e.g. through design). New development should be encouraged to use SuDS to manage runoff, reduce further flood risk and protect water quality. The central location of the sites may encourage the use of more sustainable modes of transport, particularly due to the fact that most community facilities are within walking distance. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
IP089 0 IP012 0 IP258 0 IP043 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP043 is located in Flood Zones 2 and 3 and there is a risk of flooding of the southern parts of new development. In the medium and long term it is anticipated that the risk will be alleviated through the delivery of Ipswich Flood Defence. Flood risk assessment may be required at project assessment level to identify appropriate mitigation measures for the parts of the development that falls within Flood Zone 2 and 3 (e.g. through design). Water quality could be enhanced if opportunities are sought to remediate the contaminated land where appropriate. |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
IP089 - IP012 0 IP258 - IP043 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
There are no biodiversity/geodiversity designated sites within or near the site allocations. TPO nearby is identified in IP089 and IP258 and an application for Tree Works may be required. |
ET9 To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings |
IP089 - IP012 0 IP258 0 IP043 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Listing buildings are adjacent or near IP089 and IP043 with potential for negative effects from new developments:
These sites also fall within the boundary of a Conservation area. Appropriate design of building should be considered in order to avoid any negative effects on the setting of designated sites. There is also potential for any archaeological remains at the sites as they are located in Area of Archaeological importance. Therefore mitigation measures may be required if any archaeological remains are discovered to avoid damage of heritage assets (where appropriate the completion of a licensed excavation and recording of remains before development commences). |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP089 - IP012 0 IP258 0 IP043 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Potential negative effects on listed buildings and local distinctiveness of the conservation area are identified with the development of IP089 and IP043. The townscape distinctiveness should be conserved through the use of traditional or sympathetic building materials and techniques which respect those found on the surrounding buildings to maintain the local distinctiveness of the area. |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
IP089 ++ IP012 ++ IP258 ++ IP043 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Whilst the provision of decent housing associated with the development of the sites may have some positive indirect effects on health, it is considered that the overall effect will be negligible. However, positive indirect effects are likely to occur with regards to the potential use of Christchurch park and Alexandra Park located near the sites. The sites are also near designated river paths and close to community facilities (restaurants, cinemas, churches) which may encourage more people to choose walking as the main mode of transport. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
IP089 ++ IP012 ++ IP258 ++ IP043 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct / Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Community participation will be encouraged through the allocation of sites in the central urban area near a wide range of facilities (e.g. parks, public transport infrastructure, university campus, etc.). The sites will also contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through the provision of decent housing and a new primary school (IP258) thus improving the overall quality of life. |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP089 ++ IP012 ++ IP258 ++ IP043 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct / Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Social exclusion will be reduced through the allocation of sites for residential/education uses near a wide range of community facilities easily accessible by different means of transport. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
IP089 0 IP012 0 IP258 0 IP043 0 |
Short, medium Direct Reversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The only site with potential to contribute to the achievement of the SA objective is IP043 where 20% of the land is allocated for B1 leisure use. However, the size of the site suggests a negligible change from the baseline. |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
IP089 ++ IP012 ++ IP258 0 IP043 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP089, IP012, IP043 will contribute directly to the achievement of the SA objective through the delivery of residential dwellings. |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
IP089 0 IP012 0 IP258 0 IP043 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
N/A |
Whilst new residential developments and a leisure facility will contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through improving the overall quality of life, it is considered that on its own each site will have a negligible effect. |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
IP089 ++ IP012 ++ IP258 ++ IP043 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
N/A |
All the sites are within the town centre and will directly support the SA objective. IP012 is located near a Local centre (45) with a potential to attract new residents and contribute directly to the achievement of the SA objective. |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
IP089 ++ IP012 ++ IP258 ++ IP043 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The provision of residential/mixed use dwellings and student accommodation close to existing/future employment and shopping areas will encourage efficient patterns of movement and in the long term this could help to support economic growth. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
IP089 0 IP012 0 IP258 0 IP043 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
On its own, each site is unlikely to contribute to the achievement of the SA objective. Cumulatively, the sites will contribute to the regeneration / redevelopment of central town areas, through the provision of new primary school (IP258), new decent housing (IP089, IP012, and IP043) and improve the business attractiveness of the area. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
IP089 ++ IP012 ++ IP258 ++ IP043 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Reversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Potential positive effects are associated with the close proximity of the sites to University Campus Suffolk which may contribute to the achievement of the SA objective. In addition, IP258 is allocated for new primary school which will have a direct positive effect on education in the area. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
IP089 0 IP012 0 IP258 0 IP043 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Whilst the size of the sites does not suggest any significant effect on the baseline conditions, it should be noted that the sites are located in an area ranked as most deprived. On the whole, crime levels are higher in Ipswich than national average. Therefore, it would be beneficial to incorporate secured by design principles within new developments regardless of their size. |
Central – Alexandra
IP035: Key Street / Star Lane / Burtons (St. Peter Port)
employment use (office), hotel and retail
IP132: Former St Peter’s Warehouse Site 4 Bridge Street, 48
IP136: Silo, College Street, 48 homes
IP205: Burton’s, College Street, 125 homes
IP206: Cranfields, College Street, 140 homes
IP211: Regatta Quay, Key Street, 149 homes
IP263: West of Bridge Street, open space
Objective | Performance of Policy | Temporal Scale: Nature of Impact (Direct/Indirect): Reversibility: Certainty: | Geographical Extent | Commentary/Mitigation |
ET1 To improve air quality |
IP035 - IP132 - IP136 - IP205 - IP206 - IP211 - IP263 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The area along Star Lane, College Street, and Bridge Street is designated as AQMA. Five site allocations will contribute to an increase of new residents in the area as it is anticipated new developments will be primarily residential (IP132, IP136, IP205, IP206, and IP211). As a result of the influx of a significant number of new residents the traffic is likely to increase on key roads adjacent to the new developments. In addition, IP035 has the potential to generate traffic in peak hours from users of the office or hotel buildings. Although the sites are well served by public transport and near two bus stations, the number of new residents suggests potential for congestion issues. IP263 may contribute partially to the achievement of the SA objective through the provision of 0.17ha open space at the Waterfront. However, cumulative negative effects on air quality are likely to occur if no additional mitigation measures are put in place. Therefore, sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged through improved pedestrian/cycle routes in the area. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
IP035 ++ IP132 ++ IP136 ++ IP205 ++ IP206 ++ IP211 ++ IP263 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The sites are located in urban Ipswich, on brownfield land and are likely to be contaminated due to previous use of the land and opportunities could be sought to remediate the land before use. Therefore it is considered that the effect in the medium and long term is likely to be beneficial. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
IP035 - IP132 0 IP136 0 IP205 - IP206 - IP211 - IP263 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Waste is likely to be generated in the short term during construction and in the long term during operation (household waste). The size of the sites and the indicative capacity of IP205, IP206, and IP211 suggest significant increase of new residents and potential for negative effects if mitigation measures are not in place. Cumulatively, negative effects are likely to occur when the site allocations are considered along with other sites in IP-one area and the whole borough. Opportunities should be sought to encourage recycling and reuse of materials. |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
IP035 - IP132 - IP136 - IP205 - - IP206 - - IP211 - - IP263 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Whilst there are two bus stations and Ipswich Railway Station are located near the sites, the area is not currently served by local public transport. In addition, the main shopping area is located north of the sites and existing employment areas are further south and west which may result in increase of the use of private cars and congestion issues. For these reasons it is considered that negative effects are likely to occur unless appropriate mitigation measures are put in place. Mitigation measures at project level can be included in Section 106 Agreement with regards to pedestrian infrastructure improvements or new bus stops (if any bus route is diverted to meet the local needs). |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
IP035 +/- IP132 +/- IP136 +/- IP205 +/- IP206 +/- IP211 +/- IP263 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Although the sites are located in the central urban area of Ipswich near main community facilities which would offer some benefits in terms of access, access constraints are identified with the majority of sites associated with potential negative effects on the local highway network from potential congestion issues (Star Lane). Sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged through improved pedestrian infrastructure and/or where appropriate the creation of cycle routes/lanes. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
IP035 - IP132 - IP136 - IP205 - IP206 - IP211 - IP263 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
All the sites are located in Flood Zones 2 and 3 with a risk of flooding from the river Orwell. Flood risk assessment may be required at project assessment level to identify appropriate mitigation measures. New developments should be encouraged to use SuDS to manage runoff, reduce further flood risk and protect water quality. As previously identified, the use of sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged due to potential of increased traffic and congestion issues in the vicinity of the sites. Cumulatively, the effects from climate change can be reduced through encouraging people to use more sustainable modes of transport. The central location of these sites offers the potential for walking and cycling. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
IP035 - IP132 - IP136 - IP205 - IP206 - IP211 - IP263 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
All the sites are located in Flood Zones 2 and 3 with a risk of flooding from the river Orwell. Although in the medium and long term it is anticipated that the risk will be alleviated through the delivery of Ipswich Flood Defence, flood risk assessment may be required at project assessment level to identify appropriate mitigation measures for the parts of the development that falls within Flood Zone 2 and 3 (e.g. through design). Water quality could be enhanced if opportunities are sought to remediate the contaminated land where appropriate. |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
IP035 0 IP132 0 IP136 0 IP205 0 IP206 - IP211 - IP263 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
IP132, IP136, IP205, IP206 and IP211 are adjacent to County Wildlife Site (the river Orwell and the Wet Dock), which is also designated as an important wildlife corridor with high conservation value. Potential negative effects are associated with noise, air pollution and disturbance of species. As above, mitigation should include the use of sustainable modes of transport. In addition, opportunities should be sought to enhance the area allocated for an open space (IP263). |
ET9 To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings |
IP035 - IP132 - IP136 - IP205 - IP206 - IP211 - IP263 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Listing buildings are adjacent or near IP035, IP132 and IP136 with potential for negative effects from new developments:
All the sites (except IP035) fall within the boundary of a Conservation area. Only the south west corner of IP035 (i.e. the listed building) falls within it. Appropriate design of building should be considered in order to avoid any negative effects on the setting of designated buildings. There is a scheduled monument adjacent to IP035 (Wolsey’s Gate) and there is potential for archaeological remains at all seven sites as they are located in Area of Archaeological Importance. Therefore mitigation measures may be required if any archaeological remains are discovered to avoid damage of heritage assets (where appropriate the completion of a licensed excavation and recording of remains before development commences). |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP035 - IP132 - IP136 - IP205 - IP206 - IP211 - IP263 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Potential negative effects on listed buildings and local distinctiveness of the conservation area are identified with the development of all the sites. In addition, IP205, IP206, and IP211 are located at the Waterfront and consideration should be given to any negative impacts on the local character of Neptune Marina and the quays in the area. Potential positive effects are likely to occur if a habitat is created / enhanced at IP263. The townscape distinctiveness should be conserved through good design which responds to the character of surrounding buildings to maintain the local distinctiveness of the area. |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
IP035 0 IP132 ++ IP136 ++ IP205 ++ IP206 ++ IP211 ++ IP263 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct / Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The provision of decent housing associated with the development of IP132, IP136, IP205, IP206, and IP211 may have some positive indirect effects on health as it will result in improvement of the quality of life of residents in new developments. Positive indirect effects are also likely to occur with regards to the potential use of open space (IP263). The sites are also near designated river paths at the Waterfront which may encourage more people to lead healthy life styles. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
IP035 0 IP132 ++ IP136 ++ IP205 ++ IP206 ++ IP211 ++ IP263 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct / Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Community participation will be encouraged through the allocation of sites in the central urban area near a wide range of facilities (e.g. parks, public transport infrastructure, university campus, etc.). The sites will also contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through the provision of decent housing and some employment opportunities (IP035) and thus improving the overall quality of life. |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP035 0 IP132 ++ IP136 ++ IP205 ++ IP206 ++ IP211 ++ IP263 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct / Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Social exclusion is likely to be reduced through the allocation of sites for residential uses near a wide range of community facilities. However, opportunities to improve the public transport provision in the vicinity of the new developments can be beneficial in terms of access. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
IP035 ++ IP132 0 IP136 ++ IP205 0 IP206 0 IP211 0 IP263 0 |
Short, medium Direct Reversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The only sites with potential to contribute to the achievement of the SA objective are IP035 and IP136 through the allocation of land for business, retail and mixed use. |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
IP035 0 IP132 ++ IP136 ++ IP205 ++ IP206 ++ IP211 ++ IP263 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP205, IP206, IP211 strongly support the SA objective through the delivery of significant number of residential dwellings. However, these dwelling are all anticipated to be flats and may lead to oversupply of this type of housing in central Ipswich. |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
IP035 ++ IP132 ++ IP136 ++ IP205 ++ IP206 ++ IP211 ++ IP263 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Whilst the provision of decent housing and some employment opportunities will improve the overall attractiveness of the area making it a better place to live, on its own each is unlikely to contribute to achievement of the SA objective, However, cumulative positive effects are likely to occur as a result of regeneration of the Waterfront area and enhancement of the existing land use. |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
IP035 ++ IP132 ++ IP136 ++ IP205 ++ IP206 ++ IP211 ++ IP263 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
All the sites are located in the town centre and new residents would add to its vitality and viability. The development of IP035 and IP136 will contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through the allocation of small amount of land for retail and business uses to meet the demands of the growing number of residents in the area. |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
IP035 +/- IP132 +/- IP136 +/- IP205 +/- IP206 +/- IP211 +/- IP263 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Low |
Central Ipswich |
The central location of the sites may lead to more efficient patterns of movement. However, it is uncertain whether sustainable modes of transport will be used unless public transport services are provided and pedestrian routes linking the Waterfront to the central shopping area are enhanced. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
IP035 ++ IP132 ++ IP136 ++ IP205 ++ IP206 ++ IP211 ++ IP263 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
On its own, each site is unlikely to contribute to the achievement of the SA objective. Cumulatively, the sites will contribute to the regeneration / redevelopment of central town areas to enhance the image of the Waterfront, with the provision of new hotel (IP035), retail units and car parking (IP035), new decent housing (IP132, IP136, IP205, IP206 and IP211), open space (IP263) and improve the business attractiveness of the area. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
IP035 0 IP132 ++ IP136 ++ IP205 ++ IP206 ++ IP211 ++ IP263 0 |
Short, medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Potential positive effects are associated with the close proximity of the sites to University Campus Suffolk which may contribute indirectly to the achievement of the SA objective. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
IP035 0 IP132 0 IP136 0 IP205 0 IP206 0 IP211 0 IP263 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
On the whole, crime levels are higher in Ipswich than national average. It should be noted that the sites are located in an area ranked as most deprived. Therefore, it would be beneficial to incorporate secured by design principles within new developments. |
South East – Holywells – Island site
IP037: Island site, 271 homes, open space, B1 uses, boat building
Objective | Performance of Policy | Temporal Scale: Nature of Impact (Direct/Indirect): Reversibility: Certainty: | Geographical Extent | Commentary/Mitigation |
ET1 To improve air quality |
IP037 - |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The site is close to an area designated as AQMA along Star Lane, College Street, and Bridge Street located to the north and northeast of the island. The site will contribute to an increase of new residents in the area as it is anticipated 50% of the land will be allocated for residential use with indicative capacity of 271 new homes. As a result of the influx of a significant number of new residents the traffic is likely to increase on the road that connects the island to the mainland and the impacts may affect a greater number of people than are currently affected by traffic on and around the Island site. In addition, IP037 has the potential to generate traffic in peak hours from users of the office or leisure facilities. The site is currently not served by public transport (due to its existing use) and the additional vehicular access may lead to increase in the use of private cars in the area. Potential negative effects may occur as a result of congestion at junctions Grey Friars Road/A1022 and Bridge Street/A137. Therefore, sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged through the provision of safe pedestrian/cycle bridge at an appropriate location. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
IP037 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The site is located in urban Ipswich, on brownfield land and is potentially contaminated due to existing use of the land and opportunities could be sought to remediate the land before use. Therefore it is considered that the effect in the medium and long term is likely to be beneficial. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
IP037 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Waste is likely to be generated in the short term during construction and in the long term during operation (household waste). The size of the site suggests significant increase of new residents and potential for negative effects if mitigation measures are not in place. Cumulatively, negative effects are likely to occur when the site allocations are considered along with other sites in IP-one area and the whole borough. Opportunities should be sought to encourage recycling and reuse of materials. |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
IP037 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Whilst there are two bus stations and Ipswich Railway Station are located near the sites, the area is not currently served by local public transport. In addition, the main shopping area is located north of the site and existing/future employment areas are further west and east from the river banks which may result in increase of the use of private cars and congestion issues on the approach roads to and from the island. For these reasons it is considered that negative effects are likely to occur unless appropriate mitigation measures are put in place. Mitigation measures at project level can be included in Section 106 Agreement with regards to pedestrian/cycle infrastructure improvements (new bridge) with extensions where appropriate along the existing river walks or along roads leading to key facilities. Due to the size of the site a separate Transport assessment may be required to identify the need to provide a new bus service in the area. |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
IP037 +/- |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Although the site is located in the central urban area of Ipswich, access constraints are identified associated with the potential increase of the residents and the need to provide vehicular/pedestrian/cycle access via a new bridge. Potential positive effects are associated with the provision of some services on site as it anticipated that the development will be mixed use and land will be allocated for leisure and small scale retail uses. Sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged through improved pedestrian and cycle infrastructure. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
IP037 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The entire site is located in Flood Zones 2 and 3 with a risk of flooding from the river Orwell. Therefore development should be directed to areas of lower flood risk through the Sequential Test process and highly vulnerable development should not be permitted unless there are no alternative sites available. Flood risk assessment may be required at project assessment level to identify appropriate mitigation measures if the site is taken forward. Cumulatively, the effects from climate change can be reduced through encouraging people to use more sustainable modes of transport. However, currently limited opportunities exist for sustainable movements to and from the site. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
IP037 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The entire site is located in Flood Zones 2 and 3 with a risk of flooding from the river Orwell. Although in the medium and long term it is anticipated that the risk will be alleviated through the delivery of Ipswich Flood Defence, the flood risk is considered to be high. Therefore development should be directed to areas of lower flood risk through the Sequential Test process and highly vulnerable development should not be permitted unless there are no alternative sites available. There is also potential for deterioration of water quality of the river Orwell as a result of construction activities and increased development along the river banks and on the island. |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
IP037 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich The river Orwell |
The site is surrounded by designated County Wildlife site and is close to a designated SPA site located south of the island along the river Orwell. Potential negative effects are associated with deterioration of air quality and water quality, disturbance of protected birds (from noise and dust). Therefore Habitats Regulation Assessment will be required to ensure that no adverse effects are likely to occur as a result of a new development. |
ET9 To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings |
IP037 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Whilst there are no Listing Buildings located on the island, the entire site is located within a Conservation area and Area of Archaeological importance. Appropriate design of building should be considered in order to avoid any negative effects on the local character particularly with regards to the Neptune marina and the Neptune quay. Mitigation measures may be required if any archaeological remains are discovered to avoid damage of heritage assets (where appropriate the completion of a licensed excavation and recording of remains before development commences). |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP037 +/- |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
IP037 is located at the Waterfront and consideration should be given to any negative effects on the local character of Neptune Marina and the quays in the area. Potential positive effects are likely to occur with the allocation of 15% of the site for open space. The townscape distinctiveness should be conserved through appropriate design to maintain the local distinctiveness of the area. It would be beneficial if more land is allocated for open space along the banks of the island to enhance the landscape/townscape of the site. |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
IP037 +/- |
Short, medium and long term Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Potential negative indirect effects are associated with the high level of flood risk. Negative indirect effects are also likely to occur as a result of deterioration of the air quality. Some positive effects may be associated with the allocation of open space with new development. Opportunities should be sought to use the river Orwell for leisure activities where appropriate. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
IP037 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct / Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Although the site is located in the Central IP-One area, severance occurs due to the river Orwell playing a role of a barrier from all sides of the island. The only road connecting the site with the main land is located to the northwest. Although some transport infrastructure improvements are envisaged with regards to the redevelopment of the site, careful consideration should be given on the ancillary facilities that may be required within a new mixed use development in order to ensure the quality of life of new residents is improved (e.g. post office). |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP037 +/- |
Short, medium and long term Direct / Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Social exclusion is likely to be reduced through the allocation of the site for mixed use and the provision of open space on-site. However, improvements with regards to access to the site will be crucial to ensure residents are not affected by the existing movement barrier of the river Orwell. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
IP037 ++ |
Short, medium Direct Reversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Some employment opportunities are identified with regards to the allocation of 30% of the land to employment/leisure use and 5% small scale retail use. In addition, temporary jobs will be created during construction of the envisaged transport infrastructure and residential dwellings. |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
IP037 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The site allocation supports the SA objective through the delivery of 271 residential dwellings. However, these dwelling are all anticipated to be flats and may lead to oversupply of this type of housing in central Ipswich. |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
IP037 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Whilst the provision of decent housing and some employment opportunities will improve the overall attractiveness of the area making it a better place to live, on its own the site is unlikely to contribute to achievement of the SA objective due a number of constraints identified with its location. However, cumulative positive effects are likely to occur as a result of regeneration of the Waterfront area and enhancement of the existing land use. |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
IP037 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The development of IP037 has the potential to contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through the allocation of land for retail and leisure uses to meet the demands of the growing number of residents in the area. |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
IP037 ? |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Low |
Central Ipswich |
Efficient patterns of movement could be encouraged if a new pedestrian/cycling bridge is built at an appropriate location to connect residents to key community facilities and some employment areas in Holywells. It is uncertain whether sustainable modes of transport will be used unless public transport services are provided in the area of Bridge Street and pedestrian routes are enhanced. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
IP037 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
On its own, the site is unlikely to contribute to the achievement of the SA objective. Cumulatively, the site will contribute to the regeneration / redevelopment of the Waterfront through the provision of new retail units and open space, new decent housing and thus improve the image and business attractiveness of the area. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
IP037 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Potential positive effects are associated with the close proximity of the site to University Campus Suffolk which may contribute indirectly to the achievement of the SA objective. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
IP037 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The site is located in an area ranked as less deprived when compared to adjacent areas to the north and west of the site. However, in the short term, crime levels may increase as a result of influx of new residents. Therefore, it would be beneficial to incorporate secured by design principles within new development. |
South East – Holywells
IP178: Island House, Duke Street, 9 homes
IP142: Land at Duke Street, 26 homes + 25% open space
IP098: Transco, south of Patteson Road, 51 homes
IP226: Helena Road, 540 homes
IP042: Land between Cliff Quay and Landseer Road, 27 homes
plus offices, retail and leisure uses
IP049: No. 8 Shed, Orwell Quay car parking, education
Objective | Performance of Policy | Temporal Scale: Nature of Impact (Direct/Indirect): Reversibility: Certainty: | Geographical Extent | Commentary/Mitigation |
ET1 To improve air quality |
IP178 - IP142 - IP098 - IP226 - IP042 +/- IP049 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP178, IP142, and IP098 are located near an AQMA designated due to air pollution along Duke Street. As a result of the influx of new residents, traffic may be generated in the vicinity of Duke Street, the A1156, and Fore Street. The area is currently very well served by public transport. However, cumulatively, there is potential for congestion at key junctions of approach roads to the town centre or some employment areas. IP049 is directly adjacent to Duke Street which is an AQMA. IP049 is allocated for public car parking, however part of the existing site is now allocated for education and ancillary uses to university (e.g. GP surgery). This will result in reduced car parking capacity hence it can be assumed that less traffic will be generated to and from the site. The effects are assessed as positive in the long term but the level of certainty is low. Therefore, the use of sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged through improved pedestrian routes in the area. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
IP178 ++ IP142 ++ IP098 ++ IP226 ++ IP042 ++ IP049 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The sites are located in urban Ipswich, on brownfield land and are likely to be contaminated due to previous use of the land and opportunities could be sought to remediate the land before use. Therefore it is considered that the effect in the medium and long term is likely to be beneficial. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
IP178 0 IP142 0 IP098 0 IP226 - IP042 0 IP049 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Waste is likely to be generated in the short term during construction and in the long term during operation (household waste). The indicative capacity of IP226 suggests potential for negative effects if mitigation measures are not in place. It is considered that IP049 will have a negligible effect on waste as the future use of the site will be the similar to the existing use. Any waste generated from the ancillary uses at IP049 is not assessed as significant. Cumulatively, negative effects are likely to occur when the site allocations are considered along with other sites in IP-one area. Opportunities should be sought to encourage recycling and reuse of materials. |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
IP178 ++ IP142 ++ IP098 ++ IP226 +/- IP042 ++ IP049 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The relatively central location of the sites may result in reduced need to travel by private car. The area is very well served by public transport (three local buses running on Duke Street and two buses running on Bishops Hill). In addition, the sites are located near a District Centre on Duke Street. IP049 may contribute to the achievement of the SA objective as the currently existing car parking spaces will be reduced and the location of the site does not suggest that people will be using it to access the Central Shopping area. For all these reasons it is considered that the sites are likely to contribute to the achievement of the SA objective. |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
IP178 - IP142 ++ IP098 ++ IP226 - IP042 ++ IP049 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
All the sites are located in a central urban area of Ipswich near a District centre (48), parks, university buildings, etc. Potential access constraints are identified with IP178 and IP226 associated with potential negative effects on the local highway network. Sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged through improved pedestrian infrastructure and/or where appropriate the creation of cycle routes/lanes connecting major developments such as IP226 to the town centre, parks and gardens, etc. A separate Transport assessment may be required to identify any significant negative effects from the development of IP226 due to its size and proposed use. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
IP178 - IP142 - IP098 - IP226 - - IP042 – IP049 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP049 is located in Flood Zones 2 or 3 prone to flooding from the river Orwell. However the site is already in use therefore there will be only negligible change from the existing baseline. IP178 and IP098, and IP226 are located in Flood Zones 2 and 3 with a risk of flooding across the entire site. Western parts of IP142 and IP042 also fall within a Flood zone 2 and 3. Although the implementation of the tidal barrier and raised defences would raise the level of protection, the area will still be within Flood Zone 3 and there is still a residual risk of flooding by either failure of the new defences, or overtopping in extreme events. Therefore development should be directed to areas of lower flood risk through the Sequential Test process and highly vulnerable development should not be permitted unless there are no alternative sites available. Flood risk assessment may be required at project level to identify appropriate mitigation measures for the parts of the development (IP042 and IP142) that fall within Flood Zone 2 and 3 (e.g. through design). Cumulatively, the effects from climate change can be reduced through encouraging people to use more sustainable modes of transport. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
IP178 - IP142 - IP098 - IP226 - - IP042 – IP049 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP178 and IP098, and IP226 are located in Flood Zones 2 and 3 with a risk of flooding across the entire site. Western parts of IP142 and IP042 also fall within a Flood zone 2 and 3. New developments should be encouraged to use SuDS to manage runoff, reduce further flood risk and protect water quality. Flood risk assessment may be required at project assessment level to identify appropriate mitigation measures for the parts of the development that falls within Flood Zone 2 and 3 (e.g. through design). Water quality could be enhanced if opportunities are sought to remediate the contaminated land where appropriate |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
IP178 0 IP142 - IP098 0 IP226 - IP042 - IP049: 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
IP042 is adjacent to a CWS located to the northeast (Holywells Park) but the relatively low capacity of the site is likely to result in only negligible effects on the designated site. The close proximity of IP226 to the river Orwell to the west may result in some significant negative effects associated with pollution, noise and disturbance of species. There are no designated sites located near IP049. No significant impacts are likely to occur as the site is already in use and no major constraints in terms of biodiversity have been identified. TPO nearby is identified within the northern parts of IP142 and IP042 and application for Tree Works may be required. Potential indirect positive effects are associated with remediation of previously contaminated land and improved air quality due to reduced need to travel. |
ET9 To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings |
IP178 - IP142 0 IP098 0 IP226 0 IP042 ++ IP049 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Listing buildings are adjacent or near IP042 (Cliff Cottage – Grade II and Tolly Cobbold Brewery – Grade II). It should be noted that the redevelopment which has planning permission at IP042 has been allowed as enabling development to bring the listed brewery back into use and thereby secure its future. Therefore effects are assessed as positive. IP226 and IP049 are adjacent to a Conservation area. Appropriate design of building should be considered in order to avoid any negative effects on the setting of designated sites. There is also potential for any archaeological remains at IP178 and IP049 as they are located in an Area of Archaeological importance. Therefore mitigation measures may be required if any archaeological remains are discovered to avoid damage of heritage assets (where appropriate the completion of a licensed excavation and recording of remains before development commences). |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP178 0 IP142 0 IP098 0 IP226 - IP042 ++ IP049 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Potential positive effects on listed buildings and local distinctiveness are identified with the development of IP042. The development of IP049 and IP226 (adjacent to a Conservation area) may have negative impacts. Mitigation would include appropriate design to maintain the local distinctiveness of the area. |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
IP178 ++ IP142 ++ IP098 ++ IP226 ++ IP042 ++ IP049 0 |
Short, medium and long term Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Positive indirect effects are likely to occur with regards to the close proximity of the sites to Holywells and Alexandra Park to the east and north east. The site allocations are also near designated river paths and close to community facilities which may encourage residents to lead a healthier lifestyle. There is no relationship between the allocation of IP049 and the SA objective. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
IP178 ++ IP142 ++ IP098 ++ IP226 ++ IP042 ++ IP049 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct / Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Community participation will be encouraged through the allocation of sites in a central urban area near a wide range of facilities (e.g. parks, public transport infrastructure, university campus, etc.). The sites will also contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through the provision of decent housing, car parking and ancillary building to the University (IP049) and open space (IP142) thus improving the overall quality of life. |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP178 ++ IP142 ++ IP098 ++ IP226 ++ IP042 ++ IP049 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct / Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Social exclusion will be reduced through the allocation of sites for residential/education uses near a wide range of community facilities easily accessible by different means of transport. No significant impacts on poverty are identified with the allocation of IP049 for car parking. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
IP178 0 IP142 0 IP098 0 IP226 0 IP042 ++ IP049 0 |
Short Direct Reversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Some employment opportunities are identified with IP042 (industrial and commercial use, hotel, food store included in the planning application along with residential units). The only employment opportunities likely to arise from the development of the rest of the sites are associated with temporary construction jobs. Therefore it is considered that the effects will be negligible. |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
IP178 ++ IP142 ++ IP098 ++ IP226 ++ IP042 ++ IP049 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP142, IP098, IP226, and IP042 will contribute directly to the achievement of the SA objective through the delivery of new residential dwellings. IP178 may potentially be allocated for residential use at a later period of the plan but currently has planning permission for student accommodation. |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
IP178 0 IP142 0 IP098 0 IP226 0 IP042 ++ IP049 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
N/A |
Some benefits are recorded with the allocation of land for industrial and commercial use, hotel, and food store along with residential units at IP042. It should be noted that cumulatively the allocation of homes, employment and food stores within on site allocation is considered sustainable. Whilst new residential developments will contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through improving the overall quality of life, it is considered that on its own the rest of the sites will have a negligible effect. |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
IP178 ++ IP142 ++ IP098 ++ IP226 ++ IP042 ++ IP049 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The vitality of the nearby District Centre will be supported through the increase of the potential users and the easy access via Duke Street from all new developments. Car parking provision will be slightly reduced at IP049, however the effects on access to town, district, or local centres is assessed as negligible. |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
IP178 ++ IP142 ++ IP098 ++ IP226 ++ IP042 ++ IP049 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The provision of residential dwellings and student accommodation close to existing/future employment area and a wide range of community facilities will encourage efficient patterns of movement and in the long term this could help to support economic growth. Car parking provision will be slightly reduced at IP049, however the effects on patterns of movement is assessed as negligible. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
IP178 0 IP142 0 IP098 0 IP226 0 IP042 ++ IP049 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Some benefits are recorded with the allocation of land for industrial and commercial use, hotel, and food store along with residential units, at IP042. On their own, the rest of the sites are unlikely to contribute to the achievement of the SA objective as the focus is primarily on residential developments. Cumulatively, the sites will contribute to the regeneration / redevelopment of a central town area, with the provision of student accommodation (IP178), new decent housing (IP142, IP098, IP226) and new commercial buildings (IP042), car parking and university buildings (IP049) and improve the business attractiveness of the area. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
IP178 ++ IP142 ++ IP098 ++ IP226 ++ IP042 ++ IP049 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Reversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Potential positive effects are associated with the close proximity of the sites to University Campus Suffolk which may contribute to the achievement of the SA objective. IP049 will contribute indirectly to the achievement of the SA objecting through land allocated for ancillary uses to University. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
IP178 0 IP142 0 IP098 0 IP226 - IP042 0 IP049 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The sites are located in an area ranked as less deprived when compared to adjacent areas to the north and west of the site. However, in the short term, crime levels may increase as a result of influx of new residents, particularly with regards to major developments such as IP226. Therefore, it would be beneficial to incorporate secured by design principles within new development. |
South West – Bridge
IP188: Websters Saleyard site, Dock Street 9 dwellings
IP039a: Land between Gower Street & Gt Whip Street 43
IP133: South of Felaw Street 33 dwellings
IP200: Griffin Wharf, Bath Street 187 dwellings
IP080: 240 Wherstead Road 27 dwellings
Objective | Performance of Policy | Temporal Scale: Nature of Impact (Direct/Indirect): Reversibility: Certainty: | Geographical Extent | Commentary/Mitigation |
ET1 To improve air quality |
IP188 +/- IP039a +/- IP133 +/- IP200 +/- IP080 +/- |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP188 and IP039a are located near an AQMA designated due to air pollution along Vernon Street and Bridge Street. Currently the sites are located near existing employment areas to the southeast which may result in reduced need to travel by private car. However, the increase of new residents may cause congestion and deteriorate air pollution to the north of the sites in the vicinity of Bridge Street, Star Lane and Commercial Road. IP133, IP200, and IP080 are located at a significant distance from the AQMA; however it is likely that residents from the new housing dwellings within these sites generate traffic northbound to access shopping areas and community services in the town centre area. The area is currently very well served by public transport. However, sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged through improved pedestrian routes and where appropriate the creation of cycling infrastructure in the area. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
IP188 ++ IP039a ++ IP133 ++ IP200 ++ IP080 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The sites are located in urban Ipswich, on brownfield land and are likely to be contaminated due to previous use of the land and opportunities should be sought to remediate the land before use. Therefore it is considered that the effect in the medium and long term is likely to be beneficial. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
IP188 0 IP039a 0 IP133 0 IP200 - IP080 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Waste is likely to be generated in the short term during construction and in the long term during operation (household waste). The indicative capacity of IP200 suggests potential for negative effects if mitigation measures are not in place. Cumulatively, negative effects are likely to occur when the site allocations are considered along with other sites in IP-one area. Opportunities should be sought to encourage recycling and reuse of materials. |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
IP188 ++ IP039a ++ IP133 ++ IP200 ++ IP080 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The relatively central location of the sites may result in reduced need to travel by private car. The area is very well served by public transport (local buses running on Vernon Street, Hawes Street, and Burrell Road). In addition, the sites are located near major employment areas to the south and northwest. For all these reasons it is considered that the sites are likely to contribute to the achievement of the SA objective if mitigation measures to encourage the use sustainable modes of transport are in place. |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
IP188 ++ IP039a ++ IP133 - IP200 - IP080 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
All the sites are located in a central urban area of Ipswich near parks, schools, river paths, with good public transport access to the main shopping area to the north. Potential access constraints are identified with IP133 and IP200 associated with potential negative effects on the local highway network. Sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged through improved pedestrian infrastructure and/or where appropriate the creation of cycle routes/lanes connecting major developments such as IP200 to the town centre, parks and gardens, etc. A separate Transport Impact assessment may be required to identify any significant negative effects from the development of IP200 due to its size and proposed use. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
IP188 - IP039a - IP133 - IP200 - IP080 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP188, IP039a, IP133, IP200 are located in Flood Zones 2 or 3 and are prone to flooding from the river Orwell. IP080 is adjacent to Flood zone 2 or 3. Although the implementation of the tidal barrier and raised defences would raise the level of protection, there is still a residual risk of flooding by either failure of the new defences, or overtopping in extreme events. Therefore flood risk assessment may be required at project assessment level to identify appropriate mitigation measures for the parts of the development that fall within Flood Zone 2 or 3 (e.g. through design). Cumulatively, the effects from climate change can be reduced through encouraging people to use more sustainable modes of transport. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
IP188 - IP039a - IP133 - IP200 - IP080 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The majority of sites are located in Flood Zones 2 or 3 with a risk of flooding form the river Orwell. New developments should be encouraged to use SuDS to manage runoff, reduce further flood risk and protect water quality. Flood risk assessment may be required at project assessment level to identify appropriate mitigation measures for the parts of the development that falls within Flood Zone 2 and 3 (e.g. through design). Water quality could be enhanced if opportunities are sought to remediate the contaminated land where appropriate. |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
IP188 +/-IP039a 0 IP133 +/- IP200 +/- IP080 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
IP200, IP133 and IP188 are adjacent to a County Wildlife Site (CWS) located to the east (river Orwell) and the indicative capacity of the sites suggests potential negative effects on the designated site associated with pollution, noise and disturbance of species. Potential indirect positive effects are associated with remediation of previously contaminated land and improved air quality due to reduced need to travel. |
ET9 To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings |
IP188 - IP039a - IP133 - IP200 0 IP080 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Listing buildings are adjacent IP188 and IP133 with potential for negative effects from new development (Stoke Bridge Maltings and Felaw Maltings). The only site to fall entirely within the boundary of a Conservation area is IP188. Part of IP133 and IP200 is adjacent to a Conservation area. Appropriate design of building should be considered in order to avoid any negative effects on the setting of designated sites. There is also potential for any archaeological remains at IP188, IP039a, and IP133 as they are located in an Area of Archaeological importance. Therefore mitigation measures may be required if any archaeological remains are discovered to avoid damage of heritage assets (where appropriate the completion of a licensed excavation and recording of remains before development commences). |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP188 - IP039a - IP133 - IP200 0 IP080 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Potential negative effects on listed buildings and local distinctiveness of the conservation area are identified with the development of IP188, IP039a, and IP133. The townscape distinctiveness should be conserved through the use of traditional or sympathetic building materials and techniques which respect those found on the surrounding buildings to maintain the local distinctiveness of the area. |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
IP188 ++ IP039a ++ IP133 ++ IP200 ++ IP080 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Positive indirect effects are likely to occur with regards to the proximity of all the sites to Gippeswyk Park and Stoke Park Wood and The People’s Community Garden located to the west and south west of the site allocations. The site allocations are also near designated river paths and close to community facilities which may encourage residents to lead a healthier lifestyle. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
IP188 ++ IP039a ++ IP133 ++ IP200 ++ IP080 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct / Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Community participation will be encouraged through the allocation of sites in a central urban area near a wide range of facilities (e.g. parks, public transport infrastructure, etc.). The sites will also contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through the provision of decent housing thus improving the overall quality of life. |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP188 ++ IP039a ++ IP133 ++ IP200 ++ IP080 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct / Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Social exclusion will be reduced through the allocation of sites for residential uses near a wide range of community facilities easily accessible by different means of transport. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
IP188 0 IP039a 0 IP133 0 IP200 0 IP080 0 |
Short Direct Reversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The only employment opportunities likely to arise from the development of the sites are associated with temporary construction jobs. Therefore it is considered that the effects will be negligible. |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
IP188 ++ IP039a ++ IP133 ++ IP200 ++ IP080 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP200 will contribute directly to the achievement of the SA objective through the delivery of new residential dwellings. IP188, IP039a, IP133, and IP080 are also allocated for residential use with lower indicative capacity. |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
IP188 0 IP039a 0 IP133 0 IP200 0 IP080 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
N/A |
Whilst new residential developments and will contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through improving the overall quality of life, it is considered that on its own each site will have a negligible effect. |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
IP188 ++ IP039a ++ IP133 ++ IP200 ++ IP080 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The vitality of the nearby District Centre (located to the west of the site allocations) will be supported through the increase of the potential users and the easy access via public transport services from most new developments. |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
IP188 ++ IP039a ++ IP133 ++ IP200 ++ IP080 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The provision of residential dwellings close to existing employment area and a wide range of community facilities will encourage efficient patterns of movement and in the long term this could help to support economic growth. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
IP188 0 IP039a 0 IP133 0 IP200 0 IP080 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
On its own, each site is unlikely to contribute to the achievement of the SA objective as the focus is primarily on residential developments. Cumulatively, the sites will contribute to the regeneration / redevelopment of a central town area, with the provision of new decent housing and improve the business attractiveness of the borough. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
IP188 ++ IP039a ++ IP133 ++ IP200 ++ IP080 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Reversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Potential positive effects are associated with the close proximity of the sites to St. Joseph’s College and University Campus Suffolk which may contribute to the achievement of the SA objective. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
IP188 0 IP039a 0 IP133 0 IP200 - IP080 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
On the whole, crime levels are higher in Ipswich than national average. It should also be noted that the sites are located in an area ranked as most deprived. In the short term, crime levels may increase as a result of influx of new residents, particularly with regards to major developments (IP200). Therefore, it would be beneficial to incorporate secured by design principles within new development. |
South West – Bridge
IP031: Burrell Road, 20 homes
IP169: 23-25 Burrell Road, 14 homes
IP047: Land at Commercial Road, 129 homes
Objective | Performance of Policy | Temporal Scale: Nature of Impact (Direct/Indirect): Reversibility: Certainty: | Geographical Extent | Commentary/Mitigation |
ET1 To improve air quality |
IP031 0 IP169 0 IP047 - |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The sites are located near an AQMA designated due to air pollution along Vernon Street and Bridge Street. IP047 will contribute to an increase of new residents in the area as it is anticipated that 129 new homes will be built. As a result of a significant number of new residents the traffic is likely to increase on key roads adjacent to the site. It is considered likely that residents from the new housing dwellings at IP031 and IP169 could generate additional traffic eastbound along Burrell road to access shopping areas and community services in the town centre area via Bridge Street. However, the number of dwellings does not suggest a significant change from the baseline. The area is currently very well served by public transport and the use of sustainable modes of transport should be further encouraged through improved pedestrian routes and where appropriate the creation of cycling infrastructure. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
IP031 ++ IP169 0 IP047 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The sites are located in urban Ipswich on previously developed land. IP031 and IP047 are potentially contaminated due to previous use of the land and opportunities should be sought to remediate the land before use. Therefore it is considered that the effect in the medium and long term is likely to be beneficial. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
IP031 0 IP169 0 IP047 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Waste is likely to be generated in the short term during construction and in the long term during operation (household waste). The capacity of IP031 and IP169 is low in number of residential units, therefore on their own the development of the sites is not anticipated to result in any significant negative effects. The size and indicative capacity of 047 suggest significant increase of new residents and potential for negative effects if mitigation measures are not in place. Cumulatively, negative effects are likely to occur when the site allocations are considered along with other sites in IP-one area. Opportunities should be sought to encourage recycling and reuse of materials. |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
IP031 ++ IP169 ++ IP047 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The relatively central location of the sites may result in reduced need to travel by private car. The area is very well served by public transport (one local bus running on Burrell Road connecting the area with facilities on the other side of the river). Ipswich railway station is at a walking distance from IP031, IP169, and 047. In addition, the sites are located near major employment areas to the southeast and northwest. For all these reasons it is considered that the sites are likely to contribute to the achievement of the SA objective. |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
IP031 ++ IP169 ++ IP047 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
All the sites are located in a central urban area of Ipswich near parks, schools, river paths, Ipswich railway Station, with a good public transport access to the main shopping area to the north. Sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged through improved pedestrian infrastructure and/or where appropriate the creation of cycle routes/lanes. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
IP031 - IP169 – IP047 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP031 and IP047 are located in Flood Zones 2 or 3 being prone to flooding from the river Orwell. IP169 is adjacent to Flood Zone 2 or 3. Although the implementation of the tidal barrier and raised defences would raise the level of protection, there is still a residual risk of flooding by either failure of the new defences, or overtopping in extreme events. Therefore flood risk assessment may be required at project assessment level to identify appropriate mitigation measures for the parts of the development that fall within Flood Zone 2 or 3 (e.g. through design). Cumulatively, positive effects are likely to occur as a result of the allocation of sites near community facilities with a reduced need to travel by car. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
IP031 +/- IP169 - IP047 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP031 and IP047 are located in Flood Zones 2 or 3 being prone to flooding from the river Orwell. IP169 is adjacent to Flood Zone 2 or 3. Water quality could be enhanced if opportunities are sought to remediate the contaminated land (IP031) before further use of the land. New developments should be encouraged to use SuDS to manage runoff, reduce further flood risk and protect water quality. Flood risk assessment may be required at project assessment level to identify appropriate mitigation measures for the parts of the development that falls within Flood Zone 2 and 3 (e.g. through design). |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
IP031 0 IP169 0 IP047 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
There are no TPOs located near IP031 and IP169. All the sites are adjacent to a County Wildlife site. Potential indirect negative effects are likely to occur with regards to air pollution and temporary noise disturbance during construction. However, due to the small size of IP031 and IP169, it is considered that the effects will be negligible. IP047 includes a site allocated for open space which may offer biodiversity benefits in a localised town centre area. |
ET9 To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings |
IP031 0 IP169 0 IP047 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
There are no listing buildings located in the vicinity of IP031 and IP169. Part of IP031 falls within an Area of Archaeological Importance and adjacent to a Conservation Area in its most eastern parts. There are no Scheduled Monuments within or adjacent to the sites. Appropriate design of residential buildings should be considered in order to avoid any negative effects on the setting of the designated site. IP047 falls within an Area of Archaeological Importance. Previous planning permissions have had a condition attached requiring archaeological investigation, which could include archaeological monitoring and recording of initial groundworks with contingency for fuller archaeological recording if deemed necessary; recording the remaining railway features; checking whether any trace of the dock tramway survives; and a palaeoenvironmental sampling strategy. |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP031 - IP169 - IP047 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Potential negative effects on local distinctiveness and the conservation area at IP031 and IP169 are associated with deterioration of the waterfront townscape character. The townscape distinctiveness should be conserved through the use of traditional or sympathetic building materials and techniques which respect those found on the surrounding buildings to maintain the local distinctiveness of the area. Potential beneficial opportunities are identified at IP047 where at present the area is occupied by commercial / industrial buildings with low townscape value. New development may contribute to the achievement of the SA objective with appropriate design of buildings. |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
IP031 ++ IP169 ++ IP047 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Positive indirect effects are likely to occur with regards to the proximity of all the sites to Gippeswyk Park located to the west of the site allocations. The site allocations are also near designated river paths and close to community facilities which may encourage residents to lead a healthy lifestyle. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
IP031 ++ IP169 ++ IP047 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct / Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Community participation will be encouraged through the allocation of sites in a central urban area near a wide range of facilities (e.g. parks, public transport infrastructure, playing fields, etc.). The sites will also contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through the provision of decent housing thus improving the overall quality of life. |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP031 ++ IP169 ++ IP047 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct / Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Social exclusion will be reduced through the allocation of sites for residential uses near a wide range of community facilities easily accessible by different means of transport. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
IP031 0 IP169 0 IP047 0 |
Short Direct Reversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The only employment opportunities likely to arise from the development of the sites are associated with temporary construction jobs. Therefore it is considered that the effects will be negligible. |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
IP031 ++ IP169 ++ IP047 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP031, IP169, IP047 will contribute directly to the achievement of the SA objective through the delivery of new residential dwellings. |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
IP031 0 IP169 0 IP047 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
N/A |
Whilst new residential developments and will contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through improving the overall quality of life, it is considered that on its own each site will have a negligible effect. |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
IP031 0 IP169 0 IP047 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The capacity of sites IP031 and IP169 do not suggest any significant change from the baseline; therefore it is considered that the impact on the vitality of the town centre will be negligible. There are no District or Local centres near IP047; however new residents at that site may contribute to the achievement of the SA by supporting town centre shopping areas. |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
IP031 ++ IP169 ++ IP047 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The provision of residential dwellings close to existing employment area and a wide range of community facilities will encourage efficient patterns of movement and in the long term this could help to support economic growth. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
IP031 0 IP169 0 IP047 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
On its own, each site is unlikely to contribute to the achievement of the SA objective as the focus is only on residential developments. Cumulatively, the sites will contribute to the regeneration / redevelopment of a central town area, with the provision of new decent housing and improve the business attractiveness of the borough. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
IP031 0 IP169 0 IP047 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Reversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Whilst the close proximity of the sites to the University Campus Suffolk and Suffolk New College may result in educational benefits for the residents, it is considered that due to the small size of each site the effect will be negligible. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
IP031 0 IP169 0 IP047 - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
On the whole, crime levels are higher in Ipswich than national average. It should also be noted that the sites are located in an area ranked as most deprived. In the short term, crime levels may increase as a result of the increase in the number of new residents. Therefore, it would be beneficial to incorporate secured by design principles within new development. |
South West – Gipping
IP083: Banks of the river upriver from Princess Street, open
IP015: West End Road Surface Car Park, 22 homes + employment
IP094: Land to rear of Grafton House, employment use
Objective | Performance of Policy | Temporal Scale: Nature of Impact (Direct/Indirect): Reversibility: Certainty: | Geographical Extent | Commentary/Mitigation |
ET1 To improve air quality |
IP083: ++ IP015: - IP094: - |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP083, IP015, and IP094 are near an AQMA designated due to air pollution along Vernon Street and Star Lane. IP094 is allocated for employment use and could potentially generate traffic in peak hours. Only 20% of sites IP083 and IP015 will be allocated for residential uses; therefore it is not considered that new residents will contribute significantly to increase in the traffic on the key roads in the area. However, a large part of IP015 is allocated for car parking which may result in additional traffic and deterioration of the air quality on the main roads. Positive effects on air quality are identified with the allocation of open space on the north bank of the river where opportunities could be sought to enhance the existing habitat. (IP083). The area is currently served by public transport and the use of sustainable modes of transport should be further encouraged through improved pedestrian routes and where appropriate the creation of cycling infrastructure. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
IP083: ++ IP015: ++ IP094: ++ |
Medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The sites are located in urban Ipswich on previously developed land. Possible contamination is identified at the sites due to previous use of the land. Opportunities should be sought to remediate the land before use. Therefore it is considered that the effect in the medium and long term is likely to be beneficial. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
IP083: 0 IP015: 0 IP094: - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Waste is likely to be generated in the short term during construction and in the long term during operation. Only 20% of IP083 and IP015 is allocated for residential use, therefore on their own the development of the sites is not anticipated to result in any significant negative effects. IP094 may have negative effects on waste if no mitigation measures are put in place. Cumulatively, negative effects are likely to occur when the site allocations are considered along with other sites in IP-one area. Opportunities should be sought to encourage recycling and reuse of materials. |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
IP083: 0 IP015: - IP094: - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The relatively central location of the sites may result in reduced need to travel by private car. The sites are located near major employment areas to the north. The area is served by public transport. However, the purpose of IP015 (car parking) may encourage the use of private cars. For all these reasons it is considered that site allocations IP015 and IP094 are likely to detract from the achievement of the SA objective. |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
IP083: ++ IP015: ++ IP094: +/- |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The sites are located in a central urban area of Ipswich near parks, sport facilities, river paths, Ipswich railway Station, with a good public transport access to the main shopping area to the north. Access constraints are identified only with IP094 due to potential congestion issues on A137. Sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged through improved pedestrian infrastructure and/or where appropriate the creation of cycle routes/lanes. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
IP083: ++ IP015: - IP094: - |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP083, IP094 and IP015 are located in Flood Zones 2 or 3 prone to flooding from the river Orwell. Retaining IP083 for an open space will contribute to the achievement of the SA objective as less impervious surface area in the floodplain reduces runoff, which can decrease peak discharge for rainfall events and lower flood heights. Flood risk assessment may be required at project assessment level to identify appropriate mitigation measures for the parts of the site allocations where housing may be built (e.g. through design). Negative effects are likely to occur as a result of the allocation of site IP015 for car parking uses which may increase the use of private cars. Sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged through improved pedestrian infrastructure and/or where appropriate the creation of cycle routes/lanes. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
IP083: ++ IP015: +/- IP094: +/- |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Retaining IP083 for an open space will contribute to the achievement of the SA objective as less impervious surface area in the floodplain reduces runoff, which can decrease peak discharge for rainfall events and lower flood heights. Water quality could be enhanced if opportunities are sought to remediate the contaminated land before future use of the land and enhancement of the open space (IP083). New developments should be encouraged to use SuDS to manage runoff, reduce further flood risk and protect water quality. |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
IP083: ++ IP015: 0 IP094: - |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
. IP015 and IP083 are adjacent to a County Wildlife Site (the river). Potential direct positive effects are likely to occur at IP083 where the majority of land will be retained as open space or vegetation supporting wildlife habitats. Consequently, indirect positive effects may occur with regards to air quality, water quality, and soil resources. Potential negative effects at IP015 are associated with noise disturbance; however these effects will be temporary and on the whole negligible. One TPO is identified at IP094 and application for Tree Works may be required. |
ET9 To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings |
IP083: 0 IP015: - IP094: 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
None of the sites fall within an Area of Archaeological Importance or Conservation Area. There is one listed building adjacent to IP015 (Paul’s Maltings - Grade II) and negative effects may occur if housing or multi storey car parking is developed in the eastern part of the land. Appropriate design of residential buildings should be considered in order to avoid any negative effects on the setting of the designated site. |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP083: ++ IP015: 0 IP094: ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Potential positive effects on local distinctiveness are associated with improved waterfront landscape /townscape through the retention of open space and enhancement of the river path and the development of a vacant site bounded by hoardings at IP094. |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
IP083: ++ IP015: - IP094: 0 |
Short, medium and long term Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Positive indirect effects are likely to occur as a result of the retention of 80% of IP083 as an open space and the enhancement of the river path in this section. Residents (IP083/IP015) may also benefit from the close location of sport facilities at the Ipswich Town Football Club Stadium and playing fields located to the north of the site allocations. The provision of a new car park may result in indirect negative effects on health if people are discouraged to choose walking or cycling as a mode of transport. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
IP083: ++ IP015: ++ IP094: ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct / Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Community participation will be encouraged through the allocation of sites in a central urban area near a wide range of facilities (e.g. parks, public transport infrastructure, Ipswich Town Football Club, etc.). The sites will also contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through the provision of decent housing and open space thus improving the overall quality of life. |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP083: ++ IP015: ++ IP094: ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct / Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Social exclusion will be reduced through the allocation of sites for residential uses near a wide range of community facilities easily accessible by different means of transport. Some positive effects may occur with the allocation of land for employment use and thus improving the employment opportunities in the borough. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
IP083: 0 IP015: 0 IP094: ++ |
Short Direct Reversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
IP094 will contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through the allocation of land for employment use (B1 Class). It is anticipated that IP083 and IP015 will have a negligible effect due to only temporary short term employment opportunity during construction of residential units. |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
IP083: ++ IP015: ++ IP094: 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP083 and IP015 will contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through the delivery of residential dwellings. |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
IP083: ++ IP015: ++ IP094: ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
N/A |
New residential development (IP083 and IP015) and new employment opportunities (IP094) will contribute to the achievement of the SA objective. |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
IP083: 0 IP015: 0 IP094: 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
N/A |
There is no clear relationship between the allocation of the sites and the achievement of the SA objective and/or the effect will be negligible. |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
IP083: ++ IP015: ++ IP094: ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The provision of residential dwellings close to existing employment areas and a wide range of community facilities will encourage efficient patterns of movement and in the long term this could help to support economic growth. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
IP083: ++ IP015: ++ IP094: ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The sites will contribute to the regeneration / redevelopment of a central town area, with the provision of new decent housing, office buildings, open space and car parking facilities and thus improving the business attractiveness of the town centre. IP083 and IP015 in particular could improve a key gateway into the town centre from the railway station. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
IP083: 0 IP015: 0 IP094: 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Reversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Whilst the close proximity of the sites to the University Campus Suffolk and Suffolk New College may result in educational benefits for the residents, it is considered that due to the small proportion of housing development of IP083 and IP015 the effect will be negligible. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
IP083: 0 IP015: 0 IP094: 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
On the whole, crime levels are higher in Ipswich than national average. It should also be noted that the sites are located in an area ranked as relatively deprived. Crime levels may increase in the vicinity of the new multi-storey car park. Therefore, it would be beneficial to incorporate secured by design principles within new development. |
South West – Gipping
IP004: Bus depot Sir Alf Ramsey Way, 48homes + 50% employment
IP051: Old Cattle Market Portman Road, 80% B1 development +
20% leisure
IP096: Car park Handford Road East, 20 homes
IP006: Coop Warehouse, Pauls Road, 28 homes
Objective | Performance of Policy | Temporal Scale: Nature of Impact (Direct/Indirect): Reversibility: Certainty: | Geographical Extent | Commentary/Mitigation |
ET1 To improve air quality |
IP004 ++ IP051 ++ IP096 ++ IP006 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct and indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
None of the site allocations are located near or in an AQMA. The indicative capacity of the IP004, IP051 and IP096 suggest that traffic may be generated in the vicinity of Sir Alf Ramsey Way particularly during peak hours. The area is served by public transport (two bus routes running on Handford Road) which may reduce the need to travel by private car. In addition the close location of a number of employment sites provides an opportunity to encourage the implementation of car-share schemes. Sustainable modes of transport should be further encouraged through improved pedestrian routes in the area and/or through provision of cycling facilities at major employment hubs. |
ET2 To conserve soil resources and quality |
IP004 ++ IP051 ++ IP096 ++ IP006 ++ |
Medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The sites are located in urban Ipswich, on brownfield land and are likely to be contaminated due to previous use of the land and opportunities could be sought to remediate the land before use. Therefore it is considered that the effect in the medium and long term is likely to be beneficial. |
ET3 To reduce waste |
IP004 - IP051 - IP096 0 IP006 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Waste is likely to be generated in the short term during construction and in the long term during operation (household waste + office waste). The indicative capacity of IP004 and IP051 suggests potential for negative effects if mitigation measures are not in place. Cumulatively, negative effects are likely to occur when the site allocations are considered along with other sites in IP-one area. Opportunities should be sought to encourage recycling and reuse of materials. |
ET4 To reduce the effects of traffic upon the environment |
IP004 ++ IP051 - / ? IP096 ++ IP006 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The central location of the sites may result in reduced need to travel by private car. The area is well served by public transport: Tower Ramparts Bus Station and Old Cattle Market Bus Station are located to the east, Ipswich Railway Station is located to the south, and two local bus lines connect the north bank with residential areas and facilities on the south bank. For all these reasons it is considered that the sites are likely to contribute to the achievement of the SA objective. A separate transport assessment may be required for IP051 due its size and close proximity to Ipswich Town Football Club stadium which may result in potential negative effects on traffic particularly during major sport events. |
ET5 To improve access to key services for all sectors of the population |
IP004 ++ IP051 ++ IP096 ++ IP006 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
All the sites are located in the central urban area of Ipswich near shopping areas and community facilities. No major access constraints are identified. Sustainable modes of transport should be encouraged through improved pedestrian infrastructure and/or where appropriate the creation of cycle routes/lanes particularly around the vicinity of the office buildings. |
ET6 To limit and adapt to climate change |
IP004 - IP051 - IP096 0/- IP006 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The central location of the sites may encourage the use of more sustainable modes of transport, particularly due to the fact that most community facilities are within walking distance. IP004 and IP051 are entirely located in Flood Zones 2 and 3 with a risk of flooding from the river Orwell. Part of IP096 is also located in a zone prone to flooding. New developments should be encouraged to use SuDS to manage runoff, reduce further flood risk and protect water quality. Flood risk assessment may be required at project assessment level to identify appropriate mitigation measures for the parts of the development that fall within Flood Zone 2 and 3 (e.g. through design). Cumulatively, the effects from climate change can be reduced through encouraging people to use more sustainable modes of transport. |
ET7 To protect and enhance the quality of water features and resources and reduce the risk of flooding |
IP004 - IP051 - IP096 0/- IP006 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP004 and IP051 are entirely located in Flood Zones 2 and 3 with a risk of flooding from the river Orwell. Part of IP096 is also located in a zone prone to flooding. Water quality could be enhanced if opportunities are sought to remediate the contaminated land where appropriate. Flood risk assessment may be required at project assessment level to identify appropriate mitigation measures for the parts of the development that falls within Flood Zone 2 and 3 (e.g. through design). |
ET8 To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity, including favourable conditions on SSSIs, SPAs and SACs |
IP004 - IP051 0 IP096 - IP006 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
IP096 and IP004 are located near a local nature reserve. IP004 is also close to CWS. Negative effects are likely to occur during construction with regards to dust and air pollution, noise and disturbance of species. Mitigation measures should be put in place to ensure any potential impacts upon the local nature reserve are avoided or minimised. |
ET9 To conserve and enhance the historic environment, heritage assets and their settings |
IP004 ++ IP051 0 IP096 0 IP006 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
There are no designated sites located in or near the site allocations and none of the sites fall within an Area of Archaeological Importance/Conservation area. However the allocation of IP004 helps to retain and conserve the locally listed tram shed on the site. |
ET10 To conserve and enhance the quality and local distinctiveness of landscapes and townscapes |
IP004 0 IP051 0 IP096 0 IP006 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Whilst none of the site allocations is anticipated to have any negative effects on the local distinctiveness of townscape, opportunities should be sought to enhance the quality of the townscape through appropriate design of office buildings ((IP051) and residential dwellings (IP004, IP096, and IP006). |
HW1 To improve the health of those most in need |
IP004 ++ IP051 ++ IP096 ++ IP006 - |
Short, medium and long term Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Whilst the provision of decent housing and employment opportunities may have some positive indirect effects on health, it is considered that the effect from the development of each site will be negligible. Some negative effects are likely to occur with the development of IP006 as result of the location of rail lines adjacent to the site and potential noise disturbance. Positive indirect positive effects are likely to occur with regards to the use of the playing grounds and sport facilities near IP004, IP051, and IP096. The sites are also near designated river paths and close to community facilities (restaurants, cinemas, churches) which may encourage more people to choose walking as the main mode of transport. |
HW2 To improve the quality of life where people live and encourage community participation |
IP004 ++ IP051 ++ IP096 ++ IP006 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct / Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Community participation will be encouraged through the allocation of sites in the central urban area near a wide range of facilities (e.g. parks, public transport infrastructure, playing grounds, etc.). The sites will also contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through the provision of decent housing and employment opportunities and thus improving the overall quality of life. |
ER1 To reduce poverty and social exclusion |
IP004 ++ IP051 ++ IP096 ++ IP006 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct / Indirect Reversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
Social exclusion will be reduced through the allocation of sites for residential/business uses near a wide range of community facilities easily accessible by different means of transport. The main benefits are associated with the existing open space at Alderman Park and playing fields at Ipswich Town Football Club Stadium. |
ER2 To offer everybody the opportunity for rewarding and satisfying employment |
IP004 ++ IP051 ++ IP096 0 IP006 0 |
Short, medium, and long term Direct Reversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
The only sites with potential to contribute to the achievement of the SA objective is IP051 allocated for B1 business use and IP004 allocated for mixed use. IP096 and IP006 are allocated for residential use and employment opportunities will be temporary during construction of new development. |
ER3 To help meet the housing requirements for the whole community |
IP004 ++ IP051 0 IP096 ++ IP006 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
IP089, IP012, IP043 will contribute directly to the achievement of the SA objective through the delivery of residential dwellings. |
ER4 To achieve sustainable levels of prosperity and economic growth throughout the plan area |
IP004 ++ IP051 ++ IP096 0 IP006 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
N/A |
Whilst new residential developments and a new office building (IP051 and IP004) will contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through improving the overall quality of life, it is considered that on its own each site will have a negligible effect. |
ER5 To support vital and viable town, district and local centres |
IP004 ++ IP051 ++ IP096 ++ IP006 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
There are no District or Local centres in the vicinity of the sites. However, the site allocations will contribute to the achievement of the SA objective through regeneration of a central town area and influx of new residents/employees. |
ER6 To encourage efficient patterns of movement in support of economic growth |
IP004 ++ IP051 ++ IP096 ++ IP006 ++ |
Short, medium and long term Direct/Indirect Irreversible Medium |
Central Ipswich |
The provision of residential and office buildings close to existing/future employment hubs, shopping areas, and community facilities will encourage efficient patterns of movement and in the long term this could help to support economic growth. |
ER7 To encourage and accommodate both indigenous and inward investment |
IP004 ++ IP051 ++ IP096 0 IP006 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Cumulatively, the sites will contribute to the regeneration / redevelopment of central town areas. IP051 will contribute directly to the achievement of the SA objective through the provision of office/hotel/leisure space in a central part of Ipswich next to existing employment sites. IP004 includes business uses as part of a mixed use allocation. |
CL1 To maintain and improve access to education and skills for both young people and adults |
IP004 0 IP051 0 IP096 0 IP006 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Reversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Whilst the close proximity of the sites to the University Campus Suffolk and Suffolk New College may result in educational benefits for the residents, it is considered that due to the relatively small size of each site the effect will be negligible. |
CD1 To minimise potential opportunities for crime and anti-social activity |
IP004 - IP051 - IP096 0 IP006 0 |
Short, medium and long term Direct Irreversible Medium |
Localised area in Central Ipswich |
Whilst the size of the sites does not suggest any significant effect on the baseline conditions, it should be noted that the sites are located in an area ranked as most deprived. On the whole, crime levels are higher in Ipswich than national average and the close proximity of Ipswich Town Football Club has potential to result in anti-social activities during sport events. Therefore, it would be beneficial to incorporate secured by design principles within new developments. |